Download - Anaesthetics Skills Checklist

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Understanding of the principles & techniques for ensuring patient safety when preparing & presenting drugs for administration by others during clinical emergencies.

Knowledge & understanding of basic information relating to the usage, dosage, incompatibilities, complications and contra-indications of drugs used during emergency situations.

Knowledge of the current guidelines for basic life support (including those of the resuscitation council).

Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of the principles & techniques used for dealing with:

Respiratory arrest Cardiac arrest Hypovolaemic shock Hyperpyrexia Anaphylactic shock Inhalation of stomach contents Hypoxia Airway obstruction Hypothermia

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NO Ability to recognise the signs & symptoms of the clinical emergencies mentioned above.

Understanding of the factors that affect the choice of equipment for different patient groups.

Knowledge of the purpose & function of the following types of equipment:

Oxygen therapy Suction Airway management Capnograph Intravenous access ECG Defribrillator Blood pressure monitors Pulse oximetry Temperature monitoring Blood gas analyser

Understand & demonstrate the application of universal precautions to clinical emergencies, and the potential consequences of poor practice.


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Knowledge & understanding of the current legislation and policy associated with:

Health & Safety and infection control Procedures for dealing with different clinical emergencies Drug handling & preparation Performing basic life support

Ability to identify, prepare equipment and materials for intravenous fluid administration, including a knowledge of:

Types & quantities of fluids used Fluid requirements of the paediatric patient Giving sets used Potential risks

The ability to prepare & assist in airway management including:

Type of breathing circuit used & the rationale for its use Types & sizes of endotracheal tube and other artificial airways used Types of laryngoscope blades used for paediatric patients Special considerations Complications associated with airway management of the paediatric


Knowledge and understanding of the differences in the child’s physiological parameters.


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Knowledge of the differences in paediatric A&P and how this affects the choices for:

Cannulation Airway management Intravenous fluid administration Drug therapy Temperature

Ability to choose & prepare equipment & materials for cannulation, including:

Assisting the anaesthetist in the procedure Patient care Complications

The methods of assembling and priming of infusion equipment, while maintaining sterility.

Knowledge of the complications & hazards that may arise during the preparation of infusion solutions, and how these risks can be minimised.

Knowledge of relevant anatomy & physiology (including circulation, genito-urinary system and fluid & electrolyte balance).

Demonstrate knowledge of the protocols (algorhythms) followed for failed intubation.


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Demonstrate & understand the criteria for extubation of the patient (including signs that the patient exhibits before they can be extubated).

Assisting the anaesthetist during extubation.

Understand and possess working knowledge of the modes of ventilation.

Knowledge and understanding of the potential complications that can occur during intubation.

Knowledge of the recognised signs & symptoms of a compromised airway, and the techniques that can be employed to relieve such symptoms.

Knowledge and understanding of the ASA grading system, and knowledge of the scoring systems used to access the airway.


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Knowledge of potential complications relating to establishing and airway for different groups (adults), including:

Apnoea Coughing & hiccupping Laryngospasm Bronchospasm Hypo/hyperventilation

Knowledge and understanding of how anatomical abnormalities & disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract can affect airway management.

Knowledge of the signs that would indicate correct placement of the Endotracheal tube.

Knowledge of adjuncts to airway management, and an understanding of what each is used for:

Catheter mounts & HME’s Face masks Bougies Sylets McGill’s forceps Laryngoscopes Laryngoscope blades used for adult patients


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Understand technique & reasons for:

Oral intubation Nasal intubation Endobronchial intubation Cricothyroidectomy Tracheostomy Nasogastric tubes

Ability to prepare for & assist in each technique.

Understand factors that affect the choice of airway management

Knowledge of the different types of artificial airways used, including: Bag & Mask Guedel airways Nasopharyngeal airways Laryngeal mask airway Endrotracheal tubes Endobronchial tubes Nasal tubes Tracheostomy tubes

Understanding of the criteria for the use of each of the artificial airways mentioned above.

Understanding of the anatomy & physiology of the respiratory system.


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Knowledge of the different types of breathing circuit used for adult patients.

Knowledge of the blood products available for transfusion, including what each is for and the correct preparation of the product for transfusion.

Knowledge of the hazards & complications that can arise during administration of blood to patients, and the relevant actions to take (in line with organisational policy).

Understand the rationale for the transfusion of blood & blood products.

Ability to assist in spinal & epidural procedures, including:

Knowledge of the relevant A&P Knowledge of the spinal & epidural techniques Equipment & materials used for each Methods of positioning the patient to optimise access for the anaesthetist Methods of securing the site Complications & effects related to each technique


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Ability to assist in invasive procedures (arterial cannulation & CVP lines) including:

Relevant A&P Preparation of materials & equipment Knowledge of the various types arterial cannula & CVP lines available for

use Knowledge of the technique for each Arterial & CVP giving sets & fluids used Transducers Normal parameters (CVP monitoring) Hazards associated with each technique

Understand the rationale, reasons and requirements for the following anaesthetic techniques:

Venepuncture Arterial cannulation Central venous pressure monitoring Spinals, epidurals & regional blocks Blood & blood product transfusion

Ability to assist in Venepuncture, including:

Knowledge of relevant anatomy & physiology Preparation on relevant materials Knowledge of the different types & sizes of cannula that may be used Technique Securing the cannula Hazards associated with the procedure

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Understand the rationale for properly documenting information relating to monitoring the patient’s parameters, and the relevant place to record theses details.

Knowledge of the SI unit system of measurement.

Knowledge of the following methods of monitoring:

Oxygen saturation Pulse rate Non-invasive blood pressure Invasive blood pressure Electrocardiogram Central venous monitoring Capnograph Gas/vapour analysers Neuromuscular function Urinary output Temperature

Knowledge of the parameters you would normally expect to see in the adult patient for monitoring methods mentioned above.

Knowledge of inhalation agents used in anaesthesia, including:

The volatile agents used MAC values Function, effects and adverse effects associated with each agent.


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Understand the different groups of drugs used in anaesthesia, including their type, properties, function, effects and contraindications for:

Induction agents Muscle relaxants Analgesics Local anaesthetic agents Anti-emetics Pre-medications Antibiotics Respiratory Cardiovascular Anti-coagulants Reversal agents

Knowledge of the different drug administration routes that may be used and the relevant functional anatomy & physiology for each including:

Intravenous Intramuscular Oral Sub-cutaneous Rectal Inhalation Topical

Identify potential risks of poor positioning (including compromised circulation and cross-infection).


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Knowledge of the regional (location of peripheral nerves) and functional (skin, soft tissue, nerve, muscles & joints) anatomy.

Checking of the anaesthetic machine, according to recommendations by the Association of Anaesthetists. Including:

Pipeline gas lines Vaporisers Ventilators Suction equipment Flow meters Oxygen analyser Failure alarms Scavenging Breathing circuits

Knowledge of rationale for use of the various pieces of anaesthetic equipment mentioned above.

Understanding of the diverse and specific requirements that some patients have (including physical, emotional, psychological, communication, personal/religious beliefs).

Understanding of the levels of responsibility in relation to responding to patient’s questions.


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Understanding of the principles of advocacy, and effective ways of representing and safeguarding the patient’s interests.

Knowledge and understanding of environmental factors, such as temperature & humidity, and the importance of their maintenance.


It is essential that you complete the Skills Checklist with complete accuracy. Do NOT claim competency where you have little practical knowledge or even none at all. Your performance when working in the UK will be checked against the information you have provided herein. In the event you are not competent in areas where you have stated competency, it may be viewed that you have obtained employment by submitting false information. This could result in immediate termination of employment, cancellation of your visa, and repatriation to your country of origin.

I confirm that I have read and understood this Statement and declare that the information I have provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed: ________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Full Name: _____________________________________