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  • 8/14/2019 All Aboard Cowell's Loveboat


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    All aboard Cowell's loveboat! Mogul's happyharem actually all hate each other, he uses moodswings to control them... and he's got a bizarreblueberry addiction, says insider

    By Olga Craigand Charlie Lankston

    PUBLISHED:21:11 GMT, 24 August 2013 | UPDATED:13:56 GMT, 25 August 2013





    She is stunningly beautiful, immaculately groomed, and plays a crucial part in Simon Cowells life. No, shes

    not the latest member of the music moguls harem but Slipstream, the 50 million motor yacht that has quietly

    played a starring role in the international drama that is Cowells love life.

    And despite all her luxurious fixtures and fittings which include everything from a bubble machine to a private

    skylounge cinema life aboard is anything but a holiday.

    As Cowell joins the woman expecting his baby, Lauren Silverman, on dry land nearby, The Mail on Sunday

    can reveal the most detailed account so far of life aboard the loveboat.

  • 8/14/2019 All Aboard Cowell's Loveboat


    Centre of attention: Simon Cowell lounges with his ex-fiancee Mezhgan Hussainy, left,

    and pregnant lover Lauren Silverman, right on one of his many luxurious holidays

    Quite a view: Cowell's friend and colleague Kelly Bergantz, right and sister Jamie, left,

    entered the bizarre world on the Slipstream- the music mogul's 200ft yacht

    Its a truly bizarre world he creates. Quite mad, our insider source reveals.

    Cowell is currently darting between the St Tropez villa where he is officially staying with the mother of his

    unborn child, and the decks of Slipstream, where former girlfriend Sinitta and a bevy of other glamorous

    female friends are spending time.

    Indeed, Silvermans morning sickness wont stop Cowell continuing his customary summer break on his

    floating gin palace, currently moored near Laurens villa.

  • 8/14/2019 All Aboard Cowell's Loveboat


    The deck of the 200ft vessel still resembles a photoshoot for a Pirelli calendar. Beautiful bikini-clad women,

    their skin tanned and oiled, are draped languidly on artfully arranged loungers.

    Father-to-be he may be, but Cowell, 53, still loves life on the ocean wave, if only in harbour.

    And, champagne flutes in hand, his coterie of female hangers-on still fawn upon the only male passenger

    aboard, hanging on his every word.

    He, by contrast, feigns an air of tolerant embarrassment, tinged with macho pride.

    Lauren, 36, the estranged wife of Cowells one-time best friend Andrew Silverman, flew out to the South ofFrance on Wednesday and this weekend she and Cowell were expected to join Sir Philip Green for his party at

    the new Bar DO on St Tropezs Pampelonne Beach.

    Meanwhile, as ever, all is orchestrated aboard Slipstream to portray a glamorous harem, happily frolicking

    together. But life aboard is not the bliss Cowell would have us believe.

    According to one of his close friends offering the first insider account of life on the yacht under the condition

    of anonymity it is anything but.

    In fact, the insider says, it is a claustrophobic cauldron riven with rivalry, and ruled by the manipulative media

    mogul who dictates the dress code and freezes out those he decides should disembark.

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    The chosen one: Simon Cowell's affair with Lauren Silverman, who is now expecting his

    baby, is said to be the 'worst kept secret on board'

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    On dry land: 36-year-old Lauren Silverman joined Cowell in the South of France this

    week. Despite their relationship, Cowell invites glamorous women onto his luxury yacht,

    where they vie for his attention

    Believe me, those women hate each other, says the insider, who has holidayed with Cowell aboard

    Slipstream, which costs 1.3 million a month to charter.

    And Simon plays them all off against each other. He loves them fighting over him. He makes a point of flirtingwith a different woman each night, then blanking her the next day.

    It all helps to explain a quite intriguing question: why so many discarded girlfriends continue dancing to

    attention even in the humiliating presence of Cowells latest conquest.

    He likes to cultivate this totally competitive environment and ensures that the women are at each others

    throats night after night.

    He delights in the tension among them he causes. They are anxious all the time, desperate to be the most

    popular, the one to whom he pays the most attention.

    For Cowell it is all about control, the insider insists. And he ensures he is always calling the shots.

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    Its a surreal experience. Simons mood dictates the atmosphere on the boat, he says. And the women never

    know what to expect. One minute he is happy, the next moody and brooding.

    If he is in the right mood, the yacht can be a real party. Drinking, dancing, having fun. If not, they know to shut

    up and avoid his ire.

    Along with 1980s pop star Sinitta, Cowells former fiancee Mezhgan Hussainy is due to fly out in the next few

    days, as is TV presenter Lizzie Cundy. Jackie St Clair, another long-standing member of the posse, is said to

    have turned down her invitation because she and Sinitta dislike each other intensely.

    With Lauren initially away dealing with her divorce, Cowell missed Jackies presence as he likes to confide in


    Simon was on the phone to people for up to six hours a day, the insider says. He is really upset that Jackie

    isnt there because she is his closest confidante.

    Others who have been privileged enough to step aboard the boat this summer include Kelly Bergantz,

    Cowells powerful television lieutenant, her husband Ben Belldegrun and her sister Jamie.

    Cowells modus operandi is to constantly wrongfoot his bevy of beauties with his mood swings.

    They never know what he is doing or thinking. He might say midway through dinner that he is going to the

    lavatory, then disappear and not return to the tableOr he will stay up all night and only get up at 3pm the next day. He books tables when the yacht berths, tells

    the women to be dressed in their best, then doesnt turn up himself.

    Seat of power: The yacht's opulent lounge, where Cowell works on the X Factor at 4am

    and relaxes with his bevy of beauties

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    Isolated: Cowell's unpredictable mood dictates the atmosphere on board. He often makes

    plans with the women and doesn't turn up

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    Moody: If Cowell gets tired or fed up of a member of his harem, he makes sure they know

    they are no longer welcome on his trips

    For both Cowell and his coterie, the relationship is symbiotic. He revels in being surrounded by and

    photographed with his beauties and they crave the publicity.

    And no doubt they also enjoy the fabulous luxury, for no expense is spared when it comes to making Cowellcomfortable, with a fleet of staff, including an award-winning chef, five stewardesses and two deckhands.

    Along with the cinema, open-air Jacuzzi, exercise bikes and running machines, the yacht is stuffed with every

    water plaything available, including inflatable globes that allow the user to walk on the sea, jet-skis and

    waverunner waterbikes.

    Much of it is wasted on Cowell, whose tastes are simple. The fridges are stuffed with lobster but most of it

    ends up thrown overboard. Cowell is addicted to blueberries and has bowls placed all over the boat.

    A chain-smoker, he believes the fruit will offset his unhealthy habit. He eats only oats for breakfast and

    steamed fish and vegetables.

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    Similarly, the source says, the women are obsessed with their weight and barely eat either. Although,

    occasionally, everyone will pig out.

    Last week, Dylan Reece, the yachts sous chef, posted a picture of croissant- flavoured ice cream he was

    making for Cowell on Twitter.

    Old friends: Simon Cowell's ex-girlfirend Sinitta often makes an appearance on his


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    No expense spared: The ship's cinema, open-air Jacuzzi and jet-skis are free to be used

    by Cowell's friends and acquaintances. Despite being served gourmet food by an award-

    winning chef, the slim women are on strict diets

    But, says the source: While the girls have nothing to do, he isnt really on holiday. He is working all the time running his empire. He will be watching episodes of X Factor on the plasma TV at 4am. Sometimes he will

    have the girls sprawled on the bed with him.

    The news that Cowell was having an affair with Lauren was, the source says, the worst kept secret on board.

    Once Simon takes a shine to a woman, thats it, says the insider.

    Among Cowells bevy, there is always the worry that their host will tire of them. The women love the status

    that being part of Simons harem affords them, he says. They feel that if they arent invited back on the boat

    year after year, then they are a reject.

    And when their time is up, Cowell makes it abundantly clear. If he doesnt want them any more he just

    completely ignores them, the insider adds. Thats when they know it is time to pack their bags and leave.

    He will just freeze them out and refuse to speak to them. Its very much Simons world.

    Cowell has always joked about his inability to be faithful, citing it as the reason he had never so far settled


    But if there is one elegant, classy lady he will never betray it is surely the ever-loyal Slipstream.



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    Comments (146)



    Best rated

    Worst rated

    View all took the words right out of my mouth. Perfect analysis. Terry at least has a shred of dignity. I almost feel bad for

    Mezhgan...that was not that long ago..she probably still thought her and Simon were the primary relationship as Sinitta is just a weird

    hanger on because she has no life. He did give Mezhgan an engagement ring and in the above pics it does look like they were in a he was with her and Laura was with her husband. Mezgahan needs to collect her dignity and move on...she has also

    been compensated well too. Move on

    - Lisa R, NY, United States, 25/8/2013 05:16

    Click to rate Rating 79

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    Yuk. I've always thought him disgusting, especially the chain-smoking part. Must make for some NASTY breath! I was married to a

    smoker, so I know. NEVER AGAIN. EVER!! And this guy has man boobs!! Uck! What woman finds THAT attractive I'll NEVER know!!

    - bjd, USA, 25/8/2013 05:16

    Click to rate Rating 104

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    "he uses mood swings to control them" This is a new low, even for the DM. You mean he suffers with mood swings, which the

    women involved (or the DM) then report as being intended to control. I wouldn't be surprised if he hates every minute of his life, what

    with the hangers on. How do you trust anyone living that sort of life?

    - Kim Jong-Uns stylist, Surveillanceton, Vatican, 25/8/2013 05:07

    Click to rate Rating 25

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  • 8/14/2019 All Aboard Cowell's Loveboat


    A narcissistic personality engendered by these silly women.

    - shirley, Lonxon, United Kingdom, 25/8/2013 04:50

    Click to rate Rating 135

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    OMG have some dignity ladies, he may be famous, powerful in his world and stinking filthy rich but have some respect. If an ordinary

    guy treated you like this most of us would run a mile!!! Agree Terri Seymour seems to be the only one who has moved on with her

    life. Simon's loss.

    - KB, Cheshire, 25/8/2013 04:45

    Click to rate Rating 102

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    I find this guy repulsive ewwwww

    - PIli, West Palm Beach, United States, 25/8/2013 04:40

    Click to rate Rating 112

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    - Englishbornnbred, notts, United Kingdom, 25/8/2013 04:33

    Click to rate Rating 70

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    - Zaki, Edgware, United Kingdom, 25/8/2013 04:33

    Click to rate Rating 69

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    They all deserve each other.

    - ScotAbroad, Phoenix Arizona, United States, 25/8/2013 04:33

    Click to rate Rating 118

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    So weird, this entire set up with his behaviour becoming more bizarre by the day. I can't understand the women that hang about him

    either. Well, they are obviously after some publicity, free holidays and perhaps money but at what price - they must have no self


    - Helena, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 25/8/2013 04:31

    Click to rate Rating 101

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  • 8/14/2019 All Aboard Cowell's Loveboat






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