Download - Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) · \Uxanilria 4$*i*ti-f* WEDNE-DAY EVENINO MAB.21, 1900. LOCAL

Page 1: Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) · \Uxanilria 4$*i*ti-f* WEDNE-DAY EVENINO MAB.21, 1900. LOCAL

\Uxanilria 4$*i*ti-f*WEDNE-DAY EVENINO MAB. 21, 1900.

LOCAL MATTERS.... tomorrow at 6.04 a. m, and

.._,»! ti 10 High wator at 11:36 a m

42 i>. m.

flATHKB PBOBABIIJTIJIS..For tbia:_ir snd co<d t >i.i_ht. Thnrsd .y fair;

:<> north *inda.


,HK K\IK Assuciation..Ab Ht'ted,. i_ ne ol llia; day, tbe meeting.gricultnral aud Indos'rial Fairaiiou of Nortbero Virginia heldc v yaatardaf eveuiug to disi« euarter ncently _,rant.d by-Uiure, adjourned without tak-

titute action concerniog tbe coo-i_tiou of tne aasociation. Tbeorigi-

artei gave the power of speedingttnd bookmaktng. Iu tbe

r Biaeaded bookm-king ia elimi-I. A Ie ter from State Seoator

|) niohoe was read in which he saidwould bave been imposible to

n paased the charter as it was seutlegialatnra and atfirmiug that he

dd doue the best in bis power concern-j the matter. Mr M. E. Cburch siidni if tbesucoesM depended on book-

g t he organsz ilion could not trulyied an agricultural fair associa-

! be did not se the necessity..n aking.

\[ M. B Hirlow state! that whileDt were iguorant on the ques-

raoa oooiaa and gambiing thewaa me of fiiaice. Mr. G. E.-a i that if it could not live

oul a _atntiling feature be tbouubtto drop the whole matter. Mr.

iirat atated that in hia opiniou..!. would be better off with

ob ing feature eliminated. Mr.ircb ibongbl tbe charter broad in

riaiona, aad waa of tbe opinionoonld be acbieved under it.

-ud ibat at early date a ma^s

g of those interested in tbe mat-eallad. Tbe cbairman stated

itiofJ had been sent out aud haded ol no avail. Tbe mitter was

rred to tbe executive committee._j__BM tben Btsted tbat there

>me money in the treasury, andthat m his opinion it would be a goo.i

io spend it in having literature"incvrniog Ibe association and

ite I, and bismotion wasunanim-adopted.

IllK CoNBUMRRh' BRRWINO Co..Ihe t»~e of Nierendorf vs. tbe Con-

Brewing Company of Ro.slynon a inotioo for an injunction and the

'tuent cf a receiver, came up be¬fore Jadge C. E. Nicol, of tbe Circuit

iurt for tbe county, io this city today,on a con'inuauce from Monday. Ontbal day Judge Nicol stated tbat heKould grant tbe injunction and todayappoioted Mr. 0. B. Urabam, oftbecounty, receiver for the compuny un-lt-.- coooael ou both eides agreed upona receiver. Today, when the mattercame up, on tbe argument of all con-t rned, the case was dismiseed, it beingitated that a aettlement bad been

read upon. It ia understood tbatplalntifl was paid the amount inrersy. $16,500. This ends tbe

¦_al proctedings agaiost tbe Col-.umera< company whicb have been in

'greea for ?ome time and the com¬

pany will continue its businees as bere-ofore.

Kntkktainmbnt..Messre. L. D.1..!-, Jared Hayd- n, L. M. Chaflee.. \V, L. Grittin, who were appoiotedbj Aiexat.dria Council No. 33, Jr. O.'. A. M., met last nigbt at tbe home of>lr. Lyles and organized by electingMr. W. L Gridin cbairman, Mr. JaredHaydeo secretary and Mr. Lyles treae-urerol the eutertainment committee.t'ne chairman reported that be was injiiiaiuiucatioti with Mr. Douglass Lee

L-itwich, of Ricbmoud, the versatileutertamer and diale.t comedian, and

expected to bave him here to give antta.nment iu the Opera Hou-e on

April I7lb. After discu-siou of thpjiatter it was decided t.bat a eub-com-mittaa be appointed to arrange for tbe¦omirg of Mr. Leftwicb. It wbb also¦¦. ded to meet again at the home ofie i hairman on Friday evening at 7:30

o'clook. Tbis promises to be one of the-t eutertaiuments of tbe eeasoo.

Conkrbrncb..The Virginia annualtonfereuce of tbe M. E. Church wi'lmeet at Trinity Church tomorrowmorning, as heretofore stated in tboUaxette. About aixty-five or seventyu iatan anddelegatesare expected to>e prwsent and Bishop J. T. Hurst wiilpreaide, The conference is compos-dol ihe churcbts in Virginia and -evt-n !ations in the southwestern part of

Weat Virginia. The ministers and deh-KBlM bave all been prov'ded withiiotues aud it is boped that their stay inbia city will be botb pletsant andiroli'.able. Akbough the conferenceiroper will not begin till tomorrowoornlng at 9 o'clock, tbe anniversarvd the Cburch Extenslon Society will>. celebraled tnia evening at 7:30i'clock. Tbe address will h deliveredi»y Rev. J. M. King, of New Yo;k.

Dkath ok an Old Rksioknt. Mr.W lliam B. Browi , au old aud well.xiiown citizen, died at tbe restdence ofbieaoo, 00 soutb P.trick street, lasttiigh*. Tbe deceased was born in tbis.ity 80 years ago. He leaves a wife andHveral grown ohildren. Mr. Brownwaa a eaddler by trade, an occupationhe followed during tbe greater portion->!hislife. Iu 1876, during the pol ti-cal upheaval wbicLi brougbt out the fa-mous **potato-bug" ticket, Mr. llrownwas a candidate for Superiotendent ofPoiiOB and was elected. He eerved but

.. tiriu, at tb3 cloae of wbiob he rc-

-^umed work at hia trade. He was

friendly in his deportment and wae

geoerally liked by all wbo koew him.

Board ok Pharmacy..Tie 8tateB.anl af Pnarmacy met at the Capitolia Ricbmoud ytsterday witb all tnenieiubers in attendance, as followKJaaeaL Av s, of Harrisonburg, preci-ient;E R Bfckwib,. of Peiersburg.secretarj; Edgar W*rfield, of Alexac-'ria; 0. K, Liok, of Coarlotleeville, andr. A. Miller, of Richmond. Tbirty-Diaa peraous applied for examinatioo to

beoosaa regiatered pbarmaciats and 22be n'_i-.ter. d aHsistau*. pbarmaciats.

inebmrd will be in ses.ion two orbrat da>s.

? ^s_-_>.Drmocratic CoMMiTTRR^The ci ynoiTatic committee will meet at tbelermen'd chamber tomorrow nlaht at

loek to make arrangemente forIba i.iiMry io nomitiate officers to t»Hi In .svi at tbe May election. All caot'i-dataa are expected to be preseot.

Tho llemt i'reacription for Chtlla«i 1 1\ vor is a laittle of Obovb'b TABTELXaaI HIL'. Tonio It ia simply iron snd qninicen a .. < oo, iui __. n0 objb.nj pay. dOo

Thr Commikbionkks of Valuation..AaataU.t iu the Q»Z'tt«'a Rtchro>t>ddispatche or tbat datt*, counfel iu thetbrwe caaea \ ending in the Court of A| -

peals for the purpose of declding as tothe constitutionality of tbe act. creatingtbe oflice of Commiaeiouer of Valuationappeared in court yesterday, and alterconfereoce the oourt decided to bearooeof tbecaseson the 28:h iost. Tbecourt will hear oral argument. It wasagreed that only one case ebould bebeard, the decision in this to settle allthe rest. Tbe lawyera in tbe variousoasee, and tbe Attoroey-Qeneral, wereallowed to decide wbich case ebould bebeard.Tbe following diapatch w»9 received

at this oflice thta eveoins :

"Richmond, March 21..Tbe Alexan¬dria caae will probably be agreed on asthe ra-e to teat the law aod will be ar-gued on the 28th inat."The writ of babeas corpus in the case

of W. Frank Lambert, of this oity, ar-reated for declining to give informationto the commi-sioner of Alexandria, wasmade returnabie today by the Court ofAppeals. Mr. Lambert, accompaniedby hia counael, CjI. F L. 8mith audMr. A. W. Arnntronu, went to Rich¬mond yes'erday evening and todav ap¬peared before tbe Court of Appeals.Pkbbonal. .Mrs. Jamea B. Breen is

critically ill at ber bome, corner olPatiick aod Ub'ion atreete,

Profesaor John 8. Blackburn, of tbePotomac Academy, Alexandria, spents veral daya in Berryville during tbepaat week. He waa tbe gutst of hisauot, Mrs. E. 8. Kowuslar..ClarkeCourier.

Dr. Hugh McGuire has gono to Rich¬mond to at'.end his fatber, Dr. Hurter McGuire, who was stricken with pa-ralvsis on Moudnv evening. He willprcbtbly be in Richmond for severalday-.

Mts. 8. Jennie Miller is ill at berhome on upper Prince street.Mr. Jobn Frotb, an old resident of

Fairfax couoty, iu quite ili at bia horathelow thia cily.

Mrs. A B. Travia, who has beenquite sick with grip, is recovenng.

Mr. Georg* L. 8herwood and MiaaMinnie Wat-r, both of Fairfax, will beraar'i-d tonittbt at tbe M. E. ChurcbSoutb, Fairfax C H.

ClBCUIT COUBT KOB THK ClTY..Judge C. E. Niool preriding..MartbaA. It.'ni ..ii va. L. Bendbeim; fioai de«cree disini.-airig case.

E. C Dainger6eld vb Henry DaiogOilie'd; order oireciing commisaioner olaale to diatribute $1,150, being the put-cbaae price of ont-third of the tract ofland io Fairfax ounty kuowo ea

"Goldaborough."D. B. Luca^and B. F. Bedinger va.

8usan P, L'le; decrte appointing E. B.Taylor epecial commiaeioner to ascer-tain and report the* entitled to prop-erty, &\LOOM vp, Lei; Douglaas 8tuart ap

pointed guardian ad htem of ArmisteadL«e, infant defendant.Watkins va. W., A. &, Mt. V. Ry. Co ;

suit for dimages resulting in tbe deatbof Wm. Watkine; jury and case in prog-ress.

ElGHTH DlSTBlCT Dk.MOCRATIC COM-MITTKE .At a mi'eting of tbe dem« -

craiic C-oneresaional coiimit'ee lor theEi«bth Distiiot of Virginia, held in thiacity, today, there were present, Measr*-.Ijeonurd Maibury, chairriian; 0 PiJanuey, of Leesburg; G. P. P. Triplet',of Culpeper; George 8. 8hackelford, tfOrang«, and Colonel GrenviHe Gainee,of Fauquier. The meet'ng was caINdto order by tb^ cbairman and Mr.George 8. Shackelford wa_ ekcted aec

retary. It waa decided to hold a con

vention iu the ci<y of Alexandria tonominate a candidate for the IJniud8tales House of Reprtsentattve, saidconvention to be held on Wednesday,July 18, at 2 o'clock p. m., and tbebasis of repreaentatioa was fixed at one

delegate for every one bundred ardfraction over flfty democratio votes cafrtat tbe last presidential eieotion.

8TBICKEN WITH PABALYfllS..Tbemany friends of Mr. Joaepn Broderawill regret to learn tbat be was hi-.hIhritricken with pTalysh this morningaod tbat his condition is critical. Hewaa on bis way dowo Washingtcns'.reet at the limo bo waa overcomeaod waa in front of Patteraon'a liver>atable. He was conveyed to biabome, a abort distance away, and med-ical aid aummoned. Thia ia the tbirdattack of paralyais from whioh Mr.Brodera haa suflered during tbe pasifew mootha.

Policr t wtbt.--Afayor George L.Simpaonpresiding.. l'tn- followmg caeeswere disnoaed oi this moroing ;Dallaa Beuzette, cbareed with assaultiair

and beating Jobn Budgins, colored, was

fined $5.Hamuol Studda, cbsrged with the r»tne

otTenae, was diacbarged.Leoi.ard Choahire, chargid with a«sanltit)g

and beatinn Ira D via, was flned $2 50.Night Report -Laat iiinh: was cloHr and

cold, with flfieen )odg«ri at the etation bou'c

Neably Hanged Himselk .A lit-tle aoo of Mr. Joho Evans, liviog on

soutb Fairfax street, was amusing bim-aelf yesterday afterDOOU by swinvlogfrom a rafter to wbich be bad attacheda piece ol heavy twine. The twioe waa

uoder hs arms from wbicb it slippedand caught around hia neck, Tbe *uddeo jerk, fortuualely, cused it tobreak, and apatt from an abraslon oftheskio no seriotia damage resulted.

Chabtkb..Judge Nortoo todaygraoted a cbarter to the PeerlefS Manu-facturing Company of Washingtoo, tbeobjec's of which are to make and sellartiti ¦inl limb*, pateut ariiclea andnoveltiea. The capital stock ia $60 000and Mr. G. E. Emmins. o Waahing¬ton, ia preaideDt. Mr. K Kemper isnamsd as agent in this city.

MifSioN at 8t. Paul's..Rev. Mr.Dame held misaion aervices again ltstuignf. Tbe waa a large conuregatiooiu attendance. Tbe a.utj«ct of bis eer-

mon l»8t ninht was repeutance, turningfrom sin. illustraud by the converaionof 8t. Pau1. Misaion service tocigbt athalf-past seven o'clock. All are wel-come.

_ ^_

Royal Abcanum..At tbe meetinglss1 night of George Maaon Council one

mnn*>er waa iritiated. Mr. R. W. Ar-nold h.a paid to Mra. Lucy J. Cur-

tia$3 000, tbe amount oi the bentfl'held in the Koyal Arcanum by herbusband, the late G. M. Curtb^The P<-lice Ccmmi?8icners will meet to-

night_i mmt_

TO CURE A CO_U LN ONE DAYTake Laxativk Bbomo Qdihikb Ta»LtTfl.Alldrnngiatarefundtbe money if lt Nils to

cure ^ W. Gaovos'a sigoature on each

box. 25e.

M. B. fmith, Butteruut, Mich , eay«, T>-Wilt's Little Eaily Ri^rs are tbe very be>»

pilla ever naed for cosuvene*. Uvel and s>jW-

d tronblaa."


LANSBURGH& BRO.,Washington'ti Favorite Store.


Our boautifu! display of Spring and Hutu-mcr Silks in Fool.r>. Printed Indun andWash Silks has aU'scted widespread atteti-tion. Onr friends te!l us th.t aa eqnsl *s-sortment is not shown elsovhere in Wasbing*ton. and that our prices are wonderfnlly lowfor the qu*lity of gooda This week we otler-

Wash Silks, 40c yd.Hundreds of stylea id u rnany new

weaves all tbe new spring colors, with cord-ed tff cts predominating, all fast colors andpuresilk,Black Taffetas, 75c yd.Crow blsck. all pure silk, lmtrous and rnst-

ling; worth iviry penny of 85c,

Poplins, 98o yd._t'2 inches wide pare silk and wool, io all

tho dxintr psstel shadis for evenin.. and thedarker hnes for street wear.

Printed Foulards, $1.Our designs aro to be soen her-onlv.»re

ous exclusivelr.made by Cheney Bros..both ligtt and dark grounds, with novelprintings.QOODI DELIVEBED IN ALEXiNDBlA.

420 to 426 Seventli Street,Wasbington, D .0.

FuNERALf..The funeral of Mr.George Darley took place this eveningfrom bis late home, ou s>uth R.yolsireet. Tue remaios were cariiedto Qrace Church, ol which he had longb-en wardeu, where imprest-iV'* ser-

vices were beld, conducted by R<-\. C.E. B 11 A lar_e number of tbe friendsof thedf-ceased wero pn.s-nt, includingthe employoeB of MeBrrs. Smoot & Co.,with whj.h firm Mr. D.rley bad beenconnecUd for twent)-tive yara. Tbepallb'arers were : Aclive. Messts Ray-asond Smith, Errest Hullivan, CaarltsSullivau, John Sauford, Lewia Wil-liams aud Ricbard Rodgere, all em-

n'oyees of Smoot & Ca.« and honorary.C A Scbafer, Clarence Moore, \V. H.MtCueu, from the Brotherbood of St.Audrew; Frtd Kau-, J F. Rodgere audBenton Cbinn. Tbe tl iral odi riuga were

magoibcetit and Ihe church wascrowd-ed wi'h friei.d-i of tbe deceased. IubonOfl of the deceased, who waa oue oftheo-hool trueieee, the ll<gsoo tbe pul -

lic school buildings wete Lbwn at baif-iui»-t today.Tbe funeral of Mr. V/.lliam Robin-

son, wbo disd on Monday, took placetbis evening from bia home on upp.rPrince street, tbe seryiceB being con¬ducted by Revs. Berrvman Greenand S. A. Wallis. Mr. RobioBon hadlong been a memb.r ol the Lolum-hia fire company and tbat coin-

pauy attended tne funeral iu anodv, the membeta being in uniform,while dslegatee from tbe olber firecompauiea wer« aho presenr. Tberemains were drarftd in a tireman'suilform aod were Lurne to the cem:-lery on the Colutnbia hose curnag -,The engine bow-e i» draped iumourning. Th i pa'lbtarers were W.H. Wood aud W. H. Simpsou,of tbe Columbia company; AndrewSullivan and Qeorge Cogan, of the Hydraulion coinpanj, Richard I. L.thamand Harry HayneB, of the Hook audLadder com|)aoy. The Pamter's Dnionwas represented by Messrs. JosepbMonroe and William Tomlin. Duringtheluneral the lire bells were tolled.Tbe remtioa of Mrs. Aunie E. > one,

wife of Robert E. sUone, who died iuWashiogton on Monday, were brougbthere thi_ evening and interred.The funeral of the litHasonof Mr. Jobn

Byar t'vk plsce jestordsy i.voniug, tbe set-vices being conducted by Bev. Mr. Luctke.

The Watkins Case..The case ofthe admiuistrator of Wm. Watkine v-\the W.« A. & Mt. V*. Ry. Co. came upin tbe Circuit C.url today. This is a

Mit for $10,000 for injuries resultiug inthe deatn ol Wm. Watkins in February,1899. It will b. remembered tbat Mr.Watkino io gelling oll an electric trainon upper King street fell and was run

over, rtceiving injuries wbicb resultediihisdeath. His widow brought suitand last Ootober the jury rendered 8

verdict for tbe plaintill for $4,000, wbicbverdic*. was sel aside by the court. Thecasa came up again today a d in atill ioprogress. Tbe plaintill is representedby Mr. >i. L. Bootbe and Judge J. K.M. Norton and tbe raiiroad companyby Meesrs, J. R, Ctton and R, W.Moore.

LOCAL BKEV1TIES.The days and nights are now of eqoal

length.AMce B. O rthron bss sold to O. W. Piper

Bam.ay ber interost iu leveral lots in tbiscity.

Captains Frank Dlxon and Tbomaa South-ard with tboir flshirg outfits bivogouetoQaantico.

It is undtrstcod tbat tho Alexandria HboCompany will soon eulargt their plant audrun it by stesm power.The Eichberg, the Kvifm.nn and soveral

otber store buildmgs on King street are be.-.g handsomely pamtod.The first she. acd herring csnght in Hunt-

iig creek this season Wtrs caught iu thttcteea by Mr. Wm. Wind»or yeaterday over-

ing.Adj t. J. M. L< v_ of the District of Colum-

bia uui'.t a bas gonn to Noriolk to secure tbevassel givan to the naval reserve of the Dic-trictThe Lenten sorvicea st St. Msry'a Catholic

( buich were last night conducted by Bev.J. D. Btirl'uig, of 8t, Mattbew's Church, Wam-ington.

In the Corporation Court today in the ea_e

of gamuel Simpaon vs. H. M. Simpsou, admr.,the report of Maater Cemmissioner E, B. Tay-lor wasconfitmed.Tho merenry dropped below freezing sgsin

last night and a bri.k northwest wind pre-vsiled. To'ay hss ^ten alternately dondyand clear snd ijut o winteriah.

Eight -lni« boxes in three EpiscopalCburcbes iu Washin.ton hsve been robbedwitbin a week. a_d tbe polioe have heen ex-

eratgtvery tll'oit to approbend tbo thief.

The mission servicea at e't. P.ul's ChurchbeUig held by Btv. N. P. Dame »i 1 contlnuethrou.hout the week. Tomonow morningnt 7:30 oMock oemmunion servicos will beheld.A fine black borse belongiog to Mr. J M.

White of this rity, was ki<ked by anotberhor*e on Seminsry Hill yeaterday eveningrand ao badly hurt tbat the animal had to b«killed,A man named Manifiell from Fairfsx

county fell from a w»g.n at the corner ofKing and Wasbington streett this morningand wss qoite paiafully but not seriouslyburt He was takeu to the Indimaiy wharabe Was atteuded by Dr. iiuwaxd.


Ourbuaincei houra fromnow on are from 8 a. m to 6 p. m.

10th. 11th aod FSts.. N. W.-<*-


We Show a ('iiarming Collection of

Women's New Silk WaistsAt popular prioee.tbat ia, at preaent rang-Ing.from $5 to $10, And we have made a

¦P'cial effort to aelect the mwt exclosivestyloa and to make each waist a moet desira-bo pnrchase.Some of the mnst attractive styles in thia

c Imtion are as follows:AT $6 EACH-All-over Corded and Hem-

stitchedTaffita Waista and All-over CordedWohts with t-Uin eleeves.AT $6 KAcH-All-siik Taffetta Waiats,

w th rluater tucks and box pleata alternatinjtd.iwn front and backAT ?7 50 KACH-All-siik Pjrsian Waista,

mtde plain, with bigh stoek collar aud flow-iig tle.AT $8.75 EA< U-All-ovcr tt cked and

Hemstitcbed Waista surplice rtyle, with all-over hematitched voat.


With plain aleeves in a fine quality of all silkHatin Cyrano or Peau de Cygne, iu whiteaod all tbe delicate paatel tinta aod an aaaort-mont of ttreet abadoa.

8PECUL VALUE, $7.60 EACH.Third floor.

Silk Petticuats.Exquisite Imported Novaltiea with tbe

dsinMeit ofla-'ca appliqued ou in beautifuldbai^na, and o hera that are lufflod, flounced,sr.ordion plaited, tucked, and lace trinimed.We aleo ahow a choiee variety of wbite andblack ttriped i ffecta

Woraen'sTaffetaS-ilk Pctticoat*.?4 50, $7.60, $10.50 $12.50 and

$10.50.8econd floor.

Women'sSkirt and Hat Trunks.We abow a most conprehenaive line of

Hkirt and Hat Trunks, corubining everyluodtrn featuro and all convenienaaa.ONE OF ODB HPECIALHKIKT TBUNK8, '

Dea'gied e»tecially fnrcarrying skirta, madeof tboronghly aelected kiln-dried baaa wood,c vered with hoavy army canva*, abeet-ironbottoiu and rollora act batk from cornerr.

_0-inch. 42-inch. 44-iceh.

$13.50. $15.00. $10.60

Rainy-day UmbrellasAt a special Price.Women'a 20-inch Fmbre!hs of a good

quality cotton and aik mixed cloth and nat-nral wood haudlcs.

$1.00 EACH. U-UALLY $1.26.Fetter quality Umbrella, with a large ae-

sortment of handles, $1.50 each.Fiist floor.


Woodward & Lothrop,ioth, i ith & F Sts., n. w.,

Washington, D C.

While playing near an open secoud.storywii.dow yesUrday evening Wm Mclntosb,the two year-o'd aon of Mr. Harry Mclntosb,wbo livoe on Prince street, near Union, fellto the ground ai d waa aeriously hurt Hewaa attended by Dr. Jones.

Mra. Mary Hcngesbach, who was stabbedseveral timei and ao serioosly wouuded byOlaf E!_>_MDt ** tbo tituo ue kllled his wifeand M+vVongehbach'a litt'e daughter inWaahingmn recently, continaea to improveand will BQon be able to leave tbe hoapitadAn interesting game of basketball for the

ohampionahip of Alexaodriit waa played atArmory Hall laat night between the Alexan¬dria Ligbt Infantry team and the AlexandriaAthletic Aasociation, wbioh resnlted in a

victory for tbe laltir, tho acore being 15 to 4.The body of an old soldier was fonnd float-

Ing in tho river near the Seventh streetwharf, Washington, this morning. His nsmeit Dorrla Padon. Tbe remains were reniovedto the Waahington Barracks. Padon waa toh-vc received an honorable diecharge fromtbe eervice tomorrow.

Cold Bteel or Death.''There is but one amall ohance to

eave your life aod tbat is through an

operatioo," was the awful proapect setbefore Mrs. I. B Hunt, ofLime Ridge,Wia., by her doctor after vainly tryingto cure ber ofa frightful caaeofBtomachtrouble and yellow jaundice. He dido'tcouot oo the mar'veloua power of Elec-tric Bittera tocure ritomach aod Livertroubles, but sbe beard ofit, took aev-

veo bottlea, waa wholly cured, avoidedaurgeon's knife, now weigbe more andfeels better thao ever. It's positivelyeuaranteed to cure Stomacb, L'ver andK doey troubles aod never dieappoints.Price 60 oents. Hold at E. 8. Lead-Peater 6\ Sona' Drug 8tore.

Mis Cahin Zimmerman, Mileabnrg, Pa.,says, "As a speedy cure for coaghs, colds,croup aod sore tbroat One Minute Cough Ccreis nneqnaled. It is pleassnt for children totake. I heartily rerommend it to mothera."It is only a harml si remedy tkat prodnoesiinmediate reaulf. It curea broncbitia, pnen-mooia, grippeatd throat and lung diseatesIt will preventconaumption.

To Cure Constlpatlon Forever.Tako Caacarets Candy Cathart;c 10c or 85a

»f C C- C- ta») to oure drufwU>tt refund


Schneider's PrincessBread,

De'.icious, notritioas, wholeeome and abs-lnt« ly pnre and clean If yon wiah tbe verybett on your table, a»k your grooer for it,and you will want no otber thereafter. Forsale by all dealcra at 5c a loaf.

Manufactnred aolely at the

Alexandria Sleam Bread Bakery.[mh20 lw]


The flrm, heretofore exitting between J. T.Pe< kham aad Jobn (1. Beckham under thefirru name B)f J.T. A J. O. BECKHAM ia tbiaday diaaolved by muiunl consent Tbe buai-neas will be, hereafter, oonducted under tb*aame name by Jobn O. Beckham. All per.sooa baving claima againat tbo aaid flrm willp eaent the aame to the aaid Jobn Q. Beck¬ham for payment, and ali poraons indebted to

Ihe said flim wi 1 aattle tbe aame tvith theaaid Jobn (4. Beckham.


From all onr cnttomers of tbe oi 1 flrm IrespeUfolly reqaest <he continoanoe of tbeirfavors. I will cosduct Ihe 1 mine s under taename of J. T. A J. O. JOHN U. BECKHAM.

TEA8..I invite carefnl, critical examina-tion of my Qreen, Black, Japan and

Bieaded Teaa, for aale at 5 Jc a ponad.J.CMILBUBH.

Store Imformation.Aa Alexandria's oldast merchants, we Jastly

claim exclnsive styles I We've raised asttnd.ard of excollency wbicb time and circtiiti-atancos will not lower. Q tality all the time,and tbe oost moderate to get it bere.Tho following verifying itemi:

Black Dress Goods Fabrics.All wool Black English Cheviot, sponged

and ahrank, desirable for tailor-made saita,would be cheap at 69c. For thia week only,50c a yard.

Specia) valuea in Black Cheviotaat69c 89c,91 aad fl.26.

Black Clay Diagonal Cheviot, 46 incheswide, 91 25 value for 98cBlack Silk and Wool Crepons. handsome

gooda, and va'aea per yard from 98a to 92.All-wool Blick Poplins at 91 ia an elegant

valneIn our Colored Dress Ooods Department we

are shoaing the latest novelties of the season.

CheerfulSilkNews.Inipired by onr luooesa in this paiticular

department we bave laid in a stock * rsater,aod, by far, tbe handsomest assortment oversbown bere. We snbmit tbe following offersfor yonr b*nefit:

Silk CrepeDeChenos-'and "Plitse Silks,"in all the new pastel shades, at 91 per yardBlack Silk Orenadines at 75c aud 91 per

yardAll Silk Bia* Satin Dachess at 75c, 89c,

91. 91 25 and 91.50 per yard.Black TaflTete Silk at 49c, 69r, 75c, 89c,

fl snd il.25 per yardAll tbe pastel sbades in Taff.ta Silks at 75c

per yard.Large line Colored Tafletasat 49c per yard.Ex.ra heavy qaallty Satin, in black and

every imaginable evening sbade. Worth69c; at 60e per yard.

Hoasekeeping Linens.Ton never saw better values.B o-chod Table Linens, satin fece, 72 ins.

wide, in sbort leneths, 2x2'fe and 3 yards.Worth $1 25; at 85c per yard.Unbleached Table Linen, 72 ins. wide. 69c

valne at 49c per yard,AlMinon Hnck Towels at 10e and 12V.All-linen Damasks Towels at 12V

New Additieos in OurWash Goods and White Goods.26 pieoes of "Mercerined Faulardines," the

ezact coBoterpaxt of Fanlard Silks, alao instyles We inyit > yonr special attention totbis new fabric, they are truly beautiful.Only 15c per yard.The aew "Meroerieed 0/os Grains" looks

like silk, bnt wears better tban silk, for iin-ings and wai'ta. at 25c t er yardOne case Fignred Piqaes over 100 styles

to select from, 19c value at 12V per yard.Two more oases "Bates Seersnckera" go on

aale tbis week at 8V per yard.Ons ease Percsle remnants at 6\c yard.India Linens, 40 inches wide. Worth 19c;

at 12V yard.Frencb Nainsooks. flne qnality. Worth

25c; at 15o yard.J_r»MAIL OBDEB. oarefnlly and prompt-

ly exoeotod.



tB*Bam*ty SdU the Bmt.






A new fine preparatioa for

nice dcsserts, containingNO corn starch, just

received by


Family Roe

HerringFor aale by






-._9S*J9S9Kk~_I_ ORTooor^_

SPRDTG DRY GOODS.We feel assured that we have never presented a morejat-

tractive and varied assortment of merchaadise than we now

display for the inspectioa of the trade. Our spring styles are

in and the earlier purchasers will find advantages not only jnvarieties but in values that will not be replaced later on.

In colored dress fabrics a full line of homespuns, covertsand broad cloths, suitable for taiior-made suits ; five shades,45-inch homespun, made to retail at 75c, our opening price50c Seven styles ot extremely attractive broken plaids 50c,old price and extra value. New pastel shades in 45-inch fin-ished henriettas, wool challis, fancy silk and wool challis. Thenew shades in pebble or granite weaves.

In Black Dress Fabrics we preseat a large variety of Chev-iots, gibelines, pebble cheviots, waterproof serge, henriettas,glorias, handsome exclusive novelties in grenadines, crepe dechine effects, very choice for skirts and suits.

In silks new foulards, tafietas, satins, pean de soie, armures,new fancies for waists, &cWash Goods.New dimlties, dotted Swisses, lawns, gala-

teas, percales, a special line of Oxfords and Madras for shirtsand waists at 15c. Very choice Oxtords with mercerized silkstripes, fine printed cambrics, foulardines, colored and whiteorgandies. Special bargain in fine imported ginghams, 25 and35c values, our price 17c

Laces, Embroideries and Notions.Special values tn all-overembroideries, tuckings, silk lace all-overs, French val laces,torchons, &c. Pulley belts, pulley belt buckles and rings.

Carpet Department.We open this week 150 pieces straw

mattings in jointless China and Japanese, all good reliablegoods at very low prices. We keep no trashy goods, not

worth putting down, but only goods we can recommend, andby comparison our prices will be found much lower than thesaine goods are sold elsewhere.

TACKETT&MARSHALLKAUMAM,MOBE (KX>I)_ 1/ All lil im#l i^ |\l J\l SAMEd nnH

8A1CE MONEY. |\ l\ \_J J_ IM __¦_ 1 1 J 1 a LFgsl MOHITaj

Up tt Date Habrtofcers.


Fancy Percale Shirts, f 1 qcality, most|any

siae, one pair cuffs with eacb, at 69c.


Alwayi on tbe alert in displaying novelties

in Scarfs. New arrivals in Parple rad Ins*

perial Wales, the proper thing, 50e.


Adler's Kids have the best world-renowned

reputation. We have them indifferentthadea,

dressed and undressed, *1 to 91.60.FANCY VESTS.

The Sutumer make. Every garment gusr-

anteedjfuarititee 1 perfec.*fluinf and! styHshWorth $2.50 aud $3. Our prioe $1.89.


Tbree hundred and sixty-6ve pairs Mon's Tiousers.We bave plaoed on aa'e

some extraordlauiry bar-

gains that were among oor

< ar.'y shlpments of SpriagClothing.


Checks, Stripes aad Sotlds.

Ma, f 1.25, $2 and $2.50




Hasarrived; blustry, it is true, but nevertheless the beginningol spring. It is, therefore, quite in order to talk ol our springstyles which are arriving daily, and auch a stock ai we stiow is

truly worth while talking about.New Foulards,|10c,|at 7c

New.Foolardines, silk _misk,|15e, at 12»cNew Cable Oorda, 15c, at 12_aNew Glaagow Cords, 16c, at 124c

New Daneden Cords, 12fe, at 10c.

New 86-lBoh Percalea, 10c, at 7|cNew do., 15c, at 12,0.New Oinghanu, 12c, at 10c.New Spring Oatings, 12c, at 10e.

English Long Cloth.India Linens.

Plain NalnsaokaDimibea.Caabrio Nainaook aad 8wiaa Edglnglwitb

Inserting to match.All-over Embroideries, Swias Canabric and

Va'.encia Laces and Inserting aad all other


We have placed an oar ooaatera a lot of8ilka that will be eloaad oat at l«es than coat

LoaHo.l 25c.Lo*No.2 40_Lat N0..8 86*LotNo. 4 60«.

Molre Oolored 811k, f1, now^ScAiso a lot of Spring Dreas Gooda w_<«

aold at 30c and 40c, now 20o.Another lat, 60 and 60e, to doae>t 25c|


We have Jaet;received all new styh_X.Uacaleboatad B. _ B. Collare and Cufc; alao th«Fitwell -hirts at 50c, 75e and f1.

Also the Uteat stylea af Neekwear.100 doaaa Otrtalaa at aid prtca-lOe!!We atill give trade eoapon ataaape.