
SIAM J. APPL. MATH. c© 2007 Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsVol. 67, No. 2, pp. 364–386



Abstract. The dynamics of hydraulic fracture, described by a system of nonlinear integro-differential equations, is studied through the development and application of a multiparameter sin-gular perturbation analysis. We present a new single expansion framework which describes theinteraction between several physical processes, namely viscosity, toughness, and leak-off. The prob-lem has nonlocal and nonlinear effects which give a complex solution structure involving transitionson small scales near the tip of the fracture. Detailed solutions obtained in the crack tip region varywith the dominant physical processes. The parameters quantifying these processes can be identi-fied from critical scaling relationships, which are then used to construct a smooth solution for thefracture depending on all three processes. Our work focuses on plane strain hydraulic fractureson long time scales, and this methodology shows promise for related models with additional timescales, fluid lag, or different geometries, such as radial (penny-shaped) fractures and the classicalPerkins–Kern–Nordgren (PKN) model.

Key words. asymptotic solutions, crack tip, critical scales, hydraulic fractures, integral-differential equations, leak-off

AMS subject classifications. 45K05, 35A20, 35B40, 76D08, 74B05, 74R10

DOI. 10.1137/04062059X

1. Introduction. Hydraulic fractures are propagated in an elastic material dueto the pressure exerted by a viscous fluid on the fracture. These fractures occur nat-urally in volcanic dikes where magma causes fracture propagation below the surfaceof the earth [37, 38, 55]. In the oil and gas industry hydraulic fractures are deliber-ately propagated in reservoirs to increase production. Hydraulic fracture models needto account for the primary physical mechanisms involved: deformation of the rock,fracturing of the rock, flow of viscous fluid within the fracture, and leak-off of thefracturing fluid into the permeable rock. The parameters that characterize these pro-cesses are, respectively, Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ν, the rock toughnessKIc, the fluid viscosity μ, and the leak-off coefficient Cl.

The challenges for analysis of these models originate from the nonlinearity of theequation describing the flow of fluid in the fracture, the nonlocal character of the elas-tic response of the fracture, and the history-dependence of the equation governing theexchange of fluid between the fracture and the rock. The singular tip behavior, whichcan be difficult to resolve numerically, dominates these solutions and is highly depen-dent on the relative importance of the contributing physical processes. Therefore, theobjectives of analytic treatment of these models are as follows: to characterize thestructure of the near-tip solution that can be embedded in numerical algorithms, toprovide benchmark solutions to test numerical codes, and to determine the parametervalues and length scales that characterize the transitions between distinct combina-tions of physical processes. In this paper we use a novel asymptotic framework thatenables us to characterize the different propagation regimes and provide asymptoticsolutions when more than two physical processes are competing simultaneously. This

∗Received by the editors December 9, 2004; accepted for publication (in revised form) August 14,2006; published electronically January 12, 2007.†Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2, Canada

([email protected], [email protected], [email protected]).



is distinct from previous analytic work on such models, which have been restricted toconsidering at most two competing physical processes [6, 23, 24, 26].

There has been a significant amount of work in the last half century involving themathematical modeling of hydraulic fractures [1, 8, 14, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 45, 48, 55].As discussed in [21] and the references therein, the aim of these models is to calculatethe fluid pressure, opening, and size of the fracture given the properties of the rock,the injection rate, and the fluid characteristics. More recent work has been concernedwith developing numerical algorithms to simulate three-dimensional propagation ofhydraulic fractures in layered strata [5, 7, 12, 46, 47, 53]; this is in contrast to earlierwork where approximate solutions were found for simple fracture geometries [1, 8,28, 33, 45, 48, 55]. A substantial difference between hydraulic fracturing and otherstudies of fracture (see [22, 49, 52]) is the coupling with the equations for the fluid andfracture geometry. Most models in hydraulic fracturing only consider planar fracturesrather than kinked or curved cracks [13, 41, 42].

The relevant fracture geometry that we consider in this paper, known as the KGD(plane strain) model, was developed independently by Khristianovic and Zheltov [33]and Geertsma and de Klerk [28]. The fracture is assumed to be an infinite verticalstrip so that horizontal cross-sections are in a state of plane strain. This model isapplicable to large aspect ratio rectangular planar fractures and was extended in [54]to include toughness. A major contribution to this mathematical modeling was madeby Spence and Sharp [54], who initiated the work on self-similar solutions and scalingfor a KGD crack propagating in an elastic, impermeable medium with finite toughness.This approach has been continued through asymptotic analyses of near-tip processes,yielding the results from [15] for zero toughness in an impermeable rock, and from[36] for zero toughness when leak-off is dominant. Several papers [16, 19, 27] haveextended this analysis to include toughness and fluid lag, where regions devoid offluid develop close to the crack tip, along with transitional regions. In this paper weassume that fluid lag is negligible and so these effects can be ignored.

Certain phases of hydraulic fracture propagation are characterized within a di-mensionless parametric space [21, 20], with boundaries controlled by the dominantprocesses, namely, viscosity, toughness, or leak-off. This framework has been the ba-sis for semianalytical solutions for simple geometries (KGD and penny-shaped) andbenchmarks for numerical simulators. These include the following asymptotic regimes:impermeable with zero toughness [2, 10, 50], small toughness [24], finite toughness[3, 54], and large toughness [26, 50]; and permeable with zero toughness [4].

Since much of our analysis is closely related and complementary to these mostrecent studies, we outline the context here, with further discussion given in section1.1 in terms of the specific model. Previous analyses [2, 9, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27] havebeen limited to parameter regimes where one or two physical processes dominatethe dynamics, with the remainder of the related nondimensional quantities set tounity. In each case there is a different set of scaling parameters defined, depending onthe dominant process(es), corresponding to the edges and corners of the parameterspace [6, 21]. These methods lead to asymptotic expansions for the tip behavior,where the terms in the expansion involve powers of the distance from the tip. In thecase of vanishing leak-off, this method has also been used to describe the transitionin behavior between different power law expansions [2]. Recent preliminary studies[23, 34, 35] have also used combinations of power law expansions in the context ofa semi-infinite approximation for the fracture, combined with numerical methods tounderstand transitions between different scaling regimes.


In this paper we present a unifying scaling framework based on singular per-turbation techniques which analyzes how the physical processes, namely, viscosity,toughness, and leak-off, all influence the KGD crack behavior. Avoiding semi-infiniteapproximations, it involves the simultaneous scaling of all three processes relative tothe distance from the fracture tip: this means that the approach is applicable fordifferent combinations of the dominant physical processes. It has been used in [44]for the impermeable case in which only the processes of viscous dissipation and en-ergy release compete. Thus it provides a construction of the solution in the crucialtip region, identifying the parameter combinations which quantify spatial transitionsin the behavior of the fracture. The scaling exponents of the physical processes aredetermined as part of the method, so that it can be applied to construct approximatesolutions in intermediate parameter regimes where several processes are in balance.The resulting asymptotic approximation provides verification of the conditions underwhich self-similar solutions are appropriate, and indicates regimes in which a morecomplicated time-dependence is involved, as discussed in section 4. We also brieflyoutline how the technique can be generalized to regimes where there is more than onetransition in the behavior near the tip.

The fracture propagation is formulated as a system of coupled integrodifferentialequations, and our method proves to be very beneficial in understanding the nonlocaland local effects that arise. It can be applied to different geometries, such as theclassical Perkins–Kern–Nordgren (PKN) model [43], and we expect that it can beextended to model other effects such as stress jumps and fluid lag.

1.1. Problem formulation and dimensional results. The solution of theKGD hydraulic fracture problem (shown in Figure 1.1) consists of determining thefracture opening w and the net pressure p (the difference between the fluid pressurepf and the far-field stress σo) as functions of space and time, as well as the fracturehalf-length, l(t). These functions depend on the volumetric fluid injection rate Q0,assumed constant in this paper, and on the four material parameters E′, μ′, K ′, and

Fig. 1.1. Diagrams showing the KGD crack and its cross-section.


C ′, respectively, defined as

(1.1) E′ =E

1 − ν2, μ′ = 12μ, K ′ = 4




KIc, C ′ = 2Cl,

which are combinations of the parameters quantifying the primary physical mecha-nisms described at the beginning of this section. The rock toughness KIc is assumedto be equal to the stress intensity factor KI which, for this geometry, can be expressedas an integral of the pressure

(1.2) KIc = KI = 2



∫ l


p√l2 − x2


The equations for the KGD fracture are as follows:

(1.3) Reynolds’ (lubrication) equation:∂w

∂t+ g =




[w3 ∂p


]+ Q0δ(x),

which describes the conservation of fluid mass for an incompressible fluid. Note thatg is the leak-off term which describes the fluid infiltration into the surrounding rock.

Elasticity equation: p(x, t) = −E′

∫ l





s− x,(1.4)

which describes the balance of forces and is a nonlocal equation relating the fractureopening w and net pressure p for a state of plane strain.

(1.5) Propagation condition: w =K ′


√l − x + O

[(l − x)3/2

], x −→ ±l,

which accounts for the energy required to break the rock and is the condition thatthe fracture is in mobile equilibrium.

(1.6) Boundary conditions: w = 0, w3 ∂p

∂x= 0, at x = ±l.

(1.7) Global volume balance condition: Q0t =

∫ l


w(s, t) ds +

∫ t


∫ l


g(s, τ) dsdτ,

which equates the crack volume to the volume of injected fluid and amount lost tothe surrounding rock mass, obtained by integrating (1.3) and applying (1.6). If t0(x)is the time at which the crack tip arrived at the point x, and t is the current time,then the leak-off function g is defined as

Carter’s leak-off model: g(x, t) =C ′H(t− t0)√

t− t0(x).(1.8)

The memory term t0(x) implies that the leak-off function g(x, t) depends on the entirehistory of the fracture front locations, which significantly complicates the analysis.

Since its introduction in 1957, Carter’s leak-off model [11] has been widely ac-cepted and successfully used in the oil and gas industry to design hydraulic fracturing


treatments and has been referred to as “the standard model of fracturing fluid loss”(see [36]). We briefly summarize the steps involved in the derivation of the model anddiscuss its applicability for high confinement geological situations, which are becomingmore important as deeper reserves are being exploited.

The first assumption made in the derivation of Carter’s leak-off model is that thehydraulic load Δp = pf − p0 driving the leak-off process is approximately constant,where p0 is the reservoir pore pressure. This assumption can be justified in highconfinement reservoirs where pf ≈ σ0 � p0. In this case the hydraulic load is muchlarger than the net pressure p = pf − σ0 and is approximately constant, i.e., Δp ≈σ0 − p0. The second assumption made in the derivation of (1.8) is in approximatingthe leak-off process by a one-dimensional flow perpendicular to the crack propagationaxis that does not account for any lateral interaction. Modeling this gradient-drivenflow involves incorporating the growth of an impermeable filter cake layer via thedeposition of polymer molecules by the leaking fluid, the growth of an invaded zone offluid that penetrates the filter cake, and a pressure diffusion zone within the reservoir.Combining these three physical processes in series yields (1.8), in which the lumpedcoefficient C ′ is known as the Carter leak-off coefficient (see [6, 11, 39, 51] and thereferences therein).

Assuming that l(t) = at1/2, Gordeyev and Entov [29] derived a similarity solutionto the two-dimensional pressure diffusion equation, which yields a leak-off velocityof the same form as (1.8). In this case the fracture is growing sufficiently rapidlyfor the leak-off process to be one-dimensional, a situation that is likely to persistfor power laws in which the fracture evolves more rapidly: l(t) = atλ, where λ ≥12 . Carter’s model (1.8), which is based on the pressure diffusion equation, ignoresfeedback coupling between the reservoir pressure field and the elastic strain in therock. This pure diffusion approximation can be justified using poroelasticity theory[17, 18] in which the elastic strain feedback due to the hydraulic load Δp is shownto vanish identically. Moreover, for high confinement reservoirs the mechanical loadeffect (due to the net pressure p which forces the crack to open) on the reservoirpressure is insignificant compared to that of the hydraulic load, since Δp � p.

There may be a question as to the validity of Carter’s model right at the crack tip.However, the analysis presented in this paper is based on the fact that the dominantphysical process governing the behavior of the fracture at the tip, which we refer to asthe near-tip region, is the energy released in the breaking of the rock as characterizedby the fracture toughness. Since the leak-off process is subdominant to this and onlymanifests itself a distance away from the tip in the intermediate-tip region, we makeuse of the model only in a region where it is still valid. We could include other higherorder effects to model the leak-off more carefully in the near-tip region, but this isneglected in our analysis since it is not the dominant process.

The method presented in this paper involves an iterative construction of theasymptotic solution: the lubrication and elasticity equations (1.3)–(1.4) alternativelygive the form of the solution. The volume balance equation (1.7) is applied to com-plete the solution: it verifies the balance of physical processes, determines unknownconstants, and provides a consistency check on the temporal behavior of the solution.The propagation condition (1.5) manifests itself in the asymptotic behavior of the tipwhen the influence of the toughness is dominant; this depends on the relative scalingsof the parameters and the distance from the tip.

We give the main results for w in terms of the dimensional variables; the expan-sions for p can then be determined from (1.4). For Pckm � (�) (1−ξ)1/2, respectively,


we find that

w ∼ K ′

E′ l1/2

{(1 − x






km + 4√


](1 − x



w ∼(C ′μ′





(1 − x



+ B1

(1 − x



+ B2P−1/4cm

(1 − x



+ B3

(1 − x



where C01, B1, B2, B3, and r are constants determined in the solution process, andγ is an O(1) quantity introduced in the rescaling below. The three key parametercombinations

(1.11) Pkm :=K ′3


l3/2, Pcm :=

C ′3E′


l3, Pckm :=

K ′4

C ′μ′E′3γt1/2


characterize the different behavior regimes, as shown in the analysis. The leadingorder term in (1.10) was established by [36] for the stationary solution and thenconfirmed in [6] for zero toughness. In a preliminary study [9], which considers theinfinite limit of a nondimensional parameter for the volume of injected fluid (2.2),the first and last terms in both (1.9) and (1.10) are also determined. However, theother terms are not found there, since certain parameter combinations are fixed (seesection 3.2 for further discussion.) These additional terms allow us to analyticallyconstruct a uniform solution near the tip, instead of numerically as in [24] for zeroleak-off. Near and far-field solutions for semi-infinite approximations of the fracture[23, 35, 34] also use expansions in powers of (1− ξ), which include some of the powersfrom (1.9)–(1.10) in addition to other terms related to the semi-infinite limit. Powerlaw expansions similar to (1.9)–(1.10) for the zero leak-off case are derived in [44].Some of these terms are also determined in [6, 24], but the additional terms found in[44] allow the uniform tip behavior to be constructed analytically.

The asymptotic expansions (1.9)–(1.10) explicitly identify the critical parametercombinations (1.11) that dictate transitions between (1.9) and (1.10) in the tip vicin-ity. These quantities are combinations of the dimensionless parameters that arise inthe rescaling below, which quantify the physical processes viscosity, toughness, andleak-off. From the construction of expansions (1.9)–(1.10) we can understand thechanges in tip behavior as we scale the quantities (1.11) with a parameter related tothe distance from the tip ξ = 1. Our method does not use a semi-infinite approxima-tion, and therefore can be extended to study additional time dependencies, transients,and other types of hydraulic fractures, such as finger-like geometries, known as thePKN fracture [45, 48].

In section 2 we describe the new approach and in section 3 obtain expansionswhen all three processes play a role, in the case that leak-off dictates the leadingorder behavior. The construction leads to the identification of the parameter combi-nations (1.11) which are necessary for describing the transition between the near- andintermediate-tip solutions (1.9)–(1.10). Section 4 summarizes our results and brieflyoutlines extensions of our methodology to situations where time-dependence must bescaled explicitly, or cases where there is more than one transition in the dominantshape of the fracture.


2. Approach of the new method. We introduce the nondimensional quanti-ties, following [6, 26, 24] and others:

(2.1) ξ = x/l, l = Lγ, w = εLΩ, p = εE′Π.

It is convenient to work with the dimensionless quantities Ω (the opening), Π (thenet pressure), and γ (a fracture length), which are all O(1). The parameter ε is usedin [6, 26, 24] to relate w/l to p/E′, so for comparison purposes we include it in ouranalysis; however, it plays no role here and so could be set to unity. Also, L denotesa length scale and is of the same order as the fracture length l.

We also define four nondimensional quantities,

(2.2) Gv =Q0t

εL2, Gm =


ε3E′t, Gk =

K ′

εE′L1/2, Gc =

C ′t1/2


and determine different solutions depending on the size of combinations of these pa-rameters (1.11) without setting any to unity. The governing equations (1.3)–(1.7) arenow



εLΩ + Ωt− ξ




∂ξ+ GcΓl =






[Ω3 ∂Π



Π = − 1


∫ 1




χ− ξ,(2.4)

Ω = Gkγ1/2(1 ∓ ξ)1/2, ξ −→ ±1; Ω = 0, Ω3 ∂Π

∂ξ= 0, at ξ = 1±,(2.5)

Gv = γ

∫ 1


Ω dχ + Gc1


∫ 1



∫ 1


Γl dχdθ,(2.6)

where Γl is the dimensionless leak-off function discussed below.The new approach relies on two main ingredients: (i) a scaling parameter δ � 1

that relates distance from the tip to the key dimensionless quantities in (2.2), and (ii)a flexible asymptotic expansion which can handle behavior dominated by differentphysical quantities. Thus we define

1 − δz = ξ,(2.7)

Gv = δβv Gv, Gk = δβk Gk, Gm = δβm Gm, Gc = δβc Gc,(2.8)

where the G()’s are O(1) quantities. The different regimes are then characterized byinequalities between the values of the exponents βv, βk, βm, βc. Here δ is introducedas a bookkeeping parameter that disappears from the expansion in the end. Weassume that z is O(1) and so δ � 1 essentially describes the distance from the tipξ = 1. Through this scaling we can explore the dominant behavior of the propagatingfracture in a very general way: we have not yet specified the distance from the tipand we do not make a semi-infinite approximation, as used in previous studies suchas [6, 26, 24], amongst others.

Because of the symmetry of the solution about ξ = 0 (see Figure 1.1), we canrestrict our attention to the interval 0 < ξ < 1 and write the equations in terms of z.The integral in (2.4) is then written as

(2.9) Π = − 1


∫ 1


χ− ξ= − 1


∫ 1



χ2 − ξ2,


and similarly for the integrals in (2.6).Then applying (2.7) and (2.8) in the governing equations (2.3)–(2.6) yields



εLΩ + (1 − δz)



Lγδ−1 dΩ

dz+ Gcδ

βcΓl =1

Gmγ2δ−βm−2 d


[Ω3 dΠ



Π = − 1


∫ 1/δ



(1 − δr)

r(2 − δr) − z(2 − δz)dr,(2.11)

Ω = Gkγ1/2δβk+1/2z1/2, z −→ 0; Ω = 0, Ω3 dΠ

dz= 0, at z = 0,(2.12)

δβv Gv = 2γδ

∫ 1/δ


Ω dr + 2Gc


∫ 1



∫ 1/δ


Γl dr dθ.(2.13)

Here we look for self-similar solutions Ω = Ω(z) and Π = Π(z). We justify the useof these types of solutions in section 3.3. In (2.10)–(2.13) the powers of δ appearexplicitly, and they play a central role in understanding the spatial behavior of thesolution relative to the key dimensionless quantities.

For δ � 1, we expand the solution Ω and Π as follows:

Ω = δβk+1/2(Ω00 + δα1Ω01 + δα2Ω2 + · · ·


Π = δβkΠ00 + δσ1Π01 + δσ2Π2 + · · · ,(2.15)

where the exponents αi and σi are determined in terms of the exponents β() in (2.8)

as part of the method. The prefactor δβk corresponds to the dimensionless parameterGk, and its inclusion in the leading terms is discussed below.

We substitute Ω and Π into the lubrication and elasticity equations (2.10) and(2.11), so that they become, respectively,




(Ω00 + δα1Ω01 + · · ·


+ (1 − δz)t(Lγ




dz+ δα1


dz+ · · ·

)+ Gcδ






[(Ω00 + δα1Ω01 +

)3 (δβk


dz+ δσ1


dz+ · · ·


δβkΠ00 + δσ1Π01 + · · ·(2.17)

= − 1


∫ 1/δ



dr+ δα1


dr+ · · ·

)(1 − δr)

r(2 − δr) − z(2 − δz)dr.

The nondimensionalized leak-off function Γl is defined as

(2.18) Γl =1√

1 − t0(ξl)/t=

1√1 − ξ1/λ


1 − (1 − δz)1/λ,

where t0(·) is defined following (1.8), and we have written it in the rescaled co-ordinates (2.7). This follows from the definition of t0(x), the time lapsed betweenthe current time t and the time at which the crack tip arrived at the point x, so thatx(t0(x)) = l(t0). Using l = γL, L = CLt

λ, and ξ = x/l, we find

(2.19) l(t0) = CLγ


tλ andt0t

= ξ1/λ.


To motivate the equations which are solved below to leading order in the differentregions, we briefly consider the lubrication equation in the form of (2.10). The leadingorder terms for δ � 1 satisfy

λδ−1 dΩ



1 − (1 − δz)1/λ=


Gmγ2δ−βm−2 d


[Ω3 dΠ



The form of the expansions (2.14) and (2.15) distinguish where toughness dominates,with the sign of α1 playing a significant role. We consider three cases:

(i) The right-hand side of (2.20) is dominant and set equal to zero. This givesΠ = constant to leading order (see Appendix A.1). Then Ω is found using thepropagation condition (2.12), giving the leading order square root behaviorfor Ω00 and Π00 = constant. This case is described by α1 > 0, where tough-ness dominates the leading order behavior, and thus justifies the use of theprefactor δβk in expansions (2.14) and (2.15). The details of this near-tip caseare given in section 3.1 below.

(ii) The first term on the left-hand side balances with the right-hand side, thusneglecting the term with coefficient Gc to leading order. This case is describedby α1 < 0, where viscosity, not leak-off, dictates the leading order behaviorof z2/3 [6, 15, 24]. When α1 < 0, the ordering of the terms in (2.14) and(2.15) changes; then Ω01 and Π01 become leading order and so Ω00 and Π00

are zero in regions where the toughness is not dominant.(iii) The second term on the left-hand side matches the right-hand side. We obtain

the solution z5/8 to leading order, as in [6, 36]. This situation also holds forα1 < 0, with both leak-off and viscosity dictating the leading order behavior.Again, Ω00 and Π00 are zero, and Ω01 and Π01 are the leading order terms.The details of this intermediate-tip case are given in section 3.1 below. Insection 3.3 we show that λ = 1/2 for sufficiently large time, as in [6], and sowe use Γl = 1/

√δz(2 − δz) in (2.18) for this case.

3. The expansion including toughness, leak-off, and viscosity. We con-sider the case with nonzero leak-off Gc = 0 in addition to nonzero toughness and vis-cosity (Gk = 0 and Gm = 0.) The expansions (2.14) and (2.15) are used to determineexponents by balancing terms, leading to important combinations of the parametersin (1.11) which characterize the different cases. We focus on scenarios with significantleak-off, leading to the study of transitions between regimes where toughness andleak-off dominate the behavior, namely, cases (i) and (iii). The analysis identifies acritical scaling involving all three processes and gives a parametric characterization forsignificant leak-off as G3

c /Gm = O(1) or larger. In contrast, case (ii) occurs in regimeswhere leak-off plays a secondary role, G3

c /Gm � 1 and Gc < Gk, and corresponds tothe purely viscosity-dominated case with z2/3 power law to leading order away fromthe tip. A straightforward extension of the analysis in [44] of the impermeable casecan be used to include higher order corrections involving leak-off in this parameterregion, so we do not consider it here. The intermediate case where G3

c /Gm � 1 andGc < Gk has two transition regions, from the z1/2 to z5/8 to z2/3 behavior. The anal-yses presented below and in [44] can be extended easily to treat these two transitions,and we outline this situation in section 4.


3.1. Local expansions. Near-tip behavior (α1 > 0): The leading order termsin (2.16) and (2.17) for δ � 1 satisfy

0 = δ−βm−1/2+4βkd







δβkΠ00 = − 1


∫ 1/δ




(1 − δr)

r(2 − δr) − z(2 − δz)dr.(3.2)

From these two equations we deduce that the solution of Ω00 is

(3.3) Ω00(z) = C00

√z(2 − δz),

where C00 = 4πΠ00, and Π00 = constant, as discussed in Appendix A.1. The expres-sion (3.3) is the eigenfunction solution which, when substituted into (3.2), gives Π00 =constant exactly; its leading order behavior matches the tip condition (2.12) and it issymmetric about ξ = 0. We use the tip condition (2.12) to find C00 = Gk

√γ/2. Note

that for α1 > 0, the leading order term in the expansion for Ω involves the rescaledtoughness parameter Gk.

The next order terms for δ � 1 in (2.16) and (2.17) satisfy

λδβk−1/2 dΩ00

dz+ Gc

√λδβc−1/2z−1/2 =










δσ1Π01 = − 1


∫ 1/δ




(1 − δr)

r(2 − δr) − z(2 − δz)dr.(3.5)

For the moment we do not balance exponents of δ, but leave them in the expression.Solving (3.4) and (3.5) gives Ω01 and Π01: we find Ω01(z) = C01z and Π01 satisfies

(3.6) Π01 = −C01


(1 − 1

2 − δz

)− C01


[ln (1 − δz) − ln(δz)

]for z = O(1). The constant of integration in (3.4) is zero; otherwise the solutionfor Π01 yields an infinite stress intensity factor, as shown in Appendix A.2. Thedetails of the calculation of Π01 are similar to the analysis in Appendix B. We nowdetermine C01 by substituting Π01 into (3.4), and considering the leading order termsonly. Hence

(3.7) δσ1C01 = Gmγ2




+ δβc+βm−3βk4πγ




Notice that the terms on the right-hand side of (3.7) change order depending on therelative magnitude of Gk and Gc (i.e., δβk and δβc .) If Gc � Gk, then the first termon the right-hand side is dominant and we obtain

(3.8) α1 = 1/2 + βm − 3βk, σ1 = βm − 2βk, C01 = 2πλGmγ3



However, if Gc � Gk, then the second term on the right-hand side of (3.7) isdominant. The exponents α1 and σ1 and coefficient C01 are now

(3.9) α1 = 1/2 + βc + βm − 4βk, σ1 = βc + βm − 3βk, C01 =4π






Since both of these cases represent particular solutions to the linear equations (3.4)–(3.5), we can treat them simultaneously. Thus if α1 > 0, the first three terms in theexpansion (2.14) for Ω are

(3.10) Ω ∼ δβk+1/2[C00

√z(2 − δz) + δ1/2+βm−3βkC01z + δ1/2+βc+βm−4βkC02z


where C02 is the redefined C01 coefficient from (3.9). Then the second term dominatesover the third term when Gc � Gk, and vice versa when Gc � Gk.

Intermediate-tip behavior (α1 < 0): The leading order terms in (2.16) are

(3.11) λδβk−1/2+α1dΩ01



z(2 − δz)=










coupled with the elasticity equation (3.5). Note that we now use the form of Γl withλ = 1/2, as mentioned in case (iii) above, since we are in the leak-off–dominatedregime. In the case that G3

c /Gm � (1− ξ)1/2, the second term on the left-hand side of(3.11) is dominant over the term with Ω′

01(z). Then balancing powers of δ in (3.11)and the elasticity equation (3.5) gives

(3.12) α1 = 1/8 + (βc + βm)/4 − βk, σ1 = −3/8 + (βc + βm)/4.

Note that if the first term in (3.11) is dominant, then the leading order terms for Ω01

are the same as in the case of zero leak-off studied in [6, 15, 24, 44]. This correspondsto the case δ1/8+(βm+βc)/4 > δβc or, equivalently, G3

c /Gm � (1 − ξ)1/2. Ignoringthis term to leading order is consistent with the fact that leak-off is dominant, i.e.,G3c /Gm = O(1) or larger, as discussed in section 3.

The form of Ω01 is written as a combination of powers in z, namely,

(3.13) Ω01 = C01zq + B1z

g + B2zp + B3z


This is equivalent to a perturbation expansion for the solution of (3.11) when Bi � 1,which we verify below. The elasticity equation (3.5) is then solved to give

Π01 = cotπqC01q

4γzq−1 + cotπg


4γzg−1 + cotπp


4γzp−1 + cotπr




1−q(2 − δz)−1


B1gδ1−g(2 − δz)−1


B2pδ1−p(2 − δz)−1



1−r(2 − δz)−1

4πγ+ O(δ1−q, δ1−g, δ1−p, δ1−r).(3.14)

By using the definitions of α1 and σ1 from (3.12) we integrate (3.11) to obtain

(3.15) λδ1/8+βm/4−3βc/4Ω01 + Gc


(z1/2 +



)+ k =






where k is an arbitrary constant. We then have four expressions enabling us todetermine q, g, p, and r. The leading order terms are


2Gcz1/2 = cotπq

C401q(q − 1)



which yields q = 5/8 and gives the coefficient C01,

(3.17) C01 =



q(q − 1) cotπq



Then the next order terms satisfy

k =C3



[g(g − 1) cotπg + 3q(q − 1) cotπq


λδ1/8+(βm−3βc)/4C01zq =



[p(p− 1) cotπp + 3q(q − 1) cotπq


λδ1/8+(βm−3βc)/4B1zg =



[r(r − 1) cotπr + 3q(q − 1) cotπq


For simplicity of presentation we assume δ1/8+(βm−3βc)/4 > δ, which means we canneglect the z3/2 term in (3.15). This corresponds to the case G3

c /Gm � (1 − ξ)−7/2.Including this term results in an additional contribution to Ω01 in (3.13) with powerlaw z13/8. This term can be shown to be higher order in the matching below andcould be included in a straightforward manner if G3

c /Gm = O((1 − ξ)−7/2) or larger.Matching exponents of z in (3.18)–(3.19) gives g = 1/8 and p = 3/4, respectively.

Since B1 is assumed small, the left-hand side of (3.20) is of higher order; r must beapproximated by solving the following nonlinear algebraic equation corresponding tothe right-hand side of (3.20) vanishing:

(3.21) r(r − 1) cotπr + 3q(q − 1) cotπq = 0,

and we find that r ≈ 0.0699928. Then

B2 = δ1/8+(βm−3βc)/4B2, B2 = λ4Gmγ3


[p(p− 1)cotπp + 3q(q − 1)cotπq

] ,(3.22)

and the coefficients B1 and B3 are determined by matching with the near-tip expansion(3.10) in the next section. Since q, g, p, r = 1/2, the solution (3.13) cannot satisfythe

√z behavior from the propagation condition (2.12) for Gk > 0. Observe that for

α1 < 0, toughness does not dominate the leading order behavior in this regime andthe terms Ω00 = Π00 = 0. Then the first term in the expansion (2.14) for Ω is

(3.23) Ω ∼ δ(βc+βm)/4







for α1 < 0. Note that we have redefined C01 and B2 without the G() terms, whichallows us to highlight explicitly the dependence of Ω on the key dimensionless quan-tities G() in (2.2). The coefficients B1 and B3 are redefined as B1 and B3 and they arefound in the following section.

3.2. Transition in spatial behavior and matching. Now we compare thetwo local expansions, (3.10) and (3.23), in terms of the parameter combinations

(3.24) Pkm =G3k

Gm, Pcm =


Gm, Pckm =




which appear explicitly in both expansions and were introduced in (1.11). We considerthe range of parameters for which either Pcm � (1 − ξ)1/2 or Pkm � (1 − ξ)1/2, i.e.,parameter values away from the viscosity-dominated regime. For Gc = O(1) thiscorresponds to Gm � 1 or βm > 1. Other situations are discussed in the next section.

Then the expansions for Ω in terms of Pkm, Pcm, and Pckm are

Ω ∼ Gk


√1 − ξ2 + C01P−1

km(1 − ξ) + C02P−1ckm(1 − ξ)

]for α1 > 0,(3.25)

Ω ∼ (GcGm)1/4[C01(1 − ξ)5/8 + B1(Pckm)(1 − ξ)1/8

+P−1/4cm B2(1 − ξ)3/4 + B3(Pckm)(1 − ξ)r

]for α1 < 0.(3.26)

We have redefined C00, C01, and C02 in (3.25) without the G() terms which are incor-porated into the dimensionless G() terms. Also, observe that the δ’s have disappearedfrom the expressions. The expansions (3.25)–(3.26) give a transition in behavior ofΩ for 1 − ξ = O(P2

ckm): the unknown coefficients B1(Pckm) and B3(Pckm) are deter-mined by matching the expansions in this transition region. The leading order termin (3.26) was given in [36] and later in [6] for vanishing toughness. In a preliminarystudy [9] some of the terms in (3.26) are obtained. There, both the global balanceand lubrication equations are scaled by Gv

−1, and they consider the limit of smalltoughness, with Gv → ∞, for fixed nondimensional parameters Gc/Gv = GmGv = 1.Then some of the terms in (3.26) are excluded for large Gv.

The motivation for defining the parameter Pckm follows directly from the expres-sion for α1 in both cases, i.e., (3.9) and (3.12). Since the G() quantities are O(1), the

condition α1 > (<) 0 can be rewritten as Pckm � (�) (1 − ξ)1/2. The solution forα1 > 0 is physically significant in the toughness dominated regime (Gk � Gc), whichis close to the tip and corresponds to Pckm � (1 − ξ)1/2. As (1 − ξ)7/2 approachesPckm, the first and third terms in (3.25) and the first term in (3.26) are the same order

of magnitude. A transition occurs in the region (1−ξ) = O(P1/2ckm) and the solution in

the intermediate-tip region is found by considering α1 < 0 in (3.26). This correspondsto the leak-off dominated regime, which is away from the tip for Pckm � (1 − ξ)1/2.Hence the expansion in (3.25) holds for 1 − ξ < P2

ckm and the expansion in (3.26)holds for 1 − ξ = O(Ps

ckm) (see Figure 3.1), with 0 < s < 2, and Pckm � 1.To construct a uniform asymptotic approximation by matching (3.25) and (3.26),

we note that they are obtained by solving (2.20) in different asymptotic limits. Thematching is therefore straightforward in the transition region where G4

k/(GcGm) =O((1 − ξ)1/2); to leading order the solution satisfies (2.20) together with the propa-gation condition (2.12). While there is no closed form solution in this region, it canbe constructed numerically where 1 − ξ = O(P2

ckm) for 0 < Pckm � 1.Alternatively, one can give an analytical expression for the matching of (3.25) and

(3.26), obtained from solving for the remaining unknown coefficients B1(Pckm) andB3(Pckm). Writing these expressions in terms of the critical scaling 1− ξ = P2

ckmζ forζ = 0(1), (3.25) and (3.26) are, respectively,

Ω ∼ Gk


√2 − P2

ckmζ +(C01P−1

km + C02P−1ckm



Ω ∼ (GcGm)1/4[C01P5/4

ckmζ5/8 + B1(Pckm)P1/4ckmζ1/8 + P−1/4

cm B2P3/2ckmζ3/4




Fig. 3.1. The left plot shows log Ω vs. log(1− ξ) with Gc = 1, Gm = 0.2, and Gk = 0.35 (and soPckm = 0.075.) The solid lines denote the leading order power law solutions, as indicated above. Theright plot shows a diagram of the solution Ω vs. ξ near the fracture tip for the leak-off–dominatedregime. The transition region is 1 − ξ = O(P2


Equating (3.27) and (3.28) and their first derivatives yields B1(Pckm) and B3(Pckm),which is equivalent to matching the first two terms in a Taylor series expansion about1− ξ = O(P2

ckm) where Ω is regular. Figure 3.2 shows solution profiles of Ω, matchedat 1 − ξ = P2

ckm. In these parameter regimes all three processes contribute to thetransition between the near- and intermediate-tip behavior, described by (3.25) and(3.26). There the coefficients B1(Pckm) and B3(Pckm) are

B1(Pckm) =Pckm

8r − 1

[(8r − 4)

√2C00 + (8r − 8)


kmPckm + C02

)− (8r − 5)C01

− (8r − 6)B2P−1/4cm P1/4



B3(Pckm) =P−2r+5/4ckm

8r − 1


2C00 + 7C01P−1kmPckm + 7C02 − 4C01 − 5B2P−1/4

cm P1/4ckm



which are small since Pckm � 1. As Pckm increases we observe that the transitionregion moves away from the tip. Figure 3.2 also shows two solution profiles when (3.25)holds to leading order for both near- and intermediate-tip behavior for Pckm < Pkm

and Pckm > Pkm. The shape of Ω depends on whether the second or third termin (3.25) plays a larger role in the correction to the leading order behavior. Also,Figure 3.1 shows a log-log plot of Ω for both the leak-off and toughness-dominatedregimes. In the near- and intermediate-tip regions we obtain the asymptotic 1/2and 5/8 power law solutions, respectively, but in the transition region the correctionterms are important, so that the behavior cannot be described by a purely power lawsolution, also observed in [6, 24] for zero leak-off.

For completeness we write down the near- and intermediate-tip expansions forΠ, which are determined using the elasticity equation (2.11). Hence we obtain, for


Fig. 3.2. Solution profiles of Ω vs. ξ. On the left, Gc = 1, Gm = 0.2, and Gk = 0.45, 0.35, 0.25(and Pckm = 0.205, 0.075, 0.020, respectively). The transition region is 1− ξ = O(P2

ckm), indicatedby ∗’s at ξ = 1 − P2

ckm on the graphs. On the right, Gm = 0.1; then, for the toughness dominatedregime (solid line), Pckm = 8.192 and Pkm = 5.12, and for the leak-off dominated regime (dashedline), Pckm = 1.296 and Pkm = 2.16.

Pckm � (�) (1 − ξ)1/2, respectively,

Π ∼ Gk

[Π00 −




km + C02P−1ckm


∣∣∣∣1 − 1

1 + ξ

∣∣∣∣ + ln

∣∣∣∣ 1

1 − ξ

∣∣∣∣ + ln ξ


Π ∼ (GcGm)1/4

[q cotπq


4γ(1 − ξ)−3/8 + g cotπg


4γ(1 − ξ)−7/8

+ p cotπpP−1/4cm B2

4γ(1 − ξ)−1/4 + r cotπr


4γ(1 − ξ)r−1


The details of this calculation are given in Appendix B. In Figure 3.3 we graph Πfor different values of Gk � 1 with Gm = 0.2 and Gc = 1. We observe that as Pckm

increases, which in this case corresponds to increasing the toughness parameter Gk

since Gm and Gc are fixed, the transition point between the two regimes moves awayfrom the tip and Π drops off at a faster rate. This is due to the power law behaviorin (3.32) being matched with the near-tip behavior in (3.31), which becomes moredominant through the logarithmic correction for increasing Gk.

3.3. The global volume balance condition. The constants (i.e., the coef-ficients C00, C01, C02, C01, and γ) are determined by applying the global volumebalance condition (2.13) and balancing terms according to the size of the parameters.This condition also checks the consistency of the expansion and shows when we needto consider additional time-dependencies which we discuss below.

The global volume balance equation in terms of the ξ scaling is given by (2.6).Since l = γL and L = CLt

λ, where CL is an undetermined constant, we use Γl definedin (2.18) to simplify the double integral. Hence (2.6) reduces to

(3.33) Gv = 2γ

∫ 1


Ω dχ +2λ


(λ + 1/2)Γ(λ + 1/2),

where Γ(·) represents the Gamma function. We must analyze the different situationsthat arise for Pckm � 1 and Pckm � 1. The former case corresponds to toughness


Fig. 3.3. Solution profiles of Π against ξ with fixed Gc = 1, Gm = 0.2, and Gk = 0.45, 0.35, 0.25(and Pckm = 0.205, 0.075, 0.020, respectively).

dominating the behavior over the whole fracture, with α1 > 0, and is discussed indetail in [44]. Then the left-hand side balances with the integral on the right-hand sideto leading order; it follows that λ = 2/3, that is, L = CLt

2/3. Substitution of (3.25)then leads to an expression for γ in terms of Gv and Gk. The integral is evaluatedusing the asymptotic expansion near the tip and using numerical evaluation awayfrom the tip where the behavior is regular [6, 24].

In contrast, for the case of Pckm � 1, the expansion (3.26) with α1 < 0 mustbe used for G4

k/(GcGm) < (1 − ξ)1/2. For this range of ξ the leading order terms inthe lubrication equation are those with coefficients Gc and G−1

m . Together with theelasticity equation, these terms indicate that Ω and Π must scale with (GcGm)1/4, asin (3.26). Then the global balance condition has the form

(3.34) Gv/Gc = const · P−1/4cm + const.

As discussed in section 3.1 following (3.11), Pcm � 1 in this case, and so the leadingorder terms are the first and third, and the contribution from the integral is higherorder. Then we equate the leading order terms to obtain γ analytically. The globalbalance equation verifies that the self-similar solution is appropriate for sufficientlylarge Pcm. Writing the t dependence explicitly in (3.34) and using the definitions in(2.2) with L = CLt

λ gives



t1−2λ = const ·(

C ′μ′



t−(2λ+1)/8 + const · C ′


Comparing exponents and balancing the first and third terms gives λ = 1/2 andthe expression for γ simplifies to γ = Gv/πGc. Balancing the first and second termsleads to a contradiction unless t < 1. The second term in (3.35) can be neglected

for t−1/4 � 1, corresponding to P−1/4cm � 1 as in (3.34). This verifies that it is

appropriate to use λ = 1/2 for the leak-off–dominated intermediate-tip behavior insection 3.1 for sufficiently large t. If this condition is violated, for example, for shorttimes, we can no longer conclude that γ is constant, and additional time-dependencemust be included in the expansion.


4. Discussion and future work. In conclusion, we have introduced a newapproach for studying the system of integrodifferential equations that are found inhydraulic fracturing problems. Our method enables us to simultaneously considerthe three primary physical mechanisms, namely, viscosity, toughness, and leak-off,and we have obtained a continuous solution for the fracture opening w when one ormore of these processes are in balance. The technique determines critical relationshipsbetween the nondimensional distance from the tip 1 − ξ and the key nondimensionalquantities Gk, Gc, Gm, and Gv, representing toughness, leak-off, viscosity, and injectedfluid volume, respectively.

For small toughness and O(1) leak-off, the behavior of Ω follows from combining(3.25) for values of ξ in the near-tip region, and (3.26) for ξ in the intermediate-tipregion. The critical parameter combination in this case is Pckm = G4

k/GcGm, withthe transition layer occurring for values of Pckm = O((1 − ξ)1/2). Additional higherorder corrections depend on the relative magnitude of extra parameter combinations,Pkm and G3

c /Gm = Pcm. These results are obtained by simultaneously solving theelasticity and lubrication equations (2.10)–(2.11). The physical process of leak-offhas often been ignored in previous studies, and the new terms in expansions (3.25)and (3.26) allow us to match expansions in different regions analytically, in contrastto previous work [24] for zero leak-off. This analysis is new and the flexibility isinvaluable in extending the technique to other fracture geometries, namely, the PKNfracture [43], and adding different effects, such as stress-jumps and fluid lag. It isimportant to determine analytic solutions such as those derived in this paper, whichcan be used to test the validity of the model against more complete numerical modelsas well as data from laboratory and field experiments.

The application of the global volume balance equation is used to determine theremaining constants in the solution, and it also provides valuable information relatedto time dependence. In the regimes considered in this paper, we find that it provides aconsistency check for the use of a self-similar solution (2.14)–(2.15) with the coefficientγ constant to leading order. We also determine the time-dependence of L, which givesthe power law scaling in time of the length of the fracture.

The global volume balance equation can also be used to determine regimes whereadditional time-dependence must be included in the solution. For example, using thisequation, for finite leak-off we can deduce that for large but finite time the coefficient

γ varies on a slow time scale, T = P−1/4cm t for Pcm � 1. For small time this analysis

is not sufficient: then a multiple-scale analysis of the resulting equations is necessaryto describe additional time dependence and transient behavior.

As noted in section 1.1 of the introduction, the results presented here rely on theuse of Carter’s leak-off model (1.8). However, our framework does not depend on aspecific form for the leak-off term, so its implementation is not restricted to the useof (1.8). These results are valid for the balance of physical processes correspondingto O(1) (or smaller) leak-off, which is typical of many fracturing treatments due tothe cake-building properties of the fracturing fluid [51]. Specifically, we require thatthe combined parameter Pcm := G3

c /Gm � 1. In situations where Gc � 1, such as inwaterflood fractures, the leak-off term is not a higher order correction at the tip, andtherefore it would require a different modeling approach in that region.

Typical values of Carter’s leak-off coefficient C ′ range from 4–64×10−5 m/s−1/2,as discussed in [6] and the references therein. Suppose we consider the case Pckm � 1and set Gv = Gc = 1. Then the expression for γ, as found in section 3.3, is simplyγ = 1/π. Typical values of the other parameters are found in [6, 19, 27]: Q0 = 4–40 × 10−4 m2/s, E = 10000–25000 MPa, ν = 0.15, μ = 1 × 10−7 MPa · s, and


KIc = 1 MPa · m1/2. For example, using Q0 = 4 × 10−4 m2/s, C ′ = 16 × 10−5, andE = 10000 MPa, the combined parameters can be shown to satisfy Pcm ≈ 0.0022t,Pckm ≈ 0.20, and Pkm ≈ 0.066t1/4. Then the transition region is at ξ = O(1−P2

ckm) ≈0.96, which supports the values used in the figures in section 3. This also shows thatour analysis is applicable for large time, since we require Pcm � 1. If we increase Eand Q0, say to 14000 MPa and 7 × 10−4 m2/s, respectively, then Pcm ≈ 0.00058t,Pckm ≈ 0.042, Pkm ≈ 0.014t1/4, and the transition region is at ξ ≈ 0.998, which isnow much closer to the tip.

For the situation when the rock is impermeable, that is, for zero leak-off withGc = 0, we have used the same procedure to obtain an analytically matched asymptoticsolution in the tip region [44]. The expansions for Ω in terms of the key parameterPkm := G3

k/Gm are, for Pkm � (�) (1 − ξ)1/2, respectively,

Ω ∼ Gk


√1 − ξ2 + C01P−1

km(1 − ξ)],(4.1)

Ω ∼ G1/3m

[C01(1 − ξ)2/3 + A1(Pkm)(1 − ξ)h + A2(Pkm)


Hence the expansion (4.1) holds for values of ξ in the near-tip region, the expansion(4.2) holds for ξ in the intermediate-tip region, and the analysis yields

(4.3) C00 = Gk


2, C01 = 2πλ



, C01 =


m(m− 1) cotπm



where m = 2/3. The motivation for defining the parameter Pkm again follows directlyfrom the dominant behavior expressed by balancing the exponents of δ, which becomesPkm � (�) (1 − ξ)1/2. The expansion (4.1) is physically significant in the toughnessdominated regime or valid close to the tip when G3

k/Gm � (1−ξ)1/2, and the expansion(4.2) corresponds to the viscosity dominated regime in which G3

k/Gm � (1 − ξ)1/2.Previous work [24] give some of the terms in (4.1)–(4.2), but the matching is donenumerically. The additional terms allow us to give an analytical expression for thematching of (4.1) and (4.2), obtained by solving for the remaining unknown coefficientsA1(Pkm) and A2(Pkm), as shown in [44].

In other asymptotic limits, for example, for Pcm � (1 − ξ)1/2 and Gc > Gk, onecan obtain solutions which involve more than one transition region, as discussed atthe start of section 3. In particular, for sufficiently large leak-off and viscosity, thesolution for Ω consists of a leading order behavior with power law (1−ξ)1/2 for ξ in thenear-tip region, (1− ξ)5/8 for an intermediate-tip region, and (1− ξ)2/3 for values of ξfarther from the tip. In the case Gc > Gk, a transition must occur at 1− ξ = O(P2

ckm)between the near-tip square root behavior and the (1−ξ)5/8 behavior. If, in addition,Pcm is such that Pcm � (1 − ξ)1/2, then there is another transition farther from thetip at 1−ξ = O(P2

cm) between the (1−ξ)5/8 and (1−ξ)2/3 behavior. The constructionof the nondimensionalized width Ω proceeds as in the previous sections by identifyingthe appropriate balance of (1 − ξ) with combinations of the parameters Gc, Gk, andGm. Finally, in the same way as the analysis described here in section 3.2 and in [44],we can match across the two regions to determine the unknown coefficients which arenow in terms of both Pcm and Pckm.

Appendix A. Results on Π in the toughness-dominated regime.

A.1. Π00 is constant. Consider (3.1). We integrate to obtain

(A.1) Ω300


dz= k1


for some constant k1 = 0. Using the propagation condition (2.12) for Ω00 in (A.1)and integrating with respect to z yields

(A.2) Π00 = − 2k1


3/2z−1/2 + const

for z � 1. Now we compare this with the result from the elasticity equation (3.2),again using the propagation condition (2.12) for Ω00, to get

δβkΠ00 = const ∗∫ 1/δ




(1 − δr)

r(2 − δr) − z(2 − δz)dr = const

to leading order. This contradicts (A.2) so that k1 = 0. Thus, from (A.1) it followsthat Π00 is constant.

A.2. Integration constant from the lubrication equation is zero. Inte-grating (3.4) with respect to z, using the leading order behavior (2z)−1/2 for theleak-off term, gives

(A.3) λδβk−1/2Ω00 + Gcδβc−1/2

√2z1/2 + k2 =






for some constant k2 = 0. Using the propagation condition (2.12) for Ω00 in (A.3)and integrating with respect to z yields

(A.4) δσ1Π01 =Gm




βk ln z +√

2γGcδβc ln z − 2



Without loss of generality, we set the integrating constant k3 = 0, as it can beincorporated into Π00. We now consider the stress intensity factor KI given in (1.2).This can be rewritten in the ξ scaling as

(A.5) Gk =8√



∫ 1


Π√1 − ξ2


For ξ = 1− δz, we consider the contribution to (A.5) obtained from the term in (A.4)with coefficient k2, namely,

(A.6) const ∗ 8√



∫ 1/δ




2 − δzdz.

For k2 = 0, this term is infinite at z = 0. So k2 = 0 to maintain a finite energy.

Appendix B. Calculation of the expression for Π. We summarize the cal-culation of the asymptotic behavior of Π from (2.9) to find the leading order behavior.We introduce a parameter ξ∗ which is in the transition region 1−ξ = O(P2

ckm). Thenthe expansion (3.25) holds near the tip and (3.26) holds away from the tip, i.e.,

(B.1) Ω ∼ Gk


√1 − ξ2 + C01P−1

km(1 − ξ) + C02P−1ckm(1 − ξ)

]for ξ∗ < ξ < 1, and

Ω ∼ (GcGm)1/4[C01(1 − ξ)5/8 + B1(Pckm)(1 − ξ)1/8

+P−1/4cm B2(1 − ξ)3/4 + B3(Pckm)(1 − ξ)r



for ξ < ξ∗, and (2.9) becomes(B.3)

Π = −GkC00


∫ 1


[√1 − χ2


χ2 − ξ2−



km + C02P−1ckm


∫ 1


[(1 − χ)


χ2 − ξ2

− (GcGm)1/4



∫ ξ∗


[(1 − χ)5/8


χ2 − ξ2+



∫ ξ∗


[(1 − χ)1/8


χ2 − ξ2


− (GcGm)1/4

{P−1/4cm B2


∫ ξ∗


[(1 − χ)3/4


χ2 − ξ2+



∫ ξ∗


[(1 − χ)r


χ2 − ξ2


=: I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 + I5 + I6.

In the intermediate region 1− ξ = O(Psckm) for 0 < s < 2, the integrals I1 and I2 can

be evaluated to give

I1 =GkC00

4πγ(1 + ξ)−1

√2(1 − ξ∗)1/2

{(1 + O

(1 − ξ∗)

)+ O

(1 − ξ∗

1 + ξ



4πγ(1 − ξ)−1

√2(1 − ξ∗)1/2

{(1 + O

(1 − ξ∗)

)+ O

(1 − ξ∗

1 − ξ


I2 = −Gk


km + C02P−1ckm



∣∣∣∣1 − 1 − ξ∗

1 + ξ

∣∣∣∣ + ln

∣∣∣∣1 − 1 − ξ∗

1 − ξ


while in the near-tip region 1 − ξ = O(Psckm) for s > 2 the integrals are of the form


I1 =GkC00

4πγ(1 + ξ)−1

√2(1 − ξ∗)1/2

{(1 + O

(1 − ξ∗)

)+ O

(1 − ξ∗

1 + ξ




{π − arctan


1 − ξ∗2


ξ√1 − ξ2


∣∣∣∣∣1 − ξ∗ξ +√

1 − ξ2√

1 − ξ∗2

ξ − ξ∗


I2 = −Gk


km + C02P−1ckm



∣∣∣∣1 − 1 − ξ∗

1 + ξ

∣∣∣∣ + ln

∣∣∣∣1 − ξ∗

1 − ξ

∣∣∣∣ + ln

∣∣∣∣1 − 1 − ξ

1 − ξ∗


We briefly outline the calculation of I3, I4, I5, and I6 for a general integral ofthat form with parameter 0 < a < 1: then the results follow from setting a =5/8, 1/8, 3/4, r, respectively. Thus the integral is

(B.6) J3 =

∫ ξ∗


(1 − χ)a−1 2χdχ

χ2 − ξ2,

which is now split as

(B.7) J3 =

∫ ξ∗


(1 − χ)a−1

χ− ξdχ−

∫ 0


(1 + χ′)a−1

χ′ − ξdχ′ =: JA

3 + JB3 .

Note that ξ can vary over the whole interval, i.e., −1 < ξ < 1. Then asymptoticexpansions for the integrals are used, depending on whether ξ is inside or outside theinterval of integration. It is convenient to use a change of variables which captures theasymptotic behavior of Π near the tip. It is also convenient to use different variableson different intervals, such as δZ = 1 − ξ, δR = 1 − χ in JA

3 and, δZ = 1 + ξ,


δR = 1 + χ in JB3 . We describe the procedure for the integral JA

3 (then JB3 follows

from an analogous calculation). This is split into three parts as

(B.8) JA3 = −δa−1

(∫ ∞


−∫ ∞


−∫ (1−ξ∗)/δ



R− ZdR.

In the intermediate region 1− ξ = O(Psckm) for 0 < s < 2, the leading order behavior

is determined by the first integral for δ = P2ckm � 1 (as given in [40]), and so

JA3 = (δZ)a−1π cotπa + O(1).

Then, for intermediate values of ξ < ξ∗, the integrals I1, I2, and JB3 all give O(1)

contributions, which are lower order compared to the leading order term in JA3 . The

integral for J4 is calculated in the same way. Hence the expression for Π in (B.3) is

Π = (GcGm)1/4


4πγ(1 − ξ)q−1π cotπq +


4πγ(1 − ξ)g−1π cotπg




cm B2

4πγ(1 − ξ)p−1π cotπp


4πγ(1 − ξ)r−1π cotπr

}+ O(1),

where q = 5/8, g = 1/8, p = 3/4 and the O(1) terms are higher order with respect to1 − ξ � 1.

Similarly, for values of ξ in the near-tip region 1 − ξ = O(Psckm) for s > 2, the

integral I3 gives O(1) contributions, and the leading order term is the singularity inI2 defined in (B.5). Hence the expression for Π is now

Π = Gk


4γ− C01P−1

km + C02P−1ckm



∣∣∣∣1 − 1 − ξ∗

1 + ξ

∣∣∣∣ + ln

∣∣∣∣1 − ξ∗

1 − ξ

∣∣∣∣ + ln

∣∣∣∣1 − 1 − ξ

1 − ξ∗



Here we have explicitly included the leading order term from I1 for comparison with(3.31). Additional error terms not shown here also result from the fact that higherorder derivatives for Ω(ξ) are not matched in the transition region: these can be shownto be higher order for Pckm � 1.

Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Emmanuel Detournay, Jose Adachi,and Dmitry Garagash for their very helpful comments and for sharing a number ofpreprints with us.


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