Download - Analysis of One Key Scene

  1. 1. Analysis of The Descent By Joshua Faulkner
  2. 2. The Opening The opening to this film has a lot of fast cuts, this is to show the fact that what they are doing is action packed and fast and it give a sense of adventure. In addition the use of wide shots show the action in its entirety and with some close-ups to show the emotion on the participants faces.
  3. 3. The Opening part 2 This part of the opening is we have mid shots of all the characters in this particular scene each showing a particular emotion for example the Juno shot with Sarahs husband has the look of lust and half guilt, from Beth the look of Whats going on here, this shows that Beth sees something going on but dismisses it until later on in the film.+
  4. 4. The Crash The car crash is the unexpected jump at the start of the film. This particular scene shows the family of Sarah brutally murdered by copper pipes in a car crash. In this we have fast cuts to show all the events in a about 5-9 seconds of footage. In this amount of time we get the general jist of all what happens in the car crash.
  5. 5. Juno and the Guide Book Junos decision to leave the guide book was a turning point in the film, which may not seem relevant in the 10-12 seconds of footage used in the scene but it does later on. In this scene we have a few close ups on Junos face and her split second decision to leave the guide behind, in addition we have a few close ups on the guide book when she takes it out of her coat pocket and when we see it from outside the car window.
  6. 6. Junos Clothes Junos clothes in the film are all red apart from the time shes running in the woods early in the morning; even when shes going into the cave shes wearing red. This colour is significant because red means passion and this is important because of her relationship with Sarahs husband.