Download - ALL SAINTS’ overview Ma… · Chaplaincy Team (Caritas members) – Eloise Della-Spina, Sophie Watson, ... Lydia Bancroft; Nathaniel Greig: Bradley Hall; Jake Hawkins; Elise Palmer





Opportunity . Achievement . Success

May 2018


Dear parent / guardian,

I am delighted to be able to include an update on the achievements from students in each house over

the last half-term, many of whom won awards in the recent commendation event at the end of last term.

The following pages celebrate the award winners in relation to attendance, attitude and effort in the

classroom and student contribution to the All Saints’ Way. I am sure you will join us in congratulating

the students for their excellent efforts in the previous half-term and we hope to see many more

students winning awards in the upcoming commendation events at the end of July.

I would like to take this opportunity to raise a few issues that currently need addressing by the school

and ask for your support in helping to prevent any forthcoming problems. I would like to draw your

attention to the following school expectations -:

All students must be punctual and should be on-site by 8.55am at the latest. This is to enable

their learning to begin promptly at 9am and is excellent preparation for future work life. Parents/

carers who are bringing their child into school by car should allow sufficient journey time for

potential delays, such as traffic problems. Students may be dropped on-site from 7.50am on-

wards, allowing plenty of time for younger siblings to then be taken to their nursery/school.

The canteen is available for students to sit and enjoy time with their friends, for them to do

homework or quietly read. Any students arriving late to lessons are sanctioned and repeat

offenders are monitored closely and the severity of their sanctions increased. Punctuality and

attendance are continuing to improve and we want to thank our dedicated students, supportive

parents/carers and hard-working staff for this.

Whilst the vast majority of our students behave impeccably both inside and outside the classroom,

in the event of poor student behaviour or any other action that contravenes the All Saints’ Way, the

school reserves the right to give after school detentions with a 24-hour notice period. If a student

is given an after-school detention they will be provided with a letter to notify parents/guardians of

the sanction and you will also be sent an e-mail through the school Insight system. By sending

your child to the school you are in essence agreeing to support the school detention policy,

therefore no student is exempt from sitting after school detentions. If a student does not attend

an after-school detention, this will be treated as defiance and further sanctions will follow.

Mobile phones and I-watches remain banned from the school site between 9.00am and 3.35pm.

Students must hand their phones in at reception before school starts if they bring them into

school. Any student found in possession of a mobile phone or smart device during the school day

will have them confiscated for 5 school days as per school policy. The school has no liability over

any possessions lost by students on the school site.

The school has a very clear policy on uniform outlined on the school website and in organisers.

Any student wearing incorrect uniform will be isolated at break and lunchtime and students

wearing make-up that is excessive will be asked to remove it as we want the students to have a

professional demeanour.

The school reserves the right to confiscate any banned items that are brought on to site for

example cans of fizzy or energy drink, aerosol deodorant sprays or anything that students intend

to sell on (e.g. sweets)

I trust that the school has your full support in the areas addressed. I hope you enjoy reading about

the fantastic successes achieved by so many of our students during the last school term and

hope to see many more different students celebrated in the next newsletter.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr C Hutchinson (Assistant Head – Care, Guidance and Support)


Caritas Achievements

Pastoral Awards

Tutor group with the highest attendance – MWN with 97.2%

Tutor group with the best conduct – LMR

All Saints’ Achiever Award – Jack Betts, Charlotte Cox, Jennifer Kirton and

Remigiusz Kmieckowiak

Head of House Star Award – Hannah Smedley

Senior Leadership Team Award – Eloise Della-Spina

Shining Stars – a massive well done to the following students who have zero behaviour points

and 100% attendance. Keep up the good work! Libby Armitage, Eleanor Bekisz, Harry Burdett,

Sophie Burns, Oliver Butler, Charlotte Cox, Eloise Della-Spina, Dominika Freidenberg, Ascend

Jiang, Wiktoria Kmieckowiak, Lily Marriott, Lily Marriott, Shannon McPhilbin, Amy Meeson,

Chloe Morrell, Hannah Smedley and Joshua Spademan.

Commendation Awards winners

Positive contributions to Caritas

Caritas House Team – Eniola Ogunlade, Wiktoria Kmieckowiak, Eleanor Bekisz, Trinity Cheung,

Libby Armitage, Amy Hughes, Madison Pallester, Liana Della-Spina, Charlote Cox, Jennifer

Kirton, Benjamin Scott and Lily Marriott.

Student Council (Caritas members) – Abbie Sewell, Liana Della-Spina, Lewis Cantrell, Wiktoria

Kmieckowiak, Trinity Cheung and Eniola Ogunlade.

Chaplaincy Team (Caritas members) – Eloise Della-Spina, Sophie Watson, Eleanor Bekisz, Sian

Turk, Wiktoria Kmieckowiak Trinity Cheung, Eniola Ogunlade and Harriet Williams.

Eco Warriors (Caritas members) – Alex Clark and Shannon McPhilbin.

Interhouse Benchball Success!

Caritas boys – 2nd


Caritas girls – winners!

Well done to all the students involved. You were a real credit to Caritas and All Saints’.

Fortitudo Achievements

We have had a very busy half term in Fortitudo with students representing

our house amazingly in many different ways. We had a wonderful group of

year 7 students who dressed as their favourite characters for World Book

Day and our House Captains have worked hard to raise funds for our house

charity. Our year 10s had very successful mock interviews at the Civic

Centre in Mansfield and a small group of year 10s visited the Maun View

care home to learn about dementia and spend time with the residents. Staff in fortitude have

been working hard too, dressing up for Sport Relief and participating in the Staff

Pantomime – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Form of the Spring Term – SGR – 3168

All Saints’ Achievers – top 4 students with the most achievement points so far this year –

Natalia Borkowska 392, Gabriella Christodoulou 379, Daniel Ulik 374, Owen Marshall 366

Fortitudo achievement points – Top 10 students from the spring term

1. Rebecca Hurst – 230

2. Daniel Ulik - 193

3. Natalia Borkowska – 190

4. Emma Heald - 187

5. Niamh Kelly - 182

6. Shay Canning - 181

7. Ffion Roberts/Matushan Arumugam – 179

8. Gabriella Christodoulou – 177

9. Connor Burke and Joline Judebasti – 175

10. Olivia Willis and Gage Copcutt – 173

Bronze Award (75points) – 72 students

Silver Award (150points) – 139 students

Gold Award (300points) – 6 students

Form with the highest attendance – F-JHY – 97.36

Students who incredibly still have 100% attendance and 0 behaviour points

Laura Spencer

Shay Canning

Harriett Wake

Jakub Ulik

Aurelia Kojro

Kelsey Buckley

Megan Wedgwood

Harry Torr

Olivia Willis

Sophie Burton

Daniel Ulik

Ffion Roberts

Sebastian Sluja

Industria Achievements

Names of key award winners

Callum Witty – top boy achiever with 355 points!

Kenadie Burnett – top girl achiever with 320 points!

Charlie Carter – Head of House Award

Charlie Boyer-White – SLT Award

Key stats e.g. number of bronze, silver, gold students

47 students with 100% attendance

82 Bronze Award students ( 75-149 ach points)

141 Silver Award students ( 150-299 ach points)

5 Gold Award students ( over 300 ach points!)

Form winners e.g. conduct and attendance

I-BDS top attendance with 97.93%

I-JRE top achievement points with over 5000 achievement points!

All Saints Star awardees:

Sammi Hurst

Chantelle Hutton

Molly Cajkler

Jacob Brown

Ruby Jinks

Tom Eaton

Millionaire Reader:

Jamie Newton 1,219,489

New House Captain team


Sadie Gorman

Jamie Newton

Agness Stockeley

Lucy Broderick

Taylor Birkin

Vocare Achievements

Pastoral Awards

Tutor group with the highest attendance – V-SWN

Tutor group with the best achievement – V-REA

All Saints’ Achiever Award – Nolan Megan, Petrauska Alina, Harris Ben,

Wright Joseph

Head of House Star Award – Grace Philby

Senior Leadership Team Award – Yav Balayi

Term 2: Star of the Week awards

Hanifa Abdul; Luca Marasco; Yav Balayi; Zofia G; Chloe Simpson; Brandon Bradbury,

Holly Hughes; Travis Redhead; Yioanna Darzanos; Ellie Gough

Vocare Most Improved Attendance: Spring term

Lydia Bancroft; Nathaniel Greig: Bradley Hall; Jake Hawkins; Elise Palmer

Positive contributions: Vocare

House prefects: Joseph Toplis; Amy Street; Ella Fearn; Lucy Folkes ; Casey Hulmes; Hanifa

Abdula; Jack Payne, Zuzanna G; Kesiah Tideswell; Ernest Zdanowicz

Chaplaincy Team : Jessica fisher; Valentina Illawatura, Taniya Illawatura; Mary-Kate Walker;

Heather Davies; Siobhan Rose-Waples; Cody Wallace

Eco Warriors : Robert Boddice, Leia Pye; Zuzzana Piekarczyk; Ruby Calders; Tom McHugh;

Corey Clarke;

Vocare Successes to date:

Top on achievement points

Most students with 100% Attendance

Benchball Boys Champions 2018

Spelling bee competition champions

Through Catholic values and principles,

everyone will achieve their full potential

spiritually, academically, socially, morally

and physically.



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NG19 6BW

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May 2018