Download - Al IV0* NEW-YORK, TUREE CENT* CONCEBNINGE … XTAl_IV0* 14,55*. ... DARK DAYS IN IRELAND. DiBUN,Sept. 'TA..Bishop






fBT CABLE TO TIIB TElBvTKa\jCcipyrighti isse« XtriA American cableir**t09,

LonD'iN. .bosJ, 23..Th© formidable prophecies ol

thc redoubtable Wiggins having been cabled through

France to London and aprearing, to threaten serious

sjisturbancrvs by detaoralltlng the people in the

afflicted Southern Butos, it maj be of Interett to pub-dab tbe fo'lotfing oxtroot from a privote letter written

tr Gem ge Darwin, the eminent proteooor of astronomy

al Cambridge Uniteroltj, to a friend lu London oft Hie

oubject of the reoont oorthqiiakeso Ot r knowledge of tbe osAsee of earthquake* io in

Ihe big-best degTea speoolatlva. I think it la generallyaeocptcd that the oentre of dlaturbanoe la alwaye

pretty near to tho earth's surface Ii this be oo, thou

tn a certain sens-* tho American earthquakes wftie lint

eonnccted with the Greek eartbquakee. On the other

hand, the amount of disturbance there has been all

over tbe earth during these lott fow montht seems to

ind cate tome general cause tendiug to produce earth¬

quakes. What that general csuso m.-iy be ls a matter

ot jure conjecture. We may oreoulate that these

earthquakes ore oonnectod with the soil-shrinknge ot

the earth by cooling, and if the settlement ocours in

one sj ot it will tend to produce a state ol stress in tho

eiirerhcial layers elsewhere. If this stress becomes

a-Tt-at enough there will be another fracture, a shock,ami tao on. The Immunity enjoyed by Bermuda ia not

Bt all exceptional. Even in a few acres of land ditlerent

parts moy bo differently aftcctc-d. This has been

oitiikir.ely thown by Professor Milne in a seismic gur¬

ri v with delicate instruments at Tokip. in Japan. I

don': think there are any grounds for Bupposiuc- that

an area of earthquakes is beginning in the So.ithcrn

Matoo, ar the reveriao. We aim ply do not know It

would te eater though to speculate tn favor oi iniiuuu-

Ity tor thc future, on the a-implo ground tlint"it is moro

likely that what baa held good heretofore will bold

good hcioattcr and that > new line of cracking is not

a* likely as nn isolated settlement- -Ve knott by tbe

t-xniupie of the gr-put earthquake at Lisbon that a

Iri^hti'in-* destructive ohock may occur aud that tin-re

may be comparative talety tor a century ntteiward.

lt n number of teisiDometem had been eotablished in

Bnu-b ('molina bctore tin e nthquuke it is probable a

fair approximation might bate been made to the exact

site ol thc disturbance. As it its, all thal eau be mad ¦

out will certainly be made out. as the matter i* la tho

hiui'U ol Hw '('lilted Staten Geological Survey,"The»r oiniTtatlons of Frotrtsior Darwin ithnw how

ntterly Imp'a/ar.l anil headlong such ratiocinationsol evil a* tho.-t of WTsffias are.

COMPOSER BOLOMOU IN TROUBLE.anr.r-sTKD in london and im.ackd under bonds


I."NDO.n, Sept 23. .Edward Solomon, thcAmerican composer ami huthaud of Lillian Russell, was

arreited lu miserly to-day on a charge of bigamy pre¬ferred ny Ins tnat wife. Lily Urey, wlio avers that he

wa* never legally separate! from ber. Mr. Solomon

wa* remanded for trial, ball bein*; subsequently ao-

c.-ptevl in iwo aiiretleB of £350 each. Ile ls charged

willi mariyiutt lleleu Leonard, of New-Jcraey, whilo lils

wife, Jane Solomon, formerly lanai'*, was still living.The i'l.iinufl"* mother testified that her daughter mar¬

ried Soiuujjii m 1*473 ai. vt as deserted hy bini tn \i~i.

The orren of Solomon on a charge of bigamy is not

surprising to American people who are at all cognizantof his cauter. When lt wa* announced that ho had mar¬

ried Helen Leunaid, known ou tho st.tgo a* Lillian Hussoil, ll was generally kutiwu he had a wife and chil¬dren lu KngUnd. and lt wt* said at tlie time that tin badlola, esl tier to sul.uill lo a *e-»ai allon for a money con-

» .tetai. a. Mi** Russell ls In San Francisco wahJame* C. DuITs ('pera Company.

DARK DAYS IN IRELAND.Di BUN, Sept. 'TA..Bishop Woodloes:, ot the

.diocese of AM..gti aud Cloniuacool*, lia* Issued au addies* In wiiicli he declares: "God alone can ecatier

mete cloud* thal overhang Ireland and quell this tem-

peat. Me tnwhlle wo exiiort our oppressed people to he

slid patient, while using every lawful means to

protect themselves and their own, and we warn their

operator* of Hie account they must, render *.o (ind."

'i .'I- Kisliop theo conjures ali to ehaerve the golden law

of charily, i.ut warns mn people against the " revolutlonary principles of secret societies." " If," he add*,** the ilay of national 'ree.lo u seems to approach, tbe]>eo|>le'a alu* may oati*n lt* ad vent lo tie deferred. Everycrinia will he um only u«e<l a* an argument by Ireland'*enemies fur refusing io accord her her rights, but willal*o render tho people unworthy of God'* help.

AMERICAN'S ORDERED TO LEAVE GERMANY.Br-.Ki.iN, Sept. 834.Two Amerieaiis, of Ger-

man bulb, one Schmidt, and one Stubr, wno have been

spending several week* on a visit to their old home* InK e. H.t.stem, have been ordered by ihe Gorman Gov-er. ...e..I lo leave tbe empire by October 8.

MURDERED IN THE INTERIOR OF AFRICA.Z*,\/uiak, Sept. 'TA..The latest advices

from ibe interior or Afrloa say that llr. Junker, tbe ex

porer, wa* al Ma alula, south of Victoria Nyanza, audws* about lo atari for Zanzibar. Emin Roy was still at

Wadely and wa* lu urg-nl need of ammunition and eup-ltiies. lhe Klug of Ngauda hail foully murdered all theKattata au! French convert*, and the missionaries tt.-re

tu grsal peril and Imploied asa, ai ance.--4V-.


Ri'ivgiir Pomi'LII..A new tinsel of tombs bat beendiscovered al I'oinpeii near tbe eastern gale.Tin. baiii-tii Cani.M.r..A commitl<*e of the Cabinet

constantia uf I onl Salisbury. (Aird R.indolpli Churchill,fr Mu liar! Illuka Uraeli, Mr. Mann, va* au,I Mr. tsinitlidiscusse I the Irish question fortwo hour* to-day. Un¬less some uuforoaeeu uenessity arises tbe Caniuet willii d meei arain for several week*. Slr Mioba.-l lllcke-1;¦ .. n will start for Irelaud enrly next week.> ANU Kui it..Nutiar I'acha. vaho was speci¬ally summoned lo Loudon, iud a conference today williLori Mambury lo elleol a snlilouieui of Kgyptlau quea-lions. wi-eli ate lieeoinluc mora pr***lug un a count ofHie renewal of the crinia in I.astern Eurone, 'lite basesot tao *e!tlemenl will probably be the coittluuatlou ofHie de facto Brilisii pi ot.iotoratt iver Egypt by the nor-li t liri I«b Arin, ol ' ict-uoaii..!. or even a draft uponHmi*b troups lu Egypt, ordei io be provisionally malu-t.iineil hy specially raised Egyptian troop* willi Jil it intiofficers, the Billian position and ooligatlon* towardTurkey lobe upheld In accordance willi the Cyprusli caty of alliance.

81 RIFFING Till. MOKO CASTLE.Port Hawkknhuky, N. S., Sept. 23..The

ti ...¦¦et Moro Castle wa* (tripped to-day by order ofthe Collector of Cudoms and her sails were Mcred, ss

her oe uer did nol deposit the sum ol ai, th io required byHie department. 'Ino crew eil! be ft. warded hy theLulled Htalrs Consult 'euora! on lhe si- amer Carroll to¬morrow for I'.osiou. Tbe men feel badly in having losttl.air chance or making a fall inp, beanies losing thelot tr bat raia of ma. korol they nu w ba ve ou board tbeSi n oner (

V.TGO IN->.(?. STATEMENT REPUDIATED.Monthka I.. aS,,pL 98. - Walter il. Smith.

president of U.e Astronomical Assoclittlui. here, rcpudi-ates Wigs-ins's StBaUBtoal that earthquake shocks worsethan any yul experienced wm b«bjj M fespismber 2\)

INCIDENTS IN TUM DOMINION.Ql.'KBKC, Sept, TA..h U understood »mt the

tlelegateseeat out from Kuguu.i to luapeol and reportSpon tbe resouroeo of the lassos! of Aut'joail for lheEngllsb siiareiioldLTB of Stookweirs Con.,,any, »U(J v»Uohave Just reiurned lo towu, are fully sxllslled wm, mc

result of their visit, aud slate thal Ibe fails bear out therepresentations made In Stock wells prospectus. It isrep tis lhat Ixird Randolpu (burchill is expected tusicpl the prealdency of thu compouy.Ontwi, Hepl. 23. Mpi ouin'scouiiao. to day requested

the Mmislei of Jualloe io grant the prisoner a iunherIrspUs lo enai'le his appeal lo tb., l'i ivy Cuuiic-i lu ne

perlet-ted. 'ibo M.mai. i inf..i ni".I bim ii,at tbe Govern-u,.-nt lied determlued thal the law must be carried outand ".(kiiii.e executed ou Ocloliei 2. wnelher he appealor uot.

('l-iAtt a, sept.2:1.-The Rev. Dr. Kane and G. H.¦Ju. il,, of Anna. I.. IbO "nu. ii delegates lo Au.. 1 ca.lave announced their lu'.eutluu of addreaslug a ChicagoSud leuce nefurs their reiuru.

M'.hikksi, Hept. 23.Jules Gauvreau, bnlon.'in(t to>' *¦ ot lue 0. *r tau".los lu lower *-. Lau renee, bas eon-

Meosl lo a shoriags of rjH.t "ti in his accuuuis' lin waa

SB,p,oyed by A. laOjMalOll A -1 US. tobaitouists, ot thisIlly. Ile will be a' mei,, ed u>-xt week.

1 RAGMEN'!.*. t.l FOREIGN .VEW8.Fauib, isept. 23.- A o min nen of i'arisian doctor) baa

tria.etiged Succ lo fad forty day* In a French hospitalbbb » Btafes of 6,0OO francs on toudidon that he revealstas te. rel of bu elitir, for which e painui ta guaranteed,»u.i lust ta* P xnsriii ett he repealed by two oluer per

Au»fc,V'v ft*1'1 83.-lbs ststrage rate war betweeu'»"iic sleamtblp companies la about to be brought lo

ka.,.^t,',lue "0.-'¦, Pariloipaiiug lu it heviug Brraugea aSBBOI of agreeme ul.

¦^*tisrMa*u«A,Bsii»t, ita., via UaiTootoii.-Con«rott

bes appointed a commission to Btudy tho silver ques¬tion. '

Paris, sept, 23.-Tho Republiqut Francaise Insiststhat ihe Ireneb should reinalu lu tbo Netv-Hohri.letUlanda II says .. Tho pretenoe of German gun-boats tn tue Now-Hebrides shelling native villaret ren-dert ll impossible for ut to evacuate without citbouorto the French flax."Madrid, Sept. 23.-General Villaeampa. tho leader of

last Bundsy's Insurrection, ba* been arrested. Ile waafound concealed lu a mill near Moblizs*. A fugitiverebel lieutenant was Identified and arreeted as he wasin the aol ef purchsslngarailway ticket al Cempoiuelos.Beventy-tbtee of the Insurgents who have been banteddown In different paru of tbe Kingdom by the loyaltroops arrived bo prisouers in Madrid this morning.Br.RLrs, Sept. 23.-The RoclalUt members of tho

Reichstag have decided, In view of the recent decreerendering puhllo meeting* almost Irapottlble, to circu¬late Socialistic propaganda In workshops moro vigor¬ously than ever; also, at tho next elections, to use theirutmost efforts lo gala at lean fifty toots la tbe Reicholag._*



IIcntingdon, Penn., Sept. 23 (Special)..TheHuntingdon County Veteran Encampment waa attendedto dar with Increaoed Interest among the citizen* andsoldiery. At 1 o'oloek a reunion of the 125th Regimentwas held, Captain Thomas McCamant, of Blair County,presiding, and a permanent organization was formed.A committee waa appointed to visit tbe Antietam battle¬field and select a site for a monument on the groundwhore the regiment fought. The sham battle occurredthis afternoon. Tbe extensive grounds on which tboencampment ls bold were packed with people, the num¬ber present being estimated at l.'-.OOO. The battle wisexciting, the two armies being nearly balanced, and thecontesl for a long time doubtful. The roar ot artilleryand the rattle of musketry were lnce**aut for about an

hour, when tbe graybacks wore routed, defeated andcompelled to auirender.Trkntum, Sept. 23..The fifth annual meeting of the

L'uiou Veteran Army convened at tbe Bayard I'ostRooms, No. 24 East 8iate-tt, thia morning. Tweuty-tbreeiStatet and 218.000 men were represented hy about

fifty delegates. Tho following otllcors were elected:Cminan.lsr-ln-Chief, li. li. Manchester, Providence, R. I.;First Lteuteuaut-Commander, J. F. Johnson Howard,Brooklyn. E. I.; Second Lieutenant-Commander, I). B.Long, of Kansas; Surgeon-Genoral, N. Monroe, Masa.veteaeeltt; Quartermaster.General, John lt. Wilson. Ho¬boken, N. J.; First Assistant .'¦urgeou-General. A. O.Robbins, of Providence. li. I.; Hecond Assistant Burgeou-Geueral, William Reed, of Trivoll, K m.; Judge AdvocateGeneral. E. O. Chapman, of Trenton. N. J., and Chaplain,J. L. Fiaber, of Feuusylvania.


Chicago, Sept. '2'A..The Lamber M un ti fact -

urer*' Association bean it* annual convention here to¬

day. The president, Mr. A. G. Van Sclialclc, In lil* ad¬dress to Hie couveutlou said " The lumber trade since

188-1 has been less profitable than any Indu-trywhich requires a large capital Invested au.l Involve*

many risks of los* should be. Tbe quantity of pine lum¬

ber that wm be placed lu the market in ISM is esti¬

mated at about 7,000,000,000 feet. Tho timber supplyof the Northwest ls far too mall for the prospective de¬mand. Minnesota has not surllclstit pine timber for tho

future want* of her people. Wisconsin cannot tupplythe future denr.iiid from Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, K-is-aaa and Missouri, and what her own people will con¬

sume. And how long coubi Michigan and Cauadasiipplythe demands from lhe remaining states avid tue exporttrad* willi white pine I If a correct or evou an approxi¬mate estimate could he made of the pine timber al pres¬ent standing lu Michigan, Wmcousiu and Minnesota, auda rep,nt ba made with la two year* from till* time, aueiiuri .I be made io secure oin" secretary Hoteb-kiss sall thal if the emulates supplied by individualswere correct tbe Itiinber-proluolng regions of the North¬west had a li m.- up slock of from 1,>50,000,000 to1,500,000,000 feet of log* on September 1.


BOM-OX) Sept. TA..Bunker Hill Lodge, No.14, Independent ur.lei nf Odd Follows, of the Charles¬town District, entertained tho members of Roger Will¬iam* Lodge, of Frovidenoo, and a largo number of dla-

tluguished Odd Fellows at a banquet at Monument Hallia-1 evening. About 400 persons were preijeut. ChiefMarshal Porter gave at the Crawford House last even¬

ing a banquet to the *lxty men comprising the honorarysir*, division marshals and aides lu yesterday's grandprocession. The Chief Mar ali il was presented wita a

testimonial In the shape of a silver tray ami tea set byhi* guesta Bethesda l-odgo, of South Boston, enter¬tained their guests, Crescent Lodge, of Frovtdence, atWait's Hall last night. Covers were lani for live hun¬dred. About fiOO Odd Fellow* went to Lynn to-day andwore euteriaiuud to-night by Falestine Euoampiueut, ofttiat city.The committee on removal of the neadquartor* of

the Sovereign Grand Ixidge from li .minore made anel.iii,>i te report but recommended nothing. Further con-si. le ration of the matter wa* made tbe special order forto-morrow miming. It was voted that Hie Graud Lodgego into secret session at 11 o'clock on Fri lay to considerthe report of the committee on tlie re v.sion of the ritualof tho degree ot Rebecca.

DANGER THAT LVRKS IN MILK,Piuladkli'iiia, Sept. 23..Soma Meeka nco

considerable excitement was created at Long linnell bythe sudden development at several hotels of a number

of cases of severe Illness, with all the appearances ofacute poisoning, ana the distribution of the cases

speedily caused su*piclou to attach to the milk as tho

vehicle. In tbo Issue of The Medical Neus ot next satur¬

day a study or this epidemic and Its oauset by Dr. W H.

Newton and Shippen Wallace will he pretented. Theyargue that the sickness at Long Branch wat caused bypoisonous milk, and that the toxlo material wat

lyrotoxleon, The production of this substance wa* no

doubt due to tbe Improper management of the milk-that is, too longa time wa* allowed to elapse betweentbe milking and the oooltng of the-nllk: the Utter not

nelug attended to until the milk was delivered to thehotel, whereas, If tbe milk had been cooled Immediatelyafter lt waa drawn from lhe oows, fermentation wouldnut have ensued, aud the resulting in.tier, il, tyrotoxl-cou, would nol have boen produced.

THE ATTt.MFT TO HA SC, OFFICER CASEYChicago, Sept. 23..Police Otiieer Casey,

In Jt'dge GHi-y's court, to-day, told In detail the otu nmsim,cen «. tending the attempt made by Joseph Urala.Victor Dajaafe mid Joseph Hess, Jr., tn hang ulm to a

liiii.|i poul tm Miiy ll. liesa SH said by the ttl'liesa tn

be the worst one cf the larOO), Ile lt eau wini seizedthe, oMIcer by thu coll ir while Brade \ had hold of lum hytbe waistcoat, as the mun was approaching with theclothes lino. Looking Hes* lu the face. Casey said: "Iguve lem the foot and hit bim In the ear and he felldown. lu f.tiling he struck Itrada. I gave bim a kickand both men Iel! on the ground tngether. " Casey aaldtheie wt-r. Bassit, two thousand men 'n lite crowd,but notell of them tvere th rating for his life. A bar keeperdoing business In Keveniesnth-st. cried to the mob notto kill the olHrer. Voice* replied that they were goingto bang him to a lamp-post.

TO KILL ALL THE ISFECTED CAITLE.Chicago, Sept. 23..Governor Otflesby and

Ar tonie)¦ limit came lo Chicago to-day to con¬

fer with Hie Live Slock Coiumlsslou tn regard to tliemeasure* to be used to wipe out the rattle plague *aidio be prevailing here. Aller a short conference at thePacific Hotel at Hie request of Governor Oglesby, theeiiiutui«»ion decided to spend the day In experiment*.The pcspect I* Hint Hie commission will order all thecattle In tho sued* slaiu-htered aud the stables burnedto'he ground. There is little doubt bul that the Gov¬ernor Hill advise this.

WIND AND HAIL IN THE NOR1UWEST.Chicago. Sept. 2:$..Another severe etona

v.mi.e.1 the so-ill,em pu non of Michigau last night.Telegraph wires were blown down.

Mawson, Wis., Sept. 33..TM severest hail storm ever

expeiieuced lu tins city occurred ibis moriiiug. 'Hiestorm waa accompanied by heavy munder ami light¬ning. A great amount of gian* was hrogeu. No otnerconon* damage wa* dons except to trees ana late



MAIM OB MABRAQANBBTT BOTRXaiM-oviiiK-tt k. -sept, '.'.i Tba NaiTOtraaeetl lintel, which was

built »t a cont of over $1,000.0(10, bas been sold lo CharlesKltliber, of thia a ity. lui -1116.000 lol (be ti.oitgageca.

FUNERAL OF GUSTAVUS I1EMAK.Pilli A1/K1.IIIIA. r-epl. 23 '."-.leci il, AI tin- run< ral nf tins

tav bs Itt-niak lo .lat lin pell bearers were Georgs I" Bot ciB. Carroll Brawater, George II Karie, Daniel mi,,. Edwin

i loeabt tv. I..' oppea Mitchell, Marnoo! C. Parkina, CharlesT. Parry. Coloucl A. Louden Saewaaa and Met tor T. Kenton

THK WILL ol JAMES 1". RARR.Pirii-I't m., Sept.'-'.; ,.V""'"l'"'>. The Will of .Limes P. tl,ll

waa admitted to prebatt ko dal. 1 !.. iii. ls left in toe lunnset nu.'- troateoo who oro ta divide the net nu.. oven buinoiii Iiseq nally anion,- lin iiv( sims nnd lm, tlsngbters lol tenye,il*. Mit«T Which lune tbe .Mule is In be "ll'Mel tqlLllly.iiiiotiK tin¦ millie li. ila. OOO ol tho .laughlen, is lu a toni, n'tlu Allamb (liv The eelah ls (Umala tn be w.irib 02bO,iHil),in. Imliiig ii niie ball Uneroo! m lue lltdburg lSjit, tt In, I. .«

valued al ?;(,.., im.

REQUESTS TO PUBLIC INST 11 urioN-I'>i:i.i-iiiA. Wept Itt i.v/,f.-i,ii ii,. Brm ol DiDwjra

Parrish SB-vatea au totals valued at §140,000; sl.oooisGeii leolhed I" lin limn, tu And till lli'iriit nlutetl l'i :-., .,

f 1,000 to the Home foi lt. ali tali; t d 'li., ben, andS.,'t'Wto a ta al e I ol lego.

JCCREH RY FAITH AND PRAYER.PHIL ALU! CHU. kept, t SJ [Bpi oil,. All;.d Q. (slulb, a

astaldls afr*1 produtn merchant, aaa ha.ii.i hart reteiitij tnbeing tarawa feast s wooroo*, liewa* orgeats -platte buobouuotlet ihe i arr ni an oil Mo!hoolot corpaBler, ooo Peal soledIn U.e city lor lilt piety and lue roos be lia* efl.-, i.-.l Mrul ..yr. Ult I'll ra) I'e.tJ ai.< <i ou .ttr. etuln. p.a. ed mt i.ainUou ll.e annulled part* sn.', pray, tl lue pain annual BVttautly left Ut* mao ai.d bas not in urn. il

Alil.lIIMi HIE Ji.l.EI'll'.NK ( A-E(.'l-NtLNNa Tl, bajlil »3 In Ut* telephone cass In th* '.'ruled

Jlatar* Court Ita. Chandler ori.ui'le.1 marly tt.r tOttrt *e*»...u

with hi* argutn. ut on behalf of the L'tiltn.1 huies, and wat

followed h/ ta to, laaioi Jutii-ia IL Ma uusaU tor Uis TBlufbon*CsOBtx-anjr.




Utica, Sept. 123..Tho forty-sixth annualfalrof the Htote Afrlcultural Society began this morn¬ing In tbe rain, bm the Inereasod number of entries in

every department made the fair m.-idairer* happy Inspite of wet weather. The catalogue shows a total ofover 8,600 entries, and those reoelvod since tbe cata¬logue was printed will bring tho number up to 4,000.The entries of cattle are 005; horses, 29>*s: sheep. 520 ;

swine, 170; poultry, ptgoons, rabbits and dogt, 890;implement! and machine*, 2011; laira product*, Ml;dalry and domestlo m tnufocttiret, tts. Too eorre-

spondlnf entrie* at Albany lau year were: Cattle,542; horses, 223; sheep, 454; swine, £14; poultry,70(1. These flit-urea show a marked tnoreato In everydepartment, lt is also a larger exhibit than was msdeherein 1682, when tbe fair was lust bed! In thlt city,the Inorease being donotel by the following number*:

Cattle, 309; bor*e*. 115; sheep, 192: gwins. 25; poultry,354 : and tbe total entries exceed ihote of 1892 by 700.With this large number of exhibits to provide for, withn blockade or stock-cars, with a heavy rain lasting allnight and until late thlt morning, the otticers of the so¬

ciety have been oTerwhelmed, aud the number of vis¬itors has not been large, When all i* lu order, as lt willbe to-morrow, ll will be aa exhibition the tjiate maywell feel proud of. It ls an agricultural fair In tbe truestsense of the term. The manager* Dave excluded articlesnot of an agricultural character In order that thismay be an exhibit! ni of agricultural pro lucia lolely,aud while this hat caused no little dissatisfaction amongcertain manufacturers, they believe lt will bo for the lo-terett ot the -moiety.Prominent (tockmen from all part* of the State are on

hand with tome tine stoek, on which tbe prizes will heawarded on Friday anti Saturday. Of the poultry exbibit a prominent fancier said: "It lt larger th .n anyom< dared tn expect and the fowls are all first-class."There I* to be a large display of agricultural Implement*and a small army of men ls getting them In place forexhibition. Of farm produce the display ls larger thanever before, it ls said, and everything la bright andfredi.Among til" numerous way* of reaobln,'the ground*.

and ihe arcmi.¦ l.ii'ons are excellent, la a fleet ofsteamboats on the canal. Cites ls aolng well with theexhibition, and before the week I* out will have a greatcrowd to look after. It ls rumored that Governor Hillwill wind tip his visits among tho fairs by paying Uticaa visit ri.-11 week.

OPPOSING A COLLEGE POLICY.Ithaca, St-ot. TA [Special)..Thc. in:i(iv;ili"ii

made in Juno la*t by tho trustee* of Cornell Uiilver*ltyIn granting honorary dorree! ha* developed moro or

less feeling among the alumni, niiny of whom aro op¬posed to the now policy. Thu feeling ha.* retuned In a

petition whlc'a ttates that the couforrlii-t of honorarydegrees teeint to much at a variance willi a principle ofwblcii Coruellian* have alway* been prout; I* ¦BfBover being so vigorously .macneil ol Stoat of the lea 1-lng Institutions In ihi* country that the immediate at¬tention of the faouitv ant Iraotoo*) to tbe metter isurged with a view to it* abandonment. It ls knownthat I'realdetii Wliitn ba* always In,.ned with ilUfa.oron saoa a polli-v, and lt 1* mure than likely that his In-lluouce will be brought to boar against it* eumina mee.

UPSET AND INJURED HY A CANE RUSH.(¦knkva, Bept. ta ^Special*..Oaring ¦ cano

rush at Honan College this afternoon l'resldeut andMr*. I'otter, who sal In their carriage near tbs tcene,tvi-re tai own to Hie « round, the hors'.* bni-oiiiing fright*cued, add Dr. Poller'* right *h.miler wat lislocatod.


SCHENEl TADV. Sept. 2'.t. Altlllll P. VlOOIllllll,a well-to-do fanner who lived niuo miles from here,commute 1 suicide this morning by cullin-; bl* tbroiU

PiKKAi.o, i-iept. 23..William BraakSB, Of Albany,pleaded guilty to-lay ti <:.-illu .¦ 1,000 ponai cir la andwa* senteneed to Ibo State Reformatory al Elmira for

two years, Frank Hipp, lr., ari ex-litter-carrier, pleadedguilty of embezzling letters .uni was seHoucel to tieElmira Reformatory for one year.

ConotS. flBfl 23 iSpecmli.. Rots**, Willis, age eighty,has for tbe last three days locked himself lu bis room

and refuted lo come out. Hu relatives told the potlcoand the door wa* broken open. Willis says that he willnut eat because his relatives want to poison him.

JamksTiws. r-ept- 23 {Special}..The first annual In¬

spection of the Fire Department under tbe city govern¬ment wa* held to-day. A great crowd waa here.




Thc cylinder presstneii and feeders employedby thc liuir I'tUuing Company ul No. 1<> Jacob-*t., went

ou etnko at noon yesterday. A committee called ou

Mr. Hitrmou, the proprietor, and stated t.iat the men

wanted au advance of -ja b weok lu their wages. Tnoyhad been gutting -r'J. Mr. Harmon told thom "that the

rale of wages iu bi* snop wa* a* high as that lu other

shops in tho city and that be would uot submit to the

demand. No demand was made ou lhe tina before thestrike. After thinking ibe maller over Mr. Harmon con¬

cluded that be would close the shop, and at 3 o'clock all

the compositors aud the other employe* In thecomposing and pres* rooms were Informed lhatthey could go home aad remain uutll thotleui.-tii'ls of tbe pressmen and feeder* were withdrawn.BlBOO last October tbere have been live demands madeoi. the company, au.l it In now deicrmlnod to make aaland. There aro about 250 men and women thrownout of work.The lookout of the plumbers bas assumed a now

phase. The walking delegate of the building trade*, ao

companied by Walklug Delegate Farrell, of the plumb¬er*, took a (rip along tho west Side vestorday, andwherever they found uon-unlou plumbers or boys atwork the union men were knocked off. About 300 ofthem struck work yesterday.The bra** worker* have been stioceasful In their strike

tu the shop of Newman .V Capron al 'twenty ututli-st.and Hrosdwoy, for the cobtinuatloii of tho -saturdayhalf-holiday during the year.


The Moioceo .M.tnufiictiirer.s' National Assn-riation hold a special meeting at noon yesterday at

French'. HotoL. Tba I in med lute cause for the mee. lugwa* tbe long strike at Wilmington. Del., by which 8*000turn have beeu atfeoletl for six month*. The meetingwaa a *eoiei oue. aud tbe member* refu*ed to talk aboutlt, bul lt ls uni- raino I that preparations are being madefm- war ou tbe Kutgl.t* ol Labor. Tbs association lstwenty yara old, but atepa wre taken to luuke lt muchmore powerful thae ever before, 'ino action of tbe Wil¬

mington manufacturers was indorsed unanimously, it it

understood. Ibe next regular meeting of the Associa¬tion lake* place at Wilmington in January. Generol J.Perks Postles, nf Wlliuinirtou, ls president and Frsnk.Mi Dermott, of MoDerinoll it. Mason, New-York, ls sec¬



PBABODT, Mass., Bept. 'TA..About 1x90o'clock thit morniug a tlireo-story bunding on Maln-tt.tisetl as a bo irliug house for uou union workmen, was

found tobe on lire. The noute was full of sleepinghoarders. The tire, which wa* undoubtedly the work ofstrikers, wa* discovered lu season, by tim waiohiuan. lo

*ave tbe bunding, or doubtless many lives would haveboen lost Two suspected rioter* were arrested andheld lu $1,200 each tor trial tins morning.

i-a ¦


PlTTtBDttO, Sept. 'TA (Special)..An amicableadjustment ba* lie rt malo of the disputes between tue

wimlow-glaos workmen ami the manufacturers. Till*

morning the workmen'* union approved the action afthe Wage t'oramittoe ao that taara will be no ttrike. The

workmen wiibdrsw the gatherers' demaul for sd In¬

crease of from 5 to S per ceut. If glass sells abovestel tam ti nu ra au all-around advance of loper ceui will

be given Hy the seitiemeut over-J,OOO m»n will return

to work aud fully OOO ot these live lu i'ltlatuirg-

'i'ttuv, N. T., Sept. -3..J. M. Francis, Son tk Co., pro¬

prietor of lhe Daily limes, to daj voluntarily increasedthe price of DBS."trttl HT la th.-lr establishment from 33

to 8fl ceut* per thousand emt. The uuiou puce In troyit ol cents.CiiiCAoo, Sept. 23.-JudfeSheptrd thu morning dis¬

charged " Harney " Ferguson, oue of tbo (triking Lake

Suore switchmen charged with vio.atiug the injunctionby turnlug a switch. The Court helS inst while tuo fsot

of Ferguson being near tue railroad train at 2 o'clock lo

tbe morning was a suspicious oue, on the other hand, bl*

eiplauailon mat ho alway* male tia rule to return


Cl ha, Mo., Sept. TA Special)..Tlie bloodiestdeed that ever occurral lu Crawford County took plane

la«t night ou tbe ord Davis farm, six mlle* east of here.

The plaoe wa* owned by Maloom Logan, and bis family

consisted of a wife, tbreo cuildreu, and au adopted girl,

age seven. The ttrsi tutpicion thal a crime bed been

committed wat trousad lal* tn Tri,nf .SSS a neighbor

discovered a trait of blood lea Ung to tho hou*.-. He

followed ll sud :u rsacamg tue house fou:.l ibo front

door open, tia sute'od sud lae tl-,, es--foat be la*covered wat las body j! ibe BftOfHOd gir. lying desd in

the ir, i Mi- . ...ledwttna batcoet, lbs rear

ni,rt-..I.'.f u.e house wa, tuned town aud ;& me rums

were found lbs chined .odie* of Mrs. Logs a sud usr

ii Ibo .or, A tbs father was mining.lbs troll alwood aaa .-..:. Mowed aud a mite ami a

liiif from tb. house lb. lj Bl Mr. Logan "a. found

.aorrlbiy uiBugrd. ll- .¦- baja WttaS »{J»bhau-hst sn.t bia OOdJ '... ""-I. Jra.-ge . . OOSS di* . noe

l. u.e r.r.roa. ira. k sad ;. oc-l BB me si... BOTO.esiitly disposed of tome property sud received SoJOO,and robbery is suppo.ed to (.* ms munro lot lU sriiae.

Ibero ls bo alow fi but aaxilero*,



Hartiord, Sept. 23..Then is no longer anydoubt thal Gtorge M. llarthoiomew lt In Montreal.From there he telegraphed to his family ou Wednesday.Tbs Investigation of hi* affair* proceeds as rapidly at

pottlble where so manv companies aud Interestsare ounccrneL HI* defalcation! are In so rosnydirections and bis paper ls so »ener*lly held bybanks In tblt part of the country that lt ls IuidossIuIoto get at ar,vmiiig like an accurate statement of thodlffereut amounts. The Charter Oak Life Company'sbusiness will bs at a standstill until Uecelvers Brooksand Steadman can tecuro tho nooetttry bonds ofSOoO.OOO. The vaults were sealed this morning end thoclerko were given a holiday. This morning Henry C.Robinson, attorney for the Phoenix National Hank,through Commissioner George Y. Mc Loan, flied a peti¬tion witb JuJge White, of tho Probsts Court, for the ap¬pointment of trustees for ths estate of George M. Bar¬tholomew. The debt ls about $20,000. His indebted¬ness to tho other bauks Iq tao oity ls estimated as fol¬low* :

Uartrord National, lest than $50,000; First National,ahout $7,000; Formen and Mechanics', tald br hank offi¬cers to be * in al!, while ttreet report* give tho amount at

over $3.1,000, wltb $05,000 tecurod by gool ooliateral ;

Kxchange National Hank, not over $10,000; Charter OakNational Hank, not over $20,000, part scoured, aud »omo

Union Mill paper; Meroauttle National Hank, $23,000,most of which ia Hartholomew't paper with his ton's in¬dorsement; jBJtaa National Dank, not over $50,000;l'h.mix Natloual Hank, estimated at $20,000; Ameri¬can National Hank, estimated at $20,000, all secured.Tlieao amounts aro comparatively small and will notaffect the hanks. Muoh of the paper, at least half, towith good collateral aad tho banks all have a turpinsfrom which to pay the remainder of tho lots.Tbe laving* bank! hold little of tho puper. Tho Me¬

chanics.' Savings Hank had $21,000 of Georgo W. Bar¬tholomew's paper, Indorsed b.r his father and coveredby collateral. Of tho hanking compaulet, the Connectleut Trust Company had $50,00'), nil Union Millspaper; Connecticut Uiver Hanking Company, not over

$lO,ooo; Hartford Trust Company, 1)5.000, Union Mills

paper. .

Dank F.xsmlner Mygatt, who exa ninod tho Nationalbanks Immediately after the Plunkett defalcation. I* lutown to-day. Ho says: "Whatever loss tho HartfordNational hanks may sustain on tho Bartholomew paperwilt only affect their surp.d* eamir..:* and that uot se¬

riously. Tho paper of tho Hartford Silk Company audthe Union Manufacturing Company with his lndorso-tneut is, of course, worth little, being unsecured, save

by tlia property of ibo lusolveut corporations. Thiswill nave lo he lott largely. The bondi of the FloridaLaud Improvement Company aro laid lo begood. Theta are held to toma oxieutat ho had the handling of them. Theagent of the company yesterday paid up the $40,000 Inmites that Mr. UartUolotuew faliely negotiate 1. TheSchuyler Llectrio Lighting Company's stock ls alto heldin un. someway. Thii, lt li (aid, will be gool, if thecompany ls permitted to go on. A meeting of tbo di¬rectors wat ueld this morning, aud lt was unanimouslyVoted to a-* the persons holding tie. company'* paperwith li trill 1 lome w's indorsement for a tew days' da..tylu which to reali/.e on t. e assets.

It wai Hated yetterday that George W. Bartholomew,the ion, had llahllitlet of $150,000 arl no anett. It ttex peeled to-day that he will pay 881-3 oeuts on thodollar. Mr*. Bartholomew I* preildent of the HartfordOrphan Asylum. Mr. Berti.olumew held $20,000 ofti.s (uud* of Hie asylum in gool securities. Ou satur¬day Mr. Bartholomew handed over $20,000 in bouda,discharging tho 1- it.Mr Bartholomew on Saturday stated to tho directors

of the 1,Biter Uak Company sud to lia attorney lhat hofelt desirous to pay lhe $105,'.'JO lui" to the company.Ho gave to Secretary.Willard a paota-re of $140,000 ofVirginia mining stock* aud bondi. He thought theywere worth $7"),otto. The Kmlgrant AM Company was

chartered willi a inuit of 11,000,000 camtal. A recent

report placed tho paid-up capital at 8500,000, Thuwa* said to have been lu existence in 1883. Accordingto the taine report made In April, 188ft, the generalbusiness wa* nairn- 1 at 9204,643 15. Among the astetswere 80,000 acres of laud lu Iowa worth from $1 20 to87 an acre. Four hundred tliou*and dollar*' worth ofland had been sold, on willoh $200,000 had been re¬ceived, the ii.liane-*, to he paid tu a year's tune. Thehilliness ls known to have been profitable. I', ls saidthat the company may have some ot his psper, or thathe may have issued some on hu own responsibility etns president. As trustee for the Watkinson estate hets reported about 811,000 shortNo one has yet aaoortalned whero Mr. Bartholomew

sank his money. Ills en terprlses were usually successful. to far ai known, and although he paid a

largo Intereit account, being a largs borrowerhi* protlti and aalsriei must have more than mattethat good. His salaries must have amounted to botween820,000 and 830,000 a year for the last twenty yeanaud his expnusei were not large, as he was a frugal man.Ile hail no rating at the commercial agencies, heeausshe nevsr msde a statement of lill affairs. Neverthelenho wai enabled lo borrow ai much as he wished. It llsurmised Hist ho has converted a large amount of prop¬erly into United States bonds and taken them to Mon¬treal.




Cyrus W. Field ye-sterduy received a letterfrom George M. Bartholomew, the defaulting presidentof the Charter Oak Life Insurance Coinpsnr, wnich con*

finn* the rumor that the lattor had gone to Canada. The

lotter wa* written upon tho lithographed letter paper of

Lawrence, Hall, Montreal, was not dated and read aa

follows:lui sui; Please affix proper stamps to the inctmed (fur

Still, ll 1 Will iel Ulnl, .llel oblige.i is truly, ... fl 11.

lu the envelope wore five letter* addressed to peopleIn this oity aud II trtford. Ono of them wa* directed to

Mrs Bartholomew. Mr. Field affixed the stamps as rn-

riuestod sud malled tho lotteri. The defaulter"* inten¬

tion lu tenJing the letten hare wai evidently to mis.lead those for whom they were in landed aa lo hit hidingplace...The statement that Mr. Bartholomew lt my brother-

in-law ls uuiruo." said Mr. Field. " My wife and Mrs,Bartholomew are oouilm. I flril wei Barthol¬omew forly-tl*. years ago at my wed -

tiing, and although we havo been on terms

ot comparative intimacy since, I have never baal a

ti ans...unm with him Inrolrlne ono oent. Ho frequentlydropped Into my office here lo chat on various affairs,hut never to discus* hilliness affecting either ooo of ut. I

alwayt regarded him as a c.ipa'.ie builneii man, strictlyhonest and honorable In all hi* transactions, aud novar

doubled bia solvsuoy until Monday, when I w*ut lo

Hartford at his reqiieit to Inn lire luto bli financial con¬

dition. He told me that he wa* temporarily nmbar

ru*»ed, bot With a little assistance he counl

pull through all right. I expressed a

willingness to loan hiss from $100,000to t 200,ooo If he coull provo to my satisfaction that

lin wa* solvent ami cuiilti return the money within a

reasonable time. Feopleio Hartford seemed to bare

utiluiiite.l conti.lenee lu him and Hm president of theleading hank there gave lt ai lil* opinion thal Barlbolomew could and would pay every dollar of ludeblndues*contracted by him. Personal Intiotry into his affairsfailod to convince mo of this, however, A cursory et-

.m.iiiation of his assets surtt'-e 1 tu sini'.v that hewa* hopelessly Involved, aud althotigii I wouldwillingly have anliteu him In preference to

otuers upon little or no security*, owing to my regard forhltu and the relationship existing between our wives, lr

what aid I could have rendered would have given him

peruiauem relief, nuder lue circumstances I could nolsee my way clear lo do so. Bartholomew was an oflltrerof the Holyoke Waler Company and au ottlcer of saveralother wealthy corporal iou* lu Hartford, au I wa* In¬trusted by them wah large a ut.* of money to mt est

If my memory doa* uot fall me bebad bandied $1110,000 of tne fundsof two of" compaulet. Borne of this be loaned to

other compaulet in which he wa* Interested, willoh ofilse..' may not be a crimi ual uer iou but whioU atnkes mo

as ma 1 lu the oase uf truii funds." l'ue blow win fal. sith particular aevtrity upon hit

wife, who lt a obarming woman and much admired inHai tfoid. She baa doue much tor the relief of Hie pourpeople in her olly and ls alway* promineut tu all charit¬able movement* there, ll 1* a *adca*e, Indeed."Mr. Bartholomew is p.e». lent of the Jacksonville,

Tampa and Key Weil Hallway, aud a dlreotor of thuFlorida Conitruotlou Company, nf which William H.Hain..111. ex nan man nf ine Llemucratlc MottOBOl Coio-uii tee, ii preildent. lt ls said that llsrlbolomew bas

loaned money intruded to him to these compaules, butalways upon good securny. He ws* uot lu a poiitlou to

han ile Ibo fuuda nf either to any comidsrsble extent." After a oarutul investigation of our fluoru'lal artair*,"

said". H. Kaboo, one of ;ho Now- York n-preseu tali vos

of these two oouij aules, " we lind timi orir lOOSO* throughMr. Ilaithuli.inew* defalcation will ba trifling If lherearo any. I csu hardly .thal he has boen guiltyof any action it hu-n can bt construed astilmiuai. 1nave known lum intimately for ibo last tlfteeu yearsand can positively lay that I never met a man wno

seamed tu me more worthy of (lie enioIMoocb of hisfellows. He ls an liitlefatiga'.le worker, alwayt consid¬erate of"otberi'leeling* umi blt wurt! baa always beindeemed aa good sa bl* bond."The ofliceis of Hie S.-b'iyler Lie. tri t* Light Company.

of which llsrlbolomew wa* preaideut foi about a year.sro making au el animation to dlsoovor tho exact extent

nf meir If**!**.',* Stott are estlmaie t to BlOOOtl 8300,1 "'».

li irthu'.otiievv 1* (aid to have practically acted as bankerfur thal -tomi any tor lome tl me,11nd to nave IBSnotes to them lu lieu of cash. It 1* estimated ho¬

lts e-tr. Sl,'..(Hj,0'iO and 82^)00,000 of Bartholomew'spaper li lu clicu atlon, bul, of cuursc, much of thu mayj et be reallied upon.

In nlrote* tbe action ot ins secretary anddirector* of the (barter Oak Company lu making uo

erforls to apprehend Harthoiuuiew stlei the iJisoovoryuf Ul* irregtilarill-** I* »e»t-rely .-i t'.P¦'.«¦' I

.,*i..>ra. Inti* Flus-eral 1 wai yesterday oppoltted byJustice Atidrewi of tho Supreme Court lecoiver of therem rsi ats la«-Hy 0: ths l'uart er Oak I ompauv.lhe spi lura'.mu was msds oj Alexander and One ,,

Asslttaol A' run.ry ifu,er.ii Hogan souaei.Uug. luelet-slter t laoad wes lUeU al fdO.OtXA .





Lima, Ohio, Sept. 23.-The eity was startledby a terrille olap of thunder about 7 a. ra. to-day. In a

few moments blsck clouds of smoke wert seen rollingup from one of the oil wells on the Brotherton land.The Ure at once spread to the tank, and In a few min¬utes all wss on fire. At the same tlma me gas In the

tank, 300 yards weat, was Ignited. The darrick*, all the

machinery, tanks ana about 2,400 barrels of oil were

consumed. At 1 o'olock tho derrick at tho gasworksoil well was struck, and the entire it mclure, machinerysnd tanks aud 1,200 barrels ot oil wore destroyed.This well is next to tho gas worki, which st one time

wore In great danger, but are isvsd. Tbe railroadbridge wat tot on Are several time by flowing oil, butwai saved without mach damage. About that time

high columns of Mack smoke was teen southeast from

the city. Five wells are reported to have hean struck bylightning and destroyed, the ungle No. 2, Sbookcy,Mci ain. Holmes and Howman. Kain has been falling tn

torrents. The thunder and lightning have ex¬

ceeded anytb'ug of tho kind kuown hare.The lois to the oil meu thus farls e*tlmated at $'25,000. Mrs. Heuderson, who was

standing tn the doorway of ber home near tbo first wellstruck, was wilie i by the lightning. Reports of damageby lightning at several place* lu this neighborhood havebeen receive). At I Hurl*..rn tho Eastern and WesternN'nrrow-gaiiga Railroad depot was destroyed. At Bea¬ver Dim the Hake Urie and Western Railroad depot w.ts

tl ni-ig» I. At Hplcerville Cfiarle* Hoover's barn wss

destroyed, and many barns and outhouses are reporto.1to hove besn destroyed.Mil.wai'KFK, Sept. 23..A terrille, thunder storm, ac-

compauied by hall, swept over the oity about 7:30

o'oloek this morning. Tho homo of Robert J. Arthur,In the wanam part of tbe oity, was wrecked by a thun¬derbolt and Mrs. Arthur was dangerously injured.

LOSSES IS VARIOUS PLACES.SUKI.I1YVII.1.K, III., Sept.'JU.-Scceial business houses here

were linnie,i ibis morning. The leas la ¦baal.+ ". BOS) Frank-

lin Tolbert'* sawmill wu* burned yest rday. Tin) losa 1*812,000 Insurance, 84,000.Mtv ili'siKU, N. ll. Sop!38.-A lire In Musi.; Hall blink

last night throatem-d to destroy tho entire building, but waa

ooniiin d to Hts basoasal amt door. Georgs m. Ti bb, ssa.

fed mer, loot86,000; Inonrooce, 88,0001 atlas aToOolrs fatter(roods, O-i.iloo, uiuiisstr.-1. uni T, Donohoe, clothing, 83,000,tnsur. tl. The toa* OB tbe lt ul.ling is +7,no '. insure.!.

1'HKI-l, UL, Hept.-.'3 -T. Ilatuliiie, farm, r, who lives BOOS

H.p.'Ide, this county, some time ti-co tl.a. iv ¦.red a natural

gas will nu Ins farm and c08000011 it Wltb tho BOOBS la order

IOBOBUtaflBO valen Mrs. Il.iiulitii; vt. tit BB pivp.tio supperon Sun,lav ale- to li Ind B rn Itch lo t ie stove at 00001 BB Bia

plosion followed, demolishing the la lb hell alni bunnin.- ber BBseverely that the died in greetagony last at**bt. It is tearedthal .Miss Ling will not it-cotvi.

Iii'KKai.f-, Sept. lil)..Th', barrel machine faetory of E. at II.

Holmes in i'b cairo st. was dam v.- by Uro this uioniiua-. Thoin-s le estimated al 830.000 lu ind.Trimim. bTbsi.ititft lt atn tats taoralag burned a

Urge '.ai ii belonging ro I). H. Ourtiey and occupied hy Kurd afc

Spent; i. box inaniifactur.-rs. rifteen horses were bunn .! t"

death, l-'ord A Speuc. r's loss H+J.-.MU and six hnr-es I). K.Quiney, four horae*; D. IL tlurney, two borseo: L lt. Hatch,two horses, and Charles I'.. Phillipe, one horse. Tito total loss

kt 84,SOO, Eaoaraaca lightAn.AMif cur, lt, j., sept. 88..Aeaaaias BBttoijr at BA

wood, operated by Nevvlin Brothers, was burned last night.Loss. $1.00t); LbOOTBOCO, i'-'.".". Kewita llrotht rs' loss in

canned goods w.n reach 83,000: insurance, 82,0001 la tbsLiverpool and London and Globe.

J ai Ksiinv ii.i.k, Ha., Boot, 88, -The Timi's- fnion Iturtow

dispatch savs that tire al '.' a ni. yesterday deotroyed eightDunnest houses. Loss ? l's.oOil; insurance, -fcT.OOO.



Throe Italian junkmen had a deadly quarrelIn Carroll"St.. Hroot.yu, yesterday ino. inn :, and ono of

thom wa* stabbod In tho heart- Tho uiurderod man wa*

Frank 1'ioren, of No, 4".i."> Carroll-si. A few doort awayMicbasl Halley aud Antonio Eiero. who are brotiiers--.ii

law. keep a junk shop. They havo not beeu on goodterms with I'leren.About 10 a. m. yesterday Fiero wa* passing l'ioren's

house, and they fell la (aamlllac TUay bal strunk

each other leveral blowi, ant Fiaro wa* having the

better of tho ooutait, whan Mrs. 1'ieren

gave her buibaud an irun bar, with which

he struck his assailant ou the head. l'i-aro

then got poisesslou of the bar aud struck 1'ieren to the

mouin, kuookiug out several teeth. Tbe lu lured mau

ran down tua itroat toward tba Uowauui Canal, with

l-'iero in full pursuit, and they begau to light again In a

yard where Dailey kept his Junk cart. Pioron was de¬

fending himself with a piece of wood whou Dailey ap¬

peared upon the scene. He came to me assistance of

bu brother-in-law, nnd drew a sliarp sheath knife, whoso

eight Inoh blade ne tlrovo deep Into the ohast of I'lerena* he had his arm upliftod to strife Klero. A second mida third time the knife was withdrawn an I plunged in

again, until the mortally wounded mm lank down anddl-ail lr. a few minute*. HU blood spurted over the handand ann of his murderer.

Dailey, ss soon as he realized what no bad done, fledlo vs tr.i thec.iual bridge w; til a orowd at his heels. I' Travis was at the bridge,and caught bl'iu. Dailey saidthat ho feared I'leren would kill nts brother-in-law,whom ne had knocked down. As Boon as ne could beslabbed him, aud struck deep lo make sure. He alsohad a pistol in hts pocket, and after stabbing i'iaren,drew lt to ihoot, but saw that lt was uot necessary.

He claimed that 1'iereu had threatened to kill Klero andhis wife, and ho admitted lhat he hore no good feelingstoward the dead man. The prisoner wai locked up Inthe Hut.ur Street 1'olice station. Fiero w,u uot found


St. Louis, Sept. 23.A dispatch was sentout ou September I'l, stating that Dr. *JonQerisohetu had

been re-elected rabin of Congregation Hbaare Eureth, of

this city, for une year at a salary of $5,000. It now ap¬

pear* that there wa* coupled with tho re-election ot the

doctor the dUtiuct understandlug that he was to declinetho re-election but that he would retain the talary.Thu agreement has beau carried out, and at a meetingof the Hoard ot Trustees last night the whole matter wss

settnid lo the satisfaction of both sides. Dr. Sontieu-scueln's connection with the congregation will cease on

October 1. s>


Boston', Sept. 23,.Tlie examination ofMarv Davis, ngn fourteen, a colored girl, charged With

poisoning Samuel Blanchard and wife. Calvin A. Lane¬

field and Judge ST. IL H. Kmraoni and wife, at waining.ton, three week* ago, was held to-day ai Winchester, re¬

miting iu har being haiti lu $3,000 for trial at tbe

October term ot the Supreme court. The girl wai a

domenic lo the' linnie, where the other vio

Um* wsre boarders, and ls alleged to havo put " Houghou Rata " into tbs tea lu reveugo fur being reprimandedhy Mr* Blanchard.



St. Loris, Bept. TA.-Tho Grand Encamp¬ment Knights Templar this morning elected Hit Kuigbt('barlas Cooina, ot New York-, Must Luilneut Grand

Master i Mr Knight John P. 8. Oobin, of Lebanon,

i'snn.. Ki<bt lliiiioaiit ('r>n I Mailer. Robert Lonou

Wither*, Most Minlnaut Grand Master, was present attbe election, but bl* health only permitted hun simplyto surrender the insignia of office, without making a

renting speech. The parade of lhe Knight* took placethis afternoon. The procession was three mites and a

half in Isngth, although many ot Ibo visiting membersuf tim omer had started for their bornes last night.


TWO CHINAMEN KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION.s ss- l'ltAM DKO. *ae|iU tt..OBS hundred pounds of gun cot¬

ton exploded at tho slant powder work*, near Wost lierketay,lin* morning Two Clilnameu wena allied.

KILLED BY lill-: KA I.I, OK AN ELEVATOR.(¦micalo, fept. 23..A* the employes lu Mayer. Kugel .v Co's

tn hob sala Ciel liing house WON leaving the a lo lt. last night theelevator, coiitaintna- (samuel Mayer. -Samuel Ucl mann amil.nU » S'.m buiaii, fell from Hie fourth floor Ol the BasoSBBBtaHeriii.ui *** killed, Mayor will probably die and No. n mau

ita* badly hurt.FATAL t-CALDlSO OF AN ENGINEER.

Vt'iiKKLIMti, W. Va., fiept *3-A boiler lu the nail factory ofthe Top MlilcolDpled yesterday, lil.tlly h. aldiug John hillery,the eugun-i-r, slightly wounding several other employes amibadly damaging the factory.ALLEGED I'OlisONINO HY A CHINESE DOCTOR.lloslnlOHept 23..Moy (sing, a Ch:naman, who lavin' ac

cumulated I oBildt rabie property lore was about to return, ili-.l ve t nlav al Iii* house. No. .17 liarrlaon ate tn

cona, quent e. it ia alleged, of no -oi administered in mein .nie

by Ken Boo** a chinese doctor.ML'KbKKIN'. A MAN WHO REFU8EDTIIEM LIQUORci.Ktai.AMi', bept. 8.1..The coroner's In-im-st at Melmore,

Ohio*, disclosed toe tact that Lewie U, i.eniy, a Honor loller,wa* ¦ordered uv i -hoi les daises amt Nathaniel E. ne'berry, tovain.ui be t< Hised io sell lb|Uoi bea auso lliuil taite* bad rc-

tjnest'd hun not lo "lo so. -james ii bllUtLPERMEATED A KEVEN IE OFFICER.

Wll.l.lAMer'iitl, I'etin., -ept. 23.Herbert 8, Or.thant, nfN.intafoke. Penn wa* touvioted tm,av of personating I nv-.

nut- ami waa tooteocod (o pay a flue of ?.loo ann Ot- lui¬

pi laonud six limn tb a lu the I.u/.uruo County Jail.K) HU IMPRISONED POE LIKE.

Wli.Hl-t'iloi, Del tsept U l,f»nl., Davis Hu* afternoonenlii ...! a plea yt gullly of uiunlei lu IBS BBOOOd Bogree, audwas at nt.. .>¦ i.t»ic a*I U> luipi imminent for life ami to pay a

Itu. o' s>'i.'i.j.i .tils crime waa Hie kllllug of Andrew J. Pet¬tit .on, a p..lineman, win. bad dil wited Ultu lo pul up a pulolhe wa* tloiir's'iliig sud gu ..uietly borne.

a\SHOUK Al MOBILE EAt ENTRANCE.M'.lilLS. Ala, Sept. 88, Kally tills morning Ibu A nie; nan

S< Jane hms. a. Keiiiuid. mallei, willi coal, wentasiiuienn I'Uie Niau I. nit trio entrance lo Mobile Bay. The

a,.u.u aud two uit-u io... niuge in the rigging Tugboat*bitausiil U.tnu kU 1 br cook 1* turning

CHAR'.h AOAl.Vil A POSTMASTER.FktklloLU, .N. J, lt i.M"ciall.-theo tore Joline, who

waa na emly appoiulasJ pa.*tma*.ai al North Long branch,was airalgned before Junge Alfi, d Wallum, lr upon a chargeo! aSaaull ina"'." by Mit illl/.abell. Rudolph, s German atdow who wa* employed iaat summer tu's houatas a *c.r**til

AlTEMt'l'ED SUICIDE OF A NEW-YORKER.PiiH.AUBLrHiA.eept ii i Niwa-laiii Kred.-n. k Kederla, sits

shirt*, of Now York eily, attempted to .... .un suicide lid*altamont; by Jumping 'mm Itv* ***t «ud ol Msrkul Street1'ti.ij*. Us was rskcutssl abd uk*u io Ute L nit u».l/ lioipl



11011)1. Y AMI PKtTHkY-A I IMKVKi' I XUHANOP.[or satavaOssSaVtl lv> lUSrKlUBSCJ

CO I.I'Ml! t's, OMS! Se;,t. ff fsalt SI ilev.'npinentSconceruinx the of the Ohio I'.-uit.-n.ti.iry under Democratic ml,- 1|||Ej tl.e iii-li^miioan-,<ain*t tlc guilty person*. The teetim.tnv now berna;placed helore the Grand Jury hy con viols umI wftneaseswho are Dot criminals f* more futouiuli:.,; BBSS OBSfirst revelation* putli*hed in Tun T'tini'M-i mi Tues-day. It is alloted that id-mi who wtBM iiuju inui.-I tor

burglary were token out at night hy* ol tboprison regaled at rt-t-faur-tut* and IbbE%bb*1 t0 ,».deter burglary. Tho proceeds were divided up he.tween convict ami kee uer. Theae stones are sworn toby iiitniites who give definite statement* hm tai timeanil place. The frequent tlieits in Columbus aWit a

jeni- ngo aro thus explained. Tim t«*-ttimony noir

(joing before'the f/ranil jury hhows that the n-reateaO,thieves iu Ohio were not convicts, but keeper.-. Thoprison hospital was made a* rendezvous. Meawho worked lu the cigar shop carried ci-s'ina to thehospital, where liny were eu han *. .1 for otlier ito'.eaarticle-* or money. In this way 10.H00 rivara wera

carried out at night tu tho dinner bankets ni ptiipinit-e.A bank cashier, who wa* bi>f>kk«t>i>«T In the Stateshop, waa cartful to Keep a lint of articlea stolen,with tho names of the thieve*. Iii* record i* b. torothc jury, tw ar.- also the JiBUM '.< several other pr;-nu.ore who took diligent note of nil the crime going on.Neither cx-Qovemoi ilnadly nor cx-VVar.I ii I', etr-yis implicated by the diaelosur.-a. One of tb.- D ..10-

cratic clerks, speaking of the robberies, ¦ tv«¦ When Iloatlly c tine down to unpeet the WtaSSa, WO

would hats ivirytlaiig in hliape. Stealing wo il.i beBiisprDiK'd for that day ami th.- booka vt. ie .1 ¦. ,,r. |ao thai BOM but an expert t-oul.l detect das skull.

iWBBJBrf. As for IVetioy, bo never knew v. bit eas

going on. When he sraja hi tin- hooh.¦fara, tin* at irfwould lie sne.ike.l out liv the Inii.l nate. U .,. In OBSin tiont, it went out by lhe book-gate; bul ll woos]out. no mutter whore he »-,i-.Tao booka of tko old BMBMotoeat ur,. btiaaSxaab

in-.l. Pageaj ure BUsaiag lt .mu import nut Moot**Tliey have b.. B toni out .-iud dsotiByati (o in .Iailinn, ami mut-h im-iine SiKsBuS is thus |,,.|. tinaol the Deiiioeiiiti.' dir.-ct.irs is likely to BC pl.let .1 in ibrui light by the exiiotiuie of bia eal.-lo las¬tion ot sonic woi'tuii-ri* uinelniiert. lt ia nil. .. .1 i ,i

although the sale orsa made by., ae-faoaa, theywei. iiitbtors to thi.-i director ami th. aback Of pat iiu-ulnever iciielieil them, imi waa Immediately 't inaferredto him ni .settlement of an obi claim. Colon. I Un un.

sou, who waua Hcpiibli.-an tint, inr and h-mih'iI,atliiiitte'l ratOrday that he li ni no do iii! ..I the || by soaordxaaMS, bat ragrsttosl ibo laabiliaf ut uRepublican minority in the lm .id io utop nt* *u. c. »*-

fully expose it. Kx-Wai'ileii !'..< tr.-.v, ttno i. nott inthe oilioc oi tbo Sixth Auditor of ihe Treasury, iu

Wasatactsa, has written Qayoraat ti, it m is

laaoooal uud will toa tot- libel say papen sraicb .-i-» i'lhim. Xo one has charged him with anything butgoaoral iaeoatpetoasaiA tliagu*tltig result of the invent Ration I* the xp.i-a-

iire ol' iiil.iiiioii.slv imiii'-ial pia. lues ainong cup'o*..**.The female relatives of prianuen wlio t lian.BM T<»

visit the prison w«ie subjected to insult bj thc em¬

ployes.llA1LlauH IN TEEMS TS.

WILL RKADIN'-J'S OmOBS COMIC BEBE ITEStc has bera SOSSS t.ilk in ruilrtnul ci rr his

sluce tlie agreeiueut wai made hy winch Austin CorbinI* to become president of the I'liuadolphla ami li.-il i<Railroad as to what cliam-es mii;ht follow. It ta uot >->¦(known here how far Mr. Corbin will have to go to tillthe re.ju.reiueii a ol' lue compauy's charier that Ilapresident must be a rotldeut of Peiiuiylvaula. (Some nfhu friends nay lhat ne will not be content with an plohotel reiiili-uce or aiinoiiaeeineiii of nu Inteutiiiu to oe-

corni a cl tuen, oveii should tb tao be the univ lea*al re*

QOJrBBtoato, bm will lease or buy a house in I'lille-l.-lp'ila.Hut ll laaii.-i.'it'a.l lhat eventually tbe malu ollicea ot I hsReading u.u-lit have lo be traiufcriod to thUcity. a* theloros and important railroad and bannuif Interestswith Mr. Corbin lt couaecte 1 uno. lesilon tbly willtake a groot deal of bl* time ant r* hrs fr. -ulaud lona atteadaoco on l>u.siiif>*a matter* lu New-York.The change lt looked upon a* not at all unlikely, un.eas

lhere should bo some charier obtteole lu the way.

Pun Ai-KM-Hi*., (sept. IS i-jj.ei(i/i.--The applleanoafor the appointment for President Corbin as tbe thu I

receiver tor the Reading Railroad Company will bamade on Monday nett al Henton before Judge MtsKennon.

Tin: OPFOSITIOM ki Tin; wabash im.w

The Lawrence- Committee of first inorto-.i-f*-*bondholder* of tho Wabaab, Mt- Louis and I'aoiilo R Hi-

way Company 1* oppoilua* the plan ot reordaniir*'loo

propoied by the Piirehaslng Committee. The Wabasholtloers ttylo lha L»wreuoe Corn nineo a "ieif-uou»tt*tuted oue." and profeu confidence In ino ultliu.ite suo-

ceas of their plan. A member of the lawrence Com¬mittee, however, ail yesterday that nearly a,I thobond* which the Purchasing Committee bal worn Hurlina fourth nun L'n-t'*. "Ot Ibo .aller bouda i*a,inl,'*he said. " three-quarter* are held by Wabash oINoiels,while tba drsta ami aecoud* are in the hand* ot tbs aime

people who ai-ertsd tbslr ri.-uta In 1S77 and .¦ .. i. -I o

victory. We shan not allow our bonds ou a d »-i«i.n»

mori-isired only for -M-,.""> a mlle to be put on an -i-ualfooting with a hood on a road anruinbered to the extentut -f.'ii,.'. Till niue man wno fought ami ben toe

corni.any before are the prime mover* in our coinuiilteoaud are not now lo ronrKamzatiou tactics.''


When the United .States Kxpress CDtupiine'left the New-York, Lake Erle and Woal-ru Railroad *ys-

tem several mouths ago, tho latter oj-aojajtjsi lu un

expres* sorvloo. The result of tbe oomiui'ition between

the two companies for builuei* between New York ami

Chioato was a cutting of rates winch gradually volvo**

tbe other exureme*--tue American, tho Alauia and Ibo

Ualtiuiore and Oma The responsibility for Hi« war ls

disputed. tboKne Express disolaimluf bavlna-or .mi tied

the cut rates, and tue older companies allegitu- tn tl tl

wss foroed to make ooooesiloni to «ecure bu* n*«. ItrOBlthe established Hoes. Tho points stTocled by IBS OSS>te*t aro prlnolpoliy Buffalo, t'levelaiid, RocUe«ter, Cm-

cii.uati sod uaioaso, and tne cullins I* to we«i-

biino.I business, except lhat lhe Erle has al*o lowered,tbe chleaao east-bound rate. The cutting, has *oun frombad to worsn until, aecordlnii to Chlcava-o dl*i>ai.-ii»», tn*

rate batwssn New-York aud thal oity la down to til per100 pounds, a cut or -fl ".o from tbs old tariff. I bete ia

ssid io be preseut pro*p60i ol a termination of tua com¬



coal operations have racently been opened on tho

Cripple Creek exten*lon of Hie Norfolk and Western

Railroad lu Southwestern Virftula. Eaob ot these will

baud 100 ooke ovoni, and will ibip coko as far south aa

Alabama. The Norfolk and Wooten Railroad Couiiianyisprodueliiu 92,000 ton* of coal per month from Its Ptovbomm niino-i. the larder portion of which 1* *uippedtoNcw-Knglaud, Cuba ana the Wost lumea. Ibo -doduolof tm* linnet for tbe eutlreyear bas boen sold.

CUIcaoo, 8opl. 23.-The varloui exprett co-npanieahavinf ottloet in this city sro ena-eired tn a cut rate war

of considerable uiai-ultude. ll beitan three week! a«o.

The rate botweeS Now-York au I I bic»«o lt no* SI ui

loo p'lundt, whioli was a cut of $1 jO from tho old ate

ot M 60. Just wuen the tirst cul was made and wno ls

espouiible tor lt ls uot aa oasy maller to oeitle. Tuero

are bve oompaules domu busmen betweeu here and

New-Yort-ihe Adam*. Culled siatei. American. Halli*

more and Ohio aud Erie. The latter company oanie lula

ib«neldla»t Juue, much to tho d'ssalisraoitou of Ibo

older couipauies. Tho merchants ere sbippiuii a tareesmouuior xooda from Ne w-Yoiit. ibo rate fioui Cbma*ti»to No"-*-Yolk usa liol boeu changed by an) cu.upauy

'Tdisba'cbrt*/»r n<rtes from Milwaukee, Wis., saystbal tue contract for a .Sl.OoO.OJO bridifo ov«r thoM aaturi River ai Kansas City tor lbs now st. foul Uno

lia"**n Int. The Undue wu«u UuUhed will be l.20t>feet lons with approaches 2')') root lon-*, lt bo otHie cantilever panoro, eltthty reel above low water.

ATi anta, Oa.. Bept. '13.lhe ConslitutOin anno utcoo

on authority thia morulBa* Ibat ueilner John H. luman*of New-York, nor tbe Richmond and Dan viUn Railroadbas auy furthsr oouuecllou with lue Covluglou sudMacon Railroad.

IbisioN, Sept. 23.-Thia morning 193 w»a bid tor

Holton and Albany Hook, b it lu the afternoon 2<>l waa

bid, with ." l-i atked. The dtreeiort ot lbs aud

Albauy Rsliroad ibis moroius voled ibsi the iresmrer

be authurued lo dlairibuie lo private atookbuliera of

lhe corporation at ibo cloae of busluesa to-day oue

sSare ot stock tor every thirty etiaree held by lUeui ro*

speotively, aud to usue osslsuablo oertinoaiei t.rirao-

tlou rlahii, oonverlible Into olooko al the rate ot ono

.hare lot every thirty rum*, lt preieuted el Ibo ireao-

mer's otboe ou or bslore Deoember 1, 1SS6.l'iiii.tii-.J'iUA, -sept 23 i-i/K-ciali. . The Hanover

Junction. Hanover and Oeitysburtf and the Bacliia**

Y'ai B) Railroad companies are io be ooutolldsted under

ino name uf the ii*.t.p.. .ie aud Harrliburf Railroad

Company. After thu bat beau done tao whole tyiieiali to be ieaied to tho Wettern Maryland Kal.road, lbslatter company purcaatlu.- a cootroiling amount olstock In the new system. eontroi win sive lbsWeiltrn Mary ian I independent accen by lhe*e road* u

Vraukiiu, A iain* and Cumberland counties.-e> -

DESPONDENT OVER His Lt)l4 Of PLACHWaaniBuTus, Mapl "l».-A!frcdo l)s RoBtwmy. a«s tts-uatys

Ovs the mu of a forme* Vnitatal ^lales Oouaul al forio ill. o*coui'uiilied auicldtt lo day hy alioollnij bim*, lr l-.o.,. Ui%hoad lioreatttuUv lost hi* iiosili*u ,i, u.e l*o*l uOltis De*

parliiasal aud Wuk his lits wuiia dt-spobdcui*