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Page 1: An Introduction about Dental Implants by Dr. Kevin Khorshid


















ABC Dental Implant Center

Dr. Kevin Khorshid

Page 2: An Introduction about Dental Implants by Dr. Kevin Khorshid

Table Of Contents

Introduction About Dental Implants ------------------------------------------------------------ -3

What Types of Dental Implants are Used Today -----------------------------------------------3

Why Choose Dental Implants ------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants ---------------------------------------------------------5

Benefits Of Dental Implants ---------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Dental Implants Procedures --------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Dental Implant Surgery --------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Dental Implants With Dentures ----------------------------------------------------------------------8

Dental Implant Restoration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Dental Implants Treatment Options --------------------------------------------------------------10

Maintenance Phase OF Dental Implants ---------------------------------------------------------10

Use Latest Development Technology In Dental Implants -----------------------------------11

Why Choose ABC Dental Implant Center For Dental Implants -----------------------------11

About Dr Kevin Khorshid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------12

Page 3: An Introduction about Dental Implants by Dr. Kevin Khorshid

Introduction About Dental Implants

Dental Implants are considered as one of the most preferred techniques to replace

single or multiple missing teeth. Through a process named as osseointegration, dental

implants "fuse" with the adjacent bone forms a firm foundation for crowns, bridges, or

added implant prostheses. Dental implants have turned quite popular among the people

having dental problems. A good quality dental implants carry out by a professional

dental team brings you the much required boost when it comes to comfort, handiness

and confidence.

What Types of Dental Implants are Used Today

There are various types of implants offered for those of you interested in this type of

dental care procedure. Chiefly there are five kinds of dental implants, have a look:

Artificial Bone Substitute -: Prepared with man-made bone, in this procedure

new bone get fits right on top of regular bone in order to give a base for false

teeth, or dentures.

Subperiosteal -: This kind of dental implant is a personalized preparation is

made and keep it fit securely on top of already existing bone in the mouth and

Page 4: An Introduction about Dental Implants by Dr. Kevin Khorshid

it will directly wrapped by the gums. It offers space room for a plate to be


Root Form-: This sort of dental implant is measured to somewhat near to the

actual size and different contours of the natural tooth. It can be utilized to

restore one tooth or even a group of teeth. If you require a complete arch, it

is one of the best dental care methods that should be chosen.

Plate Form-: Generally, it is used in dental grafts and perfect for conditions

where the bone that is there is extremely narrows.

Endosteal-: such procedure is placed in the jaw area of the mouth and acts on

the tooth's natural root.

All On Four Dental Implants Las Vegas is offered by ABC Dental Care for the patients.

Why Choose Dental Implants

Vanity is one of the prime reasons why the majority of people choose dental

implants. We all remain conscious about our looks.

The process of Dental Implants Las Vegas offered by Dr Kevin Khorshid do

stay in place as compared to other alternative do. If you have artificial teeth, it

is required that you will have to use anything to stick those base teeth so that

they don’t float in your mouth.

The titanium devices placed on the bone lets the patient to lock their

dentures into a single position and not concerned about moving around.

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Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

A perfect candidate for dental implants is an individual who is in normally good health

generally and keeps good dental cleanliness. People who consume tobacco in any shape

will not take benefit from implant surgery. Moreover, those who have had organ

transplants and are consuming immuno-suppressive prescription drugs must not have

implants. So, if you have ever go through some transplant and even suffering from

periodontal disease, it is better to discuss with your dentists about implant choice that

may be useful to you.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

There are four prime benefits to having dental implants; Dental Care Las Vegas can help

you finding them and take great support:

Confidence- this process provides confidence and you can look ahead with

denture glue but implants do away with the requirement to rely on adhesive.

No more embarrassing denture malfunctions will come across as you push

into your meal!

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Aesthetic- dental implants give an original look to your mouth and but

appears something artificial. The Mayans utilized shells to fill the gaps in their

teeth, lets the jaw bone to grow around this natural essence and lock them in

place but never quite sense like the rest of their teeth.

Reliability- this process is extremely reliable. They can embrace the joined

crown for long time and share a good success rate. They offer an excellent

choice for anybody looking out for a tooth replacement process.

Save Original Teeth- implants can be placed in between teeth without hurting

the nearby teeth. This turns them perfect for filling a gap happened through

accident or wound and, if the rest of your oral health is up to mark, for

restoring teeth lost to periodontal disease.

Dental Implants Procedures

Dental implants, normally prepared of titanium, are utilized to restore teeth that are

missing due to age factor or any accident. The implants are positioned in the root of the

missing tooth and are fixed into the real bone. This process is completed with an incision

in the gums, pursued by the real insertion of the implant. Once the process of dental

implant is completed and inserted, the gums are sewn up and time is offered to let the

gums and bone to recover suitably. The healing procedure can consume several months,

but it is necessary that the bone and implant are strong adequate to embrace the

prosthetic tooth in place.

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Dental Implant Surgery Procedure

The method of insertion the dental implant is a team effort amid the patient, the dentist

as well as the periodontist. You need to consult with your periodontist and dentist who

will determine everything. They would check out your specific bone, gum, teeth

condition and the sort of implant that you have selected. Depend on this your

periodontist will jot down a cure plan that is designed to meet your definite

requirements. You could look ahead with below mentioned categories:

Replacing a single tooth: a person whose single tooth is missing, one implant

and a crown can solve the issue. A new implant in the old one's place will

restore both the lost normal tooth and its root.

Replacing more than one tooth: If you are going to missing a number of teeth,

then dental implant assisted bridges can restore them and fill up the gaps.

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This process will restore both your missing natural teeth and will even restore

some of the roots.

Replacing the entire once: If you are missing few or all of your teeth, it is

better to go for full dental bridge or denture. Here, dental implants will

change both your lost natural teeth and even a part of the root.

Dental Implants With Dentures

Getting the perfect smile is also possible when you look forward to get hold of Dental

Implants with Dentures. This would help you in a good way to get the ultimate

satisfaction out of it. With the best Dental Care in Las Vegas you would be able to get

the perfect results out of it. With the help of the best advice from Dr Kevin Khorshid you

can really get the best one that would bring a big smile to your face for the ultimate

selection made by you in the perfect way. So you need to ensure of getting in touch

with him to stay tensed free at all.

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Dental Implant Restoration

A skilled implant dentist, Dr Kelvin will set up the jaw area for the process during a

beginning exam. During the process, he/she will numb the part for your ease. The

process begins by drilling a break into the jaw where the implant is necessary, and

inserting strong titanium screw to embrace the implant in place. The ceramic crown,

which appears and feels similar to a natural tooth, is then fixed into the screw. It is a

normally safe and useful process; and for most patients, highly valuable.

This stage is known for the restorative dentist who put a crown resembling object on

top of the insert. Post the remedial period, the surgical dentist will check out the status

of the jaw bone to find out whether the implant is tightly held. One more hole is

punctured right above the implant and a metal cylinder known as an abutment is joined.

The artificial tooth is created into this abutment. Once the abutment is in tuned, the

dentist calculates and determines the actual size of the artificial tooth and the

information is sent to the dental laboratory for preparing the false tooth. At the last

when the final tooth is prepared, a provisional implant tooth will be changed on the

abutment. Once the recreated tooth is prepared, the restorative dentist puts the new

tooth and brings out some final touches if necessary.

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Dental Implants Treatment Options

Single Tooth Replacement: this process is appropriate for single tooth

problem. A new implant in the old one's place will restore both the lost

normal tooth and its root. Mini Dental Implants Las Vegas surely remains

best for the people.

Multiple Teeth Replacement: if patient is having problem in more than 1

tooth, dental implant can be helpful to bridges and fill up the gaps. This

process will restore both your missing natural teeth and will even restore

some of the roots.

Maintenance Phase OF Dental Implants

Dental implants is considered as a natural looking answer for tooth replacement, are

high-tech dental technology, and the one and only solution that replaces the complete

missing tooth and preserves sustaining bone. This turns dental implants an ideal choice

over tooth assisting fixed bridges or dentures. Since the process act as natural tooth

roots, they assist in maintain the reliability of the jawbone and boost your physical look.

If one of your teeth is missing, or all of your teeth, dental implants are the best option

for your general health, self-confidence, happiness and quality of life!

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Use Latest Development Technology In Dental Implants

Dentistry is known as one of the oldest medical preparation and has come an extensive

way ever since it was first carried out. New dental technology has allowed dentists

practice more professionally and happily and has removed the use of drilling and filling.

Additional technologies have ready patients smile get better in a quick time period while

others allow patients develop new teeth.

People who are suffering from missing teeth a new invention of replacing them

introduced and known as dental implants. Now, new teeth are surgically placed into the

jawbone and anchors change teeth. It feels and works similar to a natural tooth helps

the user to do necessary things including chewing and speaking without any trouble. It is

a three-step process and can be utilized to change a single tooth or a number of teeth.

Though, it is costly most dentist present reasonable charges over a period of time.

Why Choose ABC Dental Implant Center For Dental Implants

ABC Dental Implant Center For Dental Implants are aimed to treating patients with the

sympathy and respect they be worthy of. The practices consider in offering broad care

that speak to both your short- and long-term dental care requirements and promise to

give an honest, judgment-free setting where it all comes down to big care.

Your positive points with ABC Dental Implant Center

Flexible Appointment Timings

Office equipped with highly advanced equipments

As a new patient you are offered a consultation with Dr Kevin Khorshid at

affordable charge. We present this consult in effort to teach patients on all of

their offered treatment options.

Treatment offered as per client’s expectations.

Book appointment via phone call or email.

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About Dr Kevin Khorshid

Dr Kevin Khorshid is one of the renowned names in the dentist industry in Las

Vegas. The services offered Check Ups, Oral Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Crowns

& Bridges, Fillings, Root Canals, Gum Disease, Oral Hygiene and Emergency

among others.

Go and talk with the past clients of Dr Kevin Khorshid, you will defiantly find only

positive response from them. As an expert dental professional, he is dedicated to

increasing his skills through regular education, new techniques, latest products

and equipment to bring best dental care.

E- Mail Id: - [email protected]

Phone No. : - (702)778-4250 & (702) 228-1700

Address: - 1725 S Rainbow Blvd #17, Las Vegas, NV 89146, United States