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Longleat’sSafari Park

1964The 6th Marquess and

Jimmy Chipperfieldmeet to discuss the

creation of a safari park

21st March 1966 The lions are released

into their enclosure forthe first time

5th April 1966The Safari Park opens tothe public as ‘The Lionsof Longleat’ with 50 lions

1968East African reserve opens with giraffes,zebras, antelope,ostriches and cranes

1969Monkey Jungleopens with over200 baboons!

1971A herd of white rhinoare the new attraction

1976The tiger reserve opens in Easterto celebrate the 10th anniversary

of the Safari Park2015Longleat holds its biggest-everFestival of Light to sellout crowds

1978Gorillas replace

chimpanzees on‘Ape Island’ 1978

The Hedge Mazeopens to thepublic

1985The butterflyhouse opensto the public

2010Lord Bath opensAnimal Adventurewith the help ofBen Fogle andKate Humble

2011Lord Bath cutsthe ribbon, launching Jungle Kingdom and Monkey Temple

2011Nico, the oldestsilverback gorilla inEurope, turns 50!

1981Wolf Wood openswith a pack of Canadiantimber wolves

1977The baboon colony is replacedwith rhesus macaques

1975The Railway is expanded andnow runs alongside the lake

1970Cheetah reserveopens

1968Californian sea lionsreleased into the lake

2013Penguin Islandlaunched

22nd March 1967First boat trip launched onlake by Lady Silvy, aged 8.Hippos released into lakeenclosure and chimpanzeesonto ‘Ape Island’

1964 2016