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  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964



    M E R I C A I T H E I S T


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    V o 1 .6 : N o .8

    and 9 August-September 1964

    D ouble Issue: O ne D








    W I T H P R U D E N T M A N A G E M E N T . T H E C H U R C H E S O U G H T T O B E A B L E T O

    C O N T R O L T H E W H O L E E C O N O M Y W IT H IN T H E P R E D IC T A B L E F U T U R E : '

    - - - - - - R E V . D R . E U G E N E C A R S O N B L A K F B L A K E . C H IE F A D M IN I S T R A T I V E O F F IC E

    O F T H E U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H . P A S T P R E S I D E N T O F T H E N A T IO N A

    C O U N S E L O F C H U R C H E S








    I S I S S U E , R E V IE W A N D D I S C U S S I O N O F T H E C H U R C H T A X C A

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    I n T h i s I s s u e

    T he C hu rch Ta x Cas es .

    In tro ductio n .

    Tax The Chu rch (P rope rty) Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2

    Person a l M otiva tio n s fo r L itigat io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2

    Lemo in C ree , E dito r-in -Chie f

    M ar ian Wa lke r, A ss is ta n t to th e Ed ito r


    Ro lph B lo is , A I Stohl , Ro ber t An ton W il so n, A sso ci a te Ed ito rs I Stev e

    W agne r, Yo u th Sectio n Ed ito r


    Lou A lt, S tep hen Bu rglund , Pe ar l Cline ,

    Gus Go lt z, Leonard Ker pe lm an , V ir gil M cCla in , S te war t Sm ile y, Co n tri -

    b u tin g Ed itor s I M ari a C ree , Genera l M an age r I.

    Re view o f the Pr og ress o f the Tax The Chu rch (Prope rt y) Su it . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2

    The Theo ry and Sta tu s o f Su it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3

    Te s timony G iven a t the Ta x The Chu rc h (P roperty) Tr ial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    P roblem s and D ifficu ltie s in the Chu rch Tax Ca se s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .14

    Appea l: W h at Y o u Can D o to Assur e th e Success of the Chu rch Tax Case s ... . . . . . .. 18

    Un re lat ed Bus iness D ed uctio n Su it. . .. 19

    Person a l M o tiva tio n s fo r Litiga tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... 19

    Sta tu s o f th e U nre la ted Bus ine ss D ed uctio n Su it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19

    T he S tr ategy and Th eo ry o f the Su it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19

    C hu rc h B us in es s --Fr om the W all Stree t J ou rn a l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Un ited Sta te s Supreme Cau r t Prayer and Bibl e D ecis ion ,

    Suprem e C ou rt A ss ocia te Ju s tice Wi l liam O . Doug la s , Co ncurring. . . . . . . . . . .. 25

    Tho se R el ig io us M ag az in es , Ra lph Bl o is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26

    M or e o n Pe ar l C lin e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29

    Autob io grap h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29

    Th e Sca rle t Let te r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30

    Ye G >d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31

    Co nc er n in g D ivin e In sp ir a tio n and Releva tio n , Stephe n L . Bu rglund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32

    M ore o n Kenne th K linkert, Avo wed A the is t, Cand id a te U .S. Sena te 33

    You th S e ct io n , Ed ited By Steve Wag ne r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35

    Le tte rs to th e E ditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36

    Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41

    Propo sed A me nd me nt to Add Unde r G>d to the Cons titu tio n Pre am ble ... ...... B ack Cove r

    P u b l i s h e r ~ .T H E F R E E T H O U G H T S O C I E T Y O F A M E R IC A I N C .

    P r i n t e d b y .. G U S T A V B R O U K A L F R E E T H O U G H T P R E S S .

    The American Atheist is published monthly 11 months

    per year (August - September combined) by the Free-

    thought Society of America, Inc., a non-profit, non.

    oolitic al , educational corporation. Publication office

    is at 2502 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    T H E C H U R C H

    T A X C A S E S

    Last month we presented considerable informa-

    indicating that there is a growing movement

    outlaw neutralism towards religion. Just this month

    ator Boggs (R, La) proposed a Constitutional

    endment that would add the words under God to

    preamble of the Constitution. Pope Paul has issued

    statements linking Atheism WIth communism and

    ging intolerance of Atheism (let us hope that

    never goes as far as Pope Leo and announces that

    is not a sin to murder an Atheist but a duty).

    A movement to outlaw neutralism towards religion

    encourage intolerance of Atheism is in itself alarm-

    in a democracy such as ours. Even more frighten-

    is that the church is gaining an even tighter grasp

    our economy so that in the predictable future, should

    bars be thrown in its way, it could gain control of

    economy and be in apo sition to enforce laws out-

    ing neutralism towards religion or tolen tion of

    Therefore, as the movement to outlaw neutralism

    ards religion and the efforts by the church to gain

    trol of our economy gain momentum, it becomes

    gly imperative that the struggle for Religious

    edom (freedom from as well as illreligion) be stepp-

    up and effectively directed. The time for action

    now. The current United States Supreme Court is

    hout question the most liberal court in our history,

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    The time could not be better to seek the aid of the

    Court in establishing complete and utter separation of

    church and state, thus permanently baring any possi-

    bility of outlawing neutralism towards religion or tolera-



    Atheism. As Justice Douglas has said, the

    best way to establish an institution is to finance it.

    Therefore, the answer to this dilemma is the church

    tax cases now pending.


    The writing on the wall is clear: the court has all

    but spelled out that tax exemptions granted to the

    church on its property and on its income from busi-

    nesses unrelated to its religious function are uncon-

    stitutional because they clearly violate the Establish-

    ment Clause. We are confident once we reach the

    United States Supreme Court we will win a favorable

    decision in the church tax cases.

    It is our purpose here to explain and set forth the

    theory of these two cases in clear terms, to report the

    progress in each case and the special problems and

    difficulties we have encountered, to give the argu-

    merits of the other side, and to outline the future course

    of action.

    There are two church tax cases now pending in the

    city of Baltimore, Maryland. The first case is a suit

    against Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Trea-

    sury of Maryland, to force the church to pay taxes on

    its real property. This suit is known as the TAX THE

    CHURCH (property) suit. The second case is a suit

    against the Internal Revenue Department of the United

    States to force the church to pay taxes on income from

    that real property and all other income from businesses

    owned and/or operated by the church and unrelated to

    its religious function. This suit is known as the UN-


    These two church tax cases can end the abuse by

    the church of our tax. systems. They are litigations of

    major importance with far reaching implications. These

    cases will be known as milestones in church-state

    relations. Let us examine each case.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    T X T H E H U R H

    P R O P E R T Y

    S E


    Although it is widely known that of the 30% of all

    real property (including huge government holdings)

    that is tax-exempt, the church owns about one-third,

    it is .seldom mentioned that churches are usually lo-

    cated on the choice st corners and the best sites for

    bus inesses. Being aware of these facts, we have en-

    tered the TAX THE CHURCH (property) case because

    we feel that our conscience has been violated in that

    we are forced to support institutions in which we do

    not believe. Through the tax exemption now granted

    to the church on its property, it receives gratus an end-

    less list of government services and protections for

    which we must pay. The non-religious organizations

    to which we .belong+do not receive this aid; therefore

    although our organizations, in our opinion, make, or

    could make a far greater contribution to society than

    the churches, they. are .financially unabl~ to compete

    (e.g. buy air time) with the church .. .Inshort, ,weob-

    ject to the tax exemptiori granted to the church on its

    real property because not only does it violate the

    Establishment Clause


    the Constitution,

    -but ,

    in our

    opinion, the benefits returned to society by the church

    do not jus tify thi s tax exemption. Since the Freethought

    Society of America has .intervened as co-plaintiffs

    (along with Lemoin and Maria Cree), the personal

    reasons for entering the suit are, as many and. varied

    as the members 'o f the organization. This is not a one

    man show, but a suit belonging to and paid by a large

    number of people interested in a better society ..

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218



    This suit was filed in October of 1963 at

    of the Board of Directors of the Freethough

    of America (8.S.A'> in behalf of Mrs. Mada

    and lier mother, Leddie Mays (a tax-paying

    owner) The suitwas filed by Mr. Leonard J. K

    in the Circuit Court No. 2 of Baltimore Ci

    Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Tr

    Maryland. The expenses were paid by F .

    Other Americans, Inc.) and Mr. Kerpelman., C

    Counsel, handled all the details, including t

    ing and coordinating of supporting suits


    Both sides mutually agreed to a number of

    ments of the trial (or hearing) to provide time

    quate preparation so. that the act ual first h

    not occur until July 1,1964. Shortly, before

    (June 21),Mrs.Murray jumped bail and fled


    family to Hawaii nearly causing _the suit

    inU;oblivion (discussed at .length in the J

    of this magazine) . In an emergency meeti

    Board of Directors Mrs. Murray :was relieve

    duties as president and editor of the F

    Society of America (and of Other America

    a sister corporation). At the same meeting

    tor was elected as president and appoirited

    both corporations. Fortunately, your edito

    Kerpelman, the c rrporation counsel, acting

    effort were able to prevent the state from th

    case out (also discussed at length in the Ju

    At th~ July 1 hearing, in an effort to s ave the

    assure its continuation, ,we petitioned the co

    the names of Lemoin 'and Maria Cree and

    thought Society of America as co-plaintiff

    suit. At the hearing your editor testified as a

    and as a tax-paying property owner objecting

    forced to support institutions in which he. doe

    lieve. Unless this appearance as witness

    made and testimony given; the case could


  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    A few days after the hearing, apparently because we

    intervened as additional co-plaintiffs, thus de-

    ving Mrs. Murray of her grandstand grab for glory

    attempted to fire Mr. Kerpelman from the suit (for

    )but found that she could not because he is

    corporation counsel acting at the request of the

    l board rf directors. This action, on her part, was

    nical because the addition of co-plaintiffs to the

    t, including the society so that all of the members

    e a direct part in the suit, was an action absolutely

    ssary for the continuation of the suit. The result

    s that Mr. Kerpelman, recognized in legal circles as

    most skilled and dedicated lawyer in the field of

    ate separation, no longer represented Mrs.

    ray in the suit but only the new co-plaintiffs. As

    ssed in the July issue it is quite certain that Mrs.

    rray will be dropped from the case by the state.

    On July 31, the brief (memorandum of law) as re-

    by the judge was submitted which summarized

    position and arguments at the hearing. It is a high-

    informative document and will be presented in part

    Mr. Kerpelman in this issue.

    On August 10, Judge Barnes issued the following

    r officially adding us as co-plaintiffs to the suit:

    RE: Murray, et al vs. Goldstein, et al

    Chrcuit Court No.2 - No. A38851

    Enclosed is a copy of an Order of Court filed

    ay in the above-entitled case granting leave to

    in Cree and Maria Cree, his wife, and Freethought

    y of America to intervene as additional parties

    ntiff to file their Interlienated Amended Bill of

    (copies of which you have), providing that

    Answers of the Defendants be deamed refiled as

    wers to the Interlienated Amended Bill of Complaint

    h leave to each Defendant, if so desired, to file a

    ental Answer on or before September 25, 1964.

    Very sincerely yours

    Wilson K. Barnes


    September, 1964

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    Opinion of the judge will be rendered in late Septem

    ber. Naturally, we expect to lose. No matter who win

    the losing side will immediately appeal this decision

    to a higher court, the state appellate court. Then w

    feel that we are well on our way to the United States

    Supreme Court, where the issue should properly b

    settled. As stated, once there--the real problem i

    getting there--'We expect to win.

    Mr. Kerpelman is on his five-day vacation with hi

    family in West Virginia. Mr. Kerpelman and his famil

    sojourned overnight on their way to West Virginia a

    your editor's home located between Middletown an

    Boonsboro, Maryland, so that they could see the pro-

    perty that is a part of the TAX THE CHURCH (property










    L E O N R D J K E R P E L M N

    On the top of South Mountain in Frederick County

    Maryland, stands a 150 year old house located on three

    acres at a crossroads in American history: the junc-

    tion of the famous Appalachian Trail and the Old Na-

    tional Road. Indians, British, and American Colonists

    each busy with the affairs of their time went this way

    The oil National Road goes by the door yard, standing

    eastward of the Cumberland gap just as it did when i

    was the first wilderness road to the west. As this soi

    is worked in gardening, buckles, bits of iron, and minie

    balls are found by the score for in the Battle of Sout

    Mountain several thousand young men died, soldiers in

    one of the most hotly contested actions of the Civil

    War--and prelude to the bloodiest, Antietam.

    Now once again history passes by these fabled

    acres of land. Lemoin and Maria Cree, owners of the

    South Mountain property, are tax payers to the State o

    Maryland. Maryland has, for ages past, in spite of the

    prohibition in its state constitution that .. nor ought

    Page 3

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    The American Atheist

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    y person be compelled ... to maintain or contribute,

    ess on contract .... to any place of worship or any

    nistry, and in spite of the prohibition in the Fede-

    constitution that (Maryland) shall make no law

    cting an establishment of religion , given a hand-

    e tax exemption, worth approximately twenty mil-

    n dollars annually, to the groups and congregations

    ing church property.

    Ftn t. 7,374, U .S. 216,

    Religion is eminen tly one o f

    the se in te re sts (which is le ft by any

    fre e gove rnmen t to ind ividu a l en te r-

    prise and ind ivi dua l actio n ) and lies

    o u ts id e th e tr u e an d legitimafe pro -

    vince o f gove rnmen t . {Quo ting Boa rd

    o f Educa tion v. M ino r 23 O hio Street

    211 (1872).

    he Crees have protested, along with Freethought

    ciety of America, owner and taxpayer on the build-

    housing its offices in Baltimore, {Editors Note:

    s is corporate property belonging to the supporters,

    mbers, and subscribers of F.S,A. (and Other Ameri-

    s, Inc.), Therefore, it should be pointed out that

    credit and responsibility of this suit is equally

    justly shared by each and every member of this

    nization just as much as it is by the Crees.)

    374 U.S . 216,

    (T)his Cou rt has re je cted un -

    equ ivoca lly the contentio n thlt the es-

    ta b li shmen t clau se pohib its o n ly

    governmen ta l prefe rence o f


    re i ig io n

    over another ... . There is n o an swer to

    th e proposition tha t the e ffect o f the

    religious [reedorn Arne ndmen t ..... wa s to

    take every fo rm of propoqo tion o f re -

    ligion o u t o f the re a lm of thi ngs which

    cou ld d irectly o r ind irectly b e made

    pub lic bu siness an d thereby suppo rted

    in who le o r in part a t taxpayers ' ex-

    pen se . This freed om was first in the

    forefather 's m inds; it was se t fo rth in

    ab so lu te te rms, and its stre nqth is its

    r igid ity ...

    The (Firs t) Amendmen t's pu r-

    po se was ... to crea te a comple te ... se-

    para tion o f re ligiou s activ ity and ci-

    vi I au tho rity by comprehensive ly fo r-

    b id d ing every fo rm of pub lic a id ... fo r

    re liqiom l..

    These conclu sio n s have been

    lo ng es tab lished and cons is ten tly re-

    affirmed . (The) con ten tion s (o f tho se

    who que stio n the ir histo ry, lo gic and

    e fficacy) se em en tire ly un ten ab le , and

    o f va lu e on ly as academ ic exercises .

    The protest has been effectuated through the case

    Lemoin and Maria Cree, Freethought Society of

    erica and Others (including a parrot-like entity

    ich is presently confined, due to bad manners and

    luck in becoming housebroken, to a far-off island,

    ere it scruffles about its cage and squawks re-

    y Athei st- Persecution, Athei st- Persecution)

    Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury of


    The constitutional theory of the present suit has

    n fully set out in the Supreme Court's Opinion in

    Schempp-Murray cases (Schempp v. School Dis-

    t of Abington Township, and Murray v. Curlett, 83

    S. 1560). There, the Court had much to say on the

    ture of the separation which the federal Constitution

    uires between church and state. The absolute ex-

    t and distance at which that separation must be

    aintained is clear.


    The Supreme Cou rt sa id :

    A t. 374 U.S. 218,

    (The First Amendmen t) re -

    qu ires the Sta te to be n eu tra l in its

    re la tio n s w ith groups o f re ligio u s and

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Athei st

    4 U.S. 229,

    . Thi s Cou r t ha s given the amend-

    men t a 'b ro o d in te rpr e to tion .. . in the .Iight

    o f its his to ry and the evils it was des ign ed

    forever to suppress .'

    4 U.S. 220,

    Ne ither (the Sta te n o r the [e

    d e

    rc l

    governm en t) can const itutiona lly pass lows

    o r impose requiremen ts which a id a ll re -

    ligion s as aga in st n on -be lievers.

    4 U .S. 221,

    (I n Enqe l) the Cou rt fo un d tha t

    th e 'First and mos t important pu rpose (o f

    th e Es tab fisffrnen t Clo use ) re sted o n a be -

    I ie f tha t a un ion o f gove rnmen t and re i igion

    ten ds to de stroy gove rnmen t an d to degrade

    r ei ig io n .'

    (The Estab lishmen t C lo use pro -

    hibits) that o ff icia l suppo rt o f the Sta te


    F ed er al G o vernmen t be placed behin d the

    ten e ts o f o ne o r o f a II o rthodoxie s ... _

    74 U .S. 222,

    (T}o w ithstan d the str ictu res o f

    th e Es tab lishmen t C lou se (as to legis -

    la tio n ) there mu st be a secu la r legis lCl-

    tive pu rpose and a primu ry effect tha t

    ne ithe r cdvcncs IS no r inhib its re ligion .

    (D oes tax exemptio n


    e t this te st?-L .K.)

    4 U .S. 226,

    The place o f re ligio n in o u r

    so cie ty is on exa lted o ne achieved through


    .; 'Ig trad itio n o f re i ian ce on the home ,

    t~~ chu rch and the in vio la b le citade l o f in -

    d ividual heart and mind . W e have come to

    recognize ... tha t it is no t within the powe r o f

    government to invade th a t ci ta de l, w hether

    its p ur po se o r e ffe ct be to a id o r oppo se , to

    o dvcnce o r re ta rd . hi the re lc it ion ship be -

    tw ee n rn on end rel igion , the sto te is firmly

    committed to a pos it io n o f-neutrality .'

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    374 U .S. 219,

    S epara tio n is a requ iremen t

    ab sta in from fus ing fun ctio n s o f gov

    men t an d o f re ligiou s sects , no t me

    to trea t them all equ ally. (Fun ctio n

    su ch as fun d ra is ing, fo r example .L .K

    The language quoted above would seem

    little, if any, argument against the propositi

    the Crees and the Society are correct; th

    exemption granted to a church on its rea

    IS unconstitutional.

    The Schempp=Murray cases, of course

    to school prayers. The subject of this ex

    has never been treated by the Supreme Cour

    The subject has however reached innu

    state courts. These courts have uniform

    that the tax exemption statutes are fully c



    will not argue the rationale of th

    cisions. Rather, I will quote Father Joseph

    Dean of the Boston College School of Law

    at once liberal, Catholic, and, according

    lights of his faith, scholarly. He has e

    all of these cases, and in a recent boo

    that he could not, in all of them, find on

    cient 10 gical reason to support any of th


    In my own OpInIOn, the best, argument

    forensic point of view at least (for, as I h

    will see, it is not really. a :fully satisfactory

    ment) is one which was presented to the C

    one of the defense lawyers' at the recent

    on the Cree case.

    The argument goes, that the power t

    church is the power to destroy it, and that

    of worship, or the minister in his pulpit,

    was put, cannot be hindered by a tax; that

    is a house of worship entitled to an exempt

    that, because of the congregation member

    under the First Amendment to free exercise

    ligion, th~ house of worship in which they

    their entitled to complete imml

    ..~:; \ .i t ,( , ,


    1~ :.~:~}> ~ ,_.~ . ~.,

    J. ,; ,


    ,2 , ~~

    j. \

    ~:J I i \


  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    I think this argument is the one which will be

    emphasized throughout the future course of the

    case. It is an artful argument, it can be embroider-

    ed and elaborated endlessly, and yet, Ifeel that

    the a~ument is more artful by far than substantive.



    I t w ou ld be su ppo sed , tha t if the immun ity pr opos i-

    tion is lo gica l, it wou ld fol low tha t the re wou ld b e no

    I imitat io n o n the gran d io sn e ss o f const ru ctio n to whic h

    the im mun ity would apply. Thu s, b on a-fid e w orshipp-

    , e rs , o f an exceed ingly wea lthy gro up cou ld then co n -

    s truct a b u ild in g to be u sed exclu s ive ly fo r wo rship

    whic h b e fitte d the ir exa lted eco nom ic sta tu s . W ea lthy

    m em be rs a ll, they cou ld bu ild m agn ificen tly an d havin g

    bu ild ed , co u ld s tep back in awe , to ju s tly adm ire wha t

    they had d on e . Then , ju s t b e fo re re -en te r ing the

    beau tifu l an d d azzlin g s tru ctu re , they cou ld tu rn to

    passer s-by in the s tree t. O n e su ch passe rb y m ight b e

    a pol iceman . Gua rd u s w ell, the y w ou ld say; much

    wea lth lie th he re in . To a pa s s in g firem an , B e eve r

    a le rt, th is bui ld in g is d ed ica ted to the glo ry o f God ; d o

    n o t le t it bu rn . To the te lepho n e man , the ga s man

    ( repre sent in g qu a si -pub l ic co rpo ra tio n s , (pu b l icly su b -

    s id ized in va r io u s ways ), to a s ewe r wo rke r, the road

    b u i I d e r , the water-main ma in ten ance man Serve u s


    se rve u s . W e se rve God . To the pu b l i c scho o l te ach-

    e r , the jud ge, the a ld erm an , the pu blic o fficia l. a ll o f

    whom may well have come to see wha t was so worthily

    co n structed , cou ld b e sa id , Come , lo o k, pray, b u t o n

    the m orro w, w ork d ilige ntly tha t so cie ty may con tin ue

    so o u r go rgeo u s ed ifice fa ll no t in to d is us e .

    The il lustratio n is sca rce ly fa r-fe tched . M any

    churches , o bviou s ly a re b uilt b y w ealthy con grega tio ns .

    Ju s t a s o bvio us ly , m any chu rches a re b u ilt b y stru ggling

    poo r co ngregat ions. Ye t the membe rs o f the po o r

    chu rche s , and o f no chu rches and the re a re o f cou rse


    vast n umbe r s o f th e se , a re ca lled upo n by the tax

    a sse sso r to pro vid e pu b lic se rvices to the m embe rs o f

    the rich. D o es this pa rad ox exis t? If it do e s n o t, the

    Pla in tiffs wou ld have n o ca se even if the cou n try were

    co mpo sed en tire ly o f chu rch m embe rs . In a s tud y co n -

    d ucted by the Baptis t Jo in t Committe e fo r Pub lic A f-

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    fa irs , it w as fo un d fo r example in s tu d ie s mad e

    seve ra l ci ty a re as , tha t pro pe r ty o f o ne ma jo r s

    u su a ll y ave raged ab ou t 9 times , in va lu e per co mm un

    cant, th a t own ed by ano the r m a jo r sect. (S tud y Pap

    fo r 1960 Con fe rence o n Re ligi o u s Libe r ty, pu b lished

    The Baptis t Jo in t Comm itte e fo r Pu b lic A ffa irs , W a

    ington , D .C .). This is , o f co u rse , ha rd ly a su rprisin

    fact, n o r is


    a sho ckin g o n e .--I t is a fact o f

    ra th e r , which is w ell known , that som e bu ild mo re

    pen sive ly than o the rs--in m orta r an d sto n e; a t le

    Wi thin counse l's own re ligio u s sect, the phenomen

    is so we ll kn own as to have acqu ired a (:;e lf-critica l)

    s lang ' appella tio n , n am ely, The Ed ifice Complex

    ,The re is tru th in the je s t, fo r m any fee l- drongly

    that g r and b u ild in gs d o n o t make fo r a gran d theo lo

    o r a grand mora lity ; many fe e l, in fact, tha t the co

    tr a ry is tru e .

    No r , it se em s, can it s e r iously be co n ten d ed tha t

    is fa ir to free ly ca ll u n limi ted ly upo n om 's fe llow ta

    paye rs to su ppo rt the se gran d io se ed ifice s . If tha t

    wha t .is m ean t b y fre e exe rcis e o f re lig ion , it is , it

    submitted , a n ew c.on cept, which has n eve r been pro

    posed b e fo re . Tha t o n e way, in the exercise o f th

    fr e ed om ca ll fo r in dire ct, thou gh su bs tan tia l financia

    su ppo rt fo r o n e 's en te rprise , in u n lim ited amoun ts , fro

    o n e 's fe llow citiz en s , is sca rce ly b e lieved to be

    rea son a b le in te rpre tation o f fr e e exe rci se . Su ch

    en co u ragemen t to re lig io u s co mmun itie s , it is subm it

    ted a ls o , to live beyond the ir mean s by exacting co n

    tr ib u tio n s from o the rs , is no t, it wou ld seem , to th

    lo ng range advan ta ge o f e ither the pa r ticu la r re i igiou

    commun ity w hic h b en e fits


    n o r to the m ass o f taxp ayer

    which is b u rd ened . I t sho u ld be po in te d ou t fo r it is

    matte r which canno t b e lo s t s ight o f-tha t th is bu rd

    d o e s no t I ie on n o n -chu rch membe rs on ly . Exce pt f

    the highe st spen d in g (p e r communicant) sec t, a ll o the

    a re b u rd ened in reve rse pro po rtio n to th e exten t

    which their s ect spen d s fo r b u ild in g (speakin g, aga in

    o f m o rta r an d sto n e , n o t phil o sophy, no r re lig io n , n

    spi r itual i ty} Encou ragemen t to liv e w ithin o n e 's ow

    mean s is an o ld -fa shioned , F ran klin i an , so r t o f a


    tu e , it is tru e , b u t in o the r tim es and in o the r societ ies

    it has been fo u n d d is a dv a nta g eo u s to a llo w co nce ntra -

    tio n o f eco nom ic wealth in the hand s o f the chu rch

    Ye t, on e ha rd ly fe e ls o n e is express in g a rad ic

    sent imen t in s ta tin g tha t fo r America n s ' fo r Americ

    such concen tratio n is likew ise b a d .

    August-&ptember, 1

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist, Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, a noted Presbyterian, for

    many years head of the United Presbytericn Church in

    the U.S.A. writing in Christianity Today, August ,

    1959, seemed to have a greater fear. He stated, 100

    y~ars f~m now the present pattern of religious tax ex-

    emption by federal, state and municipal authorities; if

    continued, may present the state with problems of such

    magnitude that their only solution will be revolutionary

    expropriation of church properties.

    He also said, (T}ax exemptions which are proper

    when churches are small, poor and weak, may have

    highly unfortunate results to the churches and to the

    society when churches hav~ grown large and rich.

    In other words, the power not to tax, could, in Rev.

    Blake's opinion, be the power to destroy-not only the

    churches, but society's rightful structure.

    Rev. Blake's points would seem to be well taken.

    As the American economy forges ahead, and the pro-

    portional comparison of the federal budget as against

    private expenditure of all sorts increases, as it has

    done for a considerable broad period, (as military,

    educational, recreational, welfare, highway, farm stabi-

    lization, governmental operational, etc., budgets in-

    crease their proportion as compared to private expendi-

    ture) .. the burden on the individual taxpayer becomes

    larger. More and more the p ressure becomes urgent

    for a fair and equitable distribution of the tax burden.

    Moreand more, need and justice will require that spec-

    al exemptions and special tax favoritism be abolished

    so thot every taxpayer bears his share; not substanti-

    ally more not substantially less. And the need is

    growing ever more pressing, whether the taxpayer in

    volved is John Doe, or a great business corporation

    such as General Motors, or whether he is The Small

    Neighborhood Gara~, Inc., or a grel t corporate re-

    ligious community much beloved by all.

    The point is not our love; the point rather, involves

    economic viabi Iity for non-immune tcxpa yers, whether

    loving or not.

    Polygamy is not protected by the Free Exercise

    Clause. See Cleveland v. U.S. 67S. Ct. 13, 329 U.S.

    14, 91 L. Ed. 12. (1946)

    August-September, 1964

    For as stated in Schempp-Murray 374 U.S. 31

    (paraphrasing), freedom to bel ieve is absolute;.int.h~

    nature of things, freedom to act cannot be.'

    As with polygamy, so with profligacy, especially

    with other people's money. One cannot by logic, de-

    mand unquestioning firnncicl support 'to) a non-tax

    payer under the guise of a tax deduction or exemption

    when every other beneficiary of tax legislation is re-

    quired to share the tax burden. Otherwise we have

    class legislation-legislation for the benefit of one

    specific class, or the taking of private property (taxes)

    for non-publ ic purposes (to supply police and fire pro-


    ction, governmental and public services to churches).

    Under either theory, the legislation is unconstitutional,

    unless the beneficiary serves some public pose.

    But nothing is more private than conscience, and

    religion is a matter of con;


    Or, on its own

    foundation, nothing is more private than religion. It

    does not serve any cognizable public purpose. Th

    realm of belief and private worship is withdrawn from

    the governmental purview. The offering of rei igious

    services cannot be a public purpose.

    According to the theory advanced by the Free exer-

    cise argument, if the Free Exercise Clause provides im

    munity from taxation of a house of worship, it likewise

    provides the same immunity to the other objects of the

    protection of the First Amendment, namely, places o

    freedom of the press, of freedom of speech, and o

    freedom of assembly. I am sure that the New Yor

    Times., or the Herst Corporation for example, would be

    happy to think that it has for many years been erron-

    erously paying real estate taxes on the buildings hous-

    ings its presses, and on the buildings housing its tele

    vision transmitting faci lities. I am sure that many an

    owner of a public hall would be happy to know that i

    has performed the same error in paying its taxes when

    such buildings are used as exclusively for public as-

    semblies as any church is used for public worship.

    likewise with printing plants, large and small.



  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    / It is frequently asked naively but sincerely, how

    Mary-landand other tax statutes can grant exemption to

    the real property of hospitals, schools, volunts er fire

    companies, cred it unions ~ works of art, Boy Scout's

    property, dwell ing houses of disabled vete rans, ves-

    sels in interstate commerce, etc. (Ses Art. 81 Sec. 9(1)

    -9(44} Maryland Code} if these


    tutes CJ nnot con-

    stitutionally grant such exemptions to religious houses

    of worship. The clear lega~ answer is that ell of these

    institutions serve a publ ic purpose. Financial assis-

    tance to them is supportable under the general .wel-

    fare powers of the Legislature. No such support as

    these tax exemptions is anywhere prohibited by con-

    stitutional provision.

    But aid to religion, and aid to religion


    is pro-

    hibited. The Maryland Declaration of Rights, Art. 36

    provided (N}or ought any person to be compelled to

    frequent, or maintain, or contribute, unless on con-

    tract, to maintain, any place of worship or any mi-

    nistry; ... Very absolute language.

    . Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    The First Amendment to the United States Con

    tution says (Maryland) shall make no law respec

    an establ ishment of rei igion.... An establ ishmen

    fire protection is not prohibin d, an establishment

    education is not prohibited, an establishment of h

    pital services is not prohibited, but an establishm

    , of religion is prohibited.

    Benjamin Franklin said that churches which ca

    not support themselves, or obtain God's support,

    must turn to the gQvernment, are not very good church

    The author agrees with Franklin and with the S

    preme Court's holding in Schempp-Murray, and has

    doubt but that the tax exemption statute under co

    sideration, though ancient, was unconstitutional. W

    passed, is unconstitutional now, and should be d

    clared unconstitutional for the future.

    Copyright 1964 by the author.

    Religion Is Regarded

    the Common People as

    True the Wise as False


    the Rulers asUseful.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964





    In the circuit Court No. 2 of Baltimore City

    Case:ft 38851(TAX THE CHURCH(property

    Testimony of

    Lemoin Cree


    (not sworn). having been affirmed to tell the truth. the whole truth. and nothing but the truth. was examined

    testified as follows:



    State your name and address. /

    My name is Lemoin Cree. my address. Route 1. Middletown. Frederick County



    ByMr. Kerpelman, Corporation Counsel:













    What is your employment or profession

    I am a research biologist in Frederick. Maryland.

    Do you specialize in some particular field of Research Biology.

    I have been working in micro-biology.

    Who is your employer.

    Fort Detrick . Frederick. Maryland

    You work for the Federal Government.

    Yes. that's right.

    How long have you been a resident of Frederick County.

    For over three years.

    Do you own property in Frederick County. And how is it ordinarily designated,

    It is under both my wife's and my name. It is a rural property located on South Mountain in Frederick

    County on Route 40 Alternate (the old National Road). and it is under the jurisdiction or within the city

    limits of no town. Our taxes are purely County and State.

    Have you paid these taxes for 1963 and for 1962.


    When did you purchase the property.

    In 1961

    Do you have any children. And do you reside on this property ordinarily.


    Do you have a religious profession or belief.


    Howwould you designate yourself in a religious area.


    What do you consider Atheism to mean.

    Atheism is a denial of the existence of a demonstrable supernatural being. It also refutes the claim of re-

    ligion to tyranize


    control men's minds. Atheism frees men to take a positive and scientific approach

    to life. and therefore to this extent it is a positive belief or philosophical position. It is by no stretch of

    the imiganation a religion as most religious believers claim.

    Where were you born and what is your educational background.

    I was born in Greeley. Colorado and finished high school there. I attended the University of Colorado in

    Boulder and took my B.S. Degree there in biology. I have also done some graduate work in biology.

    What particular area in Biology.


    Any particular branch of Botany


    THE COURT: You will have to tell the Court what that is.

    Taxonomy is the identification. description. and classification of species.

    THE COURT: What use is it.

    All biological science is concerned with one entity. the species. It is necessary to know what species with

    whichone is working. This is the work of the taxonomist to identify. describe. and classify this species.

    The concept of the species is perhaps the most important concept in biology.

    THE COURT: What would Fort Detrick be doing in connection with that.

    I refuse to answer any more questions along these lines on the basis that it is strictly classified knowledge.

    TIlE COURT: Isurely would not want to invade any area of that. .

    Dr you have a security clearance in this area

    Y . es, I do.

    And there is only a limited amount of information you can divulge. is that your situation.

    Yes. And I don't necessarily imply I do this kind of work at Fort Detrick. As a matter of fact, I don't.

    You are also associated with the Preethought Society of America. are you not.


    .at sort of body is this. is it a corporation or society or what.

    Freethought Society of America is an official corporation and functions with its sister corporation, Other

    Americans. Ine.. to comprise our organization. Freethought Society of America published two monthly pub-

    lications: The AMERICANATHEIST magazine and the insiders newsletter known as the Murray Nem1etter


    I showyou a document. can you tell me what this is and whether you are familiar with it.

    They are the Articles of Incorporation and these are official bylaws I believe of the Freethought Society of

    America. (Documents referred to received in evidence as Plaintiff's Exhibit 1.)

    Mr. Cree. does this organization carry on a business anywhere.

    Yes. at 2502 North Calvert Street. Baltimore. Maryland. the main headquarters of the business.

    And what business does it carry on.




































    Page 9

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    A. Maybe I can elaborate some. The two corporations mentioned previously form the organization:Freethought

    Society of America. publishes the


    Atheist magazine and the OTHERAMERICANSNEWSLETTER.

    The Freethought Society of America raises funds through these publications and through other activities. e. g.

    selling books and records. These funds are turned over to Other Americans. Ine., which is the legal arm of

    this organization (whereas Freethought Society

    i s

    the educational and fund raising corporation). These funds

    together withthe


    mbership dues of Other


    In~ ,eemployed by Other Americans. Ine.. to support

    legal activities for the complete and utter separation of church and state.

    Does the organization hold itself out to be a corporation or partnership or firm.

    A corporation.

    Who are the officers of the corporation.

    I am the President of both corporations. (All officers have been published)

    Directing your attention to the Freethought Society of America, which. in addition to you. is the only plain-

    tiff here. have you been present at any Board of Directors meetings within the last two weeks.


    At one of your meetings was some action taken concerning intervening in this suit or not.

    Yes. The action taken at this meeting was that supporting suits should be filed along with Mrs. Madalyn Murray

    and Lettie May's suit to TAX THE CHURCH.namely, under the corporation's name and throught its property at


    North Calvert Street. Baltimore. Maryland and' through my and my wife's property at Route



    Frederick County. Maryland.

    You have been familiar with the Plaintiff. Mrs. Madalyn Murray and her mother. over a period of time. have

    you not.

    (Editors note: A long exchange of objections and discussions followed in which Mr. Kerpelman tried to show

    that Mrs. Murray held basically the same lack of religious beliefs as the witness, i.e., was an Atheist)

    Do you have any statement to make as to whether or not you are satisfied to let the state continue to grant ex-

    emptions to buildings which are used as the places of public worship.

    Iam not satisfied.


    ByMr. Finan. Attorney General of Maryland


    Mr. Cree. does the Freethought Society of America, which is a corporation. which is a higher corporation that

    you have spoken of. have regular meetings.

    A. I am not sure that Intended to imply


    is a higher corporation. Iwould say they are equal in stature. We

    try to meet biennially if possible, annually always.


    Where do you hold these meetings.

    A. Wehold them at our principal headquarters. now at 2502 North Calvert Street, Baltimore. Maryland.


    Do you have discussions at these meetings and if so what is the nature of these discussions.

    A. Yes. we have discussions at great length. The nature. of course. is to determine policy.

    Q. Do you discuss the subject matter of Atheism.

    A. Yes. we do.

    Q. You said that the Society ownsproperty.

    A. Yes/sir.

    Q. Have you ever applied for tax exemptions for that property

    A. No.

    Q. Has a tax exemption ever been given for that property.

    A. Not that I know.


    SOfar as you knowhave you been submitted a tax bill yet for this property.

    Imean has the corporation owned the property a sufficient length of time to receive a tax bill.

    Mr. Kerpelman: Your honor, the corporation has a continuing and immediate liability for taxes just as soon as

    it goes into title.

    Q. Do you have membership dues.

    A. Yes.


    Does the corporation make any money out of the sale of the AMERICANATHEISTmagazine and other publica-


    A. Do you mean do we make a profit.

    Q. Yes. do you make a profit.

    A. No. we call ourselves a non-profit. non-political. educational organization and we turn most of the money re-

    ceived from the lIBgazine and the newsletter


    to Other Americans, Inc for legal activities such as this.

    Q. Have you ever applied for any tax exemptions from Federal Government taxes.

    A. Iwould prefer to defer that question until Iam in a proper position to know what the policy has been in the past

    from the very beginning of this organization.

    Q. TOyour knowledge. has any


    nt agency offered any tax exemptions to your organization,



    am not sure. I don't think so.

    Q. How many members does your organization have. (Question objected to)

    A. Iprefer not to answer that question

    THECOURT: Idon't believe it is necessarily relevant. I will sustain the objection.

    THEWITNESS: Time Magazine said 7.000

    THECOURT: Iake it you are willing to accept that figure then.

    THEWITNESS: I would rather not.

    THE COURT: Very Well.

    Q. Who maintains the records of your organization now.

    A. I do.

    Q. Whowas your predecessor in office.

    A. Madalyn Murray


    ByMr. Gallagher, Represents Catholic Archbishop, 1964

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218




    Mr. Cree, to your knowledge, has either corporation filed Federal or State Income tax returns.

    I don't know. .

    In defining Atheism, you described it both as a negating function and also indicated that has a positive as-

    pect. Is that correct.


    In defining Atheism, you first defined it as a denial of a demonstrable supernatural being which refutes

    the right of religion to tyrannize and control men's minds, but then yoo went on to say that it is a philoso-

    phy with a positive aspect. Is that correct.

    No, I did not say that it was a philosophy. I said that it represents a philosophical position.

    Does it have affirmative beliefs.

    Of course, that's what I said. It frees men to take a positive and scientific approach to life. It is certainly

    contary to the religious approach which is based on the negative and the supernatural.

    Would it be correct to say that Atheism adhered to some speciflc values. .

    I prefer the question to be directed at me as an individual rather than at me as a spokesman for Atheism.

    In your practice of Atheism do you have in it a belief of values, you have sene positive or non-negative val

    of belief.

    Atheism in itself is not a belief or a practice; it is not a religion, it is a philosophical position which denies

    existence of a demonstrable supernatural being.

    But do you have, for example. a belief in the minds of men or the integrity of rre n or moral codes.

    Sure, of course.

    Could you just briefly describe what this moral code should be.

    I doubt it. But I will say that it is based on experience, justice, logtc, and philosophy.

    Would it be accurate to say that it is based on justice and logic, that it is a belief in transcendental values,

    I prefer not to answer that question here. (Editors note: Rather 'than indicate that my (our) philosophy wa

    primarily materialistic in nature vs, transcendentalism, it was my intention to avoid such labels and represe

    my (our) thinking as devoted to the principles of Freethought, free of all dogma. It is important that our o

    ganization cannot be designated as a denominatimal or organized religious creed but is understood as a Fr

    thought organization free of all dogma. examining and teaching many diverse viewpoints. Right~ If tax ex

    emptions are granted to us they will have to be granted to an Atheist organization devoted to the principles

    Freethought and not to another religious cult. This in effect would constitute an admission that an Atheist

    does make a contribution to society and worthy of tax exemptions. The following questions bore out the wis

    of with holding an answer to this question.) '.

    Would it be an accurate description of your interpretation of Atheism to say that it is more thaltjust a denia

    refutation of certain beliefs, that it was actually an adherence to one's beliefs and values.

    No, it is somewhat different. 1. as an individual, and we, taking the organization as a whole, are freethink

    with many beliefs and values. We do have moral codes, but they are not necessarily the same.

    What I am trying to determine from you is that you are more than a group which possessesso called denomin

    tional or organized religious creeds.

    With positive value.

    With positive value, yes.

























    ByMr, Braiterrnan, Representing Temple Emanual Synagogue

    You say that the purpose of yctr organization is to achieve a complete and utter SEPARATIONOF CHURCH

    ANDSTATEthrough legal means; could yen elaborate on that and explain what you mean by canpleteand

    utter separation of church and state.

    Our legal activities are directed towards establishing first class citizenship for Atheists somewhat ,,alogous t

    the Negro's civil rights struggle to obtain first class citizenship. Once Atheists have first class C:.C .nship an

    are not forced to support religious beliefs and institutions, certainly an infringement on their rights, then, I

    think complete and utter separation of churchand state will be nearly achieved.

    Are you familiar with the fact that many religious groups support a complete separation of church and state

    of religtous rather than Atheist beliefs.

    I certainly am, and that is what gives strength to our position. We have the support of many religious group

    in this battle,

    Is there anything in your personal beliefs or in the position of either of the two corporations (your organizatio

    that you have discussed which cpposes the free exercise of relfzion, . .

    To prevent any misunderstanding let me say that my (our) beliefs and those.of rr:ost rellgious people are gen

    dtametricalry opposed, Nevertheless. we are not opposed to the free exercise or religion.

    lJO you recognize that encompassed within the exercise of religion on the part of many religious groups is th

    act of worship.


    And do you oppose worship as an exercise of freedom of religion by any group,

    No. that's their business.

    Finally oreother question. Does your organization have any other affiliations with any other hemispherical



    moral or civic groups or associations that have objects along the lines of your organization.

    Not yet, out we hope to soon.

    What are your expectations in that respect.

    Well, I can outline nothing but that we do hope to align with other groups who are friendly to our position,















  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    Yes, sir.

    And prior to that time you were Treasurer of the organization.

    Yes, sir.

    The headquarters of this organization is at 2502 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, City.

    Yes, sir.

    Do you have publications that are issued from that address.

    Yes, sir.

    What are the publications that are published there.

    The two publications are the AMERICANATHElST magazine and the MURRAYNEWSLETTER(nowknown as


    Are they printed or mimeographed or how.


    Is that done at 2502 North Calvert Street.


    Is there any other activity conducted at 2502 North Calvert Street than the publication ofthese instruments.

    mean do people live in



    We do occasionally-

    Does anybody live there regularly.

    No. (Editors note: At the time of the trial this was true. However, now it is felt that the building cannot be

    left alone and my Wife and I do stay here, working almost continuously, although there are no proper living

    facilities. )

    Nobodylives in the building.

    What do you mean live.

    Well, have their room or apartment there.


    Kerpelman: I object to this. I think I know the purpose


    these proceedings, and it is a very mysteriou


    The Court: I will take it subject to exception.

    Ihink it is a vague question. Do you mean do people come and stay overnight and help to collate magazine

    etc. Yes, they do.

    Does anybody live there more than overnight.

    Yes, sometimes over the week end.


    Our volunteers who help us to collate the magazine.

    And they are there for that particular purpose.

    Yes. They are on friendly visits, they are VOlunteers, of course they are our friends.

    Do I understand you to say that recently Mrs . Murray was relieved of her duties as President of the Freethough

    Society of America (and editor) and offered the position of Chairman of the Board.

    That's right.

    Where was this meeting held and what was the date.

    At our offices, Saturday, June 27th.

    What was the reason for the meeting.

    Well after Mrs. Murray fled to Hawaii, someone had to be given authority to conduct the business operations

    that the organization could continue with its operation, particularly with its publieshing and litigations. Thi

    was the purpose of that meeting.

    What was the reason for the change in leadership.

    Mrs. Murray wasno longer in a position or able to exert proper leadership in our organization after she fled t

    Hawaii. The work of the organization must go on because the organization is involved with issues and worki

    towards goals; it is not just dedicated to advancing Mrs. Murray's personality. Someone had to be put into c

    mand so that he could immediately negotiate urgent business matters.

    Were you aware of the fact that she intended to leave the state at the time.

    Not at all

    Are ~ou qualified in the profession of Biology.

    Yes, sir.

    Did I understand you to say that you are familiar with the classification of plant species.


    Do you find from your present background that there is a certain order in Biology.


    Do you find that order permeates the other sciences, e. g., chemistry and physics.

    That's a very vague and needless question. I will say yes just to satisfy you.

    The Count: The purpose isn't to make Mr. Dietrich happy but to irifonn me.

    I would be more interested in the truth than in being happy.

    Very well, it is biological order that is found in the plani'and animal kingdom. It is a rather bizarre anolog

    to say that this same order exists in chemistry and physics. Adnnitedly, there is some kind of order in these

    fields, but it is not phylogenetic.

    But this order that does exist is real and scientific.

    I suppose so.

    You know that Einstein was looking for order in the universe. And there is scientific evidence of this order;

    Of course there very well may be an over-all master plan of order in our universe, but I know what you are

    leading up to-and I don't think God did it.

    ram sorry I didn't get your answer.

    The Court: He said that he didn't think God did it.

    What is your theory.

    Mr. Kerpelman: I object, your Honor, I think this is absolutely irrelevant and I don't think it is proper to go

    to here. -

    The Court: Well, it is a cross-examination. I think the Court ought to be fairly lenient with counsel if they

    wish to cross-examine of these matters. I will overrule the objection.

    A. I think that I can best answer by stating that I have no idea where this order from.


    If we are to be free thinkers we must be sur

    sources and sure of the positions that others ar

    I am certain you are doing your best with limit

    ?ut I was in hopes your publications would be o

    mtellectual level and not giveato rabble rousing


    Vern D. Li


  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    The praise for our REPRODUCTION OF A LETTER


    NS has been very great, especially from Utahans

    o have asked for many additional copies. Being a

    ner himself, your editor has first hand knowledge

    the conditions of Morman control as they exist in

    h. Quoting from Cosmopolitan magazine for October

    2: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

    Church), ... owns a newspaper, a radio and TV

    tion apartment house, hotels, stores and banks.

    lfare farms' operated by the church include one in

    which has 740,000 acres and 100,000 Cattle.

    y Mormon business enterprises are administered by

    n Securities Corpora ted, which pays property and

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    corporate income taxes on all holdings not

    religious purposes. But on the net profit, whic

    the Mormon Church, no income tax is paid

    There is sometimes good reason to print

    letters in a magazine such as ours when the

    known to be reasonably factual


    makes a


    comment on our activities. Full names will

    only when permission is expressely granted

    known to be acceptable to the person. It would

    ful if those of you writing letters to us would

    if we may print your name in full


    only by

    Gent l emen :


    I have been dona t i ng t o your c aus e , namel y t he Tax - Th e - C hu r c h s ui t . I wr i t e

    . , t hi s l e t t er t o br i ng f ac t or s t o y our a t t ent i on whi c h you m ght no t s ee f r om

    your pos i t i o n. The r e ar e many member s o f t he gener al publ i c t ha t c an be

    s ympat he t i c t o y our c aus e , but t o donat e o r c o r r es pond wi t h you, t hey mus t

    f i r s t as k t hems el v es : What am I ge t t i ng mys e l f i n t o? You may have c ons i d e r ed

    t he r ea l i t i e s o f t he a f t e r mat h o f a l l t h i s , but t r y t o i magi ne , as woul d I

    and many o t he r s , t ha t a c ongr es s i ona l i n qu i r y o r s i r r dl a r i nv es t i gat i on may

    t a k e pl &c e , wi t h a Mc Car t hy - l i k e wi t c h hunt t ha t goes on f or s ever al y ea r s ;

    a wi t c h hunt t ha t pr oves no t hi n g but whi c h does d i g up many i n nuendoes t ha t

    s e r ve t o des t r oy c a r ee r s and r eput at i ons . You c an s ay t ha t t hi s i s s i l l y ,

    bec aus e t hi s d i d no t happen as t he r es u l t o f t he s c heo l pr aye r c as e . L e t me

    po i n t out t ha t a l t h ough mos t peopl e pr obabl y pr i v a t e l y agr eed wi t h you t he r e,

    i t had one i mpor t ant f ac t or m s s i n g: no money was i n v o l v ed. I f t hes e pr es ent

    c as es a r e s uc c es s f ul , y ou c an be c e r t a i n t ha t many power f ul f or ces wi l l be

    br ought i nt o pl ay . Member s o f c ongr es s , f o r exampl e , may no t a l l be d i e ha r d

    c hur chmen, but t hey a r e gener al l y e l e c t ed am ds t p l e dges o f be i n g ' god

    f ea r i ng' , and a l o Ya l member o f s uc h- and- s uc h c hur ch. I n t he Hous e o f

    Repr es ent a t i v es , many c ome f r om r el a t i v e l y s ma l l d i s t r i c t s ( r ur al ) wher e

    t hey a r e i n c l o s e c ont ac t wi t h t he vot er s . Th i s popul a c e i s not go i ng t o l e t

    t hes e e l e c t ed r epr es ent at i v es s i t s t i l l and s ee a l l t ha t money l os t . Th i s

    c as e wi l l have ex t r emel y f a r r eac h i ng c ons equenc es , and you mus t be pr epar ed

    f o r t he ga l e f or c es t ha t wi l l be upon you.

    To wi t hs t and t hes e f o r ces r equ i r es an i l npec c abl e or gan i z a t i o n. F i r s t o f a l l ,

    r ec 05~i z e t ha t m l l i ons and m l l i o ns o f peopl e c an be s ympat he t i c wi t h t hi s

    s u i t , but a r e no t go i ng t o be s ympat he t i c t o At he i s m. I f J o hn Doe c ons i de r s

    dona t i ng f o r t h i s s ui t , he has v i s i ons of a c ongr e s sman ques t i on i ng h i m about

    Rus s i a and ' t h os e At h e i s t i c COl l l Dl un i s t sv e r t he r e ' . I ' m s ur e I don ' t have t o

    ampl i f y my r emar ks , but t he pas t publ i c i t y be t ween COl l l Dl un i s mnd At he i s m i n

    headl i n es wi l l mak e t hi s s i t ua t i on a nat ur al f o r f u t ur e s c r eam ng headl i nes .

    Dt vor ce t hi s s u i t ent i r el y f r om your At he i s t Soc i e t y ac t i v i t i e s , o t her wi s e

    J ohn Doe wi l l no t on l y no t t ouc h i t now, but he won' t he l p y ou a f t e r you wi n

    t he Sui t s , f or y ou wi l l be t oo ho t ~n i s s ue . You ' v e got t o c ome i n c l ean,

    and you' r e no t do i n g s o now ~c t i n t he eyes o f publ i c op i n i o n. The f ur or

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    t h a t Mr s ~ Mur r a y r a i s ed , i s no t hi n g c ompa~ed t o wha t t hi s s ui t wi l l c aus e.

    The c as ua l c hur chgoe r , t he Agnos t i c , and t he f e l l o w who never goes t o c hur c h

    but s t i l l c l ai ms he be l ongs t o a r e l i g i on c an a l l be dono r - a , , b ut wh en ' you

    m x i n At h e i s m wi t h t hi s s u i t , y ou dr i ve ' t he m a wa y. S ec o nd l y , ' yoUr ' mos t 10ya l

    and bi gges t donor - s c an be f r om t he ' i n t e l l ec t ua l and pr o f e s s i ona l c l a s s e s .

    Not onl y c an t hes e peopl e i l l a f f o r d t o s c a : r t h e i r r eput a t i 6n~ ' but by s end i ng

    t he m y our magaz i n e , y ou I I B- yr j ; g ht e n: t hem away . The maga , z i h e i s r at her poor l y

    pr o o f r ead, and

    c Oht a i ns . ' { i ns mal l amo i mt s ) mat e r i a l and. r epr i nt ed l e t t e r s

    t hat l eave t he i mpr es s i on t hat . some o f y our me mb er s h i p i s s omewha t f a na t i c a l .

    Di gn i f i ed, i n t e l l i g ent peopl e don ' t want t hi S k i n d o f r el a t i ons h i p . F ur t her ,

    t hey a r e not ov er l y i n t e r es t ed i n your i n t e r n e c i ne bat t l e ' wi t h Mr s . Mur r ay .

    ~; het he r y ou r e c ogni z e i t o r not , t hat S a t ur day Eveni ng Pos t ar t i c l e was f a r mo r e

    s ympat het i c t o her and' your c aus e t han y ou m ght r ea l i z e . They even pr i n t ed your

    addr es . s s o t ha t peopLe ' c ou l d dona t e t o y ou. Ther e f o r e , i y ou get new dono r s , .

    . , 2enc lt he m~ n e' Ws l e t t er . r e po r t i ng ~ pr ogr es s o f t he Sui t s , s end t r i a l t r ans c r i p t

    c op i es , but l ay o f f t hepr os e l y t i z i n g~ Thes e peopl e s t ay home f r om c hur ch i n t he

    f i r s t p l ac e f or t he s i i np l e r ea s on t hat t hey f ee l t ha t t hey c an l ead a j us t and

    mor a l l i f e wi t hout s e r mon s , and t hey ar e not i nt e r e s t ed i n hav i ng t he i r l i f e

    ' o r g a n i z ed' by a . chu r c h o r by you. They don ' t want t o ' b e l o ng ' . Aga i n: pr o o f r e ad

    and~end ~ di g n i f i ed r epor t . I n c l o s i n g I wi l l ' po i nt ' out t ha t I do not s i gn t hi s

    bec aus e f r ank l y , your ma&a z i n ehas , f r i g ht e ne dme, and I am anot h er s ympat n et i c

    J o hn Doe t ha t want s you t o wi n , but who . has f e ar s o f t hi s l e t t e r be i ng waved a t

    me by a c ong r e s s man' a t a we l l pub l i c i z ed hea r i n g. Si l l y ? Pe r haps , but I have

    c o ns i d er abl e wea l t h and r eput a t i on t hat I do not wi s h t o l o s e . I t ak e no c hanc es .

    Other Americans, lnc., membership is $12.00 per

    which includes in addition to the membership a

    subscription to the Other Americans Newsletter

    the American Atheist magazine. It is contemplated

    possibly an alternative membership should be ava

    not offering a free magazine subscription, in ad

    to the newsletter subscription, but instead a resum

    our legal activities, in the seoaration of church

    state produced three


    four times a year. We would

    to know the ideas of others' on this subject. Also

    would like to print letters to the editor in

    month's magazine on the subject of the wisdo

    mixing Atheism with matters of church-state separat

    Please let us know how you feel on this delicate su

    in an ~ffort to end tax'atfgn ,r.'vi~h6utepre~e~iati'on',~nd./~:' ::.,~~ha;nk;s:_~}r, ,,~I (~

    to obtain true Reli[5i'J..ur;reedc:. and not as an Atheis1ic(~ .:~. ns (;:,,oJ

    effort to reek destructj9n upon religion and the chu~9lj,}


    The American Atheist

    This is the best letter we have received to date sum-

    mirizing the areas in which we can expect to find the

    majority of support for our church tax cases. I n our

    opinion the letter is absolutely correct in the assertion

    that the casual churchgoer, the Agnostic, and the

    fellow who never goes to church but still claims he

    belongs to a religion can all be donors, but when you

    mix in Atheism with this suit, you drive them away.JJ

    Secondly, the assertion is also. correct that the biggest

    donors for these litigations can be from the intellectual

    classes, who fear association with Atheism may serve

    to destroy their careers and reputations. The advice not

    to proselytize Atheism to these people but to submit a

    dignified newsletter or report on the progress of the

    suits including transcript copies, is also, we believe

    accurate and necessary if we are to obtain maximum

    support from those who believe the church should pay

    its fair share of taxes. Elaborate plans have been made

    to contact thousands of these people with no reference

    to Atheism.

    It is for these reasons that we have stressed that

    the church tax cases are being brought before the courts

    Page 40

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    (as Mrs. Murraycontinues to claim, thus undermining

    support for theeeLitigationsJ We again state her

    all to read thatsue:a e Atheists and that we bel

    AtheismLs a' superior way of life to a belief in Go

    practice of religion. We do not begrudge others

    beliefs and are not working to deny them the opportu

    to believe as they choose, nor are we attempting

    destroy (by taxation) their beliefs.

    , )


    The Edito



    August-September, 1

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    This space for advertisements is a standard feature

    of the American Atheist . This is a freethought

    journal and the advertisements will reflect this - AND

    NO OTHER - philosophy. We encourage advertisement,

    even solicit it.


    think you will find our advertise-

    ments interesting.

    Rates are 20ct a word for per word advertisement.

    Block advertisement is sold at the rate of $100.00 per

    page (fraction of page - % page or over - priced pro-

    portionally at per page rate.)


    God published a tale of a girl and a ghost,

    Of devils in pigs and His son on a cross,

    And ordered our race to believe it or roast -


    Freethought paper, sample free:


    (Steve Wagner, Editor)

    1590 Fremont Dr.,

    Thousand Oaks,

    California 91360


    ( B I MON TH L Y)

    Sam p l e




    P. O .

    B o x 3002 S t a . B

    So u th B en d , I n d ia n a

    August-September, 1964

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    Remember - The Jesuit Priest is a citizen of th

    -not of any nation.

    The Jesuits have always been involved in

    destroy representative governments:

    In England - The Gunpowder Plot.

    In France, - Massacre of St. Bartholome

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    Other books by Emmett Mcl.oughlin


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    o American Culture and Catholic Schools .



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    Te r re H au t e , In d ian a


  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    The American Atheist

    RO F E S S IO NA L TO UR IS T , p r i v a t e l y p r i n t e d , 2 . p a p e r -

    c k , a n i d e a l W in t e r S o l s t i c e G i f t f o r B e l i e v e r s w h o

    i s h t o b e co m e T h i n k e r s . O r d e r N o w fo r N o v em b e r

    v e r y . G u s G o l t z { a n d P o o t z i e } 2 651-A N . D o w n e r

    u p p e r ) , M i lw a u ke e , U S A , 53 211. S e n d n o m o n e y .

    r t y , N e g r o Qu e s t i o n , P h i l o s o p h y , E c o l o g y am id

    a t u r e s Bounty=-ond l i t t l e b r o w n b a l l s a p l e n t y ) .

    ogenerian Pearl Cline has donated her Mourning for

    ,Mankind to our organization. It is an excellent

    d stirring Freethought booklet of poetry You can help

    r organization by buying this book from us for $1.00

    e price is right. Freethought Society of America,

    2 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.

    RGAIN: Amusingly profound freethought quotations

    famous philosophers. (Voltaire, Thoreau, Niet sche,

    rwin etc.) Nicely printed on durable 3JAx5W' cards.

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    ost cards etc. Sure to delight any freethinker.

    for $1.00 - all different

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    for 3.00 - all different

    john W.Webster

    P. O. Box 1829

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218










    Postage and

    Wehave received the following letter which

    we reproduce here as an ADVERTISEMENT:

    Dear Sir:

    .. .I am of the Islamic faith and if you are familiar with

    its philosophy, I am sure you know that our religion is

    a religion of reason based on facts. Much is said con-

    trary to this but on unsubstantiated evidence for the

    most part. Wehave much in common and I would like

    to see some cooperation on both sides in propagating

    the truth.

    Please let me know of any way I might be of some ser-

    vice. I specialize in literature onthis subject.


    Dawoud Hakim

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964



    'IS A DSE SE


    ...Ralph Waldo Emerson

    So Far As The Religion

    Of The Day Is Concerned,

    It Is All A Damned Fake.

    -- Thomas A. Edison

    As For

    A Future


  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine Sep 1964


    C O N G R E S S I O N A L R E C O R D S E N A T E



    r. Boggs (R., La.). Mr. President, on behalf of myself, and

    ors Williams of Delaware, Bennett, Byrd of West Virginia,

    on, Fong, Jordan of North Carolina, Lausche, Moss, Simpson,

    ond, and Walters, I introduce a proposed constitutional amend-

    and ask that it be appropriately referred.

    e problem we face is that while we are a religious people,

    a national background of reliance upon divine providence,

    are forces at work which seek to divorce any accent of spiritu-

    from our public affairs. These forces would deny that as a

    e nation we need to call upon Almighty God for guidance and


    w do we change such a trend?

    think we would all agree that as individuals we can help call

    ion to our spiritual heritage by our own actions and statements.

    we need to do something more in a legal sense to ward off

    s on the spiritual customs and references which have been

    an important good influence on our national life. It is necessary,

    ore, to consider the basic documents of Our Nation.

    ention has already been focused on the Constitution, of

    , as a result of the Supreme Court school prayer decisions

    the past 2 years. Amendments have been offered to permit

    tary prayer and Bible reading in public schools, and I am a

    sor of the amendment introduced by Senator Simpson. I am

    g to think that, even if one were adopted, it might not meet

    whole problem because of its own limitations to school Bible

    g and school prayer.

    n the other hand I am convinced that something needs to be.

    soon to prevent further erosion of our spiritual heritage.

    hat I suggest is that 'we look to the preamble of the Constitution.

    cally, this proposed amendment to the preamble would add

    words under God to it. As amended, the preamble would read:

    We the people of the United States, in order to form a

    union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility pro

    common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure

    ings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain

    lish, under God, this Co~stitution for the United States

    Authorities on the Constitution, including the Suprem

    self, declare that the purpose of the preamble is to

    origin, scope, and purpose of the provisions which fo

    authorities hold that, while the Preamble itself does n

    substantive powers to any branch of government, it does

    indicate direction, and has an influence on the application

    actually conferred. To quote Mr. Justice Story in his c

    referring to the preamble:

    Its true office is to expound the nature and extent and

    of powers actually conferred by the Constitution and not

    ly to create them.

    From my own studies, as well as efforts by the Am

    Division of the Library of Congress, I feel assured that

    the under God phrase would add a spiritual dimens

    Constitution that the Supreme Court would consider in d

    cases before it. As it is now, there is no such written to

    Constitution to which the Justices can refer. How great t

    of the phrase would be, only time would tell; but in my

    would be enough to tip the scales in favor of our Narion


    A brief comment is also necessary, I think, on t

    question of the relation of this proposal to the principle o

    of church and state. The l st and 14th amendments,

    Court decisions stemming from these amendments, set

    paration principle, .and this proposed change in the preamb

    way intended to be in conflict with this basic principle.

    To repeat once again, the preamble is concerned wit

    of the Constitution, not with conferring any powers. Ad

    God would neither establish religion nor interfere with

    however, add a spiritual tone to our fundamental law and

    this uplifting tone to the conduct of our public affairs.

    (continued on inside of

    Does the growing move to aulaio neutralism to religion disturb you? Do you disagree with anything Senator

    has said here or with his proposal? If so, find out how great the problem really is and what is being done about it

    Freethought Society of America: Subscribe to the AMERICAN ATHEIST magazine,


    per year. Or, better yet, be

    member of the legal arm of our organization Other Americans lnc., membership is $12. per year for which you receiv

    year's free subscription to the AMERICAN ATHEIST magazine and the OTHER AMERICANS NEWSLETTER. If you

    wish to become a member of O.A. or subscribe to our magazine, at least contribute to our legal fund which is used

    the costs of our legal activities for separation of church and state, e.g. our chu 'ch tax cases. THE E

    Freethought Society Of ~Unerica

    2502 North Calvert Street

    Baltimore, Maryland 21218

    Make checks payable FREETHOUGHT SOC OF AM., (for subscript ion)

    or OTHER AMERICANS, INC., (for OA membership or Legal Fund dorra


    ion . )

    I am interested in your organization and activities and desire the fo~o

    _________one year's subscription to your magazine for which I enclose


    one year's membership in OTHERAMERleIINSnc. for which I enclo

    Dear Sirs: