Download - Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

Page 1: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

Alien Disclosure


Page 2: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.
Page 3: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

Alien Disclosure


Book Three of the Alien Disclosure Series

Allan Kules

Off-World Books Surprise, Arizona

Page 4: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

Copyright ©2019 Allan Kules

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

used in any form or by any means without permission from the


Cover Art “Place in Eternity” by Russel McClintock. Used by per-


Small Earth image downloaded from Clipart Panda: Earth Cli-


This is a work of fiction. All situations, events, and conver-

sations, including those involving actual persons, living or dead,

are products of the author’s imagination.

ISBN-13: 978-1-7324552-3-8

ISBN-10: 1-7324552-3-6

Professionally edited by:

Jennifer Hope

Printed in the U.S.A.

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Four years have passed, four years of knowing that we are not alone. It was ludicrous to believe otherwise. In a universe so vast, so many stars, so many planets, that surely bipeds of reasonable cranial capacity to accept the gift of consciousness would develop on many of these worlds.

But did they come here, to a small planet, in an ordinary solar system, on an outer arm of this average spiral galaxy? James Broad-hurst, using the circumstantial evidence “knew” that they are and were here.

How disclosure occurred is the subject of Amnesty. With the efforts of his longtime associate and a young government agent they opened the long-sealed box of secrets. They “knew” and leaped to tell the world. But should the world know? A few opposition leaders of the shadow government shouted their disagreement.

How the world managed under this transformative revelation of aliens on planet Earth is the subject of Aftermath. Some adults saw this revelation as a welcome event. Most of the worlds’ peoples came unwillingly to this new threshold, that of citizen of the Earth. For many, the child in us still longed for the days before we opened the box or even suspected the box existed.

Page 6: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

In Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy. Counting eleven hundred spaceships approaching the edge of the galaxy, they are not likely here to help a fledgling spacefarer like the peoples of Earth. Who are they? What are their intentions? And maybe, what are they?

The confrontation challenges the skills and the resolve of the newly expanded disclosure team. The uncomfortable agenda of the strikingly nonhuman aliens is a threat to all sentient beings. James Broadhurst and his team members are faced with multiple alien agen-das and solutions from ancient hands, to right a wrong from tens of thousands of years past. A new and amazing species contributes to the rich tapestry of adventure within this third book of the Alien Dis-closure series.

The concept of consciousness, what it means and how and why it can be free to travel everywhere and anywhere is the subplot of this story. Resolution of the physical world problems come through the portal of three-hundred-and-sixty-degree level of total awareness. Multiple characters tread non-physical worlds in and effort to bring others to understand and use the keys to unlock the foreboding con-frontation that is upon James and his team.

Dealing with the noncorporeal trans-dimensional beings is the unresolved quandary for James. Earthly pressures portend a political future for James Broadhurst. He must address each of these opportu-nities from very different action points that threaten the successful resolution of each.

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Four Years after Disclosure

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Chapter 1

“What do you want to talk about today?” A simple question

from mother Maya to her son Jimmy on a long journey to the center

of the galaxy. On the surface of it was an audacious endeavor to doc-

ument the ideas of a three-year-old child.

“Where do I start momma? I mean, they know that I’m a little

over three earth years!”

“Yes Jimmy,” said Maya with a growing smile on her face. “Do

you think that you are limited in some way?”

“Daddy would say that those words, strung together as they

are, represents a leading question.”


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“I would say that you need to steer clear from projecting a

precocious child image. Mommy knows that you are very cute. Let’s

try not to offend vast groups of folks that need to hear what you have

to say.”

“Alright mommy,” said Jimmy propping up a pillow behind his

back on his bed. He folded his legs under him and continued to speak.

“Direct communication from ‘there’ to here that is for you and you

alone should not be divulged to the world. Each time that you tell

someone some part of a truth that was intended for your own spiri-

tual growth, it becomes less and less yours. What was once a fantastic

mountain range with beautiful valleys and snow-capped peaks is re-

duced to a little rise in the roadway that you and your fellow travelers

pass over without recognition or memory.”

“Speaking of mountains, that’s a high elevation from where to

start these conversations,” said Maya.

“It was what was on my mind. Do you remember before we

left Andor?” asked Jimmy. Maya affirmatively nodded her head. “The

fountains were so beautiful. An old man came up to me and impa-

tiently told me of his wedding so many years ago. In a room above the

sanctuary, they were recording images of the bride and groom. He

said that he looked upon the beautiful face of his new bride. He was

astounded to observe that her face morphed through dozens and

dozens of faces as she waited for the next professional set up of image




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“Instantly, he knew that these were the images of the many

lives of his bride. The same soul was with him over and over, repeating

another life with him. He was here again with her to improve, to find

new ways to give love.

“I asked him, had he told this story to anyone else? He said

yes. I asked him if the image, the memory of this event was fading? He

also said yes. He thought that this memory loos was due to old age.

“I told him to never speak of it again. With each telling it is

rapidly becoming not your memory. Old age has no effect on brushes

with the divine. These golden memories that breach the limits of time

are doorways that you can learn to open to return to ‘there’”



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Chapter 2

Two races of aliens, the Altoney and the Dawes Lit living near

the edge of the galaxy, worked together to build spaceships for over

five hundred years. With the advent of disclosure on earth these two

races stepped up their contacts with earth.

They began a sharing of knowledge and knowhow to help

earth build interstellar spacecraft. When a fleet of spaceships was de-

tected bearing down on the edge of our galaxy, the Consortium of

Planets, an organization of planets in this quadrant of the galaxy, ap-

proved the triumvirate of Altoney, Dawes Lit and earth to be the gal-

axy’s first line of defense.

The long-range sensors, built by the Dawes Lit, detected

eleven hundred unknown vessels The once single horde had split into

three waves, each going ashore at a different point on our galaxy. Each

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of the three planets was assigned one of the expected arrival loca-


The Dawes Lit took responsibility for “Charlie One”, everyone’s

best guess as the primary entry location.

The next location, “Charlie Two” was assigned to the Earth

forces. It was the likely location for insertion of one third of the horde

of invading ships.

Finally, “Charlie Three”, a longshot as to a specific location for

the third onslaught of a third of the unknown fleet of ships was as-

signed to the Altoney. They deployed their three ships in a wide array

in the hopes of one of the three would be in the vicinity of an actual

arrival. Rumors of June Bostich’s direct flyover of alien ships at the in-

sertion point were given no more credence than the myths of the an-

cient Altoney peoples that considered their solar system star as a

living breathing god-like figure in their pantheon of five gods.

The overall concept was one of greeting the newcomers at the

door of the galaxy with emphasis on the concept of greeting. If the in-

tention of the new arrivals was hostile, then a fleet of one hundred

and fifty ships managed by Jacob from Ander would put up a fight at a

point one-hundred light years within the galaxy. Each planet supplied

three vessels per location. Crews for a planet’s compliment of ships

were billeted from their own origin planets. However, some crew

members from all three planets were deployed on all nine ships.

The actual place of the three Charlie locations expectedly 5


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changed with new telemetry from the Dawes Lit sensor array. Mon-

itoring of the movement of all nine ships to intersect with the arrival

of the galaxy invaders was a herculean task accepted by the earth

forces. “Herding cats” is what Frank Connors called it, especially for

the Altoney who were positioned behind a small nebula of germinat-

ing stars and primordial “soup” of interstellar gasses. Communication

through this active nebula was spotty at best. They had to repeat the

new coordinates of an Altoney ship at least four times to get the con-

voluted numbers to read correctly.

Despite the birth of a new star in the nebula that setup a huge

wall of radiation, there was a distinct lack of altered ship locations and

daily check-in mandated by the fleet. After three days of not even a

garbled transmission from the Altoney at Charlie three, it was decided

that someone needed to speedily venture around the nebula and in-

vestigate. No one quite knows what happened at the emergency

meeting, but the outcome was certain. James Broadhurst and crew of

the Falcon would commit to the four-day journey at five times the

speed of light to discover the status of “Charlie Three”.

“Do you have it, Jonesy?” yelled Frank on the com.



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“Yeah, it was a little like picking crawfish out of a barrel. I just

had to master these grippers.” Jonesy operated the calipers on the small

shuttle craft to grasp a large pod that was all that was found at the last

known location of Charlie Three. The Altoney led contingent of three

ships was gone.

Jonesy volunteered to join the active mission as long as Mary

could go with him. He trained on overall skills in space and found a cal-

ling with operations of the landing craft. He learned how to fuel and

maintain the craft, which gave him a sense of pride—being the head of

the “motor pool” as he described himself.

June and Frank chose to be on separate ships, June on Charlie 1

and Frank on Charlie 2 as copilot with James Broadhurst. June had to

satisfy herself that the vision that played daily in her mind of the ships

passing above them, ignoring them completely, was true. The proof of

the vision was a little over a week away.

“Can you maneuver that thing in to the bay without banging

that pod around?” asked Frank, thrusting his deep voice into the com.

“Hey, I can hear you just fine if you talk normally,” said Jonesy,

decelerating with the pod firmly in the grip of the bow mounted cal-


“You’re getting too far away from us, Jonesy. Your little craft

looks like a star out there,” continued Frank from the com.

“We still have him on long-range scope, Frank,” announced



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JoAnne from her console on the other side of the bridge.

“Jonesy is doing a great job here, Frank,” said James, leaning out

of the captain’s chair.

“He’s also a super dude at poker. I’m glad he’s not taking any

real money from me. Is the trip to Vegas still on, Mary?” asked Harry,

the Mars cadet at his console.

“Sure, after all this is over we got room for two more couples in

the beast,” answered Mary with a cheery voice but an unmistakably con-

cerned face that accentuated the lengthening wrinkles around her eyes.

“You do know what Vegas is also known for?” asked Deanna.

“It’s the marriage mecca of the West,” supplying the answer to her own

question. Hoots and a few howls arose around the bridge.

“Okay, everybody, let’s at least make some semblance of a tight

ship here. We have a man afield, and we need to bring him home with

his package safely.”

“We are sending new coordinates to your nav system, Seth,”

barked Mary, standing over JoAnne’s console.

“Okay, I really could get back on my own,” responded Jonesy,

his voice crackling through the com.

“You caught that pod fair and square on your own, old man,”

said Frank, his voice firm and almost apologetic. “Even airline pilots use

automatic landing technology, Jonesy. Some of your poker playing



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buddies here want a rematch.”

“Alright,” relented Jonesy. JoAnne’s console registered that he

pressed the necessary buttons to accept the new course coordinates.

“Anyway, who are you calling old, old man Frank?”

The bridge erupted in giggles at the banter over the com. “Let’s

keep this professional. These com records are sent out to the entire

fleet. Some of them won’t hear it for weeks, but we’re not erasing any-

thing. I don’t want them to think that we’re taking this as some kind of

joy ride.”

“Ah, guys, something just happened,” whispered Jonesy as his

craft sped along a trajectory to return to the Falcon.

“I saw it too. A big energy spike hit my com,” yelled Deanna.

“Mine too,” yelled the cadet.

“Seth, just exactly what happened? Seth?” pleaded Mary.

“It’s gone,” whispered Jonesy.

“What’s gone, Jonesy? You still have the pod, don’t you?” yelled


“No, I don’t, Frank. It just disappeared.”

“Is it moving away from you, Jonesy?” demanded Frank.

“Hey, I’m astute enough to check my optical proximity readouts.

I checked them immediately. I tell you that it did not slip or fall out of



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my calipers. I didn’t lose my grip, old man,” said Jonesy, getting testy

with Frank. “The damn thing just disappeared!”

“Okay, okay, Seth. We have enough data here to support a trans-

mutation of matter,” said JoAnne.

“Please explain, JoAnne,” James asked.

“Consider all the atoms that made up that pod. Now think of

the energy to vaporize all of those atoms. We used to think it would take

the energy of a star or two. Here it was done without frying Jonesy to a

crisp, or us for that matter. Whoever did this either projected a great

energy from a distance or the power source was contained within that

unit. Either way they will probably treat us as protohumans.”

“Could they have rematerialized it somewhere else?” asked


“No, not yet at least. Not if it took an energy spike like that to

dematerialize it. It would logically take a similar spike to rematerialize

it,” answered Deanna.

“I’m not sure we would want that thing here. It could very easily

be a freaking bomb. I’m kind of attached to my skin and bones. I’d prefer

to keep it that way,” said JoAnne.

“There’s the spike again!” yelled Harry.

“Can you tell where, or in what direction it is?” asked James.

“No, it appears to be everywhere,” offered the cadet.



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“It can’t be everywhere,” muttered JoAnne, pressing buttons on

her console. James got up and walked to JoAnne’s station. “There has

got to be a way to localize this. I’m concerned that that thing is on board

and we don’t know where.”

“Whatever happens, I want you two”—James looked at Deanna

and back to JoAnne—“to find a way to get it off this ship, especially if it

is a bomb. Strap it onto the deck of a shuttle and send it away fast on


“Yes, sir,” agreed JoAnne.

The captain’s com signal flashed and beeped. James returned

to his chair. “James here,” he announced himself.

“Did you order a special piece of equipment and have it deliv-

ered to deck one?” asked the voice on the com.

James could hear a commotion in the background on the com.

“What’s going on down there?”

“Sir, the unit just opened up, and this thing is getting out. It’s


“Come on, man, remember your training.”

“It is now standing facing us. Some of the security men ran to

the weapons closet.”

“Do not—I repeat, do not fire those weapons! Do you under-

stand?” barked James, lowering his head over his console.



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“You better get down here, sir.”

“I’m on my way.” James pressed a button on his com. “I know

she hasn’t had much sleep, but could someone wake my wife?”

“I’m already here, honey. What’s going on?”

James stood up and turned towards Susan. “Something has

beamed aboard our ship. I need to check—”

James disappeared in an instant. Frank belatedly lurched into

action to hold or retrieve James, and he too disappeared.

James and a second later Frank reappeared on deck one. Frank

straightened himself from his previous stance on the bridge where he

was lurching for James. Without looking up he instinctively stood in front

of James. Their eyes adjusted to the bright lighting. They materialized

inside a semicircle of crew members who were silently facing a six-foot

tall thin alien that had the body and legs of a cockroach. The alien’s head

was so odd that James had to think of what the head of a roach actually

looked like.

We are not like that. The thought was sharp and loud in his

brain, almost painful in its abruptness and urgency. Softer came the next

impression. Forty thousand of your years ago a race of humanoids came

through our solar system. We were smaller creatures with developed so­

cial systems without the benefit of a spoken language. These humanoids

recognized our potential. With the knowledge of DNA manipulation, they

transformed us into the being you see before you. We mean you no



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“Did you get that, Frank?”

“Yeah,” he said almost surprised at himself that he could catch

the projected thoughts of the alien standing in front of him. “Please,

gentlemen,” pleaded Frank very softly. “Re-holster your weapons very

slowly. Do it now. That’s an order. This alien is very powerful. We do not

want to antagonize him. That’s it,” he said, patting one of the engineer-

ing staff on the shoulder.

The open lift to deck one descended. The anxious faces of Susan

and Victor relaxed somewhat as their eyes found James and Frank in ap-

parent good health. They cautiously approached the insect-like creature

still standing in the semicircle of men.

“Are you alright?” whispered Susan, clutching James anywhere

her hand touched his body, her eyes transfixed by the slightly jerky

movements of this yellow gold hued intruder.

“I’m just fine, honey,” he said, smiling at the alien. The eyes set

in the hard carapace seemed to glow. The small fixed mouth expanded

a bit to show two rows of teeth. The alien appeared to be smiling back,

almost laughing. James started to laugh out loud, and Frank nodded his

head in resolute agreement.

“Is he laughing at me?” demanded Susan.

“No, of course not. He communicated that humans enjoy such

wonderful bonding on this physical plane as opposed bonding on the



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astral plane or some other realm. He believes that the female of our

species is most compelling. He especially likes you, Susan.”

“He said all of that?”

“He did,” answered Frank, thrusting himself into the commen-

tary. Susan looked up at James as the next information packet was de-

livered telepathically and was caught by the two most important men

in her life.

“James, what now?”

“He wants to explain why he is here. He has a report from Char-

lie Three. He is asking to go to a large room. I told him we have the

bridge where he can sit or stand and meet with us.”

“Are we sure we can trust this strange alien, James?” whispered


The alien bent his body down in somewhat jerky movements,

tucking his long spindly legs under his elongated carapace back. The lin-

eage to a giant insect species was unmistakable. Frank looked at Susan,

catching her wincing as the insect-like creature’s body crackled slightly,

collapsing into a crouching position. Hands of the security staff moved

quickly to the weapons on their belts. They watched nervously as the

alien picked up a deep blue metal cylinder stored in a niche in the open


“Easy, gentlemen. This is a communication device that will allow

this visitor to talk to us. Shall we go to the bridge and hear about Charlie



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Three?” Men, women, and alien proceeded up to the next level at the

request of Captain Broadhurst. The alien walked past an astonished

bridge crew and took a position in the front of the room under the curv-

ing wall screen.

“Deanna, can you send this out to all stations on the ship, and

can you verify that the recorders are working properly?” asked James,

leaning over her console.

“Sure, James—I mean, yes, captain,” whispered Deanna.

“You are a lost cause on protocol,” he whispered back.

“I have to sleep with a man before I can call him captain,” whis-

pered Deanna, flashing her eyes at him.

“Well, then, ‘James’ it is,” he said, immediately acknowledging

her pass at him and dispatching it to oblivion with no hint of uncertainty.

“Patched in?”

“Yes, sir,” she said longingly, her eyes following him to the front

of the room.

“Please do not be alarmed, fellow crew members. Before you

stands Kiyana, a name he, I mean she selected for herself. She has

beamed herself aboard our ship inside a life-pod. She says she has news

of Charlie Three. Who she is, where she comes from, and whether or

not she was part of the arriving vessels is unknown to us at the moment.

She communicates nonverbally one-on-one; however, I believe she is

about to speak through a translation device. Go ahead, Kiyana, you have



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our attention.”

The alien held the translation cylinder near its concave chest. In

a slightly mechanized voice tinged with a hint of gender—female—she

began to speak. The pre-translation voice consisted of a series of clicks,

whirs of wet sounding metal gears, squeaks, and sighs. “I have distres-

sing news for you from Explorer Ten. Yes, we are the aliens who are en-

tering your galaxy. We did not want to slow down our fleet for one

vessel. We also did not want to harm anyone. We sent a message im-

ploring your big ship to match our speed. When it did not, we initiated

an electronic beam that grasped the ship and pulled it along. We really

wanted to talk to you.” The alien paused a moment, surveying the ex-

pectant faces on the bridge. “We had no idea how delicate the Altoney

had built their interstellar craft.” Shrieks of horror sporadically sounded

around the room. “The Altoney lost fifty-one souls to this world. I am

sure that you want to know about your friends.”

“Damn right,” yelled Frank.

Kiyana hesitated momentarily. “Brittany and Bill were in their

room when the ship started coming apart. The beam pulled some parts

of the ship faster than other parts. Before we realized what was hap-

pening and stopped the beam, Brittany and Bill were vented out into


Deanna shrieked louder and at an extremely high pitch. In pure

anguish, she threw herself onto the console.

“You fucking bug, you stinking insect!” yelled Harry, getting up 16


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out of his chair and starting for the alien.

“Sit down and shut up, Ensign Harry!” yelled James from

Deanna’s console. Frank had swiftly moved between the two. “Sit down

and close your mouth, or Frank will physically put you in your seat.”

Harry flashed a mean stare at Kiyana and Frank. He ran his hand through

his hair and returned to his station.

“There are four from our world on the Altoney vessel,” said

James as calmly as he could.

“Yes, Captain Broadhurst, there are two more. Kathleen was on

the bridge at the time. The wrenching of the Altoney ship sent her flying

across the room as it did with others who could not manage to hold on

to something. Kathleen lost an arm in turmoil. However, we offered, and

Kathleen accepted, to reattach her right arm. There are so many attach-

ments inside your human bodies that it represented a massive under-

taking. Kathleen is on our hospital vessel and will receive the best of

care and physical therapy. She will return to you in about a week.”

“And Barbara, what happened to Barbara?” demanded Susan,

her shaking arms held tightly to her sides.

“Barbara was assigned to work on the propulsion system. At first

sight of us, the captain asked Barbara to assist with increasing speed to

catch up to us quickly. She was inside the drive system with an Altoney

crewman when we initiated our disastrous tether to their ship. The drive

system was hit hard by flying debris as the ship broke up. The power sys-

tem of this ship was sent in one direction very fast. Barbara and a tech-17


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nician are locked in the inner circle of the drive unit. It is self-contained

and by our sensors not breaching any life-giving air. The two souls have

vital signs well within the ranges for the two species. The two other Al-

toney ships took off after the disabled vessel and it’s parts, hoping to

find more survivors. The drive unit is going so fast that it is going to take

a week for our fastest ship to get to them. We hope they have some

food and water in this area to keep them alive until we get there.”

“Sir, why are you in our galaxy?” demanded James.

“We are just passing through this corner of the Milky Way as

you call it. We are in search of our founders. Our ancient lore indicates

that they are in what you call the Andromeda Galaxy. We had hoped to

find some friendly races to help us grow food stocks to replenish our

stores. We are vegetarians and would only need enough fields to grow

the crops that sustain us.”

“Why are there so many of you on this trek?” asked Susan.

“Because our sun is preparing to go supernova, and we cannot

stay in the vicinity. There are no systems close by with the capability to

feed us.”

“How do we contact this group of ships that are meeting us,

meeting Charlie One?” said Frank, slowing down, realizing that his wife’s

ship could be pulled apart by someone turning on the tractor beam. “Oh

shit! How do we communicate with them?”

“We already have. No one will use this energy beam to pull any



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ship along. This has been communicated to all of our collective. In fact,

Charlie One has successfully encountered us eleven light years towards

the edge of the galaxy. Their captain, from the Dawes Lit, after talking

with your wife, concluded that they should take a trajectory in the op-

posite direction. Within a day’s time, they were able to match our speed

and direction. We merely opened our landing bay, and they took two

shuttles to come and meet with us.”

“So, the safety of our few ships is ensured by your pledge. You

have ameliorated the threat by communicating across the galaxy—for

unimaginable distances. How is this possible?”

“We have taken reading minds, which was once a parlor trick in

your country, James, to a level beyond magic. It is simple really. It is

based upon spiritual masters who devote their lives to this service. At a

young age they are unequivocally recognized as souls from this family

of masters back again to communicate across vast distances. We place

these clear minds at physical points in a known stretch of space, and

they get things done. We developed a technological boost at each end

that steps up the reception. As our ships move forward the farthest

afield communication master in the rear of our fleet is brought forward

and utilized again at another location. It creates a kind of bubble many

light years wide and many, many light years forward.”

“Then you didn’t need to come here to tell us about Brittany

and Bill. Why are you really here?” demanded Deanna, her eyes red-

dened by the constant sobbing.



Page 27: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

“Responsibility and atonement is my humble answer. The cap-

tain of my ship gave the order to use the beam to pull the Altoney ship.

I carried out that order. I must admit it took me precious seconds longer

than it should have before I turned off the pulling beam. All of our crew

members watched in utter horror as the beam, even on low power,

twisted metal and plastic composites into floating islands of disaster that

we needlessly brought into being.

“My captain surrendered himself to the Altoney for whatever

punishment they want to level at him. If they indeed want to take his

life in retribution for our incompetence, he is prepared. I am here to sur-

render to you as well. Some on your planet praise the old religious adage

of ‘an eye for an eye.’ I know this because I read your minds. I am pre-

pared to die for my transgressions.”

“There will be no executions today. There will not be any tomor-

row either,” proclaimed James.

“I could push her out of an air lock,” muttered Harry.

“Harry, stand up. Quickly take your personal items from your

console. You are relieved of your duties until further notice. Victor,

please escort him to his room. The door will remain locked. You will not

be able to leave. In case of fire, the doors open automatically. Now get

out of my sight, young man.”

Victor promptly escorted the young Harry from the bridge.

“Anyone else want to push this alien out of an air lock? How about you,

Deanna?” 20


Page 28: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

“No, sir. No, Captain Broadhurst, sir,” said Deanna, stumbling

over her words. “As a hermaphrodite on my planet, we crave social in-

teraction. I simply cannot be alone tonight.”

“I’ll stay with you,” said Susan, putting her arm on her shoulder.

“What do we do with our guest?” asked Frank.

James looked at the alien. You’re not like what we expected,

thought James.

True reality never is. There is always that plus element. All im­

portant changes in any planet’s history with sentient beings begins with

a thought. Only by building on that one kernel of power does life im­

prove, progress.

“The issue at hand is what to do with you?”

“Why don’t we put Kiyana in the lockup room?” asked Frank,

breaking the silence on the bridge. “He, err … a … she will be safe from

anyone bearing a grudge.”

Kiyana looked at James. The thought formed in his brain nearly

thirty minutes ago. He held on to it. It appeared to be the only way to

proceed, but he hesitated, waiting for final input. Young Harry tied the

bow on the package of his thought. I will be pleased to spend some time

in your lockup facility. Tell Frank now. He is still most interested in getting

your approval.

Even now, after all we have been through? James projected the



Page 29: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

thought with a smile working its way onto his face.

Even now, but you need to verbally tell him. He is trying to pick

up on us, but it is not working for him.

“That’s a good idea, Frank. I’ll escort her,” said James, turning

around and making eye contact with his best friend.

“Right,” said Frank.

Kiyana stopped beside Frank. She looked into his eyes and del-

icately put her sinuous hand up in the air. June has thought about noth­

ing except you since you have been apart. She has singlehandedly

provided a political solution to our situation. She is the key to your sur­

vival as a species in the coming war with the trans dimensional beings.

You must trust her with your love and your life. Reincarnation is a reality.

You have been with her before. You will be again. The power of the two

of you is intractable, unheeded, and raw. Merge with her and focus your

love to create.

Kiyana turned away and left the room with James.

Crew members passing them in the hall failed miserably at try-

ing to act normal. James had to stifle a laugh as the last crew member

literally fell against a bulkhead in his effort to look unperturbed. James

expressed his relief with a heavy sigh when they turned into the alcove

with a short hall to the medical facility and an even shorter hall to the

lockup room. They turned the corner and opened the door. Kiyana still

held the communication device to his chest.



Page 30: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

“It just occurred to me that we did not discuss food, sleeping

arrangements, and bodily eliminations. Are you hungry?”

“No, James, I do not require much. I eat once a day and elimi-

nations are once in one of your seven-day periods. We have been known

to sleep stretched out like human’s sleep. You still do that, don’t you?”


“Remember our benefactors of DNA manipulation were human-

like. We, on the other hand—I just love that expression,” said Kiyana,

rotating her hands, all four of them, in front of her face. “We sleep dis-

tinctly like a bug. If someone comes in here, they will be convinced that

I’m just another insect that they should squash.”

“No one will see you.”

“We are still a collective, James. We know and feel many things

across vast stretches of space and time.”

“You are a reincarnated spiritual master.”

“I am,” she said. “I cannot say more now. I must rest. I under-

stand your repulsion. I get it. Millions of years you were eradicating little

things that looked like us that crawled underfoot. You can’t quite stom-

ach it.”

James began to regret his ancient fears and repulsions.

The alien turned its head and proceeded to collapse his appen-

dages under his carapace. Then it is finished for the day. See you in the



Page 31: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.

morning, new friend. The alien was silent after unfurling its proto-wings

partially, creating a clicking sound as the hard carapace furled on the

alien’s back.

There was nothing more to say.



Page 32: Alien Disclosure Ascension · 2019. 3. 14. · Ascension, the characters of the Alien Disclosure series are. confronted with an unknown species of aliens descending into our gal-axy.