Download - America Grows Up Classroom Notes. George Washington Precedent – A standard or model for others to follow – Washington is doing things for the first time.


America Grows Up Classroom Notes George Washington Precedent A standard or model for others to follow Washington is doing things for the first time It will set the standard for all others Creation of a Cabinet Vice PresidentJohn Adams (Fed) Secretary of StateThomas Jefferson (D/R) Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton (Fed) Secretary of WarHenry Knox Attorney GeneralEdmund Randolph Taking Care of the National Debt Hamilton in charge of $77 million debt!! Combine all state debts into one Increase tariffs Increase taxes Create a national bank Loose interpretation of the Constitution Creation of Political Parties Views--Washington did not like them, he wanted all to work together Federalistssee packet page Democratic/Republicanssee packet page Power of the Constitution StrictIf it doesnt say you can, then you cant (D/R) Limits power of government LooseIf it doesnt say you cant, then you can (Fed) Increases power of government French Revolution Who do we side with? Francethey helped us in the war, we should help them Britainmost powerful country, trade, be friendly Foreign Policy NeutralityWashington wants to stay out of the affairs of other countries and does this Jays Treatypeace treaty with Britain Pinckneys Treatypeace treaty with Spain Whiskey Rebellion Uprising of farmers in Western Pennsylvania Washington sent in troops to crush the rebellion Proved that the US government would enforce its laws Term Limit Washington said that no president should serve more than two terms Precedent upheld until Franklin Roosevelt during World War II Electoral College Washington was elected without a popular vote!! Buffer between the people and the president John Adams 2 nd President Massachusetts Federalist French Revolution Adams is a Federalist, therefore he is leaning towards the British Dont Forget Jays TreatyBritain Pinkneys TreatySpain What about the French? XYZ Affair US attempts peace with France to ensure trade and to protect American ships Stop violations at sea France asks for $10 million in bribes for peace XYZ Affair Results: Adams refuses Adams is praised for not taking bribe Hamilton wanted war with France Peace with France wont come until Napoleon is leader of France Alien and Sedition Act Law passed by Adams to increase the time for immigrants to become citizens (5 to 14 years), to deport disloyal immigrants, and to arrest those who speak badly about America Alienan immigrant to a country that they are not a citizen SeditionRebellion against a government Federalists/Democratic-Republicans Look at your lists in the packets, again. Response to Adams Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans think the A/S acts are unconstitutional Hamilton begins to split the party after the XYZ Affair States Rightssome states claim that they dont have to follow a law that they think treats them unfairly Thomas Jefferson 3 rd President Virginia Democratic/ Republican Election of 180012 th Amendment Winner of Electoral College is president, 2 nd place is Vice President Tie between Jefferson and Aaron Burr Hamilton encourages House to vote for Jefferson 12 th AmendmentPresident and vice President are placed on the same ballot (like today) Reversal of Federalists Policies New President, New Policies A. Loose to strict interpretation of Constitution B. Let Alien and Sedition Acts Expire C. Ended Whiskey tax D. Cut taxes and government spending E. Reduced military spending (neutrality) F. Wanted to eliminate national banks Acquisition of LandLouisiana Purchase French leader Napoleon sells Louisiana to Jefferson for $15 million Doubles the size of the United States Was Jefferson a hypocrite? Was it good for America? Ended the loose/strict debate Lewis and Clark Expedition 1802Jefferson appoints the Corps of Discovery led by Lewis and Clark to explore the new Louisiana Territory Goal was to document the plants and animals, draw detailed maps, become friendly with the natives, find a Northwest passage Guided by Sacagawea Reach the Pacific Ocean in 1805, return home in 1806 Trade Restrictions Embargo Act of 1807US cuts off all trade with all countries Hurt the US more than others NonIntercourse Act of 1809US cuts off trade with England and France only Hurts us again Makes England and France really mad Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court case that establishes Judicial Review Judicial Reviewpower of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional James Madison 4th President Virginia Democratic/ Republican Domestic Unrest Embargo Act and Non-Intercourse act failed Native Americans attacking on the western frontier, encouraged by Britain France and Britain stealing cargo and kidnapping sailorsimpressment Hawksthose who want war with Britain Dovesthose who do not want to go to war War of 1812 June 18, 1812US declares war on Britain for: Impressment of sailors Naval violations Indian attacks Not everyone wanted this war War ends with the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, US wins Treaty of Ghent Treaty that ends the War of 1812 No land lost or gained for either side Many upset at the war NationalismExtreme pride in a country SectionalismExtreme pride in an area of the country Secessionto break away from the country James Monroe 5th President Virginia Democratic/ Republican Monroe Doctrine Monroes attempt to secure American Neutrality Monroe tells European powers to stop colonizing in North/South America Still in existence today 5 Major Issues of the Madison/Monroe Era Key Terms for Today: Nationalismextreme pride and loyalty towards your country Sectionalismextreme pride and loyalty towards a state, area, or section Secessionto break away from the Union 1. The Native Americans: Movement westward is causing tensions between the Natives and the pioneers There are about 900,000 Natives that are in lands that the pioneers want to occupy Many treaties were created, but most will be ignored New states and territories are created but because the Natives did not agree, many battles ensued For the most part, there were never really any good treaties that were made, the issue was mostly unresolved Perspectives: Federalistspush out the natives, gain the land Dem/Repsland is important, but not as important as the rights of the Natives 2. Sectionalism: South Lead by Senator John C. Calhoun (South Carolina) Supported the War of 1812 Defended Slavery Wanted limited government intervention in peoples lives North Lead by Senator Daniel Webster (New Hampshire) Opposed the War of 1812 Slavery as evil Powerful Government West Lead by Senator Henry Clay (Kentucky) War Hawkwanted War of 1812 Strong government Spending on Westward Expansion Canals, bridges, roads, factories, industries 3.The America System Henry Clays answer for the struggling American Economy National BankRe-issued in 1816 to loan money for projects Foreign CompetitionPlace embargoes on foreign products, threaten war for those that oppose American policies Protective Tariffstax on imported goods Protect American businesses Force people to buy American goods Factories and industries soared! South does not like it 4. The Monroe DoctrineMonroes Attempt to secure American neutrality Monroe tells European powers to stop colonizing in North/South America Still in existence today Document shows the power of the relatively new country during Monroes term Also opens the door for America to focus on domestic issues Leads to the eventual start of the Industrial Revolution 5. The Missouri Compromise (1820) Proposed by Henry Clay (the Great Compromiser) As new states are added to the Union, will they be free or slave states? The Compromise Missouri will enter the Union as a slave state Maine will enter the Union as a free state A latitude line will be drawn (36-30) North of that lineno slavery South of that lineslavery is allowed Guess what? The south doesnt like it, they thought it was unconstitutional John Quincy Adams Son of John Adams (2 nd President) 6 th President Massachusetts National Republican Monroe Doctrine Kept Europe and the United States out of each others business Allowed for the United States to explore and claim western territories without European interference ProblemWe really cant explore this area because of a lack of knowledgeSolution?? American System Henry Clay comes up with a plan to take care of this problem Building of roads, bridges, canals INFRASTRUCTURE Paid for by tariffs which the South does not like Labor comes from all over the world, America is ready for industrialization Industry and Inventions Interchangeable Parts Faster, quicker, CHEAPER, more efficient means of production Eli Whitney Cotton Gin Faster, quicker, cheaper, more efficient means of production Eli Whitney Greatly increased demand for slavery, spread slavery Steam Engine Great innovations in boat and rail transportation Faster, quicker, cheaper, more efficient Robert Fulton and the Clermont Creation of Factories and Factory Systems Increased demand for goods Expansion of the country Mass of immigrants to the United States (Irish potato famine) Industrial Revolution Factory towns, Lowells Girls Erie Canal Connected Lake Erie to the Hudson River (Atlantic Ocean) Cut freight cost dramatically, decreased shipping time Connected the Mid West to the rest of the world Andrew Jackson 7 th President Democrat (Old Democratic/ Republican) Tennessee Spoils System Spoils System: giving government jobs to friends and supporters a. opposite of the merit system where jobs would go to those who were most qualified b. his policies broke the upper class stronghold on government jobs and positions c. Many loved this policy, many resented it Electoral College a. Jackson vowed to eliminate the Electoral College after his loss to John Q. Adams in 1824 b. In this election, Jackson won more electoral and popular votes but not a majority, the House of Representatives voted for John Q. Adams c. Jackson, as president, has no authority to do this, but wanted to eliminate in anyway Indian Removal Act a. Jackson signs into law the forced removal of Natives into lands west of the Mississippi River b. Natives were lied to, robbed, and imprisoned if they did not cooperate c. Although the Supreme Court said that the natives (also citizens) could not be forcibly removed, Jackson went against the decision and kicked them out of their lands anyway d. Jacksons policy was cheered by most Americans, but he overstepped his executive privilege e. The journey that many tribes took to the new reservations was called the Trail of Tears Tariffs a. Jackson lowers the tariff rates but demands that the states pay it (compromise) b. Southern states refuse to pay, making Jackson furious c. South Carolina threatens secession, Jackson threatens troops d. First real talk about secession the threat of breaking away National Banks a. Jackson vetoes the charter to renew the national bank b. Jackson felt that the ideas of interest hurt many Americans who worked hard and had little money and favored those who did not work hard and had lots of money c. Jackson vetoed more laws than any previous president d. His behaviors greatly increased the power of the presidency and propelled the presidency as the most powerful of the three branches e. Does his power need to be controlled? King Andrew I 1. How is Andrew Jackson dressed? How does the way he is dressed explain the cartoons caption? 2. Was the comparison of Jackson to a king meant as praise or criticism? Explain. 3. What paper is Jackson holding in his hand? What incident is the cartoonist referring to with the paper? 4. What pieces of paper are lying on the floor beneath Jackson? To what incidents might these objects refer? 5. What do you think the cartoonist thought of Jackson? Explain. 6. How, in your opinion, was the cartoonist trying to influence American public opinion toward Jackson? 7. Analyze this cartoon further using the 8 steps to analyzing a political cartoon on the back of this sheet. James K. Polk Democrat Tennessee Key Terms for James Polk Polk was an expansionist and someone who believed in Manifest Destiny Expansionist: People who believed in expanding the nations borders as far as possible Manifest Destiny: Idea that it was Americas priority and responsibility to own land from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean During Polks term, a lot of things are happening: 1.Texas seeks independence from Mexico and wants to become a state 2.The United States goes to war with Mexico 3.Newly acquired land from Mexico will result in new states being admitted to the Union 4.Pioneers heading west on the Oregon Trail into new territories that will eventually become new states 5. Gold discovered in California!! 1848gold discovered in California 1849California gold rush 1850California wants to become a state Problems between the different sections (sectionalism on the rise!) Missouri Compromise (1820) -South claims that it is unconstitutional Texas Annexation/Mexican Cession -Texas claims independence from Mexico and becomes their own country! -Mexico wants to take it back, so Texas asks to become a state for protection -Problems? Admitting Texas will add a big chunk of land to the United States, however, it will be a slave state and will probably get the United States involved in a war with Mexico -Texas is admitted, the US goes to war with Mexico and wins, gaining a larger piece of land called the Mexican Cession -The lands of the Texas Annexation and Mexican Cession want to become states Compromise of California is admitted as a free state -Mexican Cession divided into the Utah and New Mexico territories, the people in those territories would decide on slave or free (vote), this was called popular sovereignty -The slave trade was abolished in Washington, D.C. -Fugitive Slave law passedany runaway slave to the north had to be returned to the south South hates it, why? -California is free -No slave trade in D.C. (south feared that it would eventually mean slavery is abolished everywhere) North hates it, why? -Fugitive slave law passed (means slavery is legal everywhere) -Allows popular sovereignty (means slavery could be legal everywhere) -Voids/repeals the Missouri Compromise Kansas/Nebraska Act (1854) -The new territories of Kansas and Nebraska want to become states -Law allowed for the people to decide (vote, popular sovereignty) -Seems like a good idea, right? -Slaves have no say in the issue -leads to fighting and riots prior to the elections (Bleeding Kansas) Can you see how sectionalism is on the rise? Can you see how a Civil War may be brewing?