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Alchemy with AyurvedaMANTR AS FOR CHANTING


Gratitude Mantra

narayana samarambhām vyasa shankara madhyamām

asmadāchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām

shānti shānti shānti

I offer gratitude to my Ayurveda wisdom lineage: starting with lord Narayana (Vishnu,

Dhanavantari), sages Vyasa and Shankaracharya, followed by

‘Baba’ Ayodhya Nath and his teacher Paramatma Shanti Prakash,

and continuing up to my immediate teacher Acharya Shunya today.

Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.

Food Mantra

brahmārpanam brahma havir

brahmāgnau brahmanāahutambrahmaiva tena gantavyam brahma-karma samādhina

shāntiḥ shāntiḥ shāntiḥ

The act of offering is pure consciousness, the oblation is pure consciousness.

By consciousness food is offered into the Fire of pure consciousness.

Consciousness is that which is to be attained by one who eats from highest consciousness.

Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.



Lord Dhanavantari Mantra

namāmi dhanvaṁtarimadi devam surā: surairvandita pāda padmam

lokejarāruk bhaya mṛtyu nāshanam dātāramiśam vividauṣadinām

shāntiḥ shāntiḥ shāntiḥ

I bow and humbly request the Supreme Power Dhanavantari, who is the embodiment of perfect

health - respected by great seers and evil ones alike - to remove old age, disease, fear and death through His divine presence in all naturally growing herbs

and food.Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.


namo bhagavate


O Lord ! Salutations to you Lord Narayana, who is none other than Vasudeva,

Dhanavantari, Vishnu.

Mantra For Mother Earth

Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Munndaley Vishnu-Patni Namastubhyam Padasparsham


O Mother Earth, O goddess, you who have the ocean as your garments, and mountains as your raised bosom,

O Consort of Lord Vishnu, I offer my gratitude to you. Please forgive my touching of your holy body with my feet.


Gayatri Mantra

bhūr bhuvah svahtát savitur vareniyaṃ

bhargo devasya dhīmahidhiyo yo nah prachodayāt

shāntiḥ shāntiḥ shāntiḥ

I meditate upon that sacred effulgent Sun as my indwelling Self and the Universal Self which are One. May it bless my intellect with enlightened

thoughts, health and wellbeing.Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.


Sun Salutation Mantras

1. Om Mitraya Namaha – salutations to the friend of all

2. Om Ravaye Namaha – salutations to the shining one

3. Om Suryaya Namaha – salutations to the one who dispels darkness and induces activity

4. Om Bhanave Namaha – salutations to the one who illumines

5. Om Khagaya Namaha – salutations to the one who moves quickly, is all pervading

6. Om Pushne Namaha – salutations to the giver of nourishment and fulfillment

7. Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha – salutations to the one with golden brilliance, the cosmic Self

8. Om Marichaye Namaha – salutations to the bringer of dawn, one with infinite rays of light

9. Om Adityaya Namaha – salutations to the son of Aditi, the cosmic mother

10. Om Savitre Namaha – salutations to the stimulating power of life

11. Om Arkaya Namaha – salutations to the one who is fit to be praised and glorified

12. Om Bhaskaraya Namaha – salutations to the one who leads to wisdom and enlightenment



Blessing Mantra

sarvesham svastir-bhavatu sarvesham shantir-bhavatu

sarvesham purnnam-bhavatusarvesham mangalam-bhavatu

shāntih shāntih shāntih

May there be happiness in all.May there be peace in all.

May there be completeness in all.May there be success in all.

Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.


Closing Mantra

asato mā sadgamayatamaso mā jyotirgamaya

mrityor mā amritamgamaya shāntiḥ shāntiḥ shāntiḥ

O! Higher Power unstuck me from the phenomenal world of unreality, and make me go

towards the reality of eternal Self. Unlock me from the ignorant state of mental

darkness, and make me go towards the light of spiritual Self-knowledge.

Free me from the world of mortality, and make me go towards the world of immortality –

Self Realization.Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.