Download - Alhambra Medical University Master of Science in ... · Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine CURRICULUM. ... Acupuncture & Moxibustion 29 Units 290 Hrs ... EL202


Alhambra Medical UniversityMaster of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine


Table Of Contents Curriculum

5 Basic Sciences

6 Traditional Chinese Medicine

7 Acupuncture & Moxibustion

8 Herbology

9 Therapeutic Massage, Qi Gong, TCM Exercise

9 Clinical Medicine, Patient Assessment & Diagnosis

10 Case Management

11 Practice Management

11 Public Health

11 Professional Development

12 Elective Class

14 Clinical Practice

Course Description

16 Basic Sciences

20 Traditional Chinese Medicine

24 Acupuncture & Moxibustion

26 Herbology

30 Therapeutic Massage, Qi Gong, TCM Exercise

31 Clinical Medicine, Patient Assessment & Diagnosis

34 Case Management

36 Practice Management

37 Public Health

37 Professional Development

38 Elective Class

43 Clinical Practice

46 Model Program

54 Index

CurriculumBasic Sciences 40 Units 400 HrsAcupuncture & Oriental Medicine Principles, Theories, & Treatment Traditional Chinese Medicine 45 Units 450 Hrs Acupuncture & Moxibustion 29 Units 290 Hrs Herbology 45 Units 450 HrsTherapeutic Massage, Qi Gong, Tcm Exercise 10 Units 100 HrsClinical Medicine, Patient Assessment & Diagnosis 32 Units 320 HrsCase Management 9 Units 90 HrsPractice Management 5 Units 50 HrsPublic Health 3 Units 30 HrsProfessional Development 4 Units 40 HrsElective Class 9 Units 90 HrsClinical Practice 48 Units 960 Hrs

Total Program 279 Units 3270 Hours


Basic SciencesCode Course Title Units HrsBS101 Biology 3 30BS102 Chemistry & Biochemistry 3 30BS103 Physics 2 20BS104 Psychology 3 30BS106 Microbiology & Immunology 3 30BS107 Nutrition & Vitamins 3 30BS201 Anatomy & Physiology I & Lab 4 40BS202 Anatomy & Physiology II & Lab 4 40BS203 Anatomy & Physiology III & Lab 3 30BS204 Anatomy & Physiology IV & Lab 3 30BS311 Pathology I 3 30BS312 Pathology II 3 30BS313 Pathology III 3 30

Total 40 Units 400 Hrs


Traditional Chinese MedicineCode Course Title Units HrsOM100 Medical History & Literature 3 30OM101 Basic Theory of TCM I 3 30OM102 Basic Theory of TCM II 3 30OM201 TCM Diagnosis I 3 30OM202 TCM Diagnosis II 3 30OM203 TCM Diagnosis III 3 30OM204 Clinical Consulting Skills 3 30OM301 TCM Internal Medicine I 3 30OM302 TCM Internal Medicine II 3 30OM303 TCM Internal Medicine III 3 30OM304 TCM Internal Medicine IV 3 30OM401 TCM Dermatology 3 30OM402 TCM Gynecology 3 30OM403 TCM Orthopedics/ Traumatology 3 30OM404 Integration of Asian/Western Medicine 3 30

Total 45 Units 450 Hrs


Acupuncture & MoxibustionCode Course Title Units HrsAC100 Meridian Theory 3 30AC101 Acupuncture Anatomy I 3 30AC102 Acupuncture Anatomy II 3 30AC201 Acupuncture Physiology I 3 30AC202 Acupuncture Physiology II 3 30AC301 Acupuncture Techniques I & Lab 4 40AC302 Acupuncture Techniques II & Lab 4 40AC401 Acupuncture Therapeutics I 3 30AC402 Acupuncture Therapeutics II 3 30

Total 29 Units 290 Hrs


HerbologyNo. Course Title Units HrsHB100 Introduction to Botany & Herbs 2 20HB101 Chinese Herbology I 3 30HB102 Chinese Herbology II 3 30HB103 Chinese Herbology III 3 30HB104 Chinese Herbology IV 3 30HB201 Chinese Herbal Formula I 3 30 HB202 Chinese Herbal Formula II 3 30HB203 Chinese Herbal Formula III 3 30 HB204 Chinese Herbal Formula IV 3 30HB300 TCM Nutrition 3 30HB301 Advanced Herbology 3 30HB401 Advanced Formula: Shang Han Lun 3 30HB402 Advanced Formula: Jin Kui Yao Lue 3 30HB403 Advanced Formula: Wen Bing 3 30HB410 Formula Writing 4 40 Total 45 Units 450 Hrs


Therapeutic Massage, Qi Gong, TCM ExerciseCode Course Title Units HrsTB101 Tai Ji Quan 2 20TB102 Qi Gong 2 20TB200 Tui Na 3 30TB201 Asian Body Work 3 30

Total 10 Units 100 Hrs

Clinical MedicinePatient Assessment & DiagnosisCode Course Title Units HrsWM100 Western Medical Terminology 3 30WM301 Physical Examination 3 30WM302 Laboratory & Imaging 3 30WM303 Differential Diagnosis 3 30WM304 Western Pharmacology 3 30WM401 Western Clinic Science I 3 30


Clinical MedicinePatient Assessment & DiagnosisCode Course Title Units HrsWM402 Western Clinic Science II 3 30WM403 Western Clinic Science III 3 30WM404 Western Clinic Science IV 3 30WM405 Western Gynecology 3 30WM500 Survey of Clinical Medicine 2 20

Total 32 Units 320 Hrs

Case Management Code Course Title Units HrsCM301 Case Management I 3 30CM302 Case Management II 3 30CM303 Case Management III 3 30

Total 9 Units 90 Hrs


Practice Management Code Course Title Units HrsMG401 Clinical Management 3 30MG402 Medical Ethics 2 20Total 5 Units 50 Hrs

Public HealthCode Course Title Units HrsPH101 Public Health 3 30Total 3 Units 30 Hrs

Professional Development Code Course Title Units HrsRM101 Research of AOM 3 30RM102 Graduation Exam 1 10Total 4 Units 40 Hrs


Elective ClassCode Course Title Units HrsEL100 Academic Seminar (Topic Varies) 3 30EL101 Japanese Shiastu 3 30EL102 Japanese Abdominal Diagnosis 3 30EL103 Korean Four-Images 3 30EL104 Yoga 3 30EL105 Tibetan Medicine 3 30EL106 Advanced Qi Gong 3 30EL201 Yellow Emperor’s Classic 3 30EL202 Medical I Ching 3 30EL203 Modern Research on Chinese Herbs 3 30EL204 Various Schools of TCM 3 30EL205 Medical Chinese (Mandarin) 3 30EL206 Clinical English 3 30EL207 Treatments for Parasite Diseases 3 30EL208 Cancer & TCM 3 30EL209 Auto-immune Diseases & TCM 3 30EL210 Introduction to Homeopathy 3 30


Code Course Title Units HrsEL301 Neuro-endocrinology 3 30EL302 Integrative Pain Management 3 30EL303 Clinical Rehabilitation 3 30EL304 Advanced TCM Gynecology 3 30EL305 TCM Pediatrics 3 30EL306 TCM Cosmology 3 30

Total 9 Units 90 Hrs


Clinical Practice Code Course Title Units HrsCL111-113 Clinic Level I CL111 Clinical Orientation & Preparation 2 40CL112 Herbal Pharmacy 2 40CL113 Clinic Observation 6 120 Total 10 Units 200 Hrs

Code Course Title Units HrsCL211 Clinic Level II Assisted/Supervised Practice 16 320Total 16 Units 320 Hrs

Code Course Title Units HrsCL311 Clinic Level III Solo Practice with Supervisor’s instruction 22 440Total 22 Units 440 Hrs Clinical Practice Total 48 Units 960 Hrs



3 | 30 BS101 BiologyThe course introduces the study of life systems, basic cellular biology, metabolism, evolution and diversity of life forms. Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 BS102 Chemistry & Biochemistry

The first half of the course covers the principles of inorganic chemistry and application to various facets of life with emphasis on chemical properties of elements. The second half of the course introduces organic chemistry along with structure and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids and their relationship to nutritional science as well as their clinical aspects as essential nutrients to preserve health.Prerequisites: None

2 | 20 BS103 PhysicsPrinciples of classical and quantum physics will be presented. Topics include general mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, thermodynamics, relativity and various technical concepts.Prerequisites: None

3 | 30 BS104 PsychologyCourse covers various psychopathological conditions, basic techniques of assessment and treatment methods focusing on application to healthcare setting, emphasizing the patient-practitioner relationship.Prerequisites: None

Basic Sciences 40 Units | 400 Hours


3 | 30 BS106 Microbiology & ImmunologyThis course introduces communicable and infectious diseases including bacteria, fungi, virus and parasite, and explores some basic principles of human immunity against the microbes. Prerequisite: None

2 | 20 BS107 Nutrition & VitaminsThis course explores the vital role that dietary adjustments and nutrition play in various diseases, and disorders. Topics will focus on the essential elements of nutritional physiology, the roles of vitamins and minerals in health maintenance and as therapeutic supplements, and the use of food as medicine.Prerequisite: None

4 | 40 BS201 Anatomy/Physiology I & LabAn overview of the structure of the human body, including histology, embryology, anatomy of bones, organs and muscles as well as their physiological functions. Prerequisite: None

4 | 40 BS202 Anatomy/Physiology II & LabRegional study of human anatomy and physiology, including the cardiovascular system, respiratory, and digestive systems. Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: BS201


3 | 30 BS203 Anatomy/Physiology III & LabStudy of anatomical structures and physiological functions of the sensory organs, circulatory systems, blood and lymph, genitourinary and reproductive systems. Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: BS201

3 | 30 BS204 Anatomy/Physiology IV & LabOverview of the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the human body, including the nervous system and endocrine system. Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: BS201

3 | 30 BS311 Pathology IIntroduction to the study of general pathology including cellular dynamics, inflammation and repair, environmental and genetic disorders, hemodynamic and hematological disorders, immunopathology and neoplasia.Prerequisites: BS201-204

3 | 30 BS312 Pathology II Continuation of BS311 with emphasis on systematic pathology including respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and urinary and reproductive systems.Prerequisite: BS201-204Recommended: BS311


3 | 30 BS313 Pathology IIIContinuation of BS312 with emphasis on systematic pathology; including endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary, hematopoietic and lymphatic systems, and disorders of the sensory organs.Prerequisite: BS201-204Recommended: BS311


3 | 30 OM100 Medical History & LiteratureIntroductory course on the history and development of Eastern and Western medicine with reference to Traditional Chinese Literary classics as well as TCM medical terminology.Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: OM101

3 | 30 OM101 Basic Theory of TCM IBasic Principles and Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine in relation to Yin-Yang concepts, Eight Principles, Etiology and function of Qi, Blood, Body Fluids and the Zang Fu Organs with reference to the Nei Jing and other classic texts.Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 OM102 Basic Theory of TCM IIThe study of pathology according to Traditional Chinese Medicine including external (wind, cold, dampness, heat & dryness), internal factors (emotions) and miscellaneous factors that cause diseases. The general law of the pathological changes and the prevention and treatment of diseases are discussed.Recommended: OM101

3 | 30 OM201 TCM Diagnosis I The Diagnosis of disease using the Eight Principles, Five elements and Four Methods of examination: Observation, Auscultation & Olfaction, Inquiry and Palpation. Tongue and Pulse differential diagnosis is emphasizedPrerequisite: OM101-102

Traditional Chinese Medicine 45 Units | 450 Hours


3 | 30 OM202 TCM Diagnosis IIDifferential diagnosis of the Internal Organs (Zang Fu) and diagnosis according to Qi, Blood, and body Fluids. Correlation between Western diagnosis and TCM syndromes are provided Treatment plans involving acupuncture and herbs are also discussed.Prerequisite: OM101-102Recommended: OM201

3 | 30 OM203 TCM Diagnosis IIIThis is a composite diagnosis course designed to assist the student in developing the skills necessary to draw correlations between Western diagnosis and TCM syndromes. Treatment methods are formulated through the integration of TCM diagnostic philosophies including Channel & Collateral Theory, Conformations according to the Three Warmers, and Progression of Infections Fever Diseases and Six Channel Differentiation. Prerequisite: OM101-102Recommended: OM201


3 | 30 OM204 Clinical Consulting SkillsIt is a prerequisite course for the students of clinical internship level II. Further training of the skills of clinical communication with patients. An integrative communication skill will be taught and practiced in the class. Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 OM301 TCM Internal Medicine ITraditional Chinese internal medicine covers the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of diseases. Differential Diagnosis is made by analyzing the pathological changes of Zang-Fu, Qi, blood, bodily fluids, channels and collaterals.Prerequisite: OM 201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 OM302 TCM Internal Medicine IIContinuation of OM301; Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 OM303 TCM Internal Medicine IIIContinuation of OM302; Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 OM304 TCM Internal Medicine IVContinuation of OM303; Prerequisite: OM201-203


3 | 30 OM401 TCM DermatologyTraditional Chinese medical perspectives on the etiology, pathology and diagnosis of a variety of skin disorders with therapeutic treatments focusing on acupuncture and herbal formulas.Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 OM402 TCM GynecologyStudy of the anatomy, physiology and pathologies of the diseases of women as well as their diagnosis and treatment according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 OM403 TCM Orthopedics/ Traumatology Examination and diagnosis of common musculo-skeletal trauma cases in terms of Traditional Chinese Medical treatments and Tui-Na. TCM approach to pain management will be introduced. Prerequisite: OM 201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 OM404 Integration of Eastern and Western Medicine

Medical problems presented in a correlation case study format researched, analyzed, diagnosed and presented by students from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104


3 | 30 AC100 Meridian TheoryIntroduction to the basic theory of meridians, classification of acupuncture points and systems of nomenclature. Detailed presentation of the major meridians, distribution of channels, branches and collaterals, and the relationship with the internal organs.Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: OM101, BS201Concurrent: AC101 or AC102

3 | 30 AC101 Acupuncture Anatomy IStudy of the points located on the 14 meridians, including names and anatomical locations, 15 collateral points, 8 extra channels, and non-channel points.Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: BS201

3 | 30 AC102 Acupuncture Anatomy IIContinuation of AC101Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: BS201

3 | 30 AC201 Acupuncture Physiology IThe usage of regular and special acupuncture points (five shu, yuan primary source, xi cleft, lower he sea points) and their traditional functions in treatment.Prerequisites/Concurrent: AC101Recommended: AC100

3 | 30 AC202 Acupuncture Physiology IIContinuation of AC201Prerequisite/Concurrent: AC102Recommended: AC100

Acupuncture & Moxibustion 29 Units | 290 Hours


4 | 40 AC301 Acupuncture Techniques I & LabThe usage of regular and special acupuncture methods, including needling, moxibustion, cupping, accident prevention, contra indications. An acupuncture lab training is attached to raise students’ needling skills. Prerequisites: AC101-102Recommended: CNT

4 | 40 AC302 Acupuncture Techniques II & LabContinuation of AC301, focusing on Ear and Scalp AcupuncturePrerequisite: AC101-102Recommended: CNT

3 | 30 AC401 Acupuncture Therapeutics IStudent will discuss medical cases and present with selection of points and point combinations to treat various diseases and conditions including obstetrics, gynecology and disease of the eyes, ears, nose and throat.Prerequisite: AC201-202, OM201-203

3 | 30 AC402 Acupuncture Therapeutics IIContinuation of AC401Prerequisite: AC201-202, OM201-203


2 | 20 HB100 Introduction to Botany & HerbsStudents in this course will learn to identify Latin classifications of plants used in Western medicine as well as major plants used in Traditional Chinese Medicine with attention on botanical nomenclature. Emphasis is given to individual herbal properties such as flavor, entering meridians, function and medicinal uses.Prerequisite: None; Recommended: OM101

3 | 30 HB101 Chinese Herbology IIntroduction of the most commonly used medical substances in traditional Chinese Pharmacology. This course covers exterior releasing herbs, herbs that clear heat and relieve toxicity, and downward draining herbs.Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: HB100, OM101-102

3 | 30 HB102 Chinese Herbology IIIntroduction of the most commonly used medical substances in traditional Chinese pharmacology. This course discuss herbs that drain, transform and dispel wind & dampness, warm body’s interior, expelling cold, regulate qi, and expel parasites.Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: HB100, OM101-102

3 | 30 HB103 Chinese Herbology IIIIntroduction of the most commonly used medical substances in traditional Chinese Pharmacology. This class will cover herbs that regulate blood, transform phlegm and relieve coughing, calm the spirit, as well as aromatic herbs that open orifices.Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: HB100, OM101-102

Herbology 45 Units | 450 Hours


3 | 30 HB104 Chinese Herbology IVIntroduction of the most commonly used medical substances in traditional Chinese Pharmacology. This course presents herbs that tonify qi, yin and yang, and blood. Discussion on astringent, extinguishing wind, and external application herbs will be included.Prerequisite: NoneRecommended: HB100, OM101-102

3 | 30 HB201 Chinese Herbal Formula IThis is a comprehensive introduction to Chinese herbal formulas for various clinical applications. This section will introduce formulas used for diaphoresis, purgation, harmonization, antipyretic, and summer heat clearing.Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 HB202 Chinese Herbal Formula IIThis is a comprehensive introduction to Chinese herbal formulas for various clinical applications. This section will cover formulas used for warming, exterior releasing, tonifying, sedation, resuscitation and astringents.Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 HB203 Chinese Herbal Formula IIIThis is a comprehensive introduction to Chinese herbal formulas for various clinical applications. This class will present formulas with carminative, blood-regulating, anticonvulsant and moisturizing characteristics.Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104


3 | 30 HB204 Chinese Herbal Formula IVThis is a comprehensive introduction to Chinese herbal formulas for various clinical applications. This course offers an in-depth analysis of the formulas that are diuretic, phlegm-expelling, resolving, anti-parasitic and anti-abscess characteristics.Prerequisite: OM201-203, 2 classes of HB101-104

3 | 30 HB300 TCM NutritionPractical aspect of using food to correct medical conditions according to theories of Traditional Chinese MedicinePrerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 HB301 Advanced HerbologyHerb identification of all herbs learned from total four Chinese herbology classes. Clinical specific applications of herbs not learned from the text books. Prerequisite: HB100-104Recommended: OM201-203

3 | 30 HB401 Advanced Formula: Shang Han LunDifferential diagnosis and treatment of cold diseases based on the principles of Six Channel Theory expounded in the TCM classics Shang Han Lun.Prerequisite: OM201-203, HB201-204


3 | 30 HB402 Advanced Formula: Jin Gui Yao LueDifferential diagnosis and treatment of miscellaneous diseases expounded in the TCM classics Jin Gui Yao Lue. Prerequisite: OM201-203, HB201-204

3 | 30 HB403 Advanced Formula: Wen BingDifferential diagnosis and treatment of febrile diseases based on the systems of the Four Level Theory and Three Jiao Theory expounded in the TCM classics Wen Bing Tiao Bian.Prerequisite: OM201-203, HB201-204

4 | 40 HB410 Formula WritingPractical learning of the construction of herbal formulas by selecting appropriate herbs and modifying dosages according to patient’s constitutions.Prerequisite: HB201-204, OM201-203


2 | 20 TB101 Tai Ji QuanIntroduction to the Chinese system of movement and meditation, basic principles of Tai Ji and practice of breathing techniques. Students in this class will practice movements, flowing and centering techniques and exercises to maintain good health and longevity by promoting the flow of Qi. This is a Pass/No Pass class.Prerequisite: None

2 | 20 TB102 Qi Gong Exercises combining breathing and postures, energy moving motion, meditation and breathing, relaxation and mind-regulating techniques to train and nourish energy. This is a Pass/No Pass class.Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 TB200 Tui NaChinese traditional massage to treat disease and traumatic injuries based on theories of Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood and internal organs. This is a Pass/No pass class.Recommended: AC101-102, BS201

3 | 30 TB201 Asian Body WorkIt is a continuing class of TB200. Students will learn how to combine the anatomical knowledge with Tui Na techniques to clinical practices such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release, post isometric relaxation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Recommended: AC101-102, BS201

Therapeutic Massage, Qi Gong, TCM Exercise 10 Units | 100 Hours


3 | 30 WM100 Western Medical TerminologyStudy of Western Medical terms used for various diseases, medical/surgical procedures and body parts. Introduction on how medical terminology are formed using Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, suffixes and abbreviationsPrerequisite: None

3 | 30 WM301 Physical ExaminationStudents will learn to perform actual physical diagnosis emphasizing common physical diagnostic techniques. In addition, class introduces the ordering and interpretations of a variety of laboratory tests and when to refer patients to other health-care providers.Prerequisite: BS201-204

3 | 30 WM302 Laboratory & ImagingClass introduces medical imaging and its limitations, the order and preparation for the various examination, the reading of radiological report and the understanding of film interpretation, the basic physics and techniques of all modalities.Prerequisite: BS201-204

Clinical Medicine, Patient Assessment & Diagnosis 32 Units | 320 Hours


3 | 30 WM303 Differential DiagnosisThis course introduces the differential diagnosis of common clinical symptoms and body signs. It includes fever, bleeding of skin and membrane, edema, cough, cough with phlegm, haemoptysis, chest pain, cyanosis, breathe with difficulty, palpitation, nausea, vomit, haematemesis, blood in stool, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, jaundice, back and low back pain, joint pain, haematuria, frequent urination, urinary urgency, urinary pain, oliguria, anuria, polyuria, headache, dizziness, faint, twitch, convulsion, and conscious obstruction.Prerequisite: BS201-204

3 | 30 WM304 Western PharmacologyCourse discusses how certain drugs affect the autonomic & central nervous systems, as well as other organ systemsPrerequisite: BS201-204

3 | 30 WM401 Western Clinic Science IThis course introduces the clinical aspects of Western medicine. This is the first of a four part series presents the human body within the Western approach to disease and disorders, nutrition, hormonal disorders, errors of metabolism and biological agents.Prerequisites: BS311Concurrent: BS312 or 313


3 | 30 WM402 Western Clinic Science IIThe topics of discussion in this course emphasize diseases of the internal organs including cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal and genitourinary system.Prerequisites: BS311Concurrent: BS312 or BS313

3 | 30 WM403 Western Clinic Science IIIThis course discusses the diseases diagnosis and treatment of the hepatobiliary and nervous systems, pancreas, hematopoietic, and neoplasia. Common immunological disorders are also discussed.Prerequisites: BS311Concurrent: BS312 or BS313

3 | 30 WM404 Western Clinic Science IVThis course discusses the specialized area of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and geriatrics medicine. Common neurological and psychiatric disorders and treatments are discussed. Prerequisites: BS311Concurrent: BS312 or BS313

3 | 30 WM405 Western GynecologyIntroduction of the anatomy and physiology of female organs. The pathological changes of female diseases and their western medical treatments will be discussed with clinical cases. Prerequisite: BS311Concurrent: BS312 or BS313


2 | 20 WM500 Survey of Clinical MedicineReviews the clinical practices of various branches of medicine, including osteopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, and other natural healing modalities.Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 CM301 Case Management IThe first evaluation stage for new interns. This seminar class requires each student to present a minimum of one clinical case for review in a classroom setting. Instructors will evaluate presentation procedures, case analysis, research techniques and conclusions. Prerequisites: BS201-204, OM201-203, HB100-104, AC100-202

Case Management 9 Units | 90 Hours


3 | 30 CM302 Case Management IIInterns will present clinical case studies and receive a more rigorous analysis of their diagnostic tactics and case management. Interns are expected to enhance patient evaluation skills with a deeper knowledge of herbal and acupuncture treatments. In addition, they should be able to evaluate their own recommended treatment modalities and be capable of adjusting them to greater serve the patient’s needs. Prerequisite: NoneConcurrent: CL211

3 | 30 CM303 Case Management IIIThis is the third and final Case Management seminar and interns are required to demonstrate their skills and to present them in clinical case management studies. Interns must research on a comprehensive treatment program covering both eastern and western perspectives, including thorough documentation of patient charting; physical examination with prior medical history; possible diagnosis and recommended treatment; provide competent and efficient application of acupuncture and herbal therapies and prescription. Interns will be expected to present and defend their professional decisions and techniques before their peers and licensed supervisor. Prerequisite: NoneConcurrent: CL311


3 | 30 MG401 Clinical ManagementStudy of the business aspects of private practice, including clinic operations, environmental planning, finances, public relations, insurance billing, maintenance and release of records, personal injury and Workman’s Compensation procedures. Other topics include patient communication skills, counseling, confidentiality, and public service.Prerequisite: None

2 | 20 MG402 Medical EthicsA presentation of medical ethics and jurisprudence for the primary health care practitioner with emphasis on California Acupuncture law. Including topics such as informed consent, patient referral, legal requirements of record keeping, office liability, insurance laws, and malpractice.Prerequisite: None

Practice Management 5 Units | 50 Hours


3 | 30 PH101 Public HealthCourse will cover overall view of current practices in epidemiology, community and environmental health sciences, biostatistics, health services and disease control.Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 RM101 Research of AOMIntroduction of the most recent scientific researches on acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine all over the world. The evidence-based results will be emphasized. A general clinical research method of acupuncture and Oriental medicine will be discussed.Prerequisite: None

1 | 10 RM102 Graduation Exam To graduate from the MSAOM program at AMU, student must pass the graduate examination in his/her last or last two quarters. Prerequisite: Complete at least 210 didactic units and 760 hours clinical internship

Public Health 3 Units | 30 Hours Professional Development 4 Units | 40 Hours


* Students must complete units of elective classes among all the elective classes 3 | 30 EL100 Academic Seminar (Topic Varies)

This course will be offered when a valued topic or an excellent instructor is available. All topics must be related to Acupuncture and Oriental medicine or integration of Acupuncture and Oriental and Western medicine. Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 EL101 Japanese ShiatsuThis course introduces the unique Japanese massage – Shiatsu, its principle, hands-on skills and clinical applications. Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 EL102 Japanese Abdominal DiagnosisThis course introduces the unique Japanese diagnostic method – abdominal diagnosis, its principles, its methods and how to apply it in the clinical practice.Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 EL103 Korean Four-ImagesThis course introduces Korean’s special pattern identification: Four-Images. It originated from the Chinese philosophical book I Ching, and was developed by Korean doctors to be a clinical system of diagnosis and treatment. Prerequisite: OM201-203

Elective Class* 9 Units | 90 Hours


3 | 30 EL104 YogaThis course introduces the basic theory of Yoga, its techniques, and how to practice it as one way of disease prevention. Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 EL105 Tibetan MedicineThis course introduces Tibetan medicine. The introduction focuses on its principles, special diagnosis and treatment methods. Unique Tibetan herbs and their medical functions will be mentioned. Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 EL106 Advanced Qi GongThis class introduces more Qi Gong schools and types. Qi Gong therapeutics will be approached also. Prerequisite: TB102

3 | 30 EL201 Yellow Emperor’s ClassicThis class introduces the most important ancient Chinese medical classics Yellow Emperor’s Classic, its relationship with today’s Chinese medicine, and how to apply it into clinic practice. Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 EL202 Medical I ChingThis class introduces the relationship between I Ching and traditional Chinese medicine, explains how I Ching impact the Chinese medicine, and in how many fields. Prerequisite: None


3 | 30 EL203 Modern Research on Chinese HerbsThis course introduces the most updated scientific research achievements on Chinese herbs, and discusses how to apply the research results to the clinic practice.Prerequisite: HB101-104

3 | 30 EL204 Various Schools of TCMThis course introduces many different scholastic medical schools on the history of Chinese medicine, and analyzes their different contribution and clinic value to the Chinese medicine.Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 EL205 Medical Chinese (Mandarin)This course teaches very basic Chinese language for acupuncture and Chinese medicine students, such as pronunciation, Pin-Yin system, Chinese characters on herbs and TCM terms. Prerequisite: None

3 | 30 EL206 Clinical EnglishThis course focuses on clinical conversation in English to improve the communicative ability of the students in the Chinese Track. Prerequisite: None


3 | 30 EL207 Treatment of Parasite DiseasesThis course introduces the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of parasite diseases in TCM view points, and discusses the integration of TCM and conventional medicine in parasitology. Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 EL208 Cancer & TCMThis course discusses the possible application of TCM on oncology, mainly focuses on the pain relief and immune system improvement for cancer patients. Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 EL209 Auto-immune Disease and TCMThis course discuses the clinic application of TCM on auto-immune diseases such as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), multiple sclerosis (MS), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The appropriate integrative treatment of East/West medicine will be discussed. Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 EL210 Introduction to HomeopathyThis course introduces the basic theories, the diagnostic principles and therapeutic methods of homeopathy. A comparison between homeopathy and TCM will be discussed. Prerequisite: OM201-203


3 | 30 EL301 Neuro-endocrinologyThis course introduces the most updated development of neuro-endocrinology and its clinic applications. The relationship between neuro-endocrinology and TCM will be discussed. Prerequisite: OM201-203, BS301-303

3 | 30 EL302 Integrative Pain ManagementThis course focuses on introducing the different approach to pain symptoms by Western medicine and TCM, and discussing the appropriate integrative treatment for a better result. Prerequisite: OM201-203, AC201-202

3 | 30 EL303 Clinical RehabilitationThis course focuses on an appropriate integrative treatment for the patients during their rehabilitative period. Prerequisite: OM201-203, AC201-202

3 | 30 EL304 Advanced TCM GynecologyThis course is the continuation of OM402 TCM Gynecology. More gynecological diseases and treatments will be discussed. Prerequisite: OM402

3 | 30 EL305 TCM PediatricsThis course introduces the theory, diagnosis and treatment of TCM to children diseases. Prerequisite: OM201-203

3 | 30 EL306 TCM CosmologyIntroduction of the basic knowledge of cosmology, combined with TCM life nourishment principles and techniques.Prerequisite: AC301-302, OM201-203, HB101-104


2 | 40 CL111 Clinic Level I: Orientation & Preparation An orientation to the acupuncture clinic for entering interns. All aspects of clinic procedures including professional dress code, equipment safety code, patient practitioner relationship, proper medical charting format, traditional Chinese medical therapies, clean needle technique protocol and prevention of infection from blood borne pathogens are presented. Students will practice and role play intake of patient proper handling of equipments and treatment of patients. Prerequisite: Passing grade on Clinic Internship Entrance exam, CNT certificate and current C.P.R. card. Prerequisite: OM101-102, OM201-203, AC100-102,AC201-202, HB100-104, BS101-103, BS201-204, WM100

2 | 40 CL112 Clinic Level I: Herbal PharmacySupervised training in the herbal pharmacy where interns prepare herbal prescriptions for patients. Various forms of herbal medication including raw herb decoction, capsule/pill formulations as well as powder extracts are used and interns will learn to select, weigh, and compounding herbal prescriptions.Prerequisite: Passing grade on Clinic Internship Entrance exam, CNT Certificate and current C.P.R. card.

Clinical Practice 48 Units | 960 Hours


6 | 120 CL113 Clinic Level I: Clinic ObservationInterns at this level will spend most of their clinic hours observing clinicians and advanced interns on treatment procedures from intake to charting to diagnosis and treatment. Observers are encouraged to discuss the reasoning behind each patient diagnosis and begin to formulate their own opinions. Prerequisite: CL111, CNT Certificate and current C.P.R. card.

16 | 320 CL211 Clinic Level II: Assisted/Supervised Practice

Level II Interns are expected to practice acupuncture and Chinese Herbology, along with other healing therapies within the scope of the acupuncture license. The internship is done under close guidance and supervision. Students are regularly evaluated as to their abilities to treat patients. Toward the end of this level, emphasis is shifted toward the intern’s defense of their independently derived treatment decisions.Prerequisite: Passing grade on Clinic Internship Level I Exit exam and a current C.P.R. card.


22 | 440 CL311 Clinic Level III: Solo Practice with Supervision

This is the last level of internship before graduation where Senior interns demonstrate a thorough understanding of clinical diagnosis and treatment skills and are expected to perform “solo practice” and assume primary responsibility for treating patients. Interns at this level have less supervision of their activities but must obtain the supervisor’s approval of all treatment decisions. By the end of this course, an intern must have performed at least 350 treatments in order to graduate.Prerequisite: Passing grade on Clinic Internship Level II Exit exam and a current C.P.R. card.



Western Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One BS101 Biology 3 OM100 Med. History & Literature 3 AC101 Acupuncture Anatomy I 3 16

BS201 Anatomy/Physiology & lab I 4 OM101 Basic Theory of TCM I 3

Two BS102 Chemistry & Biochemistry 3 OM102 Basic Theory of TCM II 3 AC102 Acupuncture Anatomy II 3 HB100 Intro to Botany & Herbs 2 17

BS103 Physics 2

BS202 Anatomy/Physiology & lab II 4

Three BS104 Psychology 3 OM201 TCM Diagnosis I 3 AC100 Meridian Theory 3 HB101 Chinese Herbology I 3 15

BS203 Anatomy/Physiology & Lab III 3

Four BS106 Microbiology & Immunology 3 OM202 TCM Diagnosis II 3 AC201 Acupuncture Physiology I 3 HB102 Chinese Herbology II 3 15

BS204 Anatomy/Physiology & lab IV 3

Year One


Western Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One BS101 Biology 3 OM100 Med. History & Literature 3 AC101 Acupuncture Anatomy I 3 16

BS201 Anatomy/Physiology & lab I 4 OM101 Basic Theory of TCM I 3

Two BS102 Chemistry & Biochemistry 3 OM102 Basic Theory of TCM II 3 AC102 Acupuncture Anatomy II 3 HB100 Intro to Botany & Herbs 2 17

BS103 Physics 2

BS202 Anatomy/Physiology & lab II 4

Three BS104 Psychology 3 OM201 TCM Diagnosis I 3 AC100 Meridian Theory 3 HB101 Chinese Herbology I 3 15

BS203 Anatomy/Physiology & Lab III 3

Four BS106 Microbiology & Immunology 3 OM202 TCM Diagnosis II 3 AC201 Acupuncture Physiology I 3 HB102 Chinese Herbology II 3 15

BS204 Anatomy/Physiology & lab IV 3


Year TwoWestern Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One WM100 Medical Terminology 3 OM203 TCM Diagnosis III 3 AC202 Acupuncture Physiology II 3 HB103 Chinese Herbology III 3 15

WM301 Physical Examination 3

Two BS107 Nutrition & Vitamins 3 OM301 TCM Internal Medicine I 3 AC301 Acupuncture Techniques & Lab I 4 HB104 Chinese Herbology IV 3 17 Clinic Entrance Exam

TB101/TB102 Tai Ji Quan/Qi Gong 4

Three BS311 Pathology I 3 OM302 TCM Internal Medicine II 3 AC302 Acupuncture Techniques & Lab II 4 HB201 Chinese Herbal Formula I 3 16 Level I - Orientation 40

TB200 Tui Na 3 Level I - Herb Pharmacy 40

Four BS312 Pathology II 3 OM303 TCM Internal Medicine III 3 AC401 Acupuncture Therapeutics I 3 HB202 Chinese Herbal Formula II 3 CM301 Case Management I 3 18 Level I - Observation 120

OM204 Clinic Consulting Skills 3 Level I Exit Exam

Western Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One WM100 Medical Terminology 3 OM203 TCM Diagnosis III 3 AC202 Acupuncture Physiology II 3 HB103 Chinese Herbology III 3 15

WM301 Physical Examination 3

Two BS107 Nutrition & Vitamins 3 OM301 TCM Internal Medicine I 3 AC301 Acupuncture Techniques & Lab I 4 HB104 Chinese Herbology IV 3 17 Clinic Entrance Exam

TB101/TB102 Tai Ji Quan/Qi Gong 4

Three BS311 Pathology I 3 OM302 TCM Internal Medicine II 3 AC302 Acupuncture Techniques & Lab II 4 HB201 Chinese Herbal Formula I 3 16 Level I - Orientation 40

TB200 Tui Na 3 Level I - Herb Pharmacy 40

Four BS312 Pathology II 3 OM303 TCM Internal Medicine III 3 AC401 Acupuncture Therapeutics I 3 HB202 Chinese Herbal Formula II 3 CM301 Case Management I 3 18 Level I - Observation 120

OM204 Clinic Consulting Skills 3 Level I Exit Exam


Year ThreeWestern Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One BS313 Pathology III 3 OM304 TCM Internal Medicine IV 3 AC402 Acupuncture Therapeutics II 3 HB203 Chinese Herbal Formula III 3 Elective 3 18 Level II - Supervised Practice 80

WM302 Laboratory & Imaging 3

Two WM303 Differential Diagnosis 3 OM401 TCM Dermatology 3 HB204 Chinese Herbal Formula IV 3 CM302 Case Management II 3 18 Level II - Supervised Practice 120

WM304 W. Pharmacology 3 TB201 Asian Body Work 3

Three WM401 W. Clinical Science I 3 OM402 TCM Gynecology 3 HB301 Advanced Herbology 3 PH101 Public Health 3 15 Level II - Supervised Practice 120

WM405 W. Gynecology 3 Level II Exit Exam

Four WM402 W. Clinical Science II 3 OM403 TCM Orthopedics/ Traumatology 3 HB401 A. Formula Shang Han Lun 3 Elective 3 12 Level III - Solo Practice 120


Western Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One BS313 Pathology III 3 OM304 TCM Internal Medicine IV 3 AC402 Acupuncture Therapeutics II 3 HB203 Chinese Herbal Formula III 3 Elective 3 18 Level II - Supervised Practice 80

WM302 Laboratory & Imaging 3

Two WM303 Differential Diagnosis 3 OM401 TCM Dermatology 3 HB204 Chinese Herbal Formula IV 3 CM302 Case Management II 3 18 Level II - Supervised Practice 120

WM304 W. Pharmacology 3 TB201 Asian Body Work 3

Three WM401 W. Clinical Science I 3 OM402 TCM Gynecology 3 HB301 Advanced Herbology 3 PH101 Public Health 3 15 Level II - Supervised Practice 120

WM405 W. Gynecology 3 Level II Exit Exam

Four WM402 W. Clinical Science II 3 OM403 TCM Orthopedics/ Traumatology 3 HB401 A. Formula Shang Han Lun 3 Elective 3 12 Level III - Solo Practice 120


Western Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One WM403 W. Clinical Science III 3 OM404 Integration of E/W Medicine 3 HB300 TCM Nutrition 3 CM303 Case Management III 3 12 Level III/Solo Practice 120

Two WM404 W. Clinical Science IV 3 HB402 A. Formula Jin Gui Yao Lue 3 Elective 3 12 Level III/Solo Practice 120

RM101 Research on AOM 3

Three WM500 Survey of Clinic Medicine 2 HB403 A. Formula Wen Bing 3 MG401 Clinical Management 3 10 Level III/Solo Practice 80

MG402 Medical Ethics 2

Four HB410 Formula Writing 4 RM102 Graduation Exam 1 5

Year Four


Western Science & Medicine Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Elective & Others Quarterly Clinical internship

Quarter Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Course Units Total Units Level Hours

One WM403 W. Clinical Science III 3 OM404 Integration of E/W Medicine 3 HB300 TCM Nutrition 3 CM303 Case Management III 3 12 Level III/Solo Practice 120

Two WM404 W. Clinical Science IV 3 HB402 A. Formula Jin Gui Yao Lue 3 Elective 3 12 Level III/Solo Practice 120

RM101 Research on AOM 3

Three WM500 Survey of Clinic Medicine 2 HB403 A. Formula Wen Bing 3 MG401 Clinical Management 3 10 Level III/Solo Practice 80

MG402 Medical Ethics 2

Four HB410 Formula Writing 4 RM102 Graduation Exam 1 5


54 | INDEX


Academic Seminar 38Acupuncture Anatomy 24Acupuncture & Moxibustion 7, 24Acupuncture Physiology 24Acupuncture Techniques & Lab 25Acupuncture Therapeutics 25Advanced Formula 28, 29Advanced Herbology 28Advanced Qi Gong 39Advanced TCM Gynecology 42Anatomy/Physiology & Lab 17, 18Asian Body Work 30Auto-immune Disease and TCM 41


Basic Sciences 5, 16Basic Theory of TCM 20Biochemistry 16Biology 16


Cancer & TCM 41Case Management 10, 34, 35Chemistry 16Chinese Herbology 26Clinical Consulting Skills 22Clinical English 40Clinical Management 36Clinical Medicine 10, 31Clinical Practice 14, 43Clinical Rehabilitation 42Clinic Level I: Clinic Observation 44Clinic Level I: Herbal Pharmacy 43Clinic Level II: Assisted/Supervised 44Clinic Level III: Solo Practice with Supervision 45Clinic Level I: Orientation & Preparation 43Curriculum 4


Differential Diagnosis 32


Elective Class 12, 38


Formula Writing 29


Graduation Exam 37


Herbal Formula 27Herbology 8, 26


Immunology 17Integration of Oriental and Western Medicine 23Integrative Pain Management 42Introduction to Botany & Herbs 26Introduction to Homeopathy 41



Japanese Abdominal Diagnosis 38Japanese Shiatsu 38Jin Gui Yao Lue 29


Korean Four-Images 38


Laboratory & Imaging 31


Medical Chinese (Mandarin) 40Medical Ethics 36Medical History & Literature 20Medical I Ching 39Meridian Theory 24Microbiology 17Model Program 46 - 53Modern Research on Chinese Herbs 40


Neuro-endocrinology 42Nutrition & Vitamins 17


Pathology 18Patient Assessment 9, 31Patient Diagnosis 9, 31Physical Examination 31Physics 16Practice Management 11, 36Professional Development 11, 37Psychology 16Public Health 11, 37


Qi Gong 9, 30


Research of AOM 37


Shang Han Lun 28Survey of Clinical Medicine 34


Table Of Contents 2Tai Ji Quan 30TCM Cosmology 42 TCM Dermatology 23TCM Diagnosis 20, 21TCM Exercise 9, 30TCM Gynecology 23TCM Internal Medicine 22TCM Nutrition 28TCM Orthopedics/ Traumatology 23TCM Pediatrics 42Therapeutic Massage 9, 30Tibetan Medicine 39Traditional Chinese Medicine 6, 20Treatment of Parasite Diseases 41Tui Na 30

INDEX | 55


Various Schools of TCM 40


Wen Bing 29Western Gynecology 33Western Medical Terminology 31Western Medicine 32Western Pharmacology 32


Yellow Emperor’s Classic 39Yoga 39

56 | INDEX

Alhambra Medical University

25 S. Raymond Ave. #201Alhambra, CA 91801 [email protected]