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My 2 Cents of Preparing Coding Interview

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Introduction �  In most experience of Coding Interview,

we have noticed more and more interview questions are focusing on algorithms.

�  To tell whether algorithms are better or worse, there is complexity BigO to measure the performance in theory.

�  Today, I would like to introduce Algorithm Hierarchy to organize thinking way.

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Not only Algorithm

� Remember: Not only is Algorithm one key part of coding interview, but also working attitude, communication skills, big picture thinking and so on are more considered etc.

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Algorithm Hierarchy in thought

�  1. Basic Algorithm �  2. Space–time tradeoff �  3. Pruning Algorithm �  4. Optimized Algorithm �  5. Big data Algorithm

� Remember: As hierarchy is like pyramid, you would better working more on foundation then looking forward.

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1. Basic Algorithm

�  (completed and easy reading –cy) � Recursion, Backtracking, Blind

searching and sorting like DFS, BFS, merge sort and qsort etc.

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2. Space–time tradeoff

�  (completed and fast by additional space –cy)

�  Iteration, Dynamic Programming, Hash, Priority queue etc.

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3. Pruning Algorithm

�  (completed and fast via shortcuts –cy) � Binary search in rotated array, K largest,

Single Linked List cycle detect, Matrix multiplication etc.

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4. Optimized Algorithm

�  (faster and almost completed –cy) � Estimated value, Hill climbing, Greedy

Heuristic search like A*, D* etc.

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5. Big data Algorithm

�  (fastest and almost completed –cy) � Divide and Conquer (Cloud, Cluster)

and Machine learning, (Genetic, Ant Colony), Artificial intelligence (Alpha-Beta, MCTS) etc.

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Example of Algorithm Hierarchy

�  Let me explain hierarchy by calculating Fibonacci sequence.

�  0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …

� Now we need to calculate nTh number in Fibonacci sequence.

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Fibonacci sequence (1)

�  1. Basic Algorithm : Complexity O(n!)

�  long long f1(int n) { �  return n < 2 ? n : (f1(n-1) + f1(n-2)); �  }

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Fibonacci sequence (2) �  2. Space–time tradeoff : Complexity O(n) �  long long f2(int n){ �  long long f[2] = {0, 1}; �  while (--n>=1) { �  f[0]=f[0]+f[1]; �  swap(f[0], f[1]); �  } �  return f[n+1]; �  }

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Fibonacci sequence (3)

�  3. Probing Algorithm : Complexity O(log n)

�  long long f3(int n){ �  return (n < 2)? n :

MatrixPower(n-1).m_00; //power of matrix { {1,1}, {1, 0} }

�  }

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Fibonacci sequence (4)

�  4. Optimized Algorithm : Complexity O(1)

�  const double sqrt5 =sqrt(5.0); �  long long f4 (int n){ �  return 0.5 + (pow((1+sqrt5)/2, n)) /

sqrt5; �  }

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Fibonacci sequence (5)

�  5. Big data Algorithm

�  long long f5 (int n){ �  return f[n]; �  }

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Fibonacci sequence (Output)

�  f1(90) = timeout �  f2(90) = 2880067194370816120 �  f3(90) = 2880067194370816120 �  f4(90) = 2880067194370824704 �  f5(90) = 2880067194370816120 � You may see f4(90) is slightly different

because of double-precision, but it works for n<=70

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No Recursion

Remember: Don’t use Recursion for large scale problem, using Iteration instead at least, especially for graph problems like tree verify, sum and traversal etc.

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Algorithm Hierarchy in Interview

�  For Algorithm Hierarchy in Coding Interview, in my humble opinion, most Phone interview is on level 1, and most on-site interview is on level 2-3, however, you may asking about level 4-5 algorithm.

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Real Sample: Amazon’s most asked interview questions �  (source: �  1) K largest elements from a big file or array. �  2) Find a triplet a, b, c such that a2 = b2 + c2. Variations of this problem like find

a triplet with sum equal to 0. Find a pair with given sum. All such questions are efficiently solved using hashing.

�  3) Binary tree traversal questions like left view, right view, top view, bottom view, maximum of a level, minimum of a level, children sum property, diameter etc.

�  4) Convert a BST into a DLL and DLL to BST in place. �  5) Vertical traversal of a Binary Tree. �  6) Lowest Common ancestor in a Binary Search Tree and Binary Tree. �  7) Implement a stack with push(), pop() and min() in O(1) time. �  8) Reverse a linked list in groups of size k. �  9) Given two numbers represented by two linked lists, write a function that

returns sum list. �  10) Rotate a matrix by 90 degree. �  11) Some stack based questions like stock span problem, next greater element. �  12) Some Dynamic Programming problems like maximum sum subarray,

maximum sum subarray such that no elements are consecutive, edit distance, assembly line scheduling.

�  You may easily find out there are 4 questions in each level 1-3, well balanced.

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KISS in phone interview Think aloud face to face � Remember: Don’t think too complex in

phone interview, just clarify your idea and keep it stupid simple(KISS).

�  For on-site interview, you would better to well prepare and think aloud.

Page 21: Algorithm hierarchy for preparing  �  Last but not least, let me recommend for preparing Coding Interview.

�  After solving more than 140 problems in in several days, I could summary out its Hierarchy: 49% level 1, 28% level 2, 23% level 3.

�  LeetCode is focusing on data structures and algorithms. It requires not only just workable, but also optimized code. So you need to program in strict time and space complexity.

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Bottom line to pass interview

� Remember: In order to pass coding interview, you may need to solve 2-5 problems per hour in

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Thanks �  Thanks for watching. It is just my

humble opinion, my 2 cents.

� Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

� All rights reserved. Please contact changyu.yang for permission to copy, distribute or reprint.