Download - Altrusun Newsletter 2011 05

  • 8/6/2019 Altrusun Newsletter 2011 05




    VOLUME 34, ISSUE 10

    MAY 2011



    Published MonthlyAltrusa International, Inc.

    Of Montrose, ColoradoPO Box 3184

    Montrose, CO. 81402-3184

    Betty Lundgren

    Editor & [email protected]

    970 252-3610

    Kaye HotsenpillerPresident

    [email protected]

    970 249-7929

    Diane Winger

    President Elect

    [email protected]

    970 765-8885

    Linda Riba

    First Vice [email protected]

    970 240-5489

    Ginny Spaven

    Second Vice [email protected]

    970 964-4379

    Lorie BolligSecretary

    [email protected] 249-6823

    Allison NadelTreasurer

    [email protected]

    970 240-3091

    Roberta HoeyPast President

    [email protected]

    970 249-3873

    Martha Dusio


    [email protected]

    970 249-7469

    Lita SargentDirector

    [email protected]

    970 417-1145

    Hello Altrusans:

    For those of you that missed it, Elaine, Marge, and the conference committee put on a

    fantastic conference. There were 96 registered Altrusans at the conference (37 fromMontrose). 13 different clubs were represented. We learned how to manage change,how to retire and stay retired, as well as how to run business meetings. Governor Don-na Herman was put into office. What a proud moment to see Donna take over as theGovernor of District 10. What an awesome adventure that she will move forward on!Go get em Donna!!

    The ASTRA installation/ initiation was an April success. As I sat and watched the cere-mony, I was struck with what an important thing we were doing for these kids. Theseyoung ladies and men are our future leaders. We are teaching them to give back to theircommunity and put others first. We are helping to improve their communication, besocial, improve self esteem, and provide them with a first experience at leadership andboards. Thank you Lori, Carolee and the entire ASTRA leaders for your commitment to

    the youth of our future.As the 2011-12 board is installed and the new leadership takes over at the helm, I will bestepping down. Looking back at our past year we have had a number of ups and downs,but it seems like we always come out on top. As you look at new ways to serve in Altru-sa, please consider looking at board positions. I have learned so much about our club asthe leader. Now my role is to support Diane and continue to serve and give back to ourcommunity.

    I started the year wanting to give back and make our community stronger. I hope thatI have met this goal. President is a tough job. I learned a great deal about Altrusa andhow and why things happen. I made mistakes, fixed mistakes, made you laugh, and triedto keep the meeting moving at an appropriate speed. I did my best to listen to your con-

    cerns and to put things in place to make our Club better. It has been a pleasure to bethe leader of such a wonderful group of people.

    Sincerely: Kaye


    Page 2 ConferencePage 3 Mart has Par liamentary Quiz, June Bir thdays & Upcoming Progr amsPages 4 -8 Conference Recap & Photos!Page 9 W antedAl t rusun Newslett er Edit or!

    President s Repor t

    by Kaye Hot senpiller

  • 8/6/2019 Altrusun Newsletter 2011 05



    District Ten ConferenceAwards for Our Club!

    The Montrose Club continued our good record of winning again this year at the annual District Ten Conference:


    Newsletter- 2nd Place

    Yearbook- 1st P lace

    Website- 2nd Place


    Place for our Kids on Wheels project to encourage children

    to ride their bikes


    Tied for 3rd Place

    JEN HANSON SERVICE AWARD: 1st Place for our Love Hug Bears project, providing stuffed bears for chil-

    dren in the ER or undergoing surgery at Montrose Memorial Hospital

    DR. NINA FAY CALHOUN AWARD: 1st P lace for our International Relations projects, including supporting

    health, education, and 3rd World entrepreneurs in dozens of countries

    MAMIE L BASS AWARD: 2nd Place for our projects support-

    ing cancer patients, Tender Touch Turbans and volunteer work

    for Bosom Buddies

    Lorie Bollig was our nominee for Governors Award and had

    some strong competition. We want to congratulate Lorie on be-

    ing chosen by our club and we will submit her name again in the

    future. Rose Price has been entered in the International

    competition for Community Leadership Award and the

    winner of that award will be announced at the July

    Convention. Our club also was announced as a winner

    of this years Distinguished Club Award along with

    several other clubs in District Ten. This is our 18th

    consecutive year of winning this award.

    Rose Price accepts the Jen Hanson Service Award from Donna

    Herman for our Love Hugs project.

    Carol Parker (center) accepts the Dr. Nina FayCalhoun Award for our numerous International pro-

    jects. L to R: Altrusa International President-ElectDona Garretson, Carol Parker, District Ten GovernorDonna Herman

  • 8/6/2019 Altrusun Newsletter 2011 05



    Mark Your Calendar For These Other UpcomingPrograms or Events

    May 24Service Committee Grants, Fundraiser discussion

    May 31Installation of Officers

    June 7 - Brainstorming session

    July 2225Altrusa International Convention in Rapid City, SD. Let Kaye know ifyou are interested in attending since lists of delegates/alternates are due verysoon!

    Marthas Parliamentary PresentationCONDUCT OF BUSINESS

    Group 8

    MATCHING. Arrange the items of business in Column B in their proper order by placing the leers

    in Column B in the appropriate spaces in Column A.

    Column A Column B76. (1) _____ A. Reports of Special Commiees

    77. (2) _____ B. Special Orders

    78. (3) _____ C. Reading and Approval of Minutes

    79. (4) _____ D. Unfinished Business and General Orders

    80. (5) _____ E. New Business

    81. (6) _____ F. Reports of Officers, Boards and Standing Commiees

    Answers are located on page 5 of this newsletter.

    Reprinted with permission of: National Association of Parliamentarians213 S Main Street

    Independence, MO 64050-3808816.833.3892

    June Birthdays!

    Evelyn Lawson June 5Mary Snyder June 18Joey Montoya Boese June 23Carolee Hawkins June 24

  • 8/6/2019 Altrusun Newsletter 2011 05



    District Ten Conference

    May 5-7, 2011

    The 56th Annual Altrusa District Ten Conference was held at the Holiday

    Inn Express May 5-7th. Members from 13 of the 15 clubs in the district at-tended business sessions, workshops, heard exciting keynote speakers, andenjoyed Fun Night.

    The conference kicked off with a welcome reception hosted by the AltrusaClub of Delta on Thursday evening. Friday morning began with the alwaysimpressive flag ceremony and procession of district officers. All of the pastgovernors of District Ten were in attendance, a very special occasion! Fol-lowing the business session, the Altrusa Club of Grand Junction hosted amixer luncheon.

    The afternoon began with keynote speaker, Sue Hansen, who challenged us to accept change and grow from it.Bob Tesch followed Sue, and in his usual humorous way, spoke about how to retire and stay retired.

    Officer training sessions and delivery of over 300 baby items to Life Choices Family Resource Center completedthe afternoon. At 6 PM over 75 members filled the Cobble Creek Golf Community Center for a great meal andMinute to Win It competitions. It truly was a Fun Night!

    Saturday morning the business session resumed and excellent programs were presented by Judy Stubbs and DonaGarretson. The Awards Luncheon was hosted by the Altrusa Club of Albuquerque. Of note, the Montrose clubwas awarded 2nd place for newsletter and web site and first place for yearbook.

    In addition, we were recognized for reaching our 35th anniversary as a club. We also won the Nancy Taylor Envi-ronmental Award for Kids on Wheels, the Jen Hanson Award for Love Hug Bears, the Nina Fay CalhounAward for Healing-Helping Around the World, second place in the Mamie L. Bass Award competition and thealways coveted Distinguished Club Award. Phew!!!

    The Saturday evening banquet was special in many ways. Rose Price had the room decorated beautifully. LorieBollig was one of five nominees for the Governors Award. And Connie McIntire, past governor of District Tenand Montrose charter member, conducted a moving installation ceremony for Donna Herman, now Governor ofDistrict Ten.

    The committee of Elaine Moore and Marge Keehfuss, Co-Chairs, Rose Price-Decorations, Becky Wolford-Finance, Marianne Cross-Registration, Roberta Hoey-Credentials, Facilities-Marge Keehfuss, Hospitality-Jeanne

    Kuchynka and Lorie Bollig, Kits, Displays & Exhibits-Elaine Moore, Printing-Allison Nadel, Saturday Banquet-Margaret Goodhue, Fun Night-Susan Woody, and DianeWinger-Communication worked very hard for months to

    plan every detail.

    The scope of the conference is impressive: over 4400 pagesof material reproduced, almost 375 meals arranged usingthree different caterers, and snacks at break times for 100peoplefour separate times! The event unfolded almostseamlessly because of much hard work. There are manyreasons to be proud of our club. This successful conferenceis an another example!

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    Memories of District Ten Conference


    Minute to Win It Competitions

    Parliamentary Presentation Quiz Answers

    Group 8 answers: 76-C, 77-F, 78-A, 79-B, 80-D, 81-E

    LeftBlow soapbubbles acrossthe room andthrough a hoop

    BelowThe foodserved atFun Night wasdelicious


    Members of theDelta AltrusaClub enjoy someearly Fun Nightcheer

    RightPick up M&Mswith a straw andmove them to adesignated spot

    BelowBounce ping

    pong balls and getthem to land insidecups

    LeftEveryone concluded that it was

    too difficult to balance golf balls atop

    one another.RightIt requires just the right amountof vaseline on one's nose to be able topick up cotton balls and drop them intoa bowl without the use of hands.

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    Memories of District Ten Conference


    Life Choices Family Resource Center

    Our project benefited Life Choices Family ResourceCenter. Executive Director Gigi Bechthold reportson the results

    The following is what we were blessed withfrom the Altrusa Conference Service project:

    Wipes: 22 packages - 1,650 wipes!Diapers, sizes 1-5 = 1,770!

    Undershirts and Onsies: 51Receiving blankets: 20Blankets/ Quilts: 16Sheets: 6Wash Cloths/ towels: 26Socks: 21 pairsMisc. Girls: 71 piecesMisc. Boys: 41 piecesBaby Care products: 39Mommy Care Packs: 2

    Toys: 3Gift Cards:$125 in gift cards plus 2 with unknownamounts!

    A Great Big Thank You!!

    LeftMontrose Altrusans found time to wish

    Alice Vest a happy birthday during a break betweensessions.

    L to R: Bonnie Coffman, Lita Sargent, Gigi Bechthold, Elaine Moore, andGovernor Ida Bender

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    Memories of District Ten Conference

    RightGovernor IdaBender is inducted

    into the Lifesavers --past Governors ofDistr ict Ten similar toour "Dusty Gavels"who are past Presi-

    dents of our club

    Past District Ten Governors

    L to R Back Row, Margaret Goodhue,

    Connie McIntire, Nancy Taylor,Sheryl Borden and Rhoda Struhs

    L to R Front Row, Sherry Kearns,Dona Garretson, Ida Bender and

    Donna Parker.

    LeftGovernor IdaBender, Governor

    Elect Donna Herman,Vice Governor JudyStubbs, Treasurer JudyGriffin, Parliamentarian

    Nancy Taylor andSecretary Judith Mead.

    Attendees to District Ten Conference from the Montrose Altru-

    sa Club

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    56th Annual Altrusa District 10 ConferenceGovernors Banquet


    Dona Garretsonadjusts a pin onDonna Herman's label

    prior to her installationas Governor ofDistrict Ten.

    A wonderful meal at the

    Governors Banquet

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    Al tr usan(s) who can cut-and-paste & organize using Word, Publ i sh-er, or other sof tware of choice(a.k .a. Newsletter Edi tor s)

    We al l en joy having a newsletter each m onth , bu t wi th Betty of f to

    Grand Juncti on wi th her new job, we need one (or a team of two?)

    people to help organize ar ti cles pr epar ed by our President,

    Publ i ci ty Comm i ttee mem ber s, Board member s, and peopl e desig-

    nated by our other comm i ttees.

    Incoming President and sel f-designated compu ter geek Di aneWinger i s offer ing a free, per sonal i zed tu tor ing session u sing Word

    or Publ i sher (or other software of your choice) to help aspi r ing

    edi tor (s) l ear n h ow to easi l y create a newsletter fr om ar ti cl es and

    photos subm i tted. Di ane can al so emai l the compl eted newsletter

    to al l mem ber s along wi th her weekl y meeti ng agenda.

    I f you en joy having a club n ewsletter (and who doesnt!), pl ease step

    for ward to help keep i t going. Save our Newsletter ! Cont act Di ane i f i n terested!