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Without a doubt, the team’s combined ideas, insight, clarity and personalised attention created the momentum for us to reimagine the company and set course. We would never have left the gravitational force of our past and realised our new future without their expertise. Dean Carey, Creative and Founding Director, The Actors Centre.



We are a coaching !irm.

We o"er leadership coaching and business coaching.

We know that coaching, when well delivered, unlocks the potential in your self and your business.

Most importantly, the discipline of coaching gives you the freedom of choice – in your business, for yourself and for the people you work with.




We are slaves of the law, in order that we may be able to be free


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IQ (Intelligence Quotient): a ratio of mental age to chronological age. EQ (Emotional Quotient): notional measure of a person’s emotional adequacy. AQ (Attitude Quotient): notional measure of a person’s attitude adequacy.



The word Altus is Latin for high, deep, or elevated. It can also translate to mean profound, mature and noble.

The Q stands for questioning. But more importantly, it represents our insights and application of contextual issues associated with IQ, EQ and AQ – intellect, emotions and attitude. Without this layer of meaning and understanding, coaching becomes academic, and will not deliver lasting cultural and behavioural change.






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Our Leadership Coaching enables individuals across organisations.

We specialise in working with large corporations in the !inancial, IT, resources and social enterprise sectors, although we do work across all sizes of organisations and industries.

Our methodology and tools are proven. One of our key points of di"erence is that they are highly transferable within your organisation.


Based on a survey of over 2,000 clients, the average company ROI from coaching was 700%. Importantly, the study demonstrated much of the value returned from coaching was in the intangible areas of con!idence, relationships, balance and wellbeing. 2009 International Coach Federation report by PWC



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Coaching has returned us a 300% increase in turnover. The question I am often asked is ‘would you have grown like that without coaching?‘ My answer is simple – possibly, but not without the same certainty. Growing a business in a sustainable way where you are in control is much more challenging. Mathew Cuneen, Managing Director, Satsuma Solutions






Fear creates a barrier to change. But change is essential, for people and for businesses to grow.

Our Business Coaching addresses all aspects of your business using a proven, methodical and strategic process.

We work across all types of small and medium sized business and we specialise in coaching for professional services !irms and partnerships across all sectors.

Our di"erence is our coaches: our coaches are all well versed in running small to medium businesses, so we understand your challenges, !irst hand.





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We are leaders in IP development in the coaching space.

We are thought leaders.

We have a strong in!luence on Government for SME’s.

We are the leading trainer of coaches.

Our people have collectively coached more than 2,000 businesses in the last 10 years.





:$.:-6(')-/8I'$7'7/&();'Business Coaching remains a fast growth industry around the world, with much of that growth being driven by Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Google search reports that Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth are among the Top 10 worldwide for “Business Coaching” searches per capita.



To the highest point


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Love is at the core of all we do. Love overcomes fear. Love enables us to see the truth.

We empower others with our spirited and experiential coaching methods. Empowerment is liberating.

Choice provides power and freedom, a fundamental driver for our clients and partners.




No one emerged unchanged. The fears and bene!its technique used by the coach gave our team the means to initiate and conduct some di#icult but ultimately rewarding conversations, bringing about a signi!icant cultural change leading to an uplift in the e#iciency and impact of our business. Karin Hawkins, former Executive Manager Mortgages, ANZ Bank



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Love the clientOur clients need to feel supported, challenged and loved, and feel safe when ‘tough love’ is delivered.

Have funWe have a culture that is fun, that cares and that will embrace you (often quite literally). And we are committed to supporting the wider community through our chosen charities.

It starts with meWe strive to be the opportunity, as players not spectators. We must have awareness, take full responsibility for our choices, and live this through our actions.

Play as a teamFrom sharing knowledge and experience to working together, we aim to deliver the best outcomes for our clients.

Build valueWe continually build our IP and create passive income streams for the business to hold true valuation, for us now and for the future.



We are one business, but we are many, so working together as a team is fundamental to our success. Obviously we’re not all the same, but we share the same values and we respect each other’s opinions and choices – we actually care about each other.

We also know we can be ourselves at work. And that it’s OK to feel vulnerable in business. That’s because we understand that we create the whole of our own reality.


Our culture is our key sustainable advantage. We live it through our values.

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A coaching !irm like no other...

Specialist coaches who understand your business and industry, who want to listen, and who will bring you a fresh, new perspective.

Coaches with highly developed intuition, lateral thinking and problem solving skills – skills that can be taught and transferred to you and your team.

Practical, grounded, real, no nonsense, ‘tell it like it is’ advice and solutions.

Measurable bottom line, commercial and cultural bene!its.

A strategic approach tailored to your business needs, addressing both business context and content.

Lasting behavioural change.

A dynamic and experiential coaching process that will empower you and give you the freedom of choice.





We have proven, transferable IP that is strategic in its focus.

Our business tools traverse the cultural and commercial, addressing the full scope of IQ, EQ and AQ.

We demonstrate a huge care factor, focussed on transparency and on building deep relationships.

All coaches have a depth of experience in business, with more than half of our coaches having completed over 10,000 hours of coaching.

Our coaches are fully quali!ied, and must regularly undertake comprehensive personal training and skills development.

Our coaches bring a palpable energy, combined with excellent communication skills.


CDBDDD$"&1*3$&)$56$E$FD$"&1*3$,$%##?$)&*$CD$(#,*3/:$The 10,000$Hour Rule, Malcolm Gladwell

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Q MentorMentoring programs deliver better use of the resources that already exist in your company. They help to build the leadership capability within your team, fast track learnings, build trust, facilitate the internal transfer of knowledge and support diversity in the workplace. They help to build a strong corporate culture that is attractiveto talented employees and signi!ies your company as an employer of choice.

Q TeamTeam coaching brings together a team of people to help them develop new skills and improve their e"ectiveness in working together. We also tailor specialised sales coaching programs to skills that currently exist within your sales teams, and we facilitate retreats and team building events. Our facilitators are renowned for the skills they bring to team events such as conferences and strategic retreats.



Q ExecutiveOur executive coaching programs o"er one-on-one coaching with leaders and rising stars in your company. The program helps participants to develop speci!ic skills and knowledge that enables them to optimise their performance and to progress in their career. Obstacles are identi!ied and worked through, and desired outcomes are de!ined and measured. We also o"er a ‘Coach the Coach’ program to build the coaching skill capability of your executives.

Q LeadOur leadership programs identify the speci!ic management and leadership skills that are required for individuals and teams to perform their roles e"ectively. We then develop a strategy to help bridge any skill gap, including planning and prioritisation, problem solving, delegation and de!ining responsibilities, communication skills, managing people and strategy development.






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Q RevenueMoney is the lifeblood of all businesses. Revenue, cash !low, pro!it, funding and recurring income streams are the things that keep business owners awake at night. Our revenue programs and business tools focus on getting the money !lowing, so you can sleep easier. From sales training and coaching of professional and technical teams to building and managing networks, implementing marketing plans and maximising the service and experience of your clients. The bottom line – we help you to build revenue.

Q PeoplePeople are often the most important asset of a business. Many business owners and CEO’s struggle to handle the hard issues when sta" are not clear about their roles or are not feeling valued, partnerships or management teams are not aligned, and skills are not being maximised. Our people programs support you to implement cultural change with practical tools that address partner and board alignment, employee engagement and retention, communication and management skills and more.



Q StructureOur structure programs work on the skeleton of your business, ensuring there is alignment and !lexibility to support and sustain growth. Focus areas include processes, systems and business work!lows, resource and people allocation, business infrastructure, business e#iciencies where there is task repeatability, and risk management. We also address classic governance issues that small to medium business experience, including board structure, equity value and shareholdings.

Q StrategyOur strategy programs focus on the key driver of business growth. We work with you to understand the direction you are taking your business, and the tactics you will need to get there. Developing a vision is a fundamental strategic building block, along with business planning, market analysis, target audience development, product relevance, pricing and packaging. Our strategic programs measure and build the capability and capacity of your business, and the ability of your people to deliver. We also facilitate retreats, team meetings and conferences.




