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What problem does Amanda’s Kitchen solve?

Imagine it's late afternoon, and your schedule is overflowing. Meetingsfor this, and reminders for that. You’re overcommitted, undercaffeinated and inbox zero seems like a distant dream.

At some point, you have to figure out what’s for dinner. And whenyou’re too busy or tired to cook, or you don’t really enjoy your househelp’s cooking (if you have one), it’s all too easy to just grab somethingfast on nights like these. But usually the easy option isn’t the best onefor you.

We thought there had to be a better way, and that’s why we startedAmanda’s Kitchen. To make the easy option for putting lunch or dinneron the table, the better one for you and the people you care about.

In short, we strive to make eating better easier by reinventing theweekday or weeknight meal. Meals are delivered chilled (but notfrozen), and designed from the ground up to be restaurant quality outof your microwave or oven. Simple instructions make putting adelicious meal on the table hassle-free. Our meals are fresh, tasty, easyand convenient.

Amanda Gicharu, Co-founder Michelle Gicharu, Co-founder


Amanda is a marketer turned chefand nutritionist. With no formalculinary training, she is thereigning Champion of thenational Royco Fuata Flavacooking contest. Amanda givesthe traditional recipes she grewup with a completely modern andhealthy twist, while infusing themwith global flavours.

With an emphasis onexperimentation, Michelle hasspent most of her life cooking topush boundaries.Passionateabout rich tastes and spicydishes, she believes that food isa unique art form that should beshared widely through goodpreparation and cooking.


What progress has Amanda’s Kitchen made so far?

Initially, we thought we could kick off the business in a big way and deliverthe product exactly as conceived. However, we realized that starting small isthe smartest approach in this market, so we learn what model works best aswe grow. For that reason, we have started delivering meals backwards,because who doesn’t like to start with dessert? We recently launched ourbaked goods range, then we’ll expand into smoothies and finally meals. What’s the difference between what you do and a restaurant?

Amanda’s Kitchen is in the “on-demand meal space.” We are vertically-

integrated meal providers, meaning we source ingredients, hire chefs, rentkitchens, cook meals, and deliver them to customers. For those of you whoare thinking, “Wait isn’t that just a restaurant?” the answer is, “Sort of.” There’sno physical retail location, so we are “in the cloud” so to speak. Furthermore,

we focus on serving healthy, fresh meals that will leave you feeling less greasythan the fried chicken takeout from down the street.


Where did your passion for food come from and when did you realize thatcooking was something you truly enjoyed?

I found my passion for cooking at a very young age. At 4, I remember puttinga stool next to the stove so stand on and watch the action in the kitchen.

Even then I started making some simple baked treats and grew into morecomplex recipes as I got older. My mother can tell you how I would beg herfor ingredients for my experiments, sometimes using my small allowance tobuy them myself. While she doesn’t enjoy cooking, her mother was a veryestablished chef having attended culinary school in the UK. My grandmotherwent on to win multiple awards for her baking and entertained many high-

ranking dignitaries including President Moi! My affinity for food is definitely inmy blood. I love cooking because it allows me to show my love, share mypassion and create something out of nothing! Its my way of adding flavour tomy life and being salt to this world!


How did you end up being an entrepreneur?

I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to work at the largest INGOin the world – the United Nations and arguably the biggest tech company– Google. Through my experience, I have had the best of both worlds -NGO and corporate, which has been an amazing journey. My last stint atemployment was extremely entrepreneurial and it taught me how far Icould stretch myself.

With all the travel and long hours, I made a lot of sacrifices, oftenrelinquishing time I would have given to my cooking. My husband and Iwere both uncomfortable with hiring a domestic helper and would ofteneat out or order in. Not only was this expensive over time, but we alsowondered how the food was prepared and whether it was nutritious.Upon further research, I realized barely any restaurants offered bothhealthy and delicious meals, and further, none offered an on-demand,

weekly meal delivery service to cater to busy young professionals likemyself. I felt I needed something more challenging where I couldcombine my business acumen with my passion for cooking – and this ideacould be it. Once the thought popped into my head, it kept growing untilI couldn’t ignore it any more. I resigned to pursue my passion.


You are first winner of the Royco Fuata Flava national cookingcompetition. You mention that you are a home cook, with zero trainingbut you were able to compete against a professional chef with 8+ yearsof experience, what do you attribute your win to?

First, I must attribute my win to God. He gave me my natural cookingability and creativity, without which I could have won. I also have anincredible husband and family who were so supportive throughout theentire experience. Resilience, willingness to stay the course, emotional andphysical stamina as well as positive energy were also key to my success. Ibelieve that no matter what you're doing, you should always try your best.How you do anything is how you do everything. No matter what taskyou're faced with - large or small - always seek excellence.


Who in the food world do you most admire?

Internationally, I am a huge fan of Jamie Oliver. I really respect and supportwhat he is doing with the ‘Jamie’s Food Revolution’ campaign advocatingfor healthy nutrition for all, especially children. Closer to home, I'm inspiredby South African TV personality, Siba Mtongana. She isn't a professionalchef, but has harnessed her passion for food to catapult herself tointernational acclaim with her own Food Network cooking show. Siba is agreat representative for African women and us ‘home cooks’.

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