
AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH (ANTS) EXAMINATION - 2014Conducted by : AJMAL FOUNDATION, A Registered Public Charitable Trust

Hojai, Nagaon (Assam)

Class / æ`ÒSÝ f XANTSE/ X/ 3200

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE1. Write your CENTRE CODE AND ROLL NO. legibly in the OMR ANSWER SHEET ATTACHED. Do not write your name any

where in the ANSWER SHEET.2. Questions are of multiple-choice type carrying one mark each and all questions are compulsory.3. Candidates are required to mark the correct choice by shading the circle completely with blue or black

ball point pen. (Pencil is not allowed). For example, if the correct answer to question no 1. Is 'B' then themarking should be:

4. Only one circle, i.e. the correct one should be shaded and not more than one.5. A candidate having completed his/her OMR ANSWER SHEET must hand it over, even if blank, to the invigila-

tor before leaving the Examination Hall.6. An examinee must not bring any loose paper, book, etc. except the ADMIT CARD to the Examination Hall. Any examinee found

in possession of even loose papers will be EXPELLED.7. No extra sheet will be provided for making notes or calculations. CANDIDATES MAY USE THE INNER COVER PAGES OF

THIS BOOKLET FOR THIS PURPOSE.8. An examinee must not talk to, disturb or seek help from a fellow examinee during the examination.9. Any mechanical or digital calculating device (calculator etc.) shall not be used by the examinee during the examination.10. Mobile Phones shall not be used by candidates inside the examination Hall.11. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall during the first hour of the examination.12. Contravention of any of the instruction mentioned above shall render a candidate liable for disciplinary action as per rule.

Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» [ýçã[ý ×XãVÛ`ç¾_Ý1* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ̂ QöOwø» YyTö åTöCgã_çEõ» æ$Jô³RôOç» Eõ'Qö, å»ç_ X=‘ö» Y×»•õç»êEõ ×_×F[ý* Eõ'ãTöç ×XL» Xç] ×X×_×F[ý*2* YÒ̀ Âa]Éc÷ 1 X=‘ö» ×[ý×`rô [ý§ ×[ýEõ” [ýç$Jô×X Yˆù×Tö»* aEõã_ç YÒ̀ » QöOwø» Eõ»ç [ýçWýîTöç]É_Eõ*3* Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ̂ CY»» $K÷×[ý» £ˆù =wø»Tö åVFÇC¾ç Wý»ãS XÝ_ç [ýç Eõ'_ç [ý_ åYX» ac÷çÌ̂ Tö [ýÊwøäOôç YÉ» Eõ×»[ý _ç×G[ý* åEõçãXç

Wý»S» EõçPö åYׇû_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*4* ]'[ýç+_ åZõçX [ýç åEõçãXç Wý»S» +ã_Eõ®Ïô×XEõ aç-aLñÇ×_ Y»Ýlùç GÊc÷Tö %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*5* Y»Ýlùç c÷_Tö "AQö×]$RôO EõçQïö'» [ýç×c÷ã» YÒçUÝÛãÌ̂ åEõçãXç Wý»S» EõçGL, ×EõTöçY %ç×V %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý* %ç×Xã_ Y»Ýlùç

GÊc÷» Y»ç [ý×c÷›õç» Eõ»ç c÷'[ý*6* ×c÷$Jôç[ý [ýç æ$RôOçEõç %ç×V ×_×F[ýê_ %×Tö×»Nþ EõçGL ×VÌ̂ ç Xc÷'[ý* Ac÷O [ýc÷ÝFX» å[ý$RÇôOYçTö» ×\öTö»» YÊœöç [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý Yç×»[ý*7* Y»Ýlùç $Jô×_ UEõç a]Ì^Tö Eõçã»ç _GTö EõUç-[ýTö»ç Yç×Tö [ýç ac÷-Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» Y»ç ac÷çÌ^ ×[ý$Jôç×» EõçãEõç ×[ý»Nþ Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*8* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ̂ åEõ_EÇõã_$RôO» %ç×V åEõçãXç Wý»S» ^ç×Ü—öEõ agLÇ×_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*9* Y»Ýlùç GÊc÷» ×\öTö»Tö Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ̂ ]'[ýçc÷O_ åZõçX [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç ×XãbWý*10* Y»Ýlùç %ç»Þö åc÷ç¾ç» YÒU] H³RôOç å`b åXçãc÷ç¾çê_ åEõçãXç Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ [ýç×c÷»ê_ C_ç[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*11* QöOYã»çNþ ×XãVÛ̀ ç¾_Ý» ×^ãEõçãXç A$RôOç %]çXî Eõ×»ã_ ×XÌ̂ ]]ãTö %XÇ̀ çaX]É_Eõ [ýî¾Øšöç å_ç¾ç c÷'[ý*

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Time : 2 Hours / a]Ì̂ f 2 H³Oôç Full Marks / ]ÇPö X¶‘ö» / å]ç»Oô X¶‘öÌ[ý f (25+25+25+25)=100

1. May 25 is observed as :25 å]' ×VXäOôç ................ ×V¾a ×c÷$JôçãY Yç_X Eõ»ç c÷Ì̂ * / 25 å] ........................... ×V[ýa Ì[ýÖãY Yç_X EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì̂ *(A) World Asthma Day (B) World Red Cross Day (C) World Milk Day (D) World Thyroid Day

×[ý̀ Ÿ cg÷çYç×X ×V¾a ×[ý Ÿ̀ å»Qö yÔ$K÷ ×V¾a ×[ý`Ÿ VÇ„ù ×V¾a ×[ý Ÿ̀ Uç+»Ì̂ Qö ×V¾a×[ý`Ÿ cg÷çYç×X ×V[ýa ×[ý`Ÿ åÌ[ýQö yÔa ×V[ýa ×[ý`Ÿ VÇ„ù ×V[ýa ×[ý`Ÿ Uç+Ì[ýãÌ̂ Qö ×V[ýa

2. Mahatma Gandhi first started his Satyagraha in India in :]c÷ç±Áç GçµùÝãÌ̂ \öç»Tö» .................... Tö YÒUã] aTöîGÐc÷ %ç»�ö Eõ×»×$K÷_*]c÷ç±Áç GçµùÝ aTöîçGÐc÷ \öçÌ[ýãTö YÒU] £Ì[ýÓ EõãÌ[ýX f(A) Ahmedabad (B) Bardoli (C) Champaran (D) Kheda

%çc÷ã]Vç[ýçV / %çc÷ã]Vç[ýçãV [ýç»ãVç_Ý / [ýçÌ[ýãVç_ÝãTö $Jôç¶Yç»S / »Jôç¶YçÌ[ýçãS åFQÍöç / åFQÍöçãTö

3. The largest population of Scheduled Tribe is in the state of ............................. »çLîTö %XÇaÉ×$JôTö Lç×Tö» å_çEõ %çOôç+TöêEõ å[ý×$K÷* / %XÇaÉ×»JôTö Lç×TöÌ[ý å_çEõ a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý ................... Ì[ýçãLî*(A) Himachal Pradesh (B) Madhya Pradesh (C) Arunachal Pradesh (D) Sikkim

×c÷]ç$Jô_ YÒãV` ]WýîYÒãV` %»ÓSç$Jô_ YÒãV`/%Ì[ýÓSç»Jô_ YÒãV` ×$K÷×Eõ] / ×a×Eõ]

4. The author of 'You Can Win' is :"TÇö×]C ×L×Eõ[ý Yç»ç'» ×_FEõ ................... / "TÇö×] C ×LTöã[ý' AÌ[ý å_FEõ f(A) Arun Shouri (B) V.S. Naipul (C) APJ Abdul Kalam (D) Shiv Khera

%»ÓS å`ì»Ý ×\ö A$K÷ Xç+Y_ A ×Y åL %çŒÇ_ Eõç_ç] ×`[ý åF»ç%Ì[ýÓS å`ìÌ[ýÝ ×\ö Aa Xç+YÇ_ A ×Y åL %çŒÇ_ Eõç_ç] ×`[ý ãFÌ[ýç

5. The Headquarters of the UNICEF is in :"+=×Xä$K÷Zõ'» ]ÇFî Eõç^ïîç_Ì̂ .................... Tö %¾×ØšöTö* / "+=×XãaZõ' AÌ[ý ]ÇFî Eõç^ïç_Ì̂ ...................... A %[ý×ØšöTö*(A) New York (B) The Hague (C) Paris (D) Moscow

×X=+Ì^Eïõ åc÷G åY×»$$$K÷ / Yîç×Ì[ýa»» ]ã•õç

6. The international organization that has the motto 'Great Sport, Great Spirit' is :×^ %çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ aeGPöX» ]Ç_]Ü—ö "æGÐOô &OôÛ æGÐOô ×&×»Oô' åa+aeGPöXäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ f/ å^ %çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ aeGPöãXÌ[ý ]É_]Ü—ö "æGÐOô å&çOôÛ æGÐOô ×&×Ì[ýOô' f(A) International Olympic Association (IOA) (B) FIFA

%çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ %×_׶YEõ aeØšöç ×ZõZõç(C) International Cricket Council (D) International Hockey Federation (IHF)

%çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ ×yÔãEõOô aeØšöç %çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ c÷×Eõ aeGPöX

7. If the official name of China is 'People's Republic of China', how do we better know the country 'Republic ofChina' ?^×V $JôÝX» $Jô»Eõç»Ý Xç] "×YY_$K÷ ×»Yç[ý×_Eõ %Zõ $Jôç+Xç' c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö "×»Yç[ý×_Eõ %Zõ $JôçÌ̂ Xç' Eõ %ç×] ×Eõ Xçã]ã» LçãXç ?^×V »JôÝãXÌ[ý aÌ[ýEõçÌ[ýÝ Xç] "×YY_aË ×Ì[ýYç[ý×_Eõ %[ý »JôçÌ̂ Xç' c÷Ì̂ , Töã[ý "×Ì[ýYç[ý×_Eõ %[ý »JôçÌ̂ Xç' åEõ %ç]Ì[ýç ×Eõ Xçã] Lç×X ?(A) Bhutan (B) Myanmar (C) Taiwan (D) Tibet

\ÉöOôçX ]îçX]ç» / ]çÌ̂ çX]çÌ[ý Töç+¾çX / Töç+CÌ̂ çX ×Tö[[ýTö

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- 2 -8. The recently constructed international cricket stadium at Barsapara, in Guwahati has been named after :

%_YãTö m¾çc÷çOôÝ» [ýbïçYçQÍöçTö ×X×]ïTö "%çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ ×yÔãEõOô ærô×QöÌ̂ ç]'» Xç] .......................... » Xçã]ã» Xç]çEõ»S Eõ»ç éc÷ä$K÷*aç¶YÒ×TöEõEõçã_ mÌ̂ çc÷çOôÝÌ[ý [ýbïçYçQÍöçÌ̂ ×X×]Tö "%çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ ×yÔãEõOô æºOô×QöÌ̂ ç]' .................. AÌ[ý Xçã] Xç]çEõÌ[ýS c÷Ì̂ *(A) Bhupen Hazarika (B) Lakshminath Bezbaruah

\ÉöãYX c÷çL×»Eõç / \ÉöãYX c÷çLç×Ì[ýEõç _©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ý»Ó¾ç / _©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ýÌ[ýÓÌ̂ ç(C) Sachin Tendulkar (D) Rajiv Gandhi

`$JôÝX åTö‰Çø_Eõç» / ̀ »JôÝX åTö³QÇö_EõÌ[ý »çLݾ GçµùÝ / Ì[ýçLÝ[ý GçµùÝ

9. Complete the series : / ̀ Ê…_çäOôç a¶YÉSï Eõ»ç f / ̀ Ê…_ç×Oô YÉSï EõÌ[ý f--

(A) (B) (C) (D)10. Ramon Magsaysay Award is named after the former President of :

»]X å]Gçä$JôãJô [ýgOôçäOôç ................. » YÒçNþX »çrÑôY×Tö» Xçã]ã» Xç]çEõ»S Eõ»ç c÷Ì̂ *Ì[ý]X ]îçGaçaç YÇÌ[ý•õçÌ[ý ..................... AÌ[ý YÒçNþX Ì[ýçrÑôY×TöÌ[ý Xçã] Xç]çEõÌ[ýS c÷Ì̂ *(A) Indonesia (B) Malaysia

+ã‰øçãX×$K÷Ì^ç / +ã³VçãX×`Ì^ç ]ç_ãÌ̂ ×$K÷Ì̂ ç / ]ç_ãÌ^×`Ì^ç(C) Thailand / Uç+ã_‰ (D) Philippines / ×Zõ×_Yç+X»a

11. A bee-sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation. The injected acid is :å]ì ]ç×FãÌ̂ Eõçã]ç»ç» Zõ_Tö ̀ »Ý»Tö ×^ A×$JôQö YÒã¾` Eõã» + %×Tö å[ýVXçVçÌ̂ Eõ* ̀ »Ý»Tö YÒã¾` Eõ»ç A×$JôQöäOôç ×Eõ ?å]ì]ç×»K÷Ì[ý Eõç]äQÍö `Ì[ýÝãÌ[ý å^ A×aQö YÒã[ý` EõãÌ[ý Töç YÒ»Jô³Qö å[ýVXçVçÌ̂ Eõ* `»Ì[ýÝã»Ì[ý YÒã[ý` c÷CÌ̂ ç A×aQö×Oô c÷_ f(A) Acetic Acid (B) Sulphuric Acid (C) Citric Acid (D) Methanoic Acid

A×$Jô×OôEõ A×$JôQö $Jôç_×Zõ=×»Eõ A×$JôQö $K÷ç+×®ÏôEõ A×$JôQö ×]UçX×Ì^Eõ A×$JôQöA×a×OôEõ A×aQö aç_×Zõ=×Ì[ýEõ A×aQö aç+×®ÏôEõ A×aQö ×]UçX×Ì^Eõ A×aQö

12. Who among the following Nobel Prize winners was not an Indian Citizen ?Tö_» åEõçXLX X'ã[ý_ ×[ýãLTöç \öç»TöÝÌ̂ XçG×»Eõ Xc÷Ì̂ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX åXçã[ý_ YÒç+L ×[ýLÌ̂ Ý \öçÌ[ýTöÝÌ̂ XçG×Ì[ýEõ XX ?(A) Subramaniyam Chandrashekhar (B) C.V. Raman

aÇ[ýÐ]×SÌ̂ ] »Jô³VÐã`F» / aÇ[ýÐ]×SÌ̂ ] »Jô³VÐã`FÌ[ý ×$Jô ×\ö »]S / ×»a ×\ö Ì[ý]S(C) Mother Teresa (D) Rabindranath Tagore

]çVç» æOôã»$K÷ç / ]çVçÌ[ý æOôãÌ[ýaç »[ýݳVÐXçU PöçEÇõ» / Ì[ý[ýݳVÐXçU PöçEÇõÌ[ý

13. Who can cast their votes by postal ballot ?åEõçãX åYçärô_ å[ý_Oô» ¥ç»ç ×XL» å\öçOôç×WýEõç» aç[ýîØšö Eõ×»[ý Yçã» ? / "åYçäºOô_ [ýîç_Oô ¥çÌ[ýç' ×XãLÌ[ý å\öçOô YÒãÌ̂ çG EõÌ[ýãTö YçãÌ[ýX fI. Members of the Armed Force / åaXç» aVaîaEõ_ / åaXç×[ý\öçãGÌ[ý aVaîII. Officials on election duty / ×X[ýïç$JôX» Vç×Ì̂ ±¼öTö UEõç Eõ]ï$Jôç»ÝaEõ_ / ×X[ýïç»JôãXÌ[ý Vç×Ì̂ ã±¼ö UçEõç Eõ]ï»JôçÌ[ýÝaEõ_III. Foreign Service personnel when posted abroad

é[ýãV×`Eõ åa¾ç» ×[ýbÌ̂ çaEõ_ å^×TöÌ̂ ç ×[ýãV`Tö ×X^Ç×Nþ _ç\ö Eõã» / é[ýãV×`Eõ åa[ýçÌ[ý ×[ýbÌ̂ çaEõ_ ̂ FX ×[ýãVã` ×X Ç̂Nþ c÷X(A) I and III (B) II and III (C) only III (D) I, II and III

I %ç»Ó III / I A[ýe III II %ç»Ó III / II A[ýe III ]çy III / £WýÇ III I, II %ç»Ó III / I, II A[ýe III

14. The four districts in the state of .............. are named after cardinal direction.\öç»Tö» ................... »çLî» $Jôç×»FX ×L_ç» Xç] YÒWýçX ×V` $Jôç×»Oôç» Xçã]ã» Xç]çEõ»S Eõ»ç éc÷ä$K÷*\öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý ................. Ì[ýçãLîÌ[ý JôçÌ[ý×Oô åL_ç YÒWýçX ×VãEõ»Ì[ý Xç]çXÇaçãÌ[ý Xç]çEõÌ[ýS EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì̂ *(A) Haryana (B) Mizoram (C) Goa (D) Sikkim

c÷ç×»Ì̂ çXç / c÷ç×Ì[ýÌ̂ çXç ×]ãLç»ç] / ×]ãLçÌ[ýç] åGç¾ç / åGçÌ^ç ×$K÷×Eõ] / ×a×Eõ]

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- 3 -15. The voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 years by the :

................. » ¥ç»ç å\öçOôç×WýEõç» [ýÌ̂ a 21 [ý$K÷»» Y»ç 18 [ý$K÷»ê_ Eõ]ç+ %Xç c÷Ì̂ *å\öçOôç×WýEõçãÌ[ýÌ[ý [ýÌ̂ a 21 åUãEõ Eõ×]ãÌ̂ 18 åTö ×XãÌ̂ %çaç c÷Ì̂ ..................... ¥çÌ[ýç*(A) 53rd Amendment, 1986 (B) 55th Amendment, 1986

53 Tö] aeã`çWýXÝ, 1986 55 Tö] aeã`çWýXÝ, 1986(C) 56th Amendment, 1987 (D) 61st Amendment 1989

56 Tö] aeã`çWýXÝ, 1987 61 Tö] aeã`çWýXÝ, 1989

16. The main organ of balance in the human body is located in :]çX¾ãVc÷» \öç»aç]î »lùç Eõ»ç %†äOôç .................... Tö %¾×ØšöTö* / ]çX[ýãVãc÷Ì[ý YÒWýçX \öçÌ[ýaç]î %† .................. A %[ý×ØšöTö f(A) inner part of ear (B) middle part of ear (C) front part of brain (D) top part of vertebral column

EõçX» %Ü™öf \öçG EõçX» ]Wýî \öçG ]GLÇ» aX½ÆF \öçG å]»ÓV‰ø» CY» \öçGEõçãXÌ[ý %ç\öîÜ™ö×Ì[ýEõ \öçG EõçãXÌ[ý ]Wýî \öçG ]×Ø™öã›õÌ[ý a¶ö‚ÇF \öçG å]Ì[ýÓVã‰øÌ[ý CYÌ[ý \öçG

17. The tenure of Lok-Sabha is 5 years, but it was extended upto 6 years ........... only.å_çEõa\öç» Eõç^ïEõç_ 5 [ý$K÷» ×EõÜ™Çö A+äOôç 6 [ý$K÷»ê_ [ýäRÍôç¾ç éc÷×$K÷_ ]çy .................*å_çEõa\öçÌ[ý Eõç^ïEõç_ 5 [ý»K÷Ì[ý, ×EõÜ™Çö Töç 6 [ý»K÷Ì[ý Y^ïÜ™ö [ýçQÍöçãXç c÷Ì̂ £WýÇ ..................*(A) Once (B) Twice (C) Thrice (D) Never

A[ýç» / AEõ[ýçÌ[ý VÇ[ýç» / VÇ[ýçÌ[ý ×Tö×X[ýç» / ×TöX[ýçÌ[ý åEõ×TöÌ^çC åc÷ç¾ç Xç+ / EõFXC XÌ^

18. Consider the following statements : / Tö_Tö ×VÌ^ç =×Nþa]Éc÷ %WýîÌ̂ X Eõ»ç f / XÝä»JôÌ[ý [ýçEõîm×_ åVF f1. Hepatitis - B is several times more infectious than AIDS

åc÷YçOôç+×Oô$K÷ - B A+Qö$KË÷TöêEõ %×WýEõ aeyÔç]Eõ / åc÷YçOôç+×Oôa - ×[ý EõãÌ̂ EõmS å[ý`Ý aeyÔç]Eõ A+Qöa åUãEõ2. Hepatitis - B can cause liver cancer

åc÷YçOôç+×Oô$K÷ - B » Y»ç ̂ EÊõTö» EõEïõOô å»çG c÷[ý Yçã» / åc÷YçOôç+×Oôa - ×[ý åUãEõ ×_\öçÌ[ý åEõ³açÌ[ý c÷Ì̂Which of the following is correct ? / Tö_» åEõçXäOôç £ˆù =wø» ? / £ˆù =wøÌ[ý×Oô c÷_ f-(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2

]çy 1 2 ]çy 1 %ç»Ó 2 =\öÌ̂ 1 %ç»Ó 2 AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂£WýÇ 1 £WýÇ 2 1 A[ýe 2 =\öÌ̂ 1 C 2 VÇ×Oô+ XÌ̂

19. In the logo of .............. , we find a dog with its motto 'Faithful Friendly'$................... » YÒTöÝEõ ×$Jôc÷ÔTö %ç×] AOôç EÇõEÇõ»» $K÷×[ý %ç»Ó Töç» =ã�`î "×[ý`ŸØ™ö [ýµÇù±¼öYÉSï' åV×F[ýê_ YçCg*.................. AÌ[ý YÒTöÝEõÝ ×»Jôäc÷Ô %ç]Ì[ýç AEõ×Oô EÇõEÇõãÌ[ýÌ[ý »K÷×[ý C TöçÌ[ý =ã�`î, "×[ý`ŸØ™ö [ýµÇù±¼öYÉSï' å_Fç åVFãTö Yç+*(A) HDFC Life Insurance (B) The Oriental Insurance Company

HDFC LÝ$¾X [ýÝ]ç ×XG] / HDFC LÝ[ýX [ýÝ]ç ×XG] ×V %×»ãÌ̂ ä³Oô_ [ýÝ]ç åEõç¶YçXÝ / ×V C×Ì[ýãÌ̂ ä³Oô_ [ýÝ]ç åEõç¶YçXÝ(C) Syndicate Bank (D) Unit Trust of India

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20. 'Sattriya Nritya' received the recognition of a classical dance form of India in :ayÝÌ̂ ç XÊTöî+ .................... JôXTö \öç»TöÝÌ̂ ̀ çØ—öÝÌ̂ XÊTöî» Ø‘öÝEÊõ×Tö _ç\ö Eõã»* / "ayÝÌ̂ ç XÊTöî'åEõ \öçÌ[ýTöÝÌ̂ ̀ çØ—öÝÌ̂ XÊãTöîÌ[ý Ø‘öÝEÊõ×Tö åVCÌ̂ ç c÷Ì̂ ................ aãX*(A) 1970 (B) 1985 (C) 2000 (D) 2005

21. Rajkumar Rao won the Best Actor Award in the 61st National Film Awards announced in April, 2014 for his role in :2014 $JôX» A×YÒ_ ]çc÷Tö åHçbSç Eõ»ç 61 Tö] »çrÑôÝÌ^ $Jô_׬Jôy [ýgOôçTö »çLEÇõ]ç» »çCãÌ̂ ..................... å[ýç_$K÷×[ýTö %×\öXÌ^ Eõ»ç» [ýçã[ý æ`Òœö %×\öãXTöç»[ýgOôç _ç\ö Eõã»*2014 aãXÌ[ý A×YÒã_ åHçbXç EõÌ[ýç 61Tö] Ì[ýçrÑôÝÌ^ »Jô_׬Jôy YÇÌ[ý•õçãÌ[ý æ Ò̀œö %×\öãXTöçÌ[ý YÇÌ[ý•õçÌ[ý YçX Ì[ýçLEÇõ]çÌ[ý Ì[ýçC ........... »K÷×[ýãTö %×\öXãÌ^Ì[ý LXî*(A) Jolly LLB (B) Shahid (C) Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (D) Jaatishwar

L×_ A_ A_ ×[ý `ç×c÷V \öçGË ×]_Fç \öçGË Lç×TöØ‘ö» / Lç×TöØ‘öÌ[ý

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- 4 -

22. The film that has the tag line- 'Every child is special' ?"YÒ×TöäOôç ×`£ %açWýç»S' A+ æOôG _ç+XäOôç ........................ å[ýç_$K÷×[ý»* / å^ »K÷×[ýÌ[ý OôîçG_ç+X "YÒãTöîEõ×Oô ×`£+ %açWýçÌ[ýS*'(A) Paa (B) Koi ... Mil Gaya (C) Taare Zameen Par (D) Paathshala

Yç åEõç+ --- ×]_ GÌ̂ ç Töçã» L]ÝX Y» / TöçãÌ[ý L]ÝX YÌ[ý YçPö`ç_ç

23. How many languages feature in a contemporary Reserve Bank of India currency note ?[ýTöÛ]çX \öç»Tö» ×»Lç\öÛ å[ýãáø YÒ$Jô_X Eõ»ç EõçGLÝ ]ÇVÐç×[ý_çEõTö ×Eõ]çXOôç \öçbç %çä$K÷ ?[ýTöÛ]çãX \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý ×Ì[ýLç\öÛ [ýîçãáøÌ[ý EõçGLÝ ]ÇVÐçÌ̂ EõÌ̂ ×Oô \öçbç åVFãTö YçCÌ̂ ç ^çÌ̂ ?(A) 15 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 18

24. The modern Summer Olympics started in 1896 and the winter Olympics started in ...............^×V %çWýÇ×XEõ GÐݹ‚Eõç_ÝX %×_׶YEõ 1896 $JôXTö %ç»�ö c÷Ì̂ , åTöãÜ™ö ̀ ÝTöEõç_ÝX %×_׶YEõ %ç»�ö c÷Ì^ ..............................*^×V %çWýÇ×XEõ GÐݹ‚Eõç_ÝX %×_׶YEõ £Ì[ýÓ c÷Ì̂ 1896 aãX, Töã[ý ̀ ÝTöEõç_ÝX %×_׶YEõ £Ì[ýÓ c÷Ì̂ .......................*(A) 1912 (B) 1916 (C) 1920 (D) 1924

25. The 'President's Rule in a state means that the state is ruled by :-AFX »çLîTö "»çrÑôY×Tö ̀ çaX' [ý_[ýd åc÷ç¾ç ]çãX »çLîFX .................. » ¥ç»ç Y×»$Jôç×_Tö åc÷ç¾ç [ýÇLçÌ̂ *AEõ×Oô Ì[ýçãLî "Ì[ýçrÑôY×Tö ̀ çaX' ]çãX Ì[ýçLî×Oô Y×Ì[ý»Jôç_Xç c÷Ì̂ f--(A) The President directly (B) A caretaker government

»çrÑôY×Tö / Ì[ýçrÑôY×Tö ¥çÌ[ýç Tö±¼ö¾WýçÌ̂ Eõ $Jô»Eõç» / Töüøç[ýWýçÌ̂ Eõ aÌ[ýEõçÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç(C) The Chief Minister Nominated by the President (D) The Governor of the state

»çrÑôY×Tö» ¥ç»ç ]ãXçXÝTö ]ÇFî]Ü—öÝ / Ì[ýçrÑôY×Tö ¥çÌ[ýç ]ãXçXÝTö ]ÇFî]Ü—öÝ ¥çÌ[ýç »çLîYç_ / Ì[ýçãLîÌ[ý Ì[ýçLîYç_ ¥çÌ[ýç

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word given against the options.26. The solution of the problem is very ............. to the development of our institution.

(A) momentary (B) momental (C) momently (D) momentous

27. I ............. rather you didn't tell my parents about this.(A) should (B) did (C) had (D) would

28. If you can win his attention ............. for you.(A) the better so much (B) the so much better(C) so much the better (D) so the much better

29. If you ............. just bear with me, sir, I'll find out what's happened to your order.(A) .......... (B) will (C) may (D) might

30. Try as I .................., I could not start the bike.(A) should (B) hard (C) may (D) might

31. I still haven't got ............ in this big city.(A) use to living (B) use to live (C) used to live (D) used to living

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- 5 -32. Never before ............. so many people in India been interested in football.

(A) has (B) have (C) were (D) had

33. Any unilateral action is a ............... undertaking.(A) world-wide (B) cooperative (C) one-sided (D) malicious

34. .............. more to be pitied than blamed.(A) The uneducated are (B) The uneducated is (C) Uneducated are (D) Uneducated is

35. I hear that you're having a house built. Is it finished yet ? " No, but it's .............. completion.(A) nearly to (B) almost at (C) close to (D) about at

36. I shall not be late for dinner ..............(A) if the train is late (B) unless the train will not be late(C) unless the train will be late (D) unless the train is late

37. " You won't find .............. if you don't look .............."(A) anything, anywhere (B) nothing, anywhere(C) anything, nowhere (D) nothing, nowhere

38. Please send a "note" to the members of the council. You should .............. them of the date of the nextcouncil meeting. The ..............should reach them this week.(A) notice, notice (B) notify, notary (C) notify, notice (D) notify, notification

39. Both the girls are suffering, one ............ fever and the other ..................... her follies.(A) with, for (B) with, from (C) of, for (D) from, for

40. A few people knew the answer, ..............(A) isn't it ? (B) don't a few ? (C) didn't they ? (D) didn't a few ?

41. The word mis-spelt in the following options is ..............................(A) ecstasy (B) maintainance (C) enmity (D) Mississippi

42. The latin phrase 'Magnum Opus" means :(A) a popular opera (B) a great work of art(C) mode of doing something (D) a chemical used in operation

43. The leader's frivolous remark was resented by the people. Frivolous means :(A) frugal (B) carefree (C) mature (D) light

44. The M.L.A's callous attitude to the genuine grievance of the people was highlighted by the media. Callousmeans :(A) soft (B) caring (C) insensitive (D) dangerous

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- 6 -

45. The recent events in western Assam are ominous for the state. The opposite meaning of "ominous" is :(A) dangerous (B) fearful (C) eminent (D) auspicious

46. Most of the students in this school are mediocre. The opposite meaning of "mediocre" is :(A) excellent (B) medium (C) dull (D) average

47. The secretary of our students' union started jumping the gun before the budget came in to his hands. Themeaning of the idiom " jumping the gun" means :(A) begin preparations properly (B) get tensed(C) start something too soon (D) plan the wrong way

48. He lives in an ivory tower but talks as if he knows everything about politics. The meaning of the phrase"ivory tower" is :(A) live a wealthy life (B) aloof from realities of life(C) lonely person with no friends (D) silent person

In the following questions you are required to find the most suitable word given in the options to replace both thewords in bold italics in the two sentences. Choose the option which can be used in place of the italicized words inboth sentences49. Sentence I : Swarup's intelligent mind often got him out of tight spots.

Sentence II : The task they did was so different that the difference was apparent.(A) Intelligible (B) clear (C) sharp (D) transparent

50. Sentence I. The message was written on a piece of paper.Sentence II. Gautam got in to a fight with his classmate.(A) scrap (B) brush (C) grab (D) wad

51. What is the smallest integral value of p such that 2x(px-4)-x2+6=0 has no real roots ?p » åEõçXäOôç XÇXîTö] %F‰ø ]çX» [ýçã[ý 2x(px-4)-x2+6=0 a]ÝEõ»S» åEõçãXç [ýçØ™ö¾ ]É_ Xç+ ?p AÌ[ý åEõçX XÉXîTö] %F³Qö ]çãXÌ[ý LXî 2x(px-4)-x2+6=0 a]ÝEõÌ[ýãSÌ[ý åEõçX [ýçØ™ö[ý ]É_ c÷ãTö YçãÌ[ý Xç ?(A) -1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) none of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

52. The number 3 33 3

is ............... / 3 33 3

aeFîçäOôç ................. / 3 33 3

aeFîç×Oô ............................

(A) rational (B) irrational (C) both (D) can't sayY×»ã]Ì̂ / Y×Ì[ýã]Ì̂ %Y×»ã]Ì̂ / %Y×Ì[ýã]Ì̂ =\öÌ^ Eõ[ý åXç¾ç×» / [ý_ãTö Yç×Ì[ý Xç

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- 7 -53. The degree of (x2+1)4 (x3+3)3 as a polynomial in x is ...........

(x2+1)4 (x3+3)3 [ý§YV »ç×`» x HçTö éc÷ä$K÷ ................. / (x2+1)4 (x3+3)3 Ì[ýç×`Ì[ý x HçTö c÷_ .................(A) 17 (B) 12 (C) 7 (D) None of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ /AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

54. If P = 1 21 2


and Q = 1 21 2


then P QP Q = ...............

^×V P = 1 21 2


%ç»Ó Q = 1 21 2


c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö P QP Q = .......... / ̂ ×V P =

1 21 2


A[ýe Q = 1 21 2


c÷Ì^, Töã[ý P QP Q = ..........

(A) 2

41 4


(B)21 4


x (C) 2

41 4


(D)2(1 4 )



55. If 2a=b, the pair of equation ax + by = 2a2- 3b2, x + 2y = 2a - 6b possess ..........^×V 2a=b c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö ax + by = 2a2- 3b2, x + 2y = 2a - 6b a]ÝEõ»S åLç»» .......................»^×V 2a=b c÷Ì̂ Töã[ý ax + by = 2a2- 3b2, x + 2y = 2a - 6b a]ÝEõÌ[ýS VÇ×OôÌ[ý .............................(A) no solution (B) only one solution

åEõçãXç a]çWýçX Xç+ ]çy AOôç a]çWýçX UçãEõ / ]çy AEõ×Oô a]çWýçX UçãEõ(C) only two solutions (D) an infinite number of solutions

]çy VÇOôç a]çWýçX Uç×Eõ[ý / ]çy VÇ×Oô a]çWýçX UçEõã[ý %aeFî a]çWýçX Uç×Eõ[ý / %aeFî a]çWýçX UçEõã[ý

56. If 'x' is a perfect square, the next larger perfect square is ..............^×V 'x' AOôç YÉSï [ýGï aeFîç c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö Y»¾TöÞ QöçIø» YÉSï [ýGï aeFîçäOôç c÷'_ .......................*^×V 'x' AEõ×Oô YÉSï [ýGï aeFîç c÷Ì̂ Töã[ý YÌ[ý[ýTöÞ [ýÊc÷d YÉSï [ýGï aeFîç×Oô c÷ã[ý ......................*

(A) x+1 (B) x2+1 (C) x2+2x+1 (D) x+2 x +157. What is the remainder when 3x3-2x2y-13xy3+10y3 is divided by x-2y ?

3x3-2x2y-13xy3+10y3 Eõ x-2y å» ×[ý\öçLî Eõ×»ã_ \öçGã`b ×Eõ c÷[ý ?3x3-2x2y-13xy3+10y3 åEõ x-2y ¥çÌ[ýç ×[ý\öçLî EõÌ[ýã_ \öçGã`b ×Eõ c÷ã[ý ?(A) 0 (B) y (C) x+2y (D) none of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂58. The maximum number of common tangents to any two circles in the same plane is .............

AãEõ a]Tö_Tö UEõç ×^ãEõçãXç VÇOôç [ýÊwø» =ê]c÷TöÝÌ̂ ç &`ïEõ» aã[ýïç¬Jô aeFîç éc÷ä$K÷ ....................*AEõ+ a]Töã_ UçEõç å^ãEõçãXç VÇ×Oô [ýÊãwøÌ[ý açWýçÌ[ýS &`ïãEõÌ[ý aã[[ýïç¬Jô aeFîç c÷_ ......................*(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) None of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ /AEõ×OôC XÌ̂


1Sin CosCos Sin

is equal to ............


Sin CosCos Sin

» a]çX ........................... /


Sin CosCos Sin

AÌ[ý a]çX ...........................


Sin (B)4

Sin Cos (C) 2 (D) 2 .Sin Cos

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- 8 -

60. The area of the shaded region in the following figure is .................Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç ×$JôyäOôç» $Kg÷çã» %ç[ýÊTö %e`» Eõç×_ éc÷ä$K÷ .......................* / XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç »K÷×[ýãTö »K÷çÌ̂ çÌ̂ %ç[ýÊTö %eã`Ì[ý Eõç×_ c÷_ ..................*

(A) 10-2 (B) 52

(C) 5-2 (D) 102

61. A ladder of 20 m long rests against a wall. If the feet of the ladder is 10 m from the wall, then the angle ofelevation is ...............20 ×]Oôç» VÝH_ LF_ç AFX åV¾ç_Tö »Fç+ åUç¾ç %çä$K÷* ̂ ×V LF_çFX» m×»äOôç åV¾ç_» Y»ç 10 ×]Oôç» VÉ»Tö UçãEõ åTöãÜ™ö =PöX åEõçSäOôç ............20 ×]OôçÌ[ý éVHïîÌ[ý AEõ×Oô ]+ åVCÌ̂ çã_ Ì[ýçFç %çä»K÷* ^×V ]+×OôÌ[ý åGçQÍöç åVCÌ̂ ç_ åUãEõ 10 ×]OôçÌ[ý VÉÌ[ýã±¼ö UçãEõ, Töã[ý =PöX åEõçS×Oô c÷ã[ý ................





62. In ABC the bisector of A intersects BC in D. If BD : DC = 4 : 7 and AC = 3.5 m then AB = ............ABC » A » ×¥F‰øEõQöçã_ BC [ýç§Eõ D ×[ý³VÇTö EõOôçEõ×Oô Eõã»* ̂ ×V BD : DC = 4 : 7 %ç»Ó AC = 3.5 ×]Oôç» c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö AB = ........ABC AÌ[ý A a]×¥F³QöEõ åÌ[ýFç BC [ýç§ãEõ D ×[ý³VÇãTö EõçOôçEõç×Oô EõãÌ[ý* ^×V BD : DC = 4 : 7 A[ýe AC = 3.5 A[ýe ×]OôçÌ[ý c÷Ì̂ ,Töã[ý AB = ........(A) 7 m (×]f) (B) 4 m (×]f) (C) 2 m (×]f) (D) 8 m (×]f)

63. If x 3 3sin cos siny cos and x sin cosy then ..........^×V 3 3sin cos siny cos %ç»Ó x sin cosy c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö ...................

^×V 3 3sin cos siny cos A[ýe x sin cosy c÷Ì̂ Töã[ý ...................(A) x3+y3=1 (B) x2-y2=1 (C) x2+y2=1 (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì̂ /AEõ×OôC XÌ̂64. If 4x+y =1 and 4x-y = 4, then the values of x and y will be respectively ..............

^×V 4x+y =1 %ç»Ó 4x-y = 4 c÷Ì̂ , åTöãÜ™ö x %ç»Ó y » ]çX yÔã] .................. / ̂ ×V 4x+y =1 A[ýe 4x-y = 4 c÷Ì̂ , Töã[ý x A[ýe y AÌ[ý ]çX yÔã] .............

(A)1 1

,2 2

(B)1 12 2

, (C)1 12 2

, (D)1 12 2


65. Four equal sized maximum circular plates are cut off from a square paper sheet of area 784 sq.m.The circumference of each plate is .............784 [ýGï ×]Oôç» Eõç×_» AFX [ýGïçEõç» EõçGL» Y»ç a[ýï[ýÊc÷d a] %çEõç»» $Jôç×»Oôç [ýÊwøçEõç» æYÀ+Oô Eõç×Oô =×_C¾ç éc÷ä$K÷* YÒ×TöäOôç æYÀ+Oô»Y×»aÝ]ç c÷[ý .......................784 [ýGï ×]OôçÌ[ý Eõç×_Ì[ý AEõ×Oô [ýGïçEõçÌ[ý EõçGL åUãEõ a[ýï[ýÊc÷d a]%çEõçãÌ[ýÌ[ý »JôçÌ[ý×Oô [ýÊwøçEõçÌ[ý æYÀ+Oô åEõäOô å[ýÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì̂ * YÒ×Tö×Oô Y×Ì[ýaÝ]çc÷ã[ý ..................*(A) 22 m (×]f) (B) 44 m (×]f) (C) 66 m (×]f) (D) 88 m (×]f)

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- 9 -66. In a company of 60 employees, 20% of the employees take coffee, 30% take tea and 15% both coffee and tea.

The number of employees who do not take either coffee or tea is ...........AOôç åEõç¶YçXÝTö 60 LX Eõ]ï$Jôç»Ý %çä$K÷, Töçã» 20% åÌ̂ Eõ×Zõ, 30% åÌ̂ $Jôçc÷, %ç»Ó 15% åÌ̂ $Jôçc÷ %ç»Ó Eõ×Zõ VÇãÌ̂ çOôç FçÌ̂ * $Jôçc÷ Xç+[ýç Eõ×ZõåXçãFç¾ç Eõ]ï$Jôç»Ý» aeFîç c÷[ý .................AEõ×Oô åEõç¶YçXÝãTö 60 LX Eõ]ï»JôçÌ[ýÝ %çä»K÷* TöçÌ[ý 20% Eõ×Zõ, 30% »Jôç, A[ýe 15% »Jôç C Eõ×Zõ VÇ×Oô+ FçÌ̂ * »Jôç [ýç Eõ×Zõ XçFçCÌ̂ ç Eõ]ï»JôçÌ[ýÝÌ[ýaeFîç c÷ã[ý .................(A) 39 (B) 25 (C) 15 (D) none of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

67. If the height of a triangle is decreased by 40% and its base is increased by 40%, what will be the effect on itsarea ?^×V AOôç ×Åy\ÉöL» =~×Tö 40% Eõã] %ç»Ó \Éö×] 40% [ýçäRÍô åTöãÜ™ö +Ì̂ ç» Eõç×_» CY»Tö ×Eõ YÒ\öç[ý Y×»[ý ?^×V AEõ×Oô ×Åy\ÉöãLÌ[ý =~×Tö 40% Eõã] C \Éö×] 40% [ýçäQÍö Töã[ý +c÷çÌ[ý Eõç×_Ì[ý =YÌ[ý ×Eõ YÒ\öç[ý c÷ã[ý ?(A) no change (B) 16% increase (C) 8% decrease (D) 16% decrease

åEõçãXç Y×»[ýwïøX Xc÷Ì̂ 16% [ýç×RÍô[ý 8% Eõ×][ý 16% Eõ×][ýåEõçX Y×Ì[ý[ýTöÛX c÷ã[ý Xç 16% [ýçQÍöã[ý 8% Eõ]ã[ý 16% Eõ]ã[ý

68. A running track is the ring formed by two concentric circles. It is 10 m wide. The circumference of the twocircles differ by about ..............AOôç »ç×Se æ®ÏôEõ VÇOôç BEõîãEõ³VÐÝÌ̂ [ýÊwø» ¥ç»ç G×PöTö* ^×V æ®ÏôEõäOôç 10 ×]Oôç» [ýc÷_ c÷Ì̂ , åTöãÜ™ö [ýÊwø VÇOôç» Y×»×Wý» YçUïEõî YÒçÌ̂ ......................AEõ×Oô åVìQÍöYU BEõîãEõ³VÐÝÌ̂ [ýÊãwøÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç G×PöTö* ^×V åVìQÍöYU×Oô 10 ×]OôçÌ[ý »JôCQÍöç c÷Ì̂ , »Töã[ý [ýÊwø VÇ×OôÌ[ý Y×Ì[ý×WýÌ[ý YçUïEõî YÒçÌ̂ ........................*(A) 10 m (×]f) (B) 30 m (×]f) (C) 60 m (×]f) (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì̂ /AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

69. A man died in the year Y2 of twentieth century at the age of Y years. He was born in ................×[ýe` `TöçŒÝ» Y2 $JôXTö Y [ý$K÷» [ýÌ̂ aTö ALX ]çXÇc÷» ]ÊTÇöî c÷ã_, ]çXÇc÷LX» LX½ éc÷×$K÷_ .......................*×[ýe` `TöçŒÝÌ[ý Y2 aãX Y [ý»K÷Ì[ý [ýÌ̂ ãa AEõLX ]çXÇãbÌ[ý ]ÊTÇöî c÷ã_ ]çXÇbLãXÌ[ý LX½ c÷Ì̂ .................. aãX*(A) 1936 (B) 1900 (C) 1892 (D) 1960

70. If the digit 1 is placed after a two digit number whose tens digit is 't' and units digit is u, the new number is ..........VÇOôç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô AOôç aeFîç» Vc÷Eõ» H»» %eEõäOôç 't' %ç»Ó AEõEõ» H»» %eEõäOôç 'u' c÷ã_ aeFîçäOôç» Yç$K÷Tö 1 AOôç _G _Gçã_ XTÇöX aeFîçäOôçc÷[ý .........................VÇ×Oô %eEõ ×[ý×`rô AEõ×Oô aeFîçÌ[ý V`ãEõÌ[ý HãÌ[ýÌ[ý %eEõ×Oô 't' A[ýe AEõãEõÌ[ý HãÌ[ýÌ[ý %eEõ×Oô 'u' c÷ã_ aeFîç×OôÌ[ý YÌ[ý AEõ×Oô 1 [ýaçã_ XTÇöX aeFîç×Oôc÷ã[ý .......................(A) 10t + 4 + 1 (B) 100 t + 10 u + 1 (C) 1000 t + 10 u +1 (D) t + u + 1

71. If (a+b) : (b+c) : (c+a) = 6 : 7 : 8 and a+b+c=14 then the value of c is .............^×V (a+b) : (b+c) : (c+a) = 6 : 7 : 8 %ç»Ó a+b+c=14 c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö c » ]çX c÷[ý ...........................^×V (a+b) : (b+c) : (c+a) = 6 : 7 : 8 A[ýe a+b+c=14 c÷Ì̂ Töã[ý c AÌ[ý ]çX c÷ã[ý ......................*(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) none of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂72. When two dice are thrown simultaneously what is the probability that there is exactly one 5 ?

VÇOôç _ÇQÇö m×Oô =ê]c÷TöÝÌ̂ ç\öçã[ý =dålùYX Eõ×»ã_ ×X×�Ûrô\öçã[ý 5 AOôç åYç¾ç» a�öç¾XÝÌ̂ Töç ×Eõ]çX ?VÇ×Oô _ÇQÇöm×Oô AEõ+açãU »KÇ÷äQÍö ]çÌ[ýã_ ×X×�Ûrô\öçã[ý AEõ×Oô 5 YçCÌ̂ çÌ[ý a�öç[ýXç EõTöOÇôEÇõ ?





(D) None of theseA$OôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

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- 10 -73. Seven equal cubes each of side 5 m are joined end to end. Find the surface area of the resulting cuboid.

5 ×]Oôç» [ýç§ éVHïî» a]%çEõç»» açTöOôç HXEõ +äOôç» _GTö ×aäOôç _G _ãGç¾ç» Zõ_Tö GPöS åc÷ç¾ç %çÌ̂ TöÝÌ̂ HXEõäOôç» ålùyZõ_ =×_C¾ç*5 ×]OôçÌ[ý [ýç§ éVãHïîÌ[ý a]%çEõçãÌ[ýÌ[ý açTö×Oô HXEõ AEõ×OôÌ[ý açãU %YÌ[ý×Oô å^çG ×VãÌ̂ G×PöTö c÷CÌ̂ ç HXEõ×OôÌ[ý ålùyZõ_ c÷ã[ý ..................*(A) 750 m2 ([ýGï ×]f) (B) 1500 m2 ([ýGï ×]f) (C) 2250 m2 ([ýGï ×]f) (D) none of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂74. The diameter of a copper sphere is 6 cm. It is beaten and drawn into a wire of diameter 0.2 cm. The length of

the wire is ..............AOôç Töç]» åGç_Eõ» [ýîça 6 æ$K÷f ×]f* +Ì̂ çEõ ]×»Ì̂ ç+ ]×»Ì̂ ç+ AQöç_ Töç»» »ÖY ×VÌ̂ ç éc÷ä$K÷ ̂ ç» [ýîça 0.2 æ$K÷f ×]f* Töç»Qöç_» éVHïî c÷[ý ............*AEõ×Oô Töç]çÌ[ý åGç_ãEõÌ[ý [ýîça 6 åaf ×]f* +c÷çãEõ ×YäOô ×YäOô AEõ×Oô TöçãÌ[ýÌ[ý Ì[ýÖY ×VÌ̂ ç c÷_ ̂ çÌ[ý [ýîça 0.2 åaf ×]f* TöçÌ[ý×OôÌ[ý éVHïî c÷ã[ý ..............*(A) 36 cm (æ$K÷f ×]f/ åaf ×]f) (B) 360 cm (æ$K÷f ×]f/ åaf ×]f)(C) 3600 cm (æ$K÷f ×]f/ åaf ×]f) (D) None of these / A»OôçC Xc÷Ì̂ /AEõ×»OôC XÌ̂

75. The value of k for which the H.C.F of x2+x-(2k+2) and 2x2+kx-12 is x+4 ?k ×Eõ ]çX» [ýçã[ý x2+x-(2k+2) %ç»Ó 2x2+kx-12 » Gf açf mf x+4 c÷[ý ?

k AÌ[ý ]çX ×Eõ c÷ã_ x2+x-(2k+2) A[ýe 2x2+kx-12 AÌ[ý Gf açf mf x+4 c÷ã[ý ?(A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 10

76. If x, y, z denotes object distance, image distance and focal length of a mirror respectively, then the correctrelation in connecting these parameters is ..............^×V x, y, z AFX VçãYçS» yÔã] _lùî [ýØ™Çö» VÇ»±¼ö, YÒ×Tö×[ý¶‘ö» VÇ»±¼ö %ç»Ó Xç×\ö VÇ»±¼ö c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö A+ åLçFa]Çc÷Eõ [ýÇãLç¾ç a×PöEõ a¶‘öµùäOôçéc÷ä$K÷ ...................^×V x, y, z AEõ×Oô VYïãX»Ì[ý yÔã] _lùî[ýØ™ÇöÌ[ý VÉÌ[ý±¼ö, YÒ×Tö×[ý¶‘öÌ[ý VÉÌ[ý±¼ö A[ýe Xç×\ö VÉÌ[ý±¼ö c÷Ì̂ , Töã[ý A+ ]çYm×_ãEõ å[ýçMõçãXç a×PöEõ a¶‘öµù×Oô c÷_ f


x yx


x yxy

z (C)

xyx y



x y

77. The figure shows three bulbs that are connected in a circuit. What is the total voltage V for the circuit ?AOôç [ýwïøSÝTö ×Tö×XOôç [ýç_Ÿ aeã^çG Eõ»ç éc÷ä$K÷* A+ [ýwïøSÝäOôç» ]ÇPö \öä·OôL V » ]çX ×Eõ]çX ?AEõ×Oô [ýwïøSÝãTö ×TöX×Oô [ýç_Ÿ aeã^çG EõãÌ[ý åVFçãXç c÷_* A+ [ýwïøXÝ×OôÌ[ý å]çOô \öä·OôL V AÌ[ý ]çX EõTö ?

(A) V = V1 = V2 (B) V = V1 + V2 (C) V = V1 - V2 (D) V=V2-V178. All the resistors shown below have the same resistance 5. Which arrangement has an effective resistance

of 5 ?Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç YÒ×TöäOôç a]ã»çWýEõ» ]çX 5c÷ã_* åEõçXäOôç a#ç» a]TÇö_î å»çWý 5 c÷[ý ?XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç YÒ×Tö×Oô a]ãÌ[ýçWýãEõÌ[ý ]çX 5 c÷ã_ åEõçX a#çÌ[ý a]TÇö_î åÌ[ýçWý 5 c÷ã[ý ?

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- 11 -

79. In Fleming's right hand rule, the fore finger points in the direction of ...........æZÀõ×]Iø» åagçc÷çTö» ×XÌ̂ ] ]ãTö TöLÛXÝ %çIÇø×_ãÌ̂ ................... » ×V`Eõ [ýÇLçÌ̂ *ænõ×]åIøÌ[ý QöçXc÷çãTöÌ[ý ×XÌ̂ ]]ãTö TöLÛXÝ %çIÇø_ ................... AÌ[ý ×VEõãEõ å[ýçMõçÌ̂ *(A) the magnetic field (B) the current (C) the force (D) the motion

$JÇô¶‘öEõÝÌ̂ ålùy YÒ[ýçc÷ [ý_ G×Tö

80. What is the purpose of a glass cover on the top of a box type solar cooker ?[ýçEõ$$Jô %çEÊõ×Tö» åaì» EÇõEõç»» CY»Zõçã_ Egõç$Jô» QöçEõ×X _ãGç¾ç» Eõç»S ×Eõ ?[ýçj %çEÊõ×TöÌ[ý åaìÌ[ýEÇõEõçãÌ[ýÌ[ý =YÌ[ý×VãEõ Eõçä»JôÌ[ý RôçEõXç _çGçãXçÌ[ý EõçÌ[ýS ................*(A) Allows one to see the food being cooked (B) Allows more sunlight into the box

FçVî YçEõ éc÷ä$K÷ãX Xç+ $Jôç[ý» [ýçã[ý [ýçEõ$JôTö å[ý×$K÷ åYçc÷» %çY×TöTö c÷[ý» [ýçã[ýFçCÌ̂ ç Ì[ýç~ç c÷_ ×Eõ Xç, Töç åVFçÌ[ý LXî [ýçãj å[ý`Ý %çã_ç %çY×TöTö c÷CÌ̂ çÌ[ý LXî

(C) Prevents dust from entering the box (D) Reduces heat loss by radiationWýÉ×_ åaçã]ç¾çTö [ýçWýç ×V[ýê_ ×[ý×Eõ»S» ¥ç»ç ̂ çãTö TöçY âÑ÷ça Xc÷Ì̂WýÉ×_ YÒã[ý` EõÌ[ýãTö [ýçWýç åVCÌ̂ çÌ[ý LXî ×[ý×EõÌ[ýãSÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç ^çãTö TöçY âÑ÷ça c÷Ì̂ Xç

81. A pendulum vibrates with a period of 1 second. The sound produced by it is ...........AOôç åVç_Eõ» Y^ïçÌ̂ Eõç_ 1 æ$K÷ãEõ‰ø c÷'å_ åVç_EõäOôçã¾ =dY~ Eõ»ç ̀ ŒäOôç c÷'[ý ..................*AEõ×Oô åVç_ãEõÌ[ý Y^ïçÌ̂ Eõç_ 1 åaãEõ‰ø c÷ã_ åVç_EõaÊrô ̀ Œ×Oô c÷ã[ý .....................*(A) audible (B) infrasonic (C) ultrasonic (D) None of these

`Òç[ýî %¾`Œ / %[ý̀ Œ %×Tö̀ Œ AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

82. Amit brought mirror 'X' to obtain enlarged, virtual image. Identify Mirror 'X'.%×]ãTö ×[ý[ý×WýïTö, %ad YÒ×Tö×[ý¶‘ö Yç[ý» [ýçã[ý X VçãYçSFX [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»ã_* VçãYçS X Eõ ×$JôXçNþ Eõ»ç*%×]Tö ×[ý[ý×WýïTö, %ad YÒ×Tö×[ý¶‘ö YçCÌ̂ çÌ[ý LXî X VYïS×Oô ×EõãX* VYïS X åEõ ×»Jô×c÷ÔTö EõÌ[ý*(A) convex mirror (B) concave mirror (C) plane mirrors (D) Both A and C

=wø_ VçãYçS %¾Tö_ VçãYçS a]Tö_ VçãYçS A %ç»Ó C =\öÌ̂=wø_ VYïS %[ýTö_ VYïS a]Tö_ VYïS A C C =\öãÌ̂ +

83. The figure shows the coil of an AC motor.×JôyTö é[ýVÇî×TöEõ ]Oô»» EÇõ‰ø_Ý AOôç åVFÇC¾ç éc÷ä$K÷ / ×»Jôäy AEõ×Oô é[ýVÇî×TöEõ ]OôÌ[ý EÇõ‰ø_Ý åVFçãXç c÷_ f--

What is connected to the ends X and Y of the coil ?EÇõ‰ø_ÝäOôç» X %ç»Ó Y ]É»Tö ×Eõ aeã^çG Eõ»ç éc÷ä$K÷ ? / EÇõ‰ø_Ý×OôÌ[ý X C Y ]çUçÌ̂ ×Eõ aeã^çG EõÌ[ýç c÷ãÌ̂ ä»K÷ ?(A) Commutator (B) Hair spring (C) Soft iron core (D) Split-ring

Eõ]ÇäOôOô» åc÷Ì̂ ç» ×&Òe $JôZËõOô %ç+»S Eõ'» ×&ÀOËô ×»eEõ×]=äOôOôÌ[ý åc÷Ì̂ çÌ[ý ×&Òe aZõOô %çÌ̂ Ì[ýS Eõ'Ì[ý ×&ÀOËô ×Ì[ýe

84. Which of the following equation best describes the formation of rust ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç a]ÝEõ»ãS ]ç]ã» Wý»ç YÒ×yÔÌ̂ çäOôçEõ a×PöEõ\öçã[ý =YØšöçYX Eõã» ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX a]ÝEõÌ[ýS ]×Ì[ý»Jôç YQÍöç YÒ×yÔÌ̂ ç×OôãEõ a×PöEõ\öçã[ý =YØšöçYX EõãÌ[ý ?(A) 4Fe+3O2+xH2O 2Fe2O3 xH2O (B) Fe + H2SO4 FeSO4 + H2

(C) 2Fe3O4+H2O 3Fe2O3 + H2 (D) 2FeSO4 Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3

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- 12 -

85. The equation given below represents the reaction between an acid and a metal carbonate.Tö_» a]ÝEõ»SäOôçTö A×[ýWý A×$JôQö %ç»Ó AOôç WýçTÇö» Eõç[ýïãXOô» ]çLTö åc÷ç¾ç ×[ý×yÔÌ̂ ç åVFÇC¾ç éc÷ä$K÷*XÝä»JôÌ[ý a]ÝEõÌ[ýS×OôãTö AEõYÒEõçãÌ[ýÌ[ý A×aQö A[ýe AEõ×Oô WýçTÇöÌ[ý Eõç[ýïãXäOôÌ[ý ]ãWýî c÷CÌ̂ ç ×[ý×yÔÌ̂ ç åVFçãXç c÷_ fNa2CO3(s)+2HCl(aq) 2X(aq) + H2O(l)+Y(g)What are 'X' and 'Y' / X %ç»Ó Y ×Eõ ? / X C Y ×Eõ ?

86. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the following reaction ?Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç ×[ý×yÔÌ̂ ç ]ãTö åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ £ˆù ? / XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç ×[ý×yÔÌ̂ ç ]ãTö åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô £ˆù ?HNO3 + I2 HIO3 + NO2 +H2O(A) I2 is oxidised (B) I2 is reduced (C) HNO3 is oxidised (D) HNO3 is reduced

I2 Lç×»Tö éc÷ä$K÷ I2 ×[ýLç×»Tö éc÷ä$K÷ HNO3 Lç×»Tö éc÷ä$K÷ HNO3 ×[ýLç×»Tö éc÷ä$K÷I2 Lç×Ì[ýTö c÷ãÌ̂ ä»K÷ I2 ×[ýLç×Ì[ýTö c÷ãÌ̂ ä»K÷ HNO3 Lç×Ì[ýTö c÷ãÌ̂ ä»K÷ HNO3 ×[ýLç×Ì[ýTö c÷ãÌ̂ ä»K÷

87. An element having atomic number 34 is placed in which group and period in the modern periodic table ?34 Y»]çSÇ yÔ]çeEõ» å]ì_äOôç %çWýÇ×XEõ Y ï̂îç[ýÊwø Töç×_Eõç» åEõçXäOôç [ýGï %ç»Ó Y^ïîçÌ̂ » %Ü™ö\ÉöÛNþ ?34 YÌ[ý]çXÇ yÔ]çeãEõÌ[ý å]ì_×Oô %çWýÇ×XEõ Y^ïîç[ýÊwø Töç×_EõçÌ[ý åEõçX [ýGï C Y^ïçãÌ̂ Ì[ý %Ü™ö\ÇöÛNþ ?(A) Group 15 and 4th period (B) Group 16 and 5th period

[ýGï 15 %ç»Ó $JôTÇöUï Y^ïîçÌ̂ / [ýGï 15 A[ýe »JôTÇöUï Y^ïîçÌ̂ [ýGï 16 %ç»Ó Y‡û] Y^ïîçÌ̂ / [ýGï 16 A[ýe Y‡û] Y^ïîçÌ̂(C) Group 14 and 7th period (D) Group 16 and 4th period

[ýGï 14 %ç»Ó aŠ] Y^ïîçÌ̂ / [ýGï 14 A[ýe aŠ] Y^ïîçÌ̂ [ýGï 16 %ç»Ó $JôTÇöUï Y^ïîçÌ̂ / [ýGï 16 A[ýe $JôTÇöUï Y^ïîçÌ̂

88. The correct order of Ionic radius is .............%çÌ̂ XÝÌ̂ [ýîçaçWýï» £ˆù yÔ]äOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ....................... / %çÌ̂ XÝÌ̂ [ýîçaçãWýïÌ[ý £ˆù yÔ]×Oô c÷_ ...........................(A) Na+>Mg+2>O-2>F- (B) F->Mg+2>O-2>Na+ (C) Mg+2>Na+>O-2>F- (D) O-2 >F->Na+>Mg+2

89. Which of the following is subjected to roasting in the concentration of Ore procedure ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç %çEõ×»Eõ TöçYLç»S YÒ×yÔÌ̂ ç» ¥ç»ç GçRÍôÝEõ»S Eõ»ç c÷Ì̂ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX %çEõ×Ì[ýEõ TöçYLçÌ[ýS YÒ×yÔÌ^çÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç GçRÍôÝEõÌ[ýS EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì^ ?(A) oxide ores (B) silicate ores (C) sulphide ores (D) carbonate ores

%jç+Qö %çEõ» ×$Jô×_Eõç %çEõ×»Eõ $K÷ç_Zõç+Qö %çEõ» Eõç[ýïãXOô %çEõ»%jç+Qö %çEõÌ[ý ×a×_Eõç %çEõÌ[ý aç_Zõç+Qö %çEõÌ[ý Eõç[ýïãXOô %çEõÌ[ý

90. Identify the correct ratio of the hydrogen atoms present in propane and propyne.YÒãYS %ç»Ó YÒYç+STö UEõç c÷ç+QÎö'åLX» YÒEÊõTö %XÇYçTöäOôç ×XSïÌ̂ Eõ»ç* / YÒãYX A[ýe YÒYç+ãX UçEõç c÷ç+QÎöãLãXÌ[ý YÒEÊõTö %XÇYçTö×Oô ×XSïÌ̂ EõÌ[ý*(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 3 : 2 (D) 2 : 3

91. CH3 - CH2 - OH 'p' + H2O

What is 'p' ? / 'p' æOôç ×Eõ ? / 'p' ×Oô ×Eõ ?(A) CH3 - CH3 (B) CH2 = CH2 (C) CH CH (D) CH3 - CH2 = CH2

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- 13 -92. Which of the following has the highest calorific value ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç» åEõ_×»]çX %çOôç+TöêEõ å[ý×$K÷ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×OôÌ[ý åEõ_×Ì[ý]çX a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý ?(A) Petrol (B) Natural gas (C) Ethanol (D) Hydrogen

åY®Ïô'_ YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ åG$K÷/ Gîça +UçX_ c÷ç+QÎö'åLX

93. Two tall plants with heterogygous alleles as shown below are crossed.×[ýb] Ç̂TöEõ A×__ UEõç VÇOôç CF G$K÷» aeEõ»S Tö_Tö åVFÇC¾ç éc÷ä$K÷ f / ×[ýb]^ÇNþEõ A×__ UçEõç VÇ×Oô _¶‘öç Gçä»K÷Ì[ý aeEõÌ[ýS XÝä»Jô åVFçãXç c÷_ f-Tt X Tt (T= Tall / CF/ _¶‘öç t = Dwarf $/ JôçY» / æ»K÷çOô )Predict the phenotypic ratio of the F1 generation from the following :Tö_Tö ×VÌ^çã[ýç»» Y»ç YÒU] %YTöîLXÇTö [ýîNþ»ÖY %XÇYçTöäOôç ×XSïÌ̂ Eõ»ç fXÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ çm×_Ì[ý åUãEõ YÒU] %YTöîLXÇTö [ýîNþÌ[ýÖY %XÇYçTö×Oô ×XSïÌ̂ EõÌ[ý f(A) 3 : 1 (B) 2 : 2 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 4 : 0

94. Which of the following is a saprophytic plant ?Tö_» åEõçX×[ýWý ]ÊTöLÝ¾Ý =×àöV ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô ]ÊTöLÝ[ýÝ =×àöV ?(A) Nepenthes (B) Drosera (C) Neotia (D) All of these

Eõ_$JôÝ =×àöV / Eõ_a =×àöV »'V ]ÇEÇõTöç / Ì[ýV]ÇNþç ×X%'×OôÌ^ç / ×XC×OôÌ^ç %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ̂ ×Oô

95. Which of the following is true about the digestion of food in the mouth ?]ÇF Gc÷[ý»Tö Yç$JôX» ålùyTö Tö_» åEõçXä$Oôç aTöî ? / ]ÇF Gc÷[ýãÌ[ý FçVî Yç»JôãXÌ[ý ålùäy XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô aTöî ?

96. The figure given below shows the structure of the human brain :Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç ×$JôyTö ]çXÇc÷» ]GLÇ» GPöS YÒSç_Ý åVFÇC¾ç éc÷ä$K÷ f / XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç ×»Jôäy ]çXÇãbÌ[ý ]×Ø™öã›õÌ[ý GPöX YÒSç_Ý åVFçãXç c÷ãÌ̂ ä»K÷ f

Predict what will happen if part X is injured ?^×V X %e`äOôç %çHçTö YÒçŠ c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö ×Eõ H×Oô[ý Yçã» ? / ^×V X %e`×Oô %çHçTö YÒçŠ c÷Ì̂ Töã[ý ]çXÇb×OôÌ[ý ×Eõ c÷ãTö YçãÌ[ý ?(A) Breathing will be affected (B) The person will not be able to think rationally

=`çc÷-×X`çc÷ YÒ\öç×¾Tö c÷[ý ]çXÇc÷LãX ̂ Ç×Nþac÷ ×$JôÜ™öç Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç»ç c÷'[ý`Ÿça-YÒ̀ Ÿça YÒ\öç×[ýTö c÷ã[ý ]çXÇb×Oô ̂ Ç×Nþac÷ ×$JôÜ™öç EõÌ[ýãTö YçÌ[ýã[ý Xç

(C) Coordination and stability of the body will be adversely affected`»Ý»» ØšöçÌ̂ ݱ¼ö %ç»Ó a]XŸÌ̂ å[ýÌ̂ ç Wý»ãS YÒ\öç×[ýTö c÷'[ý* / ̀ Ì[ýÝãÌ[ýÌ[ý Øšöç×Ì̂ ±¼ö A[ýe a]XŸÌ̂ FçÌ[ýçY\öçã[ý YÒ\öç×[ýTö c÷ã[ý

(D) The person will not be able to move / ]çXÇc÷LãX _»$Jô» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç»ç c÷'[ý / ]çXÇb×Oô Jô_çãZõÌ[ýç EõÌ[ýãTö YçÌ[ýã[ý Xç

97. The chief inorganic substance present in urine is ..............]ÇyTö UEõç YÒWýçX %êL×¾Eõ YVçUïäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ............................* / ]Éäy UçEõç YÒWýçX %êL×[ýEõ YVçUï×Oô c÷_ ..................*(A) NaCl (B) K (C) Ca (D) Mg

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- 14 -

98. Which of the following is a Sexually transmitted disease ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç %ae^Tö å^ìX %ç$Jô»S» Zõ_Tö aeyÔ×]Tö åc÷ç¾ç å»çG ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô %ae^Tö å^ìX %ç»JôÌ[ýãSÌ[ý Zõã_ aeyÔ×]Tö c÷CÌ̂ ç åÌ[ýçG ?(A) AIDS (B) Gonorrhoea (C) Syphilis (D) All of these

A+QËö$K÷ / A+Qöa GX'»ÝÌ^ç / GX×Ì[ýÌ^ç ×$K÷×Zõ×_$K÷ / ×a×Zõ×_a %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ̂ ×Oô

99. Which is agranular white blood corpuscle ?åEõçXäOôç å`ŸTö»Nþ Eõ×SEõç VçXç×[ýc÷ÝX ? / åEõçX×Oô å Ÿ̀TöÌ[ýNþ Eõ×SEõç VçXç×[ýc÷ÝX ?(A) Neutrophil (B) Monocyte (C) Basophil (D) Eosinophil

×X=®Ïô'×Zõ_ ]X'$Jôç+Oô / ]Xaç+Oô å[ý$K÷'×Zõ_ / å[ýa×Zõ_ +Ì^×$K÷X'×Zõ_ / +Ì^$K÷X×Zõ_

100. Which of the following statements is correct ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ £ˆù ? / XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô £ˆù ?(A) Plants carry on photosynthesis during the day and respiration all the time

=×àöVTö ×VX» \öçGTö açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbS %ç»Ó aEõã_ç a]Ì̂ Tö ̀ ŸaX aeG×PöTö c÷Ì̂ *=×àöV ×VãXÌ[ýã[ý_çÌ̂ açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbS A[ýe aEõ_ a]ãÌ̂ ̀ ŸaX a¶Y~ EõãÌ[ý*

(B) Plants carry on photosynthesis during night=×àöVTö açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbS »ç×Tö» \öçGTö a¶Y~ c÷Ì̂ * / =×àöV Ì[ýçäy açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbS a¶Y~ EõãÌ[ý*

(C) Plants carry on photosynthesis all the time=×àöVTö açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbS aEõã_ç a]Ì̂ Tö c÷Ì̂ * / =×àöV açã_çEõ aeä À̀bS aEõ_ a]ãÌ̂ EõãÌ[ý*

(D) None of aboveAOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂


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