


AT THE 9th



A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of S. Pd in English Language Education



NIM: 204014003204








AT THE 9th



A “Skripsi”

Presented for the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the degree of in English Language Education



NIM: 204014003204

Approved by the Advisor

Dr. Didik Santoso, MPd.

NIP: 150 041 070







The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’

Training certifies that the ‘Skripsi’ (Scientific Paper) entitled AN ANALYSIS


Kusumawati, student’s registration number 204014003204 was examined by the

Committee on June 30, 2009 and was declare to have passed and therefore,

fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of Bachelor of Arts in

English Language Education at the Department of English Education.

Jakarta July 6, 2009

Examination Committee

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (_________________)

NIP.19641212 1991 03 1 002

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd (_________________)


EXAMINER I : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (_________________)

NIP.19641212 1991 03 1 002

EXAMINER II : Dra. Hidayati, M.Pd (_________________) NIP.19601027 1987 03 2 003

Acknowledged By

Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A NIP. 19571005 1987 03 1 003


AYU, DIAJENG KUSUMAWATI. 2009. An Analysis on Students’ Error in

English Writing at the 9th

Year Students of SMP Al-Ikhlas Cipete,

Jakarta Selatan, Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Advisor: Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd

This study is aimed at analyzing the students’ error in English writing, it

consist of (1) the kind of lexical errors are commonly made by the students, (2)

the kind of grammatical errors are commonly made by the students

This purpose of the research are, (1) to investigate lexical errors that

commonly made by the third year students of SMP Al-Ikhlas Cipete in writing,

(2) to investigate what kind of grammatical errors are commonly made by the

students of 9th

grade of SMP Al- Ikhlas Cipete. Moreover, this research using

descriptive qualitative design.

The findings of the research stated that the error of tenses (verb tense) are

the most frequent of errors in which the ninth grade students at SMP Islam Al-

Ikhlas Cipete committed with 163 items of errors. Moreover, it followed by errors of word choice with 56 items of errors, error of spelling are 46 items, error of add

a word are 41 item, then, error in capitalization 41 items, followed by error in omit a word 33 items, word order are 17 items, error in plural-singular 11 items,

in punctuation 7 items of error, error in word form 3 item, the last is zero in article, incomplete sentence, meaning not clear and run-on sentence.

Based on the findings above, it can be suggested that, (1) the students

should keep practice because its means a lot, try to write your own diary to

develop your writing skill (concerning in process), (2) the teachers are should do

re-teaching about tenses as the most failure which students mostly did in their

writing, (3) the teacher should give more practice in all writing and also explain

the strategy to master them.


AYU, DIAJENG KUSUMAWATI. 2009. Analisa Kesalahan Siswa dalam

Penulisan Bahasa Inggris pada Tingkat 9 SMP Al Ikhlas Cipete,

Jakarta Selatan. Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Pembimbing : Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kesalahan peserta didik dalam

menulis bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari 1) Kesalahan secara leksikal yang dibuat

murid, 2) kesalahan gramatikal yang dibuat murid dalam penulisan bahasa


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) meneliti kesalahan leksikal yang sering

di buat oleh siswa tingkat 9 SMP Islam Al Ikhlas Cipete, 2) meneliti kesalahan

gramatikal yang sering di buat oleh siswa tingkat 9 SMP Islam Al Ikhlas Cipete.

Penelitian ini meggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif.

Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa tata bahasa adalah area yang paling

banyak yang terjadi dalam penulisan bahasa Inggris SMP Islam Al Ikhlas Cipete

dengan 163 kesalahan, diikuti oleh 56 kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata, 46

kesalahan dalam ejeen, 41 kesalahan dalam penambahan kata, 41 kesalahan dalam kapitalisasi, kemudian 33 kesalahan dalam pengurangan kata, 17 kesalahan dalam

pemilihan kata, kesalahan dalam penggunaan kata benda jamak dan tunggal sebanyak 11 kesalahan, kesalahan pada tanda baca sebanyak 7 kesalahan,

kesalahan dalam penggunaan bentuk kata sebanyak 3 kesalahan, dan tearkhir dalam penggunaan artikel, kalimat yang tidak sempurna, arti kalimat yang tidak

jelas dan run-on sentence kesalahan tidak ditemukan.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diatas, dapat disarankan bahwa : 1) Siswa

harus lebih banyak berlatih menulis untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa. 2)

Guru mampu melakukan pengajaran berulang tentang tata bahasa yang sering kali

menjadi kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menulis. 3) Guru mampu

memberikan latihan - latihan menulis dan menjelaskan strategi untuk



In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful. All praises

be to Allah the lord of the worlds. Peace and blessing be upon to our prophet

Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his followers.

First of all, the writer would like to express her great honor to Dr. Didik

Santoso, M.Pd as the advisor who has guided her in writing this “skripsi”. Her

beloved mother (Yuliatun), father (Kusmin), sister (Utami Dewi Kusumaningsih),

brothers ( Unggul &Tito), Ustadz RAM who have supported her so much. May

Allah bless all of you.

Her Gratitude also goes to :

1. All lectures of English Education Department who has educated her during

her study at UIN Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., as the Head of English Education Department.

3. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training.

4. Drs. Prasetyo., as the principal of SMP AL Ikhlas Cipete who has allowed

her to do the research in his school.

5. All of the teachers and staff administration of SMP AL Ikhlas Cipete and

SMK YANUSA, Pondok Pinang.

6. Her friends such as De Zifa, Ikah, Syifa, Santi and the others who have

given the spirit. Friendship will never end.

7. Ka Ozzy, Neneng, Dwi, Bang Ade, Mba Rini who have given the support.

Thank you for the togetherness in tears, fun and happiness.

And finally the writer realizes that this skripsi is not perfect yet. Therefore,

the writer would like to accept some suggestion to make this skripsi better.

Jakarta, July 2009

The Writer


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENS ............................................................................. iii

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ v

CHAPTER I Introduction

A. Background of the Study ..................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ............................... 3

C. Limitation of the Problem .................................... 3

D. Formulation of the Problems ................................ 3

E. Objectives of the Study ........................................ 3

F. Significance of the problem ................................. 4

CHAPTER II Theoretical Framework

A. .........................................................................Error

Analysis .............................................................. 5

B. .........................................................................Engli

sh Writing ............................................................ 15

CHAPTER III Research Methodology

A. .........................................................................Rese

arch Design ......................................................... 22

B. .........................................................................Time

and Location of Research .................................... 22

C. .........................................................................Subje

ct of the research .................................................. 22

D. ......................................................................... Instru

ment of research .................................................. 23


nique of data collecting ........................................ 23


nique of data Analysis ......................................... 23

CHAPTER IV Research Findings

A. .........................................................................Findi

ngs ....................................................................... 25

B. ......................................................................... Inter

pretation of the Data ............................................. 50

C. .........................................................................Discu

ssion..................................................................... 59

CHAPTER V Conclusion and Suggestion

A. .........................................................................Conc

lusion .................................................................. 60

B. .........................................................................Sugg

estion ................................................................... 61

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 62

APPENDIX ................................................................................................. 64


Table 2.1 Three Ways Classification of Errors........................................................8

Table 2.2 Differences in spelling between British English and American English


Table 2.3 Summary of Punctuation Marks.................................................................20

Table 4.1 Errors of student 1..................................................................................25

Table 4.2 Errors of student 2..................................................................................26

Table 4.3 Errors of student 3..................................................................................27

Table 4.4 Errors of student 4 ..............................................................................28

Table 4.5 Errors of student 5 ..............................................................................28

Table 4.6 Errors of student 6 ..............................................................................29

Table 4.7 Errors of student 7 ..............................................................................29

Table 4.8 Errors of student 8 ..............................................................................30

Table 4.9 Errors of student 9 ..............................................................................32

Table 4.10 Errors of student 10 ..........................................................................32

Table 4.11 Errors of student 11 ..........................................................................34

Table 4.12 Errors of student 12 ..........................................................................34

Table 4.13 Errors of student 13 ..........................................................................36

Table 4.14 Errors of student 14 ..........................................................................37

Table 4.15 Errors of student 15 ..........................................................................37

Table 4.16 Errors of student 16 ..........................................................................38

Table 4.17 Errors of student 17 ..........................................................................39

Table 4.18 Errors of student 18 ..........................................................................40

Table 4.19 Errors of student 19 ..........................................................................41

Table 4.20 Errors of student 20 ..........................................................................42

Table 4.21 Errors of student 21 ..........................................................................43

Table 4.22 Errors of student 22 ..........................................................................44

Table 4.23 Errors of student 23 ..........................................................................44

Table 4.24 Errors of student 24 ..........................................................................45

Table 4.25 Errors of student 25 ..........................................................................46

Table 4.26 Errors of student 26 ..........................................................................47

Table 4.27 Errors of student 27 ..........................................................................48

Table 4.28 Summary of the Errors .....................................................................49



This chapter presents and discusses the background of the study,

identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the

problem, objectives of the study, and significance of the problem.

A. Background of the Study

English has been the most important foreign language in Indonesia.

Instead of other foreign languages that have been taught in Indonesia, English has

been the most popular choice. Moreover, it has a significant role in the various

fields, especially in technology, communication, politics, economy, education,

health, etc.

Furthermore, English has been an important language in our life, it has

important role. English is compulsory subject for students of junior high school

until university level. Therefore, students should be able to master English at least

in four skill areas; Listening, Speaking, Reading Writing, by mastering those four

skills, English can be a means to develop the students’ knowledge, technology,

and culture.

Writing is as one of the basic skills which has a vital part in language

teaching and students’ achievement. The focus of writing is started to arrange the

simple sentence which is connected with conjunction to set the coherent idea from

the sentence to another. Those sentences are arranged logically to be united and


The study of a good basic writing can be measured from the structure or

grammar of student. The result of writing is determined with the number of

frequency of writing exercises. If the frequency of writing exercise is frequently

carried out, certainly the student’s writing skill will be excellent. If writing

exercise is rare, writing skill will not be developed yet.

Writing knowledge and exercise in Junior High School students must be

evaluated as early as possible to know whether their writing is structurally and

grammatically accepted or not. The research is intended to give the teacher input

how to teach a good writing. The students are object of the research and teachers

are as the facilitator in teaching learning process.

The knowledge of grammar is very important to express what we would to

say and interpret correctly, not only the basic meaning that someone said but also

to force the utterance of piece of writing. Grammar keeps important role in

writing. However, the students’ ability in writing is still low. This can be proved

that they still make mistakes and errors in writing English such as using

appropriate structure, plural-singular and other.

Therefore, the writer is interested in identifying some students’ errors in

English writing by analyzing students composition of writing, so the writer will

identify, describe and explain what kind of errors are commonly made by the

students in English writing.

According to Corder (1967:167) in Brown stated that ”A learner’s errors

….. are significant in (that) they provide to the researcher evidence of how

language is learned or acquired, what strategies or procedures the learner is

employing in the discovery of the language.”1

Based on the background of study above, the writer is interested in

analyzing the grammatical error in writing which focuses on several areas, Lexical

error and grammatical error. whereas the title of this “skripsi” is “AN




1 H. Douglas Brown, Principle of Language and Teaching, ( San Francisco : Prentice

Hall Regents Englewood Cliffs, |NJ 07632, third edition), p. 205.

B. Identification of the Problem

Referring to background of problem above, there are many problems that

can be identified among others: 1) the difficulties in arranging united and cohesive

sentences 2) using appropriate structure 3) choosing words and conjunctions to

make a coherent sentence and etc., therefore, the writer would like to limit only on

lexical and grammatical errors, the writer would like to analyze them as follows:

a) What kind of mistakes do the students have?, b) How many mistakes do they

have?, c) How to change all the mistakes into the right one?

C. Limitation of the Problem

To avoid misunderstanding and clarify the problems, it is important to set

some limitation of the problems. The writer will limit the problem of the

discussion on the analysis of the students’ errors in writing consist of lexical

errors and grammatical errors. Lexical errors consist of word form and the use of

singular and plural noun.

D.Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the study describe above, the writer is

interested in analyzing the error made by the students. The writer would like to

formulate the problem as follow:

1. What kind of lexical errors are commonly made by the students?

2. What kind of grammatical errors are commonly made by the students?

E. The objective of the study in this research are:

Inline with formulation of the problem stated above, the objectives of this

study are as follow :

1. To investigate lexical errors that commonly made by the ninth year students

of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlas Cipete in their English writing.

2. To investigate grammatical errors that commonly made by the ninth year

students of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlas Cipete in their English writing.

E.Significance of the Problem

The significances of this research are classified into : a) theory and b) practical

1. Theory

To give information about error analysis that always happen in students’

English writing, also as enrichment for teacher to adopt the concept and


2. Practical (students, teacher, headmaster)

To deliver useful information for teacher and other researchers who are

interested in analyzing error in writing, in order to lead them to further

research on the same field of study in different aspect. Moreover, students

are able to write correctly and aware with their previous failure.



This chapter presents and discusses about the theoretical framework which

is consist of: Error analysis and English Writing


Learning a foreign language is different from learning one’s mother

tongue. Therefore, learners in the teaching learning process often made errors and

it is not only inevitable but also a necessary part of the language learning process.

As the learner of a foreign language, errors can’t be avoided even the most

intelligent, conscientious and motivated students do some errors and sometimes

the native speakers also. The errors made by students indicated that they are in the

process of learning.

What is error? Dullay stated error as “The flawed side of learner speech of

writing. They are those part of conversation or composition that deviate from

some selected norm of mature language performance”2. H. Douglas Brown

defines error as “a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native

speaker, reflects the competence of the learner.”3 It means that an error that

reveals a portion of the learners’ competence.

Errors give the important proof for the process of language learning and

also information for the teachers about the students’ ability. S.P Corder says:

“A learner’s error, then, provided evidence of the system of the language

that he is using (i.e. has learnt) at a particular point in the course (and it must be

repeated that he is using some system, although it is not yet the right system).”4

2 Heidy Dulay,et al, language Two(New york: Oxford University Press, p.138

3 Douglas Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching (New Jersey:

Prentice hall, Inc,1987) p. 205.

4 S.P Corder, Error Analysis and Interlanguage, (New York: Oxford University

Press, 1981), p. 10.

Errors made by the students do not mean a failure or in adequacy but they

can be viewed as important evidence of strategies or procedure employed by the

learner in learning a second language. They are also significant to the teacher and

the learner himself. As S.Pit Corder stated in Ellis:

“ They are (errors) significant in three ways : (1) they provide the teacher

with information about how much the learner had learnt; (2) they provide the

researcher with evidence of how language was learnt; and (3) They served as

device by which the learner discovered the rules of the target language”5.

From the statements above it can be seen that error is common and natural

thing made by the student in leaning foreign language process.

Error analysis is part of the methodology of psycholinguistic investigation

of language learning6. Thus, Error analysis is significant in developing student’s

competence. Moreover Brown wrote: the fact that learners do make errors, and

that these error can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of

the system operation within the learner, led to a surge of study of learner’s errors,

called error analysis7.

Corder, who has contributed enormously to EA, writes thus:

"The study of error is part of the investigation of the process of language

learning. In this respect it resembles methodologically the study of the acquisition

of the mother tongue. It provides us with a picture of the linguistic development

of a learner and may give us indications as to the learning process." (Corder,

1974: 125)

Based on the definitions previously, it can be concluded that error analysis

is an investigation methodology in language learning for analyzing, observing,

and classifying learner’s error to give us indication in learning process.

Every learner has a different type of making errors, but the most common

errors that the learner made are:

5 Rod Ellis, The Study of Language Acquisition, ( New York : Oxford University Press,

1994), p. 48 6 S.P Corder, Error Analysis and Interlanguage, (New York: Oxford University Press,

1981,p.45 7 Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching (New Jersey: Prentice hall,


a. Omitting grammatical morphemes, which are items that do not

contribute much to the meaning of sentences as in He hit car.

b. Double marking a semantic feature (e.g past tense) when only one

marker is required, as in she didn’t went back.

c. Regularizing rules, as in womans for women.

d. Using archforms - one from in place of several- such as the use of her for both she and her, as in I see her yesterday. Her dance with

my brother. e. Using two or more forms in random alternation even though the

language requires the use of each only under certain conditions, as in random use of he and she regardless of the gender of the person

of interest.

f. Misordering items in constructions that require a reversal of word-

order rules that had been previously acquired, as in What you are

doing?, or misplacing items that may be correctly placed in more

than one placed in the sentence, as in they are all the time late.8

Meanwhile, S. Pit Corder proposed a three-way classification of errors,

based on the students’ ability to correct the errors and to explain them, they are:

1. The post-systematic errors, that is, those mistakes that the students are able

to correct and explain when the attention is drawn to them 2. The systematic errors, that is, those mistakes that the students cannot

immediately correct but for which they can provide the explanation once the problem is point out.

3. The pre-systematic error, that is, those that the students cannot correct

event explain9

From Corder’s three-way classification of errors above, it can be included

that the post systematic errors are less serious pedagogically than the systematic

errors. And post-systematic and systematic errors are present less of pedagogical

problem than the pre-systematic errors. It is presented below:

8 Heidy Dulay,et al, language Two (New york: Oxford University Press p.138-139

9 Rebecca M. Valette, Modern Language Testing(2

nd edition),(Boston: Harcourt Brace

Javavonicch, 1977) p.66

Table 2.1

Three Ways Classification of Errors10

Error type Correction Possible Explanation Possible

pre-systematic error No No

systematic errors No Yes

post-systematic errors Yes Yes

Betty Azar classify the errors in writing into 13 errors, there are:

1. SINGULAR-PLURAL He have been here for six month. He has been here for six month.

2. WORD FORM I saw a beauty picture.

I saw a beautiful picture.

3. WORD CHOICE She got on the taxi.

She got into the taxi.

4. VERB TENSE He is here since June.

He has been here since June.

5. + ADD A WORD I want ∧ go to the zoo.

I want to go to the zoo.

– OMIT A WORD She entered to the university.

She entered the university.

6. WORD ORDER I saw five times that movie.. I saw that movie five times.

7. INCOMPLETE SENTENCE I went to bed. Because I was tired.

I went to bed because I was tired.

8. SPELLING An accident occured.

An accident occurred.

9. PUNCTUATION What did he say

What did he say?

10. CAPITALIZATION I am studying english. I am studying English.


S.P Corder. Introducing Applied Linguistics, pelican book , p.272

11. ARTICLE I had a accident.

I had an accident

12. MEANING NOT CLEAR He borrowed some smoke. ( ? ? ?)

13. RUN-ON SENTENCE My roommate was sleeping, we

didn’t want to wake up her

My roommate was sleeping. We

didn’t want to wake up her11

In error analysis, there are some steps that the researchers must follow.

Those are:

a. Collection of data (either from a ‘free’ composition by students on a given

theme or from examination answers).

b. Identification of errors (labeling, with varying degrees of precision

depending on the linguistic sophistication brought to bear on the task, with

respect to the exact nature of the deviation, e.g. Dangling preposition,

anomalous sequence of tenses, etc).

c. Classification into error types (e.g. Errors of agreement, articles, verb

forms, etc.

d. Statement of relative frequency of error types.

e. Identification of the areas of difficulty in the target language.

f. Therapy (remedial drills, lesson, etc).

In this study, the writer just identify the errors and then For the sake

identification up to point e are needed. 12

Corder (1974) suggests the following steps in Error Analysis research :

1.Collection of a sample of learner language

2.Identification of errors

3.Description of errors 4.Explanation of errors

5.Evaluation of errors


Betty Schramfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (Prentice-Hall

inc) 1989, p. A29-A30

12 Sn. Sridhar in Jacek Fisiak, Contrastive Linguistic and the Language Teacher, (Oxford

:Pergamon Press. Ltd, 1981) p.222

Meanwhile, Gass and Selinker stated that a great deal of the work on

error analysis was carried out within the context of the classroom. The goal was

clearly one of pedafogical remediation, there are a number of steps taken in

conducting an error analysis.

1. Data need to be collected. Although this typically done with written data,

oral data can also serve as a base

2. Identify errors. What is the error (e.g) Incorrect sequence of tenses, wrong

verb form, singular verb form with plural subject).

3. Classifying errors. Is it an error of agreement? Is it an error in irregular


4. Quantify errors. How many errors of agreement occur? How many

irregular verb form errors occur?

5. Analysis of source.

6. Remediation. Based on the kind and frequency of an error type,

pedagogical intervention is carried out


Analyzing of students’ error, it has some goals why someone conducted it.

According to S.N Sridhar:

The goals of traditional error analysis were purely pragmatic error analysis

was conceived and performed for its ‘feedback’ value in designing

pedagogical materials and strategies. It was believed that error analysis by

identifying the areas of difficulty or the learners, could help in

(i)determining the sequence of presentation of target items in textbook and

classroom with the difficult items following the easier ones; (iii) deciding

the relative degree of emphasis, explanation and practice required in

putting across various items in the target language; (iii) devising remedial

lessons and exercises; and finally, (iv) selecting items for testing the

learner’s proficiency. The ‘applied’ emphasis in this approach to error is



Susan M,Gass and Larry Selinker, Second Language Acquisition, (Mahwah, New

jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publisher 2001, p.79

14 Jacek Fisiak, Contrastive Linguistic and the Language Teacher, (oxford :Pergamon

Press. Ltd, 1981) p.222

Dullay says that the purposes of studying learners’ error are: (1) it

provides data from which inferences about the nature of the language learning

process can be made. (2) it indicates to teacher and curriculum developers which

part of the target language students have difficulty to communicate effectively.15

The last step in the process of analyzing the learner’s error is

determining the source of error .Brown proposed the source of error, they are:

The last step in the process of analyzing the learner’s error is determining the

source of error .Brown proposed the source of error, they are:

a. Interlingual Transfer

Interlingual transfer is a significant source of error for all learners.

The beginning stages of learning a second language are especially

vunerable to interlingual transfer from the native language, or

interference. In these early stages, before the system of second

language is familiar, the native language is the only previous

linguistic system upon which the learner can draw.

b. Intralingual Transfer

Intralingual transfer (within learning a second language) ia a major

factor in second language learning. Researchers have found that the

early stages of language learning are characterized by a

predominance of interference (interlingual transfer), but once

learner have begun to acquire parts of the new system, more and

more intralingual transfer- generalization within the target

language - is manifested. As learners progress in the second

language, their previous experience and their existing

Context of Learning

In a classroom context, the teacher or textbook can lead the learner

to make faulty hypothesis about the language. Students often make

errors because of misleading explanation of the teacher, faulty

presentation of a structure or word in a textbook, or even because


Heidi Dulay et al, Language Two, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), p.138.

of a pattern that was rottenly memorized in a drill but improperly


c. Communication Strategies

Communications strategies were defined are related to learning

style. Learners obviously use production strategies in order to

enhance getting their messages across, but at times these

techniques can make themselves become a source of error.

While, Jack C. Richard (in Richard 1974) proposed the source of

error differently – such as overgeneralization, ignorance of rule

restrictions, incomplete application of rules, false concepts

hypothesized. However, he claimed that all the source of errors is

connected with learning strategies and teaching material- may lead

us to examine our teaching materials for evidence for the language

learning assumptions that underlie them.

Error happened because of some causes. In order to prevent the students in

making some errors, we can investigate the causes. Pit Corder says that there are

three major causes of errors. Those are mother tongue interference,

overgeneralizations and errors encouraged by teaching material or method.

a. Mother tongue interference

Although young children appear to be able to learn a foreign language

quite easily and to reproduce new sounds very effectively, older

learners experience considerable difficulty. The sound system

(phonology) and the grammar of the first language impose themselves

on the new language and this leads to a ‘foreign’ pronunciation, faulty

grammatical patterns and occasionally, to the wrong choice of


b. Overgeneralization

Errors are inevitable because they reflect various stages in the

language development of the learner. It claims that the learner

processes new language data in his mind and produces rules for its

production, based on the evidence.

c. Errors encouraged by teaching material or method

Errors appear to be induced by the teaching process itself that it has

any positive contribution to make to the learning of any skill. Error is

evidence of failure, of ineffective teaching or lack of control. If

material is well chosen, graded and teaching presented with meticulous


There should never be any error. It is fairly easy to accept this in the

early stages of language learning when controls are applied in the

shape of substitution tables, conversion exercises of a mechanical

nature and guided sentence patterns, but more difficult at later stages.

However, it might be salutary for us to bear in mind the possibility of

some of our students’ error being due to our own teaching.

Unfortunately, these errors are much more difficult to classify.16

Learners of foreign language made errors or mistakes. Mistakes must be

distinguished from errors because both of them are different. It is really important

to know the distinctions between them because some teachers don’t know the

differences between errors and mistakes. It will be useful to distinguish between

error and mistakes.

Jacek Fisiak distinguished between error and mistake as follows:

“Mistakes are deviations due to performance factors such as memory limitations

(e.g. mistakes in the sequence of tenses and agreement in long sentences), spelling

pronunciations, fatigue, emotional strain, etc. Errors, on the other hand, are

systematic consistent deviances characteristic of the learner’s linguistic system a

given stage of learning.17

Furthermore, H. Douglas brown explains that;

A mistake refers to performance error that is either a random guess or a “slip” in that it is a failure to utilize a known system correctly. All people

make mistakes, in both native and second language situation. While error


Peter Hubbard, et al., A Training Course for TEFL, (New York: Oxford University

Press, 1983), p. 140-143.

17 Jacek Fisiak, Constructive Linguistics and the Language Teacher, (New York:

Pegamon Press, 1981), p. 224.

is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker,

reflects the competence of the learner and an error that reveals of a portion

of the learner’s competence in the target language.18

In line with Douglas explanation above, John Norrish stated that;

Error is a systematic deviation, when a learner has not learnt something and consistently ‘gets it wrong’. As mentioned above, a child acquiring

his own language sometimes consistently makes the same error. In the same way, when a learner of English as second of foreign language makes

an error systematically, it happened because he has not learnt the correct

form. Meanwhile, mistake is the inconsistent deviation. Sometimes the

learners ‘get it right’ but sometimes he makes a mistake and uses the

wrong from.19

Corder made a distinction between a mistake and an error. Whereas a

mistake is a random performance slip caused by fatigue, excitement, etc., and

therefore can be readily self-corrected, an error is systematic deviation made by

learners who have not yet mastered the rules of the L2. A learner cannot self-

corrected an error because it is a product reflective of his or her current stage of

L2 development, or underlying competence.20

James says as quoted from H. Douglas Brown that an error cannot be self-

corrected, while mistakes can be self corrected if the deviation is pointed out to

the speaker. The learner’s capacity for self-correction is objectively observable

only if the learner actually self corrects.21

From the explanation above the writer concludes that error is deviations

made by the learners systematically and consistently which showed the language


Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching (New Jersey: Prentice hall,

Inc,1987), p. 205..

19 John Norrish, Language Learners and Their Errors, (London: The Macmillan Press

Limited, 1983), p. 7-8.

20 Diane Larsen-Freemen and Michael H. Long, An Introduction to Second Language

Acquisition Research, (England : Longman,1991), p.59

21 Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching (New Jersey: Prentice hall,

Inc,1987), p. 206

competence of learners. Meanwhile, the mistake is deviations made by learners

unsystematically and it happened just in the performance.


People learn a foreign language to communicate with others, to understand

them, to talk to them, to read what they have written and write to them. In writing,

people learn how to communicate when the other person is not around them,

listening to the words they said, and looking at the gesture and facial expressions.

Writing is the language used to express and to communicate with others. It

must be difficult without practicing regularly. Writing is very complex and

difficult to teach. As J.B Heaton stated that:

“The writing skills are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring

mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and

judgment element”22

. Meanwhile Kent stated in his book : “ Writing is expression

and that successful expression is dependent upon the continuity and clarity of the


Writing is much more than an orthographic symbolization of speech to

writing curriculum devices exercise, while necessitate intense concentration”24

Based on three definitions above writing is the act for expressing the idea

by words that is very complex and difficult because it required thinking and some

aspects to be integrated.

English is known as lingua franca25 that means “vehicular language”.

Vehicular language is a language goes beyond the boundaries of it original


J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test: Longman Hanbook for Language Teacher

(New York: Longman: 1975)P.135

23 Sherman Kent, Writing History, (New Yorkc:Appleton Century Crofts, 1941) second


24 Allen and Campbell, Teaching English as A Second Language,(New Delhi: Mc Graw


25Jeremy Harmer, The practice of English Language Teaching third edition, (Cambridge:

Longman 2002) p.1

community and used as a second language for communication between

communities. The opposite meaning of vehicular language is “vernacular

language” means a language used as native language in a single community.

Further English is commonly learnt by people from around the world that it can be

considered as both vehicular and vernacular language. As English called as

vehicular and vernacular language, it is easy to understand the reason why English

become a dominant international language in present communication, science,

business, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy, the growing economic and

culture influence of united state after world war II also become a factor which has

significantly accelerated the spread of English. Therefore, it can be a reason why

today English is being taught to over one billion people throughout the world as

their second language to make communication each other. The importance of

learning English for the purpose described above is closely related to the

methodology of its teaching which plays an important role to stimulate students

learning English. Methodology in English teaching also becomes a media for

teacher to investigate proper ways in activating and energizing student’s

behaviour that channelled toward learning English.

Brumfit defined English as an International language in that It is the most

widespread medium of international communication both because of the number

and the geographical spread of its speakers, and because of the large of number of

non native speakers who use it for part at least of their international contact26. It

requires at least three conditions to learn the letter:

a. There must be extensive exposure (some would say system exposure)

to the target language.

b. There must be extensive opportunity use the language so far acquired

as creatively as possible through reading, writing, conversation,

listening activities whichever are most appropriate to particular


c. Students must be motivated to benefit from (a), (b).


C.J. Brumfit. English for International Communication, (England : Pergamon Press

Ltd, 1982) p.1

From the three definitions above we can say that English is foreign

language that is learned by the student of junior high school, senior high school,

and university.

British and American English Spelling

Writing is a complex process even in the first language. It is even more

complicated to write in a foreign language. Many studies indicate that, for

beginning EFL students, there tends to be interference from their first language in

the process of writing in English. A better understanding of the L1 influence in

the process of EFL writing will help teachers know students' difficulties in

learning English. It will also aid in the adoption of appropriate teaching strategies

to help beginning EFL students learning English.

Writing (and therefore spelling) is a representation of the spoken word.

The spoken word is not a representation of writing. Because accents and

pronunciation can change easily and quite quickly, whereas what is written in

books and dictionaries remains "fixed" for years, as well as for various historical

reasons, there is often little correspondence between spoken English

(pronunciation) and written English (spelling). English spelling therefore often

appears to be totally illogical. The following rules can help you to decode the

mysteries of English spelling, but remember, even the best rules have their


• Adding -er/-est

quick, quicker, quickest, happy, happier, happiest, hot, hotter, hottest...

• Adding -ing/-ed

work, working, worked, stop, stopping, stopped...

• Adding -ly

loud, loudly, happy, happily, terrible, terribly...

• Adding -s

dog, dogs, church, churches, wife, wives...

• -ible or -able

accessible, visible, dependable, networkable...

• -ie- or -ei-

friend, fiend, feint, freight...

British English and American English

colour, color, practise, practice, tyre, tire...

Table 2.2

Here are the principal differences in spelling

between British English and American English.


English American


Final –l is always doubled after one vowel in stressed and unstressed syllables in British English

but usually only in stressed syllables in American English, for example:

rebel > rebelled

travel > travelled

rebel > rebelled

travel > traveled

Some words end in -tre in British English and -ter

in American English, for example:





Some words end in -ogue in British English and -

og in American English, for example:





Some words end in -our in British English and -or

in American English, for example:





Some verbs end in -ize or -ise in British English but

only in -ize in American English, for example:


realize harmonise,




Common Differences

British English American English

all right all right, alright (disputed)

Analyse Analyze

Centre Center

Cheque Check

Colour color

Continue to the next page…

Counselor Counselor

criticise, criticize Criticize

Defence Defense

Doughnut Donut

Favour Favor

Fibre Fiber

Flavor Flavor

Fulfil Fulfill

Grey gray

Honour honor

Humour humor

Jewellery jewellery, jewelry

judgement, judgment judgment

Kerb curb

Labour labor

license, licence (verb)

licence (noun)

license (verb)

license (noun)

Litre liter

Metre meter

Mould mold

Neighbour neighbor

Offence offense

practise (verb) practice (noun)

practice (verb) practice (noun)

Pretence pretense

Programme program

Pyjamas pajamas

realise, realize realize

Savour savor

Speciality specialty

Theatre theater



travelled, traveled

travelling, traveling

Tyre tire

Valour valor

Table 2.3

Summary of Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Mark Name Example

full stop or

period I like English.

comma I speak English, French and Thai.


I don't often go swimming; I prefer to play



You have two choices: finish the work

today or lose the contract.

hyphen This is a rather out-of-date book.

dash In each townóLondon, Paris and Romeówe stayed in youth hostels.

question mark Where is Shangri-La?


mark "Help!" she cried. "I'm drowning!"


forward slash or


Please press your browser's

Refresh/Reload button.

backslash C:\Users\Files\jse.doc



marks "I love you," she said.




'I love you,' she said.

Continue to the next page…

apostrophe This is John's car.

Underline Have you read War and Peace?

Underscore [email protected]



I went to Bangkok (my favorite city) and

stayed there for two weeks.



The newspaper reported that the hostages

[most of them French] had been released.


brackets or braces

{ b := a + 1



One happy customer wrote: "This is the

best program...that I have ever seen."

From explanation above we can conclude that English writing is act or art

of forming letters and characters that is very complex and difficult because

requiring mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also

conceptual and judgment element.



This chapter presents the research methodology used in this study. It

comprises of the research design, method of study, time and location of the

research, subject of the research, instrument of research, technique of data

collecting, and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design

In writing this paper, the writer uses descriptive qualitative design and

uses procedural of error analysis itself, the data for materials are collected from

library research and field research. Many books have been read to support the

library research, while correlate with the ideas, theories and views in the

discussion in order to observe them as a source information.

Field research, the data is collected from the interview the teacher of

English subject and observation in one class only, and to obtain the data, the

writer takes data from writing composition assignment that collected from the


B. Time and Location of the Research

This research was carried out from September 18,2008. Before collecting

data, the writer observed the class of the 9th

year students of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlas

Cipete ,Jakarta Selatan, and to get real data the writer collected the composition in

writing assignment, after data collected the writer began to analyze them.

C. Subject of the Research

In this research, the writer took the population from the 9th

year students

of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlas Cipete ,Jakarta Selatan Academic Year 2008/2009. The

whole population of the third year class is about 118 regular students, which is

divided into 4 classes.

The write chose 3A class consisting of 30 students. Then, the sample is 27

students, because 3 students did not attend the class.

D. Instrument of Research

To collect the data of this research, the writer gives the handout of writing

to the 9th

year students of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlas. The students are asked to write

English composition of writing in a piece of paper under certain topic, so that the

result has similarity but also the different case of error.

E. Technique of Data Collecting

The techniques of collecting data used in research are:

a. Documentation

This instrument is needed to obtain the data from English teacher such as

students’ names and students’ English scores.

b. Test

The test consist of 6 items that should be answered by the students in

English writing, the material of writing is based on English syllabus for 9th


student of Junior high school. The form of the test can be seen in the appendixes.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

To find out what kind of errors that commonly made by the 9th year

students of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlas Cipete in writing?, The writer uses some steps

there are:

1. First, the writer had a meeting with the headmaster

2. Second, getting some information from the English teacher such as the

ability of the student’s writing skill, the material have been given and

English lesson schedule

3. Preparing writing task and arranging the time for doing the writing


4. Doing the task in the classroom, the students make short composition

about their unforgettable experience

5. Collecting the data, the writer asks the students to make English

composition about their unforgettable experience in a piece of paper

given (see appendixes).

6. Identification of error by classifying the errors using Betty Azhar’s

categories of errors.

7. Description of error

8. Explanation of Error, the writer give the explanation about the error

categories and explain the number of error that student made in their

writing compositions

9. Evaluation by re teaching about making English composition.



This chapter presents and discusses about research findings which is

consist of: Analysis of the data, description of the data and interpretation of the


A. Analysis of the Data

In this chapter the writer described the commonly errors that usually made

by the 9th

year students of SMP Islam Al Ikhlas Cipete in their English writing,

the error can be classified into 13 errors, they are word choice, word order, word

form, verb tense (tenses), plural singular, omit a word, add a word, spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, article, meaning not clear, incomplete sentence and

run on sentence.

After the writer analyzes the errors, then she counts the errors by using the

table, interpreting the data is done after processing the result. To obtain the data

for this research the writer take the data from students’ writing assignment in

composition of writing. There were 27 students.

Table 4.1

Errors of Student 1

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. Beautiful the Kuta


Word order


The beautiful Kuta beach.

2. I’m and my family went

to the Dewata Island.

Tenses I and my family went to the

Dewata Island.

3. My place it is in a hotel

Nusa Dua

Word choice We stayed in Nusa Dua


4. We went to visited in the

amazed place, is the Kuta

beach, Denpasar City…..

Omit a word


Omit a word

We visited the amazed

places, _Kuta Beach,

Denpasar City…..

5. We went bought a Omit a word We bought a souvenir in the

Continue to the next page…

souvenir in the shop at


shop at Denpasar.

6. I’m visited to Kuta beach

and watched sunrise with

my family.


Omit a word

I visited Kuta beach and

watched sunrise with my


7. We are very enjoyed in

the beach.


Word choice

We were very enjoyed at the


8. its very beatiful ^

interested place.




Its very beautiful and

interesting place.

9. We back to the home by

air plant.

Word choice


We went home by airplane.

Table 4.2

Errors of Student 2

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. I thougt it was safe, but

suddenly there was a

motorbike coming from

the other road.


Word choice

I thought it was safe, but

suddenly there was a

motorbike coming from the

other side.

2. I hit the brake but still the

bike didn’t stop.

Word order I hit the brake but the bike

still didn’t stop.

3. I crash into the

motorcycle and fall off

the bike.

Tenses I crashed into the

motorcycle and fall off the


4. a man with the

motorcycle help me ^ get



Add a word

a man with the motorcycle

helped me to get up.

5. I thought my wrist is


Tenses I thought my wrist was


6. I couldn’t move my arm Omit a word I couldn’t move my arm

Continue to the next page…

almost a month and a


almost a month and half.

7. The doctor cover my arm

with a “gips”.

Tenses The doctor covered my arm

with a “gips”.

8. I’m starting very careful

to ride a bike or any other




I was starting very careful to

ride a bike or any other


Table 4.3

Errors of Student 3

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. I went to Korea with my

team there are 16 girls, 1

teacher, and 7 adults.

Tenses I went to Korea with my

team there were 16 girls, 1

teacher, and 7 adults.

2. At there we lived at

Hyundai hotel, it is very

nice and cozy.

Tenses At there we lived at Hyundai

hotel, it was very nice and


3. Everyday we woke up at

7 or 8 o’clock than we ^

breakfast together.

Add a word Everyday we woke up at 7

or 8 o’clock than we had

breakfast together.

4. After that we make a line

for take a bath.

Tenses After that we made a line for

taking a bath.

5. After all we prepare, all

the stuff for dance and

^make up our face.



Add a word

After all we prepared, all the

stuffs for dance and did

make up our face.

6. At the perform place

we’re very nervous, but

we can perform a

wonderful dance.

Tenses At the perform place we’re

very nervous, but we could

perform a wonderful dance.

7. After that we ^dinner and

go to the hotel.

Add a word,

Word choice

After that we had dinner and

went back to the hotel.

Continue to the next page…

8. I usually go to business

centre with my friend

for^ online and chat with

my other friends in



Add a word,



I usually went to business

centre with my friend for

having online and chatting

with my other friends in


9. We do it everyday. Tenses We did it everyday.

10. And it is very

unforgettable and fun.

Tenses And it was very

unforgettable and fun.

Table 4.4

Errors of Student 4

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. It was at saturday night. Omit a word,


It was Saturday night.

2. I think we all ^looked



Add a word

I thought we all were looked


Table 4.5

Errors of Student 5

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. 27th

July is my birthday

and now I’m 14.

Tenses 27th

July was my birthday

and now I’m 14.

2. …when I ^ on the way to

citos some one called




when I was on the way to

Citos some one called me…

3. …he said happy birthday

for me.

Word choice …he said happy birthday to


4. I’m so speechless, shock

and aaah my heart beat is

so fast.


Omit a word

I was so speechless, shock

and aaah my heart beat so


5. Nino RAN is called me

to said happ birthday.

Omit a word


Nino RAN called me to

said happy birthday.

Continue to the next page…

6. My feeling when I

remember that day are


Word order When I remember that day I

felt shy.

7. Thak you god for make

my 14 birthday





Thank you God for making

my 14 birthday


Table 4.6

Errors of Student 6

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. In korea I went to

traditional market

namdaimun, big

mountain and may store.



In Korea I went to

traditional market

Namdaimun, big mountain

and may stores.

2. I slept in my cousin


Add a word


I slept in my cousin’s


3. They had many snow Word choice They had much snow

4. I can’t forget that


Tenses I couldn’t forget that


Table 4.7

Errors of Student 7

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. My unforgettable

Experience is when I was

one of the player ^ basket

ball tim ^ DKI Jakarta.

Add a word


My unforgettable

Experience is when I was

one of the player in basket

ball team from DKI Jakarta.

2. First I got the exercise at

the Ragunan with my

basket ball tim at August.

Spelling First I got the exercise at the

Ragunan with my basket

ball team at August.

Continue to the next page…

3. My tim is Astrid she is

school in Labschool



Word order

My team is Astrid she is

from Labschool Kebayoran.

4. Svetlana, Tiara, Tia there

are school in 19 Junior

high school.


Word choice

Svetlana, Tiara, Tia they are

from 19 Junior high school.

5. Dita_she is school in



Word choice

Dita, she is from Budaya.

6. I must did the competion. Word choice


I started the competition.

7. I feel nervous because

my tim had the

competion with all of tim

at Indonesia.





I felt nervous because my

team had the competition

with all of team at


8. …when all my

competion over.

Spelling …when all my competition


9. …my tim got the first

place in competion.



…my team got the first

position in competition.

Table 4.8

Errors of Student 8

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. When I was 8 years old, I

and^went to bali for


Add a word


When I was 8 years old, I

and my family went to bali

for holiday.

3. It’s my first time went to




It was my first time went to


4. I spend the night in hotel

Paradise at Kuta Bali.


Word order

I spent the night in Paradise

hotel at Kuta Bali.

5. I went the for 3 days . Spelling I went there for 3 days.

6. at Sunday afternoon. Word choice on Sunday afternoon.

Continue to the next page…

7. I arrived at denpasar bali. Capitalization I arrived at Denpasar Bali

8. After I arrived at bali. Word choice


After I arrived in Bali.

9. I feel happy and walk

around Kuta with my




I felt happy and walked

around, with my family

10. After walked around I ^

dinner with my family at



Add a word

After walking around I had

dinner with my family at


11. …my father swim at

Kuta beach.

Tenses My father swam at Kuta


12. After ^ breakfast my

mother wanted to ^

shopping at Seminyak…

Add a word

Add a word

After having breakfast my

mother wanted to go

shopping at Seminyak…

13. …we go there by walked Tenses


…we went there by walking

14. At Tuesday afternoon, I

went to airport to go


Word choice On Tuesday afternoon, I

went to airport to go home

15. And I went to airport and

guest what^

Punctuation And I went to airport and

guest what?

16. …the plane was take off Word choice The plane was already


17. I feel very




I felt very disappointed…

18. I was very bored when

waited the plane I just

walked around the airport

Tenses I was very bored when

waiting the plane I just

walked around the airport

19. I feel so disepointed and

asame when remember

that situation



I feel so disappointed and

ashamed when remember

that situation

Continue to the next page…

Table 4.9

Errors of Student 9

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. When I was 13 years old,

I birthday, my birthday

yang ke 13.

Word choice When I was 13 years old, I

had my 13th


2. I accept gift X BOX 360. Word choice


I received gift, X BOX 360.

3. I’m very happy, my

birthday celebrate at



Word choice

I was very happy, I celebrate

my birthday at home.

4. ^big family came to my

house, ^ date^ my

birthday ^5 april.

Add a word

Add a word

Add a word

Add a word


My big family came to my

house, the date of my

birthday is 5 April.

5. …at home situation

crodite because my big

family come to my




…at home situation was

crowded because my big

family come to my house.

6. My feeling is very2x

happy, why?...

Word choice I felt happy

7. …because my birthday

celebrate in my at home.


Omit a word

…because my birthday was

celebrated at home.

8. …and I accept gift game

X BOX 360.

Word choice …and received gift game X

BOX 360.

9. I miss my birthday yang

ke 13 in my home.

Tenses I missed my 13 birthday.

10 Me and my cousin played

X BOX 360.

Word choice I and my cousin played X

BOX 360.

11. I played game football, Word order I played football game, and I

Continue to the next page…

and the winner is me. Tenses was the winner.

12. I very2x happy because I

winner from my cousin



Word choice

I was very happy because I

won the game

13. next day I went to Plaza

indonesia. I bought futsal

shoes, the price is Rp.

600.000 , I bought futsal

shoes because…




Next day I went to Plaza

Indonesia. I bought futsal

shoes, the price was Rp.

600.000. I bought futsal

shoes because…

14 I very happy because

team Alix winner in

match against to



Word order

Word choice

I was very happy because

Alix team won in match

against to SMP111.

15. Alix winner 8-0 and I go

went to home.

Word choice

Omit a word

Alix won 8-0 and I went to


16 My birthday is


Tenses ,

Word choice

My birthday was so


Table 4.10

Errors of Student 10

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. Me and other my friends

met at Citos.

Word choice I and other my friends met

at Citos.

2. There was me,

Adly,Audry, Ninet,Aca,

Pras, Reygi and Yudhis.


Word choice

There were I, Adly,Audry,

Ninet, Aca, Pras, Reygi and


3. …then we started ^

make jokes.

Add a word …then we started to make


4. Then about 8 or 9

o’clock, we played

fireworks, watch TV…

Tenses Then about 8 or 9 o’clock,

we played fireworks,

watched TV…

Continue to the next page…

5. We’re very tired after


Tenses We’re very tired after


6. because there was


Word form because there was rainy.

7. The other people just

played along again

Word choice The other people just

continued playing again

8. When everybody feel

tired, many people

started to sleep…



When everybody felt tired,

many peoples started to


9. …then we call it ’shift

1’ , but I’m not in that




…then we called it ’shift 1’

, but I wasn’t in that shift

10. I’m shift 2, shift 2 was

me, didi, dinta, mody,

tari, Aca, Wira, Reygi.



I was in the second shift,

shift 2 was me, Didi, Dinta,

Mody, Tari, Aca, Wira,


11. There was many other




There were many other


12. I felt very happy and

miss that situation.

Tense I felt very happy and

missed that situation.

Table 4.11

Errors of Student 11

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. When I was in five grade.

on Sunday I was


Word choice


When I was in fifth grade.

On Sunday I was cycling…

2. Cycling with my brother

in the street

Word choice Cycling with my brother on

the street

3. ^ was hit my motorcycle Omit a word I was hit my motorcycle

4. the motorcycle throw Tenses the motorcycle thrown away

Continue to the next page…

down to the river.. Word choice to the river

5. …the driver is save I is

not injury too



…the driver was saved I

wasn’t injured too

6. I’m remember that

situation because is the

first time…

Word choice I remember that situation

because is the first time…

7. …I was feel fly with my


Tenses …I felt like I was flying

with my bicycle

8. But my brother is not hit

by ^ motorcycle, he was

fine but the biker ^

angry with me.


Add a word


Word choice

But my brother was not hit

by that motorcycle, he was

fine but the biker was angry

to me.

9. I don’t like him. Tenses I didn’t like him

10. Because his fault why he

must dispoint me

Word order Because it was his fault, not


11. after that I went to home

and play Playstation


Omit a word


After that I went home and

played Playstation

12. …after that I don’t like

cycling ^


Word choice

…after that I didn’t like

cycling anymore

13. …my home in the

kompleks it’s more save

to go cycling

Word choice …my house is saver for


Table 4.12

Errors of Student 12

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. I playing with my cousin. Tenses I played with my cousin.

2. I’m feel shy because my

cousin ^laughing at me


Add a word

Word choice

I felt shy because my cousin

was laughing on me.

Continue to the next page…

3. I went back Word choice I come back.

4. And in second day Omit a word In second day.

5. I ^just playing in^ house


Add a word

Add a word

I was just playing in the

house alone

6. I’m still remember that


Omit a word I still remember that


Table 4.13

Errors of Student 13

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. I went to bali at 10

November 2005, and I

went to bali with my

father, mother…



I went to Bali at 10

November 2005, and I went

to Bali with my father,


2. Next, back to kute beach

at night .

Capitalization Next, back to Kute beach at

night .

3. In the kute beach is so

verry crawded place but

it is so interesththink





In the Kute beach is so very

crowded place but it is so


4. Next day, I walked

around in the bali to buy

the souvenier.



Next day, I walking around

in the Bali to buy the


5. The souveniers in the bali

are verry cheap.




The souveniers in the Bali

were very cheap.

6. Next day I went to kuta

beach in the kuta beach I

played surving.




Next day I went to Kuta

beach in the Kuta beach I

played surfing.

7. I played surving with my

fathe and my Brother.



I played surfing with my

father and my Brother.

Continue to the next page…

Table 4.14

Errors of Student 14

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. I went to bali with my



I went to Bali with my


2. I went to there with


Omit a word

Word choice

I went there by airplane

3. There, I played surf, after

played surfing..

Omit a word There, I played surf, after


4. The place is cool and


Tenses The place was cool and


5. Next I went back to Kuta

at night__

punctuation Next I went back to Kuta at


6. …in Kute is so crawdied Tenses


…in Kute was so crowded.

7. …but ^ is so intresthing Add a word



…but it was so interesting

8. …but I want to go ^ with

my friends

Add a word …but I want to go there

with my friends

Table 4.15

Errors of Student 15

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. On Saturday 12 July Word order On Saturday 12 July

2. When arfi say “I want

you to be the girl of

mine, do you want?”



Word choice

When Arfi said “Would

you like to be my girl?”

3. Well I don’t know how I

feel when he say that

Tenses Well I didn’t know how I

felt when he say that

4. …but I’m very happy Spelling …but I’m very happy and

Continue to the next page…

and automaticly I say “

yes I want_



automatically I said “ yes I


5. I’m alone I feel nervous

when I meet him in





Omit a word

I was alone I felt nervous

when I met him there

6. If I remember that

situation I feel I want





If I remembered that

situation I felt I want to


7. Now his my boyfriend Word choice Now he is my boyfriend

8. Our relationship is now

^2 months long

Add a word Our relationship is now

getting 2 months long

9. He is school in SMP

Bhakti Mulya 400

Word choice His school is in SMP

Bhakti Mulya 400

10. He is in the 9th

grader Word choice He is in the 9th


11. I have a junior who

looks really like him

Word order I have a junior who really

looks like him

Table 4.16

Errors of Student 16

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. On 16 February 2005 Word order On February 16th

2. I feel very happy because

when I was lonely ….and

I feel very happy



I felt very happy because

when I was lonely ….and I

felt very happy

3. Everyday I played guitar Tenses Everyday I play guitar

4. One day me and my

family go to my cousin’s


Word choice


One day I and my family

went to my cousin’s


5. …my cousin told me to

played a guitar ^ first

Add a word

Word choice

…my cousin told me to

played a guitar at the first

Continue to the next page…

time, I feel not so good… time, I felt that I didn’t play


6. …but now I ^ good

played guitar because I

work hard to be a nice


Add a word

Word choice

…but now I am a good

guitarist because I work hard

to be a nice guitarist

7. I was proud for my work

hard to be a nice guitarist

Word choice

Word order

I was proud of my hard

work to be a nice guitarist

Table 4.17

Errors of Student 17

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. When I was nine years

old me and my brother

go to bali.

Word choice



When I was nine years old I

and my brother went to Bali.

2. in there I met with budi


Omit a word

Omit a word


There I met Budi


3. I went to bali for visited

my grandfather and




I went to Bali for visiting

my grandfather and


4. We in bali for a week Capitalization We in Bali for a week

5. that is my unforgattable




That was my unforgettable


Table 4.18

Errors of Student 18

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. I and my friends ^

playing music in the

studio band.

Add a word I and my friends ^ playing

music in the studio band.

Continue to the next page…

2. The situation is mass Word choice The situation was mass

3. …but I and all my

friends is happy.

Tenses …but I and all my friends

were happy.

4. I play some music dead

metal, rock, pop , I ^ as



Word order

Add a word,

Word form

I played some dead metal,

rock, pop music , I was as


5. I sing with music lyrics. Tenses

Omit a word

I sang with lyrics.

6. but I don’t really know a

lyrics without ^ music



Add a word

Omit a word

but I didn’t really know a

lyrics without the music .

7. I play a music in FIMAX


Tenses I play a music in FIMAX


8. I went there by walked Tenses I went there by walked

9. Because my home and

the studio it near

Word choice


Because my house and the

studio it was near

10. I play for three hours Tenses I played for three hours

11. I ^ very tired and I miss


Add a word


I was very tired and I missed


Table 4.19

Errors of Student 19

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. My unforgettable

experience is when I was

5 years old


Omit a word

My unforgettable experience

when I was 5 years old

2. When I ^ 5 years old, I

fall from mango tree

Tenses When I was 5 years old, I

fall from mango tree

…but luckily I droped at

a garbage can

Spelling …but luckily I dropped at a

garbage can

Continue to the next page…

3. So I didn’t fell ang pain Spelling So I didn’t feeling pain

4. But all my bag ^ smell so


Add a word


But all my bag was smelled

so stinky

5. When my mother go out

and see what happen



Word choice

When my mother went out

and saw it

6. My mother was shock

seeing my body unclean


Word choice

My mother was shocked

seeing my body dirty

7. So my mother grab my

ear and pull me into my

bathroom then I take a





So my mother grabbed my

ear and pulled me into my

bathroom then I took a bath

8. My mother told me to not

to do it again and I say


Omit a word


My mother told me not to do

it again and I said yes…

Table 4.20

Errors of Student 20

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. my unforgettable

experience was when the

first time I’m falling in




My unforgettable experience

was when the first time I

was falling in love.

2. After my class is over I

was ^ hurry to go home


Add a word

After my class was over I

was in hurry to go home

3. ..after I was at home I

change my uniform

Word choice


..after I arrived at home I

changed my uniform

4. I went there to bought a

present for my “first


Tenses I went there to buy a present

for my “first love”…

5. …because I’m get doubt Tenses …because I was get doubt

Continue to the next page…

6 I bought 3 Cadbury

chocolate for him

Plural I bought 3 Cadbury

chocolates for him

7. after I finish to bought a

present for him

Tenses after I finish to buy a present

for him

8. I went home I put that

chocolate in the refigator

Plural I went home I put those

chocolates in the refrigerator

9. next morning I go to

school like normally



Omit a word

Next morning I went to

school normally

10. I put that chocolate in his

school bag

Plural I put those chocolates in his

school bag

11. …but I forget 1 chocolate

was still at my bag


Word choice

…but I forgot 1 chocolate

was still in my bag

12. That’s was one of the

unforgettable experience

for me.

Omit a word

That was one of the

unforgettable experience for


Table 4.21

Errors of Student 21

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. One day when I celebrate

my birthday at Pondok

Indah mall

Tenses One day when I celebrated

my birthday at Pondok

Indah mall

2. It’s not unforgetable. Spelling It’s not unforgettable.

3 I invite my best


Tenses I invited my best friends,…

4. at my birthday I inviting

my friends for watch

movie and eat Wendy’s




At my birthday I invited my

friends for watching movie

and eating Wendy’s

5. Its not unforgettable

because I’m not have

surprised ^ from my friend


Add a word

Its not unforgettable because

I didn’t have surprised

things from my friend

Continue to the next page…

6. …,but I’m so happy

because its my 14th


Tenses …,but I was so happy

because its my 14th


7. My friend Bella give me

a give



My friend Bella gave me a


8. A give is a cute candles

and I save bella’s give






A gift is a cute candles and I

saved Bella’s give forever

9. After I afford ceremony

and afford drum band.



After I afforded ceremony

and afforded drum band.

10. after I afford drum band

at music room my friends

play song “happy


Tenses after I afforded drum band at

music room my friends play

song “happy birthday”

11. …and I ^ so so happy


Add a word

Omit a word

…and I was so happy

Table 4.22

Errors of Student 22

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. On alix cup 24

November 2007 at my



Word order

Alix Cup was held on

November 24, 2007 at my


2. …I saw a handsome boy

but I don’t know his


Tenses …I saw a handsome boy but

I didn’t know his name

3. When he come to me he

introduce his self

Tenses When he came to me he

introduce himself .

Continue to the next page…

4. at that time I am so

nervous but I am so




at that time I was so nervous

but I was so happy

5. …and I am so sad

because 115 lost

Tenses …and I was so sad because

115 lost

Table 4.23

Errors of Student 23

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. My Unforgettable

Experience is Diving




My unforgettable

experience was diving

2. When my first time

Diving into the sea,that

was realy-realy

Word choice



the first time I went diving

into the sea, that was really-


3. By the way, I was panic,

because it’s hard to




By the way, I was panic,

because it was hard to


4. I wasn’t panic anymore,

everything ^ fine

Add a word I wasn’t panic anymore,

everything was fine

5 …maybe because I am a

junior diver

Tenses …maybe because I was a

junior diver

6. I’ve seen a school of fish,

a barrier of reef and a

sunken ship…

Plural I’ve seen a school of fishes,

a barrier of reefs and a

sunken ship…

7. Everything looks fin




Everything looked fine there

8. …I’ve seen everything

inside that ship, and it’s

look creepy

Tenses …I’ve seen everything

inside that ship, and it was

looked creepy

Continue to the next page…

9. I only can diving one

hour only

Word order I could diving one hour


10. because I‘m still a junior


Tenses because I was still a junior


11. And then I went ^ to ^


Add a word And then I went back to the


Table 4.24

Errors of Student 24

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. It is 2nd recess, so we

must pray to masjid


Word choice

It was 2nd recess, so we must

pray to mosque

2. …so me & my friend

decided to not pray today

Word choice

Word order

…so I & my friend decided

to not pray today

3. My best friend Allya ask

me to accompany her to

go to the canteen & I

accept her request



My best friend Allya asked

me to accompany her to go

to the canteen & I accepted

her request

4. After that we go to the

canteen & bought some


Tenses After that we went to the

canteen & bought some food

5. So I walked off from the


Omit a word So I walked from the


6. When I walk I saw my

teacher approaching the




When I walked I saw my

teacher approached the


7. My teacher was

following me but that at

the same way…

Omit a word My teacher was following

me but at the same way…

8. We were grounded to

kultum at friday & I was

Word choice

Add a word

We were grounded to

kultum on Friday & I was so

Continue to the next page…

so ashamed ^ that time ashamed at that time

9. I was trauma to went to

canteen at 2nd recess

Word choice I was trauma to go to

canteen at 2nd recess

Table 4.25

Errors of Student 25

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. My unforgettable

experience was my

birthday party at Sunday,

14th September 2008

Word choice My unforgettable experience

was my birthday party on

Sunday, 14th



2. I was celebrate my

birthday at the Pizza Hut

Tenses I was celebrated my birthday

at the Pizza Hut

3. But they just drop me


Tenses But they just dropped me


4. My friends went to pizza

hut to breaking fast and

also celebrate my

birthday party



My friends went to pizza hut

to break fast and also

celebrated my birthday party

5. Ocha and Khalisa went

out of pizza hut to gave

me a gift

Tenses Ocha and Khalisa went out

of pizza hut to give me a gift

6. When I open my eyes

there was a red rose and a

seven candies …

Tenses When I opened my eyes

there was a red rose and a

seven candies …

7. ..After that I blow a




..after that I blew a candles

8. …Then we ^ breaking



Add a word

…then we were breaking


9. If I was remember that

situation, I was very


Tenses If I was remembered that

situation, I was very


Continue to the next page…

Table 4.26

Errors of Student 26

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. The cinema ^ near from

the school.

Add a word The cinema was near from

the school.

2. I watch the movie film

because is new film



I watched the movie film

because was new film

3. I buy ticket at the

locket and snack at the


Tenses I bought ticket at the locket

and snack at the cafetaria.

4. I entrance the cinema

with my friend.

Tenses I entranced the cinema with

my friend.

5. I can sitting the chair at

the next to of my


Word order

Omit a word

I could sit on the chair next

to my friend.

6. I watching the horror

film, the Kuntilanak


Tenses I watched the horror film,

the Kuntilanak movie.

7. The film is very scared Tenses

Word form

The film was very scary

8. I and my friend is very

scared watch the




I and my friend was very

scared watched the movie…

9. I and ^ friend close the


Add a word

Word choice

I and my friend closed our


10. Finish the film, I and

my friend go to lunch

at the restaurant.

Word choice .. when the film finished, I

and my friend go to lunch at

the restaurant.

11. …because we ^very

hungry after watch.

Add a word …because we were very

hungry after watching.

12. ^Full I and my friend

go to home.

Add a word


when we were full enough, I

and my friend went home.

Continue to the next page… Continue to the next page…

Table 4.27

Errors of Student 27

No. Identification Classification Transformation

1. My unforgettable

Experience is went to




My unforgettable

Experience is went to


2. In ther I visited the beach

at pattaya and floating


Omit a word



there I visited the beach at

Pattaya and floating market.

3. I and my family ^ very

happy and enjoyed with

the experience…

Add a word

Omit a word

I and my family were very

happy and enjoyed the


4. …because it is the first

time we went to


Tenses …because it was the first

time we went to Bangkok.

5. Bangkok is my

unforgettable experience.

Word choice Bangkok is my

unforgettable place.

The table below will described briefly : 13 errors made by by the 9th


students of SMP Islam AL Ikhlas Cipete in their English writing.

Table 4.28

Summary of the Errors


Lexical Error Grammatical Error





rd C




rd O



rd F














it a




a w
















g n



r In















1 3 1 - 4 1 4 - 2 1 1 - - - - 17

2 1 1 - 5 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - 11

3 1 - - 9 1 - 5 - - 1 - - - - 17

4 - - - 1 - 1 2 - - 1 - - - - 5

5 1 1 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 2 - - - - 12

6 - - - 1 1 - 1 1 - 2 - - - - 6

7 3 1 - 1 - - 1 11 1 - - - - - 18

8 2 1 - 11 - - 4 6 1 4 - - - - 29

9 10 2 - 10 - 1 4 1 1 1 - - - - 30

10 3 - 1 9 2 - 1 - - 1 - - - - 17

11 7 1 - 9 - 2 1 - 1 1 - - - - 22

12 1 - - 3 - 2 3 - - - - - - - 9

13 - - - 3 - - - 6 - 9 - - - - 18

14 1 - - 3 - 2 2 2 1 1 - - - - 11

15 3 2 - 10 - 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - 20

16 4 2 - 4 - 2 - - - - - - - - 12

17 1 - - 3 - 2 - 2 - 5 - - - - 13

18 2 1 1 9 - 3 4 - - - - - - - 20

19 2 - - 10 - 2 1 2 - - - - - - 17

20 2 - - 8 3 2 1 - - 2 - - - - 18

21 - - - 11 - 1 2 4 - 2 - - - - 20

22 - 1 - 5 - - - - - 1 - - - - 7

23 1 1 - 6 2 - 2 3 1 3 - - - - 19

24 4 1 - 6 - 2 1 - - - - - - - 14

25 2 - - 8 - - 1 - - 2 - - - - 13

26 1 1 1 9 - 1 4 - - - - - - - 17

27 1 - - 2 - 2 1 2 - 1 - - - - 9


















B. Description of the Data

From the table of data above, the error of tenses are the most frequent of

errors in which the ninth grade students at SMP Islam Al- Ikhlas Cipete

committed with 163 items of errors. Moreover, it followed by errors of word

choice with 56 items of errors, error of spelling are 46 items, error of add a word

are 41 item, then, error in capitalization 41 items, followed by error in omit a

word 33 items, word order are 17 items, error in plural-singular 11 items, in

punctuation 7 items of error, error in word form 3 item, the last is zero in article,

incomplete sentence, meaning not clear and run-on sentence area.

C. Interpretation of the Data

Having described the stage of error analysis, found that the errors in tenses

area was the most frequent of errors committed by ninth year of SMP Islam AL-

Ikhlas Cipete, Jakarta Selatan. From 27 students of SMP Islam AL- Ikhlas Next,

the writer explained which as the cause and effects of the errors committed in all


1. Lexical error

A lexical error is seems to be something wrong with a word. Students

make three kinds of lexical error i.e. diction (word choice), word order and word

form. From 27 students, the writer found three students that most of them made

the same error in lexical. There are student nine, eighteen and student sixteen.

Diction (word choice), in its original, primary meaning, refers to the

writer's or the speaker's distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression27


In writing English, students found difficulties in choosing English word. The

writer found 56 errors in this area It can be proven by the error that student 9

expose in the following:

I received gift. X BOX 360.


Students eighteen made the same error as student nine done above, it can be seen

in student eighteen’s writing below :

The correct one is

Because of my house and the studio was near.

Student sixteen also made the same error as student nine and student eighteen

made, as follows

Student 16 :

The correct one is

I was proud of my hard work to be a nice guitarist.

From explanation above the students made the same error in word choice,

beside that those student also made the same error in word order. Word order,

word order is the syntactic arrangement of words in a sentence, clause, or


. In writing English, students found difficulties in choosing English word.

The writer found 17 errors it means students had not understood yet to order the

verb in the right place It can be proven by the error that student nine and student

eighteen expose in the following

student 9:

The correct one is

…,I played football game, …


Student 18 :

The correct one is

I played dead metal, rock, pop music etc…

Those errors that made by student nine and student eighteen above are

strengthen by the error thet student sixteen expose in the following :

Student 16 :

On February 16th

, 2005…

It can be concluded that those students made same error in word order. In

students’ writing, the writer also found error in word form that found in student

ten, eighteen and student twenty. Word form, in writing English, students found

difficulties in arranging a sentence into a good form. It can be proven by the error

that student 3 expose in the following

Student 3 :

The correct one is

…, because there was rainy.

Student 10 :

The correct one is

I was as vocalist,….

Student 29 :

The correct one is

The film was very scary.

2. Grammatical Error

There are two kinds of grammatical errors found in this area, there are

tenses and plural-singular. From 27 students, the writer found three students that

made the same error in grammatical there are student three, ten and student

twenty. The writer found 163 errors in tenses, it is the most frequent of errors that

the writer found in this analysis. It shows that the students still find difficulties in

putting the verb; they did not fully know or not really understand how to use

certain. It can be shown by the error that students 3,10, and student 20 expose in

the following

Student 3 :

The correct one is

…, there were 16 girls, 1 teacher, and 7 adults.

That error that student three made above is strengthen by the error that

student ten expose in the following :

Student 10 :

The correct one is

Then, about 8 or 9 o’clock we played fireworks, watched TV and others.

Student 20:

The correct one is

…the first time I was falling in love.

From explanation above the students made the same error in tenses, beside

that those student also made the same error in using singular-plural. The writer

interprets some of student did not understand in making sentence using number in

singular and plural form. It can be seen by 11 errors that writer found. It can be

proven by the error that student three, ten and student twenty made below

Student 3 :

The correct one is

When everybody feels tired, many people started to sleep.

Student 10 :

The correct one is

…all the stuffs for dance made up our faces.

Student 20:

The correct one is

I bought 3 Cadbury chocolates for him,…

From explanation above those students made the same error in using


Add a word, there are three students that made the same errors in those

area , there are student nine , fourteen and student fifteen. Omit a word, errors in

this area are 33 errors the writer considered that the student had not clearly know

which word they should not use. It can be shown by the same students expose in

the following:

Student 9 :

The correct one is

Alix won 8-0 and I went home.

Student 14:

The correct one is

There, I played surf, after surfing I went to Tanah Lot.

Student 15:

The correct one is

…,I’m alone I felt nervous when I met him there,…

It can be conclude that those students are made the same errors in add a

word area.

Beside omit a word those students also made the same error in add a word.

There are 42 errors that were made by the students, it is indicate that the student

not really understood which word they must use and which word they must skip.

The errors can be proven in some students below

Student 9 :

The correct one is

My big family came to my house.

Student 14 :

The correct one is

…because the place was so interesting but I want to go there with my friends

Student 15:

The correct one is

Our relationship is now getting 2 months long,…

Spelling, the writer found 46 errors in spelling, it could be caused of

students’ carelessness when writing. Whereas, if they got more carefully in

writing, the error in this area would not be found. It can be proven by errors that

student 9, 14 and student 15 made below:

Student 9 :

The correct one is

…the situation at my home was so crowded because….

Student 14 :

The correct one is Kute was so crowded but it was interesthing.

Student 15:

The correct one is

…, but I was very happy and automatically I said “yes, I want”

Punctuation, There are 7 errors committed in this area. Some students

forget to put full stop in the end of the sentences, put comma and the writer found

the error in putting double quotation mark, if they careful I this area the error

could not be found in their writing. It can be proven by student 9, 14 and student

15 expose in the following

Student 9 :

The correct one is

…the price was Rp.600.000, I bought…

Student 14 :

The correct one is

Next I went back to Kute.

Student 15 :

The correct one is

…,but I’m very happy and automatically I say “yes, I want ”

Capitalization, the writer found 39 errors in this area the writer assume that

almost the did not know the role and the important of capitalization, on which

word it should be used, it can be seen on some students’ writing in the following

Student 9 :

The correct one is

Next day, I went to Plaza Indonesia mall,…

Student 14 :

The correct one is

My holiday was in the Bali beach. I went to Bali with my father and sister. I went

to Bali…

Student 15:

The correct one is

...when Arfi came to my house, I was alone I felt nervous…

From explanation above, it can be conclude that student nine, fourteen and

fifteen made the same error in spelling, punctuation, omit a word, and add a word.

Incomplete sentence, meaning not clear, run-on sentence and article take

the zero result, it means no errors in this area because might be the students have

clearly understood about those areas

From the description above, it is clearly shown that there are 76 errors

found in lexical area and 174 errors in grammatical area. In writing English the

highest frequency of errors is made grammatical area. The writer interprets that it

is caused by the less of students’ understanding in this area. It shows that the

students still find difficulties in putting the verb; they did not fully know or not

really understand how to use certain verb tense especially in using past tense in

their writing composition, and its item became the most difficult part for students.

It can be conclude that the error is commonly made by students is

grammatical error especially in using tenses (verb tense).



This chapter presents the conclusions and some suggestion based on the

research a finding previously which is conducted by the researcher at SMP Islam

Al-Ikhlas Cipete, Jakarta Selatan.

A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis of errors, grammatical error is higher than

lexical error. The writer found that the most error that commonly made by the

students is grammatical errors.

The writer elaborates that the errors in students’ writing composition are:

1. Diction (word choice) 56 errors

2. Word order 17 errors

3. Word form 3 errors

4. Tenses item 163 errors

5. Plural-singular 11 errors

6. Omit a word 33 errors

Add a word 41 errors

7. Spelling items 46 errors

8. Punctuation items 8 errors

9. Capitalization items 41 errors

10. Article 0 error

11. Meaning not clear 0 error

12. Incomplete sentence 0 error

13. Run-on sentence 0 error

The stage showed that the highest frequency of error was made in tenses,

165 errors. It indicated that tenses are the most difficult items compared with

other items.

B. Suggestions

Based on this study, the writer would like to give some suggestion for the

students and English teachers who teach in third year class. The points are:

1. Keep practice because practice means a lot, try to write your own diary to

develop your writing skill (concerning in process).

2. The teachers are suggested to do re-teaching about tenses as the most

failure which students mostly did in their writing.

3. The teacher should give more practice in all writing and also explain the

strategy to master them.

4. It is useful to know the students’ error. Then, teacher knows the

competence of his students. So, teacher can also analyze the students’ error

in his/ her classroom to know the students’ problem

The writer realizes that this paper is not perfect yet. Therefore, the writer

accepts critics and suggestions from anyone who reads it.


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1. Nama : Diajeng Ayu Kusumawati

2. Tempat, tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 17 Oktober 1985

3. NIM : 204014003204

4. Jurusan / Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

5. Program : Strata 1

6. Judul Skripsi (Huruf Balok) : AN ANALYSIS ON STUDENTS’ ERROR




7. Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd.

8. Penguji : 1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd

2. Dra. Hidayati, M.Pd

9. Tanggal Lulus : 30 Juni 2009

10. Nomor Ijazah

(Diisi Oleh Bag. Akademik) :

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20. Pekerjaan Ibu : Ibu Rumah Tangga

Jakarta, 11

September 2009



Catatan : (Diajeng Ayu


Diketik Ulang dan Dibuat 3 Rangkap 1. Lembar pertama untuk bag. Akademik UIN

2. Lembar Kedua untuk Fakultas

3. Lembar ketiga untuk Ybs.

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Diajeng Ayu Kusumawati

Tempat/Tgl Lahir : 204014003204

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris






Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Didik Santoso M.Pd

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya

sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh ujian munaqasah.

Jakarta, Juli




(Diajeng Ayu




Nama : Diajeng Ayu Kusumawati

Tempat/Tgl Lahir : 204014003204

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris





Dosen : Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd

Tanggal Ujian : 30 Juni 2009

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