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AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

Today, critical business data lives in silos: in file cabinets, in the cloud, in

spreadsheets and reports and it’s difficult to access and anlayze. By the time you get the data you want or need it’s no longer current.

With AKUNAWARE, the information you need is always in one place. AKUNAWARE brings together - for the first time ever - every cost component of Total Rewards.

It’s about time!

No more searching. No more asking. AKUNAWARE is a new approach unlike anything before delivered as a service that totally transforms Total Rewards.

AKUNAWARE All-in-One Total Rewards Solution – V05 (4.2.12) Copyright © Total Compensation Solutions, Inc. 1996-2012 All rights reserved

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Contents at a Glance

1. Introduction

Why it matters to brokers and employers

3. It’s Time: the key features

2. AKUNAWARE . . .

How it works

Value proposition for brokers

What it is (and what it isn’t)

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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Peter Drucker, legendary management consultant, once said: "What gets measured, gets managed."

Drucker espoused the benefits of metrics decades ago, yet in 2012, few companies have gained from this wisdom.

What companies have instead is a preponderance of data. Companies (and workers) suffer from “data overload."

The critical problem companies face is gaining actionable insight from all of this data.

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

1. Introduction

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Improved revenue per employee

Improved labor costs

Improved job satisfaction

Improved employee retention

1. Introduction


The greatest gains from pay and benefits have been made by Best-in-Class organizations that have automated the process of collecting data.

To maximize competitive advantage, the Best-in-Class fully integrate existing workforce management applications with the Total Compensation Management (TCM) system.



















AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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1. Introduction

AKUNAWARE is SaaS that converts hidden payroll and benefits data for TCM, and through collaboration efforts with benefits consultants, Best-in-Class organizations maximize ROI and gain significant competitive advantage.

You may already be thinking: Don’t companies have a system for managing this critical data?

The simple fact is: while planning, reporting, and analysis can be automated with traditional business intelligence (BI) applications, these systems are too costly, too complex, and too time consuming for most companies to implement and manage.

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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1. Introduction

Most companies (58% of large corporations, 79% of mid-sized and 92% of small business) utilize unreliable methods for managing payroll and benefits costs.

They tackle the job with spreadsheets and an impromptu mix of reports and manual processing.

This approach has many drawbacks including limited reporting abilities, high error rates, and lack of real-time visibility and collaboration capabilities with benefits consultants.

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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Combined, this presents strategic and forward-thinking brokers with a proactive way to take charge when a) margins are strained, b) retaining customers is imperative, and c) the industry is at a crossroad

1. Introduction

• It’s critical for companies to gain actionable insight from their data to achieve Best-in-Class position;

• SMB is ripe for a solution that is not too costly, too complex, too time consuming and delivers huge ROI;

• The solution: must be affordable (not $100,000 to $1M), simple to implement, require no IT involvement, provide real-time visibility and allow collaboration with consultants

In Summary

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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2. AKUNAWARE, what it is

AKUNAWARE is an invaluable app on your

desktop, laptop, and mobile device

It adds new revenue to your bottom line!

It’s provided at no cost (or low cost) to brokers

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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not HRIS

not payroll

not TPA system

not claims analysis

not online enrollment

not benefit administration

2. What it is not

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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DATA flows seamlessly from silos (including any of these systems) . . .

2. AKUNAWARE, how it works

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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. . . into AKUNAWARE

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

2. AKUNAWARE, how it works

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PARTNER pricing is based on multiple census data

(stacked in one file) using a single template format

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

2. AKUNAWARE, how it works

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We carve out each census and pre-populate AKUNAWARE for each employer regardless of the number of employees!

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

2. AKUNAWARE, how it works

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NEW! “Book-of-Business” view for competitive pricing, analysis, and metrics

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

2. AKUNAWARE, how it works

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2. Why it matters to employers



Return on Investment

VALUEReturn on


TRUE VALUE comes at the intersection of EMPLOYER goals and objectives and EMPLOYEE needs; where the business realizes ROI and the employees’ needs and expectations are met

Money talks.

It’s no surprise when a company wants to get the attention - or retention - of employees, they turn to payroll.

But in the midst of a tough economy and tight budgets, the answer doesn’t lie in padding payroll, it comes from using pay (and benefits) more wisely to extract maximum VALUE from the current investment.

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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Better ROI From Benefits

Just offering benefits isn't enough. Strategic brokers assure employees comprehend their complete benefits package.

Research shows a direct connection between how well employees understand their benefits and whether they experience VALUE.

In a climate of economic and regulatory uncertainty, strategic brokers take steps to ensure their clients get the best Return on Investment with maximum VALUE including:

1. Understand each client’s competitive position

2. Be creative in managing the costs

3. Strengthen the connection with employees



Return on Investment

VALUEReturn on


AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

2. Why it matters to brokers

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Benefits: $8.25/hrSalary: $19.85/hr

Private employer

Pay and benefits are the largest business expense (50% in private companies and upwards of 80% in public employers), yet most employers lack clear visibility into these costs.

As a consequence, employees lack understanding as to the total cost and VALUE of their Total Rewards package.

When companies have meaningful insight into these costs they can operate more profitably. Profitability matters! In fact, it’s imperative for everyone involved, including the employees.

AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

2. Why it matters to employees

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Transform your role with HR: become a strategic advisor providing proactive value-added business intelligence


Win the confidence of the CFO: provide unprecedented information to support budgets, model and forecast pay and benefit budgets

Enlighten clients: convert inactive client data into powerful information and drive planning, profitably and the attainment of intended results

Educate Employees: assure that the value, investment and importance of Total Rewards is clearly (and routinely) communicated to employees

2. The value proposition for brokers


AKUNAWAREAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

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All-in-One Total Rewards Complete PackageAll-in-One Total Rewards Solution

It’s Time!

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Analyzing & EvaluatingModeling & PlanningBudgeting & ForecastingEducating & Communicating KNOWLEDGE


KAll-in-one-features Resource CenterSuccess stories

10-99 Employees 100-999 Employees Over 1000 Employees

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How we do itHow it worksDiscount pricingSpecial offers

We deliver a total rewards analytics, modeling, planning and communication solution in a day, or it’s FREE!

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Adidas-TaylorMade Golf Company employees rave about their online Total Rewards dashboard full story