Download - AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

Page 1: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

AMERICA’S ROAD TO WARSec. 23-2 Pages 671-676

Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman telegram – Bolshevik Revolution – Vladimir Lenin – Selective Service ActExplain how the US was being drawn into the war – US neutrality – Germans begin unrestricted submarine warfare –British intercept Zimmerman telegram – Russian revolution – US declares war

Page 2: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.
Page 3: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

US AND THE WAR• Pres. Wilson wanted US to

remain neutral• One third (1/3) of American

population had foreign –born parents. Overwhelming majority supported Triple Entente nations or Allies – common language, government and culture

• Trading with Britain and France was twice that of Germany. America will gain economically during the war.

Page 4: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

US AND THE WAR• Propaganda – Information designed to influence

opinions• Many were against Kaiser Wilhelm- “bully” of

Europe – aggressive attacks on Belgium – killed women and children, ruined cathedrals, libraries and hospitals

• America sent supplies to both sides, but Britain searched American ships headed for German ports – seized ships’ goods.

• Britain and France borrowed billions from US to help for their war needs.

• Germany angry – saw US as helping Allies.

Page 5: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.
Page 6: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

SUMMARIZE• What vocab word means information designed

to influence opinions?• Who was the German leader known for

aggressive attacks on Belgium?• The US kept trading with which two European

countries? What country resented this?• Which country searched US ships at this time?

Page 7: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

WAR ON THE ATLANTIC • British navy was stronger than Germany’s – tried to block all northern European ports to keep Germany from getting supplies

• Germans used U-boats (untersee) to keep supplies from getting to British troops – stopped unarmed merchant marine vessels

• Both sides stopped neutral nations’ ships –

• US angered by this action – announced Germany would be held responsible for American property or lives lost.

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LUSITANIA• British ship sunk on May 7, 1915.

Over 1200 people went down with ship (128 Americans)

• Germany claimed Lusitania was carrying arms-war vessel. British denied this – later proved true. Cries from Americans condemned the war.

• Pres. Wilson tried to remain neutral – began negotiating for reparations ( war damages) with Germany. Germany promised to abide by international rules of naval warfare – will only attack ships involved in war – carrying weapons

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SUSSEX• Mar. 1916 – French ship torpedoed –

killing/wounding 80 passengers. Pres. Wilson declares American rights must be protected.

• If US could not persuade Britain to lift the blockade against food and fertilizers, Germany would renew unrestricted submarine warfare.

• Sussex Pledge- Germany promised to warn neutral ships and passenger vessels before attacking.

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ELECTION OF 1916• Dem. Woodrow Wilson – slogan “He kept us out

of war” – would win 2nd term• Rep. Charles E. Hughes – Sup. Crt. Chief Justice

Promised he would not be too severe on Germany.

• US had doubled army and built new warships in 1916. Antiwar sentiment was strong but events will soon pull US into war.

Page 11: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

SUMMARIZE• This British ship was sunk in May 1915 with

over 120 Americans on board.• What reason did Germany give for sinking this

ship?• What vocab term means money for war

damages?• What was the Sussex Pledge?• What two candidates ran in election of 1916?

Page 12: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.
Page 13: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.
Page 14: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

ZIMMERMANN TELEGRAM• Jan. 31, 1917 – Kaiser Wilhelm II announced that

Germany would resume unrestricted submarine warfare on any ships ( hostile or neutral) in British waters.

• US broke off diplomatic relations with Germany• Arthur Zimmermann, Germ. For. Minister, sent note to

Germ. Ambassador in Mexico. Note intercepted by British, deciphered (decoded) and info given to US.

• Telegram suggested an alliance between Mexico and Germany – if war with US broke out, Mexico would join Germany’s side. In return, Germany would help Mexico “recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

• Britain anxious to gain US as ally – needed more troops and supplies

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BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION• Mar. 1917- Russians overthrow

the repressive czarist government under Czar Nicholas II

• Replaced with representative gov’t under soviet group.

• Germany helps Vladamir Lenin return to Russia and seize power.

• Autocracy – gov’t ruled by one person with unlimited power

• Lenin’s slogan “Peace, land, bread” won support of poor Russian peasants. Lenin blamed war on capitalism.

• Bolsheviks seized power in St. Petersburg on Oct. 1917.

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BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION• Gov’t ordered all farmland to be

divided among the peasants. • Truce signed with Germany• Workers’ council would run

factories• Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (Russia &

Germany) Germany would gain large amounts of coal mines and land (Finland, Poland, Ukraine and Baltic states) – Russia will withdraw from war in 1918.

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US DECLARES WAR• Apr. 2,1917 – Pres. Wilson addresses Congress“War of democracies against brutal monarchies”“The world must be made safe for democracy”• May 1918 – Congress passes Selective Service Act

– US established a military draft• Men (21-30) registered – called to serve – women

enlisted into non-combat areas (radio operators, clerks, nurses)

• Over 300,000 African-Americans joined – only 40,000 will see combat.

Henry Johnson – 1st African-American to receive French cross of war medal for bravery.

Page 18: AMERICA’S ROAD TO WAR Sec. 23-2 Pages 671-676 Define: Propaganda – autocracy – unrestricted submarine warfare Identify: Sinking of Lusitania – Zimmerman.

SUMMARIZE• What was unrestricted submarine warfare?• Which country began using this in 1917?• What country did Germ.For. Minister suggest to

ally? What was the agreement?• What group overthrew Czar Nicholas II?• What leader did Germany help gain power in

Russia? What was his slogan?• What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?• What law started the US military draft?