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Page 2: Alzehimer's disease Treatment | Stem Cell Treatment for Alzehimer's Disease

What are Stem Cells ???

“Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell

types in the body during early life and growth.”

Adult Stem Cells

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Adult Stem Cell Advantages

An adult stem cell is a cell that can renew itself as well as transform into some or all of the major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ.

Autologous adult stem cells are an individual’s own cells, removed and stored, then returned to the body. There are no ethical or religious issues

surrounding adult stem cell removal nor are there concerns of autologous adult stem cell rejection.

Stem Cell

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What is Alzheimer's and its Symptoms???“Alzheimer's disease, a serious form of dementia associated with senility, results in

gradual progression of neuron loss and degradation of nerve contacts. The disease

affects its victim subtly; often the preliminary symptoms include disorientation and

memory loss.”

Alzheimer's Patient

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What is Alzheimer's and its Symptoms???Signs Of Normal Change vs. Early Alzheimer’s Symptoms

Normal Early Alzheimer’s Disease

Can’t find your keys Routinely place important items in odd places, such as keys in the fridge, wallet in the dishwasher

Search for casual names and words

Forget names of family members and common objects, or substitute words with inappropriate ones

Briefly forget conversation details

Frequently forget entire conversations

Feel the cold more Dress regardless of the weather, wear several skirts on a warm day, or shorts in a snow storm

Can’t find a recipe Can’t follow recipe directions

Forget to record a check Can no longer manage checkbook, balance figures, solve problems, or think abstractly

Cancel a date with friends Withdraw from usual interests and activities, sit in front of the TV for hours, sleep far more than usual

Make an occasional wrong turn

Get lost in familiar places, don’t remember how you got there or how to get home

Feel occasionally sad Experience rapid mood swings, from tears to rage, for no discernible reason

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Advancells Treatment for Alzheimer'sStep 1

Bone Marrow CollectionStep 2

Laboratory ProcessingStep 3

Stem Cell Implantation

• The bone marrow is collected from the hip bone of the concerned patient by making a

small puncture using a fine needle.

• The stem cells from the collected bone marrow are evaluated to measure their strength and vitality

in our government-approved (CGMP),ultramodern laboratory.

• Through the process of intravenous administration or lumbar puncture, the stem cells are implanted onto the patient’s body.

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Advancells Treatment for Alzheimer’s





Alzheimer’sMedications, sensory therapy, alternative medicines can help

Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Stem cell therapy is an experimental therapy and its considered as its

regenerate damaged nerve tissues in brain, so patient can be managed for

a period of time.

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Case Example

(Pre Stem Cell treatment symptoms)

Name of Patient : Josephine Stramiello, USA

• He was taking Aricept and gradually losing his ability to think clearly

or remember names, dates and current information. He has had

Alzheimer's for 12 years.

• His daughter Laura and son Joseph found out about the Stem Cell

treatment and he got his First Stem Cell treatment in 2008. He

got his Second Stem Cell treatment 7 months later in

November 2009.

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Post Stem Cells TreatmentName of Patient : Josephine Stramiello, USA

Although his short term memory improved only slightly, he has retained many skills.

Dressing, makeup, reading, identifying pictures, numbers and some writing with supervision.

He can still converse, although he has trouble with finding some words. He still help prepare dinner and fold clothes.

He make his bed and walk everyday. He believe the Stem Cell treatment slowed the time frame of his deterioration. It has given him more time with his family.

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