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  • 8/6/2019 Analysis of Fmn Level Offrs Trg (Incl Notes) - Copy





    1. Training is one of the most important tools of developing individual and collective

    efficiency. An unskilled hand can be turned into a strong driving force only by adequate

    training. Mankind had been striving against an unfriendly nature since time immemorial.

    Training thus evolved as an ancient tool that directly contributed to the evolution of modern

    civilisation through innumerous battles against differing foes of the nature. In course of time

    rank structuring grew out of necessity as part of training for better command and control.

    Recently, technological development opened new dimension to the fighting efficiency of

    soldiers and the battlefield grew more lethal, complex and fluid over time. As the leadership

    environment was developed, and command and control were structured as tools of

    soldiering, it became imperative to train the commanders better than the men they command.

    2. Officers play the key role in a combat. In addition to fighting the enemy in the flesh,

    officers also need to mobilise the fighting machine by leading his men from the front.

    Intrinsically, the officers require to be trained most carefully in order that they can train their

    men and lead the combat team efficiently. Bangladesh Army trains his officers at various

    organisational set up, which continues throughout the length and breadth of an officers

    career. Besides institutional training, officers also undergo On the Job Training (OJT) at unit

    level and some organised training at formation level e.g. Model Discussion (MD), Tactical

    Exercise Without Troops (TEWT), Command Post Exercise (CPX), Study Periods, etc. Both

    the institutional and non-institutional training are supplementary to each other, and proved to

    be effective for officers quality development. Institutional training provides the basic

    platform while formations and units are the playground to rehearse the same knowledge to

    bring the officers on a common platform.

    3. Perceiving the vision of the changing world, military environment is also taking gradual

    changes to meet the future challenges. Thus the leadership quality demands from the todaysofficers are more challenging and should be of superior quality than ever before. Now,

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    officers are assigned with multifarious responsibilities both at home and abroad. Army

    Headquarters as a whole delivers its directive of imparting training in all spheres, where the

    formations are expected to integrate such directives into training modalities. As a result, the

    purpose of training is to enhance the professional competence, knowledge on contemporary

    national and global issues, and communication and inter personal skill. It also demands

    training on extra-military matters, e.g. disaster management, in aid of civil power, etc.

    4. Officers need to be morally and ethically stronger in addition to being professionally

    sound. The role of officers in our Army is very vital in many aspects. Every activity in the

    units revolves round the officers. With the increased commitment vis--vis the scarcity of

    officers in the unit, the officers training at formation level poses constraints in unit level

    troops training and administration. Thereby, the unit performance, troops discipline and

    reciprocal attachment between officers and undercommands are likely to decline. However,

    such training is still felt to be necessary to develop and maintain the professional skill of the

    junior officers.

    5. Though our army is organised into different echelons, the unit remains the pivot of

    projecting discipline. Unit efficiency depends upon its integration and cohesiveness between

    the officers and men. If both the tiers are not harmonised, the unit is likely to function poor.

    For that, officers presence and involvement in the unit is a prime necessity. Officers need to

    pay proper attention to the unit administration as well as train their men with whom they

    would fight. But sometimes, the priority is laid on the Formation Level Officers Training

    (FOT) ignoring aside the declining quality of unit training. With the passage of time and

    introduction of new concept, the number of training events are increasing, and side by side

    causing busier schedule for the officers. This coupled with the officers commitments in

    events like internal security and nation building activities, units remain without its officers

    for a considerable time compromising the unit training and administration. On the contrary,

    institutional training is time and goal bound concept where time allotment for the training

    and the time actually would require for better assimilation do not tally at the correct

    proportion. Moreover, unit training has primary focus on training of troops providing limited

    scope for officers training. Therefore, formations become the bridge between officers

    training objective and corresponding institutional courses to achieve the overall aim.

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    6. The Methodology chosen for this research is basically primary. However, data from

    secondary sources were also consulted to test the primary results. Four categories of

    interviewees were selected to conduct the research. The categories are Policy Makers

    (Brigadier General and above), Trainers (Unit Commanders), Trainees 7-15 (Officers with 7to 15 years of service), and Trainees 0-6 (Officers with 0 to 6 years of service). They were

    interviewed on many similar questions to answer from their own perspective. The study also

    included the interview of few overseas military officers with a view to comparing our FOT

    with their armies. The obtained answers were both the subjective and objective. Simple

    statistical mean, variance and correlation were used to compile and evaluate the objective

    results collected from the aforementioned categories. Besides, own analysis and observations

    on the study are also reflected in the form of comments and compared them time-to-time in

    the development of the paper.


    7. The aim of this paper is to analyse the existing FOT of Bangladesh Army to identify its

    impact on unit training and administration and suggest possible measures for improvement.

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    Need for Officers Training

    8. Training is the most important duty of the army when not engaged in war. The term

    training covers every aspect of military skill, self-confidence, and physical and mental

    fitness for war1. With the development of leadership environment under structured command

    and control, it becomes imperative to train the commanders better than the men they

    command. Because, besides leading from the front, the officers also need to be apt in

    fighting the battle. Success in war depends not only upon the leadership, but also upon the

    soldiers confidence in his leadership in training, as well as in battle. It follows that officers

    must have knowledge, skill and imagination to teach as well as courage and determination to

    lead2. Therefore, training of officers is the single most important long term investment the

    army can make.

    Aim and Objectives of Officers Training

    9. Officers training should aim at making them professionally competent to take up their

    present and future appointment, to develop their leadership qualities and to fully realise their

    latent creative abilities3.

    10.In addition to the above mentioned desirable performance of an officer in the unit,

    following may also be included as part of the offices training objective:

    Existing System of Officers Training

    11.To meet the training requirements, officers are trained at unit-, formation-, and

    institutional level. The training systematically and gradually prepares an officer from

    different dimensions. A schematic representation of the officers training is shown at

    figure 1.

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    12.Training at Unit Level.

    a. Regimentation. The aim of regimentation is to make the newly commissioned

    officer capable of taking over command of his own sub-unit4. It also orients him with

    regimental soldiering and unit administration5. Before he can take command of his

    sub-unit he must meet following objectives6:

    (1) Understand and be able to exercise qualities of leadership.

    (2) Understand the structure and aim of the sub-unit and know his


    (3) Have at least minimum skill and physical ability to be a responsible

    and respected member of his sub-unit team.

    (4) Understand the responsibilities of an officer within his unit in

    particular and within the Army in general.

    b. Group Training. Whatever efficient and skilful an individual is, it is of limited

    value unless he is capable of performing well as part of team 7. Group training is

    arranged for all ranks of a sub-unit including its officers. Officers, in addition, also

    perform as trainer and observer throughout the period. It gives the sub unit

    commanders an opportunity to exercise the leadership and allows them to train their

    men to develop the combat team spirit.

    c. Collective Training. Collective training is concerned mainly with the

    preparation of the Army for a General or Limited War8. The aim of SCT is to give

    practice to subunits/units of all arms and services on minor operations of war against

    enemy in allotted area of responsibility during inclement weather without logistic

    support9. It is renamed as Unconventional Warfare Exercise (UWX) now. The aim

    of WCT is to exercise units and formations collectively in operations of war as

    specified in the Chief of Army Staffs (CAS) training directive for the year10. The

    purpose is this collective exercise is to organise and practice the command, staff,

    headquarters (HQs) and unit under a battlefield framework to achieve the sameobjective.

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    13.Need for Training at Formation Level.Institutionalised training has time bound

    limitation as mentioned in the preceding sub-paragraphs. On the contrary, events like group-

    or collective training are focused mainly on troops. Therefore, officers training objectivesremain unaccomplished, and would require a separate forum to carry out periodical practices

    of the lessons learned in different courses with a view to meeting other training objectives.

    Moreover, at present officers are assigned with multifarious responsibilities, which further

    necessitate intellectual development of officers on various national and international issues.

    All such trainings can not be imparted in institutions. Formations in Bangladesh Army

    conduct training events like MD, TEWT, CPX, Study Period, Demonstration, etc. to keep

    the officers professionally competent to meet the overall training objective of the Army.

    Existing FOTs

    14.FOTs are planned and conducted by the formations to meet the CAS training directive.

    The type and number conducted varies from formations to formations. MT directorate policy

    includes the formation level CPX in the Army Training Instructions.

    15.MD. MD helps appreciating a battle scenario with a view to drawing appropriate

    tactical- or administrative lessons. The aim is to teach battle drill and procedures, new

    techniques and the stage management of battle11. It is also suitable for discussing tactics at

    the level of battle group or above, and studying and developing new tactical and

    administrative methods and new field of force organisation12. MDs are conducted on major

    operations of war as per formation training instruction. Usually, all the officers below the

    rank of Lieutenant Colonel participate in the MDs, while senior officers become the DSs. On

    the average, one or two MDs are conducted by each formation in every training year.

    Normally cushion periods between the training cycles is chosen for the conduct of MD to

    ensure participation by maximum officers13. However, cushion periods may not always

    permit due to other commitments. For example, as per the training instruction of 2007, 11

    and 66 Infantry Division planned to conduct MDs in 3rd and 1st training cycle respectively.

    16.TEWT. The aim of TEWT is to study on the ground the theory which has been taught


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    is very useful for junior officers. It is probably the best method of learning detailed

    appreciation of tactical principles on the ground before embarking on Field Training

    Exercise (FTX)15. In each training year, one or two TEWTs are conducted with primary

    focus on defensive operation. Like MD, it is also tried to accommodate within the cushion

    period, but does not become possible. For instance, as per the training instruction of 2007, 66

    Infantry Division planned to conduct TEWT in 4th training cycle.

    17.Demonstration . Demonstration is very common and conducted frequently in the

    formations. It is normally conducted as a continuation to theoretical lessons. The aim of

    demonstration is to display those aspects of the lessons, the theoretical knowledge on which

    is not sufficient to assimilate the subject properly. The topic, frequency and time for

    demonstration are selected by the formation as necessary. Normally all officers of the

    formation participate in the demonstration.

    18.Study Period. The aim of study period is to educate the officers on subjects related

    to military as well as national interest. The purpose is to keep the officers abreast of the

    professional, national and international issues. Topics for study period include battle studies,

    leadership studies, case studies, and various national and international affairs having direct

    and indirect bearing to military professionalism or national security. This is applicable and

    useful for officers knowledge gathering. Usually 3 to 4 study periods are organised in a

    training year at the formation level.

    Summary of Existing FOT

    19.Formation training is supplementary to institutional training. MDs are conducted one or

    two per year to teach battle procedures, deployment drill and stage management of battle.

    TEWTs are also one or two in number with the aim of teaching detailed application at

    battalion level or below. Both MD and TEWT are tried to schedule in the cushion periods;

    but sometimes, due to other commitments, these may need to be conducted within the

    training cycles. Thus participation by all officers is not always possible.

    20.These are limitedly practiced by formations. All the officers cannot participate in such

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    Focus of FOT

    Training on Unit Affairs

    21.For any operations of war, unit held equipment should be fully functional round the

    clock and the chain of logistics should react with minimum delay. So, besides FOT based on

    tactics, training events on unit administration should also be duly emphasised. For example,

    Commanding Officer, ST Battalion may conduct a daylong workshop on efficient MT

    management system. This might help the junior officers to perform better as QM or MTO.

    Evaluating the interview of officers on the necessity of unit training, it is revealed that all the

    interviewees agreed at varying level to have the training on unit affairs introduced especially

    for the junior officers. The correlation between the policy makers view on training on unit

    affairs to the same of trainers or trainees is positive 16.

    Training Events as per Age Group

    22.The professional background, experience and vision of the officers of different age group

    are not likely to be same. The assimilation capability also differs as per age group. It is

    experienced that officers below 6 years of service display less initiative in FOT. They have

    limited scope to contribute in events like MD, TEWT, CPX and Study Period because of

    their limited knowledge, background and exposure to such events. From the trainees point

    of view, the attention towards the training mostly remains on those events that they are likely

    to face in upcoming courses. For instances, a Second Lieutenant would love to stay in the

    unit to learn about his basic course, a Lieutenant would search opportunities for firingpractice for Officers Weapon Course (OWC), a Captain would find MD and TEWT to be

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    his point of interest, and so on. After several interviews with officers of different lengths of

    service, it was revealed that:

    a. A good number of trainees (0-6) consider such training event as a fatigue. Unitcommanders also agreed to this fact. Part of the trainees (7-15) said it to be lack of

    personal interest by junior officers. But the junior officers replied, it is not their lack

    of interest, but the limitation of the conduct of FOT to take them along.

    b. The idea of separating the training schedule was recommended (with 85%

    consistency) by unit commanders, but it was not much appreciated by the senior

    officers or policy makers.

    c. The correlations on this issue between the policy-makers, and the unit

    commanders and trainees (7-15) are both negative (-0.38 each). The same correlation

    between trainees of different age group is also negative (-0.56).


    Having separate programs would entail many limitations like insufficient time and resource,inadequate trainer, umpire etc. However, events like MD and TEWT may be conducted as

    per the background knowledge of officers.

    Officers Grading Biasness

    24.Officers grading biasness is presently a hard denying fact of the army. Course grading

    has unfortunately become the demarcation between good- or bad-, and professional- or non-

    professional- officers. The officer with relatively poor course grading is neither getting a

    good posting nor being sincerely valued unless he is extraordinarily good in some other

    aspects. In these circumstances, the officers are likely to be grading conscious. FOTs have

    no system of grading on individual performance. It neither awards any incentive nor makes

    any visible impact on officers career except few words of thanks for the organiser. In the

    process of evaluation to perceive such motivation of officers to affect the spirit of FOT,

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    29.Comments. The highest range of acceptance in the unit commanders column in

    figure 7 portrays that they do not accept mistakes of their undercommands. Because, their

    higher commanders are not likely to accept their failure or mistakes. It seems that, the

    problem propagates from top to bottom. Such phenomenon makes an officer guardingagainst his mistakes before he steps into anything and officers get much busy than originally

    required Hence the vision becomes limited, learning process is hampered and objectives are

    partially achieved.

    Failure to Persuade Training Objectives Down to Trainees

    30.FOT does not have any defined objectives; they are derived from training directive atvarious level. To analyse, if there is a gap between the purpose set through training directive

    by the policy makers and individual objectives by the officers at all level, similar questions

    were asked to them to reply from their perspective.


    a. The negative correlation helps to assume that the purpose and objective set by the

    policy makers may not be properly conceived by the officers. For example, policy

    makers claimed the formation training to be very effective to pursue unit training in

    future. But the unit commanders, basing on the current output, commented to grow

    unit efficiency more by involving participation of officers in the unit training.

    b. The positive correlation helps to assume, despite the difference in conception, the

    trainer and trainee move on parallel understanding. However, we may say that, there

    is a gap of understanding between the persons planning and the persons undergoing

    training. For example, the trainees feel the necessity of separating some of the FOT

    as per age group, but policy makers do not.

    Demand versus Frequency of the Training

    32.Considering the time and scope limitations of institutional training, FOT is expected to

    cover all the areas of officers employment at home and abroad. Thus, there is a huge

    demand of training to make the officers competent to meet future battlefield challenges. The

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    events should be organised and coordinated, if need be limited, so that the frequency of

    training do not create a feeling of fatigue among the officers. To trade-off between demand

    and frequency, FOTs may be prioritised as per the operational tasks of the formation. Now-

    a-days, officers in the formation are extremely busy for the commitments like Abashan,

    Ashrayan, Internal Security Duty, Flood Duty, etc. Therefore, FOT schedule needs to be

    synchronised with other commitments in order that sufficient reaction time exists in between

    two consecutive events/commitments.

    Drawback in Conduct

    33.Though logistic lessons are included as part of the tactical lessons in events like MD andTEWT, but time allotment remains very less to cover the lessons adequately. Whatever

    tactical FOT is practiced, all end with a success. No contingency is ever exercised had there

    been any failure. Moreover, WL tactics is not widely covered in the FOTs.

    New Fields of FOT

    34.There is no FOT on CIO or CTO. Though insurgency has gone into low profile, but theterrorism in on the rise. Military knowledge is not the only option for professional

    development; an officer has to possess knowledge on contemporary national and global

    issues. Study period should touch upon these. Training modules e.g. Research Work,

    Seminar, etc that develop analytical quality of officers are not included in the FOT.

    Summary of the Analysis

    35.Aforementioned analysis can be summarised as under:

    a. Bangladesh Army does not have any defined objective for FOT; they are derived

    from CAS training directive. Officers, at times, fail to conceive the objectives set by

    the policy makers.

    b. Focus of FOT is mostly with tactical. But it restricts the purpose to be achieved.

    As such, FOT may be conducted on unit affairs especially for the junior officers.

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    c. Junior officers do not get much interest in events like MD and TEWT because of

    their less exposure to such events. Therefore these events may be conducted

    separately for different age group.

    d. The very environment of Bangladesh Army makes gradually officers grading-

    bias, which hampers the spirit of FOT. As such some incentives may be awarded to

    the best participants in the FOT.

    e. Zero Error Syndrome also affects the goal of the FOT. Officers should be

    allowed to project innovation and unit commanders should help them to get rid ofthis.

    f. The overall commitments of the army affect the conduct of FOT. There remains a

    lack of coordination between the HQ staffs and unit commander in regards to

    arrangement of FOT.

    g. Training modules e.g. research work, seminar, etc. develop analytical quality ofofficers. These events are not included in the FOT.

    h. Logistic lessons get less emphasis in MD, TEWT and CPX. There is no FOT

    conducted on CIO or CTO.

    j. The training methodologies used in the formation level are old training and

    cannot arouse interest among all.

    k. FOT does not address motivational issues. It has limited scope of officers

    intellectual development.

    Positive Impact of FOT to Unit Training

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    36.Officers as Quality Trainer. Apart from participating in the group training, officers

    are trainer also. Knowledge is a major prerequisite for instructors at all levels. FOT enhances

    the knowledge of young officers especially in the field of tactics. Young officers have

    inadequate exposure to conduct exercises in the courses. Formation, in this regard, plays avital role in winding up their knowledge- and skill gap. FOT like TEWT and MD empower

    an officer with better knowledge to impart the same to his undercommands.

    37.Confidence Building. Confidence is highly desirable to face the challenges of

    military life. Confidence contributes in skilful work and in taking quick and correct decision

    at proper time and place. The knowledge earned by officers from FOT would make them

    more confident to stand before their undercommands and effectively employ those onground to display good leadership.

    38.Self-Dependency of Soldiers. When officers are committed for FOT, troops in the

    unit, due to lack of supervision, may be disorganised for a short period. But the sincere and

    honest lot of troops will not let the regular training to go in vein; rather they will take up

    responsibility by themselves to continue the training. Instead of sitting in the training ground

    for the whole day, officers can achieve almost similar effect by increasing supervision

    periodically. The immediate loss on training, due to absence of officers, may be

    compensated in the way that the soldiers will learn to be self-responsible and to reduce

    dependency on officers.

    39.Output of Unit Training in the Long Run. If the young officers become more

    knowledgeable and confident, and the soldiers can be taught to be self-responsible, the unit

    training of Bangladesh Army is going to develop immensely. The Army might be loser on an

    immediate basis, but the result and impact in the long run would be remarkable.

    Positive Impact of FOT on Unit Administration

    40.It is true that, FOT keeps the officers away from routine unit affairs during that particular

    event. However it does not necessarily keep the officers busy round the year. However, the

    advantages are :

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    a. Officers Confidence on Administration Matter . Though FOT is not

    widely conducted on unit affairs, but certain study periods conducted on leadership

    style and unit-conduct. Moreover, Demonstrations (i.e. siting of BAA or DAA,

    casualty evacuations) also help to learn logistic lessons. Such knowledge builds upconfidence among junior officers.

    b. Mechanism of Unit Administration becomes Self-Propelled. Similar to

    the training, too much of supervision limits the normal efficiency of soldiers. Instead,

    periodical supervision coupled with required level of liberty can make up the need

    for continuous presence in the unit. For that, officers should be trained on time

    management and resource optimisation to develop a self-running unit where everyindividual would perform their specific responsibilities at his own.

    c. Soldiers Self-dependency. Soldiers initiative fades away if self-

    dependency is infected. It is not only the unit; the soldiers are also greatly dependent

    on officers for administrative requirement. Officers temporary absence in the unit

    administration may encourage the undercommand to take small decisions where

    officers involvement is not required.


    Indian Army17

    Pakistan Army18

    Malaysian Army19


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    Motivational Measures

    41.It is hard to conceive motivation for training unless a country is fighting a war.

    Bangladesh Army has not been fighting a conventional war since liberation war on 1971.

    Therefore, the training has become more of theory-based and training goal immersed into

    grading-biasness. Only good motivation would facilitate the officers to come out beyond

    such conception. Formations may take up following motivational measures in this regard:

    a. Officers must conceive that army is not a mere profession; it is a way of life. The

    first lesson an officer should receive from his Commanding Officer about how to be

    a good officer, not to be a careerist. In addition, formations may conductmotivational classes on the importance of training in military profession.

    b. Some sort of incentives (crest, certificates, etc.) may be awarded to the best

    participant in each rank as a matter of encouragement. The performance in FOT may

    also be reflected in officers OPR.

    c. The common trend of posting better officers as ERE may be reviewed and dueconsiderations to be given to employ them best in the units. Motivations must be

    gradually develop so that serving in the unit becomes a matter of pride. However, the

    instructional appointments may be kept beyond this consideration. The army has a

    tendency to keep the unit under-strength making its HQs abundantly staffed; it can be


    Widening Focus of the Training

    42.FOT focuses mainly on tactics (figure 4), while unit administration remains as OJT for

    the officers. Individuals develop his own style of administration basing on the requirement

    of the appointment he is vested upon. Bangladesh Army has limited scopes to teach unitadministration in the institutional capacities. Besides, the role of army in disaster

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    management, in aid of civil power, UN missions etc are not also duly addressed in

    institutions. As such, they may be included in FOT in the form of:

    a. Workshop. Daylong workshop in the form of lecture, demonstration andpractice may be arranged in the formations as discussed below:

    (1) Logistic units may conduct workshop on MT management, care and

    maintenance of POL, arms and ammunition, real time recovery and casualty

    evacuation system.

    (2) Intelligence Units and Provost Unit may conduct workshop onbattlefield intelligence and provost matters respectively.

    (3) Ordnance units may conduct workshop on the rules of Public

    Procurement Regulations (PPR) to safely perform in military procurement.

    (4) Workshop on Disaster management with representatives from Disaster

    Management Bureau or District Relief and Rehabilitation Officer.

    (5) Officers qualified from BIPSOT may conduct workshop on laws of

    armed conflict, rules on engagement and conduct in UN Missions

    b. Seminar. Seminars on research oriented topics may be conducted where

    scholars from civilian society may be invited to participate jointly with military like

    Malaysian Army.

    c. Interactive Lectures. Lecture classes with long interactive sessions may

    be conducted by signals or EME personnel about the new technology.

    Representatives from JAG Branch or AEC people may conduct classes on the

    constitution of Bangladesh, warrant of precedence, and civil-military-relationship so

    that officers can perform their duties in aid of civil power without complexities.

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    d. Book review. Book Review may be conducted at brigade responsibility by

    individual or group of officers on professional books and books of general interest.

    Balancing Demand versus Frequency of FOTs

    43. Increasing new fields of FOT may not solve the problems if they arrive too frequent.

    Following may be done in this regard:

    a. FOTs may be conducted in a two-year training cycle like Indian Army. A

    probable forecast of training event for two-year training cycle is attached at Annex B.

    b. MDs and TEWTs may be conducted as per age group. Not more than two MDs

    and two TEWTs for each age group may be conducted in each two year cycle.

    Logistics CPX may be conducted separately.

    c. One day in each month may be planned for events like Book Review, Essay

    Writing, Debate Competition, etc. These events require less pre-administrative

    preparation. The day may be termed as Officers Day like Malaysian Army.

    d. It is usual practice not to include the officers in FOT who are participating in the

    Group Training. It needs to be maintained in true sense.

    e. If sufficient prior coordination (figure 8) cannot be made to make up any upset in

    the time plan, the event may be omitted instead of readjusting it without sufficient

    prior coordination.

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    44.Training is the most valuable investment for an army in peace. Officers training demandsmore emphasised than the troops training. The aim of officers training is to make them

    professionally competent to take up their present and future appointment, to develop their

    leadership qualities and to fully realise their latent creative abilities. In Bangladesh Army,

    officers are trained at different level e.g. at unit, formation or institution. Institutional

    training is time and goal bound, so FOT aims at supplementing it. It serves as a bridge to

    make up the gaps of officers training objectives which lacks in institutional training. There

    are various types of FOT conducted in our army e.g. MD, TEWT, CPX, study period,

    demonstration etc. Every type has its own merits and demerits in the way it is conducted.

    They are mostly focused on tactics; but officers intellectual development is not addressed

    adequately in the FOTs.

    45.FOT has both negative and positive impact on the unit training and administrations.

    When conducted frequently within the training cycle, the unit-training remains incomplete

    and troops lose confidence on their commander. It also affects in gradual loss of control of

    the troops. But careful supervision can make up the gaps. Moreover, FOT provides a wide

    range of knowledge to the officers for his confidence building and improving the quality as

    trainer. Similarly, the impact on unit administration due to FOT can also be made up

    carefully by making the soldiers self dependent. But it sometimes deteriorates the unit

    discipline due to lack of proper supervision.


    46.Motivational training should get required focus in the FOTs. One should conceive that

    army is not a mere profession; it is a way of life. Apart from motivational classes or study

    periods, a system of incentive e.g. crests or certificates may be awarded to the best

    participants of each FOT as a matter of encouragement. Performance in the FOT should be

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    deliberately mentioned in OPR. Units should be given due priority for posting better officers,

    which also would work as a motivation to serve in the unit and formation.

    47.One day in each month should be dedicated for conducting events like Book Review,Essay Writing, Seminars, Debate Competitions, etc. The day should be termed as Officers

    Day. Topics related to Disaster management, UN Missions, Conduct in aid of civil power,

    Constitution of Bangladesh, Warrant of Precedence, Civil-Military-Relationship, etc. should

    be adequately focused by Study Periods conducted on Officers Day.

    48.Apart from due focus on tactics in the FOT, Workshops should be conducted quarterly

    on unit affairs. It should cover topic like MT management, care and maintenance of POL,arms and ammunition, field recovery technique, basic medical care, PPR, etc.

  • 8/6/2019 Analysis of Fmn Level Offrs Trg (Incl Notes) - Copy



















