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Analysis of my results

Question One

The first question I asked in my survey was ‘What is your gender?’ It was important that I asked this straight away because my product has to appeal to the masses, by getting to know what gender my product is most likely to appeal to, I can develop pages that would be more suited to the majority. In this case, it is the males.

Question Two

My second question is ‘What is your age?’ Again, this question also helps me appeal to the masses and get to know the type of audience I can aim my magazine at. In this case, the majority who answered are fifteen to sixteen year olds. This means I have to compromise ideas that I may have as I expected to aim my pages at an older audience. Unfortunately, some material would be censored and I can’t follow classic conventions of a rock magazine as language is usually explicit.

Question Three

When I initially thought I had to compromise my ideas for the sake of a younger audience, having reviewed the results of my third question I have concluded that there is no need because the majority of people that answered do not buy rock magazines. This gives me a glimmer of hope that the people who answered yes are potentially older.

Question Four

This was an important question to ask because it allow me to find out what the majority truly require from my product. By asking these sort of questions, it is important I find the majority opinion, according to most people, a rock group would be more effective than a single artist.

Question Five

For my fifth question, I gave the people a choice of three, I asked them what their favourite feature in a music magazine. Of course, these sort of questions is to get to grips with the majority opinions, if more people want to see a magazine with an interview, then they are more likely to buy it.

Question Six

In this question, I am getting to know how my potential customers want the cover to be like. If the cover is more suited to their tastes and preferences then, again, they will be more likely to buy it. In this case, only two more people would prefer one main image than two

Question Seven

Asking what would be the most reasonable price for the customers is extremely important. For every decision I intend to make for my magazine, I take into consideration what the majority of people want from me and my product. These results help a lot.

Question Eight

By giving the people a choice of what they want to see in my main article, it could give them ideas of what’s to come for future products although, with only 22.86% claiming they want to see tours featured in a main article, there is not much point going along with that when a staggering 62.86% would prefer seeing upcoming artists as the main feature.

Question Nine

My ninth and final question is probably the question that is most helpful to me. Asking people what specifically captures their eyes and convinces them to buying a magazine. It was near unanimous as 82.86% are convinced by images, meaning the photography stages when making the pages will be taken with extreme concentration and thought.