Download - Airco Specification 12 Kw For ·  · 2017-02-06Email: [email protected]. 2 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for


1 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Nepal Telecom

Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited

Sealed Quotation No. NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74


Supply and Delivery


Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit 12 KW

February, 2017

Nepal Telecom

Western Regional Directorate

Padsari-9, Kataiya, Khunsa,

Rupandehi, Nepal

Tel No: 977 71 429402

Fax No: 977 71 429448

Email: [email protected]

2 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Table of Content

SN Section Description Page No.

1 I Invitation for Sealed Quotation (ISQ) 3

2 II Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 4

3 III Conditions of Contract (COC) 12

4 IV Sample Forms 16

5 V Schedule of Requirement (SOR) 20

6 VI

Price Schedule and Quantity Thereof for Floor

Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12

Kw) 21

7 VII Technical Specifications 22

8 VIII Supply Records 30

3 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


Date :- February,2017

Nepal Telecom invites sealed quotation for the Supply & Delivery of Floor Standing

Split Type Air Conditioning Unit 12 K w. The Floor Standing split type air conditioning

unit shall be used for various Exchange room and transmission rooms shelter being provided

by Nepal Telecom, Western Regional Directorate. The air conditioning shall be used for

cooling the room as well as telecommunication equipments.

A complete set of document may be available upon submission of NRS 3000/= (Three

Thousand only) Non-refundable and a written application to the above by the interested

supplier at the following address.

Nepal Telecom

Western Regional Directorate

Bhairahawa, Padsari-9, Rupandehi (Nepal)

Tel No.: 977-71 -429402

Fax No: 977 -71- 429448

End of Section I: ISQ

4 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)



No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant

1 (*)

Composition of Quotation:

The quotation shall comprise following documents and forms duly filled with

date and signed by authorised person.

a. Company registration certificate of the supplier. b. Tax registration and VAT registration of the supplier.

c. Quotation Form (Sample form No. 1)

d. Price Schedule duly filled with date and signed by authorised person. e. Clause by clause comments on Commercial Conditions and Technical


f. Detail Technical description and performance characteristics of the Floor

Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw).

g. The Power of attorney and signature specimen of the authorized person

in a separate.

h. Tax Clearance certificates of F/Y 2072/73.

i. Manufacture’s authorization letter from concerned manufacturer as per

sample of quotation documents of NT WRD. Submission of the above documents along with quotation is mandatory, without

which, the quotation shall be rejected

2 Compliance Statements to Commercial Conditions & Technical


In the quotation, the supplier shall include clause by clause statement on Nepal

Telecom’s Commercial Conditions and Technical Requirements. In the statement of compliance, the supplier shall state: -

a. “FULLY COMPLIANT (FC) “if goods and functions offered fully meet

the requirement.

b. "PARTIALLY COMPLIANT (PC)" if the goods and functions offered

meet the requirement partially. The supplier shall state the reason

why the offer is partially compliant. However, if the supplier is able

to fulfill the specified requirement later, the time schedule for this

shall be stated. In such cases, the supplier shall clearly mention the extent to which other requirements or specifications are affected.

c. "NON COMPLIANT (NC)" if the goods and functions cannot meet the

requirements. The supplier shall also state reasons for it.

d. Compliance statements such as 'Agreed', 'Noted', 'OK' Tick mark &

5 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant 'Understood' etc. shall not be acceptable.

e. In case of absence or unclear statements of compliance for any

specified requirement, Nepal Telecom will interpret that particular

requirement as being "NON COMPLIANT" f. Quotation with any deviation in the major clauses, marked with

(*) shall be rejected.

3 (*) Quotation Price and Currency

The Bidders shall quote in Nepalese currency on CIP Western Regional Directorate Bhairahawa basis and payments will be made accordingly. This

price shall be inclusive of taxes/duties such as VAT, Local Development Tax,

Custom Duties, and Security Tax etc. applicable in Nepal. Bidder must submit up to date firm/Company registration certificate and Tax clearance certificate

from Government of Nepal.

4 (*) Quotation Security

4.1 The quotation must be accompanied by an Original Bank Voucher of 2-3% of

quoted amount as cash deposited in favour of Nepal Telecom at Nabil

Bank,Bhairahawa of Nepal in account No. 1306013000601 or in case the bidder

wishes to provide the bank guarantee .The bid must be accompanied by a bank

guarantee of 3% of quoted amount furnished from the Class-A Commercial

Bank as per sample form no -2, Section IV Approved by Nepal Rastra Bank for

the period of minimum 90 days from last day of submission of quotation.

Without submission of original bank voucher or bank guarantee the Quotation

shall be rejected.

4.2 The securities of all the bidders will be discharged upon signing of the contract

and after furnishing the performance security by the successful bidder,

pursuant to Clause No. – 4 of Section III: Conditions of contract (COC).

4.3 The security shall be forfeited

(a) If the bidder withdraws its Quotation during the period of Quotation validity specified by the Bidder on the Quotation Form;


(b) If the bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its’ Quotation by

the Nepal Telecom during the period of Quotation validity, either fails or

refuses to sign the contract agreement within fifteen (15) days from the

date of issuance of letter of Acceptance (LOA); or fails or refuses to

furnish the Performance Security in accordance with clause No. - 4 of

Section III: Conditions of Contract.

6 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant 5 (*) Validity of Quotation

Quotation shall remain valid up to 45 days from last day of submission of


Quotations, not valid until the date mentioned above, shall be rejected.

6 Formats, Sealing, Marking and Signing of Quotations

6.1 The Bidders are required to submit the Quotations with all complete set of

documents in single envelope.

6.2 The Quotation shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by

the bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the bidder to the

contract. All pages of the Quotation, except for un-amended printed literature,

shall be initialed by the authorized person or persons signing the Quotation.

But, the pages containing conditions of contract and technical compliance

statement shall be signed and stamped with official seal by the bidder

(authorized person).

Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are

initialed by the authorized person or persons signing the Quotation.

a) The inner and outer envelopes shall be addressed to the Nepal

Telecom at the following address:

The Director,

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited),

Western Regional Directorate Bhairahawa

Padsari-9, Kataiya, Rupandehi, Nepal

Tel No.: 977-71 -429402

Fax No: 977 -71- 429448.

Bearing “Invitation for Sealed Quotation No. NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74

for Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 KW) ” with all

Accessories and the words “Do Not Open Before Opening Date” 13.00 pm

and indicate the name and address of the bidder to enable the Quotation to be

returned unopened in case it is declared “LATE”

7 (*) a) Deadline for Submission of Quotations:

The quotation must be received by the Nepal Telecom at the address

specified above not later than 12: 00 Noon of last date of submission.

7 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant However, if the submission date is declared to be public holiday, the

submission date will be postponed for the next working day at the said


b) Late Quotations

Any quotation received by Nepal Telecom after the date and the time of

submission of Quotations pursuant to above Clause No. – 7 (a) shall be


8 Opening of Quotations:

Nepal Telecom will open quotations, in the presence of supplier’s representatives

who choose to attend on following day of last date of submission on 1:00 PM

at the Nepal Telecom, Western Regional Directorate Bhairahawa, Nepal.

In case, the Quotation opening date happens to be an official holiday, the

Nepal Telecom will open the Quotations in the following working day. The bidder representatives who are present shall sign a Quotation opening

checklists evidencing their attendance.

Nepal Telecom shall prepare minutes of the opening of quotations.

Opening of quotations will not be postponed in case of absence of of suppliers'


9 (*) Quotation Evaluation and Award Criteria

9.1 Preliminary Examination

9.1.1 Nepal Telecom will examine the quotations to verify whether the Quotation is

valid & complete, whether the Quotation is accompanied by original bank

voucher, whether any computational errors have been made and whether the

documents have been properly signed.

9.1.2 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a

discrepancy between the unit price and the total price which is obtained by

multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the

total price will be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and

figures, the amount in words will prevail.

If the Supplier does not accept the correction of the errors, its Quotation will

be rejected, and its Quotation security shall be forfeited. The Nepal Telecom

reserves the rights to award the tender to the next lowest Bidder or may go for

re-tender whichever is convenient

8 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant 9.1.3 Nepal Telecom may waive any minor informality, nonconformity, or

irregularity in a Quotation, which does not constitute a major material

deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative

ranking of any bidder but Quotations with any deviations to the clauses marked

with asterisk (*) shall be considered as major deviations and the Quotation

with such major deviations shall be rejected

9.1.4 Nepal Telecom will determine the substantial responsiveness of each quotation

to certain critical provisions stipulated in the Nepal Telecom sealed quotation

document. For the purpose of this clause, a substantially responsive Quotation

is the one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the bidding

documents without major material deviations. Deviations from, or objections

or reservations to critical provisions, such as those concerning Performance

Security, Payment Terms, Applicable Law, Taxes and Duties, warranty,

Delivery and the technical requirements marked with asterisk (*) will be

deemed to be major deviations

9.1.5 If a Quotation has one or more major deviations, it will be rejected by the

Nepal Telecom and will not substantially be made responsive by the bidder by

correction of the nonconformity.

9.2 Detailed Evaluation

9.2.1 Detailed evaluation shall be carried out for those Quotations, which are found

to be responsive after preliminary examination as per above clause 9.1.

Detailed evaluation shall be based on clause by clause compliance statements

or comments on condition of contract and technical specification as well as

technical details, catalogues, brochures etc. furnished by each bidder.

9.2.2 Once the Quotations are considered substantially responsive after detailed

evaluation, all those responsive Quotations shall be judged from financial

evaluation perspective only and no weightage shall be given to other technical

details or parameters or additional features and facilities of the offered


9.2.3 For evaluation of the Quotations, in addition to the Quotation price and other

commercial and technical requirements, the following factors shall be taken

into consideration for evaluation purpose: If the offered quantity is not sufficient to meet the Nepal Telecom’s

requirement, required quantity will be loaded to fulfill the requirement and

price will be adjusted accordingly taking into consideration the offered unit

9 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant price of the same bidder. If some required items are missing in the offer, then the highest price for such

missing item(s) among the qualified bidder will be considered for evaluation

purpose and loaded to bring all bidders in equal footing.

However, if the bidder who misses/short supplies the required items happens

to be the successful bidder, the missed/short supplied items shall be provided

free of cost to the Nepal Telecom.

If major items, without which the purpose of bidding will not be fulfilled, are

missing, the Quotation shall be considered non-responsive and shall be


10 Contract Award

Based on evaluation as per above clause Nos. – 9.1 and 9.2 of this section, the

lowest evaluated priced Quotation among all responsive Quotations will be

selected as the successful Quotation. As financial evaluation shall be done as

per Clause No. – 9.2.3, total evaluated price may differ from the price quoted

by the bidder in its price schedule. Financial comparison shall be based on

“Evaluated Price” and not “Offered Price”. However, the final total contract

price shall be finalized during contract negotiation with the successful bidder.

Nepal Telecom will subsequently issue a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to

initiate negotiation between the bidder and Nepal Telecom. Upon successful

negotiation, the Nepal Telecom shall award the contract to the successful


11 Nepal Telecom's Right to accept or reject any or all Quotations

Notwithstanding Clause No. – 9, the Nepal Telecom reserves the right to

accept or reject partially or fully any Quotation, and to annul the bidding

process and reject all Quotations, at any time prior to award of contract,

without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder, or bidders or any

obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for the Nepal

Telecom's action.

12 Nepal Telecom's Right to Vary Quantities

The Nepal Telecom reserves the right at the time of award of contract to

increase or decrease by up to twenty percent (20%) of the quantity of goods

and services specified in the Schedule of Requirement without any change in

unit price or other terms and conditions.

10 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant 13 Signing of Contract

After the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from Nepal Telecom, the

successful bidder shall send its authorized representative within fifteen (15)

days for contract negotiation and signing the contract. At the time of signing

the contract, the Supplier shall submit a Performance Security in the form of

bank guarantee or original cash voucher for Five percent (5%) of the amount

of the contract in Nepalese currency as that of the contract.

Non-submission of performance security at the time of signing the contract

may lead to the cancellation of the contract.

14 Bidder’s Eligibility and Equipment Field Proven-ness:

14.1 (*) Bidder’s Eligibility

Bidder shall be manufacturer of the offered Floor Standing Split Type Air

Conditioning Unit (12 Kw) or authorized by manufacturer of the offered Floor

Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit for the Supply and Delivery of

offered Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw).

Bidder shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and

fraudulent practices issued by Government of Nepal.

The Bidder and Manufacturer who are black listed or are under the process of

being black listed shall not be eligible to participate in this bidding process.

The bid offered by such Bidder and Manufacturer shall not be considered for

the bid evaluation.

14.2(*) Manufacturer’s Authorisation Letters and Bidders Qualification

Manufacturer Authorization

If the Bidder is not a manufacturer of the offered goods, the Bidder shall submit

the authorization letter from the manufacture of the offered goods in the format specified in Sample Form No. 4

If the Bidder itself is the manufacturer of the goods, then the bidder shall provide the proof of being the manufacturer and need not to provide the authorization for

the equipment it manufactures.

If the Bidder is not a manufacturer of the Floor Standing Split Type Air

Conditioning Unit (12 KW) non-submission of the manufacturer’s

Authorization Letter from the manufacturers shall result in rejection of the


14.3(*) Equipment Field Proven-ness and Supply Record

The Bidder shall submit satisfactory performance certificates ( of offered

11 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No. Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state


Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant product and capacity) from at least one users administration from Government

owned company or any Public Enterprises of Nepal and such certificates shall

have information that supplied equipments are working in field for at least one

year till the date of quotation opening .Bidder need to submit supply records of

their offered products as per Annex-I.

Failure to meet clause 14.2 and 14.3 Quotation should be rejected and not

consider for further evaluation.

14.4(*) E-Submission

a. For e-submission , Bid documents will be available in Nepal Telecom e-

procurement Portal(PDF Format).The bidder may submit their bid through e-

submission which is available in Nepal Telecom e-procurement portal i.e.


b. For e-submission, bidder has to register in Nepal telecom e-procurement

portal. The registered bidder has to procure the bid document and prepare the

entire bid proposal in traditional way with sign and seal. The bidder has to scan

all the document into pdf format. These softcopy (document) has to be uploaded

in their respective place. For details please visit Nepal Telecom e-procurement

portal i.e. http://

c. The bidder has to furnish the original signed, sealed document (e-submitted

document) and Sample as mentioned on Clause no 14.5 to Nepal Telecom

within seven (7) days from the date of bid opening , otherwise bid shall be


14.5(*) Sample

Not applicable.

End of Section II: ITB

12 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)



No Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state as:

Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant

1 Definitions

In this contract the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated:

(a) “The contract” means the agreement entered into between the Nepal

Telecom and the Supplier, as recorded in the contract agreement form signed

by the parties, including all amendments and appendices there to and all

documents incorporated by reference therein;

(b) “The Total Contract Price” means the total price of all the goods and

services included in the contract which will be payable to the supplier on the

fulfillment of all obligations under the contract;

(c) “The Contract Price” means the price of individual item listed in the price

schedule of the contract.

(d) “The Goods” means all of the goods and services, which the supplier is

required to supply and deliver to the Nepal Telecom under the contract;

(e) “Nepal Telecom (NT)” means the purchaser, Nepal Doorsanchar Company


(f) “WRD” means the Directorate of Western Regional Directorate,Bhairahawa

of the Nepal Telecom

(g) “The Supplier” means the individual or firm supplying the goods under this


2 Country of Origin

The bidder shall mention country of origin of all the goods offered in

accordance with the Section VI: Price Schedule and Quantity thereof and

shall not be deviated from the offered country of origin in the offered bid.

3 Standards

The goods supplied under this contract shall conform to the standards

mentioned in the technical specifications.

4(*) Performance Security (*)

The successful bidder shall submit a bank guarantee or original cash

voucher equivalent to Five percent (5%) of the total contract amount

13 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state as:

Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant

(including inland transportation cost, if applicable) as Performance Security

at the time of signing the Contract as per Sample Form No. – 3 Section IV,

enclosed in the Quotation document. The currency of the bank guarantee

shall be Nepalese currency. The validity of the bank guarantee shall cover

one month more than the warranty period as mentioned in the Clause No.

– 6 "Warranty" of Section III: Conditions Of Contract.

4.1 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to Nepal Telecom

as compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier's failure to complete

its obligations under the Contract. Nepal Telecom can terminate the Contract

if the Supplier fails to fulfill the obligations as per the Contract. Upon

termination of the Contract, the Performance Security submitted under the

Contract will be forfeited and the loss incurred by Nepal Telecom due to

termination of the Contract shall be borne by the Supplier.

4.2 The Performance Security will be discharged by the Nepal Telecom not later

than thirty (30) days following the date of completion of the Supplier's

performance obligations, including any warranty obligations, as stated in the

Clause No. - 6 "Warranty" of Section III: Conditions Of Contract under the


5 (*) Delivery Schedule (*):

Delivery of all the goods shall be made to Nepal Telecom, Western Regional

Directorate Bhairahawa, Nepal. in single lot within forty Five (45) Days

from the date of the signing of the contract.

6 (*)

Warranty Period (*):

The warranty period shall remain valid for the period of twelve (12) months

from the date of successful delivery of complete goods at Nepal Telecom,

Western Regional Directorate Bhairahawa, Nepal..

7 (*)

Payment (*):

a) Ninety percent (90%) payment of the Price of the Goods will

be made through Bank Cheque in favors of the Supplier upon

successful delivery and testing of all goods.

b) Remaining ten percent (10%) payment of the Price of the

Goods will be made through Bank Cheque in favors of the

Supplier after warranty period from Supplied date in Nepal

Telecom store by examine performance of supplied tools in

filed Practically by Telecom technical personnel .

14 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state as:

Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant

8 Applicable Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with prevailing

laws of Nepal Government.

9 (*) Taxes and Duties (*)

9.1 The prices shall be quoted in NRs. (Nepalese Rupees) on CIP Nepal Telecom, Western Regional Directorate Bhairahawa as per the Section V: SOR. The

prices shall be inclusive of Taxes/duties such as VAT, Local Development Tax,

Custom duties, security tax etc. applicable in Nepal.

9.2 The Supplier shall be responsible to pay withholding Tax (TDS-Tax

Deducted at Source) as per the income tax law of Government of Nepal

applicable at the time of payment.

9.3 Taxes and deduction of Payment

All the payment under this contract shall be made only after deduction of

withholding tax amount (TDS- Tax deducted at Source) in accordance with

the clause No. – 9.2 of Section III: Conditions of Contract (COC).

Liquidated damages, short fall of goods and any other charges payable to the

Nepal Telecom shall be deducted at the time of the payment.


Liquidated Damages (LQD):

If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the time

period(s) specified in the Contract, Nepal Telecom shall, without prejudice

to its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Total Contract

Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 0.5% percent of the total

contract price of the goods which could not be delivered each week of delay

until actual delivery.

The liquidated damage clause is imposed for the timely delivery of the goods

.The calculation of LQD shall be done in weekly basis and for this purpose

one week shall constitute seven days or less (i.e. even a delay of one day will

be considered as a delay of one week).

11 Additional Order

Nepal Telecom shall have the right to order additional goods and services up

to twenty percent (20%) of the total contract price during the contract

validity period i.e. until expiry of warranty service. The unit prices for

additional orders shall not exceed the contract unit prices.

15 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


No Particulars of Nepal Telecom requirements

Bidder shall state as:

Fully Compliant

/Partially Compliant

/Non Compliant

12 Documents:

The supplier shall submit technical description and performance characteristics

of the Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit to be supplied.

End of Section III: COC

16 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)


Sample Form No. 1

Quotation Form Date : _____ ,2017

Sealed Quotation No. NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74 for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing

Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 KW) .

Nepal Telecom

Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited

Western Regional Directorate(WRD) Khunsa,Bhairahawa



Having examined the quotation documents including addenda Nos.: ------------(Insert number), the receipt

of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to Supply and Delivery of Supply

and Delivery of Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 KW) in conformity with the sealed quotation for the sum of --------------------(Specify bid price in NRs, in figure and words) or such

other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the schedule of prices attached herewith and made

part of this quotation.

We undertake, if our quotation is accepted, to complete delivery of all the items specified in the contract

within 45 days calculated from date of contract signing.

If our Quotation is accepted we will obtain the guarantee of a bank in a sum equivalent to Five percent

(5%) of the Contract Sum for the due Performance of the Contract.

Our Quotation is valid up to .............., 2017 and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of this validity.

Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this quotation, together with your written acceptance

thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any quotation you may receive.

Dated: ----------------(Specify date)

Signature ______________ Signature ____________

Name : Name :

Designation: Designation:

(Witness) Duly Authorised to sign

Address bid for and on behalf of Official Seal: (In the Capacity of),

Official Seal:

Note : This quotation Form shall be duly filled, signed, dated and stamped with official seal. Quotation Form not duly

filled, signed, dated and stamped with official seal will not be considered for evaluation.

17 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Quotation Security Form

Sample Form No. - 2

Whereas --------(name of the Bidder) [ hereinafter called "the Bidder"] has submitted its Bid dated -----

(date of submission of bid) to Supply and Delivery of Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split Type

Air Conditioning Unit (12 KW) (hereinafter called "the Bid").

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE,---------(Name of Bank) of Nepal, having our registered office at -------(Address of Bank) [hereinafter called "the Bank"], are bound unto Nepal Doorsanchar

Company Limited [hereinafter called "the Purchaser"] in the sum of ------(currency and amount) for which

payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the common seal of the said Bank this-------- (specify date).

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

1. If the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid



2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Purchaser during the period of Bid


(a) Fails or refuses to sign the Contract agreement within stipulated time, or

(b) Fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the clause No. - 4 of Section

III : Conditions of Contract (COC),

We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand,

without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to its owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two

conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

This guarantee will remain in force up to ………., 2017 and any demand in respect there of shall reach the

Bank not later than the above date.


[Signature and Official Seal of the Bank]

The Quotation Security shall be issued by any commercial bank of Nepal

18 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Sample Form No. 3

Performance Security Form

Nepal Telecom

Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited

Western Regional Directorate(WRD)



WHEREAS ------(name of supplier) [hereinafter called "the Supplier"] has undertaken, in pursuance of Sealed

Quotation No. NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74 for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split Type Air

Conditioning Unit (12 KW) (hereinafter called "the Contract")

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the supplier shall furnish you with a bank

guarantee by a reputable bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the supplier's

performance obligations in accordance with the contract

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier a guarantee:

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the supplier, up to a total

of ------(specify currency and amount of guarantee in figure and words), and we undertake to pay you, upon your first

written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or

sums within the limits of ------(specify currency and amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to

prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.

This guarantee is valid until the -----------------.

Signature and Official Seal of the Guarantors

[Name] --------------------------

[Designation] --------------------------




The Performance Security shall be issued by any commercial bank of Nepal.

19 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Sample Form No. - 4

Manufacturer's Authorization Letter

Nepal Telecom

Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited

Western Regional Directorate(WRD)



Whereas -------------------------- (Specify name of the Manufacturer) who are established and reputable

manufacturers of ---------------------(Specify name and/or description of goods) having factories at ---------------- (Specify Address of Factory).

Do hereby authorise -------- (Specify Name and Address of Bidder) to submit a Quotation, and subsequently negotiate and sign the contract with you against Invitation for Sealed Quotation No.

NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74 for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning

Unit (12 KW) for the above goods manufactured by us.

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty for the goods offered for supply by the above firm

against this Invitation for Bids.

______________________________________ [Signature for and on behalf of Manufacturer]

[Name] ----------------------

[Designation] ------------------

Date :


Note :

• The Manufacturer’s Authorization Letter shall be on the letterhead of the manufacturing

concern and shall be signed and seal by a person competent and having the power of attorney to

bind the manufacturer.

End of Section IV: Sample Forms

20 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

SECTION V: Schedule of Requirement

End of SECTION V: Schedule of Requirement

SN Description Unit Total Quantity

1. Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Type Air

Conditioning Unit (12 KW) Set 19

2. Installation Material all complete Set 19

3. Flexible Copper Power Cable (5core X 6 Sq.m.) Mtr. 190

21 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Section VI: Price Schedule and Quantity Thereof for Supply and Delivery of

Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 KW)

(Total Price In words: Nepalese Rupees: --------------------------------------------------------------------- only)

Signature of the supplier:

Full Name:


Contact Tel. No.:-

Contact Fax Number :-

Mobile No:-

Supplier’s Official Seal:


Note: 1) In case of discrepancy between unit price and the total price, the unit price shall prevail.

The supplier shall clearly mention VAT



(with Model No. and Make)










Unit Unit price n

NRs. Total price NRs

1 Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing

Split Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 KW)

19 Set

2 Installation Material all complete 19 Set

3 Flexible Copper Power Cable (5core X 6


190 Mtr.


13% VAT

Grand Total

22 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Section VII Technical Specification

Chapter – I: General Conditions for Floor Standing Split Type Air - Conditioning Unit

(12 KW)



Particulars of Nepal Telecom's Requirements

Bidder shall state as

Fully Compliant/

Partially Compliant/


1 Introduction

Nepal Telecom requires Floor Standing Split Type Air-Conditioning Unit (12 Kw) to

maintain the telecommunications equipment room at a pre-defined


2 Floor Standing Split Type Air-Conditioning (12 Kw) Unit Design

The bidder shall furnish the detailed design of the offered equipment along

with the bid. It shall consist of diagrams, assumptions and parameter values

used for calculation, graphs and any information related to the calculations.


Performance Conditions

3.1 Climatological Conditions of Nepal

Climatological conditions at major places of Nepal are mostly observed to be:-

mean of daily maximum (annual) = 31.1 degree Celsius

mean of daily maximum in Summer = 38.1 degree Celsius

,, minimum (annual) = 11.4 degree Celsius

,, ,, in Winter = 2.0 degree Celsius

maximum temperature reached = 43.7 degree Celsius

minimum temperature reached = - 4.2 degree Celsius

maximum vapour pressure reached = 40.0 mb

3.2 Guaranteed Performance Conditions:

The Floor Standing Split Type Air - Conditioning Unit (12 Kw ) shall be capable of

maintaining its guaranteed performance when operated continuously and under

any natural combination of the following environmental conditions:

i. Temperature: 0°C to + 45° C ambient.

23 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

ii. Humidity : At any relative level up to 100%.

( The equipment shall satisfy all performance

requirements specified in the Technical Specification

when a temperature change of 20 degrees C or relative

humidity change of 35% per hour occurs.)

iii Dust: With a build up of dust on operational surfaces to a level

such as may occur in the rural environment of Nepal.

End of Section V : Chapter – I: General Conditions

24 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Chapter II:

Technical Specification


Floor Standing Split Type Air

Conditioning Unit

(12 kW)

25 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Chapter-II: Technical Specifications for Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit

(12 kW)

S/N Description

Bidder shall state as

Fully Compliant/

Partially Compliant/


1 Introduction

Nepal Telecom requires Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit to

maintain the telecommunications equipment room at a pre-defined


1.1 Type:

The offered air Conditioning Unit shall be Floor Standing Split Type Air -

Conditioning Unit.

2.* Nominal Cooling Capacity:

The nominal cooling capacity of the offered 12 kW Air Conditioning unit shall

be 42000 Btu/hour.

3. * Refrigerant:

The refrigerant used in the offered air conditioning units shall be R-410A.

4. Compressor:

4.1 The compressor shall be of scroll type.

5. Operating nominal Input Voltage and Frequency:

5.1 The nominal Input voltage for Floor Standing Split Type Air-Conditioning Unit

shall be Three Phase AC supply with voltage of 380 V and Frequency of 50Hz.

5.2 Operating input voltage range shall be 380V ± 10% and frequency range shall

be 50 ± 2.5 Hz.

6. Air Handling (Indoor) Unit :

6.1 The air handling units shall be Floor Standing type.

6.2 The evaporator of the Air handling unit shall be air cooling type.

6.3 The evaporator shall be constructed with copper pipes and Aluminum fins.

26 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

S/N Description

Bidder shall state as

Fully Compliant/

Partially Compliant/


6.4 Air Handling Unit shall have the provision for collecting and draining the

condensed water.

7. Condensing (Outdoor) Unit:

7.1 The Condensing Units shall have the air cooled type condenser.

7.2 The condenser shall be constructed with copper pipes and Aluminum fins.

7.3 The Condensing Unit shall be able to operate on outside ambient

temperatures from 0 0C to 45


8. Air Filter:

The air filter shall be easily removable and washable type.

9. Distance between Indoor Unit and Outdoor Unit

The Capacity of the offered Floor Standing Split Type Air - Conditioning Unit

should not deteriorate in its capacity within 10 meter distance between the

indoor unit and outdoor unit.

10. Control Unit (Controller)

The Control Unit (Controller) may be an integral part of the indoor unit.

The control unit (controller) shall automatically control the operation of air-

conditioning unit in telecommunications equipment room in auto mode.

The Controller shall have a selectable switch to operate the air conditioning

unit in three different modes. They are:

a. Auto mode

b. Manual or Test Mode c. Off mode

The air conditioning unit shall operate with manual as well as remote control

switch. The supplier shall provide one unit of remote control for each unit of

air-conditioning equipment.

10.1 The Controller shall have micro-processor based controller unit with LED


27 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

S/N Description

Bidder shall state as

Fully Compliant/

Partially Compliant/


10.2 The Controller shall continuously monitor real time temperature inside the

equipment room.

10.3 The Controller shall have facility to set the normal operating temperature

that is needed to be maintained inside the room between 20 to 25 oC.

10.4 If the input voltage drops/rises beyond the limit stated in clause 5.2 of this

section, the controller shall shut down the Air Conditioning Unit

automatically. When the voltage is restored within the normal voltage range,

the Air Conditioning Unit shall start automatically.

11. Installation Materials:

All major components of the Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning Unit

(12kW) shall be supplied in ready to use condition.

All installation materials shall be provided by assuming the minimum

distances between the indoor unit and outdoor unit as 10 meters.

Installation materials shall include all the material necessary to complete the

installation of the system. It shall include copper pipes and fittings, insulation

for copper pipes, interconnection cables, Signal cables, water drain pipes

and fittings.

11.1 All the installation materials necessary for the installation of the each

individual air-conditioning unit, except for the cables, shall be packed

separately. The Supplier shall state the details of installation material

included in the package.

All Cables shall be provided as per the site requirement.

11.2 Flexible Copper Power Cable

The bidder shall provide 10 mtr. Flexible copper power cable (5 core x 6 for each set of Air conditioning unit. The cables shall be supplier in


28 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

S/N Description

Bidder shall state as

Fully Compliant/

Partially Compliant/


12.0 * Model Number

The bidder shall clearly state the model no. of the offered items.

Air-Condition Manufacturer ____________ Capacity. ___________

Air-Condition Brand Name ____________ Model No. ___________

Compressor Manufacturer __________ Capacity. ___________

Compressor Brand Name __________ Model No. ____________

Refrigerant Type ___________

Model number of Indoor unit…………………..

Model Number of Outdoor Unit………………………..

13.0 Spare Parts

The Bidder shall quote for the spare parts as per the list provided in Annex II. The

bidder shall also quote of the necessary spare-parts not mentioned in the list but

necessary for the regular operation of the Air Conditioning Unit for five years of

operation. The unit price quoted in Annex II shall be valid till expiry of warranty


13.1 The Supplier shall maintain adequate quantity of critical spares in Nepal as part of their

obligation under warranty service. The bidder shall provide the list of critical spares with

their quantities that they will maintain in the local stock.

13.2 The bidder shall guarantee the supply of spares for a period of minimum five (5) years

from the date of issuance of Final Acceptance Certificate.

14.0 Warranty Service

The Supplier shall provide the following services during the warranty period.

14.1 Technical support for maintenance of hardware and software through documents,

telephone, email or field visit by the technical expert if required by NT.

14.2 Repair and/or replacement of defective equipment/parts within the warranty period

should be provided with in three (3) days after reporting by NT .

14.3 The Supplier is required to maintain a local stock of critical spares in adequate quantity

so that the operation of the system is not affected due to turn around time of

29 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

S/N Description

Bidder shall state as

Fully Compliant/

Partially Compliant/


repair/replacement of faulty equipment.

14.4 Provide services of the experts if the resident personnel could not solve the problems

within reasonable time.

15 Repair Cost

15.1 Repair of faulty equipment or their replacement is included in the warranty service to

be provided by the Supplier. During this period, the Supplier shall bear all the expenses

for repair charges, replacement costs, two way transportation, insurance costs and

custom duties.

15.2 The Supplier is required to quote the price for repair of all types for the period after

expiry of the warranty period. The repair cost shall be flat rate for each type. This cost

shall include repair/replacement costs and transportation cost. Custom duty if required

shall be borne by Nepal Telecom.

16 Documentation

16. Detailed documents (technical) of the offered equipment and accessories clearly

indicating all of its features shall be provided along with the bid document.

End of Section V : Chapter - II: Technical Specification for Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning

Unit (12kW)

30 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Annex I: Supply Record

S.N. Name of products


in operation Purchaser's

office name

Equipment 's

Country of


Address, Name,

Tel., Fax, e-mail

of the Contact






















31 Sealed Quotation No: NDCL/WRD/SQ-01/073/74for Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split

Type Air Conditioning Unit (12 Kw)

Nepal Telecom

(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Annex II: Spare Parts Rate

Nepal Telecom

Western Regional Directorate

Spare Parts of Supply and Delivery of Floor Standing Split Type Air Conditioning

Unit (12 KW)

S.No. Item Units Qty. Rate Remarks

1 Compressor piece 1

2 Indoor Fan Motor piece 1

3 Indoor Fan Blower Piece 1

4 Outdoor Fan Motor piece 1

5 Outdoor Fan Blade piece 1

6 Indoor Control Card piece 1

7 Outdoor Control Card piece 1

8 Expansion Device piece 1

9 Air-filter piece


10 Filter drier piece