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American ProphetWritten byJustin DoughertyCopyright (c) February 19, 2015Certificate of Registration # PAu 3-766-864WGA Registration # 1765726First Draft: 2/19/15(480) 236-6759SUPER OVER BLACK.The following is based on eyewitness testimony recorded in journals, newspapers, and court documents from 1813 to 1830.FADE IN:INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - BOY'S BEDROOM - NIGHTSUPER:"1813"A small, quaint room with little furniture. A picture of George Washington hangs above JOSEPH (JOE) SMITH, (7). Dressed in gray bedclothes, he lies on a bed, drenched in sweat and writhing in agony. DOCTOR STONE, early 30's, sleeves rolled up, washes his hands in a basin as JOSEPH SENIOR, early 50s, sits at Joes bedside consoling his son.Also at Joe's bedside are ALVIN, HYRUM, WILLIAM and SOPHRONIA. These are Joe's siblings.Joe speaks through gritted teeth.JOEAre you a doctor?STONEYes, I am.JOELike Luke?STONELuke?JOSEPH SR.He means the Apostle Luke, the Physician.Stone towels his hands off and approaches Joes bedside.STONEThose are pretty big shoes to fill, young man.JOEAre you going to take my leg?1.Doctor Stone stands dumbfounded, unable to answer to the young man's words. Sophronia begins to cry. Stone looks over to the elder Smith.STONEI'm...sorry. We must save his life.Joseph Senior reluctantly nods at Doctor Stone as he pulls up the hem of Joes bed clothing, revealing a swollen left leg. Stone looks crestfallen at the young man.Doctor Stone places a long line of tools on a small table next to Joe as his family watches nervously. The light from a lantern held by Alvin, gives off an etheral feel.Joseph Sr. holds onto Joe. The Doctor applies a tourniquet to Joes leg. He takes a very sharp saw from the table and sits next to Joe lifting the saw just above Joes knee. Joes face appears anguished as he grits his teeth.LUCY MACK, early 50s, rushes in. She is a spry, pious matriarch who appears worried.LUCY MACKStop!The Doctor, thoroughly annoyed, throws the saw on the table. STONEMrs. Smith, we have discussed this--DOCTOR NATHAN SMITH, late 60's, enters the bedroom with a large black bag. Doctor Stone, surprised, immediately rises and shakes Doctor Nathans hand. Joe sits up using his hands.STONE (cont'd)Was I not following proper protocol, President Smith?Nathan warmly places his hand on the side of Stone's arm.NATHANAlmost. it is just that, as with any profession, theres always a better way of doing things. May I assist you in the operation?STONEYes, Doctor, of course. Nathan sits at Joe's bedside.2.NATHANGood evening, young man. I am Doctor Smith. How may I address you?JOEMy name is Joe, sir.Nathan shakes Joes hand and inspects Joes infected leg. NATHANIt is a pleasure meeting with you. (to Lucy Mack)Mrs. Smith?LUCY MACKYes, Doctor?NATHANIt appears the assessment provided by Doctor Stone is accurate. What more are you seeking?Joe appears anguished at the Doctors remarks and frantically looks at Lucy Mack.LUCY MACKDoctor, I was told you are the only one who could save Joes leg.Nathan appears confused.NATHANReally? By whom?LUCY MACKDoctor Smith, do you believe that the Lord still speaks to us? That there exists a voice that can guide and direct us?Nathan strokes his chin, deep in thought.NATHANI dont know. I do know there are limitations to what one can learn from Medical school. LUCY MACKWould you please consider it?Nathan opens his bag and removes a bottle of whiskey. 3.NATHANInterestingly, my colleagues and I have been developing an experimental surgery to eradicate the effects of typhus. The dilemma is we havent tested it yet.LUCY MACKDoctor, can we at least try, for Joe's sake?NATHANWe could, if you and Mister Smith do not object.Lucy Mack looks at Joseph Senior as he nods. Joe calms himself.NATHAN (cont'd)(half-jokingly)Young man, I presume you do not want us to remove your leg today?Joe shakes his head as Nathan sits down at Joes bedside. Stone chuckles slightly.NATHAN (cont'd)Neither would I. I will be assisting Doctor Stone in your operation this evening. Only this time, it will be less invasive.Joe smiles and nods.NATHAN (cont'd)Weve developed a new type of surgery that may have never been done before. If it works, then by tomorrow you will begin to feel better.Joe hugs Doctor Nathan by surprise as Nathan positions Joe back on the bed.NATHAN (cont'd)I must warn you. If at any point during the surgery the pain becomes unbearable, please feel free to partake of the magical elixir used for such occasions.Nathan places the bottle of whiskey on a nearby table.4.EXT. E.B. GRANDIN PRINT SHOP -- DAYSUPER:"PALMYRA, NEW YORK 1820 - SEVEN YEARS LATER"Hyrum, Alvin and MARTIN HARRIS, a lanky handyman, early 20's paint the outside as Joe, carrying two buckets of paint, hobbles over to them. Martin takes one of the buckets and pats Joe's back. LUCY MACK (V.O.)Joe, never forget the Lord saved your life. Learn as much as you can from him throughout your days and it will go well with you. MARTINJoe, I think they have something for you inside. The PRINT SHOP OWNER, smoking a pipe, exits the shop and motions to Joe to come inside.PRINT SHOP OWNERJoe, I heard that you've saved up.Joe nods his head.INT. E.B. GRANDIN PRINT SHOP -- DAYJoe follows the owner inside. There is a long counter with many books on it. The owner produces a King James Version of the Bible from behind the counter and hands it to Joe.Joe smiles, runs his hands over the texture of the cover and opens to the first page. The owner smiles. INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE BOYS BEDROOM -- LATERTwo large beds take up almost the entirety of the rustic, colonial room. Joe sits up on a bed with his newly acquired Bible. Surrounding the bed are many books of different shapes and sizes.INSERT SHOT - BIBLE VERSEJAMES 1:5: IF ANY OF YOU LACK WISDOM, LET HIM ASK OF GOD, THAT GIVETH TO ALL MEN LIBERALLY, AND UPRAIDETH NOT; AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN HIM.5.Joe puts the Bible aside, folds his hands and closes his eyes. Sophronia (13), with impossibly long reddish hair, skips past the opened door and walks backward to observe Joe's attempt at prayer. She skips as she enters the room.SOPHRONIAYou are doing it wrong.JOE(frustrated)Then how do I pray?Sophronia jumps up on the bed and moves some of the books out of the way to make more room.SOPHRONIAFirst, you cannot just lay there; you have to get on your knees like this.Sophronia pulls Joe forward by his hands so he sits on his knees on the bed. SOPHRONIA (cont'd)Second, you have to keep your back straight and bow your head.Joe lowers his head as Sophronia straightens his back. SOPHRONIA (cont'd)Then you have to fold your arms. Like this.Sophronia folds Joes arms. SOPHRONIA (cont'd)Then, you cannot just go asking for things. You have to thank God first.JOE(lifts head)For what?SOPHRONIAAnything. Mother. Father. The birds in the sky, the hair on your head. Sophronia jumps off the bed and skips off. Joe calls after her.JOEThen what?6.SOPHRONIA (O.S.)Then, ask for something.JOEAnd, he'll answer?No answer. Joe, alone in his room, closes his eyes and begins to silently pray as light illuminates the room. Joe ends his prayer, lifts his head and shrugs. The light is gone.EXT. RURAL COUNTRYSIDE -- DAYJoe sits in a tree high enough to see his siblings playing in the distance. Close by is the HILL CUMORAH, a nearby drumlin. A strong wind blows through the tree. Branches CRACK, leaves RUSTLE and WHISPERS are overheard.Joe stares into a grove in the distance. The WHISPERS persist, as if beckoning him into the grove.EXT. FOREST -- DAYJoe stands before the grove, silently looking into the trees. He hobbles hesitantly into the woods.JOEHello? Is anyone there?The trees above sway. He continues to walk when the sounds in the forest abruptly stop.Joes pace suddenly becomes more labored.An invisible presence pushes Joe to the ground. Joe struggles to get up, but the force keeps him pressed down. He starts to spin in all directions.A loud DRONE is heard as the surrounding trees and vegetation are consumed by a bright white light.Joe is released. He stands on his knees, holding his hands out as the light gets brighter and brighter, transforming the forest into a sacred grove.Suddenly, two robed, bearded BEINGS appear floating in the air above Joe. One of them points to the other.7.FIRST BEINGThis is my beloved son. Hear him.SECOND BEINGWhat is it that you desire?Joe's whole body shakes as he manages to force his words.JOEWhich church should I join?They smile at Joe.The WHISPERS amplify. Joe's eyes widen and shakes as if he is taking a lot of information in a short time. Suddenly, the two personages disappear and the light dissipates. Joe's eyes roll back and he collapses.LATERJoes eyes slowly open to the sky overhead.Exhausted, he attempts to stand, but falls. He manages to roll over, dragging himself through the forest.EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - EVENINGJoes siblings walk back home, carrying sticks and fishing poles. Just outside the house, Joe lies limp and lifeless on the ground. They run up to Joe and Alvin shakes him.ALVINJoe, can you hear me?(shouts)Mother! Father!Joseph Senior and Lucy Mack rush outside. Joseph Senior lifts Joe up and carries him inside. The rest of his family follows.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE BOY'S BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUSJoseph Sr. carries Joe into his room and lays him on his bed.Lucy Mack takes a wet washcloth and places it on Joes forehead as he begins to open his eyes.JOSEPH SR.Joe, what happened?8.Joe, through blurred eyes, sees a figure dressed in white. This is THE MESSENGER.Joe tries to make out the person, but loses consciousness again.FADE TO BLACK.EXT. THE CHASE PROPERTY - MORNINGJoe, Alvin, and Martin ride up to a nice little farm with a garden in the front yard. WILL CHASE comes out to meet them as they rein in the horses.WILLJoe, would you mind? You are in Sallys garden.ALVINJoe, move.Joe walks the horse out of the garden.WILLAlvin, Martin, let me show you the plans for the well.ALVIN(to Joe)Tarry here.Alvin and Martin jump off the horse and follow Will inside.INT. THE CHASE HOME PARLOR - DAYAlvin and Martin sit across from Will, looking at some plans laid out on a table.WILLThe well has to be about five feet wide and thirty feet deep. Alvin and Martin look at the plans.ALVINWe can build it. Anything else?WILLAlso, if you can find a way to make it rain that will be appreciated.9.Alvin and Martin chuckle. Will Smiles but his grin fades as he glances out the window at Joe.WILL (cont'd)I was hoping you would leave Joe out of this.MARTINJoe can handle it. He is really good.SALLY CHASE, late teens, Wills sister, enters the room and grabs an apple out of a bowl.WILLAlvin, your brother said the Lord appeared to him. Don't you find that odd?EXT. THE CHASE PROPERTY - DAYJoe, still on the horse, notices a small area of land on the Chase property. WHISPERS are heard as he appears mesmerized by the area and takes two dowsing rods out of a sack.He walks over and stops above the ground where the ends of the rods cross, walking backward and forward to duplicate the crossing motion.INT. THE CHASE HOME - DAYSally giggles as she observes Joe dowsing from inside.SALLYHe is so strange. What is he trying to do?Will, Martin and Alvin glance over at Joe. Will gives Alvin a sharp glance.WILL(motions to Joe)See what I mean?Will, Martin, Alvin and Sally exit the house.ALVIN(under his breath)Joe, why do you have to do this?10.EXT. THE CHASE PROPERTY - DAYWill, Martin, Sally and Alvin slowly walk over to Joe, as Joe hits a long spike with a hammer into the ground.Water sprays forth from the ground.WILLWe had water here this whole time?The water begins to spread out soaking the feet of the observers.Alvin smiles at Joe.ALVINI told you Joe was good.Joe smiles back at Alvin.EXT. WELL INTERIOR -- DAYAlvin is several feet deep down the well, shoveling dirt into buckets pulled out by Will.ALVINIs this far enough?WILLHuh?ALVIN(coughs)I said, is this as far as you want us to dig?WILLJust a few more feet!Alvin shovels until he hits something hard. He hits the ground twice, reaches in and pulls something out. ALVINWhat the?Alvin wipes the sweat from his brow.ALVIN (cont'd)Will, you need to look at this.WILLJust a moment!11.Will climbs down a rope ladder and gives the lantern to Alvin as he shows him an object in the palm of his hand.EXT. WELL CONSTRUCTION SITE -- LATERAlvin holds a smooth, granite stone with white stripes on the edges and a round hole through the center. Will scratches his head.The wind kicks up dust around them.ALVINWhat do you make of it? I have never seen anything like it.Will takes the stone from Alvin as he looks at it closely.WILL(to Joe)Joe, what do you think of this?Will tosses the stone into Joes direction while he and Martin create mortar for bricks.Joe catches the stone and pours water on it. He dries it against his pants and stares at it, entranced. Martin looks at the stone intrigued.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE BOYS BEDROOM -- NIGHTJoe and his siblings are asleep when a strange blue glow coming from the dresser wakes Joe. He slowly gets up and approaches the dresser.Joe opens it apprehensively and pulls out a pair of slacks. He drops the slacks on the floor and the glowing well stone falls out. He picks up the stone with some cloth and places it in a hat to prevent the light from waking his siblings. Joe walks over to his bed, hides under his blanket and stares at the stone, confused.Suddenly, the stone begins to glow more intensely. Joe places a hand over his eyes but moves it down slightly, when he sees that the stone, operating much like a projector, projects various scene from the life of CHRIST against the interior of the blanket. Joe stares at the images before him: Jesus' birth, the Sermon on the Mount, his walking on water, the Last Supper, his trial, death, and resurrection. Tears begin to well up in his eyes as the last images appear.12.Suddenly, the stone begins to communicate with him by projecting text on the blanket's interior. It reads, "GREETINGS, FROM THE SON OF MAN."JOEGood evening. Joe appears regretful, not coming up with a more dignified greeting. The message on the blanket disappears, and new text appears. It reads, "PLEASE USE THE STONE YOU POSSESS TO HELP YOU SURVIVE. YOU WILL RECEIVE FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS SHORTLY."JOE (cont'd)When?The message, like the last, disappears, and new text appears. It reads, "BEWARE."Joebegins to shudder and pauses as he takes in the warning.JOE (cont'd)Beware? From what? From who?INT. CHURCH OFFICE -- DAYThe office is opulent, adorned with a large bookcase, paintings and crystal furnishings. A LARGE BAYONET is mounted on the wall. REVEREND STOCKTON (40s), a pious, soul-crushing Pharisee, interrogates a young girl (13) and her PARENTS. The girl's eyes are red from crying. A SCRIBE writes a transcript of the dialogue taking place. STOCKTONThese allegations are serious. Do you realize how devastating the consequences are for blasphemy?GIRLS FATHERBut she did not blaspheme. She -STOCKTON--She claims to have spoken with angels: a form of blasphemy. God does not speak to us by means of angelic representatives anymore. GIRLS FATHERShe would never lie.13.STOCKTONIsn't it fascinating that people never think they're loved ones are capable of the worst sins? If what you were saying is true, you wouldnt need to come to church on Sunday. You could loiter at home listening to cherubs in psalmody all day. And yet you and your family chose to come to church as recently as last Sunday. Let me ask you, young miss, are you trying to corrupt the congregation with these stories of conversing with the divine?The girl shakes her head vigorously.GIRLS MOTHERPlease, Reverend, have mercy upon us. STOCKTONLet me show you something. Stockton gets up and points to a very large Bible in the bookcase.STOCKTON (cont'd)The most important book ever written is this book here. The second, is this book. Stockton points to a worn, black, leather-bound book with the word ROSTER written the cover. He takes the book out and sits down at his desk readying a quill and inkwell.STOCKTON (cont'd)Unlike the first book, the book I'm holding in my hand actually decides the fates of everyone that you know. All it takes is a strike through one name to send a person to future damnation and you leave me with no choice but to proceed with that action. The girl's parents protest.GIRLS MOTHERIs there no other way?STOCKTONIf, and only if, she admits to making the whole thing up. Otherwise, its a swift excommunication.14.GIRL(sobbing)Please forgive me for lying!Stockton, beaming from the admission, pats the emotionally drained young girl on the arm.STOCKTONWell done young sister. You have won a rare victory over the adversary. Be that as it may, I must show you how close I was to crossing out your name from the churchs roster. Stockton shows the small dash next to her name in the churchs roster. STOCKTON (cont'd)You are free to go.The depressed parents leave as the young girl clutches a small doll. STOCKTON (cont'd)(to the Scribe)Please archive Sister Mathers admission with the rest. I wouldnt be surprised if she eventually needs to be disfellowshipped.Stockton thumbs through the church roster, filled with names that have been crossed out.STOCKTON (cont'd)Tell me, Sam, what makes people think that God is talking to them? SCRIBEThe Indians, perhaps?STOCKTONYou might have something there. Have we made an accounting of those lacking in attendance?The Scribe pulls from a desk drawer a tall stack of papers.SCRIBEI am doing my best, Reverend.Reverend Stockton taps his finger on a name in the church roster.15.STOCKTONFamilies like this one, I'll never understand. It appears they havent attended a service in months. I will talk to them directly.SCRIBEWhich family is that?INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE PARLOR -- DAYAlvin opens the door as Reverend Stockton walks onto the front porch.STOCKTONAre your folks home?ALVINWhat do you want?STOCKTONI am Reverend Stockton. I saw your names on our church roster and notice you havent been in attendance in quite some time. I want to see if I can change that.ALVINMother! Father!Alvin holds the door open as the Preacher walks inside to CHAOS: Sophronia is holding a CRYING BABY, Alvin and Hyrum chase each other with makeshift swords; the remaining Smith children hide behind small forts built with household objects. Joseph Senior repairs a broken window. Samuel inadvertently runs into the flabbergasted Stockton.SAMUELI have a marble stuck in my nose can you get it out?Stockton looks aghast as such a question as Joseph Sr. comes over, gently puts his hands on Samuel's shoulders and moves him out of the way.LATERStockton sips a cup of tea as he sits with Joseph Senior and Lucy Mack. The children, now gone from the room, continue playing outside.16.JOSEPH SR.We just feel more comfortable congregating here at home.STOCKTONI must warn you how grievous it is to neglect the Lord's house. I encourage all parishioners to come to my...erm, the Lords church.The preacher stands up and observes the arrowheads on the wall as Joe walks in with a shotgun and a dead rabbit. He notices Reverend Stockton, looks at him wide-eyed and slowly sits in a rocking chair cross-legged. Joe's eyes narrow at Stockton.STOCKTON (cont'd)I see you have quite a number of artifacts. Occasionally Mrs. Stockton and I will turn up a stray arrowhead. How were you able to find so many?JOEA stone from a well.Stockton, turns around and looks down on Joe with a skeptical eye.JOSEPH SR.--Actually, it is our son. He is something of an archeologist.STOCKTONYou use stones to find these artifacts? Arent there laws against the use of seer stones?JOEWhat if the Lord wanted you to find things that way?Joes parents rustle in their chairs uncomfortably as the Preacher appears confused.LUCY MACKReverend, we have a strong interest in the Church, but Joe sees things differently from most people.Stockton becomes more direct and inquisitive. STOCKTONHow so?17.JOEThe Lord told me I didnt have to go to church.Stockton holds his hand out to the Joe's parents, stopping them from intruding on Joes answers.STOCKTONReally? Does that pertain to all churches?JOEEspecially yours.Stockton LAUGHS.STOCKTONApparently there has been some misunderstanding. I thought this was a Christian household.JOEWhat makes you think it isnt?Stockton composes himself.STOCKTONYoung man, the Lord hasnt spoken to mankind for thousands of years.JOEMaybe he still does, just not to you. Stockton looks at Joe's parents aghast as they quietly (and defiantly) stare back at the Reverend.Stockton, barely able to say anything, finally manages--STOCKTONA thousand pardons, I will have to leave. He heads for the door, but in the doorway stops and faces Joe again, a bit more composed.STOCKTON (cont'd)I do want to thank you for enlightening me with your unorthodox beliefs. I will remember you, Joseph Smith.18.INT. PALMYRA TAVERN - SAME DAYA dimly-lit, subterranean-like tavern. Stockton drunkenly carouses with three other PREACHERS.STOCKTONA stone used to find treasure? A boy claiming that the Lord himself told him not to go to church. Never, never in my life have I heard such blasphemy! Barkeep!The barkeep walks over to Stockton.BARKEEPWill that be all?STOCKTONAnother one.BARKEEPFor a man of God, you sure imbibe plenty, Reverend.STOCKTONPardon me, what is your name?The barkeep remains silent as he slowly backs off.JOSIAH STOAL, early 50s, sits within earshot at a nearby table with a map in front of him. He takes a drink out of a large cup. He is a genteel handyman that searches for buried treasure. His eyes glance over to Stockton. He places some money on the counter and leaves. EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE FRONT PORCH -- DAYJoseph Senior and Lucy Mack exit as Josiah Stoal rides up on a horse. Josiah tips his hat, gets off the horse and bridles the horse against a column.JOSIAHDo I have the pleasure of speaking to the Smith family?The Smiths nod their heads as Joe exits the front door.JOSIAH (cont'd)Which one of you is Joe?Joe approaches Josiah.19.JOEI am, sir.JOSIAHYoung man, I hear you are good at finding things.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE PARLOR -- DAYJosiah and Joe sit across from each other at a table with an old map between them. Joe inspects the map closely.JOSIAHThere are rumors of a mine adjacent to a small town called Harmony. If you can help me find it I promise to compensate you properly and--Joe takes the map and turns it around. He takes a blank sheet of paper and draws a rough outline of the map on the blank sheet with a quill.JOSIAH (cont'd)--A man lives there named Isaac Hale. He will allow us to stay there.Josiah stares dumbfounded as Joe takes a nearby hat, places it upside-down on the map and places the seer stone from the well in it. He looks in the hat and slowly moves the hat long the map, marking X's on the map copy next to him. JOSIAH (cont'd)I presume you never studied surveying. JOENever have. I found a better way. Joe takes his face out of the hat and places it aside.JOE (cont'd)Are you looking for just the mine?Josiah stares at Joe dumbfounded.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - BOY'S BEDROOM - NIGHTSUPER: THREE YEARS LATERJoe reads a well-read Bible on his bed as his two brothers sleep. A lit lantern sits on a table. Voluminous scribbles line the margins.20.Joe puts the book under his bed, blows out the lantern, turns over and sleeps.JOES DREAM SEQUENCE - EXT. HILL CUMORAH - DAYSmoke rises above some nearby trees.Joe walks to the source of the smoke and finds a small shack, with smoke coming out from the chimney.JOEHello? Mother! Father!The Messenger, late 70s, a once eminent warrior, comes out of the shack. He is bearded, with worn, ragged clothing and carries a heavy sack. He drops to the ground next to a large flat rock.The Messenger moves the rock away revealing a stone box underneath. He places the sack in the box and moves the stone back. He lay against a tree.Joe crouches beside the figure placing his hand on the Messenger's shoulder. The Messenger looks up, his breathing slowing and dies.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - BOY'S BEDROOM -- NIGHTJoe wakes up from his dream.The Messenger, in an angelic state, wearing a white robe, levitates above Joe while his brothers remain asleep.A petrified Joe sits up against the bed frame while The Messenger addresses Joe in an ambiguous language.Joe stares at the Messenger, speechless, unable to understand him.The figure approaches Joe. Joes breathing quickens as the Messenger places both hands on Joes head. Joes eyes close.The figure removes his hands after a few seconds and Joes eyes open as The Messenger is heard speaking English to Joe.THE MESSENGERDo you understand me now?Joe nods his head.TIGHT ON THE MESSENGER.21.THE MESSENGER (cont'd)Joseph Smith, son of Joseph and Lucy, you have been chosen by the Lord as his prophet to translate a new volume of scripture and to restore his Church before the end of the world comes.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - PARENT'S BEDROOM -- LATERJoe enters with a lantern and slowly approaches their bed.JOEFather?JOSEPH SENIOR and LUCY MACK quickly wake up. Joes father grabs Joe by the arm. JOE (cont'd)Father, everything that we ever knew, isn't true anymore.JOSEPH SR.Joe, are you feeling well?LUCY MACKJoe?Joe collapses and his whole world turns to black.JOSEPH SR. (O.S.)Joe!INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE BOYS BEDROOM -- LATERJoe sits up on his bed with a wet cloth on his head and his eyes closed. His eyes slowly open. His entire family surrounds him.JOSEPH SR.Joe, you collapsed. What is happening? How do you feel?JOESick. I'm sorry.Joe attempts to sit up.JOE (cont'd)Mother, father, an angel visited me last night.22.Samuel chuckles at Joes unusual statement and Alvin promptly hits his shoulder.SAMUELOw!JOSEPH SR.An angel? When?JOEHere, last night. He told me to translate an old book written by Indians.LUCY MACK(to Joseph Senior)Joe had a vision.Joe nods.JOSEPH SR.(to Joe's brothers)Did either of you see this?Alvin and Hyrum shake their heads.JOEYou, you believe me?Joseph Sr. and most of Joes brothers and sisters chuckle slightly.JOSEPH SR.We all believe you.Sophronia walks over to Lucy Mack and embraces her.JOEBut, but why?JOSEPH SR.Because weve all had them.JOEReally? All of you?JOSEPH SR.Your mother. Most of your sisters and brothers. You Joe. You had a vision. You are just like the rest of us.Joe hugs his father tightly.23.JOSEPH SR. (cont'd)Son, whatever the angel told you to do, do it. Find that book and translate it. We will always believe you, no matter what.EXT. BASE OF THE HILL CUMORAH - MORNINGJoe rides up to the large hill. He has a large sack with tools attached to the horses saddle. He dismounts and bridles the horse to a tree.Joe pulls the seer stone out his pocket. He holds it in his hand and bows his head. WHISPERS are overheard beckoning him up the Hill. He opens his eyes and the whispers abruptly stop.EXT. TOP OF THE HILL CUMORAH -- MORNINGJoe uses a long crowbar-like instrument to move a large flat stone away to one side.The stone is actually the top of a stone box encased in the ground containing a large SWORD that is almost completely rusted, a glass-like SPHERE cracked on one side, and a large metallic BREASTPLATE.He examines the objects closely, placing each one next to the other on the ground.Joe reaches in the box for the last object, a stack of GOLD PLATES held together by rings, much like a binder. He reaches in, but receives an electric shock and is knocked unconscious.LATERJoe wakes up against the same tree to see that the objects, the stone, and the dirt have all been moved back, as if the area was never touched.He places his hand on his head and groans.He stands up and walks to the exact spot and throws down the shovel.JOE(Shouting)I did everything you wanted me to do! What more do you want?24.Joe sits on a large rock nearby and ponders. The Messenger subtly present, approaches Joe from behind, just close enough for Joe to hear him whisper in an undertone.THE MESSENGERFind her. Eyes clearer than the Susquehanna River... Hair darker than augite...VISION SEQUENCE - THE HALE HOUSE -- MORNINGThe Hale House is a large, two story white house that resides on a large property. It is obvious that the Hale's are well-off.EMMA, (20), is a pious, scrappy, and strong-willed patriarch's daughter. She wears a dress and her dark hair is braided back. She rides a horse as her ponytail swings from side-to-side.She slows her horse as she approaches Joe, who lays against a tree smoking a long pipe.EMMAWho are you and what are you doing in my dream?JOEYour dream? I was here long before you ever showed up.Emma huffs and dismounts the horse.EMMAYour dream, my dream, it doesn't matter. This is my father's property. I strongly doubt he has affection for strange boys that show up unannounced.JOEIt's not my fault, this angel--oh, you'll never believe me.EMMAThe Lord's messenger has shown you a vision?JOEYou believe me?EMMAPerchance. I do know if an angel spoke to me I'd rather it be a dream. (MORE)25.An appearance in person would be EMMA (cont'd)rather disquieting.JOEAre you real, or just my imagination?Emma gets back on the horse.EMMAI'm me, and I don't appreciate strange boys showing up in my dreams.JOEHey, I'm not strange--Joe watches as Emma gallops away. EXT. TOP OF THE HILL CUMORAH -- MORNINGJoe is mystified by his vision.THE MESSENGERAsk her to be your queen and the plates are yours.Joe snaps out of his entrancement.JOEBut how do I find her?Joe turns around but The Messenger has gone. He runs to the horse and looks back where he dug before riding off.EXT. FIELD - DAYJoe, holding a top hat places the seer stone from the well in it. He slowly paces in a straight line as Josiah follows him.JOSIAHJoe, weve been at this for hours.JOEIf you don't want my help we can stop right now. JOSIAHAre you sure this works?Joe comes across a large stone and lifts his hand up in the air.26.JOEStop. Hand me a pick.Josiah hands Joe a pick. Joe gives the hat to Josiah and strikes the rock.JOE (cont'd)Almost.Joes pick splits off a portion of the rock. He throws the pick to the ground and picks up the portions of the rock. Josiah moves his lantern over it revealing shiny flecks of gold.JOSIAHGood work Joe!SHERIFF (O.S.)Stop right there!A GROUP OF MEN with guns comes out from the forest. The Sheriff takes out a gun.SHERIFFI will take that.The sheriff confiscates the rock. INT. COURT - MORNINGJoe stands before a JUDGE, late 60s. A large crowd of people have gathered in the courtroom.SUPER: BAINBRIDGE, NEW YORK. MARCH 20, 1826JUDGEIn the State of New York versus Joseph Smith, the court finds the defendant guilty of disorderly conduct with a penalty of--A CLERK hands the Judge some paperwork.JUDGE (cont'd)You will be required to pay a fine of two dollars and sixty-eight cents. This court is adjourned.The judge motions Joe to his bench.JUDGE (cont'd)Mr. Smith, please take your, uh, talents elsewhere.(MORE)27.(waves him away)JUDGE (cont'd)That is all.Joe shakes his head and scoffs at the judge. The Judge, offended by Joe's attitude, hits the gavel against a sounding block and nods to two guards to take him away.Hyrum makes his way through the courtroom to Joe as He is being led away. He places his hand on his shoulder.HYRUMJoe, you need to come home. Alvin got Mercury poisoning.EXT. PALMYRA MAIN STREET - DAYThe Smith family, dressed in black, sit in a horse-drawn wagon containing a coffin with Alvin's lifeless body in it. Joe sits in the back brushing away tears. Josiah sits next to him, patting his back.JOSIAHIm sorry Joe.Spectators take off their hats and bow their heads as the carriage passes.EXT. CHURCH - DAYReverend Stockton exits the church and approaches as the Smith Family gets out of the wagon. A crowd of spectators surround them.STOCKTONSo, you finally came back at a time convenient to yourselves.JOSEPH SR.Weve come to ask you to bury our son.STOCKTONThat will be one memorial that I will not officiate. Nor will any other church in Palmyra.JOSEPH SR.Why not?28.STOCKTONYour son was absent from church just like the rest of you and his brother is friends with Lucifer himself!Joseph Sr. raises his fist to the preacher but his sons hold him back. Josiah catches Joe's attention.JOSIAHmouths to Joe ( )Say something.Joe looks at Stockton angrily.STOCKTONWhat qualifies you to behave in such an unscrupulous manner? Do you not have Gods ear--JOE (O.S.)--Stop!Stockton stares as Joe approaches him. Josiah gets out of the carriage shortly thereafter.JOEYou do not talk to my family, or anyone like that!Josiah nods his head at Joe, impressed with Joe's bravery.STOCKTONWell, if it is not God's Prophet. Tell me, young man, what did the Lord tell you today? JOEIf I told you, you would be begging for forgiveness. Reverend Stockton is taken back by Joes words.JOE (cont'd)You judge people on how many times they go to your church. We don't need your church!Joe approaches the back of the carriage and attempts to pull out the coffin by himself. Josiah and Joes family assist by helping Joe carry it to an adjacent nearby graveyard as the crowd moves aside, letting the Smith family pass.Stockton grits his teeth as the Smiths walk away. 29.INT. CHURCH - OFFICE - NIGHTReverend Stockton sits at his desk with the Church Roster opened.He takes a quill and meticulously crosses out the names of the entire Smith Family, including Joes deceased brother Alvin.EXT. THE HALE HOUSE - NIGHTJosiah and Joe leave their horses outside and approach the house.JOEI know this place. I've seen it in a dream.Josiah looks at Joe perplexed.JOSIAHJoe, I don't know anyone that has more dreams than you do. I barely remember what I did last night, let alone dreamt.ISAAC HALE, early 60s, comes out and greets both men holding a lantern.ISAAC HALEI thought you gentlemen would never show up.JOSIAHWe were held up earlier.INT. THE HALE HOUSE HALLWAY - NIGHTJosiah and Joe carry heavy knapsacks with their tools and belongings. Isaac leads them with a lantern.INT. THE HALE HOUSE - GUEST ROOM - NIGHTIsaac places the lantern on a table as Joe collapses on the bed and Josiah on the floor.ISAAC HALEWe get up as soon as you hear our daughter singing. There will be no need to wake you. 30.Isaac leaves and closes the door.INT. THE HALE HOUSE - GUEST ROOM - MORNINGJoe sleeps. He wakes slowly to a woman SINGING.Joe looks over to Josiah sitting up.INT. THE HALES BARN - MORNINGJoe and Josiah follow Isaac as he walks around the barn carrying two large buckets of paint. Joe and Josiah look around in dismay at the size of the barn.Issac also scans the barn, nodding.ISAAC HALEYeeep. I figure you boys will more than earn your keep this way.He sets down the buckets of paint and heads for the door, but stops at the threshold turning back with an impish grin.ISAAC HALE (cont'd)Oh, and after you're done in here, paint the outside of the barn too, will ya? Call if you need anything.Isaac leaves and Joe and Josiah paint the inside.LATERJoe and Josiah have made a dent in painting the inside of the barn. Most of one whole wall has been covered. Joe stands on a ladder painting.JOEI can't stand judges.JOSIAHWhat do you mean?Joe looks down at Josiah.JOSIAH (cont'd)Oh, that? The law never passes up on an opportunity to pick you pocket. This country hasn't even existed fifty years and we've already lost our way.31.JOEI don't know if I love this country any more. It's seems like every where I turn I get in the worst--Joe steps in a large pile of cow manure.JOE (cont'd)Aw hell!Josiah give him a look letting him know there's someone behind him. Joe looks behind him and sees Emma, holding a basket of bread.EMMADo you pray to the Lord with that tongue?JOENo, I mean yes, I mean--Joe is completely smitten. Emma gives the basket to Josiah and leaves as Joe starts to bumble after her. Josiah steps in front of him.JOSIAHJoe, I have seen that look before and before you get any ideas we need to have a long talk about what you are getting yourself into.Joe tries to look over Josiah's shoulder in order to try to see Emma again but Josiah stands in his way. JOEWhat do you mean?Joe focuses on Josiah.JOSIAHShe will never go for you. Thats what I mean. It wont happen. You're too ... unusual. She's gonna know about your visions. They already have her under lock and key. It will take a miracle for her to fancy you.Joe moves to an area of the wall next to a window with a view of Emma walking away and begins to paint again with renewed vigor.JOEMiracles happen every day.32.INT. THE HALES BARN - NIGHT SUPER: "ONE WEEK LATER"A band plays music as people dance.The song ends and the participants applaud. Emma, SUZETTE and DORCAS, early 20s, stop dancing and LAUGH.SUZETTEId swear they were able to fit everyone from Harmony in here.The ladies adjust the clothes theyve worn.EMMAWe have dances here all the time. You should come more often.DORCASThey really fixed up the place!A SUITOR, late 50s, arrives and catches Emma off-guard initially. She quickly regains her composure.SUITORWell, that was some impressive footwork there, Ms. Emma.DORCASShe can sing and dance.SUZETTEEven at the same time.SUITORPerchance you can show me how.EMMAMister Samuels, if you wish to, you can ask my father. We learned from him.The suitor's confidence has diminished.SUITORYour father?EMMAOf course. He is right over there, near the entrance. You should ask him.33.Dorcas and Suzette quietly laugh behind the Suitor's back as he reluctantly walks toward Isaac Hale.DORCASHave you ever seen such a tempter?SUZETTEEmma, we are gonna get you married tonight.EMMAOh shh.DORCASJust tell us who you fancy.Emma, Dorcas and Suzette look at the barns entrance as people continue to enter.A SLIM DAPPER MAN enters.EMMAI do not know him too well. He seems well kept, good manners.A TALL HANDSOME MAN enters.SUZETTEHow about him?EMMAHe is real--Suzette and Dorcas whisper behind Emmas back. Emma turns on them.EMMA (cont'd)--Oh, you two are gonna get it.Emma pushes both Suzette and Dorcas away from her as both of them laugh.ISAAC HALE dips a ladle into a large punch bowl and fills up glasses for people as they enter. Mrs. Hale talks with her guests.The band plays another song as Joe and Josiah enter. Both men are dressed non-extravagantly.Joe and Josiah approach the Hales.ISAAC HALEGood work you two. The place looks great.34.JOEThanks, I did my best.Josiah nudges Joe.JOE (cont'd)We both did.DORCAS and SUZETTE speak quietly with Emma when Suzette notices Joe. She points at him.EMMAWhat?SUZETTEHave you ever witnessed such a sight?Emma and Dorcas turn to look. Dorcas laughs.DORCASThats the kind of suit they bury your grandfather in.EMMAShhh. Who is he?SUZETTEJoe Smith. He is strange.DORCASOh, he is not that bad. SUZETTEDorcas, really? An angel told him to write a new Bible.EMMAReally?Dorcas and Suzette laugh and pat Emma on the back.DORCASAll I can say is your dad must be desperate to find people to work for him if he wanted to hire Joe of all people.Emma appears intrigued by Joe.JOSIAH and JOE walk away from the Hales as Joe notices Emma.JOEShe looks handsome. What do you think she is talking about?35.JOSIAHGo up to her and find out. Just be respectable, her whole family is here.Joe walks away approaching Emma, Dorcas and Suzette with his hat in one hand. But three men swoop in, sweeping the girls away into a dance. Emma glances back at Joe.Joe rushes back to Josiah.JOECome, I have an idea.Joe takes Josiahs hand and Josiah starts dancing reluctantly with Joe.Emma laughs at Josiah and Joe dancing with each other.Suzette and Dorcas look disgusted.Joe and Josiah dance past the Hales disgusted looks as the Suitor looks on approvingly.JOSIAH(whispers)What do you think you're doing?JOE(whispers)Trying to get the girl of my dreams.Joe maneuvers Josiah close enough to Emma where Joe switches Josiah off with her dancing partner. Emma looks completely taken off guard.EMMAWhat do you think you are doing?JOEIt's hard to explain.Emmas ONCE-DANCE PARTNER is flummoxed and continues dancing with Josiah.JOSIAHIt is not what you think.TIGHT ON EMMA AND JOE DANCING.EMMAYou two are funny.36.JOELook, I'm sorry--EMMA--You do not need to apologize.JOEThank you. I'm sorry about the other day.EMMAYou have to stop being so apologetic, it is not very becoming of you, Mister Smith. You could at least try to keep up with my dancing.JOEOh -- thats from an operation a long time ago. It never fully healed.EMMAWhat happened?JOSIAH stands near Mr. and Mrs. Hale.JOSIAH(under breath)Good work Joe.EMMA looks anguished.JOEI've always been a little slow because of it but I don't want tocarry a cane, so I lean on things to put less weight on it so people don't think I'm--EMMA--You are not. You two did such a great job on this place. Without your help, tonight would not have happened.JOEThank you.The music slowly comes to an end.EMMAIs it true? You saw an angel?JOEOh.37.Everyone immediately stops dancing and applauds the Band.EXT. HALE PROPERTY - NIGHTJoe and Emma slowly meander down a trail outside the barn as guests are leaving.JOEHis name was Chief Moroni.EMMA(laughs)Chief Moroni? Thats an odd name for an angel.JOEThats his name, I swear. He was a great Indian that lived centuries ago.Joe picks some flowers from the trail and plays with them.EMMARight here? Joe nods.JOEAll his friends died from a huge war. He ended up an as old hermit. EMMAThat sounds so sad. What did he want from you?JOETo tell his people's story of how they met the Lord. Right here, in this country. The gold plates are their story.EMMAThat's quite an unusual story and it seems strange that he would ask you to translate ancient scripture.JOEWhen I first saw him I couldn't understand him, but he placed his hands on me and I understood him just as I would anyone else.38.EMMAYou must have a gift if you think you have the tongue of angels.JOEIf I was the Lord I wouldnt pick me, Id choose someone like you.EMMAMister Smith, you are quite the storyteller.Joe stops Emma.JOEBut, they're not stories.EMMAA dead angel? A secret language? Ancient scripture buried in your backyard? I really should have you entertain my parents.Emma sees Dorcas and Suzette, walking ahead.EMMA (cont'd)I've been looking all over for you two!JOENo, it --Joe stops, watching Emma walking away. Josiah walks up to Joe from behind and places his hand on his shoulder. Joe remains entranced by Emma.JOSIAHJoe, never play matchmaker again.INT. THE HALE HOUSE PARLOR -- DAYJosiah and Joe fix a window in the Hales parlor while Mrs. Hale knits and Isaac reads the newspaper. Emma is in the kitchen, off-screen, preparing food.Isaac puts down his paper and glances over at Josiah. Josiah makes eye contact with him. ISAAC HALEEmma thinks you are lying.39.EMMA (O.S.)Josiah, you have been talking about that mine forever. What makes you think you will ever find it?Josiah constructs a new frame for a window.JOSIAHWith Joes help. He's really good at finding buried treasure and he has found things before.ISAAC HALEPreposterous. How is that even possible?JOSIAHActually, Joe uses a magic rock.ISAAC HALEA magic rock? What faith do you profess?Emma walks in from the kitchen to hear his answer. She folds her arms and looks intently at Joe.JOEI don't belong to any religion. I've had enough bad experiences with churches.Isaac puts throws his paper on the table. ISAAC HALEYoung man, how do you plan on surviving without belong to a respected church?EMMAYou do not need to push him, Father.JOSIAHWe don't mind questions. beat ( )Hopefully, the work we did on your parlor meets your satisfaction. We'll be leaving late tomorrow.Josiah and Joe leave. Emma clears the table and returns to the kitchen while Isaac and Mrs. Hale look at each other.ISAAC HALEI do not trust him.40.Isaac picks up the paper.EMMA (O.S.)You do not trust anyone, Father.Isaac frustratingly puts down his paper.EXT. THE HALE'S PROPERTY - LATERIt is windy. Trees are swaying. Joe sits against a tree with the hat. He gently places the seer stone at the bottom, grabs the brim with both hands and looks into the opening. When he lifts his head, Emma stands against a tree, arms folded, observing him.EMMAWhat are you doing?Joe looks surprised.JOEIt's complicated.Emma sits cross-legged across from Joe with the hat in between.EMMAIs this what you got in trouble for?She looks inside and Joe pulls it away.JOE(shocked)You know about that?EMMASo how does it work?JOEWell. Some stones help people find answers.EMMALike a map?JOEIn a way. Kind of like a crystal ball.EMMASo, this might help you find what you're looking for?41.Joe nods his head.EMMA (cont'd)What are you looking for?JOEAnswers. Emma takes the hat from Joe and playfully tries to place it out of reach from him.EMMAWho are you, some kind of magician?Joe attempts to swipe the hat.JOENot in the slightest.EMMAThen what? A preacher? An excavator? JOEWhy do you ask so many questions?Joe grabs a hold of Emma as she tries to place the hat out of reach and gets close enough so they almost kiss before a gust of air causes Emma to lose her grip of the hat and blows it away.Joe goes to fetch it, but another gust of wind blows it further out of reach.Emma leans back, grinning.EMMAChasing a hat on a windy day is not an easy task, Mister Smith.Joe looks back to Emma, grabs the hat and looks ahead to the forest in front of him.Joe appears entranced.EMMA Mister Smith?Emma shakes Joes shoulders as he snaps out of his trance.EMMAWho really are you, Mister Smith?42.INT. TAVERN - DAYIsaac enters and walks past a series of tables to the bar as a BARKEEP, cleans the counter.The barkeep nods to Isaac, opens a small cabinet behind the bar and takes out a large bottle of whiskey. He places it on the bar and Isaac promptly takes it.ISAAC HALEDon't let anyone else in.The barkeep nods as Isaac walks through a door behind the barkeep.INT. TAVERN BACK ROOM -- DAYStockton and Isaac Hale's three SONS sit at a table playing cards. Isaac pats the shoulder of one of them who nods and places a card down. Isaac hands the bottle to one of them.HALE SON #1It is not a good practice to tip the scales, father, especially when you might need all of our help.Isaac sits down as one of the men deals him some cards.ISAAC HALEI am not looking for all of your help. Besides, it takes a lot to tip the scales around here.STOCKTONYou might reconsider that when you hear about the Golden Bible.Isaac grabs the bottle from Stockton.ISAAC HALESo, who is he?INT. THE HALE'S BARN - DAYEmma LAUGHS as CAMERA PANS UP from the first level to the loft of the barn where Joe and Emma are laying down facing each other with the hat in between them.Emma slowly takes the hat from Joe and looks into it. She makes a sound of approval and lets the hat move slightly under her eyes.43.EMMAHave you started translating it?Emma puts the hat down.JOESo you do believe me.EMMAI don't know, Mister Smith. I do know your passion for the spirit impresses me.Joe regards Emma for a moment.JOEWhen the angel told me about the book I tried to get it, but he whooped me.EMMAWhooped you?(laughs)Why do you think that happened?JOEHe said I couldnt do it alone and I guess he might be right. I think things and say things I shouldnt.Joe looks down.EMMAWe are all imperfect, Mister Smith. None of us deserve anything. God chose you, you did not choose him.The barn door OPENS and CLOSES.Joe walks around the edge of the top loft and Josiah slowly walks into view.JOSIAHJoe, I have been looking all over for--Emma walks to the edge of the loft just far enough to be seen by Josiah below. Josiah motions to Emma.JOSIAH (cont'd)Is she coming with us?Joe looks back at Emma.44.JOEAre you coming or staying?Emma places her hands on her hips, considering Joe's offer.JOSIAHIt's an adventure, come on.EXT. THE HALE'S BARN -- CONTINUOUSJoe, Josiah and Emma leave the barn and are confronted by Isaac, his sons, and Stockton.ISAAC HALELeave.JOEMr. Hale, we mean no trouble, we are--ISAAC HALE--I cannot abide a necromancer. Emma, you will have nothing to do with this man.Isaac motions to his sons as they pull Emma away from Joe.JOSIAHCome on Isaac, you know us--ISAAC HALE--Young man, do you really take me for a fool? Emma, do you know who this man is?EMMAFather, theyve done nothing wrong. Theyve only been kind to us.ISAAC HALEJoe Smith, the stone seer, self-proclaimed prophet of Palmyra valley. You are a liar, a thief, a --JOE(defiantly)--The man that will marry your daughter.Josiah LAUGHS at Joes moment of courage but abruptly stops. Stockton edges up closely to Joe.45.STOCKTONMarry? You? Your kind can't be trusted enough to marry.Emma GASPS and places her hand to her stomach, smiling. Stockton, seeing Emma's reaction, shuts her down.STOCKTON (cont'd)Emma, can you imagine how you and your family will be treated if you follow such a deviant?EMMANo!ISAAC HALEThere wont be another Sunday where the parishioners wont gossip and whisper about how you decided to follow such a man.Joe unexpectedly approaches Isaac.JOEMister Hale--Isaac waves Joe off.ISAAC HALE--You will never, ever take Emma from me. Do you hear me? She will never follow the likes of you down to Hell.Joe turns to Emma, who looks tortured.JOEEmma, you don't need to stay here. I will protect you, I promise you. There are worlds out there; I can show them to you.Stockton chuckles.STOCKTONWorlds? I have never heard such nonsense.EMMAMister Smith, you have given me a hard decision to make.Emma begins to shed tears. She gradually allows her brothers to guide her back home.46.Joe takes a step after her, but is stopped by Isaac.ISAAC HALELeave.Joe and Josiah reluctantly get on their horses.As they start to leave, Joe turns back and calls out to Emma, who turns to look at him.JOEEmma, if you are looking for something, if you want it badly enough, you will find it. You are already halfway there.With one last look, Joe looks back at Emma as he slowly rides off with Josiah.THUNDER rumbles.INT. SHACK - DAYRAIN.Josiah looks at a large map. Joe stands by the window, watching the rain distractedly.JOSIAHI'm sorry.JOEWe need to get her out of there.JOSIAHJoe, look I told you.JOEI know. Maybe you're right, I should've listened. Joe and Josiah pack up their belongings and head out into the heavy rain.INT. THE HALE HOUSE EMMAS BEDROOM -- NIGHTRAIN.A small, quaint bedroom with religious pictures. Shadows of the drops of rain hitting against the bedroom window appear on a wall.47.Emma paces the floor with her arms crossed. She appears anguished. She sits down on the bed and notices something in her dress pocket. She reaches in and pulls out Joes seer stone. WHISPERS are heard as Emma appears entranced.EXT. FIELD - SAME NIGHTJoe and Josiah ride their horses out into the rain. Joe takes out the dowsing rods from a sack attached to the saddle of his horse and uses them while directing the horse.The rain falls harder until neither Joe nor Josiah can see anymore.JOEIts right here!In the distance is a small mine embedded in a hillside.Both Josiah and Joe make their way towards the cave and enter with their horses.It continues to rain.EXT. MINE - MORNINGJoe sits up, looking over to Josiah before exiting the mine.In the distance, he sees a very wet Emma on horseback.Joe runs toward her and she jumps off the horse into Joes arms. The two passionately kiss. JOEHow did you find us?Emma finishes her kiss by handing him the seer stone.EMMA(breathing heavy)You are not the only one looking for answers, Mister Smith. She looks behind him to the mine.EMMA (cont'd)You found the mine.JOEWe did, but I found something better.48.Emma smiles at Joe.EMMASo wheres the next adventure?INT. THE STOAL HOUSE - PARLOR -- EVENINGJosiah, Emma and Joe sit around a table while Josiah smokes a pipe. He carefully observes Emma.JOSIAHWait til you meet Joes family. You will either leave the dinner table laughing or crying your insides out.The three of them LAUGH.EMMA(to Joe)Have you and Mister Stoal really found buried treasure?JOEOh yeah. Show her.Josiah gets up, returns with a box and sits down.JOSIAHWhen Joe here got in trouble I told the judge he was gifted but nobody believed me. It is only because I never showed them this.Josiah opens the box and retrieves some small stone cups, figurines, tools and weapons.JOEWe found minerals, weapons, tools, you name it.Emma is entranced by the rare artifacts and handles them carefully.EMMAWhat do you think they were like back then?JOSIAHMaybe all the answers are in that book that Joes been telling you about.49.EMMAWhy couldnt you show this to anyone? Would they steal it?JOEMost likely destroy it. The Angel told me because theres so many Indian haters out there, people would try their hardest to destroy what was left of their history. INT. THE STOAL HOUSE JOES BEDROOM -- NIGHTJoe lies in bed looking up.Josiah walks past Joes open bedroom door, scratches his neck and walks back.JOSIAH(points at Joe)Remember, no.JOEWhat do you mean?Josiah looks at Joe and walks away as Joe continues to lie on his back looking at the ceiling.INT. THE STOAL HOUSE EMMAS BEDROOM -- NIGHTEmma wakes up to a lighted candle at her nightstand. A line of candles lead out the door of the bedroom.INT. THE STOAL HOUSE HALLWAY / DOWNSTAIRS -- NIGHTEmma follows a line of lighted candles on the floor to the staircase leading downstairs. Joe stands at the bottom with a lanternEmma smiles.JOEI want to show you something.EXT. THE STOAL PROPERTY -- NIGHTJoe holds Emmas hand as they walk outside to a path. They cross a small creek in the moonlight and make their way up a hill to a small enclave. Joe holds Emmas hand as they both step inside.50.INT. THE STOAL PROPERTY ENCLAVE -- NIGHTThe Enclave is small enough for people to crouch down. It has a flat floor, roots along the ceiling, and man-made shelves carved out of the dirt walls.Joe places the lantern on one of the shelves, lighting up the enclave.EMMAHow long did it take you to build this place?JOEThe Indians did. I found it after Josiah hired me.EMMAThis is how people lived long ago?JOETheres lots of these places like this around here.EMMAnods ( )I think I could live here.Joe takes a small wood box from a small shelf inside the enclave and places it in front of Emma.JOEI made something for you.Joe opens the box and takes out a wooden headband and places it on top of Emmas head.EMMA(laughs)When did you make this?JOEBefore I met you.EMMADid the angel tell you about me?JOEYes.EMMAI do not think I am worthy of such a gift, Mister Smith.51.JOEI think you should be worshiped.EMMAYou are aware that we belong to different faiths, Mister Smith?JOEYou are my faith.Joe opens the box once more and takes out a ring made from various twigs, sticks, and flowers.Joe takes her hand and places the ring on her finger.Emma places her hand to her chest and breathes quickly.JOE Will you?Emma nods and Joe kisses her.EXT. SMALL FARMHOUSE - FRONT PORCH - DAYAn OLD MAN marries Joe and Emma as they hold hands, looking into each other's eyes.Joe kisses Emma and The Messenger, unseen by everyone except for Joe, nods at him.EXT. THE HILL CUMORAH - NIGHTSUPER: SEPTEMBER 22, 1827Joe and Emma take their horse drawn carriage up the Hill Cumorah.EXT. DIRT ROAD -- NIGHTStockton travels on horseback carrying a lantern.INTERCUT EMMA & JOE / STOCKTONJoe and Emma stop their carriage near the spot where the plates are located. Joe takes the straps of the horse and gives them to Emma.Stockton travels just outside Palmyra.52.Joe walks up the hill with a lantern and a shovel. Joe hangs the lantern on a tree at the exact spot where the rock is and starts digging.Stockton enters Palmyra.Joe kneels over a freshly dug hole, pauses for a moment, breathes in, rubs his hands and reaches in.Emma waits for Joe in the carriage. Somewhere nearby, a twig SNAPS. Emma whips her head around, trying to peer into the darkness. She holds her breath, but there is only silence. She slowly reaches for the club beside her, never taking her eyes off the trees.KA-CHUNK! Emma screams and whirls, raises the club, but it is only Joe throwing his tools and the box in the back before he climbs onto the carriage, taking the reigns from her. Still shaky, Emma glances behind them and sees Stockton at the bottom of the hill riding toward them.EXT. TOP OF THE HILL CUMORAH - NIGHTEMMA(points)Joe, look!At the base of the Hill is Stockton.JOEWe need to find another way down.EXT. BASE OF THE HILL CUMORAH - NIGHTStockton frantically searches the hill looking for Emma and Joe. Near the top of the hill is a distant moving light.EXT. TOP OF THE HILL CUMORAH - NIGHTStockton rides to the spot where Joe retrieved the GOLD PLATES only to find the carriage and a lantern swinging from a tree. STOCKTONThey cant be too far away. 53.EXT. ABANDONED BARN - PALMYRA COUNTRYSIDE -- NIGHTStockton approaches the dilapidated run-down barn and notices a horse tied to a wood pole.INT. ABANDONED BARN -- NIGHTStockton enters the barn with a lantern in one hand and a rifle in the other. The light from the lantern reflects off of farming equipment, tools and pitchforks. STOCKTONMrs. Hale, are you here? This is Reverend Stockton. I was sent by your father to protect you and to bring you home.Stockton climbs the ladder leading up to the loft, loads a shotgun and walks along the loft to an open window.EXT. ABANDONED BARN ROOF -- NIGHTEmma and Joe remain motionless on the high-ridged but low-sloping roof just above a window. Stockton walks out and stands on the lower frame of the window on the opposite slope of the roof. He walks out on the roof and makes his way to the edge of the slope to get a view of the opposite side of the roof. He surveys the other half of the roof where Joe and Emma were initially, but they're gone.Unable to find Joe and Emma he goes back inside as Emma and Joe hide under some hay on the opposite side of the hay loft. Stockton climbs down.EXT. ABANDONED BARN - DAWNStockton gets on his horse and leaves. He takes the horse with him.EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - MORNINGJoe and Emma, covered in hay, walk towards the Farmhouse as Joes family exits. Samuel helps Joe and Emma come down from the horse, and Joe brushes away some hay that was over Emma.54.Emma stretches her arms, her hair is tussled and the buttons of her dress open. The Smith family hugs Emma.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE GUEST ROOM - MORNINGJoe opens the wood box on a table and carefully removes the SWORD, SPHERE and BREASTPLATE retrieved from the Hill Cumorah and places them on the table.He picks up the GOLD PLATES, wraps them in cloth, and hides them in a bag of wheat residing in the storage closet of the room as Emma enters.EMMAJoe?Joe goes over to Emma who has picked up the SWORD from the Hill Cumorah.EMMA (cont'd)What do you think this is for?Joe touches the SWORD that Emma holds and slowly shakes his head.JOEI dont know.EXT. GENERAL STORE - MORNINGJoe and Emma ride up to the stores entrance in a horse-drawn carriage.A STORE OWNER, late 50s, exits the store with a bag of grain and gives it to Joe.STORE OWNERHey Joe. Emma hauls a heavy bag from the store into the back of the horse-drawn carriage resulting in an impressed look from the store owner.STORE OWNER (cont'd)You found yourself a capable wife Joe.Emma places the bag in the back of the carriage.55.EMMAI had to hold my own with three brothers growing up. Joe should know what that is like.Emma grins at Joe.JOE(to the Store Owner)It will be a few months before we are back. You can rest up until then.The store owner brings Joe closer.STORE OWNERJoe, I know what you are doing. You have our support. This is the most important work that has ever been done in a long time.Joe, taken aback, shakes the Store Owner's hand. The Store Owner pats Joe on the back.STORE OWNER (cont'd)Say hello to your parents for me.Joe drives the carriage away as the Store Owner goes back inside.EXT. PALMYRA MAIN STREET - MORNINGTwo WOMEN whisper as he passes. A YOUNG WELL-DRESSED BOY with his DOTING MOTHER points at Joe as they walk past.he mother picks the boy up with a scowl in Joe's direction and walks quickly away from them.The carriage travels past a church. Reverend Stockton exits, leans against the doorway and sneers at him.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - GUEST ROOM - MORNINGJoe opens up a drawer from a dresser, pulls out some blankets, and creates an enclosed area around the table and the chair by nailing them to the walls. He places a quill and a blank manuscript on the table.Emma places her arm around Joes waist as he hammers the nails into the wall.EMMA(jokingly)Am I not giving you enough space?56.JOEYou are going to help me translate the book.EMMABut why the blankets?JOEA precaution. The angel told me not to show the plates to anyone.EMMAReally? Even your own wife?Joe kisses Emma.JOENot even you.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - GUEST ROOM - LATERJoe, sits on a bed, surrounded by many books, tosses one on the floor and picks another one up.Emma snuggles next to him.EMMANo such luck?JOEIt's a weird language. None of these books have anything on it. I've learned more about Latin than I ever thought I would.Emma appears anxious.EMMAJoe, when are we going to eat again?Joe cradles Emma in his arms and kisses her forehead, looking worried.EXT. GARDEN -- THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - EVENINGEmma, visibly exhausted, tills the land of the Smith's humble garden.Hyrum approaches Emma. He holds a loaf of bread.57.HYRUMI have got a bushel of apples if you need them too.EMMAHy, you are such a godsend!HYRUMHows he doing?Emma looks at Hyrum, closes her eyes and shakes her head.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - GUEST ROOMJoe sits against the side of a wall surrounded by books. He scribbles on a sheet of paper as a nearby lantern gives him some light.A KNOCK on the door of the room.Joe throws his quill in frustration against the wall.Hyrum and Emma appear, and sit down next to Joe.HYRUMAny progress?JOEI know how to say topsoil in three different languages now.Hyrum and Emma giggle.JOE (cont'd)Thanks for helping, Hy.Joe and Hyrum hug.HYRUMWhat you are doing is important. Alvin would say the same if he was here. JOEI just wished all this reading put some bread on the table.HYRUMYou cannot be rich and be in a profession like yours, Joe. Sorry, Emma.58.EMMAThe good news is Joe sounds smarter now.JOEI wish it made me feel smarter.Joe turns a page.INT. REVEREND STOCKTON'S CHURCH - SAME NIGHTStockton and a group of parishioners gather together. Lanterns illuminate the church occupants holding pitchforks, torches and muskets.STOCKTONThere isnt a viler influence roving on the plains of this great country, than Joe Smith. And he will stop at nothing to replace the entirety of our great canon with an impostor. Let me ask you, do you want to see the strength and foundation of our country replaced with apocrypha?PARISHIONERSNo!STOCKTONDo you want to see our church and everything that has held our country together compromised?PARISHIONERSNo!STOCKTONJoe Smith has returned. He must be stopped and the gold plates destroyed. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before Palmyra sinks into greater depths of depravity with stories of people who claim to have spoken with the Almighty himself. Who can stand it?MARTINI refuse.Stockton's face contorts to disgust.59.Martin Harris makes his way through the crowd and places his musket in front of the podium resulting in shocked glances from Stocktons followers.MARTIN (cont'd)I refuse to share in this congregations bloodshed. God have mercy on this young man. The parishioners grab at Martin and punch him.STOCKTONYou have been disfellowshipped from my congregation Martin Harris! Never will you be allowed to corrupt my congregation. Your friends will have nothing to do with you, as long as I am alive.The parishioners take their weapons and leave. Two parishioners take Martin by the collar and drag him out.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - GUEST HOUSE - SAME NIGHTJoe sleeps against the wall with a book opened on his lap.He abruptly wakes up and automatically grabs his quill and manuscript. Rubbing his forehead he notices something.On the first page of the manuscript is a crudely drawn depiction of Emma and Joe with a small child between them. An arrow points to the child with the caption Baby Joseph.Joe smiles and gets up.Joe lies on the bed next to Emma, holds her in his arms from behind and tenderly kisses Emmas neck.Emma drifts in and out of sleep.EMMADid you like the picture I drew?JOEI did. You are quite the artist Emma Hale.EMMAYou will be a great father. You will have many children and everyone will know your name.60.JOEMadam, I perceive you to be a prophet. Not even I can see that far into the future.EMMAIt does not take that much to see into the future. All you need is a little faith.Her words hit Joe, and he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the seer stone.He gets up, lighting a lantern and steps inside the makeshift blanket room. He sits at a table with the GOLD PLATES, a top hat and his seer stone.He dims the lantern, places the stone in the hat and looks into it.VISION SEQUENCE - EXT. DESERT -- DAYJoe stands next to an iron rail extending along the desert floor, seemingly with no beginning or end.He observes a PIONEER, early 20's, wearing early 1800's garb, walking alone, guiding his hand along the rail. The Pioneer looks ragged, like he has been walking forever, but determined.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - GUEST ROOM - NIGHTJoe, snapping out of his vision, abruptly lifts his head out of the hat, gasps and falls to the floor, surprised by what he has just seen.He glances over to the GOLD PLATES wrapped in cloth and sits back on the chair.Emma wakes and sits up.EMMAJoe?Joe exits from behind the sheets.JOEI am fine. Emma, I need your help.EMMAAnything.61.Joe gives Emma the blank manuscript, quill and inkwell.JOEI need your eyes and your hands. This may sound strange-EMMA(yawns)--I am use to strange--JOE--but I think I have found a way to translate the book without knowing the language. I think whats in the plates can be seen rather than read.Joe walks behind the sheets and sits down with his face in the hat.VISION SEQUENCE - EXT. DESERT -- DAYJoe follows after the pioneer. The man continues to guide himself by holding onto the rail. He walks alongside a very steep but narrow canyon. On the opposite side is a tall building.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - GUEST ROOM - NIGHTJoe dictates in the flesh.JOEEmma, write these words.Emma readies the quill and prepares to write.JOE (cont'd)Theres a man walking in the desert, holding onto something. What is it? A rail, a fence?EMMAA rod?JOEI think you are right, a rod. He walks along a cliff and on the other side is a massive building. I think he is one of us.EMMAOne of us?62.JOEI cannot describe it. I feel like we are connected to him in some way.VISION SEQUENCE - EXT. DESERT -- DAYThe wind picks up dust around the Pioneer as Joe follows him. Both men continue to walk, shielding their eyes with their arms.The rail stretches around large boulders, mountains and cliffs.The Pioneer stops and raises his hand just above his eyes to expel the sunlight for a better view of an object in the distance: a massive tree with the rail leading to it.EXT. PALMYRA MAIN STREET - NIGHTHyrum rides his horse through town. Just up ahead is Reverend Stockton leading a large crowd.Hyrum directs his horse in the opposite direction and gallops back to the Smith Home.VISION SEQUENCE - EXT. DESERT -- DAYJoe continues to follow the Pioneer as both men approach a massive tree. To one side of Joe and the Pioneer is a steep, narrow canyon. On the opposite side is a massive building.PROTESTERS appear in the windows of the building and begin to throw rocks, bottles, and arrows at Joe and the Pioneer. Joe takes a nearby plank of wood and protects himself and the Pioneer from the thrown objects.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - GUEST ROOM - NIGHTJoe snaps out of his vision as Hyrum rushes in with a musket.HYRUMStockton and his men. Theyre coming!EMMAJoe, please get out of there!Joe runs out from the blankets with the GOLD PLATES wrapped in cloth.63.EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - NIGHTThe crowd marches toward the white, wooden Smith Farmhouse. The invaders slowly envelop the small white dot standing out against a dark forest.The crowd stops a hundred feet around the house. Stockton, holding a rifle, rushes to the Farmhouse and places a foot on the porch.STOCKTONSmith, we know theyre here. Just give us the plates and well go!INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - NIGHTJoe and Emma kneel under the front window peeking out at the approaching mob.EMMATheres too many of them.Joe brushes aside Emma's comment.JOEMy family alone can fend them off.Joe, carrying a heavy sack, moves way from the window and surveys the tidy, confined room looking for something. JOE (cont'd)Here, help me with this.Joe pulls up the sheet from one of the beds as Emma assists. They tear it in two.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE PARLOR -- NIGHTJoseph's parents and siblings mobilize, putting ammunition in their rifles. Joseph Senior and Lucy Mack point muskets out the windows at the impending crowd. Sophronia confidently points a shotgun at the door. STOCKTON (O.S.)Smith, theres more of us than there is of you. Just give us the plates and well go.JOSEPH SR.We don't have them!64.EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE - NIGHTSTANG, a man with a rifle, scurries around the Farmhouse. His eyes lift up from to an opened window facing the Smiths Barn and looks over to the Farmhouse Barn. A light inside the Smith Barn draws his attention.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE BARN -- NIGHTA large horse-drawn carriage occupies the center of the large cavernous barn. Hay is strewn about the floor.Stang enters the barn and breaks the wheels of the carriage with a nearby ax while Emma hides behind some farming equipment. The horses in their stalls WHINNY and NAY.JOE (O.S.)You could have knocked.Stang lifts his eyes to see Joe sitting on the edge of the barn loft with his face covered in shadow. He noisily EATS an apple, with his feet dangling over the edge.MAN WITH A RIFLESmith, hand them over!Joe throws away the apple core, dangles from the loft and jumps onto the floor below taking the armed man by surprise. Joe calmly walks toward the man, face still in the shadows.JOETheyre not yours.MAN WITH A RIFLEYou are surrounded and theres no chance of you getting away with them. Do you honestly believe God is going to help you escape?Joe emerges from the shadows. JOEI do not believe. I know.Emma rushes to the man with the rifle. He attempts to aim at her, but Joe grabs ahold of his weapon. In the ensuing struggle, the rifle goes off. EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE -- NIGHTThe mob reacts to the gunshot and rushes over to the barn.65.EXT. THE SMITH BARNYARD -- NIGHTJoe rushes to pull the barn doors open as the crowd rushes to the barn. Joe climbs on the horse as Emma holds her arms around his waist.Joe makes eye contact with Stockton as Stocktons eyes follow Joe and Emmas getaway.EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE FRONT PORCH -- NIGHTJoseph Sr. and Lucy Mack rush out and hug each other as the mob runs away.Reverend Stockton casually walks to one end of the front porch with a rifle. He raises a rifle at Joe and Emma and shoots.EXT. FIELD -- NIGHTThe bullet misses. Joe reacts and the horse gallops as Emma clings to Joe.EXT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE FRONT PORCH -- NIGHTRevered Stockton winces, readies his rifle and shoots again right as Martin attempts to stop him from behind by jumping on him.EXT. FOREST - NIGHTTIGHT ON JOEThe bullet grazes Joes cheek.JOEAh!Joe and Emma disappear into the forest as a distant array of lights follow them.INT. THE STOAL HOUSE BEDROOM -- NIGHTJosiah sleeps soundly. His room is filled with oddly-shaped rocks, arrowheads and rare antiques.JOE (O.S.)Ow, easy!66.Josiah wakes, lifting himself up.INT. THE STOAL HOUSE KITCHEN -- NIGHTJosiah enters with a musket and a lantern. A fire burns in a pot-bellied stove.Emma sits at Joe's side cleaning the cut from the side of his face with some cloth. They look up at Josiah. Their faces show how disheveled and sleep-deprived they are.Josiah opens up a cabinet, takes out a bottle and walks over to Joe and Emma.JOSIAHJoe, do you ever think about what you are putting this poor woman through?Emma hugs and kisses Josiah on the cheek. Emma applies some alcohol to Joe's face making him flinch.JOEOw! Stockton tried to kill us.Josiah grabs his rifle and looks out the corner of a window.JOSIAHDid they follow you here?EMMANo, we lost them. For now.Josiah sits down at the table with the bottle and some drinking glasses. Joe takes the bottle and drinks from it.JOSIAHJoe, you really need to find another line of work.JOEI wish it was that easy.Emma takes the bottle, sniffs at it disapprovingly and gives it back to Joe.JOSIAHYou want to come back and look for ore again?Joe holds up the bottle.JOETo less exciting times.67.Joe and Josiah drink.INT. THE STOAL HOUSE PARLOR -- LATEREmma sleeps on Joes lap in a rocking chair as Josiah takes a log and throws it in a fire in the fireplace.Josiah throws a small cloth bag to Joe as he takes some tobacco from it and places it in a small pipe. Josiah takes a poker from the fire and lights it.Josiah sits down in a chair next to them as Joe begins to smoke from his pipe.JOSIAHReady to quit yet?Joe looks at Josiah and shakes his head. Josiah shakes his head in return.JOSIAH (cont'd)Isaac wants to make peace if you are good with going back. I think he misses his daughter.JOEI don't know. I doubt theres any love lost since I married Emma.JOSIAHEither way, you'll be safer.Joe ponders.JOEI'm not sure anywhere is safe anymore.JOSIAHJust try not to get yourself killed. I'm sure your wife will appreciate that.Joe smiles lovingly down at his sleeping wife, kissing the top of her head. Her hand rests lightly on her belly.JOSIAH (cont'd)Joe, even you'll admit you couldn't do better.JOEShe's my best convert.68.JOSIAHJust promise me when you're done, try to make her life easier.Some of the wood in the fire collapses causing the fire to flare.Joe grows somber.JOEI don't think our lives will ever get any easier.EXT. THE HALE GUEST HOME - DAYEmma and Joe, on their horse, ride to the entrance as Mr. and Mrs. Hale emerge from inside.Joe helps Emma get off the horse and he ties the bridle to a post.Emma hugs her parents. Joe looking hesitant approaches Isaac and they shake hands.MRS. HALEJoe, a man came to our house this morning. We tried to find an excuse to throw him out, but ...Joe places his hand on a gun strapped to his waist.JOE(To Emma)Do you think they followed us here?MRS. HALEHe says he knows you.EXT. THE HALE GUEST HOME BACKYARD - DAYJoe approaches a MAN whose face is hidden by laundry he ties to clips on a line. We can only see the top of his flat-brimmed cap. Joe cocks the gun.JOEYou aren't welcome here.Martin exits from the laundry line, his face black and blue, frightened by the gun. MARTINWhoa!69.JOESir, I do not know who you are, but--MARTIN--I don't understand. Your family said you needed help.Joe lowers the gun.JOEDo I know you?EXT. THE HALE GUEST HOME CAMPFIRE -- NIGHTJoe and Martin sit at a campfire. Joe takes a drink from a bottle and hands it to Martin. Martin refuses.JOEIt's a lot harder than you think, Martin. Weve been threatened, shot at and chased out of town. I don't think you would want to experience what we have.MARTINI already have, Joe. Theres no other place I would rather be. Let me write for you.JOEWhy? Why write for me?MARTINI have been searching my whole life for answers and I know you have them. Whatever it is that you need--JOE--Martin, those are dangerous words. I didn't choose this life, God chose it for me. Let me show you something.Joe leaves and Martin follows.INT. THE HALE GUEST HOME - PARLOR - NIGHTEmma knits small clothes while sitting in a rocking chair.Joe enters with a lantern and Martin follows, going into the portioned-off area.70.INT. THE HALE GUEST HOME - ROOM - NIGHTIn the room are a table and a chair. On all four walls are stacks of books and parchment nailed to the walls of maps and various characters of different languages.MARTIN(mouth agape)Incredible.JOEThis is all that I do, Mr. Harris and it's more work than one man can accomplish. If it wasn't for Emma's efforts in providing for us, we would be destitute.Joe places the lantern down on the table.JOE (cont'd)However, if you were truly sent by the Lord, then you can help.Joe goes to a table, takes some parchment and writes some characters on a piece of paper.JOE (cont'd)I'm still trying to find out what the language on the Gold Plates is. Someone must know what these characters mean.Martin sits across from Joe.JOE (cont'd)I will personally make you my scribe, if you can get me something, anything, that tells me what these characters mean.MARTINWhy don't you just hand the Gold Plates over to a museum to an expert?JOENothing would make me happier than to show the plates, but I have been personally charged with looking after an ancient relic. If I hand them over, or let the manuscript get in the wrong hands, it would mean the greatest severity.71.MARTINFrom who?JOEOur Lord and redeemer, Martin.Joe hands the paper to Martin.JOE (cont'd)Will you go to Manhattan for me?EXT. CHURCH - DAYJoe and Emma approach the Church's entrance before services have started. Joe appears apprehensive as Emma gently pulls his arm. Emma appears visibly pregnant.EMMAJoe, I understand.Joe shakes his head as he looks at the entrance. Parishioners walk past both of them as they enter.JOEI just don't want to deal with another church. Especially after how they treated my family.EMMAIt's not like back home. I promise. Besides, this is where my friends and family are.Joe reluctantly nods and they both enter.INT. CHURCH - DAYEmma and Joe take seats as people begin to hush and whisper. Slowly people begin to abandon their seats and move opposite to the row occupied by Joe and Emma.Emma's brothers take a seat right behind Joe as he appears angry. HALE SON #1Joe, take a hint, they don't want you here.Joe clutches Emmas hand as Emma looks uncomfortable and sad as people continue to empty and sit on the opposite side of the church.72.The CHURCH MINISTER approaches the podium and starts the churchs services.CHURCH MINISTER"I came not to bring peace but a sword."Emma, visibly in tears, clutches Joes arm.JOEEmma, one of these days I am going to create a church bigger and better than this one. I promise.Joe cradles Emma in his arms. INT. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - CHARLES ANTHONS OFFICE - DAYCHARLES ANTHON, late 50s, wearing a red robe and white wig, carefully examines the characters on Martins transcript under a magnifying glass. Martin stands near his side, peering over his shoulder.ANTHONMister Harris, would you mind?Martin gives Anthon the requested space.ANTHON (cont'd)Are you sure these are the characters that Mister Smith saw?MARTINThey're the characters he wrote down.ANTHONFirst and foremost, as far as I can tell, there is no mystery behind the origin of these characters.MARTINBut, he said--ANTHON--Look here.Martin observes a section of characters Anthon points at.73.ANTHON (cont'd)The characters in your transcript appear to be a mish-mash of different languages: Greek, Chaldean, and these characters look like Roman letters placed sideways. As for this circle, I swear I have seen it before.MARTIN(panics)So they're not authentic?ANTHONMister Harris, with all due respect, I cannot definitively answer your question from looking at a piece of paper. Do you have the original artifact?MARTINHe refuses to show it to anyone.ANTHONDo you think he's lying?Martin looks concerned as Anthon scribbles a note out on a piece of paper.ANTHON (cont'd)(stops writing)That circle.Anthon, with Martin following, walks over to a bookcase and opens a book to a page displaying an illustration of the Mayan calendar.ANTHON (cont'd)I knew that circle looked familiar.Martin appears angry, looking at the facsimile in the book and the visage of the tongue from the center of the circle sticking out, almost mocking him.INT. THE HALE GUEST HOME - DAYJoe sits at a table, looks at the document Anthon gave Martin, and then at Martin, sitting across from him.JOEI have written to so many experts. At least Anthon wrote you something.74.MARTINHe said that they appeared to be a lot of different languages combined.JOEMartin, I am fighting against two-thousand years of Christendom. Not everyone is going to show the same faith in the Lord that you have.Joe gets up, takes a stack of paper sitting in the corner of the room and hands it to Martin, along with a quill.Martin smiles at Joe.LATERMartin takes dictation from Joe as Joe speaks from behind the curtained-off area.JOE (O.S.)And millions of warriors were struck down in one day with the sword.Martin writes furiously.MARTIN(excited)Joe, you are going to need financial backing behind this. What you have is a continuation of the gospels. Right here.Joe exits the blankets.JOEWe still have a long way to go. Even if we do finish the translation, the angel ordered me to deliver this message in everyone's hands.MARTINEveryone, everyone?JOENot a single person alive can be neglected.MARTINPrinting what you already have alone would take--JOE--I know, I know.75.Martin appears deep in thought, but suddenly, it comes to him.MARTINJoe, it will be perfect. I will mortgage my farm. All I will need is the manuscript and--JOENo!MARTINWhat?JOEYou can't do that.MARTINWhy?JOEI was ordered not to show the manuscript to anyone until completion.MARTINBut I can.JOEYou can't either.MARTINCome on, Joe. Says who?JOEMartin, the Lord told me through the angel. It is out of the question.MARTINThe only person I will be showing this to is my wife. I am not asking to show the plates, Joe, just what we have so far. Joe, you yourself said the Lord sent me for a reason and he wants to distribute the book to everyone. Can you open your eyes? This is the answer to your prayers!Joe stands at a window and looks outside to his wife walking with her parents.MARTIN (cont'd)It is everything the Lord would want you to do, Joe.76.Joe looks back at Martin with concern.INT. THE HARRIS HOME - NIGHTLUCY HARRIS, (late 30s) an exquisitely beautiful skeptic, hair parted in the back, looks over the manuscript. She paces from one end of the house to the next.LUCY HARRISMartin, do you honestly believe this man? Everything that he writes goes against everything that we were raised to believe.MARTINI have to believe him.LUCY HARRISYou do not have to believe anyone, Martin. Weve built our whole lives together. Do you really want to risk losing all of that?MARTINHe has sacrificed so much.LUCY HARRISMartin, if we mortgage the farm, it will be more than he ever sacrificed.Martin appears to be in anguish, Wanting to believe in Joe, but please his wife. He doesn't know what to do. Lucy sighs and flips through the pages of the manuscript. She holds them up.LUCY HARRIS (cont'd)Is this a copy?MARTINNo, we're not done.Lucy ponders, pacing the room.LUCY HARRISI think there is a way to find out if he is telling the truth or not.Lucy smiles.MARTINI'm probably not going to like this.77.Martin sits in a chair with his wife sitting on his lap with he hands around his shoulders. Martin thumbs through the manuscript.LUCY HARRISTravel back to Harmony in a few days, tell him the manuscript is lost. If he truly has the plates, the entire manuscript can still be reproduced.MARTINWhat if he decides to find another scribe?LUCY HARRISJoe Smith can't find another financier for an unfinished manuscript.Lucy kisses Martin.LUCY HARRIS (cont'd)It will be perfect, Martin. I love you!Lucy throws the manuscript in the air and embraces Martin as various pages fly around the room.INT. THE HALE GUEST HOME - EVENINGEmma is in labor. She is on a bed with a sheet between her and a DOCTOR, late 50s. Emmas parents are in the room and Joe holds Emma's hand.Joe bows his head and rubs his forehead with his hand.JOE(prays)Oh God, the eternal father.DOCTOREmma, I am going to need you to push.MRS. HALEThis is a momentous day for you.Mrs. Hale rubs Emma's shoulders as Emma smiles to her.DOCTOREmma, push!Emma pushes and groans in agony.78.DOCTOR (cont'd)Good, now I am going to need you to push again.Emma pushes.DOCTOR (cont'd)Hold it...hold it... Good, now relax.Emma relaxes while Mrs. Hale places a wet washcloth on her forehead.Joe walks behind Emma and places his hands on her head. MRS. HALEJoe, what are you doing?JOEI . . . I don't know. I feel like this is something I have to do. DOCTOREmma, the baby is almost out. I am going to need you to push again.JOEEmma, I love you more than anything else.DOCTOREmma, now!Emma pushes and screams out as the Hales hold Emmas hands and arms. Emma breathes heavily and relaxes.The room grows eerily quiet. The doctor emerges from the sheet and shakes his head.EMMADoctor, where is my child? Doctor!The doctor appears crestfallen.INT. WORK SHED -- DAYJoe puts panels in place for a small wooden coffin. Joe sniffs, rubs his nose, and places a lid on top.Joseph delicately places the coffin under one arm and leaves.79.INT. THE HALE GUEST HOME -- DAYThere is a blueish tint from the windows inside as Emma lay on the bed with Joe's arms around her waist.Emma's eyes are BLOODSHOT.INT. THE HALE GUEST HOME -- NIGHTThe Messenger, levitates above the ground holding the GOLD PLATES, BREASTPLATE, SWORD AND SPHERE with a deep scowl. He faces Joe while his wife remains asleep.Joe sits up against the bed frame.THE MESSENGERYou have failed.JOEPlease, give me another chance! We've come so far!Joe gets up and approaches The Messenger but only clutches the air.EXT. SMALL DIRT ROAD -- NIGHTJoe stoically walks by himself down a dirt road, arms crossed.EXT. THE HALE GUEST HOUSE -- EVENINGMartin Harris rides toward the Guest House.He gets off the horse and walks to a small grave. He kneels before it and wipes his eyes.A bearded Joe tills on a small plot of land as Martin approaches him. Joe continues to till without acknowledging Martin. He looks like he has aged twenty years since Martin last saw him.MARTINJoe, I do not know what to say. I am sorry.Joe nods and continues to work.MARTIN (cont'd)I had no idea. Is there anything that you need?80.Joe shakes his head as he continues to work.MARTIN (cont'd)Joe, I have good news. We are mortgaging the farm. We are going to publish the book. beat ( )The manuscript has to be done over again though. I will be more than happy to write for you.JOEDone over?MARTINJoe, the manuscript is lost.JOEMartin, the angel took the plates. They're gone.Martin looks at Joe, mouth agape.JOE (cont'd)It's my fault, Martin. It was my decision to lend you the manuscript and I am being punished for it.Martin glares at Joe.MARTINI should have known.Martin walks away. Joe, confused, throws down his tools and chases after him.JOEMartin, I do not understand. What is it?Martin clocks Joe and sends him down. Joe slowly pushes himself up and clocks Martin in return sending him down into the dirt. Martin pushes himself up walking quickly away from Joe.MARTINGet away from me you liar! How many others have you grifted? How long were you planning on continuing this act? There are no plates!JOEMartin, I would never deceive you!81.Martin gets on his horse and leaves as Joe follows after him. Joe stops and observes Martin riding further and further away.EXT. THE HALE GUEST HOME -- MORNINGWEEKS LATERJoe, stands on a ladder picking apples from a tree. He gives them to Emma, who places them in a large bucket.JOEWell, that's the last of them.Joe walks down the ladder and kisses Emma.EMMAYou have become quite the gardener.JOEAt least I can do something right.Emma stops Joe and faces him.EMMAYou do many things right.Emma kisses Joe, picks up the bucket and hands it to Joe.EMMA (cont'd)Although it probably helps that you married a strong woman.JOEBelieve me, I am eternally grateful.Joe carries it toward their home.Emma points to a carriage in the distance heading toward their home.EMMAWho do you think that is?Joe puts down the bucket and walks toward the carriage as it slows. Inside the carriage is OLIVER COWDERY, early 20's.OLIVERJoe Smith?Joe nods.82.OLIVER (cont'd)Joe, I heard you need help.INT. THE HALE GUEST HOME - PARLOR - DAYJoe and Emma sit at a table with Oliver sipping tea. The inside of their house is inundated with sacks of food.OLIVERYour brother Hyrum told us you might be needing help.JOEThanks for everything. Weve just been dealing with so much. How is my family?OLIVERJoe, they're holding up. Just one problem. Reverend Stockton is trying to have you and your whole family arrested. JOEAfter he tried to kill us?EMMA(to Joe)What do we do?JOEI have to get them out of Palmyra to, I don't know, somewhere out west.OLIVERJoe, the Whitmer farm is your home. You are more than welcome to stay there and translate the book.JOEThe translation will never be completed.OLIVERHow so?JOE(looks at Emma)I don't have the plates anymore. I made the Lord angry.Oliver appears saddened, and then, suddenly regains composure.83.OLIVERJoe, after you left Palmyra, your parents took me in and told me that you can find anything. If what you found does exist, even though it is lost, you can find it again.JOEAt this point, it seems out of my hands.Oliver shakes his head.OLIVERNothing is out of our hands, Joe. With God, all things are possible.Emma and Joe hold hands and look at each other.INT. THE SMITH FARMHOUSE -- DAYReverend Stockton and a sheriff rifle through the Smith's belongings. The Smith's sit in chairs in the parlor. Stockton takes a chair and sits across from them.STOCKTON Your son's kind can't be trusted. Whatever that kind is. It is so insidious it defies description.JOSEPH SR.I don't know what you're looking for.STOCKTONAnything connected to him must be destroyed.Stockton points to the artifacts on the walls as the sheriff takes them down and places them in heavy sacks.STOCKTON (cont'd)Confiscate all of this. Everything they have on the walls here.SO