Download - An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Page 1: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang


Page 2: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Media Mums and Digital Dads

Creating a better & safer internet together

John Khan –

Lead Practitioner

for Anti-Bullying,

Prevent and Wellbeing

Page 3: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Workshop ground rules

•  Don’t mention any child by name

•  If you’d like to talk about a specific incident please come and see me or a member of staff after the workshops

Page 4: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Focus of the workshop

•  Examine a range of e-safety issues faced by children

•  Explore Apps used by children

•  View a range of popular educational Apps

Page 5: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Did you know...

•  15%ofparenthavebuiltanonlinepresencefortheirchildbeforetheyareevenborn

•  Bythe8meachildisagedfiveparentswillhaveplacedanaverageof1000picturesofthemonline

•  1in5youngpeoplebelieveeverythingtheyseeontheinternet

Page 6: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

What concerns parents?

•  Parentconcernsdonotalwaysmatchthoseofchildren:

•  concernedaboutaccessinginappropriatematerialonline

•  worriedaboutunwantedcontactbystrangersonline

•  Childrenseerisksemana8ngfrom:•  cyberbullying,violentandsexualcontentarisingoutofeverydaychatwithpeoplefromschool

Page 7: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Advice parents need:

• Howtofiltercontent• Keepinguptodate• Amountof8metheirchildspendsonline

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Digital Divide

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Least Important

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Page 11: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang
Page 12: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

PEGI ratings on games & apps

Page 13: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

When is the right time?

Page 14: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Fact or Fiction: Blue Whale

Page 15: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Decoy Apps

Page 16: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Thetop3concernswere:•  Uncertaintyaboutagerestric8on13or18?

•  PrivacyseLngs•  Adultcontent•  Riskofstrangersbeingabletoviewtheirpictures


Page 17: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Thetop3concernswere:•  Bullyingi.e.rudeandoffensivecomments

•  Riskstoyoungpeople’sself-esteem

•  Anonymity

Page 18: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Thetop3concernswere:•  Dubbed‘TinderforTeens’

•  Riskofonlinegrooming•  Concernsoverimpactonyoungperson’swell-being


Page 19: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

64%ofthechildrenandyoungpeoplethinkSnapchatcanberisky.Thetop3concernswere:•  SnapMap•  sexualcontent•  strangersaccessingtheirimages


Page 20: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

54%ofthechildrenandyoungpeoplethinkInstagramcanberisky.Thetop3concernswere:•  Uncertaintyaboutage•  Adultcontent•  theriskofstrangersbeing



Page 21: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

64%ofthechildrenandyoungpeopleweaskedthinkTwiZercanberisky.Thetop3concernswere:•  bullying•  privacyseLngs•  inappropriatecontent


Page 22: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Child Friendly Apps

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Kidrex search engine

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•  GamesinthisapphaveallbeendesignedtohelpliZleoneslearnwhiletheyplay

•  Noneedforinternetconnec8on

•  Noinappbuying

Cbeebies Playtime

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•  FrequentlyupdatedappthatteachesEnglish,MathsandScience!

•  Funanima8onstoexplaineachtopic

•  Interac8ve•  Checkunderstanding

BBC Bitesize

Page 26: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang


•  Thisfreeappwithage-appropriatevideos,channels,andplaylists.

•  BigbuZonseasyscrollingwithautofull-screen

•  ParentalcontrolseLngstolimit8me

Youtube Kids

Page 27: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

•  Inven8veappthatteacheschildrenthebasicsofcomputerprogramming/codingbybuildinggiantrobots.

•  Forolderchildren.

•  In-apppurchasing

Hakitzu Elite: Robot Hackers

Page 28: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

•  Letschildrenfeatureintheirowncomicstrip.

•  Childrentakephotostofillintheframesandthenstarinover80stories.

•  In-apppurchasing.

Friendstrip Kids

Page 29: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Parental control apps

MM Guardian FunamoParentalControl


Page 30: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

Digital dads & media mums

•  Need to be good digital role models

•  Teach children that digital tools are powerful tools

•  Be familiar with the sites children use

Page 31: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang

What can I do right now?

Open trusting dialogue with your child

Family agreement

Consider filtering and blocking software

Think before you/they post

Understand the laws

Privacy settings and reporting

Save the evidence and report the incident

Age ratings on apps and games

Protect their personal information

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Any questions?

Page 33: An#-Bullying Week 2017€¦ · them online • 1 in 5 young people believe everything they ... • worried about unwanted contact by strangers online • Children see risks emanang