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Page 2: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf

Chapter I Volume 1511/2

Adjutant & Inspector General's Office

Troops Tendered to the Confederate

War Department, 1861

Page 3: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf


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Page 4: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf

o'I'E.-Circular [ *} referred to printed Oil page .392, Vol. I. LeU""" Sent, War Department, C. S. A.

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Abney, II. 0., Monroe County, Ala., by P. Walker, Mobile, Angnst 24, o.ITcrH to raise a company of Cav~tlry for the wm·. Answcrcu that Cavalry companies were not unless fully anncu.

l3y L. Gibbons, J ndgc, Claiborne, Ala., October 7, is raising Cav::tlry company, and asks that it be armcu and pla~crl on the gulf coast. AnRwcrcd that company could only be accepted on couclition o[ its being armed.

Adams, Charles \V., Juclgc, by Iron. R. W. Johnson, Richmond, Va., Decewuer 31, asks letters of authority to raise a regiment or uattalion for the war, and to be armed by the Government. Answered that in conformity to Circular* enclosed he coulu mise regiment or battalion.

Adam~, F. W., Captain, Ilandsboro', Miss., May 17, tenders company, A< lams' Hifles. Accepted ou condition of being armeu, cquippeJ, :1nd tenucrcd for the war.

,a a regiment; cut of suitable

)!' one or two

.c'l.gcc, 1~. 1\., VJa1uorne,, ...~..~vv~o::HuJvr .L~, d"?'-" if compnny of Infantry will be rceeiveu for tweh'c months for coast defense. Answered by Circular.*

A lcom, James L., General, ::\fississippi, asks authority to raise a brigade. Answereu that no brigades were authorized.

August 16, through Hon. \V. P. IIarris, proposes to raise anrl :1rrn a regiment for the war. Accepted.

Allen, C. '1'., )facFarland's, Va., September 16, asks if the C. S. Government wil l furnish horses anu equipments to Cavalry. AnHwcrcd that the Government does 110t furnish horses and cqnipmcnts unleso the cr;mp:1ny is fully armed.

Allen, Jack, Louisville, Ky., Ap1·il 15, is about to stm-t with regi­ment fur the Con(CL]erate ::>tate,;. No aetion.

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Non:.-Circul:1r [*} rclel'l'cd to printed on pngc 3U2, Vol. I, Lctlct'S Sent, War Dcpnrtinent, C. S. A.

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Abney, 11. 0., Monroe County, Ala., by P. Walker, Mobile, AugL1st 24-, offers to mise a company of Cavalry Ior the war. .1\ nswcred that Cavalry eompanics were not acccpLctl uulcRs fully armed.

lly !.. Gibbons, J'udge, Claiborne, Ala., October 7, is raising Cavalry compat1y, and asks that it be armed and placed on the gulf coast. Answered tbat company could ouly be accepted on condition of its beiug armed.

./\dams, Charles IV., Judge, by lion. R. W. Johnson, Richmond, Va., December 31, asb letters of authority Lo raise a regiment or battalion for tho war, and to be armed by Lhe Government. Answered that in conformity to Circular* enclose<} he could raise regiment or battalion.

Auams, F. W., Captain, Handsboro', Miss., :day 17, tenders company, Adams' Rifieo. Accepted on condition of being armed, equipped, ::\nd tendered for the war.

dams, L., Camp Brown, November 18, has mised ::\ regiment; it is ready for action; requests Ll1e appointment of suit::\ule officers. Directed to send muster-rolls.

ddison, A., Greensburg, July 11, tender,; battalion or one or two companies. .t~ n;;wcr not of record.

Agee, N. A., Chtiborne, Ah, Kovember 11, asks if company of Infantry will he received for twelve months ·for coast defeu:;e. Answered by Circn hr.¥.·

Aleom, James L., General, Mississippi, asks anthority to raise a brigade. Answered that no bt·igades were authorized.

August 16, through Hon. W. P. liarris, proposes to raise and arm a regiment for the war. Acccpt.ccl.

Allen, C. 'r., Macli'arland's, Va., September 16, asks if tbe C. S. Government ·will furnish horses and c'luipments to Cavalry. Answered that the Government docs 110t furuish horses and <'llnipmcnt.~ unless Lite C'Jlllpauy is fnJJy armed.

Alleu, ,Jack, I.ouisvillc, Ky., Ap1·i! 15, is abont to st::\rt with rcgi­nwnt for the CoufeLleratc State,.. No action.

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A lieu, L. M., Marshall, N. C., July 29, tenders company. AnRwcrerl that the comp::tny wonlu not be needed.

Allen, L. Vv., Rev., Cedar Fork, Va., September 14, oJiers comp~ny o£ Cavalry and ru:;ks equipments. Accepted on condition of its being armed.

Ri~hmond, Va., October 5, asks aniJ10riLy to rrti~e a regiment in Kentucky. Answered that he wuulJ be appointed under Act No. 215, August 8, 18tH.

Allen, R '1'. P., Bastrop, Texas, Febru~ry 9, offers to raise brigade or division in Texas. No action.

Richmond, Va., OcLober 5, says, if authorizer], can rai~e and arm five regiments in 'l'exas. Answered thaL regiments armed and orgam7.ed wo11ld be accepted, but no comrni,;siou;; conlr.l be given in ad vance.

A lexanrlcr, J. K, 'l'bomasvillc, Ga., August 20, tenders a company, the 17th .Patriots, nniformed but not armed. (Filed.)

Alexander, }1. P., Dr., Polksville. Ga., September 9, tcnders•com. pany for twelve months; will arm and eqnip them. Accepted.

Algood, D. F., Dccatm, Ala., September 13, tenders company from Blount County for the wn,r. Accepted if n,rmed.

Ames, George B., Captain, Vicksburg, l\{i;;s., December 4, has a full Cavalry company for tho war, and asks if Government will pay for arms if he buys them. Answer·etl thaL Government would pay Ior arms if the company was for tbe war.

Amos, .!£. S., Milton, Fla., July 24, tenders company o£ Cavalry unarmed. Accepted on condition of its being armed.

Anderson, Benj. W., Montgomery, Ala.., March 12, tenders rt Kentucky regiment. (Filed.)

:Norfolk, Va., May 30, proposes to raise a battalion. (Filed.) AnclcrRon, C., Captain, Marion, Ala., October 20, tenders company

for twelve months for coast defense. Answere<.l by Circular.~<· And01·son, Geo. '1' .. Cn,ptain, Walton County, Ga., tenders service of the

"\Valton Infantry. Answm·ed thn,t troops must be offered for the war, otbenv1sc they could not be accepted.

An<.lerson, .I 'IV., Captain, Company "II," 28th Virginia Regiment, Centre Zl"f!Ie, Va., December 12, propo"cs to raise company o{

/ · · " ' · · &c. Answerd that v1'-z.. ../~ /fJ . :epted and furnisbod ""h~./ /z/IZp--z.r:t) va_ .2. .J.' .rt of twelve-months'

/ - · would receive bounty iS, and transportation

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Anderson, Thos. W., NewporL, .Fla., May 14, asks if two companies will be received; were organized to protect their coast aml require no pay. No action.

September 20, tenders company for Lwelve moutbs. Accepteu if armed.

Anderson, "William E., Florida, Jnly 29, wants to raise lutillery company in Flor·icla. Tuterview requested.

Amlrew::;, R Snowdon, tlrmugh Colonel S. Bassett French, tender of a compnny of Mnrylamlers umler tho minimum number. Answen:d that t.hey could be musterell in, and rleficiency Jllkd aftcnvarlh


Andrews, \V. G., Captain, Hichmond, Va., September 21. wilt have lri,; company of Artillery ready in ten days if Government will fnrnish caissons, &c. Accepted.

Anglade, J. G., Kash·ville, Tenn., August 27, n,sks if his regiment of ~ouavcs will be received for twelve months; want,; arms. Answered that no tmops are received for twelve months uules,; full v armed.

Appling, "\Viltiam R., MarieLla, Ga., June 16, has ten cornpauies and asks if he olmll form a regiment. Answererl that tbe Dcprtrt· menL had under consideration the quest.i"n of a reserve corp>', and it.~ decision wr"'''' - · 1. I , ··--. . -

v/rm//tPJPf; / Governor l,nte\rcr,

:, but all uati ves of

·-·· "Lf''" 20, t.m ler., ri fie , . r ~"'"-'Lett to apply to the Governor of the S tat".

i\ rnaker, A . .P., C:1ptain, Comp!tny "A,"' 1st Regiment Flori <la Volun· leers, .Pens~cola, Fla., Dcccm~1or 23, asks authority to mi8c a rifle regiment for the war, and that it be armed with Enfi ~],j riAes. Circular·* sent him anrl he informed thaL iL is noL in the power o[ the Dopnrtment to fmuish the arrris be asks.

December 28, asks exclusive authority to raise a rifle cnmp~ny in said State. for the war; wants it armed with .l!;nfielLl rifles. Answered that bis regiment would be receive,] and armed as well as possible at fil'st, and given the rifles when they came.

Arnold, D. S., secretary o£ company, Roswell, Ga., .T uly 30, nsks if rifle company will be received for twelve months and armed. Answered that company could only be accepted if arme•l.

Arnold, G. W., 4th Alabama Hegiment, S3pternber 6, is a~ked, by ciLizens o[ Blount County, Ala., to be allowed to go to that county and raise a comprmy. Ko reply recorded.

Arnold, J. l!'., Rienzi, Miss., J t1ly 24, asks commission to raise Cavalry company; horses and arms to be fnrni,;hed b_y the Govern· ment. Answet"cd that Cavalry company is not accepLerl antl can't be a1·med.

Scptcm her 16, asks penn it to raise a regiment fut· the war. Answered that no permit could be given in advanr.:e, but a rcgi· men L electing its own field officers and offering for the war would be accepted.

November 7, wants n,utbority to raise rt regiment for twel vc months for coast defense. Answered by Circular.·*

Arnold, John L., Greeneville, 'l'enn., ~{a.rch 12, Lenders ~e1·vicus of military company. Ko nmw;er reuor,lerl.

Arrington, .Tames N., Richrnonrl, .A.LtguoL 1G, tenders lJatLaliori for· the war, Lo be rai,;erl in Alatxnna, anrl uniformed. An,;were<l that if orgauizeu anrl ten<lered for the war wilt be ac;;tlptcJ.

Arrington, James X-:See Shorter, Eli S. Ashby, J. "Woodville, 7th Hegiment Virginin Voluntcer.s, Manns.,b,

December 15, asks if men in Infant.r·y f<Crvicc who.<e L<'l"ll1

will expire in April Cill1 cnlif<t nt once in an ArLillror-y corn· pany for thrct' .Y''atf< nr· tile war, an<l l»• cutitlP<l t•.1 iJIIunt.\·

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Allen, L. llf., ;\1arshnll, N. C., July 29, tenders company. Answe1·crl tl1at the compnny would not be needed.

Allen, L. IV., Rev., Cedar Work, Va., September 14, oiiers compnny of Cavalry and asks equipment.'l. Accepted on condition o[ its being armed.

ltichmoncl, Va., Octobm· 5, asks authority to rni~e a regiment in Kentucky. Answered that he wou!tl I.Je appointed nnder Ar:t No. 215 . .Augu~t 8, 1861.

Allen, R T. P. , Bastrop, 'l'cxas, Fcbmary 9, offerci to raise brigade or division in - -.;r" n(Jtion.

Richmond, Va., ·• --'--a<l rai~e and arm five regir and organize< given in ad v:

Alexander, J. R., r

the 17th Patriots, umlonut" ~--Alexnndcr, M. P., Dr., Polksville. Ga., Septeml)er ,,, ""·-

pan,y for twelve months; will arm and equip them. Accepted. Algood, D. E., Decatur, Ala., September 13, tenders ~ompany from

Blount County for the war. Accepted if armed. Ames, George B., Captain, Vicksburg, :Mis~., Dce(Jmhor 4, has. a full

Cnvalry ~omp,my for the war, anrl asks if Government will pay for arms 1£ he buys them. Answeretl that Government woulu pay for arms if the company was Ior the war.

Amos, E. S., Milton, Fla., July 2±, tenders company of Cavalry unarmed. Accepted on condition of its being armerl.

A nclcrson, Tienj. W., Montgomery, Ala., March 12, tenders a Kentucky regiment. (Filed.)

N odolk, Va., May 30, proposes to raise a battalion. (Filed.) Anderson, C., Captain, Marion, Ala., October 20, tenders company

Iol' twelve months for coast defense. Answerer! by Ci rcnlar.'* Anderson, Geo. T., Captain, Walton County, Ga., tenders service of the

. Walton Infantry. Answered that troops must be oiiered for the war, otherwise they could not be accepted.

1\,.ndcrson, Ja.,'iV., Captain, Company "H," 28th Virginia Regiment, Ccntre \if!le, Va., December 12, pmposes to raise company of Artillery for tl1c war, from his coLLnty, &c. Anowcred that company of light Artillcr,y would be accepted and furnished with battery, &c.; Volunteers having part oi twelve-months' cnli~tment to serve joining such company would receive bounty of $il0, fmlough of not less than thirty days, and transportation home and brLCk.

Anderson, 'rhos. IV., Newport, Fl::t., Mav 14, asks if two companic~ will be received; were organizeil. to protect their coast and require no pay. No action.

September 20, tenclers company for twelve months. Accepted if nrmerl.

Amlerson, IVilliam E., Florida, J ul.Y 29, wants to raise Artillery company in Florida. Interview requested.

Andrews, H. Snowden, thi'Ongh ColonelS. B:.tssett Freneh, temler of a Co111p:my oL\hrylan<lcrs uncler the rniuimumBumber. Answered that they could he m.usterc.1 in, and rlc:fioiency iillccl aftcrwanb.

1\ ncl1·cw~, W. G., Captain, Richmond, Va., September 21, will have his company of}\ rtillcry ready in ten days if Govcrnmcut will [umish caissons, &c. Accepted.

Anghde, J. G., Nashville, Tenn., August 27, asks'if his regiment of Zouaves will be received [or twelve months: wnntA m·m~. Answered that no t1·oops are received for twelve months nnle~s full v armerl.

Appling, "\Villiam H., Marietta, Ga., June 16, has ten companies and asks if he shall form a rcgirncnt J\ nswcre<l that the Depa1·t· mont had under consideration the q ne~tion of a reo<'I'VC COl']'',

and its decision wotthl soon be maJe known. Armistead, R TI.-See Deas, \V. C. Anm;tcad, H. W., Captain, Riclunoncl, May 18. by Governor Letuher,

tenclors the Slocumb Rifle~, of Kew Orleans, but alluatives of Virginia. Accepted if for tho war.

Armstrong, L., Captain, Clarksville, A~·k., April 20, tGn:lcn riOc company. Directed to apply to the Govcrno•· of the Statn..

Arnakcr, 1\. P., Captain, Company "A," 1st Hcgimcnt Florid:t \' oltm­tecm, l'cn~acola, Fla., Decernher 23, asks authority to rais0 a rifle regiment for the war, anJ that it be arrneu with Enudd rilles. Circular·* sent him ancl he informed that it is not in the power of the Dcpa1tment to furnish the anns he asb.

Deccmher 28, asks exclusive ltuthority to mise a rifle company in said State. for the war; wants it armed with EntiolLl riUcs. Answered that his 1·egirnen t wou!J be receive,] and armeJ as well as possible at first. and given the rifles when they came.

Arnold, D. S., secretary of company, Roswell, Ga., July 30, asks if rifle company will be received for twelve months and armed. Answ01·ed that company could only be aoccptctl if armed.

Arnold, G. W., 4th Alabama Hegiment, S3ptembcr 6, is asked, by citizens of Blount County, Ala., to be allowed to go to that county and raise a company. No reply recorcled.

ArrwlLl, J . .!!'., Ricm:i, Miss., July 2±, asks commission to raise Cavalry company; horses and arms to be furnished by the Govem· ment. 'A11swered that Cavnlry company is not accepted and can't be annecl.

September 16, asks permit to raise a regiment for the wa1'. Answered that no permit could be g-iven in aclvam:e, but a rc~i mont electing its own field offic:e1·s auJ olieriug for the war wool<! be accepted.

November 7, wants authority to mise a regiment for twcl ve montc1s fo1· coast defense. AnswNed bv Circular.*

.A rnold, John L., Greeneville, 'I'enn., ·~larch 12, tender;; ~crvicc!R nf military company. No an~wcr recor,led.

Anington, ,James ::>f., Richmontl, August 15, temler5 battalion for the war, to he m.ised in Alabama, an·l uniformed. Answere•l that if organized an<l tcnrlcro<l for the war will be ac0eptecl.

Anington,'.Tames K.-:S,~c :Short,cr, Eli S. Ashby, ,J. vVoo<lvillc, 7th ltegimcnt Virgini:t Volunteers, Manas':t'·

Dcecmhc,· l.J, ask:; if men in Infantry service who.;o tenn will cxpin., in Al"·il can enli;t at once in an Artillnry en:n pany for three year,; Ol' tl1c w;~r, awl J,. <•Htltkd t•J '><HUll 1

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of $50 and. furlough of sixty days. Answer dcfencd for a few , days. .

Ashford., F. A., Courtland, Ala., May 27, wants to know 1f company for the war will be accepted. Answered that 1t would be accepted if fully armed and equipped. .

Ashley, William P. M.,'s Creek, Ga., June ·7, pr~~oscs :o rm_se a compnny. Answered _that a company would be accepted fo1 the war if armed and eqmpped.

Atkinson, ~- B., wants !<? raise a com_pany fo;· the war from twelve­o aclclress. rlers company for 1epteu ouly when

raise eornpauy, ----·· ---- ----· ··- --~1--···J ··- ·-··-·· _________ armed, equipped. and tendered for the war.

As 2d Lieutenant in 2d Georgia Regiment, Manas~as,_ December 23, asks authority to raise Cavalry company by cnltstmg twelve· months' Volunteers. Answered that a copy of regulations governing re-enlistments would soon be sent him.

Avcgno, D.-Sec Galtimard, Cn.ptain. . Avent, ,J. 11., Raleigh, N. C., December ~8, asks w111 Government

furuish horses to Cavalry compamcs enlistwg for the war. Answered by Circular.* .

Avery, W. '1'., IIon., Memphis, Tenn., Septernuer 2, asks au_thon~y to raise a regiment. Answered that authonty was not gtven m au vance; l1is proposals desired.. .

Backing~ ~- C., New Orleans, _April 19, oiiers to orgamzc corp~

L authority to raise a A~ / Zd. d /. ::!iLion that it ue - ---7 lf?v/ · lcrcd for the war.

J unc 21, by 1st ..._.._vu.uvu.l.~.<uv .I....J.., ..I.J, ..& l.VUU(:;J>=l VUJJI!HL~IJ• l.'4U an~WCl' l'CCQrdcd,

l3ahoup, J. IV., Captain, Cataboula Guerilla!', Natchez, MiRA., May 13, tenders com[Jany mounted or dismounted; has arms for Cavalry. Answered that company would be acccrted as Infantry.

]hi ley, D. J., Tion., of Georgia, September 9, (mtrouuced by Governo1: J . .K 13rown,) tenrkrs a reg1ment he IS ra1smg for coaot deie_nse, can arm half of it if not the whole. Accepted 1f orgamzcd, armeu, and approvell by the General commanding tho Depart· ment.

Ihirll J. C.-See IIughcs, J. S. . l3ake1:, II. II., Cnptain, lRt l<'lorida Uegiment, Camp Magnoha, Septem­

ber 18, can make up a company for the war. Answer not of record.

13akcr, John F., Quitman, Ga., April 27, desires to go to Tennessee to raise Volunteer company. Answered_ thnt company could only be receiveLl by being conuccte<l w1th forces then l>e10g there <·aioed.

Baker, J. }f. R, Jacksonville, Fla., September 7, oiTers to rui,;c com-pany of scouts, ntngem. and spws for the war. Accepted


for Jmmcclint.c service if armed., and if notitmuRt remain in Camp of Instruction till Government could furnish arms.

September 25, tenders company of scouts anLl rangers armed with shot·guns. A<:ceptccl on condition it is armed.

October 10, leuclcro company for twelve mouths, mounted and armed with shot-guns anrl rifles. Answered. that Cavalry company could not be received for twelve months unless fully armell and equipped.

Baker, "\V. L., vViscvillc, La. , April 29, offers to raise company of rangers or light Infantry. No action.

Baldwin, F.., Mobile Ala., Aug<mt 2, tenders a company for the war provided Department will pay for the arms they bring. Accept.o<l.

Ball, E .. ] lenry, Reidsville, Ga., ,Juno 3, offers company. Answcmd that compn.ny organized and tendered for thmo years or the war woulll be accepted.

AtlanLa. Ga., July 31, asks if a battalion, one-half Cavalry, would be received and armed. Answer not of record.

Ballinger, M. R., Captain, Floyd's Springs Guards, Ga., offers com­pany. Answer not of record.

Bankhead, IV, 8., Captain, Courtland, May 9, tenders company. Answerell by asking if his company would tender for the war.

Barclay, A. M., Tuscumbia, Ala., August 14, asks if a regiment from North Alabama will be accepted and armeJ. Accepted if for the war.

August 27, can raise a fine regiment of Infantry and asks commis­sion as Colonel. Denied, as commissions arc not is.qued in ad V<l.TIUC.

A -··" 01': +~-,]~"" n J..nHnlion Of 1110UllieU

~7-H6'a;/~ 4 .Z.t7, :u, and cquippcfl

B~~~~tt,-·W. J., Company "A," 8th Georgia Hcgirncnt, Gordonsville, Va., August 29, asks to be permittell to return home to take

/ J-: )glethorpe Light wn. ·oposes to raise a

uuv& v.1 vavatry, LHe rope vv iToopcrs; GovernmcnL to furnish one-third of the equiprnents. Accepted on condition of its being fully armed ami cquippeLl.

Richmond, December 17, wants to increase hi~ battalion of tivo companies to. six or seven, on the same terms. Answered tlmt, his batt<tlion being for twelve months and Lobe armed by Lhc Govcrumcnt, no more troops were wanted on those terms.

Bass, J. II., New Orleans, ,Jnnc 17, teuucrs an Infantry company; wnnts arm~ and accoutrements. Answered. that no compan.y could he rcocivcLl nnless fully armc<l and equipped..

Bass, N., Oakland, Ga., August 27, asks authority to rai~c a Cavalry regiment. .fl. nswered that Cavalry woul<l not be received unlc~s fully arrueu.

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of $50 and furlough of sixty dayR. AnPwcr dcJ'crrecl Ior a Icw ' days. .

Ashfbrd, F. A., Courtland, .AJa., May 27, wants to_ know If company for the war will be accepted. Answered that It would be accepted if fully armed and equipperl. .

Ashley, William P . M., Beard's Creek, Ga., June ·7, proposes to r:11sc a company. Answered that a company would be accepted for the war if armed and eqmpped.

Atkinson, A. B., wants to raise a company for the war from twelve­months' troops. Not answered, there bemg no all dress.

Attaway, T. D., Lieutenant, Rome, Ga., ~une 10, tenders company for the war. Answerell that compames were accepted only when aTmcd and equipped. .

Ault, jr., John T., Dalton, Ga., June \:!,_ wants to ra1sc corn_pany, Answered that no company wt\S recetved unless armecl, eqmpped. and tendered foT the wnr.

As 2d LieLitenant in 2d Geor«ia Rc"iment, Manassas, December 23, asks authority to raiseC;valr_y c~mpany by enlisting twelve­months' Volunteers. Answered that a copy of regulations "OVernino- rc-cn listments would soon be sent him.

Avegng, B.-Se~ Galtimard, Captain. . 1\ vent, J. II., Raleigh, N. C., December ~8, asks wtll Government

furnish hor~es to Cavalry compames enl1stmg for the war. Answered by Circular.->- .

Avery, vV. '1'., lion., Memphis, 'l'enn. , September 2, asks au_thor1~y to mise a re.rmtent. Answered that authonty was not gtven m advance; !1~ proposals desired: .

Backing, R. C., New Orlc..'ms, Apnl 19, offers to orgalll<~e corp$ of Sappers and Miners. No answer recorded. . .

Bacon 'l'homas J. La Grano-c, Ga., Augu~t 13, asks authonty to rmsc 'a regiment' of Infantry. Accepted on couclition that it be organized by electwn of field oificcrs and tendered for the war.

Dagley, Captain, Jennillgo' Light Guards, Augusta, June 21, by 1st Lieutenant II. B. 'l'ull, tenders compapy. No answer recorded.

Bahoup, J. vV., Captain, Catahoula ~uerillas, Natcho;;~, :J>1is.~., :J>hy 13, tenders company mounted or d1smounted; has anr;s for Cavalry. Answcr0.d that company would be :tecej)ted ns Intantry.

Bailey, D. J., Hon., of Georgia, September 9, (mtroduccu by Governor J. E. Bmwn,) tenders a regimeul he 1s ra1smg for coast ddc_mc; can arm hali of it if not the whole. Acceptccl If orgamzed, armed, and approved by the General commanding the Depart­went.

Baird, J. C.-See llnghes, J. S. . Baker, H. II., Captain, 1st }'lorida Regiment, Camp }fagnolta, Septem­

ber 18, eau make up a company for the war. An,;wer not of record.

Duker, John F., Quitman, Ga., April 27, desires to go to Tennessee to raise Vol~nteer eompauy. Answered th~t company co~1ld only be received by beiug counceteJ w1th forces then bclllg there raised.

llakcr, J. M. K, J;wksonville, Fla., September 7, offers to raise com-pany of scouts, rangcr8, awl spies fur the war. Auue ptctl


for immediate service if armed, aml i[ not itmuRt remain in Camp of InHtruction till Government could furnish arms.

September 25, tenders company of_ sco_ut~ and mngcr-s armed with shot-guns. A"eepted on comht1on 1t JS armed.

October 10, leucler,; company for twel vc months, motmted and armed with shot-guns and rifles. Answered tlmt Cavalry company coulrl not be received [or twelve months unless fully arrnecl and equippcrl. .

Baker, IV'. L., Wiscvillc, T,a., April 29, oiicrs to nuse company of rangers or light Infantry. No action.

Baldwin, K, Mobile Ala., August 2, tenrlcrs a compa~y ior the war providecl Depart mom will pay for the arms they brmg. Accepted.

llall, E., Henry, Reidsville, Ga., June 3, offers company. Answered that company organized and tendered for three yearn or the war would be accepted.

Atl~nta, Ga., July 31, nsks if a battalion, one-half Cavalr_l', woulrl be rccei ved and armed. Answer not of record.

Ballinger, M. R., Captain, Floyd's Springs Guards, Ga., offers com­pany. Answer not of record.

Tiankhead,· W_. S., Cnpt.-tin, Courtland, May 9, tenders company. Answered by asking if his company would tender for the war.

Barclay, A. M., Tuscumbia, Ala., August 14, asks If a regnnent. [rom North Alabama will be accepted and armed. Accepted If for the war. · .

August 27, can raise a _fine regime0:t ~f Infantry _and as!;::s commis­sion as Colonel. Dcmccl, as comm1sswns are not Issued 1 n ad vance.

Darker, II., Cumming, Ga., April 25, tenders a battalion of mounted Volnntccrs. No reply. ·

.July 19, renews tender of company mounted, m·med, and equipped. Accepted if for the war.

Barksdale, E., llon.-See Mayson, Ilamilton. Barksdale, M. F.- Sec Smith, William E. Barrett, \V. J., Company "A," 8th Geo_rgia Regiment, GonlonRvillc,

V a., August 2!J, asks to be permitted to return horne to t.'l.kc command of a company there raising. (Filed.)

Darton, J. Ef-Scc J olmston, C. B. . Bartow, F. S., Savannah, Ga., April 19, tenders the Oglethorpe L1ght

Infantry. Di roc ted to lender to Governor Tirown. . Baskerville, Chas., Columbus, }fiss., Septen:ibcr 11, proposes to ra1sc a

batt.1.lion of Cavalry, the Pope Walker Troopers; Government to furnish one-third of the equipments. Accepted on condttwn of its being fully armed and cquirpc<l. . .

Richmond, December 17, wants to mcreasc lus batt..1.hon of five com panics to. six or seven, on the same terms. Answered that, his batlttlion bcinn- for twelve mo11tbs and to he armed by the Government, no t;:;Ol'C troops were wanted on those terms ..

Bass, J. II., New Orleans, ,June L 7, tenders an Infantry company; wants arms and aecOLilremcnts. Answered that no company could be received unless fully armed anrl equipped. .

Bass, N., Oakland, Ga., August 27, asks authority to rmse a Cavalry regiment. Answered that Cavalry wonlcl not be reec1ved unless fully armed.

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Bass. T. C., Riclnnonrl, Vr~., October 7, wishes to rai~e regiment 111

Texas for the war, armed and cquipp<Xl. Accepted. Bates, .Lisa, Columbus, Ga., August 5, proposes to mise company

o1 .Alabama troops; wants arms. Answered that at present Gov· ernmcut cannot fumis!J arms.

Battle, 11. J. G., 9olonel, Shreveport, Ln., August 17, asks authority to rmso an mdepenuent company of guerillas. .Answered that gucnllas were not accepted.

!laugh. Alexnnucr R., .l<;ufauln, Ala., July 5, tenders services of the Eufaula ZouavcR. Answered that arms could not be furnisherl at that time.

Dauskett, J. C., Captain, by Hon. D. I.. Yulee, Fernamlina, Fla., July 4, offers company Ior the war. Acceptcu if armed and eqnippecl.

Baylor, J. R., Colonel, Hart's M1lls, December 7, asks authority tore· cnhst as mm1y of the men under l11o command as arc willing to Rerve dunug the war. .Answered by Circular:x·

ileal!, J. J., Captain, Po lm"tto. Ga., ~aruh 13, tendeTs his company, the Palmetto ' '~·· for the war.

Beall, James~- . La ( want' arms.

/. unlcE;s armed 4 Beall, 'l'haddeus S., .Latayewe, r.u ... , --J __ , • •

hundred men. Answered that the Government could make no stipulations in advance of tender of service;

!Ieard, W. K., Lieutenant Colonel, 1st Flo:ida Regiment, Pensacola, Fla., October 18, asks authonty to raise reg~ment for the war as soon as the present term of his regiment expires. .Answered by Circular.*

Beard, W. 'r.-See Hallowell, Will iam E. Beaumont, T. IV., Captain, by J. F. llousc, Clarksville, Tenn., Sep·

tember IJ, tenders company armed, but not equipped. Accepted; the company to l ·

lkck, F. K., Montgome uniformed; is ar talion and arm~ 1 bv the election ' and ann,; paid fo ..

Hichmonu, September 2, offers a battalion of Infantry for tile war. Answered that battalion organizeu by the election o[ a Major will be accepted for the war.

Ticckctt, N. ,J., Aberdeen, Miss., September 13, tenders a company for the war, to be armetl and equipped by the Governmeni. Answered that the Govemment could not arm and equip com· pany at that t1me; unarmed compttnws ordered into Camp of Instruet1on to await arms.

Bedell, W. G.-See Bowers, Lloyd G. Bell, ~f. A., and others, Abbeville, Ala., July 31, tcmler regiment.

An~wered that a regiment turned and equipped would be Hl~r·cptcd. .

Bell, Sam.,_ Conwayborough, S. C., June 27, can fumi~h a company of c1gbty or one hundred men to join an u11organi:.~ccl Korr.h

Cam linn or Sonth Carolina regiment. Answered there were no North Cm-olina or SoLLth Carolina regiments forming in Vir­ginia, and that perhaps he could join companies in Korth Carolina and fomt regiment.

Bell, John IV.-See SpearR, W illinm H .. Bennett, .A. G., Hoke's Blull', A la., A ng11st 9, asks if company he iH

raising will be received. Answered that if for the war it wi ll be rceci vcd.

December 3, a~ks for authority to raise a company for six months. Answered by Circulnr.*

Benning, Henry L., lion., Columbuf', GrL, May 28, is raising regiment and aoks about arms for it. .An~wcr not fnnnd on reconl.

Benning. II. L.-Sce Stmtbcr, J. A. BL•nton, B. F., San An gustine, Toxa , J nne 11, tenders a company,

armed and equipped. .Accepted. New Orleans, September 28, repor ts his company, 'l'cxas Invin·

ciblcs, r.n route for Virginia. ::-fo answer found. Bihh, 11._ S., Paint Rock, Ala., May il. want.~ hiR company, the "\Vooll·

v1lle Sharpshooters, admitted into the 5th Regiment Volunteers for one year. No action tnkcn.

Huntsville, .Ala., Jnne 15, offers the same company uniformed auu armed for twelve months. Accepted.

Bibb, J. B., ·~1ontgomery, Ala., August 19, tenuers company of g11e1·illas, to be independent, arm themselves, and Government to pa.v for horses. .Answered that the law requires Cavalry to furmsh then· horses; no company can be received to aet in de· pendently.

Bickley. George, President K. G. C., Richmond, September 3, offers from Kentucky a mounted brigade armed with shot-guns. Answered that brigades are never· accepted.

Birldle, J. W.-See Spivey, J. G. Bigbie, J. ='f., Columbus, June 25, tenders company for the war.

Answered that companies were not received unless fully armed and equipped and for the war.

,.~naek, William T., Ope lika, La., July 9, tenders a company fo r the war. Accepted if armed.

~lackburn, E. M., Captain, Xatche:.~, Miss., Apri l l, offers his com­pr~ny, the Natchez Fencible~. Answered that company could not then be rccetved except thi"Ongh the Executive of 11issis· sippi, but a call for Volunteers might soon be made.

Blackford, Eugene, Captain, Clayton, Ala., ~ay 4, tenders his com· puny, the Barbom Greys. .Answered that no companies were rceei V('d except for the war.

Blackman, W. J., Columbus, Mi_ss., September 23, has a company for three years;_ can lm_y e1ghty patent breech-loading rifles if Government Will 1"-'l.Y for them. Acccpteu; when Government will pay for arms.

Blackson, 'v\r. M.-Sce Ward. IV. B. Blair, .Tames, Columbus, Mis~., June 17, tendem company equipped

but not armed. .Answercu that company c:ould not l.Je rcr~eivcd unless armed and cqu1ppcll.

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Ba8s, T. 0., Richmontl, Va., October 7, wi~hcs to miRe regiment m Texas for the war, armed and cquipp<'rl. Accepted. ···

Bates, Asa, Columbus, Ga., August 5, proposes to raise company of Alabama troops; wantB arms. Answet·ed tlw,t at present Gov­ernment cannot l'nt·ni~l~ ., I'H'"

, asks authority to Answered that

rs services of the ___ ~·J not be furnished

Rmskett, J. C., Captain, by Hon. D. I,. Yulee, ll'ernandina, Fla., July ' · "'" - - · - nedandeqnippeti.

,:;7 pt (} / / // {S authOTity tore-/JLu-~A:~ /d-4 . ./7. '/: ~-~s are willing to

lers his company, - . v ., uv'-''-'1-'"V\.l w HllOU t arms U n)eSS £or

for the war. Beall, James M., J,a Grange, Ga., July 6, savs regiment he is organizing

4 L tld not be received

.// the war. t!!~ vt£r~ . ;z.. 7. poses to raise two ·

/ ant could make no

JScar<i, . W . .IS..., LJCutcnant Uolonel, 1st .b'lomla Regiment, Pensacola, Fla., October 18, ru;ks authority to raise regiment for the war as soon as the present term of his regiment expires. Answered by Circular."

Beard, W. 'r.-Soc IIallowcll, William E. Beaumont, T. Vf., Captain, by J. J( IIousu, Clarksville, Tenn., Sep·

tember 9, tenders company armed, bu ~not cq uippccl. Accepted; the company to umform 1tsclf, &c.

Deck, F. K., Montgomcry1 August 27, has 8everal companies in camp utuformed; 1s armUJg them; wants them mustereu in as a bat­talion and a~ms paid for. Answered that a battalion organized by the clcctton of field officers would be mustered in as such and arms paid for.

Hichrnoud, September 2,_oiicrs a battalion of Infantry for the war. Answered tlmt battahon orgam;;cd by the election o[ a Major will be accepted for the war.

Beek~tt, N . .J., A bcrdccn, Mis8., Septcm?cr 13, tend em a company for the war, to be armed and eqmppcd by the Government. Answered that the Govemment could not arm and equip com·

fany at_ that time i unarmed companies ordered into Camp o[ n~cructton to awa<t arms.

lkdell, W. G.-See Bowers, T,Joyd G. Dell, M. A., anrl others, Abbeville, Ala .. July 31, tender regiment.

.An"wcrcd that a regiment armed and equipped would be accepted.

Hell, Sam.,_ Conway borough, S. C., J nne 27, can fnrnish a company of c1gbty or one hundred men to join an unorgtmizc<l Korth

vm·otma ot· L">O\ltll varoltna rrgtmcnt. Answered tl 1at tl1cre were no :North C:arolin:l. or South Carolina regimunts fort11ino- in Vir­ginia, and that perhaps he could join companies i; North Carolina and for111 r1~giment.

Bell, John \V.-See Spears, William R. Bennett, A. G., Hoke's Bluff, Ala., August 9, asks il company he is

raising will be received. Answered that if for the war it will be rceei vel!.

December 3, asks for authority to raise a company for six. months. Answered by Ci1·cnlar.'~

Benning, llcnry L., Ilon., Columbus, Ga., :\.fny 28, is rai~ing regiment nnd asks abou~ arms for it. Answer not fouucl on record.

Denning, ll. L.-See Strother, ,J. A. Benton, B. F., San Angnstine, 'l'exas, JLlne 11, tenders a company,

armed and equipped. AccejJterl. New Orleans, September 28, reports his company, Texas Invin·

eibles, en route for Virginia. No answer found. Bibb. A I'; -p.,;,, P~-1 - ·" " - Tipany, the \\foot!· d4 / J f? ~-;;~~

7, giment Volunteers

>mpany uniformcrl

• 0 --- ~v, ,,_,ndC!'R company of gnerutas, to be independent, arm themselves, and Government to p11y for horses. Answered that the law requires Cavalry to furnish their horses; no company can be received to act indo· pemlen tly.

Bickley, George, Presirlcnt K. G. C., Richmond, September 3, offers from Kentucky a mounted brigade armed with shot-guns. A nswercd that brigades are never accepted.

Bi!ldle, J. W .-See Spivey, J. G. Bigbie, .J. K, Columbus, June 25, tcnder8 company for the wnr.

Antiwered that companies were not received unless fully armed

/7;-Jompany for the

, offers his com­t company could

uvu ...,._. ..... , ........ ~ ......... ...,1., .......... v~vvFu ~;uv .c~A~..:Cutivc of Missis-sippi, but a call for Vohlllteor~ might soon be made.

Blackford, J<;ugene, Captain, Clayton, Ala., May 4, ten<ler8 his com­pany, the Barbour Greys. Answered that no companies were received except for the war.

Blackman, W. J., Columbus, Miss., September 23, has a company for three years i can buy eighty patent breech-loading rifles i:[ Govemment w_di pay far them. Accepted; when organizc<l Government wtll pav for arm~.

Blackson, \V. M.-Scc W n·nl, \V. B. Bi:tir, .Tames, Columbus, Mis8., June 17, tenders company cqnippccl

hut not armeJ. Answered that <.;ornpany c:oul•lnot be reccive<l unless armed aml eq ui ppcd.

&av~ ?nrc4/

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BasR, 'r. C., Richmond, Va., October 7, wishes to mise regiment in Texas for tho war, armed anti eq Ltippeti. .Accepted.

llates, Asa, Columbus, Ga., August 5, proposes to raise companv of .Alabama troops; wants arms. Answered that at present Gov­ernment eannot. fn1·niQh .... , ... ,,.

""' lollo;lt.o tulle.

, asks authority to Answcrcti that

rs services of tho _ -·· __ J not be furnished

llauskett, J . C., Captain, by lion. D. L. Yulee, Fernandina, Fla., .July ' " · · · · · · neti and CCJ nippcxi.

/J / (} / / // 's authority to re· /J~u-~/f~ /d-</. ./7. -r-;- ~-;s are willing to

lers his company, -· ........ "'""'-'..:;ptvu wHnout arms unles~ for

for the war. Beall, James M., La Gmn,-c;. 8-o .Tnlu" on--· ____ , __ 'llt he is organizing

fld not be received the war. ~~><V vU:r~ L

/ poses to raise two · ant coulti make no

.J.>earLt, ~V. K., Lieutenant Colonel, 1st Flo1~iJ~ -~~giment, Pensacola, l<la., October 18, asks authtmty to rmsc reg1ment for the war as soon as the present term of his regiment expires. Answered by Circular.·*

Beard, W. T.-See Hallowell. William E Beaumont, '1'. W., Captain, by J. F. lio~se, Clarksville, Tenn., Sep­

tember 9, tendersc(lmpany anneti, but not equipped. A.cceptcd; the company to uniform 1tse!I, &e.

Deck, F. K., Montgomery, August 27, has several companies in camp uniformed; is armi1Jg them; wants them mustereu iu as a bat­talion and arms pai~ for. Answered that a battalion organized by the electiOn of held officcm would be mustered in as such anti arms paid for.

Hichmoncl, Se}'Lembcr 2,_offcrs a battalion of Infantry for the war. A nswcreti that battahon orgamzctl by the election o( a Major will be accepted for the war.

Deekctt, ~- .J., Aberdeen, Miss. , September 13, tenders a company for the war, to be armed and equipped by the Government. Answered that the G-overnment could not arm and equip com­pany at that tune; unarmed companies orJerC<l into Camp of 1 nstl'Uction to await arms.

~u<lell, W. G. Sec Bowers, Llo_yti G. Dl'll, llf. A., and others, Abbeville, Ala., July 31, knllcr regirrlent.

Answered that a regiment armed and equipped woulti be accepted.

1lcl1, Sam.,_ Conwtlyborongh, S. C., June 27, can furnish a company of c1ghty or one hundred men to join an unorganized North

<1 that there were no .1'\orth Carol ina or South Carolina regiment;; formin" in Vir­ginia. and that perhaps he could join companies i~ North Carolina and form regiment.

Bell, John W.-See Sperrrs, Wil liam K Bennett, A. G., liokc's Bluff, Ala., Angust 9, asks if company he is

raising will be received. AnHwered that if for the war it will be rccci vcd.

December 3, asks for authority to raise a company for six months. Answered by Circttlar."

Denning, llcnry L ., lion., ColumbnR, Ga., May 28, is rni~ing regiment and asks about arms for 1t. Answer not founti on recorrl.

Denning, II. L.-Sce Strother, J. A. Benton, B. F., S:\11 Angustine, Texag, June 11, tentiers rt company,

armed and equipped. Acuepted. · New Orleans, September 28, reports his company, Texas Invin­

ciblcs, en ,-oute for Vinriuia. No answer found. l3iblJ, A. S .. Paint Rock. Ala~. Mav il. wnnN hio """Jpany, the Woocl­

;iment Volunteers

7 ' mpany uniformed

lcrs company of cuviiiL«~, "v uv ~uuvpt::uut:u~J, arm tnemf::elvcs, and Government to pay for horses. Answered that the law requireti Cavalry to furnish their horties; no company can be receiveti to act inde­pendently.

Bickley. George, Pre.•idcnt K G. C., Richmonti, September 3, offers Irorn Kentucky a mounted brigade armed with shot-guus. Answered that brigades are never accepted.

Bicl<lle, J. W.-Scc Spivey, J. G. Bigbie, J . K., Columbus, June 25, tenders compan_y for the war.

Answere<l ll,ot ""m~·-'· eel unless ful ly armeti

/ J-: > a company for the

ril 1, offers his com­--~~ that company could

'"'" '"~u ue rccelVed exeept through the Executive of Missis­sippi, but a call for Volunteers might soon be rmdc.

Blackford, Eugene, Captain, Clayton, Ala., :.fay 4, tcnrlers his com­pany, the l3:nbonr Greys. Answereti that no companies were recei vcd except for the war.

Blackman, vV. J ., Columbus, :.fiss., September 23, has a company for three years; can buy eighty patent breech-loading 1·ifics if Government w!ll pay for them. Accepteti · when oro-auizcd Governmeut will pav for arms. ' ,..,

Blackson, \1{: M.-See Wn:'rcl, W. B. Blair, .Tames, Columbus, Mis~., June 17, tenders company equippc<l

but not armed. Auswen)tl that com pan v eoultl not be rcccivc<l unloRs armed and eqLtipped. "

Dl C1) til -"C 0 til til a= CD'

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Dlnkcwood, B. W., July 18, tenders l"<'gimcnt of mounted men as guerillas for service in Louisiana. J\ nswcrcd that a regiment armed and eqllipped would be acccpterl, brrt no pleuge coulJ. ue given of ti.Je service it would perform. ·

Big Bend, La., September 4, proposes to raise a regiment of morrnted men to be armed, &e., for special service iu Lot1isiana. Accepted.

Dlance, Sheppc1·J IT., Captain, Bragg Rifles, Cedar Town, Ga., June 3, raised a cornpnny at his own expense; is nwaiting orders. Answered that company could not be accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

Blevins, .T. C., 4th Alauama R:egiment, December 27, asks authority to ra1se company for two years. 1\ nswcrcrl by Circular.""·

lllewett, R., Colurnuus, Miss., June 17, tcndem company equipped and f(oJ· the war; wants arms. Answered that company must 1Je armed and equipped.

J uue 28, tenders company armeJ. with shot-guns. Accepted if for tho war anu armed with heavy double-uarreled shot-guns.

Blewett, Thoma.~ G., Montgomery, .August 31, says· he will raise another company if he get arms. Not accepted.

Blincoe, James D., Captain, Summit, Miss., May 13, ofl:ers the Summit Hifles. No answer recorded..

Blodgett, jr., Foster, .Augusta, Ga., April 11, ten<l.ers a company. Answered that company was not needed.

.Hiount, B. F., Captain, .Montgome1·y, Ala., .August 3, tenders com· puny. Answered that, if not previouRly armed, company armed with shot-guns or country rifles will be accepted.

September 1, asks if company will be accepted for three years and armed. Answered that Government cannot accept unless armed.

Blount, R. P., Brewcrsvillc, .Ala., March 30, offers his company. Answered that the company could not then be received except thJ"Ough the J!Jxecutive of .Alabama, but a call for Volunteers would probably soon be made.

Richmond, Va., September 18, offers a regiment for twelve months armed. Answer not of record.

Blount, '1'. IV., 2d Lieutenant, near Ban·ancas, Flu., September 24, asks permission to raise a company of lnfantry for the war. (.!filed.)

Blythe, A. S.- See Leake, J. F. Bobo, Willis, Chulafinne, Ala., August 27, tenders armed and uniformed

compauy for the war. Accepted. Bogdy, 'N. M., Cotton Plant, Ark., April 8, tenders a company

of independent Volunteers. Answered that company could not then be received; advised to hold himself in readiness.

Boggess, A. J., Milledgeville, Ga., May 17, offers battalion of mounted men. Answered that mounted men were not needed.

Boggs, F. J., Richmond, Va., October 4, intends to raise a battalion of Artillery for the war. ~<\.nswered that Artillery corps could not be accepted unless it furnished guns.

Bond, C. 'J'., New Albany, Miss., Sc]_Jtember 21, offers battalion or regiment for ~peeial service. Answered thr\t a corps for special service must be approved by the Commanuing General and organized by the election of its officers.


Bonde, J. C., Lieutenant, 27th Virginia Regiment, Winchcstcl·, Va., December 24, is endeavoring to rai~c a company fo1· tho war, anL1 asks information as to inducements offc1·ed for re-enlist·

A ~~- .... ~ . ... ...1 .t..., ... ..... .... . . -~ .f ~"'· ~· ~ 1 ..... : .... - ~ tor l'e·enhstrncnts

~/~L/CrH~U;z;-~~- p expensive.

:J.-.J. y, Ala., May 30, ,rs, owning their were not needed Virginia was too

Borden, VV. J., Oak Level, Aln., Jnne 28, offer~ company. AnswcJ·cd that arms conld not be ftHnishcd.

£~ ~ ~ F""·~Al;no \ Richmond, Va...if~~~d~beN!t

I" . ~ / /r;? f "11 r; , ny o Artt ery .ghly armed and tillery lmttalion. cqntl-'l:lvu "' ""-~ · ~~- -

Accepted if they furnish their own guns. Bowers, Lloyd. G., and W. G. Bedell, of Columbus, Ga., by R. E.

Dixon, Oetober 4, propose to raise a company of Artillery if Government will furnish money to buy horses and guns. Answered that the Government conl<l not furnish funds for suuh purfJose, but the company, if armed and offered for the wa1·, wou d be received, and guns, &c., paid for.

Bowie, A. W., 'J'allaclcga, Ala., May 20, tenders the Mounted llangers. Answered that no Cavalry companies were needed. ·

Selma, Ala., June 17, asks if an additional regiment or bat· talion can be received from Alauarna. Answered. that neither could be received unlesR fully arrnec] and equipped.

Bowman, James H., Cn.ptain, Clarksville, Tenn., June 5, tenders a company from Kentucky for one year, to be armed with rilles. Answer not of record.

Bowman, R., Ya7.0o City, Miss., October 15, asks if Government will furnish a battery for Artillery ; if not, can Infantry compan_y

· · · · · · Je furnished, but

4~/!t~ ~/~ ff ~F, complying with

ginia Regiment, -~"""~"~' .... , ~~w·-~~· -"• .. ., .... ·~- -····v.Jf and R. Botd ~11l1 - 1 1rwi1 \7 f () r~iQ.n. i'{)mnnnv Af A l'tl J1A't'lr rrw il .n, war; can mn Ce

d cY ·eek. Answered /,..} h d 0 ty to provisions y / , . _LJ:"'

·any. Answered :c of troop8 from

Stn.tes not in the Uonfe<.leracy, but aclv1sea to oc in readiness, &c. Boykin, J. [!., C~thawba, A,la., April 19, tenders company mounted,

, serve one year ~- _ 7 • -7_

7_. .o the Governor. ·...-v/ £;n.> 7, ~ rr , Ala .. July 3.

Page 14: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf


Bbkcwood, B. W., July 18, tenders regiment of mounted men as guerillas for service in Lollisiana. Answered that a regiment armed and equipped :would be accepted, but no pledge could be p;iven of the service it would perform.·

Big Bend, La., September 4, proposes to raise a regiment of mounted men to be armed, &c., for special service in Louisiana. Accepted.

Dla[J{~e, Shepperd II., Captain, Bragg Rifles, Cedar Town, Ga., June 3, raised a company at his own expense; is awaiting oJ·de,·s. Answered that company could not be accepted unless fully a rrned and equipped.

Blevins, J. 9·· 4th Alabama Regiment, December 27, asks autho1~ty to rfl.Jse company for two vears. Answered by Circular.*

Blewett, R, Columbus, :J1iss., June 17, tenders cornpan,y eqnippecl and for the war; wants arms. Answered that company must be armed n.nd equipped. "

J uue 28, tenders company armed with shot-guns. Accepted i[ for the war and armed with heavy double-barreled shot-guns.

Blewett, Tlw!J_las G., Montgomery, August 31, says- he will raise another company ii he can get arms. Kot accepted.

Blincoe, James D., Capk'Lin, Summit, Miss., May 13, offers the Summit Hiflcs. No answer recorded.

Blodgett, jr., Foster, Augusta, Ga., April 11, tenders a company. Answered that company was not needed.

Blount, B. F., Captain, Montgomery, Ala., August 3, tenuers com­pany. Answered that, if not previously armed, company armed with shot-guns or country rifles will be accepted.

September 1, asks if company will be accepted for three years and arrneu. Answered that Government cannot accept unless armed.

Blount, R. P., BrewersyilJe, Ala., March 30, offers his company. Auswereu that the company could not then be received except through the Executive of Alabama, but a call for Volunteers would probably soon be made.

Richmond, Va., September 18, offers a regiment for twelve months ar[""'"'rl A no:mPl' not. of l'P.norrl.

Blount, T. W., 2c permission

Blythe, A. S.-s. Bobo, Willis, Chu

company f Bogdy, W. M., Cotton .Plaut, Arlc., Apnl 1:5, tenaers a

of iudepeudeut Volunteers. Answered that company con li1 nAt then be l"e('PiVPfl. orl.,;,..~rl ._ _ 1 1 1 ., • . •

Boggess, A. J., M men. Aus

Boggs, F. J., Rich of Artiller.) not be acce,

Bond, C. T., New 1.\.l~a,,~!.,!~lll:~.s, .. :.,c.~cpt~J~b~r 2~, offers battalion or regiment fn•· - ·-· , -- . -special scrvi< and organize


Donde, J. C., Lieutenant, 27th Virginia Hcgimcnt, 'YVinchcoter, Va.., December 24, is cndeavori11g to raiRc a company for tho war, anLl asks information as to inducements offered for re-enlist­mont. Answered tbat a copy of regulations Ior re-enlistments wou lrl be sent him.

Booth, jr., Joseph, Captain, Blakely, Bf!ldwin County, Ala., May 30, offers company of Cavalry, the Baldwin Rangers, owning their

· horses. Answc1·ed that Cavalry companies were not needed m Alabama and transpork'1tion of horses to Virginia was too expensive.

Borden, W. J., Oak Level, Ala., Jnno 28, offers company. Answered that arms could not be fumishcd.

Borstel, F. C., (of South Carolinn.,) Richmond, Va., September 2, offers company of Cavalry, mounted and uniformed. Not accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

Bowen, G. W., Atlanta, Ga., August 1, bas company of Artillery partly armed and equipped; want~; to be thoroughly armed and equipped and allowed to remain in Stovn.ll's Artillery battalion. Accepted if they furnish their own guns.

Bowers, Lloyd G., and W. G. Bedell, o[ Columbus, Ga., by R. E. Dixon, October 4, propose to raise a company of Artillery if Government will furnish money to buy horses and gnus. Answereu that the Government could not furnish funds [or such purpose, but the company, if armed and offered for tho war, would be received, and guns, &c., paid for.

Bowie, A. 'YV., 'l'alladega, Ala., May 20, tenders the ~ouutccl Rangers. Answered that no Cavalry companies were needed. ·

Selma, Ala., JL1ne 17, asks if an additional regiment or bat­talion can be received from Alabama.. Answered that neither could be received unless Iully arrnell and equipped.

Bowman, James H., Captain, Clarksville, Tenn., June 5, tenders a company from Kentucky for one year, to be armed with rifles. Answer not of record.

Bowman, R, Ya>~oo City, Miss., October 15, asks if Government will furnish a battery for Artillery ; if not, can Infantry company be armed. Answered that battcT.Y could not be fuTni~hed, but his company could be accepted as Infantry if complying with terms of Circular:*

Boyce, W. W., Hon.-See Walters, D. D. lloyd, J. B., Lieutenant, Company "G," 38th Virginia Regiment,

:J1anassas, Va., DecE:mber 29, ask~ for himsP.If and R Borl authority to mise company of Artillery for the war; can mace it up from twelve-months' Volunteers in a week. Answered that an Artillery corn pany raised in conformity to provisions of Circular* enclosed would be accepted.

Boyd, John R, St. Joseph, Mo., Aprilll, tenders company. Answered thn.t the time had not arri \'eel for the acceptance of troops from States not in the Confederacy, bLtt advised to be in readiness, &c.

Boykin, J. 0., Cahawba, Ala., April 19, tenders company mounted, armed, n.nd equipped, at their own expense, to serve one year without pay. Answered that he must apply to the Gover:nor.

·".Y les, IV"illin.m, Cn.ptain, by N. Z. Young, :J1obile, Ala., July 3,

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reports his comp:my acccrted for the war without arms, and asks i[ they ean come on to Htchmoud. Ordcrellto Htehmoud.

Braufon.l, Joseph H., Montgomery, Ala., June 7, offers Coo~a In~c­pendents unarmed. Answered that they could be armcll w1th flint-lock muskets.

June 20 reports that he has guns in camp and wants his company mustc'red. Answercu tbat it could be mustered if for the war.

Bradford J. J., Captain, Columbus, Ga., July 11, asks if a company will be received unarmcu, or if it will l>e received i[ armed but not equipped. Answered in the negative.

Brauford J. L., Company ·'A," lOth J'\Ii,~ i ,~ippi Hcgiment, Pensacola, Fla., December 17, offet·d to raise eornpany o[ ruouutcll men for service on the frontier. Not accepted.

Bradford, J. rr., Montgomery, Ala., August 22, tcnclers a mounte<l company from 'l'allauega County. Answcrcu that it cannot be receiVed unle:;s fully armed anu equipped tmd tenuered fur a defi~te peri~u.

ville, Tenn., Decem­company o[ ·spico. J:- for moun tell serviee.

des whether a legion coast Cin;ular *

~ld not be recci ved. I3I·antly, Willia;n M., Selma, Ala., J unc H). asks wl1etlwr his company

would be acceptc<l if tendered. Answcreu that his company would be accepted if fully armed and cq nipped.

Bratton, William M., Lieutenant, l<;tltaw, Greene County, Ala., May 29, offers company for the war. Anowered that company would be accepted if fully arrn.ed anu equipped.

B rewer, S. L., Captain, Butler, Ga., August 15, has company anxious to serve but they have no arms; will Government furnioh them. Accepted and ordered to Camp of lnstrnction.

Brewster, II. II., Asheville, Ala., September 9, tenders a company o£ Cavalry, and wants information about arms. Answered that no Cavalry company could be accepted unless fully armed :lll<l equipped.

Brickell, D. W., Dr., New Orleans, La., July 21, has fifty men ~nd w:mts them rnustcreu in, and he will complete tlic organi,atwn. Answer not o[ record.

Briggs, K B., FrcderickRburg, Ya., August Hl, is about raisiug company in Goorgi:t and asks if Govcrnml!nt will arm it. i\<•t·eptetl if [or the war, even if unarmcu; if armed Government will pay for those furnished.

Briggs, rr. E. B., Columbus, July 15, aoks i[ company willl>c received, arrncu, aml equipped by Govt•rnmcnt. Ans\verctl tliat a com­pany coulu not be accepted unless anncd.

Broadwell, W. A Sec Phillips, C. \V. Brollnax, John 'vV., Leakesville, N.C., ficptcmher 2rl, offcm eornpany o£

CaYalry for tLe war. An,.;wcn!<l tLat it could not l>c acceptcu unle~;; armed.

Broocks, John ll., San Augu~Line, 'l'exns, through F. B. Sexwn, tender~ Cavalry t:ompnn • fur twelve 1uonths. l'\ot :wecptctl.


Brook, 'vV., Vicksburg, 11iss., Jnnc 12, tcrtuers'c_ompany and ~~ants funds. An~we1·e(l, t.o Walter Burke, stating that funds could not be furnished; company could not be received unless armed.

Tiraoke, \V.-Sce Noland, T . V. Brooks, Fannic-See .Tone~, Marianna. Brooh! li. E., Grantwille, Ga., (no uatc,) has compn.ny ready and asks

d 1L can he m·med. Answcreu tlmt it cannot be arrnctl nor accepted u narrncd.

Brooks, John II., San Augustine, 'l'exas, July l!J, tcn(lcrR company of rnotllltml men for twclye months. armed 11·ith shot-guns.

-Answered that companv u-,...,L, 1 civeu as Infantry, but not as Cnv.,l··"

2--r. '"ire~ to rai'e an Infantrr the war will he aecc1 •tetl. 1 J LillO 6, \ll'g"CS that l1is

_ -u.Ju:-., oe ortlerc<l nt once to \:irginia. .. -~ c11at tf his company is armed and oJicrs for the war

it will llc acceptccl. Brooks, ··willian~, Cahnwba, Ala., July 3, :-toh if regiment armeu with

country r1ncs and shot-guns woulu l>e accepted. Anowcrcrl that it wonld.

Brooks, William l\f., :\1m·ion, Ala., !\fay 4, offers Camh·y company. Answerccl that the company could not be rcccivct!.

Brown, A. G., Cn\>tain, Bmwn Hines, Corinth, ~fi,s., .J unc 5, report~ company t wre awaiting onlcrs. Onlere(l to be lllustercd into service antl attaehecl to General Clark'R command.

B1·own, 13. C., .Madison, Ark., June lL proposco to raiHe a regiment , mo1lntcd anu armed with double-barreled shot-gun,. Wiled.)

IHown, Cl1arle:; A., \V ctumpka, Ala., Anf'ust 21, tcntk1·s a company· for twelve months, and asks If Government will pay for it.~ cqmpmcnts antl anuo. Answcrcu that unarwcd companies arc ac.;ccptml for the war, bnt not for twelve months.

September 7, I"cncws tender of company of In lantry for twelve months or the war. Acc"ptctl for twelve months if armed, or for the war if unarmc1l.

"ropo~c~ to raise a B1·own, George J.lewc!lyn, Matlison, Ark .. ::.fav 1 I M•n, ....... - l troops were not

4~""/f~ / ~ . . '~~::,::~.:: i·ceorJctl.

_ --- ... ...,vu.ut.y nanticr:.;, o[ Alabarna. Xu an:-;wcr

Brow11, .J. l'., Captain, and othNs, Vick~hurg, )fi,~., ]\[arch li), of!cr~ a co1npany, tho W:tiTl'll Guank Answered th, t the oiler ~lwnld he ItH11lc to the Govcmor o[ i\li,,i,;,.;iJ pt.

l\1·own, ,Jol1n 1'., Hcn(lurson, l\1 :tr"h 22, tcn<lt·rs a co'n\>aJI_,., the '76 Light , 1!1 fan try, an ned, Jill i fornte•l. awl eq ni I' I •t••l. ( l· i:ccl.)

l.1·own, ,)o,wph K, Oovemor SL'C ,) i1·ardy, .J. 1'. lli'OWII, rnlotll:tt-1 B 1\,r:-;toll ll;;t..··;t, '1\:tlll., rnil"t'd enrnpatl\" :tlld Wlllll~

ar1m<. Set• i~Llt'l" ~,r ,J.' W Lapsley, .July 2!1, I ~lil. (L.-ttcr marked " l•'ilt'd. ")

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reports his comprtny r~ccepted for the war without nrms, and asks if they can come on to RichmmHl. Orclcl"cd to Richmond.

BradLol"d, Joseph H., Montgomcl"y, Ala., June 7, offel"s Coosa Inue· pcndcnts unarmed. Answered that they could be armed with muskets.

Juue 20, reports that he has guns in camp and wants his company mustel"ed. .A nswc1·crl that. it could be mustered if for the war.

Bradford, J. J., Captain, Columbus, Ga., July 11, ru;ks if a company will be received unarmed, or if it will be received if armed but Dot cqLlipped. Answered in the negative.

Bradford J. L., Company "A," lOth Mississippi Hegiment, Pensacola, Fla., December 17, offers to raise uompany of mounted men for service on the frontier. Not accepted.

Bradford, J. T., Mor · · · company from received unles~ definite period.

Bradshaw, Captain, b} ber 7, i~ recommenclecl to rmse another company ol sp1es. Authorized to raise an independent company for mounted service.

Brame, C. E., Greens borough, Ala., November 1, asks whether a legion will be received for defeuse of the Southern coast. Circular* enclosed, and answered that the legion would not be received.

Brantly, William M., Selma, Ala., June 10, asks whether his company would be accepted if tendered. .Answered that his cornpauy wonlrl be accepted if fully arm ell aud eq nipped.

Bratton, \Villiam :M., Lieutenant, Eutaw, Greene County, .Ala., May 29, offers company for the war. Answered Lhat company would be ncccptcd if fully and equipped.

Brewer, S. L., Captain, Butler, Ga., .August 15, has company anxious to serve but they have no arms; will Government furnish them. Accepted and ordered to Camp of instruction.

Brewster, H. H., Asheville, Ala., SepLember 9, tenders a company of Cavalry, and wants information about arms. Answered that no Cavalry company could be accepted unless fully armed and equipped. ·

Brickell, D. W., Dr., New Orleans, La., July 27, has fift,Y men and wants them mustered in, and he will complete the organization. Answer not of recorll.

Driggs, E. n., Fredericksburg, Va., Augnst 19, is about raising company in Gcm·gir! and asks if Governml)nt will arm it. .Accepted if for the war, even if ummned ; if armed Government will pay for those furnished.

Driggs, T. E. B., Columbus, J L1ly 15, asks if company will be received, armed, and equipped by Government. Answered that a com­pany could not be accepted unless armed.

Broadwell, W. A.-See Phillips, C. W. Brodnax, John W., Leakesville, N.C., September 29, offers company of

Cavalry for the war. Answered that it could not be acceptell unlc~s armed.

Broocks, John 11., San AugLlstine, Texas, through F. B. Sexton, tender::; Cavalry company for twelve months. Not accepted.


Brook, \TV., Vicksburg, Miss., J unc 12, tcnclers"compan,y and wants fuuds. Answered, to Walter Burke, stating that funds could not be furnished; company could not be received unless armed.

Brooke, W.-See Noland, T.V. Droob, Fannic-Sec Jones, Marianna. Brooks, H. E., Grantsville, Ga., (no date,) has company ready and asks

if it can be armed. Answerell that it cannot be armed nor accepted unarmed.

Brooks, John II., San Augustine, Texas, Jul.v 19, tenders company of mountell men for twelve mrmth~, armed with sl1ot·guns. .Answered tl1at company would be received as Infantry, but not as Cavalry.

Brooks, Leslie J., Mobile, Ala., August 10, dc~ires to raise an Infantry cornpan_y. Answered tha t company for the war will be accepted.

Brooks, L. W., Captain, San Augustine,~, June 6, urges that his company, the Virginia Guard,, ue ordered at once to Virginia. Answered that if his company is armed and offers for the war it will be accepted.

Brooks, William, Cahawba, Ala., July 3, asks if regiment armed with countr.v rilles arid shot-guns would be accepted. Answered that it would.

Brooks, William M., Marion, Ala., May 4, offers Caval1·y company. Auswered that the company could not he received.

Drown, A. G., Captain, Brown Rilles, Corinth, Miss., June 5, report\> company there awaiting onlers. Ordered to be mustered into serviee and attached to General Clark's command.

Drown, B. C., Madison, Ark., June 11, proposeo to raise a regiment mounted and armed with douhle-barreleu shot-guns. (Filed.)

Drown, Charles A., Vv ctnmplm, Ala., August 21, tenders a company· Ior twelve months, and asks If Government will pay for its cquipments anll arms. Answered that unarmed companies arc accepted for the war, but not for twelve months.

September 7, renews tender of company of Infantry for twelve months or the war. Accepted for twelve months if armed, or for the war if unurrnell.

Drown, George Llewellyn, Madison, Ark., 1\by 14, proposes to raise a company or regiment. Answered that mounted troops were not wanted; troops for the war alone were armed by the Govern· ment; a reginiHnt :urned and equipped would be received Ior twelve months.

Brown, ,John C., Captain, by Governor Shorter, May 21, tenders oom· pany, the Coffee County Rangers, of Alabama. Ko auswer recorded.

Brown, J. P., Captain, and otl1ers, Vicksburg, Miss., March' 15, offers a company, the Warren Guards. Answereu that the offer shoulll be made to the Governor of Mississippi.

Drown, John P., Hcndel'Son, March 22, tenders a company, the '76 Light Infantry, armed, uniformed, and efjuipped. (Filed.)

Brown, Joseph K. Governor-See Jirardy, J. P. Brown, 1'honws B., Kingston, F.ast Tenn., raisell company aml wants

arms. See letter of J. Vv. Lapslev, .htlv 2\.J, 1861. (LutLer markeu "Filell. ") " "

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Droyle~, W.-See Shcpm'd, F. D. . . Druce, Charles, Cole's l<'crry, Va., .July 24, o.ITer:; l1gLt Artillery corn·

pn.ny· and ask~ guns; company equipped at his own expcnRe. Ans~ered that. the Department couh.l not furni:;II tl1e guns. •

August 29, asks if an Artiller.v company for the war would be received. Accepted ou condition that it bas had CX]Jericnce.

Druce, G. W., Lieutenant, Corn]Jauy "H," 2d Georgia Vol~ntc~r'S,. Rich· monel, Va., August 14, tenders company [ormed m W lnteficld County, Ga., armed with shot·gnns or squirrel rifles, of which he hns been commissioned Captain. Refused.

Dmton, B. F., Bainbridge, Ga., November 2, asks if company .of one hundred men will be received for tweh'e months, Government to furnish arms. Answered by Circular:~

Bryan, II. II., Richmond, Va., August 27, says it is impossible to arm " ·a company exec]Jt with shot-guns o1· rifles. (Filed.)

Rocky 1fount, N.C., September 23, tenders a company of :Yfountcd Rangers, armed and equipped for twelve months. Answc1·cd that if the company wm; de.•JO'ned to be limited to spceial service in North Carolina it must be approved by the General com­manrling t~1at District.

Bryan, Vv. '1'., Griftin, Ga., May 21, tenders sm·vice of four companies. Answered that they would be aceepted if armed and equipped.

Bryan, W . A., Baton Houge, La., September 25, asks authority to raise company to protect public property there. Answered that if recommended by General '.l'wiggs and armed such company would be accepted.

Bryant, S., Guntown, Miss., Oetober 28, is organizing and can bring into service in thirty days a strong company of Cavalry if Department will furnish horses, arms, &c. Answered by Circular.*

Buchanan, C., Downsville, La., August 27, tenders a Cavalry company for the war. Accepted on condition that it be fully armed and equipped.

Buckley, B. C., Brookhaven, Miss., May 28, asks if a brigade will be accepted and the command given to him. No answer found.

Buckman, 'l'homas K, Captain, Jacksonville, Fla., Angust 21, tenders a full company of Infantry, armed with double·barreled guns. Accepted.

Fernandina, Fla., Septembc•· 4, wants his company mustered in. J:\ nswered that his company would be mustered in when it ktd fulfilled the terms of its acceptance.

Buckner, D. .l'., Louisville, A ngust 20, oilers three companies of Cavalrv, armc<l with ~hot-guns. Acccpte<l.

Aurrust i9, has organized several mounted Kentucky companic.", a~mcd with double-barreled shot-guns. Accepted ou condition that they furnish their h?mcs and arms.

13uie, Duncan, Captam, Boruff, I~n., Jul.v 18, tenders company, the Franklin Life Guards. Answered th:~t tlw Govcmrnent could uot "llp]Jly tl1e arms.

Duis5on, B., Captain, aud other oJrwers, New Orleans, O<!tober 21, asks for sabre~ and rcvolYcrs for Artillery <;ompany o( oue bm1drcd aml eighty rucn. Answerctl that they wuld not be funnohcd.


nulger, M. J., Dnrl(willc Station, August 2fl, nslm nnthority to r:.ise :~ br~ttahon. Answered th:~t authority is uot given in advance; battalion orgnni7.,Ctl and armed will be received for twelve months, and i[ not armc<l must ue tendered for the war. J,...

Bull, G. A., La Grange, Ga., 11arel.J 31, tenrlc1·s company r::usetlll.IJ./ at his own cxpcn~c. Answered that application must be matle a·~ b ·~ · to the Govcl'llor of the State.

Bullock, J. L. See .Johnston, W. R. Burfoot, L. M., Hiehmonrl, OetolJer 1, uy Colonel S. n. French, asks for

authority to raise company for defense of: works of Richmond. Not grantetl.

Deccmuer 7, offcrA company for service in Battery No. 15 for one year. An~w~rcd by Circular. *

Burgess, \Viley, Captain, Butler. Aln. '\Jnv F; '\sks if company >rnmissionetl and

' /{~t 7

A _/ ./ 2-P-. ~/, 7 ~-9' ~nswcrml that no <- - ~v // · /{0, .£~ • / • d be received.

me humlred men. ovcmor of 'l'exas.

'"""v"' "· .u., .nu~""• 1cxas, l~ovomber 1:1, applies for authority to raise J'cgiment of mounted men [or twelve months, armed and eq ui ppcd. Accepted.

Kovemucr 16, wants authority to raise a regiment of mounted men, and wants his battalion already raised accepted. Answered hv Circular.*

Burns, D. 1f., of Georgia, through IIon. IIowcll Cobb, wants to rai;;e an unarmed regiment. (Filell.)

Dur.t, E. R., ,Jackson, }fiss., 1fay 17, asks if the Department will receive a regiment of picked companies for one year. In reply it is asked wheLLer the regiment was for the war and armed.

Burton, V. B.-See Smyth, E. rr.-Durtz, Jesse, Orange, Ga., July 1, offers services of picked company of

mounted riflemen, called the Moun\aineer Hiilemen, and armed at tbci•· own expense. Accepted.

Burwell, "William 1'., asks if companies raising for "this" regiment will be rece ived to rnan the battcric~ around Richmond aud after­wards allowed to be rccmitctl. Answered that the companies would be accepted on the terms pre,;cribcd by General Winder.

Bush, IN. F., Jacksonville, April 20, wants to know if a company of twenty-one men armed with Sharps' rifles would. be received in the C. S. service. No reply recorded.

Bushing, Stcpl.Jcn II., Evergreen, La., May 30, offers one hundred gucnllas. Answered that companies armed for t!Je war would be accepted; Cavalry was not desired.

Calle, B. Dowry, Captain, DelLi Han~crs, Delhi, \Vilkes County, Ga., tenders company. Answered t11at uo company could be received with le~s than sixty-four privates, nor unless fully armed.

Cain, W. H., J,itt!c Ro<;k, June 3, tenders a rcgilllent, armed with the common r1Ac, for tl1e war. An~wer not o[ reconl.

Call, GcO!'gc N., 11'cl'llandina, Fla., 1\Iay 21, tcnrkr~ comp::my through IIon. D. L. Yulee. Answered that eornpal!y eould only he acccptctl on comlition of its being armc<l.

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Broyles. W.-See Shepn1'd. F. B. . . Bruee, Charles, Cole's Ferry, Va., July 24, offcrR hght Artillery corn·

pany; and asks guns; company Cf[Uippcd at h1s own expenRe. Answered that the Department coulu not furn1sh the gunti. •

August 20, asks if an Artillery compan_y for the war would be 1·eceived. Accepted on condition that it has had extJencnce.

Bruce, G. W., Lieutenant, Corn puny "Il," 2d Georgia Volunte~rs_, Rich· rnond, Vft., August 11, tenders company formed 111 vv lntefi?ld County, GlL, arrnetl with sl1ot·gnns or squinel niles, of whwh he has been comrnis~ioned Cuptain. Refused.

Bruton, B. F., Bainbridge, Ga., November 2, asks if company of one hundred men will be received for twelve months, Govemmcnt to furnish arms. Answered by Circular.*

Bryan, 11. H., Richmond, ':a., August 27, s~ys it is~f!Ipossiblc to arru a company except w1th shot-gnns or nfles. (lhle<l \

Rocky Mount, N. (' c:~-·--· ' ~-­

Rangers, armed tlmt if the comp: in North Caroli manding t!1rtt Di .

Bryan, w. T., Griffin, ( . ' ·--v•O ov< """or rour compamcs. Answered that tbey would be accepted if armed and equipped.

Bryan, IV'. A., Baton Houge, La.,_ September 2.'>, asks authority to rai~c company to protect pubhc property there. Answered that 1f recommended by General Twiggs and armed such company would be accepted. . . . .

Bryant, S., Guntowr~, Mis.s., Oetober 28, IS orgamzmg and can bnng into serviCe m thirty days a strong compan_y of Cavalry if Department will furnish horses, arms, &c. Answereu by Circular::'

Buchanan C. Downsville, T,a., August 27, tenders a Cavalry comfany for' th~ war. Accepted on condition that it be fully arme( and equipped. . . .

Buckley, B. C., Brookhaven, Miss., ~fay 28, asks 1f a bngade w1ll be accepted ::mel the commanu giVen to h1m. No answer found.

Buckman, Thomas E., Captain, JackRonville, Fla., August 21, tenders a Iull company of Infantry, armed with double-barreled guns. Accepted. ·

Femandina, Fla., September 4, wants his company m_nstcrcd i17. Answered that his company would be mu;terecl 111 when 1t had fulfilled tl1c terms o£ its aweplance. .

Buckner, D. r., I,ouisville, August 20, offers three compames of Cavalry, armed with shot-gum;. Accepted. .

August 19, bas orguni:t:G'<l several mounted Kentucky compauJCs, armed with double-barreled ;hot-guns. Accepted ou coudltJon that they furnish their hor-;e:; and arms.

Buie, Dnncnn, Captain, Boru.O:, La., July 18, tcnd;rs company, the Franklin Life Guard:;. Answered that the Government could not sn pp ly the ann:;.

Duisson, 1~., Captain, aud otlwr o.ffwers, New Orleans, Oetober 21, a~kti Ior sub1·C:~ u!ld revolvers fur Artillery company of one llL!Udred and cigbty muu. An;wercd that they could not be Iunashell.

Bulger, ~f. J., Darlevillc Station, August 26, ash authority to mi~e a hn.ttahon. Answered tl1at authority is not gi veu in n<l vance; battnlion org:mi%,etl and armed will be received for twelve months, and if not armed must be Lemlered for the war. J,...

Bull, G. ~., La Grange, Gu.., ;'vbreh 31, tenders compauy raised IUA.I at Ins own expense. Auswered that application must be made a.~ b .l;,.O ·

to the Govcmor of the State. Bullock, J. L.-Scc Johnston, W. R. Burfoot, L. M., Hichmoncl, October 1, by Colonel S. D, French, asks Ior

authority to mi~c company for defense of works of Richmond. Not gmutc1l.

December 7, offPr~ company for service in Battery No. 15 for one year. AnswP-red by Cn·eular. ·X·

Burges~, ·Wiley. Captnin, Butler, Ala., May 15, asks if company of less tban sixty-four privntcs, eight non·cornmisRionml and four commiosioned officers will be received. Answered that no companv oi less tban sixtv-four privates would ho rcccivccl.

Burnett, 11. S., Paris, 'l'exas, ,) uly ~.offers company of one humlrcrl meT]. Answered that his o1Ier should be made to the Governor of 'J'cxas.

Burnett, ,J. H., Austin, Texas, November 9, applies for authority to raise regiment of mounted men for twelve months, armed and equipped. .Accepted.

November 16, wauts authority to mise a regiment of mounted men, and wants his bt~ttalion already raised accepted. Answererl hy Circular.*

Burns, D. M., of Georgia, through lion. Howell Cobb, wants to raise an unarmed regiment. (Filed.)

l3ur.t, E. R., Jackson, Miss., May 17, m;ks if the Department will receive a regiment of picked companies for one year. In reply Jt 1s asked whether the regiment was for the war and armed.

Burton, V. B.-See Smyth, E . T. Burtz, Jesse, Omnge, Ga., July 1, offers services of picked company of

mounted riflemen, called the Moun\aineer Riflemen, and· armed at th?iJ: own expense. Accepted.

Burwell, ·w1lbarn P., asks if companies raising for "this" regiment will be received to man the batteries around Hiebmoml and after· wards allowed to be recruited. Answered that the companies would be accepted on the terms prescribed by General ·winder.

Bush, "'V. Ji'., Jacksouville, April 29, wants to know if a company of twenty-one men armed with Sharps' riOes would. be recci vcd in the C. S. scrviee. ~o reply recorded.

Bushing, Stepbeu II., Evergreen, l"a., May 30, offers one hundred guerillas. An;wered that companies armed for the war would be accepted; Cavt~lry was not desired.

Cade, B. Dewry, Captain, DelLi Hangers, Delhi, Wilkes County, Ga., tenders company. Aus)vered that no company could be received

. w1th less than sixty-four privates, nor uule~ti fully armed. Cam, IV'. R., L1ttle Rock, June 3, tenders a 1·e<rirneut anned with the

commou rifle, for tbe war. An<we1· not0

of ree~rd. Call, George N., Femandina, Fla., May 2±, tenrlcrti eompany thmugh

llon. D. L. Yulee. Answered that cornp::tli\' eould only be accepted on condition of itti being armed. "

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Call, \lol., Tallahnssc0, Fla., .June 27, Lende!·s nne hundrecl11ncl fifty men armcrl and un iformed . Accepteu J( for Lhc war.

AurrusL 21 1861. renews tender o[ eornp.,.uy for Lwelve months. A<;uepted if fu.lly armed anrl cr1uippeu. . .

Campbell, A. W., Jackson, 'l'enn., September 24! asks comm1SB1on to raise regiment. Answered Lhat no comnuss10ns were g1vcn 111

advance, bnt companies armed would be receiVed fo1· twe lve months, or unarmed for the war.

See Neely, R P. Campbell, Charles G., Captain, Bainbridge, Gn., .June 3, offers company

for the war. Answered that company unarmeu coulu not be received.

,July 11, having procured fifty guns, renews tender of company. .Accepted.

Campbell, D. M. K., B•1tler, Ala., July 26, oilers to raise "a Corps of Avengers to clespml the enemy, :v1thout license· of the Government" Answore<l that rctaliatwn 11> a leg tt1mate and proper manner wouhl be ncccs~ary, but organizations, if they woulcl have the countenance and protection of t ~1c. <;tovernn:ent, must conform strictly to the laws and usages of ClVlhzml nat10ns, and bu suu.fecl to its authority.

Campbell, .John, Baton Rouge, La.! September 4, asks equipment of a 1'"1 - -- - 1~··· .......... ..,...,?"'.nT'Ir- },p 1•~1r1 't'•JIC, flftlPrl \

/ ~~~~~ :t2JL? 72~~- ~ 4, q \war. Answered

"""- / - / · 3Cnt him. y awaiting orclers. : armed. .

Caueuo, A. II., Galveston, "Texa:;., Apnl 30, proposes to raise a com· pany o( rangers. ·Answered that snch company was not needed; refc.rrcd to Gcueral McCulloch.

Cantey, James, of Alab::unalo by M. J. Crawforrl, Columbus, Ga.,_ June 19, bas ten companws for Lhe war umformed and eqmpped, except arms. Answered that regiment cannot be accepted unle~s armed and equipped. .

Capehart, 13. A., Bertie County, N. _C., September 20, asks author1ty to raise a company of C:1valry lor local surVlue. AnBwered that, if "~~ .. ~-~" "- Ll.- " •· " ' 1d tendered organ·

~ /L ~ 44~~/;., /£7 )J~~-twocompanies -( ~ / ~ '/'/ / ' .nswercd that com·

accepted for three

Cnrcw, JJ!i'."(:J:, Autn.ngn, Ala., tenrlen; the Autauga Rifles. Ko action by the Dcr:nrtmcnt. .

Camak, or Camak, Thomas, Captam, A1;hcns, Ga., A 11gnst 21, tenders a rompany for any length of Lime dosireu. (Filed.). .

c~rrmhan, '1'. S., Hnrke's Garden, Va., Oetoher 7, ask~ authont,Y to mtse eotnpany for local Llcfensc. An~wcrcd tbat compamr~ eoulu o11ly be aeceptel11f armed ancl approved by the General com· l.Jla]l(ltll~ the tlcpar tment.


Carorlinc, G. n., On.ptain, F rcllf;cn GlliWtiA, New Orlean~, September 11, asks if company will be recei ved ::wu attachocl to Wheat's battalion. Answered that company of Infantry, armed and equipped, would be received and ordered to Gcncrnl IIaruce.

Carpenter, W., Jacksonville, Calhoun County, Ah, Novcmbct· 10, asks if an unarmeu company of lnfantry will be received for twelve-months' service and coast defense. Answered by Cir· cular:»

Carriger, John ll., Colnmbus, Ga., .July 2±, is organi>~ing company for the war and asks on wbaL terms it will be rccci\'ed. Answered that the company would be ueccptcd, armed with rifles or shot· guns, for the wur.

Carrington, W. C., Lieutenant, Company "D," 19th Virgiuia Regiment, Manassas, Va., December 30, ~tatcs that he has eighty men re-enlisterl. to serve two years a~ an Artillery company; desires to be granted the privileges of the act of Congress. Circular* sent him, with Lhe information that the regulations extend only to troops enlisting for the war.

Canington, A. S., Mobile, Ala., July 5, tenders company :md wants rifles. Answered that the Government had not the rifles.

Carroll, De Rasey, Colonel, 1st Arkansas ll.egimcnt, May 30, offers his regiment for twelve months. Answered that the organization of his regiment did not conform to the law; there is no such regimental organization as five companies of Infantry aml a like number of Cavalry; the whole, tendered as Infantry or Cavalry and armed and eq uippeu, would be accepted as a rcgi· mcnt, or, if separated, would be rcccivccl as battalions.

Carswell, \V. A., Charleston, S. C., October 16, applies for authority to raise Cavalry company. Answered thn.t a company of Cavalry armed and eqnippcu would be accepted.

Carter, G. W., and Ji'. C. Wilkes, New Orleans, September 20, tender an ::umcd regiment o.f Cavalry from 'J'cxas for the war. AccepLetl.

Cnruthcrs, R L., lion.- Sec Sontbcrn, Captain. Cason, D. E., Decatur, Ah, September 17, tendercl company uniformed,

to be armcu by Government. Accepted. Cassell, B. P ., ],icutcnant, Company "C," 18th Mississippi Regim011t,

Leesburg, Va., December 30, asks for authm·ity to raise company for two years or the war. Answered by CircLtlar:*

Catchings, S. S., Lumpkin, Ga., April 2'7, asks i[ the privilege of sending a company of rangers to Texas free of charge would be granted. Answered Lhat companies could only be receiveu when prcscntcLl by LlJC Governors of the StaLes.

Gathings, P. S., Brookhaven, Miss., September 11, asks i( a mounted Cavalry company will be accepted anu equipped. Answered that it eou ltl not be armed.

Catterton, S. E., Mobile, Ala., May 16, reports four or five companies organizerl in Choctaw County, A la., anrl 'ilY~ they wish to vol­nntccl" for twelve month~. J\ nswcr not of record.

Cattrill, IV., .Mobile, September 23, reports his company of mounted Vohllltoer~ as auccpte,l by the Govcmor allll wauL~ to be mu:;-

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Call, \V., Tallabassm', Fla., J nne 27, tende:s one hundred and fifty men armeu anu uniforrncu. Accepted 1[ for Lhe war.

August 21, 1861, reuews Lender of. compr~ny for twelve months. AucepteJ if fLtlly armed and cqu•ppccl . .

Campbell, A. IV., Jackson, 'I'enn., September 241 a~ks comm1~l0n ~ 1·aise regi mcnt. ..A nRwcrcd that no eommJssJons were g1ven 111

auvance, but companies armed would be rece1ved (c)J" twelve mont,hR, or unarmed for the war.

Sec Neely, R. P. . . . Campbell. Charles G., Captam, I3ambndge, Ga., .rune 3, offers company

f01: the war. Answered Lhat company nnarmcd could not be received.

July 11, having procured fifty guns, rcn<!WS tender of company. Accrptrd.

Camphcll, D. M. K., B'.ltlcr, Ala., July 26, oJiers to ~aise "a Corps of A vengcrs to despoil the euemy! \\'Ilhout hce?sc of the Government." AnswereJ that retaliatiOn 1111 a and pro]Jer manner would be necessary, but organizationR, if they would have the countenrmce and protection of t~e <!overn~ent, must conform Rtrictly to the laws and usages of CJVlhzcd natiOns, and be subiect to its authority.

Campbell, .John, Baton Rouge, La.! Septc';.'bcr 4, asks equipment of a Cavalry co111pany he cannnse. (Jnled.) .

Campbell, J. A. P., Ric1nnond, Va., December 26, asks auLhonty for himoelf and others to rmsc a regunenL for the war. AnswereJ that a copy of. the regu1-.~ions would soon be sent h~rl?-.

Campncy, J. D., Am1tc Ctty, Mtss., has fine company awa1tlllg orders. Answered that company would ue accepted i[ arme(~ .

Canedo, A. II., Galveston, Texas., Apnl 30, proposes Lo ra1se a com· pany of rangers. 'Answered th::t.L such company was not needed; referred to General McCulloch.

Canteyl~.a~~=· ~~nA~~~;~~~re~Yf~·r. t~~ c;~;f~:~~fo~;:~m~~~ ~;~i.ff;:d~ except arms. Answered that regunent cannot ue accepted unle~:; armed and equipped. .

Capehart, I3. A., Bertie County, K. C., Septemb~r 20, asks authonLy to rnisc a company of Cuva1ryfor local scrvwe. An~wered thut, if appmvcd by the Commundmg Geneml and tendered organ· illed and armed, tho comp:t.ny would be accepted. .

Capers, R L., ancl '1'. }1. Scott, qa]Jtains, May 28, tenJcr two compn.mes for twelve months; notlung n.bont armR. Answered that com­panics fully urmecl and equipped would be accepted for three years.

Carew, E. G., A utauga, Ala., tenders the AuL::t.Llgu Rifles. No action by tho Dcp..'lrtrncnt. .

Carnak, or Q,tmak, Thomas, Captam, At,hco:;,. Ga., Au~ust 21, tenJcrs a company for any length of Ltme Llcsn·cd. (Filed.). .

Camahan, '!1• S., Burke's Garden, Va., October 7, asks auLhonty to rmsc compn.ny for local clcfcn;e. Answered that companies couhl only be accepteLl it armed allll a]J]Jrovccl by the General com· lllall\ling tlte department.


Carocline, G. R., Capk1.i.n, Frc1lscn Guards, New Orleans, September 11, asks if compn.ny will be rccei vorl and attacbcu to \Vltcat's battalion. Answered that company of Infantry, armed anJ equipped, would be received and onlercd to General Hardee.

Carpenter, W., Jacksonville, Calhoun County, Ala., Novcmb0r 10, asks if an unarrnctl compn.ny of InfanLry will be received for twelve-months' service and coast defense. Answered bv Cir· culm·."-· ··

Cn.rriger, Jobnll., Colnmbus, Ga., .July 24, is organizing company for the war and asks on wbal tenus iL will be rccci vcd. Answered tltaL the company would be accepted, armed with rincs or shot· guns, for Lhe wur.

CarrinpJon, W. C., Lieutenant, Company "D," 19th Virginia Hcgimcnt, ~anassns, Va., December 30, Rtntcs that he baH eighty men re·cnlistcd to serve two years as an Artillery company; desires to be gmntcrl the privileges of the act of Congress. Circular* sent him, with the information that the regulationR extend only to troops enlisting for the war.

Carrington, A. S., Mobile, Ala., July 5, tenders company and wants rifles. Answered that the Government had not the rifleR.

Carroll, De Rosey, Colonel, 1st Arkansas Regiment, May 30, offcl'S his regiment for twelve monthR. Answered that the organization of his l'egimcnt did not conform to the l::tw; there is no such regimental organizuLion as five companies of Infantry and a like number of Cavalry; the whole, tendered as Infantry or Cavalry and armed and equipped, would be accepted as a regi· mcnt, or, if separated, would be recciveJ as battalions.

Carswell, \V. A., Charleston, S. C., OcLober 16, applies for authority to raise Cavalry company. Answered that a company of Cavalry armed and equipped would be accepted.

Carter, G. W., and F. C. Wilkes, Now Orleans, September 20, tender an :umcJ regiment of Cavalr.y from 'l'cxas for the war. Accepted.

Caruthers, R. L., Hon.-Sec Southern, Captain. Cason, D. E., Decatur, Ala., September 17, tenders company uniformed,

to be anneLl by Government. Accepted. Cassell, B. F., Lieutenant,, Company "C," 18th Mississippi Rcgime'llt,

Leesburg, Va., December 30, asks for authority to raise company for two years or tbc war. Answered by Circular:*

OatchingR, S. S., Lumpkin, Ga., April 27, asks if the privilege of sending a company of rangers to Texas free of charge would be grantccl. Answered that companies could only be received when presented by the Governors of the StaLes.

Gathings, P. S., Brookh[wen, Miss., September 11, asks if a mounted Cn.valry company will be accepteu and equipped. AnswereJ tbat it could not he armed.

Catterton, S. E., Mouile, Ala., Mn.y 16, reports four or five companies . organized in Choctaw County, Ala., and sn.ys they wish to vol­

unteer for twelve months. Answer not of record. OattriU, IV., Mobile, September 23, reports hi~ company of mounLcd

Voluntcors as a,ooopleJ by the Govcruor allll want~ to be mu>-

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tcrcr1 in. Answered a~king if his company is tcndcrell to the Confcilerate Stales, armed ani! equipped, fo~ the war. .

Caulfield, J ames D., Liberty, Miss., Apn l 30, offers two compamcs. No answer recorded. . d

luku, Miss., Jnly 29, tem1ers company, the L1bel'ly Guar ~-Accepted. . · f 1: ·h

Cavanaugh, John, Montgomery, .Apnl 4, tenders serv1ees o liS

adopted citizens of New Ol'lcans. ~o answer recorded. r1 _____ T\ "1..~ T 1 ,r· ·- C'1 - --l. - -~~~ .. o ..._ ___ ,_ ·1 a battalion of five

for a les~ p~ri~d.--- -· ...... , ... Chalmers, .A. H ., Pensacola, June

rnon_th_'l: ~'?t ac_ccpte~·-·

/?,, Answered. that the

. nics into a battalion. ield officers aud offer

":J.ey will be accepted

6, tenders company for twelve

~. Pensacola, Decem· tavc been mustcrell to enlist two more.

mizing company of Jlli.I1UUV J..J..o¥U LV&. unVl-YV liiV to uno. .._..._.._.,._,H._. ... ~lOt l'QCQl'ded, •

Chesnut, jr., James, Hon., Camden, S. C., SepLembe~· 17, asks will Government supply company or Cavalry w1th sabres and accoutrements, if not both, which. Answered that sabres could not be furnished for some time, but that Cavalry armed and furnished with hm·sc equipment:~ would be accoutered.

Chester, T. K. , Captoin, Jacksonville, Texas, August 1~, offers a scouting party of t hirty men for twelve months. (1< 1leil.)

Chinni s, S. H.., Peacock's. Store, N .. C., September 17, oliers company. .Accepted on condttton t hat tt be armell.

Christian, H . N., Laugeslanc, N. 0 ., .August 30, tenders a Cavalry com-. pnny for twelve months. (F1led.) · . . Christy, W., Richmond, Va., October 30, asks auLhonty to rmsc a

brigade in South Kentucky. ~nswerecl that no. authonty coulll be granted to any one to rmse more tha~J a regJmcnt.

Churchill Thomas J. by Hicbard H. Johnson, Ltttle ~ock, A1:k., .April 16, asks ~uthority to raise a regiment. Adv1sed to rmse, arm ancl instruc t a regtrnent, as 1t would probably be needed.

May 16, reports regiment organized in Arkansas, and asks orders and arms. (l<'i lcd.)

Churchwell, W. :\f., (of Knoxville, Tenn.,) Montgomery, .Ala., May 5,, tenders six companies or Infantry and four of Cavn.lry . .Answer not of record. . . . .

Claiborne, T. n., Captain, Company "B," 18th Yu·gmm. Regtm~~t~ Centreville, V a., December 28, asks authonty to Tarse a,n ~\ 1 t1l lory company for the war from among twelve-monLhs I olun· tccrs. Circular* sent him and he mrormed that a company wou ld be acccvtell in conformity to rcgulatwns.


O!antou, J. li., General, Yrontgomcry, Ala., Aprill6, proposes to raise a compa11y of Volunteers to assist in reducing Fort Pickcus, com­pany to pay their own cxpenRes and ann themselves. Answered that the Government could. not receive troops for Pensacoh •

Pensacola, August 26, a;ks on what tenns a Cavalry regiment will be received. AcceptCL! on couuition that it be armed and equipped. . .

Richmond, Va., September 14. propo~es to rmse a mountcil regt· ment and furni~h tl1ci r own arm". Accepted.

Ul:uk, Charles, Brigadier General, Corinth, }I iss., .Tune 3, reports that five Mi~sissippi regiments wiTl. be rca<ly in two day~. Muster orllered .

Clark, John G., Griffin, Ga., .June 4, proposes to rnise a regiment. Answered tlmt regiment would be rccci\·ed if armed and equipped.

Clark, ,J . IN., Moutgomery, .Ala., ~ovember 26, is Cnptain in lst A~a­bama Re"illlel tt or Lwelve-rnonths' troops, nnd proposes to rmsc a battalio


n of Cavalry for the war, to be armed by the Govern­ment. Answered by Circubr:*

Clark, Mathew, Baltimore, l.fay 4, woulll bring a number of men to Confederate States if he could get a comrni,;sion. No answer recorded.

Clark, William, Captain, Jackson, Miss., June 1, tenders· unarmed Artillery eompany for the ::\Iississippi sea-eoasl. Answered. by tclegralll "cannot do as you propose."

Clayton, Ala., September 27, is organizing company of mounted men for service on the coast. Accepted for local defense, if approved by General Wither~, and armed.

Clarke, J. Lyle, Captain, Baltimore, .. t'\ prill3, tende1·s company of ?ne hundred men, the Independent Greys. Answered that the t1me had not :nrived for accepting his company, and asking hm1 to lwlil i t in readiness for prompt movement .

Clayton, R. IV., and others, Paris, Ky., April H. tP.nders company from - - ' not arrived to

,eracy; recom-

r nne 7' tenders

'-'U1CIIL;:,, v. _~ .. , .uv"" w .. .t.~ vvuu11.r,, z~, proposes to raise a regiment fo r the war. Accepted. on condition that it be organ-ized and ofl'erecl for the war. ·

Clements, N., Oapt.ain, Col umbus, Miss., August 30, tenders services oi the Tuscaloosa ::\Iountaineers for twelve months, armed . .Accepted.

Cleveland, IJcnry, Rome, Ga., July 27, ten del'S regiment unarmed and will elect field oii'tcer~. .Accepted on comlition that they elect

ftj field ofiicm·s and agree to serve during the war. 1~ evelnnll, J.-See Moore, D. D. 'lcvclanll, Jesse Ji'., Captain, Augusta, Ga., July 10, tenders ~marmed

company. Answered that company would be accepted 1f armed. A ngtlst 10, temlers a company organized am1 crtuippcd, hut not

armed. No answer reco rder!.

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tcrcd in. Answered asking if his company is tendered to the Confeuerate Stal.e; armed and equipped, for the war. .

Caulfield, .Tames D., Lib~rt.y, Miss., April 30, offers two compames. No an~wer recordCll. .

Iu kn, Miss., July 29, tenders company, the L1berty Guards. Accepted. . . . .·

Cavanaugh, John, MonLgomcry, Apnl 4,T tenders set v1ces of IHsh adopted citizens of New Orleans. No answer recorded.

Ca_)'ce, D. N., Iuka, Mi~s., September 6, tondcrs a batk:hon of fiv~ compames for twelve month8, unarmed. Answ01cd that the Government. cou ld not arm Lhem. .

September 22, proposea to organize five companies in~o a hattahon. Accepted on condition they elect theu· own field oiliccrs anu offer for the war, unless armed, in which case they w1ll be accepted for a less period.

Chalmers, A . H., Pem;acola, June 6, tenders company for twelve mouths. Not accepted.

Chalmers, J. R., Colonel, 9th Mississippi Regiment, Pensacola, Decem· ber 28, tenders eight companies, winch hrtvc been mustered for the war, and asks ihat lw be allowed to enhst two more. Accepted and permit gmnteu. . . .

Chandler, J. M., Shiloh, Ky., Juno 6, 1s orgamztng company of minute men for twelve months. Answer not recorded. .

Chesnut, jr., James, lion., Camden, S. C., Septembc:· 17, asks w1ll Government suppl.)' company of Cavalry w1Lh sabres and accoutremenLs, if not both, which. Answered that sabres could not be furoishcd for some Lime, hut that Cavalry armed and fnrnishcd with hm8e equipmcnts would be accoutered.

Chester, 'I'. K., Cap La in, .T acksonvi llc, 'J'oxas, August 18, oJiers a scouting pariy of thi rty mcu for twelve months. (F'ded.)

Chinnis. S. R., Peacock's Store, N. C., September 17, oiiers compan_y. AccepLed on cond ition t hat it be armed.

Christian, H. N., Langm;lanc, N. C., August 30, tenders a Cavalry com· · pn.ny for twelve months. (F1led.) · . . Christy, W., Richmond, Va., October 30, asks authonty to ralS~ u

brigade in So th Kentucky. (l..nswere<l that no. authonty could be granted to any one to rmse more tha:1 a reguneut.

Churchi ll 'l'homas J. b_y Richard H. Johnson, LtLLlo Rock, Ark, April 16, a:>ks ::utbority to raise _a regiment. Advised to Tal:>e, arm. and instruct a rcg1ment, as 1t would probably be needed.

:i'lfay 15, reports regiment organized in Arkansas, and asks orders und arms. (Filed.)

Churchwell, W. M., (of Knoxville, Tenn.,) Montgomery, Ala., May 5,_ tenders six companies of lnfantry and four of Cavalry. Answer not of record.

Claiborne, T. D., Captain, Company "B," 18th ,Virginia Regime~t, CenLre' ille, Va., December 28, asks authonty to rmsc an Art1l· lery company for the war from ::un~ng twelve-months' VoJun· tcer~. Circular ·~ scnL hun and he tnformcd that a company would be acceptctl in conformity to regulations.


Clanton, J. ll., Geneml, Montgomc1'.Y! Ala., April 16, propose; to raise a company of Volunteers to asstst 1n rcducmg Fort Pwkens, com· pany to pay their own expenses anrl_ann tbemselve:;. Answered that the Government coulu not rccc1ve troops for Pensacola.

Pensacola, Augu8t 2(l, a;ks on what terms a Cav:~lry regiment will be receiveu. .Accepted. on con<ltLton that 1t be armed and equipped. . .

Richmond, Va., September 14. propo~cs to rmse a mounted reg1· ment and furnisl o tloei r own arnt". Accepte<l.

Clark, Charles, Brigadier Genom!, Corinth, 1fiss., .T uno 3, reports that five Mio<~is:;ippi regiments will l.Jc re:ul.)' in two da.Y"· Muster ordered.

Clark, .John G., Griffin, Ga., ,June 4, proposes t? mi:;e a regiment. Answered tloat regiment would. be rcccmod 1f armed and equipped. . . .

Clark, J. w·., Montgomery, Ala., Novrrnl.Jcr 26, lS Captmn HI 1st A!a· bama Ren-imcnt of twelve-months' troops, an<l propo~es to ratsc a hattalio


n of Uavalry for tho war, to be arweu b.)' the Govern· mcnt. Answered b3; Circular:>~

Clark, 1fnthew, Baltimore, May 4, would bring a .n~mber of men to Confe<leratc States if he could got a comm1sswn. No answer rceonlecl.

Clark William Captain, Jackson, ~fiss., June 1, tenders· unarme<l ' Artillery' company for the ~ississippi sea-coast. Answerell by

telegram "cannot do as you propose." Clayton, Ala., September 27, is organi~ing eompanyof monnte~l

men for service ou the coast Accepted for local defense, 1f hpprovcu by General Withers, anu armed.

Clarke, J. Lyle, Captain, Baltimore, J\pril13, tenders company of one hunurcd men, the Independent Greys. Answere<l th::t the t1mc hau not nrrived for accepting his company, and askmg hm1 to holu it in reauincss for prompt movement.

Clayton, R. W., and others, Paris, Ky., April14,tenders company from Barbour CounLy. Answered that the t1me hall not arnved to

I accept troops from States ou t~ide the Confederacy; recom­mcndctl to l.Je in readiness, &c.

lcavland,J. II., Captain, by IIou. C. J . McRae, Mobile, June 7, tenders company. (H'ilcd.)

X:lcmonts, J. F., Lowndes County, Ala., August _2~, proposes to raise a regiment for the wn.r. Accepted on condttJOn that 1t be organ· izecl anu offered for the war.

Clements, N., Captain, Columbus, Miss., August 30, tenders services of thc 'l'uscaloosaM ountainecrs fo r twelve months, armcu. Accepted.

Cleveland, llenry, liome, Ga., July 27, tenders rc~imcnt unarmed and wi ll elect field oincer& Acceptc<l ou condttton that they elect

(.; field ofJ'wct-s and agree to servo <luring the war. ,levelaud, J.-Scc Moore, D. D.

l:Jcvcland, .Tesl'c F., Captain, Augusta, Ga., ,July 10, tenders unarmed company. AnHwcrcd that company would be acccptcrl d armeLl.

August 10, tenders a company organi~cd aml cctuippcd, hut not :muetl. No answer recorded.

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Cleveland, J. S., New Orleans, La., May 10, has company of 'l'exans, and asks upon what terms they will be accepted. No answer recorded.

Clifton, J. M., Gaylesville, Ala., June 7, offers five companies for ei"hteen months. Answered that Y ol un teers could not be ac~eptccl un less armed, equipp?d, and for the war.

Au<>ust 7, tender~ company whiCh he ha; ra1aecl to be armed at their own expen~e if received for twelve months. Accepted for twelve months.

Ch>pton, David, II on., Tu~kegee, Ala., Ap1·il 25, submits proposition o( others to raise a flying Arti llcr.v company. N r;t accepted ..

Cobb Howell Hon. Richmonrl, Ya., June 20, oilers SIX compames to ' be add~d to iiajor IInrdcman's battalion at Sewall's Point, Ya.

No answer recorded. June 2±, proposes to raise a regiment. No answer recorded.

Cobb, N . S., Bronson, Fla., May 31, offers company._ Answered that companies to be accepted must be armed, eqUipped, anu fw: the 'var.

Cocke, Edwarrl, Kentucky, proposes to raise company. No answer

·or authority to raise ;h rifles. Answered ~epted in conformity

\...JOKe, 1."\.., VUIJUU~f J.u, a;:,n.o:~ UUIJUV.lHIJ uv .L~U...>v ._., rcgin1ent in Texas. Answered that a regiment for twelve months would be accepted if armed, and a regiment for the war would be accepted and armed.

Coke, Richard- See Haldeman, IIornce. Cole, J. IV nrren, Captain, N cw Orleans, July 2, tenders company of

Mounted Ranger;;, eC)_uipped and for the war. Not accepted unless m·mecl.

July 18, renews tender of company fully armed .. Accepted .. Cole, William B., Callan do, Va., June 15, asks 1f he vnll be appmnted

Major if he raises a battalion. Answered that no pledges as to commissions could be given in advance and arms could not be furnished.

Coleman, D., (of North Carolina,) Richmond, Augustl9, a.sks authori~y to raise troops. Answered that no comnnssJOns ar? 1ssued 111 advance; battalionti or regiments accepted, and elcctwn of field officers allowed.

Asheville, X C., September 13, says with proper authority could form a regiment; asks terms of acceptance. Answered that troops for a less period than the war could not be accepted unless armed and equipped.

Coleman, J.-See \Vinslow, Cartain. . . Coleman, J. vV., Company "G,' 36th Georgm Reg1ment, Camp Chal·

mers, November 17, asks pcrm1t to ra1se a company of rangers, aud will arm and equip it free of expense to the Government if not permanently atttLched to any regiment. Answered by Circnlar.·*


Coleman, N.D., Mcmpins,_Tenn., Aug11st 16, asks authonty to raise five hundred me~ m Ke:ltl!cky, _ wh~ will equip themselves

ment cannot arm

I¥. Va., December 12, than ihree or five

"nish guns, horses, -~· • ---~ •. -· - - - .1 -:- · · ~-·--· ---- ... u. "' ... . cry could only be received by cornpan_Jcs and not by battalions; that they would be receJved and CCJ.mppcd upon this c011dition.

Collins, 0. B., 3d Alabama Regiment, Norfolk, Va., September 21 , . asks furlough for the purpose of raising a company. Declined.

Cohns, ~- H., Spartn, 'l'cnn, Ociober 15, has six companies formed ; Will have regiment ready m two weekR. and asks information as

. to forming it. A n~wered by Circular.* ColqUJtt, P. R.1 Captain, City Light Gnard, Columbus, April 20,

. reports lns company ready. Ordered to Norfolk Ya. Colton, Henry E., \Vilmington, K. C., April 17, prop~ses to raise a

company of mounted rifles. Answered that he shOL!ld apply to the Governor of North Carolina. ·

Fayetteville, .N. C., July 3, tenders mounted company for partisan service. Not rwecpted.

Cone, T. C., Captain, Augusta, Ga., June 14, reports the Davis Musket· eers raised at heavy expense, lackina only arms and can buy arms if the Government will pay fo~ them. A1~wered that if full.v equipped the _Government ·w_ould pay for arms.

Conley, Edgar T., ColcsVllle, Md., Apnl 9, tenders company. No reply on record.

Conner, Z. T., Macon, Ga., June 4, tenders reo·iment. Answered that the regiment could not ?e received unl~s armed and equipped.

Conoly, J. _F., ~hclb.)T Sprmgs, August 11, finds great difficulty in armwg h1s rcgnnent, and asks if companies reportinu- singly to the Government will receive arms. Answered that troops for the war, whether in companies, battalions or regiments will be accepted; if accepted singly field office;·s will be upp~inted by the President.

Conway, Edward F., Wiess BluJI, Texas, May 30, tenders company for the war. Accepted i( armed and equipped.

Conyers, James D., Fort Deposit, Ala., offerinrr services of a Volunteer comP!IJly, the Guards of tho Sunny Sontb. Advised to tender his co~!fny to the Go~ernor of Alabama.

Cook, G., !1nd M. L. Bow1e, Montgomery, Ala., propo~e to raise nn Artillery company to be equipped, &c., by the Government. Anso;ycrcd that Gov~rnmcnt conld not furnish battery.

Cook, Wllha~ :0·· Cave Spnngs, Ga.! June 3, oJicrs company, the Ca\·e Sprmg Rrfles. Accepted 1f armed and equipped.

Cooper, John F., Capu1in, Montgomcr·y, 11ay 13, oJiers his company, the Floyd Infantry, ol Horne, Ga. No answer recorded.

Cooper, L. vV., Crockett, 'l'uxas, ,July 19, asks authority to raise a regi · mcnt, bnttahou, or eompnny of Cav:.r.lry, aud m;ks about arms. Answercu that no autho1·it,y is given to mise a re<rimcnt nnrl Government can't Iumish al·ms at jll\csent. '"' '

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Cleveland, J. S .. , New Orleans, La., :May 10, has company of Texans, and asks upnn whM. t.P.rms thev will be accepted. Ko answer recorded.

Clifton, J. :M., G eighteen rr accepted ur

August 7, t.c: tbeir own expense 1t l'CCCtvea ror twe1ve lJlLHHll~. .a..\."-... vp~~cu

for twelve months. Clopton, DaYid, Hon., Tuskegee, Ala., April 25, submits proposition of

others to mise a B ying A rti ller.v company. Not accepted: Cobb Tlowcll Hon. Hichmonrl, Va., .Tune 20, o1l'et·s s1x compmues to

' be adLl~d to :ifajor II::mleman's battalion at Sewall's P oint, Va. No answer reconlcd.

.Tune 24, proposes to raise a regiment. No answer recorded. Cobb, N. S., Tironson, :Fla., hlay 31, offers company._ Answered that

companies to be accepted must be armed, cqmpped, and hr the war.

Cocke, Edward, Kentucky, p>oposes to mise company. No answer t·ecordecl.

Coffin, Z. S., Richmond, Va., December 27, a~ks for 11:uthority to raise regiment for the war, :mel can arm It w1th nflc~. Answereu that a regiment or battalion would be accepted m couformtty to the terms of the Circular .,. enclosed.

Coke, R., October 15, asks authority to raise a regiment in Texas. Answered that a regiment for twelve months would be accepted if mmed, and a regiment for the war would be accepted and armed.

Coke. Richard- See Haldeman, Jlorace. Cole, J. Warren, Capt.'tin, New Orleans, .Tnly 2, tender; company of

Mounted Rangers, equipped and for the war. Not accepted unless armed.

July 18, renews tender of company fully armed .. Accepteil .. Cole William B., Callando, Vu., June 15, asks if he wtll be appo111tcd

' Major if he raises a battalion. Answered that no pledges as to commissions could be given in advance and arms could not be fumished.

Coleman, D., (of North Carolina,) Richmond, Augt~st19, asks authori~y to raise troops. Answered that no comm1sswns are 1ssucd m nd vance ; battalions or regiments accepted, and election oi field officers allowed.

Asheville, N. C., September 13, says with proper authority could Iorm a regiment; asks term; of acceptance. Answered that troops for a less period than the war could not be accepted unless armed and eq nipped.

Coleman, J. - See Winslow, Captain. Coleman, J. 'N., Company "G," 36th Georgia Regiment, Camp Chal·

mers, November 17, asks permit to raise a company of rangers, and will arm and equip it free oi expense to the Government if not permanently attached to any regiment. Answered by Circular.·"


Colema:1, N. D., Memphis, Tenn., August 16, asks authority to raise five hundred men m Kentucky, who will equip themselves except arms. Answered that the Government cannot arm Cavalry fmm Kentucky.

Collier, Charl_es F., House of Delegates, Richmond, Va., December 12, can ratsc a battahon o[ Artillery of not less th:m three or five com]Xtmes for the war if Govemment will furnish guns horses &c .. Answered by ~ircular* and that Artillery could ~nly b~ recetveu by compnmcs and not by battalions; that they would

. be rcccwed and eqmpped upon this condition. Colhns, 0. B., 3d Alabama Regiment, ::forfolk, Va., September 21,

. a.~ks fnr~ough Ior tlte purpose of raising a company. Declined. Colms, S. H., Sparta, Tcnn, October 15, has six companies formed;

w1ll have reg1rnent ready in two weeks. a.nd asks information as . to forming it. Answered by Circular.*

Colqll1tt, P. H.1 Captain, City Light Gnard, Columbus, April 20, reports lns co1~pany reach. Ordered to Norfolk, Va.

Colton, Henry E., vV1lmmgton, N. C., April 17, propo;es to raise a company of mounted rifles. Answered that he should apply to the Governor of North Carolina.

Fayetteville, N. C., July 3, tenders mounted company for partisan serV1<.:e. Not accepted.

Cone, T. C., C~ptain, Augusta, Ga., June 14, report.~ the Davis Musket· eers ra1sed at heavy cxpen_se, lacking only arms, and can buy arms 1f the Govemment will pay for them. Answered that · if fully eqmppcd the Gm,ernrnenL would pay for arms.

Conley, Edgar T., Colesville, .:tl:d., April 9, tenders company. No reply on record.

Conner, Z. T., Macon, GtL, J nne 1, tenders re<Yiment. Answered that the regiment could not ?c received urue~s armed and equipped.

Conoly, J. _F., ~helb)' Spnngs, August 11, finds great difficulty in armmg h1s regHnent, and asks if companies rcportinrr ~in"ly to the Government will receive arms. Answered that"' troops for the war, whether 111 cornpames, hattalionR, or rcaimcnts will be accepted; if accepted sing] y field oJlkers will "be app~intcd by tho President.

Conway, Edwaru F., WicRR muff, Texas, ~fay 30, tenders company for the war. Accepted if armed ancl equipped.

Conyers, James D., Fort Deposit, Ala., oiierincr services of a Volunteer comlXIJ.lJ, the Guards of the Sunny South. Ad vised to tenuer his co~'riny to the Governor of Alabama.

Cook, G.)' and .:tl:. L. Bow1e, Montgomery, Ala., propose to raise an Artillery company to be equipped, &c., bv the Government. A~s,yerad that Government could not furnish battery.

Cook, William D., Cave Sprmgs, Ga.1 June 3, offers company, the Cave Spnng H1fles. Accepted 1f armed and equipped.

Cooper, John F., Captmn, 1Iontgomery, 11ay 13, offers his company, , 'the Floyu Infantry, of Rome, Ga. No answer recorded.

Cooper, L. W., Crockett, Texas, .July ~9, asks anthorit;y to rai~e a rcgi· rnent, battalwn, or company or Cavt.!ry, and asks about anns. Answered LhaL 1;o authority is given to raise a regiment, and Government can t furnish arms cit present.

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Cooper, 'T'homas L., Captain, Montgomery, May 13, tcn<lers services of his company, the Atlanta GrayR. No answer recorded.

Coopwood, D. F., Captain, Palo Alto, Miss., tender" company for twelve months at·med with shot-gnns. Accepted.

Coopwood, Thomas, Aberdeen, }fiss., May 20, asks power to raise company for the war. No answer made.

August 3, reports his company ready for service and asks to be mustered in. Accepted if armed.

September 16, replies that he would try to arm them. Coppens, G .. Colonel. commanding, \Varrington, Fla., April 23, raised

battalion of Zouaves. Accepted. Cossitt, C. }]., Captain, Company "C," 2<1 Tennes;ee Regiment, Colum­

bus, Ky., September 20, asks if he can rnise company for the Regular Army. Answered that no troops were being received into the Re!-(ular service.

Costeldo, or Costello, C. n., Captain, Atlanta, J unc 29, tenders com­pany composed of mechanics, and asks upon wltat terms it '\"ill be rccciYcd. Answered that the law makes no distinction.

Cotton, F. Robert, and J. Y. IIigh, Collingsborough, La., .Tttly 6, oflcrs company for twelve month~. Answered that the com­pany could not be accepted without arms.

/ ' fi- /,;( ,\~· :~nc~~~~~-~n;rhao~~ (fJ .C7 zY C£ c ,c4. / '--' ph pt./ -6 .I ~~ 7 ;2-_

/ ~ ~-,.v ) raise a company . <f' l.

Cowen, H. 1:)., 'l'urkeytown, .Ala., July ilU, orrers a company of Cavalry. Acceptcrl on condition that it servo during the war and i" armed.

Cox, C. M., Captain, Moore's Sharpshooters, :Montgomery, June 21, tcnuer; a rifle company unarmed. Answere<l that arms could not be supplied.

Cox, J. M., Lumpkin, Ga., September 3, tenders a mounted company, without arms, for the war. Not accepted.

Cox, John T., Colonel, Nashville, 'T'enn., June 12, oiiers'a company of riflemcn----{)rack shots; not his own company. Answer not recorded.

Cri!ddock, J. N., 5th Alabama Regiment, Union Mills, va., December 2, wants authority to raise a company of Artillery; his ft·icnds ~ave offere<l him two guns, and horses and equipmcnts enough for four; asks Government to supply the two other guns. Furlough ordered and terms of proposal accepted.

Craigo, R., Don.--Sce Waiton, T. G. Crawford, A. W., of Texas, by J [on. Vv. R. Ochiltrcc, .Jefferson, Texas,

September 23, wants authority to raise a regimcut for tho war. An;wcrcd by Circular. «

Novemher 5, aoks authority to raise regiment of Infantry for twelve months or the war. Answered hy Circular .. ,

Crawford, G. Wa~ltington, Colonel, of 'l'cxas, Hichmoncl, vu., October 14. says twelve-months' regiment, part Infantry and part Cavalry, Irum 'l'cxas, prefer; to lle mustered in as Cavalry, and i( retained for local defense will 110 armed bv tLe State and mountc<l. Anewere<1 th:tt a m;_,~d rq.:imcnt r·onl<l not lH' rcl'civccl. that


a regiment. of_ Infantry_ coul~ be accepted f twelve months only on_ cond1tton oi 1ts bmng armed; if enlisted for local dc~ensc 1t must be m accordance with act "to provide for local flcfcnse and Fpecwl serviCe."

Crawford, J. A. , Cnptnin, Company "K," 18th Georgia Regiment, Htehmond, va., December 27, propo~cs to convert his company mtoArltllery_ all(l to ra:se another company of Infantry to sup­ply 1ts place m the rcg1ment. Permission given.

Crawford, Joel, Gcorgctown,Ga., .July 22, cnn raise Artillery company of one lmnclred and stxty men. Answered that a battery could not be furnished.

Crawford 8. W., Caledonia, Texas, .August 9, proposes to rai~e a com­pany of Cavalt-y for twelve month~. Not accepted.

Crawford, \Vash., IIouston, 'l'cxa~, May 7, relative to regiment he is engngc<l m ot·gamzwg for service. K o answer recorded. ·

Crear, W., 'l'alladcga County, Ala., October 26, proposes to mise an armed company for coast defense. Answered by Circular.~­

Crc~swcll, D., Mansfield, La., July 21, wants to raise Cavalrv company ~,.mr-r.rl .... t. tlu_~ i 1· nwn f""Ynf'nc:P with "'l,r.t.rrnnQ Accepfed for the

~f~~c1/7'J bus, Ga., October ;o;wered that if his

be received for

October 1~, says i( he cannot get men to enlist for the war he wants hts company received for twelve months, and equipped. Answered by Circular.~·

Croghan1 St. George-, St. Louis, April 18, says ii authority is given l11m he WJil brmg one hundred or five hundred Kentuckians for the Hegubr army. Answered that men would lie received for not lc~s than three years.

Crommclin, 'rhomas, Montgomery, Ala., June 25, has one hundred men mrsed m the county Ior three ycnrs and asks about arms. Answered that company armed with rifles or shot-guns would be accepted.

Crook, George 'vV. L., Mempbis, April 16, tenders company of eiu-hty· three men. Referred to the Governor of the State of 0 'l'en-

/ r revillo, December 11cnt if it will be that no company

iod than the war - - ··• -- ....... ~ .......... ~ :·".! ... · 1~ 1Nu., a J..Vl uuo n ~u. .u.. ~voul<l be accepted

anu armed; provJswns of act o( Congress relative to re-enlist-Or m~nts would be ext~nclcd t~ him.

Urnp, E. II., Holly Spnngs, M1ss., March 28, wishes to know if mounted colltpanics, armed and equipped, will be accepted.

0 Answered thnt ~uch companies for the war wonltl be accepted. rump, J. II., Captain, Vicbbttrg, Miss., ,June 2G, tenders the Shamrock

Guards, <Umcd alH1 equipped. Ac~cptccl if for the war.

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Cooper, Thomas T •. , Captain, Montgomery, Ma_y 13, tenders services o[ his company, the Atlanta Grays. No answer recorded.

Coopwood, D. F., Captain, Palo Alto, \fiss., tender~ company for twelve months armed with shot-guns. Accepted.

Coopwood, 'l'hornas, Aberdeen, Miss., :May 20, asks power to raise company for the war. No answer made.

August 3, reports his COilljJany ready for service and asks to be mustered in. Accepted if armed.

September 16, replies that he would try to arm them. Coppens, G .. Colonel. commanding, Warrington, Fh., April 23, raised

battalion of Zouaves. Accepted. Cossitt, C. E., Captain, Company "C," 2d Tennessee Regiment, Colum·

bus, Ky., September 29, asks if he can raise company for the Regular Army. Answered that no troops were being received into the Regular service.

Costcldo, or Costello, C. II., Captain, Atlanta, June 29, tenders com· p:my composed of meclmnics, and asks upon what terms it ~viii be received. Answcrc<l that the law makes no distinction.

Cotton, F. Robert, ar·' T V Hi"l'- Colling,;borough, La., Jnly 6, oli'ers company pany could no1

Coulling, David, Rich from members of Virginia. l • .

Covington, W. D., Natchez, Miss., May~±, proposes to m.tot: a vuwl-'"UJ of rangers in Kentucky. No answer recorded.

Cowen, R S., Turkeytown, .L.\la., July 30, offers a company of Cavalry. Accepted on condition that it serve during the war and is arme(l

Cox, C. M., Captain, Moore's Sharpshoote1·s, Montgomery, June 21, tenders a rifle company unarmed. Answered that aTms could not be supplied.

Cox, J. M., Lumpkin, Ga., September 3, tenders a mounted company, without arms, for the war. Not accepted.

Cox, John 'I'., Colonel, Nashville, Tenn., June 12, offers 'a company of riflemen- crack shots; not his own company. Answer not recorded.

Craddock, J. N., 5th Alabama Regiment, Union Mills, Va., December 2, wants authorit;v to raise a company of Artillery; his friends have ofl:ered h for fou r : ash l!'urlougl; orde

Craige, R, llon.-Se' Crawford, A. W., of'

Septen1ber 23, wauLti auLuunL.Y LU HU:::$tj a n:::guuern 1or LllU war. .nnswercd by Circular.*

November 5, asks authority to rai:;e regiment of Infantry for twelve months or the war. Answered by Circular.*

Crawford, G. ·washington, Colonel, of '1'exas, l{ichmoml, Va., October 14. says twel vc-months' regiment, part lnfantr_y and part Cavalry, from Texas, prefers to be mustered in as Cavalry, and if retained for local defense will be armed by the State and mounted. Answerecl that a mi.xc<l regimrnt ronlrl not he receiver!; that


a regiment of_ ~nfnntry_ could be acccptcrl f~ twelve months only on_ condrtwn of 1ts bcmg armed; if enlisted for local defense 1t mnst be 1u accordance with act "to provirle for local defense aud special scJ·vice."

Crawford, .. T. A., Captain, Company "K," 18th Gcorgia_Regimcn.t, ~whmond, Va., Decem?er 27, proposes to convert h1s comp:my mto_Art1llery_ and to rmsc another company of Infantry to sup­ply 1ts place m the reo-Jment. Perm1sslon grvcn.

Crawford, Joel, Georgetown,_Ga., July 22, can raise Artillery company of one hnndred and SJ:Kt_y men. Answered that a battery could not be furmshcd.

Crawford S. W., Caledonia, Texas, August 9, proposes to raise a com­pany of Cavalry for twelve months. Not accepted.

Crawford, Wash., Houston, Texas, May 7, relative to regiment he is engaged m organrzrng for SCl'VJCe. ::;[ o answer recorded. ·

Crear, W ., 'l'alladega County, Ala., October 26, pi'oposes to raise an armcrl company for coast defense. Answered by Circubr.*

Cresswell, D., M:ans~cld, La., July 2-11

wants to raise C:wah·y company armed at the1r own expense w1th shot-guns. Accepted for the war.

Croft, Edward, Captain, Columbus Artillery, Columbus, Ga., October 17, offers Ins company for twelve mouths. Answered tlrat if his company furmshed 1ls own battery it would be received for twelve months. Circular·=+ enclosed.

October 18, says if he cannot get men to enlist for tho war he wants hm compan_y received for twelve months, and equipped. Answered by Crrctllar:x·

Croghan1 St. George, _St Louis, April 18, says if authority is given h1m he w1ll bnng one hundred or five hundred K!Jntnckians for the Hegular army. Answerccl that men would lfc received for not less than three years.

Crommehn, Thom3;9, Montgomery, Ah, June 25, has one hundred men ratsed m the county for three years and asks about arms. Answered that company armed with Tiflcs or shot-au us would be accepted. 0

Crook, George W. L., Memphis, April 16, tenders company of cirrh ty ­three men. Referred to the Goveruor of the State of


nessee. Cross, J. G., .Adjutant 3d 'l.'enncssee Regiment, Centreville, December

:3, ?an form a fine company from that regiment if it will be received as Cavalry for tw~ years. Answered that no company of Cavalry would be 1·eccJvcd for a less pe1iod than the war unless armed and egu1pped; 1f for the war it would be accepted and armed ; provJSlons of act of Congress relative to re-enlist­ments would be extended to him.

Crump, 1£. IT., Holly Springs, Miss., March 28, wishes to know if mounted compames, armed and eq nipped, will be accepted.

, Answe\ed that s~eh companies for the wa:r would be accepted. Crump, J. II., Captam, V wksburg, Mtss., June 26, tenders the Shamrock

GuaTds, armed and eqtupped. Accepted i£ for the war.

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C R p R hmond V a. A nrruHt 17 proposes to battahon rump, · · • ' ' ' ' 0 !II i · J tl · o n horses of mounted troops in Texas; w1 urms 1 101r w

and <YUns. Accepted. . d · f August 19, relative to difficulty of procu_rmg arms. Acceptc 1

armed with shot·guns and p1stols, or p1stols and sabres. . Crutcher, W. 0., Captain, Vicbburg, )fiss., Scpt~mbcr_H, reports Km~

Cotton Gurml~ rca•ly for ~crvicc; has 6Jxty niles aml want: Government to furnish rcmain<ler. Accepted. .

Cumming~, 11. '!'.,Paris, IIenry County, Tenn._, A\lril9, wants to know 1f Volunteer$ from 'l'cnnes"''e wi II hi' '""""'vN No answer recorded.

/ - U/\ ~ mlcd. Ll <unn, of Crockett,

(tJ~( / ./f". · gimcntof Cuv[llry

s to mise one or Lwu n:gunems tor tne war. Answcrc<l tllflt mounte<l men wcr~ not rer1uircd from Alabama, and the Government could no furnish arms.

August 10, asks if a company will 1Jc accepted, and mounte3, armed, and equipped. Answered that [\ company mountc ' armed, and equipped for the war woulrl be accepted.

September 2-1 and 30, asks comrnis~ion to raise Cavalry corn-p:1;ny for coast service for twelve months. Accepted on condJtJOD that it is. fully armed and equipped and. approved by General \Vithers.

C•ury, E<lwin, Crockett, Tcxn.s, April 2·1, tcndcrd company. No answer rccordetl.

Curry, .J. L. M., IIon., 'rallarlcga, Ah, May 27, ten<lcrs regiment a~d recommends J. II. ''Forney for Colonel. An~wcrc1l that t 0

Department woulll be gl:ul to get a regiment if armed; if ?rg[ln· izcrl before tcndcrcrl it will elect itR own ficlcl ofliccrs; 1f ten· clercrl by companies lhc l'rcsirlcnt will appoint.

Curry, 'Whitmill, Big Creel,, Ala., .Tunc 25, oH~rs company for o~J year or more, unarmed. Answered that the Govcrumcnt 0011 not fumi,;h [lrrns.

Ourtis, John B., Captain of the Pike Guard~, Xew Providence, Ala . .' August 5, otters company of one hnwlre<l men for the w:u, unarmed., or anncll with eomrnon riilc. Answen:d that if armed with country rifles will be acccptc,l. .

Cushman, J . F., Oxford, Mis"., June (), a~ks authority to raise a rogJ mont. An,wcrcd that a regiment armed and equipped au organizcu for the war woulll bo n~ccptcrl.

Cult.~, A. S., Captain, Millcdgovillc, Ga., .Jnnu 8, ash if tho S •tmtcr Ti'ly~ng Art1llery Will be rcccivctl m11l cctuipped. Not acr'L'J'tctl.

Arucncus, Ga., ~uno 11, tcurl<'l'', for thu sec01 ul titnc, a emnpan~ of flymg A1tlllcry. Answcl'lod t h:~t it couhl not be :teueptcr unarmed.

Damour, JameH A., 2rl Lieutenant, Macon, G.t., March !l, tenders ~cr· v,it:u,; of his cmnpany. Advioetl to tender hi.• 1·ompauv to thL' ( ,ovurnor of Jus ;:\tatu.

Daniel, JamcR M., Lamar Connty, Tcxn~, July 31, has an Artillrry eornpany o•·gani%crl anrl drillcLl ancl want.~ l>attcry. Answered that there are none to f11rni~h.

Daniel, .T. W. L., Captain, Midway, Ala., .Tunc 25, tenclcrs n compnny Ior twdvc montl1~-thc M11lway GuarLls-armctl :mel crlu•ppcd.

- Company ordererl to Corinth, Mi~8. ~ Uanly, C. l,. Sr•c Jmrlan, K C. r-· llantign:~c, jr., W . .M., Angn~ta, May 10, tenders n Yoltt~Jtccr company

for the war. An~wercrl that then! was no rcrJUISJtton on Gcnrgm fo1· tronp" at that tirnl'.

llamciJ,,, N. 11., G<!IH·ral, Dalla~, 'l'cxn", Sr·ptcmb?t· 25, a~ks ~uthority to raise 11 rc;sin•t•nt. A tJSII·crctl tl1at a regnnunt, organ•zctlancl ..."''"Lil'l\11 r(\1' tl.n "'"l' Hrr\111/1 hn ,.,., ... ;,.u.l '""I ''I'IHld: lf 1ronps

/ /! fl >r, and rcgi mcnt "if 447 ~?h..- / r /~ :,Z..} .vc liJOnth~.

/ , ' any for tltc war.

eompnny rai~ed at :'\l"~tche%, J\fiK.<., annerl, "'tuippcrl, ant! for the war. ;\ec•:]•ted.

Sec Jt'armr, 'l'homas J'. · Infm1try organ·

etl. to rniKe one

iolt C\·erything-.

""' ' ·'• •J. '''"'Ills, J.•teutnon", v a., .\lay :1, o!Icrs to raise a brig:ulc. AnKwerl'cl that l.rig:1rlcH wen' not received.''"'' t!tnt I!OntpanJCs, ' ·· ,. luud ''luipp l

""" anti Iarke 0 .

eotnJxtmcs arc

1 -• .... • u~ . .1\h,. 1 .l\.U"ll A. • I .1

t ltJ, n,~.'l abo 1t arm.'< for · · ·,c rccdl·ctl, lmt

1, has company and ctpupped.

_ ~··•t•· nv for twelve tnout.hs, llllal'tiiPd. ,\ n<w ·•·ed that 'rtn ,·ould uot he pr<ltni ed

\'' to l!olnp: lilts <dll·Jirrtr tully for l\\C!vt• lllOllth IB, 'I'. \V. \V., 1\lnul"''""'':.>"• ,\Ia. ~lny lS, o!T~;n; a company, the

•\'· C:ovt'l'llol·';. !'luar1 wet·n·t·lllcd. Ia, \V. <;. ~f., ltichilltlltcl, :SL'J'tl'lllhc•· ::, ·!furs n rcrrin11 nt ••f Qwulry.

I'J I n•·rllt·l, &t•, Acl'lpt d if 't"ippl I, Iul y. rm , • tul rno mtr..'<l. 1 '"'• II. 'I'., II on., N u1th Uarnl ina, ,) ul · 2,-,, tend r, l 11·00 h undrC<l

v Uit,•rul.vr·c< iu l\nrth (':ll·ol:na. J<'u11.hrr <'Xpl:wati 1n ru k d. ~ 11 P 10 r-t., It' J\1 Wlnt 1 ill<' Cia. Au 'L t 1!!, k if (J;nalry from

(' : •t ! < J 'P' I

'vi i Al!or'rJa is w:n.ttd. J\11 h;f d, ... o. 1

' " '• '1'. ,J., l"wc·iu.J,,,, \1 1s , .\J•ril 11. '" uld ··c g;:~cl to havl' ~ •tt h o rit.y to mi~, ( "lV :ti~Hit Sl"\ h•1nr rc l) rn n wdl mounted Unr[ :trt11cd. l\,J :tllswc·r r··~·onlc 1

CD CD t/1 .... "C 0 t/1 t/1

!2: CD

3 I»


Page 28: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf

Crump, R P., R ,hmon<l, Vn., .1\ngust 17, proposes to :aisc battalion of mounted troops in Texas; will furmsh the1r own horses and guns. Acccptccl. .

Aurrust 19, relative to difficulty of procuring arms. Accepted If a~med with shot-guns and pistols, or pistols and sabres. .

Crutcher, IV. 0., Captain, Vicksburg, Miss., Scptembcr.9, reports Kmg Cotton Guards ready for servwe; has Sixty l'lilcs and wants Government to furnish remainder. Accepted. .

Cummings, II. T., Paris, IIenry County, 'renn . .' April9, wa~ts t~ know I[ Volunteers from 'l'cnncssee will be recCJvcd. No answer Jecmcled.

Currie. E., Captain, Texas, April 21, by D. A. Nunn, of Crockett, ·Texas, tend era hi~ company. Xo answer reuOI:<le<l.

December 28. appl' · for the war. A

Curry, R. J ., Greensbor two regiments fr not re'luirccl fl'! furnish arms.

August 10, asks if a company wil~ b? accepted, and mounted, arrncd, and e<pr ' - ~ .............................. n YnrmntPrl .

armed, and equi September 24 and

for coast servic that it is fully Withers.

Curry, .!£elwin, Crockett, Texas, April 2·1, tenders company. No an~wcr recordccl.

Curry, J. L. M., lion., recommends J. Department wo i<~cu before ten< clereu hy eomp:

Curry, \Vhitmill, Rig (.)reeJ.;:, 1\.Ja., JUno ""• ouer" cowpauy wr u~~ year or more, unarmed. Answm·"il th"t tl.n n.n···-· not furniRh arms,

Curtis, John 13., Captai A ugu"t 5, olfers unarmed, or armc with country rifl( .

Cushman, J . F ., Oxford, .:>li&<., Juno 6, asks authority to raise a rcgt· mont. A nswcre<l that a regiment a1·mcd and equipped and organi7.od for the war woul!l be accepted.

Cutts, A S., Captain, hlilledgovillc, Ga., June 8, asks if the Sumter Flying A1tillct·y will be rcceive!l aml equipped. Not accepted.

Americus, Ga., June 11, ton<lcrs, for the second lime, a company o[ llyinp; Artillery. Answered that it <~ould not be accepted UnflrlllCll.

Onmour, .James A., 2£1 Lieutenant, } [aeon, Ga., }farch 9, tenders scr vices o( his company. Adviscu to tender hi., company to the Oovcmor o( his State.

llanicl, James M., Lanw r C{)unty, Texas, July 31. lms an Artillery company organized an!l drilled and wants battery. Answered tbat there arc none to Cum1sh.

Daniel, J. W. L., Captain, .Midway, A ln.., June 25, tenders a company for twelve monthi>-thc :Midway Guards-armed and equipped. Company ordeml to Corinth, }fiss.

anly, C. L. t\cc Jordan, R C. bantignac, jr., \V. M., Auguxtn, May 10, tende~ a Volunteer company

for the war. Answered that there was no requisitiOn on Genrgm for troops at that time. .

Darncllo, N. II., General, Dallas, 'rcxas, Srptemhcr 25, asks authonty to raise a rcuimenl. i\ nswcrcrl that a rcg1tncnt, organ17.ed a1ul tcndcnxl fo~ the war wonl<l be rcceivctl and armed; if troops furnished tiieir own a;·ms they would be paid for, U!Hl regiment armc<l and C<[Uippc<l would lw <'e<·civc<l fot· twelve monthR.

IJarwin, J . II., Decatur, .1\ la., Juno 20, tumlers a company for the war. Xot accept(..~lunb;s :trmed and CC]llippc!l. .

Uavis, A. V ., Captain, 1-ticlunond, August 14, tcn<lcrs company rmscd at Natchez, MisR., armed, c<plippcd, and for the war. Accepted.

Sec Farrar, 'l'houws P. ' ~avis, Jack Husk, 'l'cxns, Angust 30, has company of Infantry organ·

i'\)kUor the war and can procure arms. Acccptc£1. 'avis, ,Jffl., Scotlan!l Xeck, N. C., September 9, wishc_; to rai ·e .one

hundred mounted men, the Government to furmsh cverythmg. Permit not given. . .

Uavis, .J. Lucins, .Richmond, Va., May 9, oiiers to raise a bng~clc. Answci'C<l that bri.rmlcs were not received, a()(l that compamcs,

' battalions, or rcgii~Cnts tendering must be armed and c'luippccl or for tho war.

bnvis, L. \V., C:allllwba, Ala., .July 8, tenders the :Marengo and Clarke County Hangers. Answered by asking if the compames arc mounted aml armed.

~vis, Xicltolas, Huntsville. Ala., Augm;t 16, asks about _annR for regiment. AnBWOI'"'l that armccl troops would be recmvc<l, but unarm<.-d troopR only fm the war.

t':o"is, N . N., Captain, Pi<·lwnsvillc, . Ala..' September 10, bas company for the war ancl asb If 1t \nil be armed and C<Jlllppccl. Answcrc<l in the aflirmativc.

'tv is, \V iloon, Stevenson, Ala., A 11{;\''Ist 1, ofi'ers enmpanv for twelve monthx, 111Iarrned. Answered that arms coul<l not be prormscd

. to COlllJ>aniuH oilcring only for twelve months. \tvi~, '1'. \\r. \V., Montg01ucry, Ala., Mny 13, oficrs a company, the

Gov<•mor's Guanl~. );o answ<'I' I'Ccnrdcd. •vis, W. G. M., Hidtrnoiul, Septum her :l, offci'S a regiment of Cavalry,

. annccl, &c. Aceuptc<l il' C<[Uippl'<l, fully armed, an<lmottnLed. Y!Json , 11. '1'., Ilon., 1\orll1 Carolina .. Jt1ly ~;), tl'n<lcrsthrcc hunclrcu

Chcroket·s in North Camlina. l<'Ut'ther cxplanati m a~k'C!l. Vcnport, 1<'. 1\L, WbitL~I·illc, Ga., Angus\ 12, a k~ r Cavalry from . Gcuq .. .rin. id wanted ... A .. n:-:wcJ-ctl, "No.'

VIllson, '1'. ,J., j(,»,eiusko, Mi~s. , April 11, wonld lJe gla<l to have auLhority to mi,m (H:ty abont six ltun!lre<l) men, ll'l'll mountc<.l und arme<L No al1HII't'I' rccortlc<L

tD (I) 1/1 ... "0 0 1/1 !e. 2:: (I)

3 Sll co (I)

Page 29: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf

Dawson, E. G., Captain, Columhnr,, (h., October 1_41 report.~ hi~ .A :til Jcry as having been ::tCCCj:>ted, and lS fLWaJtmg transportatiOn. .Answered that tranHportntJoll lmu been on.lcrecl.

Dawson, R H., :..fontgomory, Juno 27, tend em a company Ior the war. Aroswcred that it coLtld not be accepted unless armed.

Day, .Tames M., 1st Lieutenant, i\ ihn, S . C., 1hreh 16, tenders a c~m· pany oi Infantry. Hecommcndcd to offer 1t to the Executtve of his State.

Day, l'f. C., Captain, J\f~rion, Mi~s., .Tunc 15, asks whether his con:-· pany will be a~ceptecl fm~ twelve months. An~worod th:lt lm

- or th<' war, woulLI be

~·.L.L...,...., -·~·~ --···---- ~- - . -··-- ........

4-JI. 1, lcngm;t 7, tender 1 ;ion that tho ro!!imont

armed with c'Ouutry

Deas, Z. C., :..fohile, Ah, August 31, has enough companies orgrrniz· inrr and asks if each can be mustered in on it~ arriYal at Mont· go~~m·y. Answered thrrt sep:~ratc mu~ter would forfeit the right to elect field officers.

Do Blanc, Aleihiacle, St. Martinsville, La., April15, is forming a com­pany, and wants to know to whom to apply. J_\ nswcrocl that oiier should be rnu<le thmurrh the Rxccut1ve of h'" Stale.

De llaron J., Vicksburrr, May 8, t~nclers a brrttalion of Arkansas Vol· u~teers. Answ~·eu. "cannot accept them now."

Decry Hobert R., Na~hvillc, 'J'onn., June 1, is raising regiment and 'asks about the appointment of field offteer:<, &c .. Answered that when regiments are organized before offered olliccrs woull remain as cbo~en; not accepted unless :~rmc.J. an<l equipped.

De Gournrry, P. F., Captain, Or·leuns Indcpcnclcnt A rtillcry, Yorktown, Va., December 23, rlcsircs authority to raise bmtulion o! heavy Artillery for the war. Auswered that such a battalion would be accet)te<l.

De Jean, A., Lieutenant, New Orleans, La., Juno 8, tenders companyJ tho Opelousas Guards. Not accepted unless Iull y armed an equipped. . .

De Lrrcy, .J. l\1. R, \Varrington, Fla., October 1, tcnrlcrs company !or twelve months as Artillery and receive cquiprrges, &c., or n' Infantry and receive arms. Answered that no arms could be furniHhccl for twelve mouthH.

Delay, William, Captain, Hth Mi~sis~ippi Regiment, Oxford, ~fiss.,_ .Tul_1 15, wants to command a regiment. Answered that a rcgmwn organi7.ctl by clectiou o[ tielrl o!l1cers aml for the war will \ill accepletl.

Fort :..rcRac, Fla., September 10, rrsks if Government will arnJ regiment for the war. Answered that arms woulrl he furnis!Jccl as soon as possible. ,

Dclony, Edward, Clinton, La., May 27, asks if he raises a compr~n)1 for the war whether it will he ordered into service. Answt:rc• that it would be no<·.civcrl i[ anned anrl C'1utppcd. . .

Denver, W. H., Captain, Chapultcpcc, Ala., .July 15, offers company lui twelve mouths. ,\cceptcd if Ior the war and a.rn1ed as proposct·


Derrick, C., Licutcnrrnt, Wytheville, Va., Novcmhcr 28, a,;ks if _Gm ­ernment can fumisb a brrttery, &c., :wcl says he has pronnse of a company for the war. Circular* ~cnt him, and answered that a battery "coulclnot be !um i~hcd. .

De Satlssuro.1bjor, (late U. 8. ,\ 1·my,) by Governor P1okens, qharlcston, s. c.; l'\hy lil, tew.lerH com pany fOI" Dragoon serVICe, or for Infantry. Aeccpl.crl as Tnfnntry for three year~. . .

llesha, F. IV.,· llate~villc, ll.rl~ .. Auguc;t 7, proposes to rmsc a rPgnnent for twelve month~. rrnrl al>out arm~, &e. Accepted for tw<'lvc montl1s ii :mnetl, aml for the war if unarmed.

Do .,Witt, 'vV.ll., ltidJtnOJHl, Augu:ot 31, ask~ :mswc1· to an upplicrrtion conecrninf.i tho formrrti on of an Artillery company. Referred to General 1-r>llicon·,.r !or reply.

llcyerlc, ~f. P., Cap~ain, 28th H<'gimcnt Virf!_inia Volu_nte!'rs, Centre­ville, Va., Novt·mlH~r HJ, propo~es to r:u so an Artillery comprrny for tho war aml asks t<'rrns of acccptrrnec. .Au~wcrcd that no Artillery company cn•Jlrl be aet,cpocLI which could not furnish its lmttcrv. Cireul:tr ·::· cnclm1cd.

Dickens, John k, Capt:tiu of tho Sardis lllucs, Memphis, .Mrrrch 27, lms eornc from l'anoln with his company, and wants to be rrccivetl. Answered that unlc~:> accepted by the Governor of

. Missis~ippi he could not be received. . lJ1ekinson, A. G., Captain, l'on~acolu, Fla., :.fay 31, has m>~cd a com­

pany at Pensacola, and wants 1t ordered away. :No answer rccorrlctl.

lJillan\__Jamcs ~~~, Captain, and ?t~ers, Oakley, Ala., oiier the Ramer

n· the war. Ofier 1ippcd. ui n~, K. C., April

, • >poses to raise a Kentu<'kv regiment, without arms. Answcrecl that the Depart­ment eou .. ld not arm it.

bobson, Jnmes W., .Jns1wr, Ga., August 29, desires authority to raise company. (Filed.) . . .

bobyns, 'l'ltornas B., New Orleans, August 7, des>res author1t,Y to rmsc a regiment. An:lwercd thrrt no comtnJS$1011~ are 1;stwd or

l promised in advanct'. )ockcr.l', 'J'. C., llernanclo, :..fiss., J unc 22, tenders company, the De

~oto Bcrtun'•':mb. l'io :lll~wer recorded. Liouson, K :i\1., Lie1~enant, Uompany "ll," Gcorgirr B:lttalion, IV arring-

, n1 " ~·- ... 1 ~ •· . .:t n - , !If-armed, '''Ill

l}' of I n[antry, sent and JC accepted in

1) " ... ••...•••. , - • o ····· . ''Wtl, \V. l<'., A 1Jc1·rlr•cn, l\li~s., An).!;U«t 30, u~ks auth~>rity to raiHc

rcgimcut vr 1>attalion, anti to b•• annml an!l t•qnlppc<l by the liovcrumunl .AnPwew<l that roJgnneut or battalion woul<l lw

III CD til -"C 0 til til C" (;"

3 Dl


Page 30: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf

Dawson, E. G., Captain, Columbus, Ga., October 14! reports his A:til lery as having been accel?tctl, and 1s awatl1ng transportatwn. Answered that transportatwn bad been ordcrcrl.

Dawson, R. II., ).fontgomery, .Tune 27, tenders a company for the war. Ar.swered that it cou ld not be accepted unless nrmcd.

Day, James M., 1st Lieutenant, Aiken, S. C., !lbrc~1 16, tenders a c~rn· pany of Infantry. Recommcnrbl to oiTer 1t to the Execut1vc of his Sta tc.

Day, \Y. C., Captain, :Marion, ::1-fi~s., .Tune 15, asks whether his com· pany will be accepted for twelve r;tonths. Answered that l11s company, armed, equipped, and offenng for th>) war, would be accepted.

Dens, IV. C., anrl R n. Armistead, of Abbama! Au.;-ust 7, t_cmlcr regiment for tho war. Accepted on collll1t10u that the rcg1ment be organi:;~ed by election of field officers, armed w1th country rilles, an<l tendered for tho war. . .

Dens, Z. C., J.fobile, Ala., AuguBt 31, has cm;u;;h ~ompnmcs orgamz· ino- anrl asks if each can be mustered 111 on 1tll arnval at Mont· gdt;ery. AnKwet·ed that ,;ep!Lmte mu;;terwould forfeit tlte right to elect field ofl1cron

De Blanc, Alc1biade, St. Martinsville, L:1., April 15, is forming a com· puny, and wants to know to whom to apply. Answc1·cd that offer should be made through the Executive of Ins State.

Uc Baron, J., "Vicksburg, }fay 8, tcnclcm a battalion of, Arkansas Yol· unteers. Answered, '·cannot accept them now.

Decry, Hobert R, Nasltvillc, 'l'enn., .Tune 1, is rai:,ing regiment and asks about the appointment of fielrl ofliccrs, &c. A nswr>rPd that when rE • remain as ch

De Gom·nay, P. F., I Ya., Decemb Artillery for be accepted.

De Jean, A., Lieutenant, New OrleanK, JJn., June 8. tenders companyj the Opelousas Guards. Not accepted unleKs fully armed an equipped. .

De Lacy, J. M. R., \Yarrington, Fla., October 1, tenders company for twelve months as A1-tillery and receive C<iuipagcs, &c., or "' Infantry and receive arms. Answered that J,o arms could be furnished for twelve months.

Delay, William, Captain, Uth Mississippi Regiment, Oxford, }fiss.,_ Jul. 15, wants to commaml a regiment. Ar,swcnxl that a rcgnncn organized · · " ·' 1 1 -n~ ......... ,. "'"'1 f.-.l• 1l1n ,vq •· w1ll l1

acceptetl. Fort McHa

regiment ns soon :t

Dclony, Edward, Ultnton, l.Ja., ... "J -., - _ 1 for the war whether it williJC ordered into service. llnRW0l"L'

that it would be rer,civcrl i[ annctl anrl eqn>pped. . Denver, IV. B., Captain, Ohapuhcpcc, Ala., .Tnly 15, o1Ior~ eornpany lo(

twelve moBth~. Accepted i[ Ior the war uml armed as propose<·


'•'rnck, 0 ., Lieutcn:wt, \Vythcvil lc, Va., Kovrmhcr 28, asks if Go,·· ernment can furnish a battery, &c., and sap he has promu;e of a company for the war. Ci1:cnl:tr •· sent him, antl answered that a battery could not uc fnrnu;llCd. .

De Saussurc, Major, (late U. ::0. Army,) by Governor P1ckens, Charleston, S.C., May 13, tenders company for Dragoon Rcrv1cc, or for Infantry. Accepted as Infautry for three year:;. . .

Desha, F. \V., Hntcsville, Ar~ .. Angu,,t 7, propo:;..:.~ to rmRc a rrgtmcnt for twch u months, anrl asks about arms, &c. AcccptcLl for twelve n1on1l1s if Ul"llll'tl, an>l for the war if unarmed.

De Witt, IV. Il., lt;dnnon<l, Augnst 31, ask~ answer to an appli'o~ti.on conccrnmg tho Ionnat1on of an Artillery eompany. Rdenml to Gcncml ;!,ollicofl'N fqr reply.

lleyerle, M. P., Captain, 28th H<·gimont Yirgi11ia "Volunteers, Centre· ville, Ya., Novern'Jer 19, pmpo~c.s to nu,;c an i\rtdlCJ}' company for the war and asks term~ of aoccptall{;C. Answered that no Artillery <'OIIIJHLny c•.>nhl he aceq>tcd which coulLl not furnish its battery. Circular·:< cnolo:>cd.

])ickcn:;, Jolm li., C:tptain of tlH' Sanlis RluCf:, Memphis, March 27, has come fmm l'anoln with his company, and wants to be reeoivUtl . An~wered that unlc~:; accepted by the Governor of

. Missis,ippi he could not be received. . lltckinson, A. G., Captain, l'cnsacolu, Fla .. , May 31, has ratsed a oom­

p<my at Pensacola, and wants it ordcroLl away. No answer reconlc<l.

Di llard, James H., Captain, nnrl others, Oakley, Ala., offer the Ramer Grcvs. No answer recorded.

Dismuke, :i<'. D., GrifTi11, Ga., .June 4·, offers rcrriment for tho war. OITor . dcclinc<l unless the regiment be armcii' and oqu~pped. .

b1xon, .K, Captai11 of tho Clcvch111l Blues, \Yhitc l'lmn~, N. C., April . 15, offers curupany. No answer rcconlcd. .

btxon, George, lion., :\femphis, 'l'enn., June 13, proposes to rmse a Kcntnf'k_v regiment, :vithout arms. Ans\'>Crcd that tho Depart­ment could not arm It.

Dobson, James W., ,Jasper, Ga., August 29, desires authority to raise company. (Filed.)

llohyns, 'l'homas B., New Orleans, .August 7, dc~ir~R authority to raise a rcginwnl. AuHwercu that uo conunt~tilOno are 1ssucd or promised in advance.

bockcry, 'l'. U., llcrnando, ::\1is:;., .Tune 22, tenders company, the De Soto Bcaurr••nrrls. No an~wer recorrled.

llodson, :K ~1., Lieutenant, Uotnp:wy "11,'" Georgia Battalion, Warrin_g· ton, Fla., Aurrnst H, asks if Cavalry comrany, self-m·mod, Will he rcct!ivcd. "'Answcr0Ll, "Do not Hccu· iL'

Savannah, Ga .. nc,~emhct· 28, p1·opo,;cs to raise company ofT '.'fan try, l,y rc·culistin" twelve-mouth~· men. Circular" sent lnr11 and answer maclc cthat eontpa11y o[ 1 nfantry would be accepted in

I conformity to 1·cgnlation~. . . lrl\vt], W. F., .A he1·Licc 11 , l\li,;,;., Augu,;t 30, asks anthonty to ra1sc

regirnc11t or battalio11, a1Hl to l.Je armed a11d ecptippe<l by the fluverumcul Answoro<l that r~r;imcn' or hatt:tlion wonl•l 1,.•

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acccptccl if organizefl and o.ITcrcd for tl oe war,. the armR to be paid for by the Gr,vern mcn t.. . . .

Septcm bcr 28, bas six fu ll compames for Ins rcgtmen t and can raise the rest speedily if he has speeml authonty to mnstcr them in. Answered that no such authority is given to one not already in service, and if mustered in as a regiment the field officer8 mu$t be clcctctl.

DowLlcll. J . F ., ITon. , A11hnrn, Ala., June 18, desires to know if rcgi· mont t-;velvc-months· Volunteers will be received if arrnml with shot·gnns or rifle~. Answore<l that the rule of the Dcp:1rtmcut forb i(ls the ncccpt.'tncc of twclve·lllonths' troops. .

Doyal, ]>. '1'., commanding Spaulding Gmy:;,_ Grifiin, Ga., Apnl 20. asks about arrns for h1s compauy, sayong he has mLbkct~ ami wants rifles. lnstl'L1ctcd to bring musket~. . .

Korfolk, Ya., August 1, wauL,; to Teturn to Oeorg~:1. t_o rm~e a a TC" imcnt or battr.lion for the war. Answered that It IS ag:Hnst tho ~n iform Tnle of tltc Department.

Drake, J . W . W., Captain,, Ala., l\fay 10, has company oTganizing an<l asks instructions. Answered that all troop8 must offer for the war.

Dromgoole, Jo lm E ., Dover Hi ll , I nrl., April 16, tenders a regiment. No answer recorded.

Drummond, H. 11., Columbus, :M:i:;s., August 27, proposm to mise tt

company at J,is own expense. Answered that it would be accep ted if a rmed and equipped.

Duckett, L. A. n., Spring Creek, N. C. , wishes to know if a company which he designs ruising can be armed by the Department. Answered in the negat ive.

D udley, IV .. Jr.," Captain, Car: ton, _Mis8., June 15, wants company wcred that company ' years unless hilly /.;.-tenders sixty men, ansportation to Yir-

- , ... J .. _, uvo uJC£led. DLHlCan. manton, Louisville, March 23, is fo rming brigade to be ready at

the ta}! of a drum, anrl can raise ten thousarul men .. An:mercd that his patriotic offr.r N111 l rl nnlu 1.,. """""'eel in case of war.

1 authmity to raise t he promise of the

e companies enough 'ould be aceeptea ; if ntcd.

uu1uov, .u. n. , oeptcmucr 10, proposes t'l raise :1 company o[ Artificers. Authorized to lm raised as Artillery, with a:> many Artificers ns might l.HJ fonnrl among its numbers.

Dunn, A. C., Captain, Griflin, Ga., J uly 29, reports his company-the Bartow Artillery-ready for serv ice. No answer recor(lcd. .

Dunn, ::If. C., Richmond, Va .. July 13, proposes to mise a company Ill

· 'J'cnncssec. Answered tl1at i f the Colllpany was armed arlll CIJnippetl it wouhl bo accepted Cor three vcars or tho wur.


Dnpicrc, L ., Lieutenant Colonel, Kew Orleans, La., June 5, is raising 2d Louisiana Battalion Zouaves: has already three hundred rncu , aml asks \vhat is to be clone with them. Answered that the Department had no k nowledge of his being authm·ized to raise such battalion.

Dupont, Charles, :J.f. D., Riceville, Tenn., August 15, wants .authority to raise a company o[ nying Attillery. Answere<l that Govern­ment cannot iL(rnish bn.ttery.

D nssurnier, E ., Colonel of La Turco's regiment, New Orleans, La., May 25, reports that he hn~; 723 men ready to be mustered, and can mise 1,000 or 1 ,500. i'\ o answer rccorflcd.

Duval, Lucius S., Colonel, o( Floricln., through Hon. S. R. Mallory, October 21, desire,; to organize a company for local defense in F lo1·illa. Answered that snch a company could only be accepted on con dition of its being rC(jUired by the Commanding General and ful ly armed aml Cfjuipped.

Duvall, Gnurie.l H. , of Alabama, September 1-!, asks leave of absence to raise a regiment in Alabama. (Fireu.)

Duvall, ll C., Poi nt Jcffcr~on, La., September 4, asks if a Cavalry company wil l be iurn ishml with arms, and offers to pledge cotton fo r· their vnlnc. Answered in tlHl negative.

Eager, Ro!Jert, Shicldsborough, }.{iss., June 23, oiierd company, the Shicldsborougb Rifle,;, for coast defense. .A nswcrcd th at the com ran .Y could not be accepteu for any particular service.

Ea.kle, B. I< ., Richmond, Y a. , December 23, a~ks if Government will receive a company of mounted men, armed and eqnippcu, raised in Greenbrier County for local defense for less than twelve months. Answered in the affirmative.

Earle, or J•;alc, A . S., Montgomery, May 28, tenders company [or twelve months, armed with C<Jmrnon rifle. Answer not fon nfl on record:

Em·lcy, R G., Jacksonville, Ala., June 17, proposes to raise regiment. .~-\.nswercd that arms coulcl not be supplied.

Easton, T. S ., Mobile, Ah, June 20, has a company of Choctaws for the war and asks about arms. Not acccptcll.

Eastland, II., llillsborough, Miss., October 15, asks if a Cavalry com· pany will be received and armed. Answercrl by Circular.*

Eastland, '1'. B ., Sparta, 'l'enn., July 23, nsks authority for Yan Leer Eastl:tml to raise company of mountcrl men. Answered that the company, if m iscd, armed anrl Cflnippcd, would he accepted.

September 5, asks if company of ranger:; would be rcccivctl and pnt on ~amc fooling as Cavalry. No answer marlc.

antl lion. R S. Gardenhire (no date) desire to raise an .A r ti llery company. Acceptcu on cond ition they can provide thei r own battery.

Septcmucr 30, renews tcn ,]cr o( an Artillery company. Answered ~hut. company eould only be :wecptcd on condition of it furnish· m~ 1 t~ own battery.

Echols, A., Kewton, Ala. , .1\n"nst 18, teullcrB unr.rmc(l C<wnlry com· , pany for the war. Dccli nc~l for wnnt of armq.

l<.eho ls, John 11., Dirt '1'own po,;t ullicc, Ga., March 2H, proposco to mise eompan_y. nnrl a8k~ IH•w lnng tJ,,.,. will lH' n'r1uirctl to n·main iu

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rwceptc•l if n.nd offered for the war, the arms to lm paid for by the G~vcrnment. . . .

SeptcmLer 28, has stx full compames for h1s rogtment and can raise the rest speetlily if he has special authority to mnster them in. A nswercd that no such authority is given to one not alrcn<ly in service. and if mustered in as a regiment the neltl of1icor; must be ~lectcrl.

Dowdell, .J. F ., Ilotl., Anbnrn. Ala., June 18, desires to know if re~i· mcnt twclvc·months' Vohmteers will be receive<.l if armctl with 8hot·gnns ot· riDes. Au,;were•l that the ~·nlo of the Dcpm·tmeut forbids the aceoptanec of twelvc·month8 troop~. .

Doyal, L. T., cotnmnnding Sp<tullling Gm_y-s,. Gnffin, Ga., Apnl 20, asks nbout arms for hts company, saytng he has mu,;kets ami wants riDes. InstrueteJ to bring musket;. . .

Norfolk. Va. .A twnst 1, wnnts to return to Gcorgta to ratse a a rc"i'mcnt or b~tr.lion for th!J war. Answered that it iti against the ~niform rule of the Deparlrnent.

Drake, J. W. W., Captain, Auburn, Ala., May 10, has company orguui<~ing an<l asks instructions. Answered that all troops mu,;t offer for the war.

Dromgoole, John E., Dover Ilill, Incl., April 16, tenders a regiment. No answer recorded.

DrummouJ, II. F ., Columbus, Miss., August 27, proposes to mise :1 company at his own expenRe. Answered that it would be accepted if armed and eqnippcd. . .

Duckett, L. A. B., Spriug Creek, N. C., wiShc; to know tf a company which he •lcsigns raising can be armed· by the Department. Answered in the negative.

Dudley, W. II., Captain, Canton, Miss., June lf), wants company accepted for less term than the war. Answered that company could not be accepted for Jess than three ycat·s unless fully armed ancl eq ui ppetl. .

Duncan, A. C. McU., Savannah, Ga., May 23, tenders s1 xty mc.n, equipped as Cavalry; will pay their own transportation to Vtr­ginia. Answcrccl that company was not necde<.l.

Duncan, Blanton, Louisville, March 23, is forming brigade to be ready at the tap of a drum, and can raise ten thousand men. • An;wercd that his patriotic offer could only be accepted 111 case of war ..

Duncan, John, Richmond, Va., December 30, :mks authonty to ra1sc the Duncan Battalion to a rco-imcnt with the promise of the colonelcy. AnRwered that if he could rai"e companies enough to increase the baLk'llion to a regiment it. would be accepted, tf anne<l, and the fielcl officers wou ltl be appointed.

Dunlop, L. II., September 10, proposes t0 raise a company of Artificers. AuthorizeJ to be miocd as Artillery, with aR many Artificers as might be fount! among its numbers.

Dunn, A. C., Capt~in, Griftin, Ga., July 29, reports his company-the Bat-tow .A.rtillcry-ready for service. Ko answer rccorrlcd. .

Dunn, M. C., Riclnuond, Va., July 13, proposciJ to rai~c a company Ill · 'l'cntH~ssee. An,;wered that if the company wn.s arrrwd ancl

eqmppc1.l it WOLlld he uecepted {or tlmm years or the war.


llnpicrc, L., I~irutcnant Colonel, New Orleans, La., June 5, is raising 2.1 Louisiana Battalion Zouaves; ha; already three hunclrcd men, and asks \vhat is to be clone with them. Answered that the Department had no knowledge of his being authorized to raise such hattalion.

Dupont, Charles, Iii. D., Riceville, Tenn., August 15, "·ants .authority to raise a company of flying Artillery. Answered that Govern­ment cannot furnish battery.

Dnssurnier, E., Colonel of La 'l'urco's regiment, New Orleans, La., Jvby 2o, reports that he has 723 men ready to be rnustcm<l, and can mise 1,000 m· 1 ,500. No answer rccorucll.

Duval, Lnei ns S., Colonel, oi Floricla. thr<>ugh lion. S. R. }fallory, Octohcr 21, dc;ircc to orgnnize a company for local defense in Florida. Answered that Bnch a company could only be accepted on condition of its being required by the Commanding General and fully armed aml equipped.

Duvall, Gabriel D., of J\ labama, September 1-±, asks leave of absence to raise n regiment in Alahama. (Fired.)

Duvall, II. C., l'oint JcJLorson, La., September 4, asks if a Cavalry company will he furnished with arms, and offers to pledge cotton Ior their value. Answered in the negn.tivc.

Eager, Robert, Shicldsborough, Miss., June 23, offer~ company, the Shicl<lsbnrough RiOc~, for coast Jcfcnsc. Answered that the company could not be accepted for any particulm· service.

Eakle, D. F., Richmond, Va., December 23, a-,ks if Government will receive a company of mounted men, armed and equipped, raised in Grccubrier County Ior local defense Ior less than twelve months. Answered in the affirmative.

Earle, or Ealo, A. S .. Montgomery, May 28, tenders company for twelve months, armed with common rifle. Answer not founcl on record:

]~urlcy, R G., .Jacksonville, Ala., June 17, proposes to raise regiment. Answered that arms coul•l not he supplied.

Easton, '1'. S., Mobile, Ala., June 20, has a company of Choctaws Ior tho war an<l asks about arms. Kot accepteJ.

Bastland, II., ] lillsborough, .Miss., October 15, asks if a Cavalry com­pany will he received and armed. Answcrc<l by Circular.*

Eastland, T. B., Sparta, Tenn., .Jul.Y 23, asks authorit,y for Van Leer Eastlanll to raioc company of mountcLl men. Answered that the company, if raised, armed anrl eqnippcd, would be accepted.

September 5, asks if company of ranger~ would be received and put on same footing as Cavalr.y. ~o answer mallc.

amlllou. E. S. Gardenhire (no date) desire to raise an Artillery company. Acceptcu on condition they can provi<.lo their own hnttcry.

September 30, rcnewB tcnclcr o[ nn Artillery company. Answered ~hat. company coulcl only be accepted on condition of it furnish-

, mg tt~ own battery. l<dtols, A., Newton, Aln.., Augnst 18, tcmlerci unarmed Cavalry com-, pany for the war. Duclinccl for want of arm<.

hebob, .John II., Dirt 'l'own post ollicu, Ga., Man;~' 2ti, pr<)posc~ to raise o:omp:tn_v. rt111l a,;k.-; how long th•"r will hP rf'tjllire(lt(• rl'lllnin in

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servwe. Answered tlwt nppliealion should be m~u1o to the Gov· cmor o[ tbe State. · b

Ector Walton Griffin Ga. June 26, Lenders tCJi full eompames to . e ' orrraniz~d 31st ~1 f JL:nc. Answered that unless fully armed aml eq~ippeu it cmJ1Ll n'-!t be received. . .

July 9, reports h1s regiment orgarm,ecl. 7

Acceplerl.. : ,, Ector Captain, ::\'leriwcther County, by \\alton Ectm, G11ffin, G"t.,

' J nne 9. ask~ if unarmed company w1ll be recelVeil. Answered in the negative. . l

Edmonson Wiliiam II., Mobile, Ah, .June 24, offers company arme< aud' cqnipped. Accepted if for the war. . . . ,

July 13, mp his company refuses to go for the \\ a1. ~ o "'llS\\ cr found on record. .

Edmonston James, N" ew Orleans, :May 18, 1s rmsmg bnttn1ion o[ ln£a;1try and hopes thc_y will be ncccptctl. _No al!swcr rccorde<l.

June 18 and 22, a~ks authority Lo rai~c \mttahon ... Answcn)d tktt • · •· · 1pp0<1 for t~JC war.

c£ . ;:::' .£._ f / 1rnpn. ny rm~ctl Ill // t:{- (!.?, t//. ';.(O, W, ot ueeeptctl.

?1 Lt:?- I ' ' ' 1t, Camp Tiartow, "llo,;c of raising a

. _ ___ -·· __ --··o-'" _ -~ ... 1ed. Elliott, J~ II.-Sec Mc~eill, A. J. . . . .. Ells, II. K., Lieutenant, aud others, Macon, Ga., Octobe1 -, have uuRcd

an Artillery company and eDgagcd battery; ask _uut~ont,y ~ buy horses, &c., and expect Government to pay fo1 cvcryth~no. A nswererl that uo such authonly could be given, b11t the l.toJ~cs, &c.,c if bought, would be paid for. Circular* ~nclo~cc1.

Emanuel, Colonel, Sonth Carolina, by lion. L. }1. Kettt, September 2, · tenders a rifle company, armed and eqwppcd, for twelve monLhs.

Aeccptetl. . l<Jmriek, John P., Lwutcnant, Mobile, May 22, tenders the German

u;king if company c1 to o.fier to the

Z. :nders a battalion.

J:jstVell), \.;. D., \fiUIIOi.UJ<.~tll) .1.."1\J.UJ..H':'"'Al '.._ .. , ..., ..._ ... '"' 10, Waflt8 rneaflS, &e .. to e,;tabli;h a foreign lcgJOn. No answer recorded.

,J u11c ·22. proposes to raise two foreign regir~ent~ .. Not acccpt~~1~ Eubank, A. J ., \Vylliesbmgh, Va., December 14, ts rmsmg :111 Artlll<ny

company for three years, antl a~ks in formatwn as to or~amza· tiou, &c. An~wcrcd that an Artillery company, org::unzed ll: conformity to the Circnlnr* enclo~cd, would be accepted :Cor the war and br.ttcrv fnrnishcd.

Evan' p G Captain Newbern N. C. tenders the Macon Mounted ,, G;1ar;l Ior pick~t duty at :{nd nea/ :Fort :M ncou. i'..ccepted under

· ~rense and spccwl

£~vt£¥?4 t·ornpany of light. if armed.


Fagg, Cnptain, by George GolthbwaiLc, Montgomery, August 21, tenders a mounted company, armctl and equipped, for three years. Accepted ii org:Uti:ocd in aceonbrwe with Con!utlemte States laws.

Fairlc, George M., M11rion, S. C., .J unc 21, is organizing company, and some nrc dcsctmdent~ o[ Marion's men. An,;weretl that the compnny wonld he accepted as Infantr_y if armed.

Falkner, Jefferson, Lafayette, Ala., May 8, tcnr1crs services of mo1111tctl company. A nswcl'Crl that if company wns organized as Infan­try an<l offered for the war it wonld be received.

Jn ne 30, renews tcn<lcr of company. Answer not found. September 2, Union Cit,y, Tenn., a'<ks permit to raise n hntt..'l.lion

of Cavalry. Declined on the ground that the General command· ing tlwt Department lntLl not called for more Cavalry.

Fariss, l~ichan1-Scc Smith, Joseph B. :Faris;, R. C., Captain, by lion. W. P. Chilton, August 12, bas raised

a battulion of Infantry [or the war, ami aoh i[ it will be accepletl antl armed. Answeretl tlmt it will be acccplecl 1f Ior the war.

Farrar, Thomas P., C:1ptnin, and Captains A. V. Davi; and G. IV. Ru~sell, Natchez, Mis8., J11nc 17. tender three hundred men Ior the war. Answered that no troops are accepteu unless tendered for tlic wnr, armed nnd equipped.

Farmer, IV. \V., of Shreveport Gray~, of Louisi[, l{ichmond, V n.., Scptem ber 28, asks di.>charge that he may go home and raise

• company. Declined. Faulkner, 'l'. L., Autaugaville, Ala., June 2G, wants to mise guerilla

company. Answered that the Department coul<1 not furnish arms July 24, tenders a company for twelve months. Accepted if

armetl. Montgomery, Ah, September 13, tenders compnny of twelve­

months' men, uniformed anfl armetl with shot-guns. Ordered to lub, J\fis8. 1 and the Quartermaster at :Montgomery to furnish eqnipmcnts.

Faulkner, vV. C., Grnncl Junction, Miss., A pril24, has [1, regiment of one tho11sand men ready for service, and wnnt8 orders. A n~wcrcd by asking him if his regiment is armed anc1 cq11ippe<l and when be could march.

F:w. E. II, .Minden. La .. Sentembcr i'i. off<'r• ""TVlpany of Cavalry, will raise battalion

~~ f ucccptetl armed ;

Jackson Avenger8, ar.

.l!'isher, 'l'homas F., New Orleans, La., :\fay 1, tender.'! a company of eighty men, the Ol'leans Rtflc R.uwer,;. ~ o anQwcr reconlcd.

Fiske, S. IV., Captain, Richmont1, Au,.;u~t 27, ten,]crs ru~ignation of captaincy inlst Louisiana Battalion, to raise regiment ?f Infantry. Hc~ign:Hion :tlJe<'ptml antl information given thctt regiiTICilt fully orgnni:.~cd will oJior fflr the war.

l<'isk, Stnnrt \V., New Cart!Jagc, Ln.., October 7, wants the eompn.nics of tho mgiment he in raising mu,;tere,! in separately, and w<wts

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~ervJCC. Answered that application shoukl ue made to the Guv eruor of tile State.

Ector, Walton, Griffin, On., June 2G, tcnut>rs teri fall companies to ue . organizud 31st of June. Answered that unless fallv armed and

equipped it could not be received. " J'uly 9, reports his regiment organized. .Accepted.

Ector, Captniu, Meriwether County, by IV alton Eetor, Griffin, Ga., ,June 9, asks if unarmed eompany will be received. Answered in the negative. ·

Edmonson, William II., Mobile, Ala., Juno 24, oficrs eompany armctl agd cq u: ppod. A occptctl if for the war.

J uly 13, ,ays his company refuse~ to go for tl•e war. )To answer found on record.

Edmonston, Jame,;, New Orlrans, }lay 18, is mising batt..'1lion of lnfantJ·y audlwpcs they will be acccptetl. :No mmwer recorclecl.

J nne 18 and 22, asks authority to raise battalion. An8wcred that b01.ttalion to be accepted mnst be arrnecl and cqnippecl for the war.

Edmun~s, T: T.,. ::s-orfolk, Va.,. July 31, a;;ks if c_:>rnpany raised in Georgta w1ll be acccptcLl for nmc month,;. -:\ot >:ceeptecl.

Ehm, \V. D., Company "K," 12th Georgia Hegiment, Camp Bartow, Va._, September 29, asks furlough for the pnrpose of raisiug a

. reg1ment for twel vc months or longer. Declined. Elliott, J. II.- See Me~ edl, A. J . Ells, H . N., ],ieutcuaut, and others, Macon, Ga., October- have raised

an Artillery company and engngocl battery; ask 'authority to buy horses, &c., and expect Govemmcmt to pay for evcrythin"'. Answered that no such authority could be ()'ivcn but the 'horse~ &c., if bought, would be paid for. Circnl~· -x· e t;closed. '

l£manncl, Colonel, South Carolina, by IIon. I ,. i\1. Keitt, September 2, · tentler,; a rifle company, armed antl equipped, for twelve months.

Accepted. 1£mrick, John P., Lieutenant, Mobile, May 22, tenders the German

.Fusilcers for twelve months. Answered hy asking if company was armed and equipped, and if so directed to oJicr to the A ujutant General.

Eppinger, James '.P., Palestine, Texas, June 26, tenders a battalion. . . Aeccptccl if mmecl and equipped.

Estve1n, C. ll., (llu 1 ---=-- \ u: .. 1.~ ........... 1 u... T .......... 1,., --·-'

&c., to cstabli Juno 22, propos

Eubank, A. J., Wyll company for tion, &r .. Ar _ _ . _ ______ --------·J --~,--· ... n ~·o~"w~c• ... conform1ty to the Cn·euhr * cnclooud, would be accepted for the war and battery fnrnishcd.

Evans, P. G .. Captnin, Newbern, K. C., tenders the Macon Mounted Guard for picket <lnty at and n~nr J!'mt Macon. Accepted under law o( Angnst 21, "to provide for local defense and special service.''

Ewing, IIenry, Na~~ville, 'l'cnn., .luly 21, temlerti eompany of light Infantry, Ulllformcd. Accepted for r.he war, if armc<l.



Fagg, Captain, by George Gol<lthwaitc, Montgomery, .Angnst 21, tenders a mounted company, armed and eqmpped, for three years. Accepted 1f orgrmtzed 1n aceorllanue wtth Confederate States law~.

Fairle, George .M., Marion, S. C., Jm:e 2_±, i~ organizing company, antl some me descendents of Manon·s men. AnowereJ that the

. comp~ny woulcl be accepted a~ Inf>tntry if armed. I< a Ikner, J c1Icrson, Lafayette, Ala., }by 8, tcmlem services of mounted

com puny. A nswcred that if company wag organil:<ell as Infan­try ancl offered for the war It would be rccci ved.

Juno 30, renews tenrlcr of company. Answer not found. September 2, Union. City, 'l'enn., a~ks permit to raise a battalion

of Cavalry. Dechned on the gronnrl tl>:It the General command­. Il;~ that Department had not called for more Cavalry.

~anss, htchard-Sce Smith, Joseph B. l!anss, R. C., Captam, by lion. W. P . Chilton, August 12, has raised

a battaliOn of Infantry for the war. ancl asb if it will be acce1lted and armed. Answered that it will be accepted 1f for the war.

Farrar, 'l'Loma~ P ., Captain, aml Captains A. Y. Davis anrl G. \V. HuEsell, Natehc'=', Miss., June 17, tcnrler three hundred men for the war. Answered that no tmops are accepteJ unless tendered Ior the wnr, anned and equippctl.

Farmer, V!. \V., of Shrevep?rt GmyH, of Louisiana, Eichmoml, Va., September 28, asks di;;charge that he may go home and raise

· cornpnny. Declined. · lr'aulkncr, '1'. L., Antnugaville, A ln., ,Juno 26, wants to raise guerilla

company .. A.nswcred that the Department could not furnish arms July 24, tenders a company for twelve months. .Ac.:cepted if

armed. Montgom;ry, A.b .. , Sept;mbcr 13, tenders company o[ twelve­

months :nen, um{orrueu and armed with shot-gnnR. Onlcred to l uka, hl1ss., and. tLJc Quartermaster at Montgomery to furnish e< 1 u1 pmen ts.

Faulkner, IN. 0., 0 rnnd Junction, MisR., .April2±, has a regiment of one thousa~cl men remly for service, and wants orders. Answered by asku;g him if his regiment is armed. and equipped and when he coulct march .

Fay, E. II, l'vliJ;den, Ln., Sertomber 5, oJiers company of Cavalrv nnnr,d with <'arbJnc~, p1stols, and. sabreR, and will rai~e battalio~ 1f Department can ~nrni~h armR- Company accepted armccl· arms cannot be fnrmshccl for battalion. '

Fergus, W. C., Mol.Jilc, .June 17, tender; com puny, the Jackson AvengerR, . arruell autl cqmppctl. Acceptctl if Ior tho war.

FJshcr, 'Fhomas F ., New Ol'lcan\ La., }fay 1, tentler; a company of F · Ctghty men, the Orleans Htfle Ran<YerR. ~o answer recorded. <tske, S. W._, Car:tnin, Hicl~f!!onrl, Angnst 27, tenders resignation of

captamc'.y mlst J~omsmna Battalion, to raise regitnentof Infantry. RcHJ3JHttton .acceptccl ancl information given that regiment fully organtzc<l wtll oHer for the W'Ll'

Fisk, StLtart \V., New Carthage, La.: October 7, wants the companies PI the regnnc:nt lw 1s rnising mnsterc<l in suparatuly, anr.l. wants

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:u,surnncc of a commission for lion. llcnry 1\f arsha\1 as Colonel, and himself as Lieutenant Colonel. Answered that where com­panies are rmmtered in separately the lleld-officers are appointed by the l'rcsidcnt, and no as:mrances could be given in advance, but the wishes of the troops and his services in enlisting them would probably not be disregarded.

Finnie, Thomas J ., Columbus, Ga., April 23, tenders company, the ~lemphis Southern Guard. Answeml that the tender should be made to the Executive of Georgia.

Fitzgerald, E., Captain, l'aris, Tenn., April5, tenJers the Henry Guard. Answered that the Goverurnent was not then receiving troops outside the Confederate States, and advised him to Lc ready, as a few days might change thi8 policy.

Fitzgerald, W. H., Captain, Grenada, Miss., ,June 19, tenders the Talla­hatchic Rifles during the war, armed and equipped. Accepted.

l<'itzlmgh, 'vV., San .A11tonio, 'l'cxas, December 10, applies ior authority Ior II. Beaumont and himself to raise a regiment of mounted men for twelve-months' service. Answered that no company would be receivcJ for twelve months unless iully armed.

Fitzhugh, C:~ptain, Davis .J.'l.angers, by S. Phillips Day, tcndc1·s company. No answer on record.

.lsmg a regiment, IV for what term it

ry regiment for tho Jd that it would be

Pletcher, H. .J., ~cw Orleans, La., June 7, tenders the Taney Rifles, (~alle<l in another dispatch Yancey Rifles,) of Washington Connty, Ala., ior the war. Accepted if armed.

1<'\ournoy, George-Sec Haldeman, llorace.

ll.hswcrea tnat tne oattal!on would be inrlf'lnr>nrl~nt

5, tenders a com-Answered that

1d equipped. >raise a battalion Jquip themselves.

accepted, but not as

1 be guerillas in p themselves, and egalizc his acts.

enders service of Ca<letR Answered that they wm~e not then required .

Foscue, F . l!'., Louisa, Texas, May 18, proposes to raise a battalion for Kans:l". No answer recorJed.

Foster, Ephraim ll., CourtlanJ, Ala., July 10, tenders a regiment which I.e can r:usc, arme<l w1th shot-guns a11d rifles. Answered that such a regiment would be accepted.

Jnly 22, renews npplication ior eommi;8wn as Colonel to raise re" i lilenl. A nsweretl tl1at commi~;ions coni<! not be g iven in aclvan~c.

St'ptem her 9, offers regiment fo r the war and wnu ts arms. .Answer not found.

September 13, says three. hund 1·ed men can be furnished from 1Valk01" County, Ala., ii Government will e!]uip them. A nswere<l that the Government would furnish all equipm?nts necessary to troops rece ived, and asking a more definite propos;tl.

Foster, George IV., Florence, Ala., Augu,;t 14, asks discharge of his ~on, to raise a company of CaYalrv or a rcgirnrnr. Dcclinecl

T•'owle, W. II., Captain, Richmoud, Oetobcr 16, asks if Government will receive A r ti llery company with guns, horses, and equip­ments, and pay for th em. .An,wered in the aflirmative.

1'\llvlcr, W. II., Captain, Company "ll," nth Alabama Regiment. and oth01·~, September 30, p ropo~c to mise Artillery company for the war and i umish sixt.Y bor ·cs, free of charge, (and possibly part o£ the battery,) Government to fmnish the guns and equip­mcnts. Answered that Government could not iurnish n·tms, but Artillery company furnis hing it8 own would he acccpt~d .

December 11, states the d iOiculties in the way of organizing his company of Artil lery; wants men mustered in, twenty-five at n time, and horse~. &c., received aml appraised, and nn order given ior the rest of his guns and cquipments. Answered that a company of fifty would be received, aud he might raise the

1,, . rest when be cou ld, the guns, &c., to be furnished.

.,..,n,..,o lV Nnm (),.lf\.,nc:~ T . ., 1\f,nr 1 R ''"nrwt<:~ f"nrnpany ready and ;:7;. /Ltl /i {ichmond if for

?"~~?-'!/: /()'u~ ?-~ 1g company of / / nrnent can fur-

h·uzier, J. H., .1\ lemphis, 'l 'enn., Jnnc 21, asks if company Ior the war, nno1·mNl wi ll hA !lN'I'nt!'rl frnm A ,-h:nnsnR. A~cepted if armed.

lers company as 1 and equipped.

19, tender>; an Answerecl that a

l' ~,.;uui J '<~JJ} LLU..tLuleu auu 1u1 L\o\'ClVC rnontGs cou1d not be received. J•ceman. Jol111, and othcrR, Rome, G-a., September 5, bv llou. A. R.

\Vrif?ht, asks if Government will aecept ou~ or t\~·o companies Io1· ~ t x months fo r coast defense. Accepted on condition of its

f' ,· recommendation by CommmHling General. 11Zzle, \V. \V., Alto, ' l'cxns, ,July 22, desires authm1ty to raise com-

}'r. ,_llany for the war. (Filed.) -.\, hu·kett D., 'l'allaha,;scc, J\ 1:1., .) nne 20, asks acceptance of battalion

or regiment an<l a company of Answered that a l>at­talio!l o( I nfantry wou l<l he neccpted fo r the war .

• Ju ly 18, 1 lontl.(omery, A ln., reports that he has a regiment, and , a.;ks ann•; one ~ompany nrmetl. Ordered into camp.

J· See Storrs, GeorgeS. It !let·, Ben., Mount IIopr, A ln., August 2-1, desires to know if com·

)>rt ll lt'R wdl Le rece ived Io1· nne yPnr. An"'·Nerl, ''No, nnless fu 1\_y armed and equipped.··

[J] CD Ul ... "C 0 Ul Ul

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aEsurance or a cornrn i s~ion for lion. IIcnry Marshall as Colonel , and himself as Lieutenant Colonel. AnRwered that where com­panics are mustered in separately the field-officers are appointed by the President, and no assurances could be given in ad vance, but the wishes of tho troops and his services in enlisting them would probably not be di;regarded.

Finnic, 'l'homus J ., Columuus, Ga., April 23, tenders company, the Memphis Southern G nard. Answered that the teuder should be made to the .1£xccuti ve or Georgit~

Fitzgerald, E., Captain, Pari:;, Tenn., April5, tenders the llcnry Guard. Au:;wered that the Government was not then receiving troopR out:;itle the Confederate States, and ad visecl him to bu ready, as a few days might clmuge this policy.

Fitzgerald, W. H., Captain, G1·enarb, Miss., June 19, tenders the Tn.lla­hatchie Rifles during the war, armed and eq uippcd. Accepted.

Fit:-~l,ugh, W., San Antonio, Texas, December 10, app lies for authority for II. Beaumont and himself to mise a regiment of mounted men for twelve-months' service. Answered that no company would be recci,,cd for twelve months unless fully armed.

Fi tzhul.i!~' Captain, Davis ~angers, by S. Phillips Day, tenders company. .No answer on reconl.

F lanagin, II., Arkadelphia, Ark., June 20, is raising a regiment, mounted; will a1 · '" 1 --~~•" tn know for what term it shall offer. No r

December 29, asks f war, and if Depm received.

Fletcher, R. J., New Ga ... c ... ~, _ , (called in another dispatch Yancey l~Jlles,J v1 "~~-·-o· County, Aln.., for the war. Accepted if armed.

Flournoy Gcoro-e--See ITolrlnrroon n..-. .. oM

l?!ynt, Tiimon ~V., Capt pany for the war, no company coul

Folsom, J. :\f., Gordon, G or guerillas for tb Answered that the battalion woulc.t be acceptea, oa~ not as inrlepcntlent.

October 17, says his company or battalion will be guerillas in every sense of the word; will mount and equip them~elves, and fight w1thout pay; asks that Government legalize his acts. Answered by Circular:x·

Forshey, C. G., March 9, Texas Military Institute, tenders service of C:vlcts. Answered that they were not. then rcquirml.

Foscue, F . .If., Louisa, Texas, May 18, proposes to raise a battalion for Kan~as. No answer recorded.

Foster, E:pln·aim II., Courtland, Ala., ,July 10, tenders a regiment which he can raise, arme·l with shot-guns and rifles. Answered that such a regiment w<inl<l be accepted.

.Tnly 22, renews application for commiss10n as Colonel to raise rcgi mcnt. Answered tlwt commissions coul<l uot be given in ad vance.

Septemhcr 9, offers regiment.for the war aml wants arms. Answer not round.

September 13, says three hundred men can be furnished from Walker County, Ala., if Govemment will erruip them. Answered that the Government would furnish all cquipmcnts necessary to t roops received, aud asking a more definite propos:tl.

Foster, George \V., Florence, Ala., August 14, a"ks tliseharge of his son, to rai~e a company of Cm·ah·.v or a regiment. Dcclinecl

l<'owle, W. IL, Captain, Richmond, October 16, asks if Govemment will receive Artillery company with gun", hor~es, and equip­ments, and pay [or them. A nswcrcd in the affirmative.

l•'owlcr, W. H., Captain, Company "II,'· 5th Alabama Regiment, and others, Septcm bcr 30, propo;e to mi~e Artillery eompany for the war and Iumish sixty borscH, free of charge, (and possibly part or the battery,) Government to furnish the guns aud eqaip­mento. Answered that Govemment could uot. Iumisb guns, but Artillery company furnishing its own would he accepted.

December 11, states the difficulties in the way o[ organizing his eompany of Artillery; wants men mustered in, twenty-five at a time, and hor~c~. &c., received and appraised, and nn order given for the rest of his guns and equipments. Answered that a company of fifty would be recei1•ed, and he might raise the rest when he could, the guns, &c., to be furnished.

B'raneis, W., X ew Orleans, La., Mny 16, reports company ready and nsks instructions. Accepted and ordered to Richmond if for the war.

l1rascr, D. J., Linden, 1fiss., Decemucr 17, is raising company of In fan try [or twelve months and asks if Goveromcnt can fur-

' n ish armR. Answered by Circular.-* frav-icr, J. R., ::\femphis, Tenn., June 21, asks if company for the war, . unarmed, will be accepted from Arkansas. Accepted if armed.

• 1'cderick, :K J., Captain, Augusta, Ga., July 4, t~nders c•ompany as light or heavy Tnfantry, or as Artillery, armed and equipped. Accepted if for the war.

T!'rerd, B., Licntenant, Montgomery, Ala., August 19, lenders an Infantry compauy uniformed buL not armrd. Answered that a

I' compnny unarmed and for twelve months cou\rl not be received. '1'Cc!nttn, John. and others, Rome, Ga., September u, hy Tion. A. R.

\Vright, askR i[ Government will aecPpt one or two companies for six months for coast defense. Accepted on condition of itq

I•'··. rPcommendatiou by Commanding General _ . 11<:zlc, \\. W., Alto, 'T'exa.s, July 22, dcs1rcs author1ty to m1se com-

]' puny for the wnr. (Filed.) 'ry, Bil'l-::ctt D., 'l'ullahnRsee, Ala., .Tune 20, asks acceptance of battalion

Ol' n•gimcnt an<l a company of howitzers. Answered that a hat­tal ion of lnfnntry would be ace pted for the war.

.July 18, }{ontu;omery, Ala .. r<'ports that be bas a regiment, and n'ks ann~; on<' rompany armed. OrdereJ into camp.

l' Sec Stonl'l, George S. ll ]\ei,, B<•n., Monnt IIope, Ala., August 24, dcsi rC'R to know if com­

pa.nic•s will be received for OlH' ymr. Answrrcrl, ''No, unless ful l.)' anned and eq nipped."

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Fuller, T. \V., Belleview, La., Augu8t 26, offers company of Cavalry, armed, for twelve months. (Filed.)

Fuqua, J . 0., Clinton, La., .August 27, asks if Volunteers will be received fonwelve montbs . .Answered," when fully armetl and equipped."

Gabbett, William, Atlanta, June 2±, tenders a corpR of Civil Engincern and Artificers. No am;wer found 011 record.

Garlberry, .T. }1., Captain, Unionville, 8. C., July l9, proposes regi­ment for twelve months. No answer recorded.

Angu~t 18, renews the tender. Accepted if armed and eqnipperl. Gaffcry, D. E., Opelika, Ala., .Augu,t 3, asks if con1pany will be accepted,

armed by Government., and attached to 4th Alabama. Answered '·no, for reason t)Jat a regiment can haYe but ten companies."

Gage, John J., el al., Grenada, Mio&, April 2, o:ffur~ a company, the Grenada H.ifles, armed and eq nipped witbout cost to the State. Answered that troops could then only be reeeived through the Exrcuti ve of the :State.

April 24, asks if he can use money in rai,;ing company received from the sale of "C"nited States public lnnrlR, and then in his hands. AnswereJ that such money could not be usf'cl, but should be turned over to the C. S. Government.

Gaines, F., Captain. Gibbs' Confederate Rifles, Jackson, :Jfiss., June 12, tenders company uniformed and ready for the war. Not accepted unlcsss armed and equipped.

Gaines, F. Y., Captain, Montgomery, Julyl!J, tenders Cavalry company, the l'luflin Dragoon;. Iully armed. Accepted.

Gaines, W. T., V icksburg, Miss., June 11, tenders a company for the war. Answered that company could not be accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

Gale, C. :M. S., Tcxana, 'rexas, .June 12, wants to know on what terms :ctecl to apply to the

a., April 22, tenders l Mr. A vegno will ound on record.

\..A._U..U.UJ.Cl .L' • .L.l...,•Vl"_.lojJIJt.UUl va,::,tJVJo) ... C\.10. . 1 \,.1\.iWVCil £10 1 I.Cnders (!0ffipany for twelve months for coast service, to be armed and equipped hy the Government. · Answered by Circular.*

Gantt, E . \Y, Hon., IV ashington, Ark., April 20, wants authority to

%/z«/ J?JP. or tln·cc regiment.•, 1a t they won ld be

Gardner, A. K., :::lelma, Ala., May 25, asks 1f a company will be received and equipped Answered that a company for the war would be accepted .

. Tune 7, (the telegram makes the A. V. G~rdncr,) tendcra eornpany, to be equipped by the Government. Not accepted.

Gardner, A. V., Alabama, by J. J. IIoopm·, Hichmoncl, Va., September 21, bas been tendered a company at home and asks about arn1s. Answered that the Government could llc)t furni;b arms then, but company would be accepted and armed as soon as possible.

Gardner, Benjamin, Troy, .Ala., }fay 7, oliers company. Answeretl that 1f company _was orgamzed as Iu.tantr-y for the war it would probably he l'eCCIVCd. ·

J UJle ~5.' tenrlers the Quitman Guards for the war, partly armed. An,wered that no arn1H could he supplied.

Garclue.~,. ~-, ~:· ~ptain, Ne~~ Orleans, f-'a., ~1a.v 10, t~rders uompany,

/ 7dA- M/') 1

~ ·1, wants to be "Yt?t.-t:p/~ //'::..<-< / / . ~ bama, Tennessee,

f _ raise a company or service on ·the coast.- Acccptccl on condit1on that the Com·

mandmg Genera l recommends it Garrett, S. G., ?~lonel, _by lion. R. W. Johnson, Richmond, Ya.,

December 31, asks letters of authrmty to raise re<Yiment 01. battalion for the war, to be armed h.v the Go~emment. A~1swered that 1n conformity to Circular·> cnclo:;ed be could ra1oe regm1ent or battalion

Garmtt.;.;I- W., :\!arion, Ala., J u~e 5, proposes a mounteJ comr)any. l' o answer recorded.

J nne 14, Cahawba,Ala:, asbifaguerillacompany, arm eel and equip­ped, would be rcce1 vecl for twel vc months without wages-ex­penses to be pmd. Answered that such comtanycould not be nscd 1111 l ~ss s\lb]ect .to ordcrR and discipline, anc that if the term guer­Illa ,;mphes an!lluepcndc'llt organization it could not be received.

and ~'· \V. Pettus, AugnRt 0, report that they have raised a rcgmJent for the war. No answer recorded.

Angust 11, reports his regiment partly armed · wants it accepted Accepted. ' ·

G· t ll L . T M re , uc1us • :• _Atlanta, Ga., April 29, asks if the regiment he has

been organ17.1ng w11l be receive~]. Answered that it coultl on! be rece1ved tbr?ugh the Executive of the, tate. y

May 9, reports h1s regiment oro-anizcd by electing him Colonel (Filed.) o ·

Gar_y, John II., Captain, Coll ege Cadets, Columbia, S.C., Juue 3, tenders compa~1y from South Carol ina College for three months, armed

G· and dr~lled . Accepted if approved by the Governor of the Stat ates, Frecl~nck L., McKinney, T exnR, October 6, wants commissio~

to ra1se a regn~ent; recol'.lmendcd by .Judge \V. 'l'. Palfre . An~wered hy Cu·eular:* y

Gault!' w·11· r·~ G · ' 111, 1 lftm ., cor~1a, August 10, asks if re()'imcnt organized

f01: tbc war, t~ pay 1ts own expenses till ac~cpterl, would ·be ~~~~::cl_a_~r~ ,a~~ed. An,swc~ed that rcg1mcnt electing all field

ts po~sible. b 4 / company which v ~'.e.;,. ~--r~ V. . ,res. No answer

tbority to raise a

mise a company J-. 7'( 1 contrary to the

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Fuller, '1'. \IT., Belleview, La., August 26, offers company of Cavalry, · ·armed, for twelve months. (Filed) ~ . . Fuqua, J. 0., Clinton, La., .August 27, askR 1£ I ohm teen; w1ll be rece1ve~

for twelve months . .Answered." when fully armcrl ~nrl CCJlllflpe<l. Gabbett, William, Atlanta, .f une 2!, tenders a corps of lJ1Vtl Rng<neers

and .Artificers. No answe1· found on record. . Gadberry, J . M., Captain, Unionvil)e, S. C., July, 1~, pmpose.• reg1,

ment for twel"o ~A-·~- ' .Autru~t 18, ren<

Gaiiery,D. E., Opeli~ armed by Gov ''no, for reaso J.

Gage, John J., et al., lirenada, Mi,s., .April 2, offers a company, the Grenada Rifles, armed aud eqmppcd w1tbout ?ost to the State. Answered that troops could then only be rccmvcd through the Executive of the btate. .

April 2!, asks if he can me money in nti•ing comp[\ny rece1ved from the sale of United State~ pubhc lands, and then m h1s hands. A nswrrccl that such money could not be us~d, but should he turned over to the C. S. Government. .

Gaines, F., Captain, Gibbs' Confederate Hifles, Jaukson, M1ss., June 12, tenders company uniformed and ready for the war. Not accepted unlcsss armed and equipped.

Gaines, F. Y., Captain, Montgomery, July 10, tenders Uavalry company, the Ruffin Dragoons, fully armed. Accepted.

Gaines, \lif. T., Vicksburg, Miss., June 11, tenders a company for the war. Answered that company could not be accepted unle:;s fully armed and equipped. .

Gale, C. M. S., Texana, Texas, June 12, wants to know on wha~ term~ company may be ra1sed and accepted. D1rected to apply to the Governor of his State. .

Galtimard, Captain, by B. Avegno, New Orleans, La., Apnl 22, tendc_rs company of Sappers and :Mmers, and sa_ys Mr. Avegno w11l advance the necessary funds. )i'o answer found on record.

Gamble, F. A., Captain, Jasp01·, Ala., October 28, tenclerR company lo: twelve month~ for coast serviCe, to be armed and cqmppcu b) the Government.. Answered by Circular.'* .

Gantt, K \V., llon., Washington, Ark., .April 20, wants authonty to raise a regiment. No anRwcr recorded. .

Gardenhire, E. L., Sparta, Tenn., June 2, offers two or t\1ree regtmcnts, armed with country rifles. Answered that they would be accepted for the war.

See Eastlake, 'f. n. . . d Gardner, A. K., Selma, Ala., May 23, asks il a company w11l be rccc1Ye

and equipped Answered that a company for the war woul<l be accepted. .

.T nne 7, (the telegram makes the name A. V. Ga .. ruuer,) tenders company, to be equipped by the Government. l'\ot accepted.

Garuner A. V. Alabama, by J . J. llooper, H.iehrnoncl, Va., Septetllbcr 2't, has been < " ' ,.,_ -• h~,.,n onil asks about arms. Answered tht company wot

Gardner, Benjamin, Troy, Ala., Ma.y 7. ofiers company. .Answered that if company was organized [tS Iufantry for the war it would prohahl_v be receiYed ..

June 15, tenders the QUJ trnan Guards for the war, partly armed. .Answered tbat no a1·ms coulu be supplied.

Garcluer, 11. C., Captain, New Orleans, Ln., May 10, lenders comp[tny, the l)clta Rangers. No answer fonnd on record.

Garrar<l, Alexander 'r., GordonsviliC', Va. .. December 1, wants to be commissioned to rai:;c a company in North Alahama, 'I'cnncssce, and Mi~sissippi . Answered by Circular:"

Garrett., C. C., Mobile, Ala., September 4, proposes to mi~c a company for service on ·the coast. Acccpteil on condition that the Uom­rnanding Geneml recommends it.

Garrett, S. G., Colonel, by llon. R. W. Johnson, Richmond, Va., December 31, asks letters ol authority to raise regiment or battalion for the wa1·, to he armed h.v tbe Government. AIISWC'red that i11 co11formity to Circular* euclosed he could raise regiment or battalion.

Oarwtt, .J. W., Marion, Ala., Jnne 5, proposes a mounted company. Ko answer recordcu.

J unc 14, Cah[t w ba,Ala., asks if agi.1erillacompany, m·med and equip· peel, woul<l be rcC'C'ivcd for twelve months without wages-ex· pcnsu.• to be paid. Answered that such company could not be used unless subject to orders and discipline, and. that if the term guer· illa implies an independent oTgani;~ation it could not he received.

and E. W. Pettus, August 9, report that they have raised a regiment for the war. No answ!'r recorded.

Augu,;t 11, reports his regiment partly armed; wants it accepted. Acceptc<l.

Gartrell, Lncins J., Atlanta, Ga., April 29, asks if the regiment he has been organizing will be received. .Answered that it could only be received. through the Executive of the State.

May 9, reports his regiment organized by electing him Colonel. (Filed.)

Gary, John J L. C[\ptain, College CndctR, Columbia, S.C., June 3, tenders company from South Carolinn College fm· three months, a1·mecl and drilled. Accepted if approvcrl hy the Govemor of the State.

Gates Frederick L., McKinncv, 'l'cxns, Or·tobcr 6, wants commission ' to raise a regiment; rC'cor.1mcnrlcd by .T uuge IV. 'I'. Palfrey.

Answered b_y Circular:'• Gauldin, William B., Georgia, A ngust 10, asks if regiment organized

for the war, to pay it.~ own expen·es till accepted, would be received and armed. Answered that regiment electing all field officers would be accepted and armed as soon as possible. .

Gayle, B. TI., Captain, Decatur, A Ia., J nne 29, tenders company whteh has provided its own outfit and armed themselves. No answer rccorLle<l.

Oco1·gc, IV. F., .Fort :\lcRcc, Fla., August 28, asks authority to raise a Cavalry company in )[is:;i:-sippi. (Filed.) .

and .J. McCulloch, August 27, asks autbonty to rmsc a company of CaYalry for the war. Answered that it was contrary to the rule of the Department.

m en t/1 -, 0 t/1 t/1 c:

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Gibbons, J. H., Blakeley, Ala., September 15, asks commission to rai~e a cum!Jany of Infantry, and says he thinks he can raise seventy to oiJe hundred men in"a short time. Answered that no com· n•;-'.;"no "'~"~ '""'""~ --- panics were offered

7--¥_ ·sa company of rifle­n that they bcarrnerl. m ber 1, propose to , do so. (Filed.)

liti)SOn, \Vtlllam K, Buchanan, V'a., Jnly 3, desires commission as Cnptain to raise a company. Answered that if company be raised and armed it will be rreceived as ofhcered bv ttself.

Gist, S. R, Charleston, S. C., ~fay 29, tenders a battalion olfteered, armed, &c. Not accepted.

Gilchrist, P. P ., Courtland, Ala., Sep~E;mber 2\), tender;; com!J~ltlY of light Artillcrv. Answered that no uompany of Artillery could be accepted nnlcss furnishing its own battery.

October 17, asks if Dcpart.ment will auuept his company of Artil· lery. Answered that no Artillery company could be accepted unless fumishing its own battery. .

(lillmn. Benrv. New Orlflans .. Tnn<' 17. pnrnpany umfonned but unless armed. 21, desire to raise

lgiment of Infantry d if mustered in by forfeited.

li1ran1y. u. .b., .New Urleans, La., April 18, tenders three companies. Directed to apply to Governor of Louisiana.

Glenn, Jesse A., Captain, Dalton, Ga., March 27, tenders company of Vol----~- ' · · · - · fovcrnor of Georgia.

";/ ;r recorded. '&.7nv/ 4 T. ?-m, himself and Captain

·ia. Authorized to t, the President to

1 _t ~ --- •• ~~~~~...... ...,._,._,.,..._ ... .._,.. '-''JVJ.V~VU.

Glenn, H. F., Captain, Paducah, Ky., May 10, offers company for the war. 1'1 o answer on record.

Glover, 'l'. J., Lieutenant Colonel, 1st South Carolina V' olunteers, Summerville, S. C., August 6, tenders that regiment for une:-::· pircd term of ten months, armed aml equipped. Accepted on condition that Governor of South Carolina coooeuts.

Glover, rrbomas 0., Captain, Montgomery, :May 26, tenders compa?J for three yeaTs, the Campbell Guards, of Campbell Cocwty, Ga. Accepted and req nested to bring hunting rifles and sixty rounds ammunition with them.

Godwin, ~uG., Captain, Lynchburg, V'a., June 22, reports anival of the Crescent Blues. No reply found on record.

Goldthwaite, George-See Fagg, Captain. Goode, lf. 111.-See Sneed, II. G. Goodlett, S. D., Greenville, S. C., May 7, offers company of riflcrnen

he is raising. Answered that if tender is made for the war tt will be registered, and accepted when nccclcLl.

GooLlm~n, .Tames M., 1'\ew Orleans, La., June 14, will mise a company If authow~ed. Answered that tf a company is organized, armed, equipped, and tendered for Lhe war, 1t would be accepted.

Goodwin, F. I-. 13., 'l'uscurnbia, Ala., October 12, asks if a company of . Infantry will be received for twelve months or the war, and what

~··~ ~ _ _ ..J ~-·--~--- - - _ __ .~. _ - · 11 , _- r ~ - ~ 1 A :-;wcrcd that arn1s

/ / c·months' service. ~ v-rA"" ~ .<(.//' r -;z:: / J. ow if a company

1ecl, and expense~

• 0 , - ·---,_ .. iss ... July 30, ten-ders Cava,lry uompany for three years armed and equipped. Accepted.

Gordon, S. A., Norfolk, Vn., September 17, asks permit to raise a reo·i­ruent of Volunteer;,, and wants commission as Colonel. An8wCt~d that no commission could be given in athrance.

Gordon, W. A., Hichmond, V'a., December 30, applies for anthority to accept and muster into service any nnm~rr of cnmpanies of Cavalry or Lancers, not exc:eedi ng one regi mcnt, for twel vc months. An~wcrecl that compani<>s OI' a regiment of Ca,valry wonld be rccCI vcd in confurrnity to terms of Circulat·. <t

Sec Leeds, T. L, G01·ff, George, Captain, Mobile, 2\frty 23, vol unteers company for the

war. No answel' Tecorclecl. Gosc, George, Capt:tin, Wytheville, September 9, a:;ks if arms and uni­

forms for a company of InfanLry can be sent immediately. Answered, "No."

Gowie, or Gorric, J. M., and others, Pensacola, Fla., October 26, asks authority to raise two or more companies for the war. A n"vorcrl by Circnlar.*

Grace, llenry B., Cap Lain, Campbellton, Fla., J Llly 15, tender:; company for three years. Accepted if armed.

August 19, tenders o:>mpany, the Campbellton Boys, armed with shot-guns, for tho war. Answer not of record.

Gracie, jr., A., l\1ajor, and Captai11 Y. Jl,f. Moody, 11th Alabama V'olnn· '"""" n " . " ' '" " 0

"" '- - -·- " •• • • • nent. Answered

Yr~ mt a regiment for a acocptrrl. an A1·tillcl'\· com· 'cl. Not accepted. ffers tu rai><e baL·

talion for six or twelve rnont.hs. Ol' the wa;·, Answeretl dtat" battalion eJecting it~ llfajol' UnC] offering for the war WOUlLl he

G accepted, antl if oft0recl for a less period it mnst he fully armed. rubam, A. G., Joncsboi'Ongh, Tenn., December 2·t asks autborit.v to

raise rogi munt of two! ve-1nonths' men in Northeastern 'l'cnnessco. G Answcrccl tktt such a regiment wonlcl he acccptccl if armed.

rabum, jr., l"v'illiarn A., llillsborough, N. 0., .Jnly n, has a COinpany of men enrolled for tho war as Cavalry. "\ nswcred that Go;._ l'l'lllncnt coulcl nut furnish nrms: Ca,·aln· was not net'rlcrl i11 ~orth Carolina, ancl Tnfnnn·y wnnld be received, but they Inn't fnrniRh th~ir own arm~. ·

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Gibbons, J. II., Blakeley, .Al:l., September 15, asks commission to rai:;e a company of Infantry, and says he thinks he can raise seventy to one hundred men in"a short time. Answered that no com· missions were issued in adv-ance, but companies were offered organized.

Gibson, John H .. Stevenson, A Iii., Augu~t 15, tenders a company of rifle­men for twelve months. Accepted on condition tbat they be armed.

Gibson Claude and others, New Orleaus, September 1, propose to form a si


X-!'ll11 battery and ask for means to rlo so. (~ilerl.) Gibson, William R., Buchanan, Va., Jnly 3, destres comrnlsSJOn as

Captain to mise a company. Answered that if c_ompany be raised and armed it will be r0ceivcd as oflicered bv Itself.

Gist, S. H. , Charleston, S. C., May 2!), tendcTS a batta.liml ofllcered, armed, &c. Kot aecepted.

Gi !christ, J>. P ., Courtland, Ala., Sep(qmber 20, tenders company of light Artillery. Answered that no company of Artillery could be accepted un l e~R furo ishiug its own battery.

October 17, a~ks if DApartmeut will accept bis company of .Artil­lery. Answcrcrl that no Artillery comp~ny could be accepteu unless fnrnisbing its own battery. .

Gillam, llcnry, Now Orleans, J nne 17, temler,; company umformccl but unarmed for twelve month s. Not accepted unless armed.

Gindrat, John H., and others, Richmond, August 21, desire to mise regiment in Alabama. .inswcrod that regiment o[ Infantry will be accej)tcd, if for the war, unarmed, anu if mustered m by companies t 1e right to elect field officers is forfeited.

Girardy, C. E ., New Orleans, La., April 18, tenders three companies. Directed to apply to Governor of Louisiana.

Glenn, J esse A., Caplain, Dalton, Ga., March 27, tenders company of Vol­unteen; he is raising. Directerl to apply to Governor of Georgia.

May 12, offers to rai se a regiment. No answer_recorLled. . Decem her 18, asks furlough, and anthonty for himself anrl. Captmn

A. l\L Wall ace to raise regiment in Georgia. An thorized to receive companies sufficient for t\ regirnyut, the Pre~ident to appoint field A-ffi~~1·o l1i rcu Jar* enclosed.

Glenn, H. F ., Capta war. No ar

Glover, T. J. , Lie Surnmervil\( pired term c condition that Governor ot k:JOUlll ViCIUUu~ w·------·

Glover, Thomas 0 ., Captain, Montgomery, May 26, tenders company for three years, the Campbell G nards, of Campbell Co·mty, Ga. Accepted and reC]_ncstcd to bring hunting rifle:; and ~ixty rounds ammunition witb them.

Godwin, 1\IcG. , Captain, Lyn(:hburg, Va., .June 22, reports arrival of the Crescent Dlucs. :No reply fonnJ on record.

Goldthwaite, George-See Fagg, Captain. Goode, F. M.-See Sneed, H. G. Goodlett, S. D., Greenville, S. C., May 7, ofiers company of rifiomen

he is raising. .Answere<l that if tender is made for the war 1t will be registcrerl. anrl acccptccl when ncedctl.

Goodman, .James M., New Orleans, La., Jlwe 14, will rai~e a comj)an.{ 1f authonzed. Answered that i! a company 1s orgamzec armed, equipped, and tendered for the war, it would be accepted:

Goodwin, 1r. 1-" B., 'l'uscnmbia, Ala., October 12, asks if a company of . l nfan try will be received for twelve months or the war, and what

arms and cquipments will be furnished. An8wcrcc1 that arms could not be furnished to a company for twelve-months' service.

Gordon, .A. V., Selma, _-\Ia., May 21, wants to know if a company ra1sed by hnn would l.Je rece1ved at once, armed, and expenses pmd. No answer rr>cordcrl.

Gordon, Jame~, Uaptain, Chicknsaw Ranger'<, Iuka, Miss., .July 30, ten­ders Cavalr-y c-ompany for three years armed and equipped. .Accepted.

Gordon, S. A., ~orfolk, Va .. September 17, asb permit to rai~c a regi­ment o[ Volunteers, and wan\s commission as Colonel. .Answered that no commission could be given in advance.

Gordon, W. A., Richmond. Va., December 30, applies fm anthor·ity to accept and muster into service any nurn~~r of COJnpanies 0 [

Cavalry or Lancers, not exceeding one regiment, for twelve months. An~wered that com panic~ or a rco-imcnt of Cavalry wonld be roeei ved in conformity to terms of "circular:~ · Sec Leeds, T. L.

Gorff, George, Captain, :Mobile, May 23, volunteers companv for the war. No un~wcr recorclcrl. ·

Gose, George, Captain, \Vythcvillc, September 9, asks if arrno arHI uni­forms for a company of Infan\ry can be sent immediately. Answered, "No."

Gowie, or Gonic, J. M., and others, Pensacola, Fla., October 2G, asks authority to raise two or ntore companies for the war. .11 n~weretl by Circ nlar:<·

Grace, llemy B., Captain, Campbellton, Fla., July 15, tenders company for three years. .Accepted if armed.

Allgust 19, tenders c0mpany, the Campbellton Boys, armed with sho t-guns, for the wal". Answer not of record.

Gracie, jr., A., Major, and Captain Y. M. }foody, 11th .Alabama Volun­teers, October 3, asks anthority to rai:;e regiment. Answered that no antho1·ity could be g iven in advance, but a re"imcnt for thr! war, electi ng its own fielu ofllcers, woulrl be acccptcrl.

Grafton, 'l'homas, Natchc:<, Miss., .August 2ti, tenders an Artillen· com­G pany for twel ve months, equipped l.Jut not armed. Not accepted.

ruggs, \Villiam, Mill Town, Ala., September 30, offers to ra ise bat­talion for six or twelve rnomhs. ot· the war. .Answeretl lltat a battalion electing its Major ancl offering for the wur would he

G accepted, and i r offcwl for a less period it must be fully armerl. rnham, A. G., .Joncsb01·ongh, 'l'cnn., December 2-t a;d.;:s authority to

ratsc rcgi men t of twcl ve-rnou ths' men in Northeastern 'l'cn nessce. G. .Au~wcrc~l tl rat ~uch a regiment wot!ltl he ace~ptcrl if armed.

laham, Jr., W11ltnm A., Ilrllsborougb, N. 0., ,July 9, has a cornpany o[ men cnrolluu [or the war fls Cavalry. ,\ r"wercd that Go,:. ernrncnt conlrl nut furnish arms: C:t\·aln· w:1s not net'rlerl iu North Carolina, anrl Tnfantry wonld be received , but they mn,;t fnrnish their own arm~. ·

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Graham, W. C., Red llill, Ala., .T uly 11. wants authority to mi~e rcg:i · ment Answered that appointments could not be maJe m advance, and regiment if TaiRcd and orgarnzed would be accepted.

Grandy, jr., C. W., Elizabeth City, N.C., Septeml.Jer 12, wants authorrty to raise a company o[ Cavalry for tho war. Not accepted un!e,s fully armed and eq tri ppeLl.

G r·ant, L. P., Athntn., Ga., May 23, tenJers company of artinuns. AccepteLl i[ for tbc wnr.

Grave~ '1'. A. Captain. Jackson, Miss., A pri12, ofiers Cavalry company-, _ ' - - JOP~ could only be

pl ,_,/ /J l State. anJ rn tho :'Yr?-r /~-ad ~ J-r. llnntcors would be

on record. Green. Beniamin IT.. .Tlllv gl) sov~ hio fothP>" ho.< raised a company in

l Run. No answer

/ ~ ~Jg 6. /0 lllthority to raise a '7-1. / '"'// . • wrc troops will be

aceeptell lro ru _\lobrle tor sorvrcc out ot tlle State. Green, Hobert C., Captain, Vicksburg, Miss., Augtrst 2, tenders com·

pany called the Vicks1urg Con£ederat_cs. A'·.cepletl JI armed. Green. Captain, Lnmar Rifles, by L. Q. C. Lamar, Oxford, Ilhos., Apnl

· 1 tenders company. K ot accrptcrl. . Greene, ''l'albot, Jonesborough, 'rcnn., April 17, wants autl;ont.v to

raihe a company. Directed to apply to Governor llarrrs. G rccnhow, .] ohn M., New Orleans, ~fareh 6, tenders a regiment I~r. twelve

months. Dirc:cted to ofier service" to Governor of Loursrana._ Greao-, John, lion., Jnly 2;i, ofier::> regiment Irorn Texan armecl w1th

co. Joverniuent as soon ~ // ~~/?// /7. Bay Spring, Miss.,

:opted if armed and

Gnce, Q. C.- See ~fangham, A. . Griffin, Jonas, Captain, ·Montgomery, August 5, a~ks orders for hr~ com­

pauy, the Griffin Hitlc Company, already accepted. Ordered to Memphis. .

Griffin, ThomaE, ::.lid way, Ala., June 11, tenders a company, the Il-lrdway Guards. for the NoL accepted unless armed ancl cqmppcJ.

Grinin, 'l'hos. B., Stevenson, Ala., .Tune 25, tenJero the Jaekson \lonn­taineers, armed and equipped, [or twelve months. Answcrcu that a company (or twelve months could not be accepteLl.

.Tulv 11. rPnews the tender. Not accept,ed unle"s fully armed and

~#~kA? , lkccmbcr 10, asks cry. Au~werccl by ; only rccei vcd by

'-'VLJJlJ(.I.LilV.:;!) VVULy~UJ.L'-'o.J HVV..L\,A. VV LH~~'V.t''-''-'H•

Grivot, IlL _\djutant General of Loai-<iana, for Governor Moore, New Orlean", Angn~t 21, nsks if a company of Sptuuanls gncnll:;,; will lJc accepted. Declined.

Guerin, S. R., Blakeley, July 23, tenders a company of Infantry. Accepted i£ armed.

Guerry, T. L., Captain, Georgetown, Ga., :Ma_y 29, tenders the Quitman Greys. No answer rrcorllcd.

J nne 2, renews offer. Accepted if arrnell and equipped. Gunby, R. M., ColumlJu;;, Ga., June 27, o1tc'l'S a company without arms.

Answer·cd that the Government could not furnicih arms. (.lunn, G. \V., Tuskegee, Aln., September 10,asks authority to raise a

regiment fm twelve months. Not accepted unless fully armed nnrl equippccl.

Guno, !Jr-., o[ 'l'exa>, l.Jy J. M. llulimnn, of Bowling. Green, l(y., Dcccml.Jcr 8, ollcrc :1 company for the war armed wrth shot-guns

1 and knives. Circul:u '" sent him, and he informed that ~uch a company would be received lJy General A. S. Johnston ii dcern<'d adYi~able by him.

lladdock, John G., Captain, .Jacksonville, l?la., A ngnst 22, tenders armed company o[ Jnfantry. Accepted. .

llagan, .Jamec. Captain, ~fohilc, Ala .. June 26, tenders the ~fobrle Dragoon~, armor! and equipped, for co:mt defense. Accepteu.

llagan .John-Sec Pollard. Robert. I!agy, P. S., C<tptain, Abingllon, Va., April 8, tenders a company to

~crvc in 'l'exas. No answer recorded. lia!dcman, Iloraee, Uaptain, and George Flournoy, and Richard Coke,

of 'J'exa,;, by G. W. ·White, RichmouJ, October 21, asks authority to mise regiment of Cavalry. An~were<l hy Uirclllar.*

llale, S.D., iluntsvillc, Ala., September 26, can rarRe rcgrment for the war, and asks if it will be accepted. Amwcml th~t rcg1mcnt electing ito field ofliccr~ would be accepted for the "ar. .

llall, Andy .J., Sparta, .April 21, ~ays there. is a company of r~Oemen organized ther·c, but they have no nflcs, nnrl a;~ks rf Govern­rr'll'llt. wl11 cmnnlv tl1Pm A n~wl'rflrl thnt l"'f\mnanlCS nCCC"ptcd by

, the Confederate

7--f. fa naYal l.Jrigade 'jltcd for the war.

Dir·cctcclto upply to Urncral Twiggs. . l!all, jr., 'I' !rom as .J., lli<;lrmon<l, September 24., wants lo rarsc a squadron

of Cavalry as ooon as Cou[eJerate States troop;; enter Maryland.

Salem Cavalry.

o raise mou11teJ 'Jo~lldlllJII V.l .J..\.' ~'-cUl~ c:lllU .i.lJUic:HlO UUL11U..LCU. .o •tlS\\"CrCd that the

lt . Government eouhlnot furnish arms. . nnnlton, ,) olrn, Jackson, Miss., ~fay 13, tenders the JelL Dav1s Guards.

lt . Accl'pl<'d if armecl anll cquippeJ. . . ntrnlton, vV. J ., Placjuemi ne, La., proposes to rmsc battalron for coast

sNvice. Accepted on conllition that it be npproved by the lJ: Commandinp; Ucnl'l"ai anll fully armed and orgamze<l. .

atrrrnock, A. G., Nort,h Henll, Ala., June 1, propos to rarse com· pany for twelve months. Accepted i[ fully armed and equipped.

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Graham, W. C., Hod Hill, Ala., July 11. want.~ authority to raise regi­ment Answered that appointments could not be made in advuuce, and regiment if raised and organized wonld he accepted.

Grandy. jr., C. W., Elizabeth City, N.C., SepLemlJer 12, wants authority to raise a company of Cavalry for the war. Not accepted un]c,~ fully armed and eqnippeLl.

Grant, L. P., Atlanta, Ga., ~Iay 23, tenders con1pany of artisans. Accepted if for the war.

Gmvcs, 'r. A., Captain, Jackson, Mi~~., April2, oiiers Cavalry company­Copiah llc11-,;e Guards. Answered that troops could only be received then through Lhe Executive of the ~Late, and in tho evc11t of ·'actual hostilities" a call for Volunteers would be issued.

May 8, renew; the tender. No answer found on record. Green, Benjamin II .. July 30, says his father has raised a company in

Georgia, and wa11ts arms captnmd at Bull Hun. No answer rcconlecl.

Green, J. A., 1\folJilc, Ah, SepLemucr 2, desirC's n,nthority to raise a compan_y for the wnr. A118Wered that no mOl\) tl'!lop~ will 1Je ac~cpted from Mobile for ~ervic:e out of the State.

Green, Hobert C., CaJJtain, Vicksburg, Miss., August 2, ten,Jers com­pany called the Vick~uurg Uonfcdcmt_cs. Al'ccptcrl if armecl.

Green, Captain, Lamar l{ifies, uy L. Q. 0. Lamar, OxJonl, Miss., April 1, tenders ~ompany. ~ot accC'ptecl.

Greene, Talbot, Joncsbol'Ongh, 'Penn., April 17, wants authority to raise a company. Directed to apply to Governor llarris.

Green how, ,John M .. New Orleans, ]If arch 6, tenders a regiment for twelve months. Directed to offer scryices to Governor of Louisiana.

Gregg, John, Hon., .Tuly 2.:1, oiiers regiment from Texas armed with shot-guns; better arms to be fumished 1Jy Govcrnmcn t as ~oon as posoiblc. .A -

Gre,;ham, .Tn.mes F., a1 June2±, huve< equipped.

Grice, Q. C.-Sec MangHam, -"'--Gnffin, Jonas, Captain, Montgomery, August 5, askH orders for his com­

pany, the Griffin Hiile Compauy, already accepted. O;·dercd . to Memphis.

Gnffin, Thomas, ~1ir Guards, fo1· t

Griflin, Thos. B., St, talnccrs, al'ln ..... ,~ uu~ .. ""'1."~.t 1''~~, - .. - -. -

that a company for twelve m_onths could not be accepted. July 11, renews Lhe tender. l'\oL aeeepted nnlcRs fully armed and

equ1pped. Grimes, U. 1<'., CaJJ~in, Port;mouth Light Artillery, DPcemhcr 10, asks

'!.he can;"'"" a_hattalwn of l\1ountccl Artillery. Amwcrccl by Cu·cular, and mfm·mcd that Art1llery wa> only received I.Jy

. com[>:lnles; compames would be neceptecl. Gnvot, .M., Adjutant General of Loui~iunn, for Governor Moore, New

Orleans, August 21, a.<b if a company of Spnninr•ls-gncl·illas· wdl lJe accepted. Dcclinccl.


Guerin, S. R, ~!akeley, .July 23, tenders a company of Infantry. .Accepted 1! armed. •

Gueny, T. L., U!ptain, Georgetown, Ga., Ma.v 29, tenders the Quitman Greyo. No answer recorded.

June 2, renews offer. Acuepted if nrmed and equipped. Gunby, H. M., Columbus, Ga., .Tune 27, oftc1·s a company wiLl1out arms.

Answe1·etl tbat the Government could not furnish arms Gnnn, G. iV., Tuskegee, Ala., September 10,asksauthority to. raise a

reg11nent fo1· twelve montl1s. Not accepted unless fully armed n11d equ1ppcrl.

Guno, D1·., o[ 'l'cxa;<,, 1Jy J. ~f. lluffman, of Bowling Green, Ky., De ·ember 8, oll~rs n company for the war armed with ~lwt-o-uns and kmves. Cn·culnr ·*sent him, and he informed that su~h a COlll]Jt\llY would he received uy General A. s. Johnston if deemed advisable lJy him.

Dad<lock, .John G., Captain, .Jncbonville, :Fla., August 22, tenders armc(] com pan.)' of ] nfantry. .Accepted.

llagnn, ,James, Captmn, .'vlobrlc, Ala., June 26. tenders the ~fobilc li

Dragoons, armcrl and eqnipped, for coa.~t defense. .Accepted. ngan .John Sec l'ollarrl, Hobert.

liagy, P. ::-i.,., ogclon, Va., .April 8, tenders a company to I seJ'\'C m 1exas. ~o an,;wcr recorded. · Ia!,lemno,, llm·acc, Captmn, and George Flonmoy, and Hichnnl Coke,

oi re:-:as, by_ G. W. iVhite, Hichmond, October 21, a~ks li nutlwnty to rm~e reg1 ment of Cnvnlry. Answcrecl by Circnlar. ~­

ale, S.D., I fnntovrlle, _Ala., Septcmbcl' 26, can raise regiment for the war, and_ a'ks Jf It wlil 1Jc accepted. .Auswcrcd that regimeut

li clcCtlng l~S t1C'Jd officers woulJ be accepted for the war. all, Andy J., Sparta, .April 21, s~_ys there is a company of riflemen

orgarw;~d there, bnL they have no rines, and asks if Govern· men~ w11l supply them. Answered that companies accepted by the Govcmor of the State, when transferred to the Confederate

11: StaLes, will' he armed if need be. all, .Tatnes, Captain, Kew Orlean,, .August 23, asks if a na·ml brigade

o[ onp h1mclred men, all ~camcn, will be accepted for the war. ]] . D1rcctctl to apply to General Twio·gs.

all Jr '!'I ) J I" I 1 S "'-, ., H mas • ., •lc 1m011< , eptem her 2±, wants to raise a s'lnadron of Cavalry as soon as Coufetlcrate ::>tate" tmops enter Maryland.

tr (F,Je<l.) arner, '!' . .J., Captain, Jackson, Apri117, tenders the Salem Cavalry.

ll . Answ red, "Do not need Cavalry.'' llln1lton, Charles A., \V nco, 'l'exas, July 7, proposes to raise mounted

1J,attal1on of 'J'exans aud Indians unarmed. An wcrcd that the !( . GovpJ·nmcnt could not fmnish arms.

annlton, .John, Jnckson, M iRR, May 13, tenders the Jc[. Davis Guards. l( . Accepted I( nrmcrl and equipped.

a1n11ton, yv . . J., l'larruemino, La., proposes to raiRc battalion for coast scrvwP. Accepted on condition thnt it he approved lJy the

llan Commanchng General and fully armed and organized. !mock, .A.. G., North Bt•ml, Ala., June 1, proposes to raise com­

pany for Lwelve month~. Accepted if fully armed and equipped.

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llampton, G. W., Hichmond, August 31, asks authority to raise Cax· alry to the number of three hunrh·ed or more .. (F1I?d.) .

IIampton, Vv a de, Columbia, S. C., June 6, asks that h1s lcgwn be mus· tered in. Ordered. .

October 7, proposes to mise another ba~talion of eight compames, to which will be added eight compamc;; of. Artillery, and wantR Frnall arms and two howitzers. .Authonzed to mcreasc h1s Infantrv to eight companies, bt1t not to adll an_y more.

Haney,"n, by R M. Patton, l<'lorence, Al:.l., August 14, tenders a company. Accepted for the war unarmed, or for twelve­months armed.

1Janley, IV. F., Captain, ~1ount Pinson, Ala., .Jnly 1,_ tenllers a com-p::my. Directed to apply to the Governor of lm St!lt~. .

Hannon, M. \V., Montgomery, August 13, wants a Capt~m s comm18-sion, to command a guenlla company. Answered, Do not need a guerilla company."

llaralson, J.-See Harrison, .J. B. . . llarben, T. B., Lexington, Ga., .July 4, asks 1f company! battahon, or

re"'iment armed with common nfles or shot·guns will be recelVed, A~.swercd that either would be accepted if organized, armed. and offered for the war.

July 18, reports that he can raise an~ arm a battalion, and asks if Government will pay for altenng the gu~1s. Answered that Government won ld have the guns altered 1£ deemed adVl· sable. .

August 19, reports that he has gathered n_ear1y enough nfles t_o a rm his regiment, but they vnll need rcpmnng, and asks t_hat 1t be done and his regiment be accepted. Answerell that regtmcnt for the war would be accepted, and if not arrnell o.nns woalll be repaired. . . .

Oc.:tober 18, asks that h1s regunent be rer:etved for twelve months and ordered to the coast for the wiuter. Answered that the regiment harl better be received for local rlcfcnse.

JTarhor M Greenville, Anrrust 12, tenders an unarmed ~omi~any . A{1swered tlJat no :11~ns could be Iurnish~d.

Harden. E. H., Dalton, Ga., Octobet· 6, ask~ aLtthonty to ratse a corn· pany, witlt the means for defraying expenses. Answered thnt no comtuissions could be g1ven m advance, and that no com· pany could be accepted for a less period than the war, unless Iully armed . . . .

llanl)', L. rr., Uaptain, Nashville, Tenn., May 31, 1s formmg reg1ment and wnnt~ in[ormation aboLtt arming. 1\ nswcrcrl that company

• . , ~" 11 -- ~ -----'1 ~· ,.l "~·~:""""Cd.

~ ;) / :ompanx. Directed ~a--'l./ .er-h-u.-- . :z.-. r. 1 1 1 ' , tcnr ers unarmet

ervice. Auswcrell

llarper. A. R., Lieutenant, ~1ontgomcry, Aln., Ma:v 13, tendcn; the Miller Rifles of Rome, Ga., for the war for Captain J. R. 'l'owers. No answer recordeJ.

Harper, .J . • ]., Uuthhcrt., Ga., July i!V, ]J'"I"" __ :> l'msc company of fm·mers to serve between crops. Rejected.

Uarper, J. W., Captait}, }fontgomery, August 22, reports the Pope Walker Rauger,; well mounted and equipped: thinks shot-guns rmd sabres can be obtained, and asks if compan_y would be accepted. Answered that if it could be armctl with shot-guns and sabres it wonld he accepted.

Harper, S. G., ~1a<:on, l\fiss., November 29, a;;ks if Govemment will aecept, arm, and cq uip a regiment or battery for the war. Answerell bv UircLtlar. *

Ilnl'l'ell, D. B., C~tptain, Preston, Ga., July 25, tenders company. Answered that Govcrnlllent r.;oLtld not furnish arm;;.

Harrington, W. n., Captain, commanding Cusse\<1 Grays, Cu"seta, Ala., June 4, tender;; company; a\vaiting orders. Answered th;~t compnny could not be accepted unlc~~ fully armed aml equipped nnll for the war.

llanis, D. \'V., Bimarn Wood, Ark, August 18, asks on what terms r~on1nnnlA~ nrA :lr-nrnl.r~d A nRwPt'Prl th!lt r-n,;•pn.nies arn1ed and.

unarmed compa-

~-P".z..<- ;/ £ ~ ~ crilla company of ' >elves with horses

and equipments, and" asks will Govemmeut furnish arms. Answcrell that Government could not fum ish arms.

July 10, renews tender of unarmed guerilla company. Similar an::)wer.

1Ianis, IV. P ., IIon.-Sec Thornton, J. J., and Karr, Captain. D::n-ris. J. J., Hichmond, Va., October 8, otiers to raise 1\.rtillery com·

pany for the wm·, armed o.nd fully equipped, if Government will accept and pay for gmts. Accepted.

IIarris, R A., Captain, New Orleans, La., May 10, tenders company, the \Valker Guards. Hcferred to the Governor of Louisiana.

liarris, .J. vV., Captain, Tu:>cumbia, J one 18. tenders the Russel Valley War llomets Ior the war. An;wered that company

r coul rl not be acccpterl ttnleRs fully armed and equipped. larris, N. M., T,a Grange, Ga., May 18, asks if eighty or one hundreJ

picked men will be nr.r.r.nt,.,l '1\T ~ --- ;corded. battalion must be

Jo. :or the Confederate

'-'<~trts,T. W ., Uaptain, Compauy "B," 9th Mississippi Hegiment. near Pensacola, Fla., Dee ember 17, asks authority to raise a regiment of mounted men for the war from twelve·months' Volunteers, and thinks horses can be furnishetl by the men. Answered that :1 copy o[ regulations in regard to re·enlistment~ would be sent

lJ him. t\l' l'isou, J. B., and ,). lfar:t lson, Selma, Ala., Oetohcr 15, propose, as

T,ienteno.nt Colonel nml Major, to mi~c a battalion Ior coast service. An~wcreol by Circu lar:*


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Hampton, G. W., Hichmoml, August 31, asks authorit1T,to rai;e Ca1·· airy to the number of three hundred or more. . (ll!l~cl.)

llampton, Wade, Columuia, S. C., J nne 6, asks that h1R legwn be mus· tereJ in. OruereJ.

October 7, propoRes to mise :mother battalion of eight companies, to which will be :vMccl eight eompamcs of. Arttllcr.r, and wantR small arrns and two howitzers. Authorized to mcrease h1s T nfantry to eight companie;, but not to aut.! auy more.

llnncy, Captain, by H. M. l'atton, ll'lorcnce, Ala .. , August 14, temlers a company. Accepted for the war unarmed, or for twelve­man ths armed.

IIauley, \IT. F., Captain, ~iount Pin~on, Ala., .July 1,_ tenders a com-pany ... Directed to npply to the Governor of h1s Stat,e. .

linn non~ l'vl. \V., .Montgomery, _August 13, wants a Capt~m R commiR­SJOn, to command a 9,uenlla company. AnsweTed, Do not need a guenlla ~Pmpany.

Ilaral;on, .J.-See llarrison, .J. B. llllrben 'T'. B. Lcxinrrton, Ga., J nly 4, asks if company: .. ~attalio~, or

l~cgime~tarmcd ·' . ·n '

Ar,swered that and oJiered Ior

.Tuly 18, r~portR t if Government nu1 1-''"J J.V'- (ul;Cuuo ld..l'-' eu.H;::,. .n.u;:,,~v.~~u. that Governmeut would have the gLul~ altered i.C deemed advi­~aule.

A uuust 19, reports that be has gathered nearly enough rifles t_o a~m his regiment, but they will need repairing, and asb t_hat 1t be done and his regiment be ac<.:epted. 1\_nswered that reg1rnent for the war would be accepted, and if not armed arms would be rcpairet.!.

October 18, a•ks that his regiment be reneived for twelve monthg and ordered to the coru;t for the winter. Answcrd that the recriment bad better he rcccivcfl fm local rlcfcnsc.

IIarhor, ~1., Captain, Greenville, Angust 12, tcurlers an unarmed company. ' .. ,,.er] that no am1s could be .Cunuohell.

! !arden. E. R., Dal - • ... ont.hontv to rmse a com-pany, with ..... "', th~t 110 commis: puny coult.! ue "~v-r lull v arme<l.

llanly, L. ·rr., Captnin, ~ashville, Tenn., ~by 31, is fonnmg ·~6 ... and wants infmmation about arming. Answcre<l that company or regiment must be lLllly arme•land equippe<l.

Ilnrlow, ,fames, Summerville, G:t, April il, tenders a company. Directed to apply to the Governor o[ tho State.

ITarmon, hl. W., Montgomery. AI:L, October 17, tcndm"R unarmed Cavalry company for twelve-months' coast servicr. Auswcretl that no arms could be furniohcd.

Ilarpe1·, A. R. Lieutenant, Montp;orncry, Ala., :1via.v IS, tPnflm·s the Miller Rifles of Rome, Ga., for the war for Captnin J. R. 'J'owerF. !\ o answer ref'

Harper, ,J .• J., Cuthbert, Ga., July 30, propo-;cs to raise company of farmers to serve between crops. Rejected.

llarper, J. W., Captain, )fontgomery, August 22, reports the Pope Walker R:mger;: well mounted and eqlllppotl; tl11nks shot-guns and sabres enn be obtained, and asks if company won!J be accepted. .Answered that if it could be armed with shot-guns anll sabres it woulu he aeecpted.

Harper, S. G., 1\fa('rlll, :>,[;;:;., Novernher 2ll, a;h i.C Govemmeut will accept, m·m, and eqnip a regiment or battery for the war. .Answered hy Circular.*

linnell, D. B., Captain, Preston, Ga., July 2.), tenders company. .A nRwc•rc<l that Governlllcnt coult.! not furni"l1 a1·ms.

Ibrrington, w. n., C>lptain, CO!nmancling Cnsscta Grays, Cn;:seta, Ah, Juno 4, tenders company; awaiting order~. Answered that cornpauy eoult.! not be accepted unle;:; fully armecl. ant.! equ1pped nn<l for the war.

Uanis, D. \V., llimam ·wood. Ark., August 18, as!;s on what terms eompanic:l :1re accepted. Answered that colnpan1es armed and equipped are received for twelve rnonthH, and unarmed compa­nies received for the war onlv.

Unrris, W. '!'.,Quitman, Ga., J nne 27, is raising a guerilla company of one hundrecl and twenty men to furmsb themselves w1th horses and equipments, and a~ks will Goveru1_nent furmsh arms. An~worctl that Government could not furmsh arms.

July 10, renews tender of unarmed guerilla company. Similar anf!wer.

Uanis, \V. P., Uon.-Sce Thornton, J . J., and Knrr,_ Captain. flarris, J. J., Hichmont.!, Va., October 8, otl'~rs to r~1sc Art1llery co~·

pany Ior the war, armed and .Cully equ1pped, d Government will aceepL and pay Ior guu:;. Accepted.

linrris, R .A.,, New Orleans, La., May 10, tcnt.!er~ company, the Walker Guards. HdcJTed to the Go1'ernor of J,olllswna.

Harris, ,J. IV., Captain, TuseLunuia, Juno 18. tenders the Hussel Valley \Va1· IIornets for the war. An~wercd that company e011ld not be accepted unkss fully arm~(] and equipped.

linn·is, X 1\L, ],a Grange, Ga., May 18, asks 1£ c1ghty or one hunclreJ picked Jncu will l1e aceeptml. No auswer recorded.

,June 2~ tenders a battalton. Answerecl. that battahon mu:;t be mmefl and e•Juippcd.

llnrris, R W., Hus:;cllville, Ala., tender' company for the Confederate States scrviee. No answer rceort.!ed.

llani~, 'J'. W., Captain, Company "B," 9th ~fi~;;iH~ippi Hcgimcnt~ ncar Pensncob, Fla., December 17, asks authonty to ra1se a rcgtmcnt of mounted men for the war from twelve-months' Volunteerti, antl thinks horse~ can he fmni;:hctl by the men. Answered that aeopy of regulations in regard to re·enlistmeuts would be sent

]] h1m. :IITison, .J. B.. and ,). Haralson. Selma, Ala., Octohrr 15, propose, as

Lienten::mt Colonel nn1l l\[ajor, to raise a htttalion for coa~t ~e.rvire. AnRwcre•l by CirculaJ.'~

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Harrison, H. T., Yazoo City, ~iss. , ior W. H. Harvey, and others, April 19, offers a company of Independent R~ngers. No answer recorded.

Hart, II. C., Eufaula, Ala., July 10, asks if a company armed and equipped for the war will be received. Accepted. .

llartridge, .Julian, Suvanoub, Ga., July 2. tenders the Chatham Artil­ICry and wants battery furnished. Answered that it could not be done.

Harvey, \V. H.-See llarrison, H. 1'. Hateh, L. ~L. Colonel! Charleston, ~ug_ust 24, proposes to raioe bat­

oepted conditionally. /J mtell company. No

·ers the Vvashington

1., Decem bcr 17, ask the wa1·. Circular*

sent them and iuformecl thM.•. Pomnnnv rwa•nized iu conformity

question will be referred. u .......... l T 1rr n ..... 1 .......... .... 1 1\T ....... l.~.:n .... m ..... ... ..

' battalion or regi­~Iobile. Answered

.. _.Iobile to whom this

u .... --- ' - - - 28, asks permit to ;h information that

I ¥, •mpany for the war. u~ """~J:i""u unless armed and

equipped. Juno 27, tenders compan_y armed with their ownrifles. Accepte_d.

Heard, S. H., Captain, 'Vicksburg, Augu:;t 20, asks if a comp:wy wtll be aceepteJ and armed. AnswereJ tl~:tt no compuuy lli accepted for twelve months unless fully armed and cqnipped.

IIefiin, John •r., Talladega, Ala., asks if a regiment of Alabama 'Volun· teers would be accepted for the war. Answered that a regiment armed, eq11ipped, and for the war would be accepted.

llelm, 1'. B., Cheneyville, La., September 22, tenders company of Cavalry and wants arms. Answered that his company coulrl not be received unless armed, and if tendered for twelve months must also be equipped. .

Hel vi nstcin, .Alexander, Toll Gate, Ala., June 14, tenders u mformcd . company for the war. .,Answered that company could not be

accepted unless fn ll y armed, equipped, and offered for the war-

Rendrix, J. M., Gaylesville, Ala., June 21, says he can get a battalion for the war ii allowed to recommend officers. Answered that President appointed officers, but recommendations would have due consideration.

July 12, wrote in regard to battalion he had offered. No answer recorded.

September lG, reports that he bas five companies for twelve months; can get five mor<', ~nd wants m·mR. AnswerC!l that th e Govern­ment could not furnisb anns for twelve-months' troops.

lrenderoon, Giles J., Blackobur·g-, Va., October 7, asks if company of Cavalry will lre accepted. Not accepted.

Henry, J . C., Captain, Columbus, Ga., .Tul_y 25, tenders unarmed com­pany, uniformed ancl equipped. Accepted if for the war.

IJCt·bert, B. T., l<JI l'n.Rn. 'l'rvoo 'l.(o , . 1 '' ·-· rni~o a company / / /J ·aised, organized,

#~a-n../. ~ ~ 7 on would receive

/ , ---· 1 ....,...,.t' "v•u vv l LoJ 1 ~L1JS1 if authorized, wrll undertake to raise a regime11t to sen-e nntil 1st of April next, and might get arms there. Answered that no troops eould be accepted fur less than twelve months, except for "local Jefcnsc or special ~ervice," anr'l then they must be armed and approveil by the GenPr:r.l commanding the department.

Hertz, A. E., and John Drysdale, St. Augustine, Fla., .August 8, desire authority to raise .Artillery company. (.Filed.)

liervey, F. A,, and J. T. Rockwood, of Texas, Richmoud,'Va., A ugnst 25, having formeil a battalion in Texas want assurance of acceptance. Answereil that if fully armed and equipped it will be accepted.

B:euvel, M. 'V. D., Shelby, Texas, May 21, tenders company. Answered that company woulil be accepted if fully arm_ed and eq uippeJ.

llovilly, George, Lieutenant, :Mobile, Ala., Ma_y 28, tenders the Lafay­ette Guards for the war, partly armed and equipped. No anawer on record.

llewitt, James W., aud Robert A. Johnson, of Kentucky, 'by James llewitt, :New Orleans, La., May 10, want to mi~e a regiment for twelve months or the war, the Government to furnish arms. .Answered that the regiment would be received for the war, the officers to be appointed by the Prc~idcnt.

llewlctt, \V. .A., Captain, .Tasper, A ln., May 8, tenders company. Answered that if company would offer for the war it would be accepted.

. May 21, renews tender. Same answer made. ll1ckman, James, lluntaville, Ala., May 22, tenders company composed

. of laborers, mechanic~, &c. No answer recorded. lJ:1ggins, II. ll., Athens, Ala., April 17, lenders a regiment if commis­

sioneJ as Colonel. Answered that tender must be made through State Executive.

June 21, reports he is raising company and bas beard rumor that no more troops will be wanted. Answered that rumor is with­out foundation.

and others, September 1, offer a company for the war. .Accepted.

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IInnison, II. T., Yazoo City, Miss., for vV. H. Harvey, and others, April 19, offers a company of Independent R:~nger'S. No answer recorded.

IIart, II. C., Eufaula, Ala., July 10, asks if a company armed and equipped for the war will be re()eived. Accepted. .

Hartrid"'e, Julian, Savannah, Ga., July 2. tenders the Chatham Artrl­l~ry and wants battery furnisl1ed. Answered that it could not be done.

Harvey, vV. H.-See !IntTison, H. T. Tiateh; L. M., Colonel, Charleston, August 24, propo'le0 to mise bat­

talion for special service near Charleston. Accepted conditionally. IIateley, J. C., Jasper, Fla., }[ay 20, tenders a mounted company. No

aus\~~er recordr-l Hawkins, James G., i "'--- +ho \V' n.~hington

Sharpshooters Hawkim, 'r. T., of F

be armed by _ armed and equippeu would be accepteo.

IIawkins, .A. T., L ieutenant, Company "D," 7th .Alabama Hcgimcnt, Bowling Green, December 31, desires authority to re-enlist a company for thcwarfrom the 7th Alabama Regiment. Circular* sent him.

Haynes, C. E., and ColonelS. M. Hill, Cahawba, Ala., December 17, ask authority to raise a company of Infantry for the war. Circnlar * sent them and inforrncd that a company organized in conformity thereto will be accepted for the war.

Haynie, J. D., Mobile, .Ala., September 7, asks if a batta:lion or regi­ment will be received for local defense near .Mobile. Answered that a general officer is soon to be sent to Mobile to whom this question will be referred.

IIead, J. W., Colonel, Nashville, 'I'cnn., November 28, asks permit to organize a legion. Circular * sent him with information that le~ions were not accepted.

IIead, W 1lham J., Buchanan, Ga., June 8, oliers company for the war. Answered that it eonld not be accepted unless armed and equipped.

June 27, tenders company armed with their own rifles. Accepted. IIcard, S. H., Captain, Vicksburg, August 20, asks if a company will

be accepted and armed. Answered that no company is accepted for twelve months unless fully armed and equipped.

Heflin, John T., 'l'alladega, Ala., asks if a 1·egimcnt of Alabama Volnn­teera woLrld be accepted for the war. Answered that a regiment armed, equipped, and for the war would be accepted.

Helm, '1'. B., Cheneyville, Lrr., September 22, tenders company of Cavalry and wants arms. ~<\n~wered that his company could not be receiveu unless armed, and if tendered for twelve months must also be equipped.

IIelvinstein, Alexander, 'l'oll Gate, Ala., JLme 14, tenders uniformed . company for the war. Answered that company could not be

accepted unless fully armed, eqnippcd, and offered for the war.


liendrix, J. M., Gaylesville, Ala., J nne 21, says he can get a battalion for the war if alloweu to recommend officers. Answered that President appointed officers, but recommendations wonld have due consideration.

'July 12, wrote in regard to battalion he bad oft'ercd. No answer recorded.

Septemhcr·16, reports that he has five companies for twelve months; can get five moTe, and wants arm~. Answered that the Govern­ment could not. furnish arms for twelve-months' troops.

lrenderson, Giles .. J., B lncksbur·g, Va., October 7, aRks if company of Cavalry wrll be accepted . ~ot acceptecl.

lienry, J. C., Captain, Columbus, Ga., July 25, lenders unarmed com­pany, nniformed and equipped. Accepted if for the war.

lrerbert, B. T., .1£1 Pas<J, 'l'exas, }fay 14., pToposcs to raise a company of spies. Answe1·cd that if the compan,y was raiserl, organil:ed, equipped, and armed, the question of its rooept ion woulrl receive prompt consideration.

ll:erringlon. G. G., Brewton, Ala., September 23, says, if authorized, will undertake to raise a regiment to serve until 1st of April next, and might get arms there. Answered that no troops could be accepted for less than twelve montl1s, except for "local defense or special service," and then they must be armed and approved by the Gcn~ml commanding the department

liert:<~, A. E .. and John Drysrlale, St. Augustine, Fla., Angust 8, desire authority to raise Artillery company. (Filed.)

lfervey, F. A., and J. T. Rockwood, of Texas, Richmond,Va., An gust 25, having formed a battalion in 'l'exas want assnrance of acceptance. .Answered that if fully arme(l and CCJuipped it will be accepted.

lfenvel, M. V. D., Shelby, ' l'exas, May 21, tenders company. Answereu that company would be ac.cepted if fully arrl\ed and equipped.

lfovilly, George, Lieutenant, Mobile, A Ia., May 28, tenders the Lafay­ette Guards for the war, partly armed and equipped. No anower on record.

llewitt, Jame> \'f., arrd Robert A. Johnson, of Kentncky,.by James ITcwitt, K ew Orleans, J"a. , May 10, want to raise a regiment for twelve months or the war, tl1c Government to furni;;h arms. An8wered that the regiment woulfl be received for the war, the officers to be appointed by the P resident.

lfewlctt, W. A., Captnin, Jasper, A la., May 8, tenders company. Answered that if company would offer for the war it would 'be accepted.

May 21, renews tender. Same answer made. liickman, James, liuntsville, A la., May 22, tenders company composed

of laborers, mechanics, &c. No answer recorded. lriggins, H. II., .Atheno, Ala., Apri l 17, lenders a regiment if commis­

sioned as Colonel. Au8wered that tender must be made throngh State Execntive.

Jnne 21, reports he is raising company and has beard rumor that no more troops will be wanted. Answered that rumor is with­out foundation.

and others, September 1, olier a company for the war. Accepted.

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Higgins, J. C., Meridian, Miss., July 4, asks anthority to mi:<e a n•gi ment of MounteJ Rangers. Answered that no authority to rai:;c troops was given.

Higgins, R. IV., Lebanon, A Ia., April 26, o:ffers a company. Answered that if Governor 1forwo should tender it it wonk! be rccriverl. ,

.June 23, Lynehburg, V'a., renews tender of company for twelve months, armed. Accepted.

Iligh, J . Y.-Sec Cotton, 1<'. llobcrt. Hill, B. J.,,·ille, September 2, 1·cports the first rifle r<'gimf'nt.

organized in the State under Confederate proviso ready. Answered, "I have no <•bjection."

September U, ha~ Ol'gani:>:c<l a regiment of Tennessee Rifiemeu: wants pay for arms, nnd uillforms, blankcto, &c. No answer recorded.

Ilill, D. fT., General. See \\!bi te, E lijah. Ilill, Erlward Young, Greenville, Ala., May 28, offers compan.v for the

war and wishes ordero. Aceepted and ordered to l{i!'lirnond with such arms as tuey couiLl procttre.

Ilill, John, Captain, F'reeman'R Gun rd, Resara, Ga., .Augu~L ±, Leudet'5 company organized and ready to move. :::Jeeretary asks i( it is :1nned.

Hill, R H., Perote, Ala., SepLernUet·ll, lta; a Cavalry company anxious to enlist for the war, and uas eighty sabres and revolvers. Accepted.

Hill, Robert J., Orizabn, Miss., 1fay 15, tenders a company. Answorc<l that. companies to be accepted for twelve months must arm and equip themselves. .

June 25, reports that he uas armed h1s company with shot·guns. Accepted.

Hill, S. M., Colonel-See Haynes, C. E. Ilillllman, T. C., Little Rock, A ric, ~fay 8, wants nuthority to ra.iHe :t

regiment of Arkansas Volnnteers. Answered that regiment arme<l and for the war would be accepted.

Dines. R. K., Albany, Ga., J ul.Y 10, propoecs to rai,;e an Artillery com· trnishcd.

.// /- HA. _ _£:' / npany. No answer .77.?ut'P?z //:._~(0. /t'l,

/ Arkansas Regiment, .l!'reuencksburg, V a., lJecemoer 1<', ues1re information a:l t<' organizing a company rrom twclvc·months' Volunteers, and ask when furloughs will be granted. .Answered that a Ci l'cul::tr would soon be sent him containing the desired instrnctionR ..

Jlodge, B. L ., and J. L. Scott, July 17, RieLrnond, propose to nu;e five or six companies mounted men. Answereu that con1· panies nrmed and equipped and tendered for the war would he accepted.

Hodges, L., Captain, Okolona, Mi~H., August 15, o:ffers a company, the Pope Walker Hcscrvcs, armed and equipped, for twelve mont!J;, ii possible, or otherwise for three years. Accepted.

Hodgson, ,foseph, Moutgomery, August 2, has a Iull companY· uniformed, &c.: t.cnden; for three year;;. J\ccPptecl.


Hodg~on, W. Irving, Captain, Washington Artlllory Company, New Orleans, La., Jnly 26, reports his men r)lady, &c. Answered, ''what men do you rercr to?"

Hodgc.~on and vVilliams, ~fontgomory, Ala., June 20, ask: if a com· pany will. be :·occivccl for Lhe war and arm eel. Answere1l that

l'CCcivect ..... ~~• 1 • .. uuvu LUJ lli:'JIIIliQ

ber 1 · ~. wants hio d that. J\ rtillet·,• ' oompa nics, an;]

LIIJt;H" uw11 ua£;terie.s would be

Hollan~! 0. S .. Enterprise, Mis~ .. April 20, oilers the Bnterpris<" Guard~.

fer~ compnny for

his oo111 pttll\' is vtga.IJJ~t~u n.nct want.:; c..:owmisSJOilf:. for the officer·~. An:-~wCrccl that commissions were not. issue<.! before the reception o( the company, aud J( the company was anned it wo•ilcl be reeei vud, but ii not armed it mig],L be tendered to the Governor o( Aln· lJarrw.

Hollis, '1'., ~aptain, Centre, Ala., October 21, has a compnny re:ttly for cu"'''""'"'..-. ..... .r"'" ,., .. ,.,1~ .................... "'L.~ ,.. ·- - , , ,...,. !nlar. ·>:·

l l\ fine <·ornpan.\' pply to GO\ em or

rginia RegimPnt I'Vmcbc~tcr, Va., Decomhe;· 5; has sixty men who will cntot· Rf'rvif'f' fnr tlH'> \V~ll' ir hr.> i., n ............ V'>~ ..., ; .............. ...1 ro. .. ~ .... tnin. .An~wereJ

J :Mmli;;nn Hiflrs, ;l.-; ·a i:;c armerl cnm·

.. _tabl ished rule oi done without the approval of toe lJepartrncnt and cannot be

General llragg. Uolly, N. B., Cherokee, .Ala., Angust 20, tenders a companv. No

answer reconlcrl. · .. Holman, D. IT., Major, lst'l'ennc"src Yolnnteor"<, Deeemher l!J, propo~cs

to rmse a corps of mounted men for two yf'nrs o1· the war. Answ~red tlmt regiment or battalion or Cavalry for the war, eOiu­posed 1n part or wholly of rc·enlistcd meu, would be ac·eepted and armed.

liolmes, C. R., Lie.utenant, Centreville, Ya., December 28, proposes to nuse an .Artdler.1' company for the war, and ask~ 1f a battery will he fnrni"'hed. .Answerecl bv Circular:~

llolt, 1'. S., 1Iaeou, Ga., J nne 5,'' ofiero a bn.ttalion of Cm·alry. :-fo answer rerorclccl.

Holtzdaw, .]. A., l[auon, Ga., ,J nne 2, offers a company of mount<'< I men. AcccpLetl fot· tho war if armed ancl C<Jnippe<l.

,July 29, report~ th:tt hl' C':tll'lr>t miKe the cornpn11.1' IH•<·attKO he""" ;J,'Ct- no n rrn:->.


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Higgins. J. C., Meridian, JI.J iss., July 4, ash a11lhority to raio>e a re~i­ment of Mounted Rangers. Answered that no authonty to nw;e troops was o-ivcn.

H iggins, R. W., Lebanon, .Ala., A_pril, ~6, ofTcrs a ~ompany. .Ansv.:e1·ed that if Goverr · --- '~- ·• •• wonlrl b~ rcc~1vccl.

• Juue 23, Lynch months, armr.

lligh, J. Y.-See ()( lli\1, 13. J'., Kashville, c:>epccauuv, -, .. ,

organized in the State under Confeclerate prov10u 'v""--'· Answered, "I have no <•bjection .. , .

September 9, has organized :t regimeut of Tennessee Ht!lcmcn; wantspayiol'!ll'mOO! ~,..,r~ ....... ;i= ................ l.l_, __ .._ t! .,.. ..

recorded. Hill, D. H., General l lill, Ed ward Young

\\'3.1' and \Vi::;h_ -~'"'"l'L,.......,. ouou. VJ.Y.\JI.'-'I..Io. \IV .l.UI,dlJUVUU

with such arms as they could procure. llill , John, Captain, Freeman's Gnanl, Resaca, Ga., August 4, tenclet_-s

company organi;;ecl and rencly to move. Secretary u"ks 1! 1t IS

armed. Hi ll , R. H., Perote, Ala., September 11, has a Cavalry company anxious

to enlist for ' ' ' -· ·' '-- --'--"- "~" """'"1"""' Accepted.

Hi ll , Hobert J., Ori~ that compan equip thems __ . ___ .

June 25, reports that he has armed h1s company wttli shot-gun,;. Accepted.

Hill, S. }d., Coloncl­llintlman, 'I'. C., Lit

regiment of armed and fc

H ines, R. K ., Albany, ua., .;u1y .IV, proposes to rmse an .tl.l'tlllery con• pRny. Answered that guns could not be furnishccl.

liobbs, T . II., :Florence, Ala., June 3, tcn<lers compuny. No answer Iounrl on record.

IIockcrsmith, A. C., Lieutenant, and others, 1st Arkansas Regiment, Fre<lericksbnrg, V n., Del'emher 19, de~ire information a; tL> organizing a company from twelve-months' Volunteers, ~ncl asl'_ when furlouo·hs will be gmnted. Answered that a Cm:nla1 would soon be sent him co-ntaining the desired instructions ..

Hodge, B. L ., and J . L. Scott .July 17, Richmond, propose to r,us< five or six companies mounted men. Answered that eom· panies armed aucl equipped and tendered for the war wouhl he accepted.

IIodgcs, L., Captain, Okolona, Miss., August 15, offers a company, the Pope Walker Reserves, armccl nml CC]uippecl, for twehe montho, if pm;sible, or otherwise for three years. Acccptrd.

H odgson, Joseph, MontgoH1e1·_v, Augu.-;t 2, has a fu ll compan)'• nniformecl, &c.: tender; for three year~. Aeccptccl.


Hodg~on, W. Irving, Captain, Wa~hington Artillery Company, :New Orleans, La., July 26, reports his men rpady, &c. Answered, ''what men do you refer to? "

Hodgcson and \Villiarns, Montgomery, Ala., .June 20, ask if a com­pany will be received for the war nnd armed. Answered that company for tl1n war would be acccptetl .

llollaud, D. P., I.ieutcnnnt Colonel, li'crnandina, October 1-J, wants his battalion of .Artillery mustered in. Answere<l that .Artillen· was not reecivccl as a hattalion, but in single con•paniPs. anil Art1\Jcry companies fumishing tuei1· own batteries would he received.

lloll:md, 0 . S., .Gnterp1·ise. :\[is,;., April20, oiler,.; the Ente1·prise Guank No answer recorded.

liolling,worth, J. N., !Io!l(lerson, 'l'cxas, ,\by 23, offer:; comp:my for . the war. Ac<>cptccl if armed and ect~tippecl .

Ilollmgswor~h, W. 1'., Gadsclen, .Ab., .July 9. :mys hi~ company 1s orgamzed unci wants comm'""''n:; for the officer". An,:wc'l'<'<l that commissions were not issnccl before the rc<><.'ption of the cornpan_y, and 1f the company was armecl it wonlcl be rec·ei\·<'d, but tf not annecl it might he tendered to the Govc1·no1· of Ala­bama.

llollis, T., Captain, Centre, Ala., October 21. hn.s a company ready for serv1ce for twel vo month;;. Am;wcreJ hv Cirrn Jar.::-

llolloway, K F.,_ 'Richmond, Ky., April 19, can raise a fine companv and asks 1f Jt wtll be acccl'tctl. Dtrectecl to apply to Go1·<'1'11or of Kentucky.

llolloway! L. l'., ·captain, Company "0," 27th Virginia \Vmchcster, Va., December 5, has sixty men ·who service for tho war if he is commis.ione<l c,1ptain.

Reginwnt, will enter Ans\\'CI'ecl

bv Circular.* llo!lowell, ·william E., aiHl vV. 'l'. Bca1·d, privates in ;\Iadiwn Hifie,;,

Warrmgton, 1<'\a., AngusL 7, ask furlough to raise rmncd coln­pauy. A nswcrecl that it is contrary to the establi:;]wd rule of the Department and cannot be dr;nc without the approval of General B 1·agg.

lloily, N. B., Cherokee, .Ala., .August 20, tenders a rompanv. No an~wcr recorrlccl. "

llolman, D. Tl., Major, 1st 'J'ennc;;spr. Volnntec1·;;, December 1 !J, propo>c.~ to l'liiHC a eorps of mounted me11 for two years or the war. .Answ~red tl1at rcgmtcnt or battalion of Cavalry for thr wn1·, rol!l­posed Ill part or whol ly of re-cnlisteJ men, woultl l.c accepted nnd armetl.

liolmes, C. R., I.icntenanl, Centreville, Va .. December 28, propo;rs to rmse ar: Arttllc1-_v <:ompany for the war, and a,;ks if a battery will

I he fnrm,;hcd. .An:;\\'t·nxl bv Ci1·<·ula1·.* Iolt, J'. S., :i\fuc·on, r.a., June li, .. olfcr~ n lxlltalion of c,n-:drv. Ko

I an~wcr rccor<lcd. .. To]Lzchw, J. A., Macon, Gn., .Jnno 2, offer~ a eompany of mounl<'tl

men. Aceeplerl for the war if armccl and '''lnipp<'cl. -1ul_y 20, 1'0J'Orts that hv <'<lll'lnt rai,c· tl10 c·oiiiJ':IIl.\' IH'<'<Litse !IC' <'<Ill

; .. rPt 110 ann~.

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Holt~cluw, James '1'.- See Shorter, Eli S. · Hooker, W. J., Pigeon lliH, Ark., September 13, tenders part of a

company, or, perhap>, a whole company. Auswcrcc'l that the law dill not authorize the acceptance of a company of les~ than ~ixty-four privates. .

Hopkins, Edward, Jacksonville, Fla., JIJay 25, asks if company for the war will be ordered to service at once. Answered that i( fully armed and C'lnippcd it would.

IIopkins, li'. M., Summerfielcl, A ln., September 24, wants to mise an 'an furnish horse;;.

~!(;~/.-// 4.£4~~ 7 Jd not be reeeived

/- 'gimcnt o( Infantry ""'" '" muuLu~ w111 oe rece1vc<1 an<! anned. Kot accepted.

Horton, \Valter IV .. Selma. i\ Ia .. SerJtembPr 10 nokg 1f a Cavalry com· 1s on sca-coa~t will // / // #" P!1 / tHl for. Answered

./7 P7~ ~ vvr. ' . a<- e>. prstols, an<l shot·

.lW\ emuer ~I:>, reports company armed and Teady. October 23, has a Cavalry company which Governor Moore has

agr(:ed to arm for coast Rerviee, and asks order to report to General \Vither~. Answered by Circular.*

Houston, David, Captain, Decatur, Ala., June 6, tenders company for the wn.r. Accepted anrl ordered to Hichrnond.

Houston, ,V. II., Lexington, ::-iovember 14, wants to raiRe a company of J,ancers composed of Mexicans and Americans. Answered that company ruised, armed, and equipped as pmpooed would be aeeepted.

Howard, J. R, and W. W. IIelm, Hichmoncl, November 19, offer a battalion of five companies of mounted and equipped Ken­tuckians for the war. Accepted if subject in all respects to military organization.

Howard, R. M., Somerville, Ala., April 8, tenders company from Morrran County, Ala. Directed to apply to the Governor of his tate.

IIoward, 'J'. X., Lafayette, Ind., ).{arch 1 1, oJI'er; thirt.Y young men as soldiers. No answer recorded.

Howell, D. B., Preston, Ga., July 2o, tcnrlers n. company. (Filed.) Ilowcll, J. 111., Colonel, by H. C. ,Jourdan, Little Rock, April 30, wishc~

to raise a regiment in Arkansas. Heply, "cannot answer yon at this time.' '

IInbbar·d, D., Kinlock, Ala., August 25, asks if troops from North Alalmma will bereceiveu for twelve months. Answereu, "yef, if fully armed and equipped."

IIubbanl, J. R.. Centreville, Tenn., August 30. tcnclcrs company for twelve monthR. Not acccptccl unless IL1lly armc<l.

lluJiman, ,J. M., of 'l'exaR, Bowling Green, J\y., December 8, wants :t

company armed with shot·gLms ancl knives acceptcu for the war. Circular* sent him, and he informed that General A. S. .Johnston wao authori~ea to aeccpt hiH company if he desired to.

n llughes, J . .S., and J. C. Baird, Ladiga Ala. October 9 t d C

airy com])Qn d k 0 ' , , en ers av· ' • .Y an as ·s ovemmcnt to arm it. an . cl h Hughl noGmW·m~ ?avalry company could be accepted~ sweJe t at

~ou.ld b'e .t 1mta,dGfn., Oetober 31, asks if an armed company Iecmve rom Ch·Lmbcrs Ala f · h,

service. Direetecl to apply t~ Gene;·nJ -\,:.:.tlo: .slx mont s coast Octob(•r· '>7 a 1 · . ' 1e1 R.

~ · ~ , '~'~ commr"stons for himself and officem of co llllu say,; they w 11l ann themselves if G . · mpany, Answered bv Circular* ovc1 nment cannot.

IInmpurey C·rlvin "13 k ·1i Al air/ A ns\\:en::{~b~~ o' ~-·proposes to raise company of Cav­

HumphreyR B. G S"d , \lo:e•~fment could not accept anrl equip it. T · ' ., ' 1 on, · hs., " ny 18 tenclcrs compan ( r h nf,uJtryd. Aeeepted with tbe hopc'that it will <.:om~ frr::cd

1~1 J eqUJppe . '

II ur/ ~~-~ ~±, renews tender of compan_y. No answer recorded. p y, D. C., Dccatnr, Ala. September 7 ·md 23 l . .

ready· h·ts four otl ' . ' • , 1as Iegimcnt in ten' 1 '" . I ff'c_r compames nnd can rai"e another re.,.iment or. • c ayo: ,lfl( 0 eJs two (}nrnJ.,.,~ "' ' - - 'cs having hor~es &c

U ~ / ;· / ~/. • acccptecl; Cav~lry ~Pv v?z.. t,;~ &. ...V

/ · 10, asks if company vc month.' service. n ---r-"···

umpl;~c·~~x;;:· C]'r~tlanta, Ga., Ap1·il 19, oJI'ers companv for service Ilumpluies ·,v-· W uctf<l ty appiv_to the Governor of Georgia.

acce' ted. .A' .~urn >11 ~' M•~s., May ~3, U>ks if his men are orclc;.s w.ill ben~~C:~.d tbat •I company lS for the war marching

IIunt, C. W., Captain Mcm h" T A · . · which will be ;.mcly i~ !Sf cgn., pdrJ 16, 1~ raising company

1.I No ~n~wer founti on rcc~r(f.w ays an asks will it be received.

l1nt, Wllll[lrn Hichanlson, Memphis Tenn March 4 . . company· if om . , _., ~ , P' oposes to l'UlSe

wen; can get commisswns in tbe A. N 1:1- answer· r·ccordt'd. uny. o -<:J.Untcr F W a cl V II V h

~sl;s a~tl; n_. . . . . aug an, :Montgomery, Ala., October 11 ~a~· ;h, Gu;y _to rmse rcgtm~nt or battalion of Infantry for th~ that . c '' o' ct nnrcnt tO]>I"Ovlde arms and uniforms. Answered

at Ic1o11~1cut for the war electing its field-officers would be

nccep .ec anu armed.

Richmonc~ October 19, usb autlrority to raise a battalion for the lJ: war. , 1 nswcrc<l by Cneular.*

unter J 1' '>d Ark·rn R t I" E '. • ., - : Rfls a ta Jon, <vansport Va. December 31


1tob rmsc Cavalry company uncle~· act of Congress:

13: nswer C( y C1 reu Jar.* unter P. D CL!tnbcrland G D b

~ai ., . ' . ap, ccem er 30, asks for authority to T se one 01 more Arldlery companies for the war fmm the 11th cn~css1c? Hcg1mont. Answered that companic would be

llunte .rcRel~( 1n 1conformity to tenns of Circular* cn~,Josed.

1• · t ., andc others, _New Orleans, June 19, are raising a regi· men arm

1c ancl eqmppccl, which they tender. No answerfound

on rceorc. ·

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IIoltzclaw, J~tmes T.-Sec Shorter, Eli S. · II k . W J l'io·eon HiH Ark. ScptPrnber 13, tenders part of a oo e1, · ., - ' ' A l b t th

comptwy, or; perbap•, a whole company. nswerer t ~ . e law did not authoi'Jze the acceptance of a company of les, than sixty-four priva tcs. . .

Hopkins Edward Jacbonville, Fla., l\fay 25, asks 1f compnny.for the w~r will be~ ordered to ~ervice at once. Answered that 1f fully armed and equipped it wonld.

ITo kim;, F. M., Summerfield, Ala., September 24, wants to mise an P Arti Jlery company for. three year~, and can funll,h h.~rs_es.

Answered that an Arllllery company eould not be rcccnecl unle's it could furnish it' own gun~. . .

Dopkins, J. L., Hichmond, September 10, askR t! regtme~t of Infantry for twelve months will be receiVed and armed. ~ ot accepted.

IIorton, \'Valtcr W., Selma, Ala., September 10, asks 1f a Cn.vall'y cor~t­pany, armed and m?untecl, for twelve months on ~ea-~o~•t ":'11 be received, and untforms aml C{[U<pments pa1d fm. An,weted that a Cavalry compan.)' armed with sabre;, Jl<~tols, and shot­guns wou!tl be "<'~~ntcd.

November 26, rc October 23, has .

agreed to arm General With•

Houston, David, Cap.~w, ~~~""'": "''"·• ,,uue o, renacrs company Ior the war. Accepted and ordered to HJChmond. .

Houston, W. H., Lexington, Novem.ber 14, wants tc_> rmse a com~any of Lanccm compooecl of Mcx1cans an~ Amenca.ns. An~" crcd that company raised, armed, and eqmppcd as propo,ed would be accepted.

Howard, .T. R., and IY. W. IIelt.n, Hichmond, November 19, oil'~r a battalion of five compnmes of mounte~ an~ eqmppecl Ken­tuckians foi· the war. Accepted. 1i subJect m all respects to military organizati?n. . .

llowarcl, R :J.f., Somervllle, Ala., .A pr1l 8, tenders company from Mor"an County, Ala. Directed to apply to the Governor of his State. .

Howard, '!'. N., Lafayette, Ind., March 11, offern th1rty young men as soldiers. No answer recorded. ,.

IIowcll, D. B., Preston, Ga., Jnly 2f>, tenders a company. ~l<1led.). . llowell J. :J.L Colonel, by R C. Jonrrhn, Ltttle Hock, Aprtl 30, Wishes

to ntis~ a regiment in Arkansas. Hcply, "eannot answer you at this time." .... - h

Hubbard D. Kinlock Ala. August 25, asks if troops from ~,ort Aiab~ma will be recei,,ccl for twelve months. Answered, "yeP, if fully armed and equipped.'' .

Hubuard, J. R., Centreville, 'l'cnn., August 30, tenders company fot twP.lve month~. Not accepted nnless fully armed. , ,

Hnffman, J. M., of Texas, 13owling G reen, Ky.,. December 8, wa~t},~ company armed wtth shot-guns nt;d kwves accepted. fell t ~. war. Circular·> .. sent hun, and he mformccl that General A. •· Johnston was :mthori7.crl to accept his company 1f be dcstrecl w.


Hughes, J. S., and J . C. 13aird, Ladiga, Ala., October 9, tenders Cav­al<y company and asks Government to arm i~ Answered that

H , no unarmed Cavalry company could he accepted. ugnly, G. W., Atlant•t, Ga., 00tobcr 31, asks if an armed company

would be recmved from Chambers, Aln .. for six months' coast servtce. Dtrected to apply to Generrrl Wituers.

O~tober 2~'. a~b commi;sions for himself and officers of company, ,tnd Sa)' tbey.wli l arm themselves tf Government cannot.

li Answered bv Ctrcular:~ nmphrey, Calvin, Buyck ville, Ala., proposes to raiae company of Cav­

Il alry. .A nswere •. l that Govemment could not accept and eqni pit. Urnphrep, 13. G., S1don, J\T!ss., May 18, tenclers eompany of light

Inf~ntry. Accepted w!lb the hope that it will eome armed and eqtnppcd.

li June 2.J., renews tcudcr of company. No answer recorded. Umphreys, D. C., Dccat<tr, Ala., September 7 and 23 has re~ment

!·early; lHlS four othe1· compnnies and can raise an~ther re~irncnt lll ten clays, and offet'S two Cavalry companies ha1'ing hor~es, &c. Hegtment accepted, and four companies abo accepted; Cavalry n also J[ armed. .

lll1lplu:~ys, S. II., Captain, l\lemph!s, .Tenn., June 10, asks if compnny \1111 be J·cceJ ved from MlsSJ~stppt for twelve months' service. fl Not accepte<l. .

nmpl!rcys, IV. C., Atlanta, Ga., April 19, offers companv for service li tn Texas. Du·ectecl to apply to the Governor of GcorO'ia

Ulllplll'ic.•, w_ w., Columbu~. 1\Iiss., }fay 13, asks if his ~~n are accepted. .A nRwcred tbat if company is for the war marching

1.1 order~ will be given. . unt, C. 'Yir., Captain, Mem.phis, Tenn., April 16, is mising company

whtch w11l be rerrcly Ill a few days and asks will it be received. li No answer found 0n record.

unt, William Hichm:rl•on, Memphis, Tenn., March 4, proposes to raise company tf officers ean get commissions in the Arrny. No

l3: answer recorded. unte,·, F; IV., an~l V. II. .Vaughan, Montgomery, Ala .. October 11,

asl,s autltor1ty tr> ra1se reg<mcnt or battalion of Infantry fot· the war, the ~overnment to provide arms anci uniforms. Answe1·ed that a reg<meut for the wa•· electing its field-officers would be rtceeptcrl and armed.

Richmond, October 19, ask,; authority to rai;e a battalion for the II war. Answered by Circular.*

Unter, .J. P., 2d Arkansas Battalion Evansport Va December 31 proposes to 1·aisc Cavalry co~pany uncle;. a~t of Conuress:

.tJ: Answen•d by Circnlar:* " Unter, P. D., Cuu.<herlancl Gap, December 30, asks for authority to

rmse one or more Artillery companies for the war from the lltb Ten!w~scc Hcgiment. Answered that companies would be

li recetved tn conformity to tct·ms of Circular* eaclosecl Unter, H. A., and others, New Orlenns, June '19, arc rmsmg a regi­

ment armed and equipped, which they tender. No answer found on record.

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Il untle~·- 0., Captain, Corinth, "MiRR., .June 25, tenders company,. the Oktibbeha Riflemen. Accepted 1f armed, cqmpped, and for the

war. · b p ·a Jrnnton, '!'.,Alleghany Springs, September 9, authonzed y res1 e~t

to mi~e regiment, and >tsk~ 1f Government w1ll pay for shot-guns. An~wered in thr. affirmative. . .

Jlnrst,· D. IV., Liberty, Miss., August 27, i~ about to rmse a1: A~t11lery battalion and asks cannon. Battahon refused unles~ fmmshed, with gnns. .

September 14, renews tender of his hattahon as Infantry for the w:tr, and asks if anns ca.n he fnrmsbed. Answered tba~ bat tali on of Infantry o1·gamzcd woulcl be accepted for tlte war and armed as soou as posRible.

by Ron. W. P. llarris, .Jackson, Miss., September 17, offers to raise a battalion for the war. Answered that It could not be received withont guus. .

II . A R a11 ,] R I' 'l'rabue tender:; a Kentucky regiment and v neR, "'" ., · · · ' . d S t · will pay the expenses of the men mlo Confp erate tn es. Answered that a regiment organized would be .rccetved and reeomrnenrleLl to arm thernsel vcs with Kentucky nfles.

Tngate. F., Captain, New Orlean~, T,:L, Jnnc 10, tenders G1·eek com­pany unarmed. Not auceptcd.

frwe, R. F., 'cr,ptain, by 'l'. n. IV ~trnorc, Sel:na, Ala., July 1, tcnd~rs " company of Infantry, havmg everythmg but guns. Answc10d

that Government could not arm company. lnrre W M Captain Corinth, ;,[i~s., ~iawoh 27, tenders company of

" ' n;ou1;tcd' rang~rs for twelve months. A n~wered that compttny .eel by tlle Governor

J~e// ff ~ //: s authority to raise / ~ompany would be

acceptea. 1 f f ll d t cl October 8, report.~ his compauy for coast c e ense u an mus ere.

in, and wants comrmss10ns, arms, &e .. Aoswereu that co:nrn1s sions are not, iRsueLl to company oihcers; arnm, &c., .wtll h~ furnished as soon as pos,;ihlc, aml tl1at no company cnhs~ed fol the war can be e1Hploycrl for local clcfeo;e unlciis the ex1gcncy of the sc1·vice demands it. . , . , . . , d

hhy, 'rhomas E., Cahawha, Ala., Apr1ll6, tcndms comp,\tly. Dneete to tender to the Governor of Alabama. .

1 rvine, W. '!' .. Snblir[LHl, Ga.,. April 18, is an~ious to n;1se a compau.v~ and asks instmctions. Dircetcd to oftcr to the Governor of hi>

State. . · u Irwin, J. L., Franklin, Jnly 22, asks if a company w1ll be recmve'

8aying he has no equipment.o. Accepted 1I armed. , lrwiu, S. Davi,;, General, Albany, Ga., 1\l:cy 24, Wl~l rmse a companl

for tbewar, and wants nothing but arms. :t\o ans:vcr record~,. I ver,-on, ~\..,Columbus, July 30, tenders a company of ilymg Art1llc1J•

with guns, the Government to supply the horse>~. Acecptcrl. 1,

h-cv .. John R., Captain, Columbus, ,July 18, tcmlerH con.pany fnll_ · armed and crp1ippcd. Accrptcrl.



Izlar, J. F., Orangeburg, S. C., J unc 20, tenders a rifle company. Not J accepted unless armed.

nck, J. M., Portcrvllle, Ala., July 15, offers a company for tweh•e J months. Not accepted without anns. · ackson, F. Grundy, llarrisonville, ~fo., April 16, offers a company to

the Confederale Sttctcs. Answered that it eoulrl hot be rccei vet.! ·Ta,. without tL~ Hanction of the Governor of Missouri. . .

ckson, _.James, Uaptam, Aberiod, Ala., has a company and asks 1f 1t w1il be accepted w1tb double-barreled shot-guns or rifles. Aceepted for tllc war.

~ackson, .John ::\.L-Sce Jolmson, J . A. W. aekson, J. P., Captain, !£quality, Ah, August 19, tenrlers a company

for twelve montb un1formccl and armed with shot·guns. Accepted.

,James J·r P't · 0 "A" lOtl u· · · · R · W · , ., e e1, ompany , 1 .uls~JSslppl egm1ent, arnng-ton, Fla., N overnber 12, wants commJss1on and authority to mise a cou~pany ~or the war from his regiment. Answemd that men t!1en m scrvJCe could not be detached to join other organizations. Un·cular * enclo~cd.

,James, S. L., Major, 6th LouiHiun:t Regiment, August 21, asks leave of absence to proceed to Louisiana to raise a corps of Sappers anu

T M111ers. No reply found. /rnes, T. l'.-See Neely, R. P. anv1e1j Cl~arles A., ~ow Orlcan.s,. La., :Jfay 31, tenders five companies

;J tl d£: ·b/., · cepted if m·mcd

c::/'u')""'£-" / - - armed company on Ubesapeake

~#~.; ~~-~~ • _,. .. .... .. a .. ..., .~.~Hva. ..a..u~wctt.:::u ~.~uaLJ an uuarmed company could not be accepted.

September 17, renews tender of a company for special service, now armC'd w1th shot-guns. Accepted under aet for local defense

J If. and spcmal serv1cc 1f approverl by Gcncralllolmes. c rws, W .. ]~.,Aberdeen, Ark, April 2!J, offers an organized company

J . of r1flcmen. No an~wcr recorded. t:lnJson, E. S., P,tlcstinc, '~' xas, .)nne 24, asking for !lis company to be

J, . m ustcrcd 111 to serv1cc. No answer reeorded. ttntson · l' '1' 1 Al '1 3 d · , Jr., '·· nsca oosa, a., 1' ay 0, ten ers a company

An~wercd that it could not be accepted unless fully armed anL ~ ~qmppe<~ ~ :wer not found

"::~~~ .::,:.'I'""Y ,, '"!,,;~:~::::· :.:: ,J, . country rifle~. Accepted. ···lll\Jns '[' J. 1'1 1 ·11 I , · ., >an< vt e, <.y., .June 17, tendcrn a <'ompany-thc

lhllarJ Ranger~. Answered that Government conld not furniRh ·lctct· arrM.

• Smnucl Vv .. Salem, Hoannke County, Vn., April !l, !<'nrlrrn a com pan). • " anf'wr•r· rl'conlcrl.

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Huntley, 0., Captain, Corinth, Miss., J ':lne 25, tenders company,. the ·oktibbeha Riflemen. Accepted 1f ru·med, eqmpped, and fm the

war. b 9 l . d b p . l t Htmton, 'f., Alleghany Springs, Scptem er , ant lOrJze y res1c en to raise regiment, ant1 ,t~ks 1f Government w1ll pay for shot-guns. An~wered in the affirmntwe. . .

TTl1rst, D. W., Liberty, ).1ins., Augu~t 27, is about to ra1sc an A~-t11lery batlalion and asks cannon. Datta liOn refascd unless fnt mshed, with guns.

Scptem ber 14, renews tender of his battalion as Infantry for the war and asks if arms can be furnished. AnswcrC!l that bat~alion of T nfaJttry organized would be accepted for the wnr and armed as soon as poseible.

by Ron. IV. P. llarris, Jackson, Miss., September 17, offers to raise a battalion for the war. Answcreu that 1t could not be received without g:uus. · .

Hynes, A. R., and R. P. 'J'rabue, tenders a ~entucky reg1mcnt and · will pay the expenRes of the men mto Confederate States.

Answe,:ed that a regiment organized would be reemved and recommended to arm themselves w1th Kentucky nOes.

Jngate, F., Captain, New OrleanR, La., June 10, tenders Greek com· ptmy, unarmed. Not accepted. , ,

fnge, R. F., C[1ptain, by T. B. \Vetrnorc, Sel:na, Ala., July 1, tcnu~ro company of Infantry, having everyth1ng but guns. Auswe1ed that Government could not ann company.

Jnge, W. l\f .. Captain, Corinth, hliss., March 27, tenders company of mounted rano-ers for twelve months. An~wered that company could not be taken unless it had been accepted by the Governor of the State.

Iuneraritv John \V., ).fohile, Ala., October 1, asks authority to raise c~.n~pany for the war. Answered that company would be

accepted. d d Octol>er 8 reports his cornpauy for coast defense full an mustere

in and 'wants cormuissions, arms, &c. Answcrml th:.t comm1s· si~us are not iss ned to eompauy officers; arms, &c., Will be furni"hecl m; soon as po"sible, and that no company enhs~C(] for the war can be em ploved for local defense unless the e".1gency o[ the service dcmantls it. .

Trby, 'l'homas E., CalulWba, Ala., April 16, tenders company. Dtrected to tender to the Governor o[ Alabama.

Irvine. \V. 'r., Snbliqua, Ga.,. April 18, i8 anxionR to roi"P o ""~M"" and asks inst State.

Trwin, J . L., Frankl Baying he l;m . . , . . ·,

Irwin s. Da,•is Geucrat, .Ll..Jllany, ua., 1\lay :l.J., wtll Iat"e a companY · for the w'ar, and wants nothing but arms. No ans:ver ree<;n·deJ.

h·cr~on, A., Columbn,;, July 30, tenders a company of flymg Arldlery, with guns, the Government to supply the horses. Accepted ..

hey .. lohn li., Captn.i ~',-,1nmbus, J1~ly 18, tenders company full) armed and eqn1


hlar, J. F., Orangeburg, S. C., ,J nne 20, tenders a riilc company. Not accepted unless m·mccl.

Jack, J. M., Porterville, Ala., July 15, offers a company for twelve months. X ol accepted without arms.

Jackson, F. Grundy, llarrisooville, Mo., April16, offct-s a eompan.Y to the Confederate States. Answered that 1t coul<l hot l>e received without the sanction of the Governor of MiH,;ouri.

Jackson, .James, Captnin, Aberfoil, Alu., has a company and asks if it wdJ be accepted wtth doub lc·barreled sbot·guns or rifles. Accepted for the war.

Jaekson, .John Jl.f.-Sce Johnson, J. A. W. · Jackson, J. P., Captain, Equality, Ala., August 19, tenders a company

for twelve months uniformed and armed with shot·<YUU~ Accepted.

0 •

·Turnes, jr., Peter. Compan.Y "A," lOth Mississippi Regiment, Warring· ton, Fla., N ovem bcr 12, wants comm1sston and authority to raise a cor~pany for the wnr i rorn his regiment. Answere<fthnt men then m servJCe could not be det.c'tehed to join other organizations. Cn·cular * enclo~ed.

James, S. L., Major, 6th LouisianaHegimcn~, August 21, asks leave of absence to proceed to J,omsmna to raise a corps of Sappers and

J Miners. No reply found. /mes, T. P.-See Keely, R. P. auv1er, Charles A., New Orleans, La., Mny 31, tenders five companies

for the war, to be mustered in one at a time. Accepted if armed r . and offered for the war. ' effries, J. R., W a~aw, V a., September ·7, tenders an unarmed company

o( Cavalry to senre 111 parts of Virginia lying on Cbc.~apeakc Day and Potomac River. Answered that an unarmed company coulu not he accepted.

September 17, renewH tender of a company for special service now armeu with shot·guns. Accepteu under act for local cl~fense

J . an~ special service ii approved by General Hol roes. etrrJcs, ~~·.E. , Aberdeen, .Ark., Apnl 29, oliers an organized company

J of nilemen. No answer recorued. Cmison, E. S., Palestine, Texas, June 24, asking for his company to be

J . mustered Into scrv1cc. No aHswet· recorded. em1son, Jr., H., 'J'uscaloosa, Aln., May 30, tenders a company

An~wered that it could not be accepted unlees fully armed aile. eqmppeu.

July 31, offers the Tuscaloosa Plough Boys. Answer not found on record.

September 9. tenders company for the war if Government will arm it. Accepted.

October 4, ofiers another company for twelve months armed with J~, .· co~~tr.y rifles. Accepted.

lbns, I. J., Blau<lv1llc, Ky., .June 17, tenders n company-the Dallaru Hangers. Answered that Government could not furnish nrms.

etcr, Samuel W., Salem, Roanoke County, Va., April 9, tenders a eompn11y. No answt•r rcconlcd.

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Jiraruv, J.P., Captain, Washington Artillery Company, by Governdf "Brown, Augusta, Ga., April 10, tenders. cornpa~y. Acc_cpte ·

John J. R., Selma, Ala., August 27, asb authority to raise a~ At tiller~ ' company and wants a battery. Answered that Artillery com

pany ~ould not he armed. Johnson, J. A.·w., and John M. Jackson, Dalton, Ga., J u)y 31, propose

to raise a regiment. No answer found. Scptem ber 5. tbe former offers a battalion. Accepted. September 5 tenders seven compames for the war. Accepted. d

J 1 . n B ]!' 'Notasulll"U Ala. August 1, tenders company armc o mso , . ., o ' , b . ·a f red to shot· with shot-guns. Accepted, ut country r1 e pre cr

J h gnnE. V Kin""ston Ga April 25 can easily raise ~company oJ! o n~on, . ., a~ ' ., ' .J 1 - . ul horsemen for guerilla warfare. Answereu t 1aL company co only be received thTough the Govern,or of the Sta~e. .

J 1 GconrP. vV r,1 .. "' ~~•- - to rmse regiment. 0 wson, · ~d if such a regiment

J, J d d- ; would be accepted. ~~ I" / .7. / · asks if Government

I -·· .. ~· "~ ohat tbe Government would transport but coul<l not arm them. . ..

Johnson James B., Little Rock, Ark., r::used and tendered a 1egr r~ent recommcndeu by R. W. Johnson. No answer found OI' record.

1 o

Johnson, Joseph B .. Lawtnn. rl-o T,~~ ~ising company for 's could be accepteJ

a~ 'PJt/) v?( / furnish arms. Not

/PI ~ 1

\J ~aptatn. Dawsonville Ga. ~1ay 24, tenders companYa uuuu::suu, .u. ., ' ' ' ld t b accepte

for the war. Answered that company con no e unless armed and equipped. ,

8 Johnson, M. T., Johnson Statwn, 'l'exas, .July 17, proposes to ra1r ~ arm equip and mount regiment of Cavalry or Infantry, as t \ dcp~rtment may select. Answered that Cavalry was not neede<' but Infantry would be received. . . ,.i-

Ricbmond, Va., October 18, proposes to raise m Texas one_ re'?, ment of Cavalry, two of Infantry, and two compames of Art~lle~~; arms and cqu.iprnenLs to be furmshe<l by the ~en and patd lrf b the Government. Answered that a regtment of Cava ·, a~ned ·and wiLh field officers elected would be accepted and arl11·

pairl for. .1 • f !11 Johnson, N. D., Talladega, Ala., October 22, tenuers serVJce _o co,

1 pany for coast defense for six months. Answere<l by Cn·culal-

Johnson, Robert A.-See Hewitt, James IV. . Johnson, R. W.-See Lewis, Jerome B., _and IV atkins, Robert A. .~ Johnston, C. B., and J. S. llarton, Mobtle, Ala.,_ September ,11, ~~~

authority to raise company for State servtce. A~~weied t~6,: no autboritv was<YI\'enmaclvance, butthceompan), d appro\

1 by the Ger;eral c~mmantling the department and armed all' equipped, will be accepted.


Johnston, DavidS., (of Sflffoltl, Ga.,) Hichmond, Va., August 8, ~'"ks authority to raise regiment in Georgia, armed with country rifles. Answered that regiment will be received as proposed.

Johnston, George D., 1st LieLLtenant, Marion, Ala., March 25, tenders services of the Marion Dragoons. Directed to offer it to the Governor of Alabama.

·lohnston, Vv. C., Columbus, Ga., June 10, tenders a company, unarmed, for the war. Not ncccptcd.

Jobn_ston, W. K, and J. L. Bullock, Columbia, Tenn., April 8, teniler services of a company. Answei·ed that Government was not then preparecl to receive Volunteers OLttside the Confederate States, but woukl probably soon ueed them.

Jones, A. J., l!'rel-lonia, Miss., ,June 5, offers company called the FI·e­clonia llarus. Answered tbat no company is received unles.~ anuetl and equipped and o!Iereu for the war.

Jones, A. J\I., Jacksonville, Fla., A pril23, tenders company and wants arms. AnswerPCl that whatever arms the State cannot supply Volunteers the Goverument will furnish.

Jones, A. \V., Colonel M. S. G:, Hicbmond, December 17, wants authority to raise troops. Authorized to muster into Confede­rate Stntes service an_y number of companies, battalions, or regiments he may mise, in conformity to terms of Circular* enclosed.

Jane,~ C. P., Captain, October 8, ofl'ers company of Artillery for twelve ~A~+hn l,n_, __ •- ~ ' • ' • • VO others, &c.

~L-t'd fb~d-o? /;? / f , offers a regi-/ ood

.. ~ ......... , ....... c.~' .1.a.uu, .1.' <.t1uue nrooKs, ana otllers, .M.1sses, of Female Seminary, Jackson, 'l'cnn., April 23, tender their services as a military company. Not acccptccl, as the frien<lship of the enemy was

J: most to be feared, and "ladies in arms would but charm the foe." ''nes, Paul L., and others, committee, Athens, Ala., April 9, have

organized company; want to purchase armR, and ask if they can be furnished with rifles. .Answered that troops were only

J received through the Executive of the StaLe. ones R. W., Captain, Vicksburg, Miss., June 3, wants authority to

muster company. Answered that if compan_y has not been J accepted it cannot be, unless armed and equippeu. ones, W. A. P., Lieutenant, Camp Da1'ies, Pensacola, May 19, wants

J to raise company. No answer found on record. ones, IV. E. ll., Livingston, 'l'cnn., September 3, asks if Cavalry

J company !or twelve months will be accepted. (Filed.) 00es, IV. D., Memphis, Tenn., May 18, is forming company, and desires

Jo aid. No answer recorded. r<Jan, A., Captain, Lynchburg, August 31, reports his company ready

to be mustered into service. Answered, "Has your eori'l.pany a olo d battery?,.

r an, E. C., and C. L. Danby, Little Rock, Ark., June 17, tender company. Not accepted unless ar·med, equipped, and for the war.

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JimrJy, J. l'., Captain, Washington Artillery Company, by Governdr Thown, Augusta. Ga., April 10, tenrlcrs. company. .Accepte :

John J I{ Selma, Ala., August 27, asks autLont.Y to rarsc a !I Artrller) ' ~o;;pany and wants a battery. Answered that Artillery corn·

pany eonlJ not he armed. Johnson, J. A. ·w., and John ~-Jackson. Dalton, Ga., July 31, propose

to raise a regiment. No answer found. September 5, the former olrers a battalion. Accepted. Septcrn ber 5 tenders seven comparues for the war. AccepteJ. d

Johnson, B. F., 'Notasulga, Ala., August 1, tenders eompany arme. with shot-guns. .Accepted, but country l'lflc preferred to shot

gun. .1

· · of Johnson, E. V., Kingston, Ga., April 25, can cas1 y rmse'" company d

horsemen for guerilla warfare. Answered that company conl only be reueivcd through the Governor ~f the Sta~e. . t

Johnson, George W., July 16, ~sks authonty t~ ra1sc regrmen t Answered that no authonty rs necessary, ~nd rf such a rcg1med is rai~eJ, armed, and oftercd for th~ war 1t would be acceptcni

July 29 has been otfere<l six companrcs, and ash lf Govern me wm ;rm and transport them. Answered that the Government would transport but could not arm them. . i·

Johnson, James B., Little Rock, Ark., rmsed a~d tendered a 1C~11 meut recommended by R. W. Johnson. No answer found record.

Johnson, Joseph B T - -•-­service. A unless arme

August 6, offe

accepted. 4

d an' Johnson, L. C., Captain, Dawsonville, Ga., May 2 , ten ers camp e(l

for the war. AnswereJ thllt company could not be accept unless armed and equipped. ·se

Johnson M. 'r. Johnson Statwn, Texas, July 17, proposes to rat[ e a~rn eq ~ip and mount regiment of Cavalry or Infantry, as t 1

1 dep~rtment may select. Answered that Cavalry was not nccdc<• but Infantry would be received. . . di·

Richmond, Va., October 18, proposes to rarse m Texas one_ rc;~, ment of Cavalry, two of Infantry, and two compamcs of ArtlRefot arms and cqu.ipments to be furnished by the men and pal lrl by the Government .Answered that a rcgtment o( Cavn · armed and with field officers elected wonl<l be accepted and ann· pai<l for. · £ oJ11

Johnson, N. D., Talladega, Ala., October 22, tenders servtce .o ~ar~ pany for coast clcfcn e for six months. Answered by Crrcu ·

Johnson, Robert A .-See Hewitt, James W. . Johnson, R W. See T.ewis, Jerome B., anJ IV atkins, Robcr.t A. rt'~ Johnston C. B., and J. S. Barton, Mobile, Ala.,. September 11, tl sl

adthority to raise <;omp~ny for State servtec. AnRwered. v~.l no authority wasgr\'enmadvance, bntthecompauy, If appro J by the General commanding the <lepartment and armeJ an cqnippc<l, will be ncceptcd.


Johnston, DavidS., (of Saffold, Ga.,) Richmond, Va., August 8, asks authority to raise regiment in Georgia, armed with conntr'y rifles. Answered that regiment will be recei 1•cd as proposed.

Johnston, George D., 1st Lieutenant, :Marion, Ala., March 25, tenders Rervices of the Mar·ion Dragoons. Directe<l to offer it to the Governor of Alabama.

Johnston, W. C., Cc>lumhus, Ua., June 10, tenders n company, unarmed, for the war. Not accepteJ.

John.ston, \·V. H., and J. L. Bullock, Columbia, Tenn., April 8, tencler services of n company. Answered that Government was not then prepared to recei1re Volnntccrs out:>ide the Confederate States, hut would probnhly soon need them.

Jc,rces, A .• T., l<'rcllonin, Mis8., .Tunc 5, offers company called the Fr·e. doni a IIanls. A nswcrcd that 1\0 company is reeei \' ed unless anne<l and equipped and offered for tlle war.

Jones, A. 111., Jacksonville, Fla., April23, tenders company and wants arms. Answcrwl that whatever arms the State cannot supply

J V olnHtccrs the Government will furnish. 0

1les, A. W., Colonel M. S. G:, Richmond, December 17, wants authority to raise troops. AuthorizeJ to muster into Confede­rate States service an.y number of companies, battalions, or regiments he may rnisc, in conformity to terms of Circular*

J enclosed. ones C.]>., Captain, October 8, offers company of Artillery for twelve , months, having two guns and to furnish two others, &c.

J .Accepted. ones, Joseph, of Alabama, by Mrs. Jones, August 6, offers a regi-

J ment for the war armed with shot-guns. Accepted ones, Mar·iana, Fan nic ilrooks, and othcr·s, Misses, of Female Seminary,

Jackson, Tenn., April 23, tender their ~crvices as a military company. Not accepted, as the friendship of the enemy was

J most to be feared, and "ladies in arms would but charm the foe." ones, Paul L., and others, committee, Athens, Ala., April 9, have

organized company; want to purchase arms, and a k if they can be furnisbcfl with ri !les. .A nswcred that troops were only

J0 receivcfl through the l~xccutivc of the State. nes R. \V., Captain, Vicksburg, Mis~ .. June 3, wants authority to

muster company. Answered tlcat if company has not been Jo accepted it cannot be, unless armed nnfl equippeJ.

nes, \V. A. P., Lieutenant, Camp Davies, Pen8:tcola, May 19, wants Jon to mise company. No answer· foun<l on record.

es, W. E. 13., Livingston, 'l'eun., September 3, asks if Cavalry J011 company for· twelve months will be accepted. (Filed.)

es, 'Y· D., Memphis, 'l'cnn., May 18, is forming company, and desires J0 <1 a rd. No answer rcconled.

t an, A., Captain, Lynchburg, August 31, reports his cornprtny I'Cady to be mustered into service. Answered "llas your coiJ\pan y a

J battery ? " ' , Grd:u ,,, . 1• r!.. C., and C. I,, Dnnby, Lrttlc Hock, Ark., .T nne 17, tender cocnpany. Not acccptc;I unless armctl, equipped, and for· the wnr.

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Jordan, R. C.-Sec Ilowell, J. M. J udue, 'r. J., :Yion Lgomery, Ala., July 2, will raise a regiment if com·

0 missioned. Answered that none are commissioned in ad vance; recrime nts tendered as a whole elect their own field officers. other· wGe the P resident appoints. '

Justice, A. N ., Bullock, Ala., June 4, is getting up company for three years or the war. Answered that troops must be armed and equipped.

Kabby, J . M., Bayou Labatre, }[obilc County, Ala., tenders a com· pany folly armed and equipped for local defense and special service. Accepted.

Kannon, R R, Crtptain, W hitesville, Ga., July 27, (t~rough Lieutenant Henry Cornett,) tenders a company. Answered that no com· pany could be received unless armed.

Kan·, "Frank, Captain, (through Ron. W. P . Harris,) tenders ArtillerY company, desiring to enl ist in a body in the Regular Arrn.Y· Answered that the Secretar v of War could find no warrant for enlisting in the Regular Ari'n,y a body o[ men; but, if the men of this company should enlist, they would be placed in the same company.

Keeble, R. H., Mur~reesbo_ro', '1'em1., April 26, desires a Captain's corn· Answered that com·

egiments duly organ· j..-4, ate Executive.

/ · a., August 23, tender a \,.JV I .U I JC.L ll } V L VW\I~H.Yl llJUUlJ LVU i;:tllU ilLJUed With shot·gUfiS1 and ask sabres and pistols. Accepted.

Kelly , Henry B., Kew Orleans, La., June 11, tenders regiment armed and equipped b_y the State. Aceepted. ·

Keep, C. vV., Captai n, 13aton Rouge, La., May 24, tende •·s a cornpan)' of Mounted Ranget'S, and wants only a few gc>od rifles to be equipped. No answer found on record.

A ugust 20, reports he has organized the Louisiana Rangers, well moun ted and for the war. Ordered mustered in if organized, armed, and equipped.

Keep, II. V,. Captain of Swamp-Fox Rangers, V ieksbmg, }fiss., J u!J 15, tenclers them as scoLlts, furnishing their own arms. ~1\.ceeptccl

K ennard, J. M., Lieutena11t, Camp P ickens, Va., September 23, aski authori ty to raise an Artille ry company, to lJe composed o detachments from companies of the 6th Missisoippi Reg1· ment. Permit given if he can get guns, and will replace tJ•~ men taken Irom Lhe Mississippi regiment by those enlisted fol the war.

Kennedy, J . B., Captain, Perry County, Miss., A~gust 19, tenders tbe Ken ned_y Guards for the war. Accepted, 1f armed.

K enner, D. F., New Orleans, La., April 9, asks if an or&anized corpS 'Of Ken tuckv r iflemen will be receiveLl. Answerefl, ''Not no«• but probably in a short time." ,

Kerr, John, Natchez, 1\hss., Julv 22, tenders an unarmed company 0'

I nfantry for tweh'e months. Not accepted. Kerr, R, Captai n, .Jackson, Miss., May 1(\. tenders a company. Accepted.


Kerr, William, Greenoborongh, Ala., August 1, a~ks commJsswn as Colonel to raise a Tcgimen t of mounted men. Answered that regiment of mounted men was noL needed.

Ketchum, Clmrles T., J.Iobile, Ala., May 5, tenders a company-the Stephens Guards. Ko answer rej;orded.

May 10, ri'ncws the tender. No answer fo nnrl. Ketcbum, William H., Captain, Mobile, Ala. , April 25, tenders the

State Artillery. No answer found on record. Kidd, K E., Vernon, La., .June 1, propo8es organizing and arming one

hundred men fo r border war. Answered that an Infantry eom· pany armed and equipped for the war would be accepted.

Kidd, Will iam H ., St. Louis, Mo., May 27, tenders services of company. No answer Tccorclcrl .

Kidwell, 7,., Ron., Hichmond, Va., November -t, asks eornmission for competent men to raise a company or battalion of ranger~ to scour the country wc;;t of Green brier and Cheat Mountains. Answered by Circular,·* none coLtld be reueivecl indepenclent of these mle~.

Kilby, John H., esq., Suffolk, Va., September 5, prop0scs to mise ;,. company for local defense. Accepted in accordance with ad to provide for local defense and 8peeial service.

Kimble, H. S., Clarksville, Tenn., December 7, wants to raise a regi· mentor legion. Answered by Ci t·cnlar. ~·

Kincaid, J . n., Neville, Ohio, lfebt·ua•·y 26, offers regiment nncl asks eommi8sion as Colonel. )lo answer recorded.

King, John, Fort Smith, Ark., :M:arch 21, proposes to raise a regiment of Creek Indians. Proposition to be considered.

King, J. Horace, Deeatnr·, Ala., May 29, reports tbe 11m·gan County company organized and ready to march, and wants irnmccl iatc service.

J unc 3, urges its acceptance., ~"ccepLe_rl . Kin.Q'. Po1't.P.r l\ifar inn t. 1'"' • ]\ ,-__ 11arion Dragoons.

./~~/ ~ " -, ~~cccewec"J'~""'~::t71ii~~l:~~ Kirby, J. '1'., :Newman, Ga., .Juno 7, offers to raise guerilla compauy.

Could not be armed, aud answered that company was not wanted. K irkpatrick. D., j1·., Augusta,--, Ma,- 3, offers company-tho Craw-

Iord Rifles. No answer found o'n record. · K irkpatrick, Thomas .T., Captai n, Am herst Co unty, Va., tencle•·s orcran·

· - ;· - ·wnths. Answ~rod /./ r / . _ b / /) J IS withont battery. ./ltr/c/~at.-z-/CY/0. , /U: . 26, offers to mise

I .nswered that Cav· u.1.1.r vvllll'<l.ILJ _LVL ~.owel\re months could. not be accepted unlcs.s full v annetl aud eauiooed.

what equiprnents /.r-;rnpany of flyi ng

;omplctdy amw.l

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.Jordan, R. C.-See Howe Judge, •r. J ., Montgomery, _ .. o., vlllJ 2, will raise a regirr:ent i( com·

missioneu. Answered that none arc commissiOned m ad l'ancc reaiments tendered as a whole elect their own field officer;;, other· w~e the Presiclent appoints.

Justice, A. N., Bullock, Ala., June 4, is getLing up company for three years or the war. Answered that troops must be armed an< equipped.

Kabby, J. M., Bayou Labatrc, Mobile County, Ala., tenders a com, pan1' fully anneu and equtpped for local !leiense and spem:l service. Accepted.

Kannon, R E., Captain, Whitesville, Ga., July 27, (tl!rongh Licntcna~· llent·y Cornett.) tenders a company. AnswereJ that no com pany COLlld be received unle~K arme<l . .

Karr, Prank, Captain, (through Hon. W. P. Harris,) tenders Artt!ler· company, desiring to enlist in a body in tbc lkgular .Arm.l Answered that the Secretarv of vV ar could fmcl no warrant f< enlisting in the Regular A r~y a body of men; but, if the me' of this company should enli~t, tbey would be placed in the sau•• company.

Keeble, R H., "11Llrfreesboro', Tenn., April 26. desires a Captain's con' miRsion to raise and organize a company. Answered that coJl\ panies could only be accepted as part:; of regiments duly orgut izcd, and must be tendered through the State Exeeut1 ve.

Kelly, D. C., Captain, and others, llunlsville, Ala., August 23, tcnde a company of Cavalry, mounted and armed with shot-guns, ilt1 ask sabres and pistols. Accepted.

Kelly, Henry 13., Kcw Orleans, La., Juue 11, tenders regiment arme< and equipped by the State. Accepted.

Keep, C. W., Captain, J3aton Rouge, La., May 24, ten<lers a compan of Mounted Hangers, and wants only a few g!lod ri(]es to b< equipped. No answer found on record.

August 20, rcprwtCl ht:' 'h')c:- ............ n .... ;,..,. .... ..:J .. ~.- T

mounted an• armed, and c

Keep, 11. V,. Captm 15. tenclersth ,- ··•-•• -A'""O ""VII v~VII <lllJJ:S. .J\.C('eptc

Kennard,· J. M., T.icutcnant, Camp I'tckcns, V u., September 23, ae~ authority to raise an Art1llery company, to he composed uetachmcnts from companies of the 6th ~fississippi Rel ment. Permit given if he can get _guns, _aml_will rcJ.'Ia"e. I men taken the war.

Kennerly, J. B., C Kennech- (

Kenner, D. F .. ''New Vrlcans, La., Aptu v, (,..,~ ... .,a <llL v•ca.uu.v•4 V'"'

...,r Kentuch,. ,.,flf>mr>n willl>P '"''"RivP.<l. AnswcreJ. 1' Not no~

but probal Kerr, John, Nate

l nfanlry r Kerr, R, Captniu, •...

Kerr, William, Ureensborougb, Ala., An gust L a~b comntl~~\on ~s Colonel to raise a regiment of mo<wted men. Answered that regiment of mounted men was not needed.

Ketchum, Charles T., :..fobile, Ala., ~fay 5, tenders a company- the Stephens Guards. No an~wcr rCJ:orded.

May 10, rrnews the tender. No answet· fonncl. Ketchum, 'William II.,, Mobile, Ala., April 2;). tcmler; the

State Artillery. Nu answer found on record. Kidd, K E., Vernon, J,a., June 1, proposes orgaui~ing and arming one

hundred men for border war. Answered that an Infantrv com­pan_v armed and ecjnippcd for the war woni<l be accepted~

Kidcl, '\Villinm JJ., St. J .. ouis, Mo., May 27, tenders services of eompam·. No nnswet· rcconlccl.

Kidwell, Z., lion., Hichmon<l, Yn., Novcmhcr -t, asks cornmi~~inn for competent men to raise a company or battalion of rangers lo ,;cour the country WP.~t of Green brier aiHl Ci1eat l\ronntnin~. Amwel'l'<l by Circular,·X· none coul<l he received independent of these rulc3.

Kilby, John R, csq .. Suffolk. Va., SPptcmbc1· 5, propo~es to raise a company for local dcfcn~e. Accepted in aeeonlam·c with act to provide for local defense n.ncl spceial service.

Kimble, IL S., Cbrksvillc, 'l'enn., December 7. wants to mise a rcgi· rnent or le!!ion. Answerer! bv Circular.*

Kincaid, J. 13., Neville, Ohio, Febni'ary 2ll, offers regiment and asks commission as Colonel. No an:;wer recorded.

King, John, Fo1"t Smith, Ark .. March 21, propo~cs to raise a regiment of Creek Indians. J'roposi tion to be con:.;irkred.

King, J. llomce, Dceatur, Ala., May 29, reports the :..1o1·gan County company organized and ready to maruh, and wants immediate set·vicc.

J nne 3, urges its acceptance. Accepte1l. King, Porter, Marion, A Ia., 'March lG, tenJers the :..[arion Dr<lg<H>I".

No answer rccorJed. Kirby, J., Captain o[ Artillery-\Vise Legion-Richmond, Va., Kovcm·

' her 27, wants authority to rccrnit another company; term o( his . preseut company expire,; Decem her 21. Answered by Circular:*

K<rby, .T. 1'., Newman, Ga., J unc 7, ofl"ers to rai~e guerilla cornpan.v. . Could not l>c annc<l, auJ answered that company was not wanted.

Kn·lqmtrick. D., jr., Augnsta, --, May 3, ofl'er,; company-the Craw· ford Ri1lcs. Nn answer found on rcconl.

Kirkpntl"ick 'l'lwmas .1., Captain, Amherst Couuty, Va .. t.ondors organ i;oed compauy of I.ight A <tillery fot• twelve months. _\..nswcn·•l

. that it uannot be ar:ecple<l for twPivc months witlulllt h;ttt"''.Y· Ktrnsoy, l\L R, Colonel, TTou,.;ton, Ala., Septe!Jlbcr 26, offers to mi'e

a company o[ C:t;•:dt·y for tw Jvc month'l. Ans,vc<·,•.J that Cav alry company for twelve months could not be aeet•ptml unles.> fully :mnerl anu ('qnippc<l.

Ruccland, s,unuPl P., J~llfanla, Ala., ~fay 28, nokR what eqnipmenls the Govcmmeut will f<tmish i[ he organi:'.t'" C•lmpany of tlyillg ,\rtiliPry. ,\n<w<·re<l that ('Cllll]l:tlly nuHt lu• <'•llll]'ktt•lv nnnl'ol antl eqnippt•<l.

CD (I) t/1 --c 0 t/1 t/1 C" (;"

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Knowlton, Joseph II., Manchester, N. II .. April 7, offers to enlist five hunJt·ecl men for the Confellerute States Army. No answer.

KoouLz. \Villian1 B., Captain o( De Soto Rif:lcs, New Orleans, La., April 19, tenJers eompany of Infantry, armed with Maynard •• : .. __ A •• ····~··~.-l •. H {lA"O>'nAr \ ,fnAPO 00"0 so, shall be glad

company did not need orders if regiment.

heir own expen~c, mlerecl to Colonel

Answerell that belonging to Blanchard's

Kuhn, J,. l'., jr., Richmond, Va., May 4, tenuers company of boys. :::-.1 o answer recordeCI.

Kyle, 0.. , Captain, by W. J. 'l'aylor, W dLlmpka, Ala., June 26, ten· derR an un armed company for the war. Not accepted.

Ladd, A., Georgia Hussars, H.id1monCI, Va., October 15, asks authority to mise company in Flo1~lla for com;t service. Answereu that such a company would be received if required by the Com­manding General, and fully armed and equipped.

November 16, accepts authority to mise co1npany in Florida. An,;wered that no such authority was granted.

November 30, wants furlough to f$0 to Florida to raise a company for defense oi the coast. (Filed.)

J,aird, Henry W., Geneva, Ala., March 20, tenders company-the Coffie Guerillas. No answer recorded.

June 8, offers company for one year. Not accepted unless fully armod and equipped.

August 5, through Governor Shorter tenders company of Gulf Rangers for twelve months, armed with shot-guns. Accepted.

Lallerstcdt, L. D., Captain o[ Suhley RiAemen, Augusta, Ga., July 13, wants to bring company to Virginia, anu wants arms. Answered that Govemment had no arms.

Lamar, C. A. L., Savannah, Ga., September 25, has the complement of compnnies to complete his regiment, and want,; arms at once. Answered that officers must be elected and men mustered in before arms a1·e given.

Lamar, G. W., Savannah, Ga.. August 12, is raising company, and wants battery for it. (Filed.)

Lamar. L. Q. C.-See Green, Captain, and Mott, C. H. Lamb, William, Norfolk, Va., July 13, asks if a battalion, to be com­

manded by himself, and LO consist of two rill.e companies and one Artillery uompany, armed, will be accepted. Answered that it would.

August 14, tenders companies to form battalion to be armed and equipped by himself, Government to pay for the same. Accepted.

Lampkin, vV. L., Forsyth, Ga., September 21, has Cavalry compttu.Y for "ix months for coast service. Accepted, if armed and approved by the Commancliug General.

Land, A. D., Company "TI," ITay~' Lo•1isiana Regiment, by '1'. •r. Lanu, ::-.lew Orleans, T.n., September 12, want' furlough and authority t.o rniKc company o[ lofant1·y or Cavalry. No~ granted.

l,ane, A. J.-See Snrgent, H. J. · Lang, D., Company·: II," 1st Florida Regiment, Pensacola, Fla. Deuem­

bcr 20, a~ks 1f a company of Cavalry cnliRtcd in East' Floriua wonld be accepted, and asks about arms. Answered that it

L would not be accepted. ang, W rn. W., Lieutenant, Selma, A ln., Augnst 13, tenders armed

L Ca,,alry company. Accepted. nnghornc, M., R;cbmolld, Va., October 5, asks authority to raise regi·

rnent m l\orthem Kentucky. Answered that the rerriment L woul<l be accepted. . o

anha112, A. H.:, C~ptiun, Esttll Fork Guards. Jackson City, Ala., ,J ulJ o, tenrlCJ, h1s company. Not rece1ved unless armed. ·

July 29, reports that be cannot get arm'<, and hopes the Govem­uwut wlll arru company. Answered tbat Government is unable to do so.

Laperriere De A., Jeffe1:son, Ga:, JLme Hl. asks as;urance that Artil­lery compnny w11l be receivecl. Endorsed "usual reply" and no an;wer found. '

Lapsle.y, J. W., Selma, Ala., October4, asks, "Will Government accept a company for coast service for twelve month;?" .1.\ nswered that such ~ompany coulu only be acccpte;] upon being fnlly

L . . armed anl~ eqUipped and approved by the Commanding General. Il l t1gue, G. R. Chadeston, S. C., June 12, tenders one or more com­

pumPs of manne men. No answer found. I June 21, Blackville, S. C., proposes to raise n battalion. Accepted. 'atbam, vy-oodvJ!le, Jr., Arrington Depot, Va., July 3, is endeavoring

to lllJSe an Artillery company, and asks about arms and term of

/ ~ ./. /J )t receive nor fLu·

a:2..a4 a/7Z( '/.e#, v7 4: asks about guns. .rti llery company,

I. but It ottcrcd as lniantry 1t would be armed. ... ttham, Hugh, Randolph, Ab., December 16, asks if a company will

be l'ecen·ed for twelve month;;, and be arme<i and equipped by

~/r~u! ?') / AJ ires to know about get anus. (Filcrl.) tender3 company,

the lJockade (Jaclets. Accepted. Lawrence. J .. T., Goldsborongh, 2-1. C., July 11, proposes to raise a

company of marned men to man l<mt. u,,.nn ".ndlet the young.

'Y for the war.

proposed to raise ~V"'J"""J v• u•eu wr tne regular army. Answered that Depart­

L , rnent was not prepared to entertain propositions of that kind. a>;~ ton, W. J., Captmn of Dougherty Hussars, Albany, Ga., :.\hrch 4,

tenilrrs h1s company. Answered that tbe consent of his State was Of'CC.QParY.

June 1. tenders com ran v. ing General. ·

Accepted if needed by the Command-

~h/'dr~ J~~4

llJ (t) Ill -"0 0 Ill Ill

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Knowlton, Joseph II., Manchester, N. II., April 7, offers to enlist five hundred men for the Confederate States Armv. No answer.

Koontz, IVilli;un B .. Captain o( De Soto Rifles, New Orleans, La., April 19, tenders company of Infantry, armed with Maynard rifles. Answered, "If ,Governor Moore says so, shall be glad to luwe your company."

J\fay 10, I'enewH tender; company equipped at their own expense, armed with State muskets, and want to be ordererl to Colonel Blancharrl's regiment, to which they belong. Answered that company diu not need orders if belonging to Blanchanl'~ regiment.

Kuhn, J,. P., jt·., Richmond, Va., May 4, tenders company of boys. Ko answer recorded.

Kyle, 0.., Captain, by IV. J. Taylor, \Vetumpka, Ala., June 26, ten­ders an unarmed company for the war. Not accepted.

Ladd, A ., Georgia Tiussars, Riehmond, Va., October 15, :1sks authority to raise company in Floriua for coast service. Answered that such a company would be received. if required by the Com­manding General, and fully armed and equipped.

~ovember 16, accepts authority to rai"e company in Florida. AnHwered that no such authority was granted.

November 30, want8 ftulough to go to Florida to raise a company for ,1efense of the coast. (Filed.)

Laird, Henry I'V., Geneva, Ala., March 20, tenders company-the Coffie Guerillas. No answer J'ecorded.

June 8, offers company for one year. Not accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

August 5, through · - ~---- "~mnonv nf <1nlf Rangers for twel

T~allerstedt, L. D., Capta wants to bring coJ that Government hau no arrnH.

Lamar, C. A. L., Savannah, Ga., September 25, has the complement of companies to complete his regiment, and wants arms at once. Answered that officers must be elected and men mnot.PrPil ;_

befOJ'e arms are Lamar, G. W., Savam

wants batter_y fa Lamar, L. Q. C.-See (: Lamb, William, NodaL, . ~, v ~·J ~v, ,,._, n a oattalion, to be com·

numded by himself, and to consist of two rifle companies and one Artillery co·~···~-- ~ ........ ,......:~ ..-n~ll hn. n..-.nDnf-n.rl A 't'IClWr>!•r>rl

that it would. August 11, tcndet'l'

equipped by him Lampkin, '\V. L., Fors" . _

for six months for coast service. Accepted, if armed and approved by the Commanding General.

L~mrl, A . D., Company "B," Hays' Lo<1isiana Regiment, hy T. T. Land, ~ew Orleaus, Ln., September 12. wants furlough and authority to l'i\IHC company of Infantry or Cavalry. Not gmnted.


tane, A. J.-See Sargent, H. J. ang, D., Company'~ H.," 1st Florida Regiment, Pensacola, Fla., Deeem­

ber 20, asks 1l a company of Cavalry enlisted in East Florida would be accepted, and asks about arms. Answered that it

L would not be accepted. ang, Wm. W., Lieutenant, Selma, Ala., Augnst 13, tendei's armed

I Cavalry company. ~A..ccept.ed. 'anghorne. M., Richmond, Va., October 5, asks authority to raise regi·

ment m Northern Kentucky. Answered that the reo-iment L wonk! be aecepted. . o

an ham, A. n., Captalll, Estill Ji\wk Guards. Jackson City, Ala., .Jnll . 5, tenilers h1s company. Not recetved unless armed.

July 29, reports that he caunot get arms, and hopes the Govern­ment wtll arrn company. Answered that Government is unable to do so.

Lapcrriere De A., Jefferwn, Ga:, June lfl. asks assurance that Artil­lerf company will be received. Endorsed" usual reply," and

La no ai~SWE'r Iouncl. . psley, J. W., Selma, Ala., October 4, asks, "IV ill Govemment accept

a company for coast service for twelve months?" Answered that "uch company eoLtld only be upon being fnll y

L , . arm?il and eq nipped and approved by the Commanding GeneraL Rl tigue, G. B., Charleston, S. C., June 12, tenders one Ol' more com­

panies of marine men. No answer founil. I .Tune 21, Blackville, S. C. , proposes to raise a battalion. Accepted. 'atbam, Woodville, Jr., Arrmgton Depot, Va., July 3, is endeavoring

to rmsc an Artdlery company, and asks abo11t arms and term of service. .Answered that Government could not receive nor fur­msh m-rns for twelvc-monliis' men.

July 20, renews offer of Artill'lry company, and asks about guns. Answered that gLms could not be furni~heu Artillery company, but 1f offered as Infantry it would be armed.

L«tham, liL1g~, Randolph, Ala., December 16, asks if a compan_y will be rcce1ved for twelve months, and be armed and equipped by the Government. Answered bv Circular.*

Lauderdale, IV. C., Clifton ville, }fiss .. August 31, desii·es to know about L , acceptance o£ h1scompany, and where be sl;tall get arms. (Filed.)

amens, Jno. B., Captam, l'etcrsburg, Va., JL1ly 24 tenders cornpanv L the Cockade Cadets. Accepted. · ' " '

awrencc, J . .T., Goldsborough, N. C., July U, proposes to raise a company of J?Urned men to man Fort Macon, and let the young, men go to Vu·gtuia. Accepted. if armed.

August 21, offers compa11y of Heavy Artillery for the war. Accepted.

· tawreuce, R S., Colonel, by IV. D. Miller, of Virginia, proposed to raise company of men for the regular army. Answered that Depart-

L rnent was not prepared to eutertam propositions of that kind. awton, W. J., Captain of Donghei'ty Hussars, Alban_y, Ga.., March 4,

tenders h1s company. Answered Lbat the consent of hi8 State \vas neceR~rtrv.

.Tunc 1, tenrler~ companv. Accepted if ncederl by the Command-ing General. •

m CD til -"C 0 til til C" CD

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Leake .J. F. and A. S. Blvthe, Williamsburg, Va., December 16, say 'there' are fifty ox IT;orc men in Company "F," 2d Lonisiaua Regiment, who will re-enlist if allowed furlough, &c. Answered tbat the regulations of tbc Department on tbe subject of re-enlistments wouiCI be sent them.

TJeake D. \\TalLer Hon., Gooehland Court-house. Va., August 12, ha~ . 'raised a c~mpany which he desires rcceiverl as Artillery. An­

swered that it cannot be received unarmed either as Artillery or l!,fantry, unless tendered for the war, but will be received as Infantrv for the war.

L<earv J. E. Uolerain. X C., December 30, asks on what condition lt ' -'company of flying Artillery will be recei\·ed. Answered by

Cireular. * Letlyard, Dan., Montgomery, Ala., wi.ll raise a company armed with

shot-gun,;. Acc:epted, but IIuntcr's rifle> preferred. Septembc1· 19, tenders company [or const service. Accepted if

armed and equippccl and rcqnired by General Withers. Lee, G. W., Captain, and J ,. G. Pan·, of Georgia, (through Hon. A. R.

vV right,) tender a Tegiment of Infantry, or a legion . . Accepted. Lee, P. Van Hhyu, Carlonvillc, Ala., .July 22, asks anthonty to rmse

an independent gnenlla company. Not granterl. T _ , _ m T f'l ... -. .. ,.:~ 1 ...... u.r " t:'l. "" '"l ~ - l\T .--Il. • .ns, La. , October 1, / -;t ry. Gmnted. c£..124'~ ~ 7-7 ~g if his _proposed

/ / / : compames. Ac-

J,eggPtt.'Samuel J., Courtln.n~l, Ala.-," August 15, ask? commission ~o raise a battalion. .Answered that no comrrnsswns are gtven m aclvauce, but the battalion, if orgauized, would be accepted foT the war unarmed, and for a,less penod armed.

l.eirrh P. R. Torrance Depot, ~{iss., Augnst 22, asks if companies 0

' receiv~d under requisition will be received for twelve months a no uniformed. Answered in the negative.

Leigh, R W., Columbus, August 17, asks if a company fully eqnipped, but not armed, will be received for twelve months. Answc,·cd in the ncgati ve.

Leith, Capcain, Mobile, Ala., JL1ly 27, tenders a company of Zouaves. Answered not needed.

Lejeune, OviJ, Captain, Bayou Sara, Ln.., J\lny 14, tenders company of Infantry for one year. Answered, "Cannot receive company for twelve mouLbo.'' ·

Leonard, W. R., Augustt\1 Ga., July 12, asks i[ one hunclrcd and twenty

men fit for Artillery will be received aud battery furnishecl. Answered that batte1·y coultl not be furnished.

Leslie, W. P., Claiborne, Ala., September 9, proposes to raise company o( Li"ht Artillery, nnd wants guns. Not accepted withouta battery.

Lester J."'l'. -See }.feLaughlin, U C. l,cste/ R~ebnrcl P., Cnptai;1, Cnmmiug, For~yth Count.y, Ga., May 15,

o[ers company. 1'\ o answer recorded. LevY, H. L., New Orleans, TJa., July 16, asks if the services of a com·

" pnnv, to be callPcl the ''Southern Nnvnl Brigade," will br rccei\·cd. · Answcrc;•l that no such organization wa,; uceclcd.




Lewis, Eli, 3d Alabama R~giment, Norfolk Va., Octobc1· 31, wants to be detached to rmsc one or two companies. .Answered by C1rcnlar. *

Lewis, Jerome B.: Colonel, by Hon. R. W.Johnson, RichrnonCI, Va., Dece1~1bcr Bl, asks letters of authonty to mise a regiment or battll:lwn for the war, to be armed by the Government. A11swered tl1at Jn c?nform1ty to Cn·cular, *enclosed, he could raise reg iment

L . or battalwn. ew,s, J_?seph R, Louis\rille, Ky., J L1ly 1, tenders seveml companies.

1'\ o answer Tecorderl. July 9, Nashville, _'l'cnn., tcndcl'S battalion. Answered that it

wns very unccrtmn wl1en arms could be furni,;hed Sept:ember _4, Nashville, 'l'enn., tenders Kentucky ;cgimC'nt, and

Le _ wtll arlJ?- 1t, the Government to pay for arms. Accepted. }den, A., L~cutenant, 1st ?corf?ia Volunteers, Camp Bartow, Va.,

Octobct 18, tenders resignatJOn for thepurpose of raising a reg­Iment of Infantry or battery of Artillery for the wm·. Not

1. accepted. . tgon, R F., Captain, Montgomery, Ala., JLme 11, tenders armed com­

Li d pany for twe lve months. Accepted. n sey, D; II., J\:aJor, by General _M. M. P~rsons, Sugar Creek, MiRs.,

No\ embe1 13. wants to ra1He a re!ZJmP.nt. fo•· the Confederate

~~~ !J, 4. ,2 .J, ~sksacceptance / / /' · twn It ts armed.

2, tenders com­pany for tbe war tully umtormcd ancl equipped but not armed. Aecepted. '

7, tenders armed

/0dCcrrw~ 4/· ~ Guards, Dreux's Jmot· Moore for

"'ovmugu, .cuu LO oe g1ven authority to organize a company. .Answered that a dJschargc could not be granted unless approved by _!he _commanding ofliecr.

<:'c-/d~/4 // rvices of Emerald

an Artillery com­:>attery could be


, - ---· .. ~ ................ J.v~vu ' 'e, T. J., Captain, ~(osciusko, --·, Jqne 5, tenders company, the

Hockv Pomt Rifles, for twelve months. No answer found on

~~ rJ )poses to raise / /R-e/ :J- 7 recorded-See

(,'leas W F p· / . . ' rn. "·• >IChmond, Va., ~cptemoer z, propoo~o to orgamze a ~avahy comp::my, fm·n1sluug horses and side-arms, Lhe Depart­

ant to prolo'tde gm1 ~. Answered that ll.o company accepted unless fully nnncd ttll(l cq nippcLl.

OJ CD 0 -, 0 0 0 C" c;-

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Leake, J. F., and A. S. Blythe, Williamsburg, Va., Decemb~r 16, say Lhcrc are fifLy or more men in Company "F," 2d ]"ouisiana Regiment, who will re-enlist if allowed furlough, &c. Answered that the regulations of the Department on the subject of re-enlistments would be sent them.

Leake, D. Walter, Hon., Goochland Court-honsc, Va., .Angust 12, has . raised ~L company which he desires received as Artillery. An­

swered that it cannot be received unarmed either as Artillery or I11fantry, unless tendered for the war, but will be received as Infantry for the war.

Leary, ,J. K, Colerain, K. C., December 30, asks on what condition a ' company of flying Artillery will be received. .Auswcred by

Circular.* Le<lyard, Dan., i\Iontgoruery, Ala., will raise a company armed with

shot-<nws. Accepted, but lluntcr's rifles prcfcrre<l September 19, tenders <.;ompany for coast service. Accepted if

armed and equipped and required by General Withers. Lee, G. \TV., Captain, aud L. G. l'arr, of Georgia, (through Hon. A. R.

Wright,) tender a regiment of Tnfantry, or a legion. Accepted., P. Van Rhyu, Carlonville, A ln.., ,July 22, asks authority to raise

an independent '"" 0 ";1lo nnmnanv. Not grantcrl. Leecls, '1'. L., Captain, ~ ~

ash authority · 1Jcetze, Hem·_\' .A., Co

battalion is am • . cepted If armed anll eq m ppc<l.

J..eggett, Samuel J., Courtland, Ala., August 15, asks commission to raise a battalion. Answered tlmt no commis~ionR arP. p-j vf'n in advance, but the war unan

I..cigh, P. R., Torra recci ved und• >l.nrl uniformed. .Answered 1n the negative.

J,eigh, R W., Columbm ' '" noh 1f a company fully equipped, 1ut not armc.d, '' · ~ "''""'"" ''Prl in the negative.

Leith, CapLain, Mobile, i\ nswereu HOt nt:vC•v--

LejeunC, Ovill, Captain, Bayou Sara, La., J>w.r ~-, Infantry for one year. Answered, ''Cannot receive company for twelve lllonths .. , ·

Leonard, \~. R., .1\ngn ~t.::t n.::t .. Jnlv 1?. :1~o;:.k9. lf onP hlln,l,.,....,:J .... ,..,tl +.-.. a ... ,,...,.

men fit for A Auswered that

T.eslie \V. P .. Claihorr ' Light Artiller) _

LesLc1·, ,J. 'r.-See ::VIcJ,augblin, TI. C. . l,c8ter, Hid1ard P., Oaptnin, Cnmming, For~yth County, Ga., 1\fay 15,

offers company. No answer recMrlcd. Len·, TI . . L., New Orleans, La., July 16, asks if the services of a com­

- pan\': to be callrrl the "Southern Naval Brigade," will be received. · Answer"d Lhnt n<l such organization was necllr.d.


Lewis, Eli, 3rl Alabama Regiment, Norfolk Vn., .October 31, wants t~ be de~'1ched to ra1se one or two companies. Answered bv Cucular. 'k J

Lewis, Jerome B., Colonel, by lion. R. W. Johnson, Richmond, Va., Decem her 31, asks letters of authority to raise a regiment or battl~lJOn for the_ war, to be armed by the Government. Answered that 111 c?nform1ty to Ctrcular, *enclosed, he could raise recrimcnt m- batt.ahon. o

Lewis, Joseph H., Lonisvil',c, Kv., J11ly 1 d No answer recorderl.

J , ten ers several companies.

July 9, Nashville, _Tenn., tenders battalion. Answered that it was very unccrtmn when arms could be furnished.

• September _4, Ntl..~hville, 'l'enn., tenders Kentucky rcgim!"nt, and Le w11l arn;t 1t, the Government to pay for arms. Accepted.

:yden, A., J,JCntcnant, 1st ?-eor&ia Volunteers, Camp BarLow, Va., 9etober 18, tenuers rcs1gnanon for the purpo;;c of raisi no- a reu-­lment of Infantry or battery of Artillery for the wa~ N~t

t· accepted. . lgon, R. F., Captain, Mont.gomcry, Ala., June 11, tenders armed com-

Li pany for tw~lve months. Accepted. ndsey, D. H ., ::'lfaJOl'1 by General_.Jf. M. Parsons, Sugru· Creek, Miss.,

November _13, wants to rmse a regiment for the Confederate t· States serVIce. Answered by CiTcular.*

Infield, W. E. M., Rev.,_ Bat_o';l Rouge, La., August 15, asks acceptance J· of a company be IS rmsmg .• Accepted on condition it is armed Jlpscomb, A . A., Captain, New Orleans, La., July 12, tenders com:

pany for the war fully uniformed and equipped but not armed !; A cceptecl. ' · lttlefield, A., (of Georgia,) Richmond, Va., September 7 tenders armed

L reg~ment for twelve months. Aeccptcd. ' ocke, John _0. , Corporal of <_Jompany "C," Louisiana Guards, Dreux's

battahon, October 2, 1s_ recommended by Governor Moore for d1scharge, and to he glVcn authority to organi<le a company. Answered that a dJscharge could not be granted un less approved

L by the commandwg offiuer. oughry, P., Captain, Mobile, Ala., May 23, tenders seTvices of Emerald

L _ Guards, partly armed .. Accepted. 0>e, R. C., Blacks Well;, }hss., October 28, asks if an Artillcrv com­

)lan)T Wlll be rece1ved. Answered that no batterx coUld be J .furmshed. Circular * enclosed. •Ovc, T. J .. Captain, Kosciusko,--, J~ne 5, tenders company, the

Roek_y Pomt Rilles, for twelve mouths. No an8wer found on ~ record. •Ubbock, T. S., Captain, llouston, Texas, June 12, proposes to raise

a company of Cavalry m 'l'exas. No answer recorded-See I Terry, B. F. Jttcas, IV~.~-, Richmond, V~., ~cptcmber 2, proposes to organize a

Ca\ ahy comp~Luy, furmsh10g horses and side-arms, the Depart­ment to JWOYJde guus. An8wered that J.!o company ncceptcd unless fully umJc<l and equipped.

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I~ueas, .J. I., }Iajor, Charleston, S.C., June 17, asks if Sonth Carolina Cavalry will be rcceivecl anu mounted. ~o answer recorded.

Luckie. Jas. B., Orion, Ala., June 8, call organize company for the war, \mt wants a~i\\ll'ance o{ aceeptance. Not accepted unless armed, elluipped, and tendered for the war. .

Lumpkin, E. P., Savannah, Gn., June 17, wants company to go to Vtr· gini:>. No answer found. .

Lumpkin, Geo., Captain, Stephens, Ga., offers the Oglethorpe H.tfles. No answer recorded

Lumsden, C. I,., 'l'uscaloosa, Ala., October 9, tenders Artillery company if the Government will furnish guns and horses. Answerell that no battery could be furni~hed. .

)Tovcmbcr 27, is raisi11g company of Arhllery for. the war, and aRks if twelve-months' men can be transferred to 1t. Answered by Cn·cnlar:" and stating tlmt men in the general service could not be transferreu to organizations for coast defense.

J,usk, 1<'. G., 1st Arkansas Regiment. Dnmft·ics, Vu., December 23, desires to make up a company of Cavalry for the war after }1l'CRent term o[ enlistment expires. AnswereU. that a copy of reaulutions relatmg to re-cn l1stments woulu soon be sent him, in conformity to which a company of Cavalry would be accepted.

T.ynch, ;). N. 11., Captain, New Concord, Ky., :May 29, offers company. Accepted if armed and er1'1ippcd.

J~ynch, \V. B., Cotton Plant, Ark._,, Jul:y 6, tenuers company of ona hundred men to range m Mtssoun, aud wants arms. Answcrd that the Government could not furnish arms.

Lyon, John, Bainbridge, Ga., March 15, desires position for his company iu active service. Directed to tenller hili company to the Gov· emor of Georgia. • .

September 9, desires to raise company for coast defense. (~1lcd.) Lyon.~- , West Point, Ga., June 25, tenders an Alabama batta~wn for

' the war. Answered that commissions could not be gJ.Vcn J!l

advance. . Lyons, James, Hon.,-Scc _1lcCr~e, Captain. Macfarland, J. D., Knoxville, 'lenn., October 14, asks _pcrmJsston to

have his regiment received for twelve months mstead of the wm·. Answered that no troops could be mustered for twelve months unless fully armed and equipped.

Macon, J. M., of i'<oxubee County, Miss., April30, (r?cor:'-mended by Governor l'cttus,) tenders company-the Dav1s GuarU.s. Ac­cepted if armed.

Magtt, J. J., Captain, Pensacola, Fla., August 12, offers company for one hundred vears or the war. No answer founU. .

Mab6, George J., Kew Orleans, La., April 17, tenuers company~ the Louisiana Turcos. Answered that tenuer must be made throu"h the Governor of the State.

May 4, ~enews the t_cndcr: No answer found. . Major, .J. P., Colonel, M1ssoun Cavalry, applies fur authonty to raise

regiment of Lancers. (Filed)

J{alden, T. II., Captai'n, of :llonroe County, Ala., May 24, through lion. 'P. H. Watts. tenders the Monroe Blues. (E'iled.)

I wants arms.

7~ therefore could

r Walker Ran­gers, lor twelve montJ1s; unarmed, but equ1pped. Not accepted.

Jblone, Jim Henry, Athem; Ala., July 7. proposes to organize a rifle ' · ' · · · my. Answered

~d/:~/~/ ' of a company ept and arm it..

• -~' ~ ·······~~~ ......... •••v....._.

September 8, tenU.ers company for the war. AccepteU. if armed. Maney, George, Colonel, Knshvillc, 'l'cnn., June 12, offers a finely

drilled regiment. Answered that three regiments have been ordered from that State and it is hoped his is one.

Mangham, A., and Q. C. Grice, .Jonesborough, Ga., October 14, ten­ders a company for the war, and can get some kind of arm,;. Answered that a company for the war, fully organized arHl armed, would be received.

1langum, 'l'. II., Augusta., Ga., July 2, tenders ct>mpany for twelYe months or the war, arrneU. with IIarpcr's Ferry ri!le-muskets. Ordered to Corin Llt, Miss.

Mann, vV. K, General, of North Carolina :Militia, Elizabeth City, N. C., September 17, asks authority to raise a Cavalry company for coaRt defense, to equip and mount themselves. Accepted on condition that it is approved by General Anderson, coru­mandi ng coast defenses.

M:ansfie!U, .J. W., Lieutenant, Company" B," 24th Virginia Regiment, December 19, says Le is enlisting a company of .Ar~illery in his regiment for the war, on condition that tbcy be permitted to visit home. Answered that regulations on the subject would soon be sent him. '

Mantor, E. B., Winchester, Va., December 8, bas twenty-five good " ~ ' ' ' · · to complete it

/; // / 3giment. Cir· ££-(k?/£/t!---7' /? P'V{, (fl. P~. >f Ca,•alry will

/ . - / / hy the Govern-.~....~..~v~.~~.~, C~UU. L'U.<A>u """''- ··------- ---- --··-w .. uo LJl such company will be entitled to bounty, fLtrlough, &c.

March, W. J ., isabella Copper Mines, Va., May 13, desires to know if corps of Sappcrs and Miners will be accepted. No answer recorded.

l\rarcns, Van, of Columbus, Ga., July 2, desires to raise a company. .Acceptell [or the war if armed and equipped.

:..rarks, Captain M. R, ·white SLllphur Springs, Ga., .Tuly 21, h:~s eighty­five men, and says he would pay gold for arms. Not accepted, for want of arms.

Jinrshall, J. Fo~ter, Uh:nleston, S. C., April 25, wants to mise a regi­ment o£ Mounted Volnntccrs. Answered that such a regiment wns not needed.

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T.ncns, .1. L, .i\Iajor, Charleston, S.C., June 17, asks if South Cnrolin~ C<t\7 alrv will be received and mounted. No answer recorded.

Luckie, Jus. B., Orion, but wants assur equipped, and t

J.Jnmpkin, E. P., Savar ginia. No answer ton net.

Lumpkin, Geo., Captain, Stephens, Ga., oCEers the Oglethorpe Rifles. No answer 1

Lumsden, 0. L., 'l'l if the Gove1 no batterv c

Noven1ber 27, IS rmHJuu t;uLIIFn".J ...... ...__._. -~----J asks if twelvc-months7 men can be transferred to it. Answcre by Cu·cular,-* anu stnting that men in the general service could not be transferred to orrranizations for coast defense.

J,usk, Jl'. G., 1st Arkansas Regiment, Dumfries, Va., December 23, desires to make up a company of Cavalry [or the war after present term of enlistment expires. Answered that a copY of reuulations relatinr-r to re-enlistment.~ would soon be sen1

him, fn conformity to ~vbich a company of Cavalry wo11ld be accepted.

Lynch, J. N. M., Captain, New ConcOl'd, Ky., May 29, offers companY. Accepted if armed and cq nipped.

Lynch, Vv. H., Cotton Plant, _Ark,. July 6, tenders company of ong hundred men to mnge m :llf1ssoun, and wants arms. Answerd that the Government could not furnish arms.

.Lyon, John, Bainbridge, Ga., March 15, de~ ires position for his companY in active service. Directed to tender hili company to the Go>· ernor of Georgia. •

September 9, desires to mise company for coast defense. (Filed.l J,yon .N. '\\Test Point, Ga., June 25, tenders an Alabama battalion for

' th~ war. Answered that commissions could not be given H'

advance. . T,yons, James, Ron.,-Scc McCrae, Captain. . . hladarland, J. D., Knoxville, Tenn., October 14, asks permisswn to

have his regiment received for twelvP ,.,.,n~'' · war. Answererl •'- - ' months unless I

Macon, J. M., of Xoxn Governor Petta _ u uaras. J,.c· ccpted if armed.

:Magtt, J. J., Captain, Pensacola, Fla., Augnst 12, offers company for one hundred vears or the war. No answer found.

Mahe, George J., New Orleans, La., April 17, tenders company-' the Louisiana Turcos. A nswcrcd that tender must be ro~de through the Governor of the State.

)..Iay 4, renews the tender. No answer found. Major, J. P., Colonel, Missouri Cavalry, applie; IQI' authority to raiS1

regiment of Lancers. (Filed.)


jfalucn, T. II., Captai'n, of Monroe County, Ala., :\fay 24, through IIon. 'r. H. Watts, tenders the Monroe Blues. (.!filed.)

September 1, tenders a Cavalry company, and wants arms. Answered that Govemment could not arm, and therefore could. not accept.

Septemhe1· 2, tenders Cavalry company, the Percy \Valker Ran­' gcrs, for twelve months: unarmed, but eq 11ipped. Not neccptcrl. ;fa lone, Jim IIenry, Athens Ala., J 11ly 7, proposes to organize a rifle

company, armed at the expense of the 'company. Answered. that snd1 a company wo11ld be accepte<l.

August 7, has nearly completed the organization oi a company for the war. and a~ks if Government will accept and arm it. Accepted for twelve months ii armed.

September 8, tenders company for the war. Accepted if armed. ~fa11Cy, George, Colonel, Nashville, Tenn., June 12, offers a finely

drilled regiment. Answered that three regiments have been ordered I rom that State and it is hoped his is one.

Jrnngham, A., and Q. C. Grice, Jonesborough, Ga., October 14, ten­ders a company for the war, and can get some kind of arms. Answered thai a company for the war, fnlly organized and armed, would be Tcccived.

Jtangum, T. 11., Augusta., Ga., July 2, tenders cllmpauy for tweh·e months or the war, armed with Harper's Ferry Tifte-muskets. Ordered to Corintb, :Miss.

hianu, W. E., General, of North Carolina Militia, Eli:-~abeth City, N. C., ScptcmbeT 17, asks authority to raise a Cavalry company for <:oast defense, to equip and monnt themselve~. Accepted on condition that it io approved by General Anderson, com­manding coast defenses.

1Iansfield, J. W., Lieutenant, Company "B," 24th Virginia Regiment, December 19, says he is enlisting a company of Ar~illery in his recrimcnt for the war, on condition that they be perm1tted to visit home. Answemd that regulations on the subject would

1 soon be sent him. ·

Iantor, .1£. B., Winchester, Va., December 8, has twenty-five good men for n Cavalry company, and asks permit to complete it from twelve-mouths' men in the 2d Virginia Regiment. Cir­cular* sent him and answer 1<1ade that compan.v of Cavalry will be received for the war and armed and equipped by the Govern­ment, and tbat twelve-months' men enlisting in such conipany

!If will be entitled to hounty, fnrlough, &c. arch, vV'. J., Isabella Copper :Jfines, Va., May 13, desires to know

if corps of Sappers and Miners will be accepted. K o answer ~I recOl'ded.

arcus, Van, of Col11mbus. Ga., July 2, desires to raise a company. \r Accepted for the wur if armed and eq11ipped. . · arks, Captain M. R., While Sttlphur Springs, Ga., July 21, has mghty­

fivc men, and says he would pay gold Ior arms. Not accepted, \[ for want of arms. · arsball, J. Foster, Charleston, S. C., April 25, wants to raise a regi­

ment of Mounted Volunteers. A nswercd that such a regiment wr.s not ueederl.

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:Martin, E. IV'., Sparta, Ala., September 11, .as~s·a commission to rai~e a reo·iment. Answered tbat comrnJsswns were not gn·en 111

adva~ce, but regiment could be organiz"ed by the election of field officers.

Martin, Jno. D., Memphis, Tenn., July 2, tenders armed Tegiment for twelve months. Accepted if :nmed and equipped.

Martin, Lyman H., and Richard B. Bellamy, of. 6th Alabama Regiment, }ianassas .Tunction, July 2·1, ask perm1sswn to ra1se company from Ahbama: No answer recorded.

Martin, M. '.L'., Smithville, Tenn., A ngttst10, offers company of Cavalry and rrsks arms. Not accepteu unless fully armed and eqmppeu.

Martin, H. B., Rusk, Texas, September 2, says he bas organized com­pany of Cavalry fOl' twelve months, anrl they can ~rm thcm~elves with shot·guns. Not accepted unless armed w1th one kmd of side-arrns uesides shot-guns.

Martin, Vv rr1. E., Pocotaligo, S. C., November 30, asks authority to raise ----'- , .. c -' '• ' " • ed bv Circular.*

u!?~/-~ ~ tf": // bes his company as

t, Mi~s., July 12, asks permitted to join Russell's regimerrt. n tmee compames Wlll be

No answer recorded. Massingale, J. P., Sparta, Ala., September 26, asks if company of

Infantry can get arms. Answered that Government could not then furnish arms.

Mathews, J. D., Lexington, Ga., July 22, has company nearly ready, and will bring common rille if he can uo no .better. (!?iled.)

Mathews R R vicksburg, Miss., October 29, asks 1f a volunteer com­p;ny. fro'm Arkans,"\s, armed with shot-guns and rifles, will be recciveu for six or twelve months and ordered to southern coast and equipped. Not accepted.

Matkin Alburto, Elytown, Ala., May 4, through Mr. R. A. Terrell and Dr. G. T. Deason, tenders services of company, of which he is Captain. No action re,;orded. ·

Matthews, Beverly, Columbus, Miss., May 27, asks if he can be fully armed, &c., in Virginia, and says enlistments for the war are slow. Accepted if armed and equipped.

Matthews. Samuel. Plaq nemine. La .. J u 1 v 1. has il fteen men, and wants •r rangers. Answered :civod. 1rity to raise a regi-

August 9, i·enews the request. (Filed.) August 29, proposes to mise regiment of Cavalry or Infantry.

Answered that Cavalry was not needed, but Infantry would be accepted if armed and organized.

October 10, reports his regiment, for twelve months, nearly com­plete. Uircn lar;• sent him.

May, John IV., Grogansville, N. C., July 19, is making up Cavalry company for Confederate States serviec. Not accepted.

:.\fay, .T. '1'., Butler, Ga., August 30, tenders a Cavalry companv . . A.nswered that it cannot be accepted unless fully ::trmed.


Mayes, ~· R., Captain, Company "F," 4th G e01·gia Regiment, Norfolk, \a., December 23, asks for authority to re-enlist his men as Cavalry company for the war. Answered that a copy of the regulattons of the Department would be sent him.

Maxey, \V. S.-See Moore, D. D. Mayson, Hamilton, Captain, by Hon. E. Barksdale, Jackson, Miss.,

J nne 12. tenders a company for the war. Not accepted unless armed and equipped.

McAtee, .Allen L., ="'icholasvillo, Ky., April 17, tenders a regiment. Directed to apply. to the Governor of Kentucky.

McAug}tey, J. II., Captam, Pope W a!kor Greys, Tuscumbia, Ala., May 1, tenders company. Accepted if for tho war.

McBroom, Jmnes 'vV., Lieutenant, Company "C," Archer's Battalion, .he power to enlist ers in 3: company

$. .he subJect would

.McUaa, H: H ., Mobile~ Ala., September 17, asb if a company of Cav­alry, ::trmed w1th sabre.s and shot-guns, for State defense, or unarmed, for any serv1ee, would be accepted. Accepted for loeal defense if approved by General 'Withers.

McCall, L. C., Montgomery, Ala., .July 23, tenuers company from Cherokee County. Ala. Accepted.

McCampb_ell, Jes~e, \l'riffi~, G~., ~fay 27, says. Le_ is forming regiment r1shed an Artillery // _. / j d Je oupplied.

VU '-(/)/?H -ruj . , /'{/. 7 ers a company for

McuasKeu, Joo.n, va]Jt.aJU, muucgumc;ry, .Lua., .l'ovemher 21, offers a Uavalry. company for twelve months or the war, to be armed and eqmpped by the Government. Accepted on condition that the company furnish its own sabres or pistols.

MoCanly, .J. C., C~ptain, Searcy, Ark., .~fay 16, wants service, saying l..n •n f"n-·--- _ , ' """"'" ' - :cted to apply to

vl{~cud&.--. ~ /[;{ Z. n, Ky., December / gooJ men from

oaJ.\..l ltQlllltlli.J uv Dervc tor three vcars 01' the \Var. AnswereLl that re-enlistments could be accepted at once, but no reorgani7.:-t­tJO~ could be allowed (excc~pt in case of ful-l companies re-en­hstmg) before expm1t10n of present term of service.

McChesney, G. \V., 'l'exana, Tex., September 10, will raise a com­pany and start for vii·ginia, if the Government will furnish tranop01tution. Prefers Ct~vulry. Answered that the Govern­ment furnished transportation to all troops accepted.

McClellan, Wm. B., TtLllaJega, Aht., Jttne 17, tenders regiment. An· swered that the Gov-emrnent coulcl rwt ann more troops.

September 13, writes relative to a regiment he is raising. No answer found.

McCrady: EdwarLl, Ch~rleston, S.C ... June 8, pmposes a battalion of lnsh. AcoopteLl if armed aml U<[nippcJ.

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:\fur tin, E. IV., Sparta, Ala., September 11, asks 'a commission to mise . a regiment. Answered that commissions were not given in

advance, but regiment could be organized by the election of fielLl officers.

Martin, Jno. D., Memphis, •renn., July 2, tenders nrmed regiment Ior twelve months. Accepted i! armed and equipped.

Martin, Lymnn II., and Hieh::ml H. Bellamy, of 6th Alabama Regiment, Manassas Junction, July 2±, ask permission to raise company from Alabama: No anower recorrlcd.

::\1arLin, :YI. '!'.,Smithville, Tenn., .l.ugust 10, offers company oi Cavalry and asks arms. NoL accepted unless fully armed and eqnippcrl.

Martin, R B., Husk, Texa:;, September 2, says he uns com­pany of Cavalry for twelve months, and they can arm themselves with sbot·gu -- · · side-am1s be'

Martin, Vvm. E ., Po< reo·iment of l

Martin, IV'. T., Lynchburg, Va., Jnne 27, describes his company as armed for the war. Accepted.

Massey, C. K., Captain of the Noxubee RiDes, Iuka, Miss., July 12, asks if three companies wil l be permitLed to join Russell's regiment. No answer recorded.

Massingale, J. P., Sparta, Ala., September 26, asks ii company o£ Infantry can get arms. Answered that Government could not then furnish ar-~

Mathews, J. D., Lexir a ncl will bring

Mathews, H, R., Vick pany frOlll .A.rl~···-··-1 ---~ ..... ~ .. -u~ ....... vu e;u.uo auu UllV~, Will Oe received for six or twelve months and ordered to southern coast and equipped. Not accepted.

Matkin, Alburto, Elytown, Ala., May 4, through ::\fr. R. A. TeTrcll and Dr. G. T. Deason, tenrlcrs serviues oi company, of which be is Captain. No action rcc;orded.

Matthews, Beverly, Columbus, Miss., May 27, asks if he can be fully armed, &c., in Virginia, and says enlistments for the war are slow. Accepted if armed and equipped.

Matthews, Samuel, Plaquemine, La., JLtly 1, has fifteen men, and wants to know if they can be employed as scouts arrangers. Answered

· that less than sixtv·four men cannot be received. ~1axey, S. B., Paris, 'l'c~., AugusL 7, asks authority to raise a regi·

ment. (Filed.) A11gust 9, renews the request. (Filed.) .Angnst 29, propose; to raise regiment of Cavalry or Infantry.

Answered thut Cavalry was not needed, but Infantry would be accepted if armed and organi7.ed.

October 10, reports bis regiment, for twelve months, nearly com· plete. Uirculm·* Rent him.

May, .John W., Grogansville, N. C., .Jnly 19, is making up Cavalry company for Confcdcmte States service. Not accepted.

May, J. '1'., BuLler, Ga., August 30, tenders a Cavalry company. Answered that it cannot be accepted unles~ fully armed.

ol Mayes, B. R., Captain, Company" F,'' 4th Georgia Regiment, Norfolk,

Va., December 23, aoks for authority to re-enlist his men as Cavalr.y company for the war. An;wererl that a copy of the rcgnlatwns of the Department would be sent him.

Maxcy, \V. S.-Sce Moore, D. D. Mayson, IIamilton, Captain, by IIon. E. Barksdale, Jackson, Miss.,

J unc 12, tenncrs a company for the war. Not accepLed unless armen ann eqnippcd.

McAfee, Allen L., :'-Jichola:oville, Ky., April 17, tenders a regiment. Directed to npnl_y to the Governor of Kentucky.

McAugHhey, J. H., Captain, Pope \V a!kcr Greys, Tuscumbia, Ala., May 1, tenders company. Accepted ii for the war.

MuBroom, James W., Lieutenant, Company '"C," Archet:s Battalion, Stone-house IV bar(,--, December 17, asks the power to enlist forty-Jh'e meu out o( twelve-months· Volunteers in a company of ArLtllery. Answered that regulations on the subject would soon be sen L him.

McCaa, B. B., Mobile, Ala., September 17, asks if a company of Cav­alry, armed with sabres and shot-guns, Ior State defense, or unarmed, for any serv1ce, would be accepted. Accepted for local defense if approved by General Withers.

McCall, L. C., Montgome1-y, Ala., July 23, tendet'S company from Cherokee Connty, Ala. -Accepted.

McCampbell, Jesse, G1·iffin, Ga., May 27, says he is forming regiment to be tendered, and asks if cannon can be furnished an Artillery compan_y. Answered that cannon could not be supplied.

M:cCa3kill, G. A., Bu7.beev1llc, Ala., August 16, tenders a company for the war and wantR arms. Accepted.

M:cCaskell, .Tabu, Captain, 11ontgomct·y, Aln., November 21 offers a Uavalryeompany for twelve months or the war, to be armed and equ1pped by the Government. Accepted on condition that the company furnish its own sabms or pistols.

McCauly, J. C., Captain, Searcy, Ark., May 16, wants service, saying he is Captain of a company of riflemen. Directed to apply to General MuCollouh.

Captain 7Lh Alabama Regiment, Bowling Green, Ky., December 19, says if allowed he can take two hundred good men hom said regiment to serve !or three years or the war. Answered that re-enlistments could be accepted at onue, but no reoro-nni7.>t· tion could be allowed (except in case o{ IuU companies" re-en· listing) before expiration of present term o[ service.

McChesney, G. W., 'l'cxan~, Tex., September 10, will raise a com­pany and start for Virginia, if the Government will furnish transportation. Pt·cfcrs Cavalry. Answered that the Govern· ment fnrnishcrl tranqportation to all troops acuepted.

McClellan, \Vm. B., 'l'allaflcga, Ala., June 17, tender~ regiment. An· swered that the Government con ld not arm more troop;.

September 13, writes relative to a regimeuL he is raising. No answer found.

McCrady, Erlw(lrd, Oharlr;"lton, S. C., ,June 8, proposes a lmLtalion o( ln~h. AucopteLltf armed nml equipped.

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June 28, repol'ts that he has rcceiv·ed one hundred muskets from the State, and wants cquipmcnts. Answered th::~t equipments could be fnrni,hed in Richmond.

July 22, report;; his company leaving Charleston. ~cCrae, Colonel, and Captain Rosser, by Iron. James Lyons, propose

to raise squad ron bf Cavalry. Dec I in eel. McCraw, B. B., West Point, G::~ . , February 15, tenders corps, the Andrew

Jackson GLmrds, of Tallapoosa, Ala. Ko reply recorded. May 22, asks permit to raise a regiment for the war. No answer

recorded. McConnell, ,Joshua, Captain, Canton, Ga., .August 13, tenders company

for the war and wants arms. .Accepted. To be ordered into service at once if armed, an(l into camp of instrnction if unarmed.

McColloc;h, Vv. H., Captain, Columbus, Ga., July 1, tenders company of eighty men, armed with rifles, &c. Accepted.

McDaniel, C. A., Bowdin, Ga., ,J llnc 20, tcnr1crs company for the war. Not accepted nnless fully armed and equipped.

McDaniel, P. \N., Cave Spring, Ga., August :03, asks if troops armed with bowie-knifes and shot-guns will be received (Filed.)

McDonald, Dedney F., Richmond, Va., July !J, tenders service of com. panics. Accepted if armed and for the war.

July 17, M:11·ietta, Ga., asks if twenty companies will be received, n-no"'l m;,h ,.;flnn "'" nlod -"""" 1\T. - ·· • found.

tAt ff£i ) nies. Accepted if

/ e- ~ a~ z .r:- :lve hundred stands • r •.• " .. ~ -~vuoa .. cl men in the field.

.Answered that arms could not be furnished. McDonald, E. II., \Vincbester, V a., September 3, proposes to raise a

number of men, not exceeding five hundred, for defense of the exposed Virginia border. Aceepted for local defense if appro~·ed by the officer commanding the Department.

McEnery, .John, Vicksburg, Miss., May 28, tenders armed company for the war. .Accepted. ·

McFarland, J. D., Richmond, Va., September 30, offers regiment of Cavalry from Tennessee, armed, &c. Accepted.

McFarland, Captain, La~dale Dragoons, by R. W. Walker, Florence, --, Aprill, tenclers company as Cavalry or Infantry. Declined.

McGausey, J. H., Captain, Cherokee, .Ala., Jnnc 11, tenders company, the Sons of Dixie, .for the war. ·Answered that company could not be accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

June 28, tenders company, armed with shot-guns. Accepted. McGee, IV. S., 'l'allaclcga, Ala., October 1, is raising company for

twelve months. Asks commission for officers and asks for ·arms, and tenders for the war if not accepted for twelve months. Answered that no company could be received for twelve months unless fully armed, but an unarmed company WOilld be accepted for the war.

McGeehcc, 'r. M., 1\Iarietta, Ala., August 31, asks if a company will be accepted for twelve months. .Accepted on con<lition that it lJc fully a1·med and equipped.

( •o •v

~IcGinnis, C. C., Captain, Caldwell, Tex., ~fay 28, offers Cavalry com­pany. Accepted if armed and tendered for the war.

1IcGI:Jidcr, E. J., Captain, Rome Light Guards, bv R. D. Mitchell, l{omc, Ga., April 2\J, offers company for body-guard to Presi­dent Davis. No answer found on record.

:\Ic1ntosh, McQueen, lion., June 26,,proposes to raise from two to three . hundred riflemen, mounted, armed, and equipped. Not accepted.

:\Iclntyre, E . L., Troy, Ala., October 6, proposes to organize a body

&£?c · ?!' ~;- ·:; /r'··nrl m0n f"" tl~e t:a~r~o~~~e~: v~~ /;_./ 6 .2- 3 lted on the terms

/ ' - . Jl.lcl vor, 1 . J:!J., i:::ltnuw .. , vv1..uuvl v, u. ... ,._.. .. .., ......... ~ ... L•v· ... ,y to raise Cavalry

<:1111l o::tQ ITQ ~-f 1-!.rnu::~o~•nmPnt w;ll !lr'm thenl, Q l' UCCept for

/ ~, V ~ , /l ' themselves. An-l./£('C..-/CL::u:-i; 7 oU. ;?J: •ved by the General

.i. ~ ' · · 1ld be accepted for

.McKee~:· A: c::·u~·pt~in, G~lvcston, Texas, June 13, bas a crack com­pany. which wants to be mdered to Virginia. (Filed.)

McKellar, W. P., Greenwood. S. C., September lil, a~ks if one, two, or three companies are wanted to complete some regiment, and if twelve-months' volunteers will be received. Amwcrcd that companies, if offered on terms a~ceptable to the DcpaTtrnent, would be received, aud that troops for twelve months w'ere not Tcccivccl unless fully aTmed.

::U:cKcm;ic, G. \V., Cairo, Ill., April 15, oll'ers to raiae a company. Answered that the Government was noL prepared to accept troops ontsidc the confederacy, but advised to bold himself in readiness.

~IcKenzie, W . R. D., Captain, Continentals, Summit, Blount County, Ala., tenders Not accepted unless armed and

· equipped for th"e war. McKinstry, Alex., Colonel, of ]\{obi le, Ala., December 27, asks authority

to raise a regiment for the war, armed with pikes and bowie­knives. AnsweTecl that a regiment would be accepted and arms paid foT by the Government.

McLaws, .A. II., Octa.via, Ga., April 16, offers company of Mounted Rif:lcs. (Filed.)

McLaughlin, II. 0., and J. T. Lester, Pensacola, Fla., October 5, asks authority to raise a corps to operate in Kentucky or Missouri. Answered that no authorioy could be given in advance, but a regiment for the war, electing its own field officers, would be accepted, or the companies would be accepted, field officers to be appointed b_y the President. .

McLean, Frank Jay, Colllmbia, Tenn., ~ay 11, has organized company and wants arms. .Answered that companv must be offered for the wm·, and if accepted Government would arm it.

McLean, Gco., Vicksburg, ~iss., September 4, has Cavalry company and horses, and asks arms and eqllipmeuts. .Answered that they could not be furnished.

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.June 28, reports that he has. recci 1·cd one hundred muskets from the State, and wnnts eqmpments. Answered that eqmpments conld be furnisbecl in Richmond.

July 22, reports his company leaving Charleston. McCrae, Colonel, and Captain Ros;;er, hy Hon. James Lyons, propose

to raise sqnadron Of Cavalry. Declined. :McCraw, B. B., West Point, Ga., February 15, tenders corps, the Andrew

Jackson Guards, o£ 'fallapoosa, Ala. No reply rccorcled. May 22, asks pen · · · · · --

recorded. McConnell, Joshua, Or

for the war an scryice at once itannea, an<l mto c:tmp oltnstructwn 1f unarmed.

~IcCollocb, Vv. H., Capt";" 1',1 .. ~> .. ," "" T .. l" 1 '"""""" "" ... _ .. _ ..

of eighty men, ar McDaniel, 0. A., Bowdi

Not accepter\ unl McDaniel, P. W., Cave UtJllliQ, \ ...... ~.., ..l.\_l\ 6 u..,u .... v, ......... .._,J ......... ,J\~ 1 ,..., •. uJ.u ............

with bowie- knifes and shot-gn ns will btl recei vecl. (Piled.) :McDonald, Bcdncy F., Richmonll, Vn., .July fJ, tenders service of com­

panies. Accepted if armed anJ for the war. July 17, Mar·ictta, Ga., aska if twenty companies will be received,

armed with rifles or shot-guns. No n.nswer found. July 19, renews proposal to raise ten companies. Acceptecl if

armed and organized. August 8, asks if Government can furnish twelve hundred stands

of arms, and say~ he can put two thousand rnen in the field. Answered that arms could not be fm-nished.

McDonald, E. If., \Vinchester, Va., September 3, proposes to raise a number of men, not exceeding Jive hundred, for defense of the exposed Virginia border. Accepted for local defense if approved by the officer cornmandi ng the Department.

::'licEnery, John, Vicksburg, Miss., May 2tl, tenders armed company for the war. Accepted.

McFarland, J. D., Uichmond, Va., September 30, offers regiment of Cavalry from 'J'cill1es~ee, armed, &c. A cecpted.

McFai'lancl, Captain, IJat]flale Dragoons, by R. W. \Valker, Florence, --,April!, tcnclers company as Cavalry or Infantry. Declined.

::\fcGausey, J. II., Captain, Cherokee, Ala, June 11, tenders company, the Sons of Dixie, for the war. .L\..nswcrccl that company could not be accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

June 28, tenders company, armed witb shot-guns. Accepted. McGee, vV. S., 'l'alladega, Ah, October 1, i~ raising company for

twelve months. Asks comrni~sion for officers ancl asks for arms, and tenders for the war if not accepted for twelve month~. Answered that no company could be received for twelve months unless fully armed, but an unarmed company would be accepted for the wnr.

hlcGeehce, ·r. M., 1brietta, Ala., Augnst 31, asks if a company will be accepted for twelve months. Accepted on conllition that it l1u fully armed and elj ttipped.



}fcGinnis, C. C., Captain,_ Caldwell, Tex., ;'\fay 28, offcm Cavalry com­puny. Acceptedtf armed and tendered for the war.

MeGt~ltler, E. J., Cnp_tain, Rome Light Guards, by R D. Mitchell, Rome, Ga, Apnl 29, oliers company for body-guard to Presi­clcnt Davis. No answer found on record.

1Iclntosh, 1fcQueen, Iron ., June 26, J>roposes to mise from two to three lmncherlnflcmen, mounted, anned, and equipped. Not accepted.

1Icintyt·c, E. L., Troy, Ala., October 6, proposes to organize a body of fmm one to three bumlred men for the war mounted 1mifo1·med, and equipped, the Government to ~rm them: Answered that Cavalry could not be accepted on the terms proposed.

Mcivor, T. E., Selma, Ala .. _ October 3, asks authority to rnisc Cavalt·y company, and asks 1f Government will arm them, or accept for twelve months for coast defense if they arm thcrnscl vcs. An­S\vercd that 1f armed and eq nipped and approycd hy the General commanchng the Department, company would be accepted for twelve months.

McKeen, A. C., Captain, Galveston, TexM, June 13, bas a crack com­pany. which w:mts to he ordered to Vi1·ginia (l!'ilcd.)

hlcKcllm·, \V. P., Greenwoml: S.C., September li:l, asks if one, two, or three comparues are wanted to complete some regiment, and if twelve-months' volunteers will he received. Answered that companies, if offered on terms acceptable to the Department would be received, and that troops for twelve months w'ere not received unle:;s fully armeJ.

McKenzie, G. vV., Cairo, IlL, April 15, offers to raiac a company. Answered that the Government was not prepared to accept troops outsJde the confederacy, but advised to hold himself in rcadmes:;.

McKenzie, W. R D., Uaptain, Continentals, Summit, Blount County, Ala., tenllers a. company. Not accepted unless armed and

· eq nipped for the war. lrcKinstry, ~lex., C~lonel, of lito bile, Ala, December 27, asks authority

to rmse a regm1ent for the war, armed with pikes and bowie­kmves. Answered that a regiment would be accepted and arms paid for by the Govcmmcnt

}, A. II., Oct:wia, Ga., April 16, offers company of Mounted _ RiDes. (Filed.)

jicLaughlin, II. C., and J. T. Lester, Pensacola, Fla., Oetober 5, asks authonty to t·mse a COl']JS to operate in Kentucky or Missouri. An~werud that no authority could be given in au vance, but a reg11ucnt for the war, electing its own field officers, would be accepted, or the companies would be accepted Jleld officers to

• be appointed by the President. '. · McLean, Frank Jay, Columbia, Tenn., May 11, has organized company

anrl wants arms. An:;wered that company must be offered for l the, war, n:1d 1f accepted Government woulll arm it.

lcLcau, (,eo., VJCkAbmg, .l;fr,,R, September 4, ha~ Cavalry company am! horses, and asks ar·ms am! eqnipments. Answered that they could not be fumished.

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:\fcLean, Geo. P., Port Gib~on, Miss., August 15, tenders Cavalry, mounted and uniformed, but not armed. Answered that Gov· ernment could not arm them. •

McLean, N., Richmond, Va., October 14, proposes to raise company of 1 nfantry for the war, to be armed and equipped by the Govern-mont. "A. coepted. . .

McLean, Wm. :l<'raneis, New Orleans, La., Apnl 26, has rmsed com­pany, the Ben. McCulloch Ranger,;, and tenders tho1r sorv1ccs. Au:;wered that offer must be made through the Governor of the State.

May 4, through Colonel McCulloch, tenders a uniformed and drilled company. Ko answer recorded. .

McLellan, Wm. B., Talladega, Ala., August 13, tenders regtrnent for the war, and want~ arrus. Answered that a J·ogJrnont orgamzed by election of field officers and tendered for the war would be received and armed.

McLemore, Amos, Jones County, MisR., May 27, proposes to raise com­pany of horsemen. Not accepted.

July 26, tenders a company for tho war. A,ccepted. . McLemore 0. K., ht Lieutenant Confederate States Infantry, Rwh­

mo~fl, V a., o.ITers a Mississippi battalion of six companies .. (Filed.)

McLeod, vVm. L., SwainsboTOugh, Ga., June 18, tenders a company of sixty men. Not accepted.

July 18, tenders company of eighty men Ior the war. Accepted ii armed.

McLin. J. B., Jonesborough, Tenn., September 25, tenders Cavalry "company for twelve months, mounted but I)Otarmod. Answered that no Cavalry can be accepted for twelve months unless fully armco ann equipped.

McMaekiu, IT. Vv., Camp Willis, August 14, asks if one hundred young men will be accepted lor the war. Answered that no company could be accepted nnlcRs armed.

McMahon, H. A., Athens, 'l'onn., April20, is raising company of twelve­months' Volunteers, aud asks information. DirecteJ to make applic:ttion to the Govemot· of Tenn·essee. . .

McMillan, nobt., Clarksville, Gu.., June 10, proposes to orgah1zc a regi-ment. No reply recorLled. .

JL1ly 3, tenders regiment, :tnr"l will purchase arms 1f the Govern­ment will guarantee payment. Answered that regiment armed would be accepted for the war, but no such guarantee could be given.

August 15, tenders regiment, eq nipped and partly armed, for the war. Accepted ii organized 1Jy election of field officm·s.

MoMurdie, K B., Manassas Junction, Vn.., July 24, asks permit to-go to Kcntuck.Y to mise troops. Kot granted.

McMurray, J. W., Monroe, N. C., Scptember25, asks whether company, mounted anrl armed with shot-guns, would be recetved and Iurnished with sabres and other oquipmcnts, nn<l whether com­pany furnishing everything wonhl be received for twelve month,;. AnRwer not of record.

McNair, R. II., Captain, Summit, Miss., August 27, tendem~company of one hundred men, partly armed, for twelve months. Answered thnt when fully armed will be accepted.

September 6, reports comprwy o[ one hnntlred men for twelve months roaclv. Acuepted on condition that it be fully armed and equippecl.

\feNeill, A. J ., and J. ll. Elliott, July 25, tenders company. Auceptecl. \feRae, A. P., Reiusvillo, Gn., Jnly 13, says one or two companies can

be easily miRed in that vicinity if arms can be had. Answered that arms conld not be supplied.

licRae, 0. J., :\fontgomery, Ala., j.fay 6, oll'ers service of the Mobile · s~oteh Guards. :r;; o answer recorded.

July 8, asks if comp:wies Ior the wnr, without arms, would be accepted. Directed to apply to Governor Moore.

McRae, D. K, Wilmington, :S. C., April 20, offers to raise a rerrimcnt inN orth Carolina. Uiroctcd to apply to Govemor Ellis.


McRae, Jno. RD., Cut O.ff, Ga., has a company that will arm thcm-.l ~elves if Government will pay for them. Not accepted. fcSpadden, S. K., Centre, Ala., June 17, could ann would raise a regi­

ment if assured oi its acceptance. Answered that a defimte answer coulcl not be made, until the q ucstion of organizing a reserve corps was decided.

MeW catherford, Alexr., Mobile, Ala., October 5, tenders a Cavalry ' · · " ' ' · ;e. Nilt aoecptod

mustered in and ~ad Lf. rf / double-barreled

li shot-guns. ~.I' HeeL) . ead, IJ. G.,.Paint_Rook, Ala., May 26, is forming company Ior twelve

./ ~· acceptefl unless

~ ea a:b; 60, "4( / "/. opted. / t!y 24, wants to

ra1se a battallOll tor servwe in :South Uarolina. Answered that troops could not be accepted for service in specified loc><lities.

August 7, renews tender o£ battalion. Accepted if org[lnizcd by ~I . election of ileld oftleem and tendered for tbe war.

erntt, George R., Eddyvil le, Ky., May 13, pro]Joses to raise company 1! . . if he can get arms. (Filed.) .

esher, A. ·R., Mobllo, Ala., October 6, asks 1f company of Zouaves, well cqnipped, witlwut expense to the Goyornment will be

~f receiyod for the war. Aceepted. ' · lies, J. L., . Lieutenant, Buttow Volunteers, Lincolnton, Ga., August 6,

asks 1f uompany would be accepted and armed. Answered that ~t" no arms can now he fnrni?hed. ·

lles, Vif. R., New Orie[ms, .La., July 19, tenders legion of twenty-five hundrefl, armed w1th shot-guns. Answcrefl that brigades were

~f] not t·cceived, but that two regiments would be. · tier, C. C., New Orleans, La., May 14, reports his battalion as formed,

and want~ arrns and marching orders. Answered that Depart­ment cannot reply without more definite iu£onnation.

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McLean, Geo. P., Port Gibson, Miss., August 15, tenders Cavalry, mounted and uniformed, but not armed. Answered that Gov-ernment could not arm them. •

McLean, K., TI.ichmond, Va., OctoLer 1±, proposes to raise company of lnfantry for the war, to be armed and equipped by the Govern-ment. Accepted. . . .

McLean, W m. :Francis. Now Orleans, La., Apnl 26, ha8 r~tsed ~om­pan y, the llcn. McCulloch Ranger,;, and tenders theIr serviCes. An~wered that oJier must be made through the Governor of the State.

May 4, through Colonel :Y1cCulloch, tenders a uniformed and drilled comprtny. :No answer recorded.

llfcT.cllan, Wm. B., Tt~lladega, Ala., Augu,;t 13, tendc_rs regiment_ for the war, and wants arms. Answered that a regrment orgamzed by election of field officers and tendered for the war would be received and armed.

McLemore, Amos,· Jones County, Miss., May 27, proposes to raise com­pany of horsemen. Not accepted.

,July 26, tenders a company for the war. A,ccepted. . McLemore, 0. K., 1st Lieutenant Confederate States Info.ntry, Rwh­

monrl, Y a., offers a Mississippi battalion of six compames .. (Filen.)

McLeod, Wm. L., Swain<hnmno-h. Ga., June 18, tenders a company of sixty men. Not

July 18, tenders co1 if armed.

McLin, J. ll., JonesborC- 0 -, , _

com puny for Lwei ve months, mon ntcd but l)Ot armed. Answered that uo ·cavalry cnn be accepted for twelve months unless fully m:merl an~ eq,uipp~.,.

Mc"Maekm, H. W ., C~tulJ men will be accej could be accepted

McMahon, H. A., Athens _ • months' Yoluntee.o, """ ""Ks mlOrmation. Directed to make applicn.t.ion to the Govemor of Tcnn·e,see. . .

McMillan, Robt., Clarksville, Ga., June 10, proposes to orgulliZe a regi-ment. ~ o reply recorded. .

July 3, tenders regiment, and will purchase arms Jl the Go\'ern­ment will guarantee payment. Auswered that regiment armed would be auceptecl for the war, but no such guarantee could be given.

August 15, t8nncr~ regiment, equipped and partly armed, for the wn.r. Accepted if organized by election oi fielcl officers.

McMurdie, E. B., Manassas Junction, Va., July 24, asks permit to-go to Kentucky to raise troops. Not gmnted.

McMurray, J. W., }[onroe, N.C., September25, asks whether company, mounten and armed with shot-guns, would be received and fnrnishcd with saLre8 and other eqttipments, and whether com­pany furnishing evcrytl1ing would bo received for twelve months. .An,.;wer not of rci'onl.

McNair, R. II., Captain, Summit, .J.Iiss., August 27, tendcJ·sacompanv of one hundred men, partly armed, for twelve months. Answere-d that when fn lly armed will be accepted.

September 6, reports company of one hnndrcd men for twelve months ready. Accepted on condition that it be fully armed and equipped.

McKeill, A. J., and J. H. Elliott, Jul_y 25, tenders company. Accepted. McHae, A. P., nciclsville, Ga., July lil, says one or two uompanies can

be easily raised in that vicinity ii arms can be bad. An8wercd that arms could not be supplied.

McRae, C. J., Montgomery, Ala., May G, offers service of the Mobile · Scotch Gnnnls. No answer rccordcn.

July 8, asks if companies for the war, without arms, would be accepted. Directed to apply to Governor llfoorc.

M:cHae, D. K., Wilmington, N. C., April 20, o1Ier8 to raise n. re"iment in Korth Cawlina. Directed to apply to Governor .b;llis.


:McRae, Juo. H. D., Cut Off, Ga., bas a company that will arm thcm­selve~ ii Government will pay Ior them. Not accepted.

McSpadden, S. K, Centre, Ala., June 17, uould and would raise a regi· mont 1f assured o£ 1ts acceptance. Answered that a defimte answer could not be made, until the qLte~tion of a reserve corps was decided.

1Ic vVeatheriord, Alexr., Mobile, Ala., October 5, tenders a Cavalry company, armeJ with shot-guns, for home defense. K ot accepted unle~s sabres or revolver8 are furnished.

-de Willie, Adam, Captain, Camden, Miss., May 19, is mustered in and wants hi8 company to mm themselves with double-barreled shot-guns. (Filed.)

Mead, L. G., Paint Rouk,_ Ala., ~fay 26, "is forming company for twelve months, and asks If they w1ll be accepted. Not· accepted unless armed and equipped.

September 10, reports his company armed Accepted. eetzc, Henry A., _Lexmgton Court-boLtse, S. C., July 2±, wants to

ra1se a bnt.tahon Ior servwe m South Carolina. A nswcred that troops could not be acceptell for service in specified localities.

August 7, renews tender of battalion. Accepted if organized by election of field officers and tendered for the war.

\rerritt, Gem·ge R., Eddyville, Ky., May 13, proposes to raise company if he can get arms. (Filed.)

hieslier, .A. ·R, Mohilc, .J\la., OutoLer 6, asks if company of Zouaves, well eqtupped, Without expen:;e to the Government, will be received for the war. Accepted.

Miles, .J. L., Lieutenant, Bartow Volunteers, I,incolntoo, Ga., August 6, asks if company would be accepted and armed. Answered that no arms can now be furnished.

Miles, W. R, New Orlea':'s, La., Jul.)' 19, tenders legion of twenty-five hundred, armed w1th shot-gans. .Answered that brirracles were

. not rccci,,ed, but that two regiments would be. 0

1I!ller, C. C., New Orleans, La., May 1'1, reports his battalion as formed, aud wants arms and marching orders. AmwCJ·cd that Depart­ment c::umot reply without more definite information .

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Juno 1, offcrR a hattal iou of Infantry. Not aecepted unless fully armed and equipped. . . .

Miller, Cha .. IV., Marion Court-house, Apnl 25, says he can rai~e I? that part of South Carolina a company or even a regiment If needed. No answer recorder!:

1Iiller, J no. II., Captain, Pontotoc, ~{iss. , April 27, tcndc•·s services of his company, the Pontotoc Dragoons. No answer recorded._

Miller, \V., Captaiu, Pensacola, Fla., April 30, lenders company. J\ot accepted. .

May tl, Montgomery, L\ la., I'cnews tender of crllnpany from Flonda. No answer.

~I iller, Wm. G., July 22, is ahont to rai:;e company' for \Vi:;e';; brigade anu a.~ks que,tions. ( l-'iku.) . .

Millsaps, J acksoo, Broomtown, Ala., June 11, prommes to rmse com· pany soon.

July 6, tenders the Cherokee Mountaineers. Accepted if for the war.

.T uly 22, offcrR company. Accepted if armed and increased to sixty-four men. . .

~1iltenberger, James, by MaJor H. St. Paul, Centre\'llle, Va .. , Novcm· ber 17, asks authority Lo raise a compa:'y or ?attahon. An· swercd that no authority was necc!cd. Ctrcular·r. enclosed.

Mims, C. n., and G. A. SmiLh, Columbus, --, May 23, can. make up company to repair at once to Pensacola, and ask If they shall --. Answer uot of record.

Minter, A. S., Captain, Company "C," 28th Virgiui~• Regiment, Centre· ville, V a., December 16, asks permit to re-enlist his company as Artillery to serve for two years or the war. Answered that permit 'to change his company to Artillery could not be given. ·

Minter, J. i'i., 1\.ugusta, .Ga., August. 6 anu . 7, tenders company, a'1cl

41~dv;~/£z/4 JVl.

tgomery, Ala., with ·nment can't pay for e arms would. be paid

1fitchcll, J. B., Mobile, Ala., November 13, asks authority to raise a Company of T nfautry. Circular·X· enclosed in reply. .

}fitchcll, J. C. B., Montgomery, Ala., J nne 2±, wants to rat:;e a regimen~, armed with shot·guus or country rifle;;. Answered that rcgi· ment would be aecepied.

October 1, Yorktown, Va., as Lieutenant Colonel of 13t~ Alabam:1 Regiment, asb authority to raise a regiment 1n Alabama. An· swered that a reo·iment for the war woulu be accepted.

~Iitchcll, John H., and "others, Zebulon, Pike County, Ga., tender com· pany. Not accepted.

Mitchell, R. D.-See McGruder, E. J . Mitchell, W. H., Captain, Gainesville, Ga., May 27. tenders company

for the war. Not received unless fully armed equipped. . 1foer, Jno. L., Griffin, Ga., May 20, tenders company. Acccpteu 1f

equipped and ai·mcd.

~71 ~dL; /J:•/ (ij

Moncure, .• J. D., ex-cadet, Garrisonville, Va., (no elate,) want.s to rmse a company agmnst depredators in northeastern Virginia.

~f Answered that company would be accepted if armed. - onserrat, G. eo. ~-: _Captam, Memphis, Tenn., October. 31, want:; to join

Geneial Ca11oll w1th three Artiile•-y compamcs. No answer recorded.

Monroe, A ., Ooloucl, Romne.v, Va., October 17, proposed. to or'{anize r{ batt.'l.l!On or regiment for local defense .. Answered by Circular,'.,. anJ recommended to m1se Volnnteers mstoad of local defense troops.

Montgomery, F. A., Captain, ~fay 16 tenders services of his corps h B I. ']' . ) . ,

_ t e __ o JVar ro~pcr~ ... ~o answ?r r~c?rd~~· )mpany, to fur·

// / - /(} // S.c. Answered

L:/?fV'kl'_/vrh'r7 . ..V: ~ / a n Artillery bat· ~ tahon of,LJs and Cnptmn Kent's.eompanies. (Filed.) -foody, G. R. \•., Port Gibson, May 13, can raise a company of Irish

1 laborers for the rcgn lar army. Accepted if for the war.

foody, G. W., VICksburg, M•ss.,. June 14, reports company ready, and wants cornmmRion as Lieutenant Colonel anu anthon tv to

1 muster m battalion. Request not urantcd. ' "

1oocly, Y. M., Captni~, Marengo Rifles, Linden, Ala., May 27, tenders a, co~1pany.. Not accepted unleBs armed and equipped. Sec Grac•e, A., Jr.

Moore, B. G., 6th Alabama Regimeni, December 20, has raised a com­pany of twelve-months: men to serve a;; Artillery. Answered that no company of Artillery would be J·eccivcd for a less period

1 than the war. Ctrculur ~- sent l1im.

foore, B. R., Salisbury, N. C., July 1o, tenders a Cavalry company. Accepter!.

1ro01·e, D.D., vV. S. Maxey, and J. Cleveland, New Orleans, La., }fay 9, report two compames of Volunteers from Polk County as there at their own expense, and want to be mustered in. ~0 answer of record.

1roore, J~sse F.~ Mt. Airy, N. C., August 31, tenders Cavalry company for twehe months. Answered that the Government could not

). arm Jt. ·foore, John L., Gr~ffin, Ga., April 29, tenders services of company to

go to Texas. May 27, o.ITers company or battalion, if furnished with arms. Ko

1 answer to etther.

[oore, J. W., Captain, Mnrfreesborough, 1\. C., Kovember 8, wants a~su.rance that Government will equip his company as Light Artillery as soon as guns can be procmed. An;wered that guns would be fm:mshccl as soon as possible, but uo assurance

A could be gtven as to when. ·1oore, Robc•·t, by Stephen D. Moore, of Kentucky, has raiseu com ­

pany, but cannot get out of the State. Suggested that he pro­ceed with h1s company to the nearest point contiguous to the Confederate StaLes.

OJ CD Ill ....

"C 0 Ill Ill C"' Ci)

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,T Lllle 1, offers a battalion of Infantry. ~ ot accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

Miller, Cha8. W., Marion Court-house, April 25, says he can raise in that part of South Car·olina a company or even a regiment i! needed. No anRwcr recorded:

Miller, Jno. II., Captain, Pontotoc, }fi:;s., April 27, tenders services of his company, the Pontotoc Dmgoons. No answer recordeu.

Miller, W., Captain, Pensacola, Fla., April 30, tenuers company. l'\ot accepted.

Mny 8, }fontgomery, Ala., renews tender of company !rom Florida. No answer.

:Miller, W m. G., July 22, is about to raise company" for Wi8e'8 brigade and ask8 q ue,tion" nr;Jo>.l \

Millsaps, Jackson, Tiro pany soon.

July 6, tenders th war.

July 22, o1Iers company. Accepted if armed and increased to sixty-fonr men.

Miltenberger, James, by Yajor H. St. Paul, Centreville, Va., Novem­ber 17, asb authority to raise a company or battalion. An­swered.tbat no authority was needed. Circular* enclosed.

Mirns, C. B., and G. A. Smith, Colnmbu~, --, May 23, can make up company to repair at once to Pensacola, and ask if they shall--. Answer not of record.

Minter, il.. S., Captain, Company "C," 28th Virginia Regiment, Centre­ville, Va., December 16, a8ks permit to re-enlist his company as Artillery, to serve for two years or the war. Answereu that permit to change his company to Artillery could not be given. ·

Minter, J. A., Augusta, Ga., August 6 anu 7, tenders company, and can arm it with shot-guns. Accepted.

September 2, reports his company at Montgomery, Ala., with seventy-five shot-guns, and asks if Government can't pay for them in bond or notes. .Answered that the arms woultl be paid for.

Mitchell, J. B., Mobile, Ala., November 13, asks authority to raise a Company of Infantry. Circular* enclosed in reply. .

Mitchell, J. C. B., Yontgomery, Ala., June 24, wants to rmse a regtment, armed with shot-guns or country rifles. Answeretl that regi­ment would be accepted.

October 1, Yorktown, V a., as Lieutenant Colonel of 13th Alabama Regiment, asks authority to mise a regiment in Alabama. An­swered that a regiment for the war would be accepted.

}Iitchell, John H., and others, Zebulon, Pike County, Ga., tender com· pany. Not accepted.

Mitchell, R. D.-See McGruder, E. J. Mitchell, W. H., Captain, Gainesville, Ga., May 2'7, tenders compan)'

for the war. Not receivetl unless fully armetl equippetl. Moer, J no. L., Griffin, Ga., }fay 20, tenders company. Accepted if

equipped and ai·med.


Moncure,_ J. D., ex-cadet, Garri~onville, Va., (no date,) wants to raise a compa.ny' against depreuators in northeastern \Tirginia. Answered that company would be accepted if armed.

Mon;errat, Geo. ll., Captain, Memphis, Tenn., October 31, wants to join General Carroll with tlnee Artillery companies. No answer recorded.

Monroe, A ., Colonel, Romney, Va., October 17, proposed. to organize a battahon or regiment for local defense. Answered by Circular,* and recommended to mise Volunteers instead of local defense troops.

Montgomery, F. A., Captain, .Mav 16, tenders services oi his corps the Bolivar 'l'rooper;;. ~ o ·'answer recorded. '

June 16, rcport8 tlmt be bas raisccl ari Artillery company, to fur· 111::>h $20,000 worth of horses, and wants battery. &c. Answered by asking if he has guns. ·

Richmond, Va:, September· 9, proposes to form an .lu-tillery b~tt· tahon of hrs am! Ct~ptnin Kent's companies. (J:r'iled.)

Moody, G. R V., Port Gibson, May 13, can rmse a company of Irish laborers for the regular army. Accepted if for the wm·.

Moody, G. W., Vicksburg, Miss.,. Jnne 14, reports company roa.dy, and wants eommm;IOn as Lreutenant Colonel and authonty to muster in battalion. Rc(jncst not granted. ' ·

Moody, Y. M., Captain, Yarengo ltifles, Lindon, Ala., May 27, tenders a COI_npuny._ .Not accepted unless armed anti equipped. See Grac10, A., Jl"· .

Moore, B. G., 6th Alabama Regiment, December 20, has raisetl a com­pany of twelve-months: men to serve as Artillery. Answered that no company of Art1llery would be received for a less period than tLe war. Circular* sent him.

lioore, B. R., Salisbury, N. C., July 19, tenders a Cavalry company. Accepted.

~Ioore, D. D., W. S. Maxey, ::nu J. Cleveland, Kew Orleans, La., May 9, report two compamcs of Volunteers from Polk County as there at then· own expense, and want to be musteretl in. No answer of rccorrl.

M:oore, Jesse F., Mt. Airy, N. C., 1\ ngnst 31, tenders Cavalry company for twelve months. Answereu that the Government could not arrn it.

1Ioore, John L., Griffin, Ga., April 29, tenders sen-ices of company to go to 'l.'exas.

May 27, offers company or battalion, if furnished with arms. No answer to either.

1Ioore, J. W., Captain. :Jlurfreesbor-ough, K. C., November 8, wants assurance that Government will cqnip his company as Light Artillery as soon as gnns can be procured. Answered that guns would be Iur;tished as soon as possible but no assurance

J coulu be given ns to when. ' ,foore, Robert, by Stephen D. Moore. of Kentuckv has raised com­

pany, ~ut eannot get out oi the. State. Sugg~sted that be pro­ceed with his company to the neareot point contiguous to the Confederate State~.

m (1) til -

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Moore, Sydcnham, lion., Greensborough, Ala., May 11, urges Presi­dent to accept his regiment for twelve mr.>nths. Accepted if for the war.

June 8, reports regiment completed, and wants orders. Ordered to Lynchbmg. .

Moore, S.D. .J., Woodville, Ala., May 1, offers serv1ces to the Confed­erate States in any capacity, saying he could raise a regiment in two months. Answered that position in the regular army could uot be given him, and that regimcntq must be offered through the Governor of the State.

July 19, asks if an armed regiment would be received for twelve months. Answe1·ed that 1t would.

September 13, reports · that he wns defeated in raising au armed regiment by the report that Colonel llumphreys was receiving men for twelve months. (Filed.)

MorHP"nP. W. (;._ Ed!re6el£l Court-house, S.C .. July 29, asks cornmis· Answered that no v-i? V?4'.:Ut// A" 4. ;z_. ? te regiment, if raised,

/ / , >uld be accepted. .... ~--~b-ul ~· ~· , ~w~~~~.._.. ...... ...,., ~·, ---·o··-w --7 r poses to raise a regi-

ment in Louisiana, purely of companies already raiscu. Accepted unarmed, if for the war, and staLing that regiment must bemus­tered as a whole to entitle it to the election of field officers.

Morgan, R. C., Memphis, Tenn., -~pril 13, asks if his company is accepted. R o answer recorued.

Morgan, St. Clair, Kashville, Tenu., JL1ne 5, reports company of Ken· tuckians going to Hat·per's Ferry, and asks if Virginia will fur· nish arms. No answer recorded.

Morris, B., Captain, Clayton, Ala., 1"ugust 3, tenders company, the ( S :.!.C-1.\~ \ ~Guard, equipped a~1d rcaoy for service. Accepted.

Morris, John D., of Kentucky, recommended by V. K. Stevenson, pro· poses to raise regiment. (Filed.)

Morrison, James J., Montgomery, Ala., 30, proposes to raise a battalion o£ Rangers. (Filed .. )

Atlanta, Ga., J nne 14, reports his regiment formeu and offered according to instructions. Answered that unarrneu regiments could not be received.

Morrison, '-.'V. W., Rev., Chambers County, Aln., August 31, asks authority to raise a regiment. Answered that a regiment would be accepted if fully armed. .

Morrison, Uaptain, Rome, Ga., through Hon. A. R. Wright, offers a bat­talion oi picked men. Answered that Cavalry was not require~, but if oiTered as Infantry the propo~[tion would be cousidered­

::M:orse, Joshua, Butler, Ala., tenuers a company for twelve months, . armed. Accepteu,

:Mosel_y, :0r. P.-See Smith, B. B. Molt, C. H., and L. Q. C. L[lmar, Holly Springs, Miss., May 21, saY

their regiment can ~oon be corn plete if authorized to muster companies in and place tLern in camp. Auswerecl that troops armed and equipped were received for twelve months, but arrll0

could only be furnished troops [or the \Var.

Mount, Chas. K, Captain, New Orleans, La., ,J nne 22, tenders company uniformed, but not arined. Kot accepted.

Mouton, Alf., New Orleans, La., August 15, has a company for the war, and wants it attached to Dreux's battalion. No answer reeorueu.

Moxley, W. M., New Providence, Ala., June 25, tenders company armed with rifles. Acccptc£1.

July 9, reports company organi?~ed and equipped, and wants orders. Accepteu and ordered to MontgomCJ·y, if armed.

Muldrow, R, Captain, 'l'ibbee :Station, Mi~s., A ngust 17 an£1 Septem­ber 6, tenders unarmed Cavalry company for the war. Kot accepted.

Mullane, P. A., Captain, Richmond, Va., September 9, offers to furnish from three to five companies from Kentucky, if they can be mustered at once. (Filed.)

Murphy, V. S., l.fontgornery, Ala., July 29, tenders one hundred un­armed men for the war. No answer recorded.

Murray, A. D.-See Wardlaw, J. C. Myers, G. W., Richmond, Va., August 13, offers Cavalry company, if

Government will pay bonds for horses. Answered the Govern-

4 .nd E. B. Mantor,

/ . .// ~-1 rlund and the bor-~ T~-wb ~- J V', .rmed. Accepted.

.. . • • w , if a corps of Sap· pers and Miners will be accepted. Answer, "Not needed."

Myers, '1'. J., Captain, Company" Ff," lst Tflorida Volunteers, Wan·ing-ton, Fla., Augnst 7, has raised two mounted companies lor the war, and asks the discharge of the men in 1st Florida Regiment. (Filed.)

Nager, E., Decatnr, Ala., June 14-, proposes to bring company of one l.. ... cl_,,l =;+]., l-.rw_,pq A n,;wcrcd that Cavalrv was not accepted,

v~~ G--~rtr 7-7, uthority _to raise ///- / • crcd by C1rcular.*

~·w·J, ~~ ~., ~- ~- "---·--, ...... _ • rongh E. W. Up-shaw, of Tenne8see, offer a battalion. Answered that in the event oi a call for Volunteers the application would receive attention.

Neilson, E. R., Capk~in, Mitchell's Cross-Roads, .July 28, tender~ the Rayburn Rilles, unanneu, for the war. (Filed.)

Nelson, E. 0., Grand Junction, Miss., July 26, has Cavalry company in Tallahassee County, Miss., organiL:ed tmcl asks instructions. Directed to report to Go;·ernor Pettus.

Newell, Lionel C., and others, Charleston, S.C., Jtt1y 12, a committee to tender a battalion of Horse or Mounted Artillery commandeu by Colonel E. B. White. Accepted on condition the Governor consents.

Newman, 'l'az. Yv., Kashville, Tenn., April 30, tenuers a regiment. No answer recorded.

Newton, Robt .. Little Rock, Ark, April 29. ash if r<'gimcut will be accepted aucl armed. Auowered, "Not just now."

OJ CD t/1 -"C 0 t/1 t/1 C" CD

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Moore, Syclcnham, lion., Greensborough, .Ala., May 11, urges Presl­dent to accept his regiment for twelve mouths. .Accepted if for the war.

June 8, reports regimenteompleted, and wants orders. Ordered to Lvnchbmg.

Moore, s: D. J., vVoodvillc, A Ia., May 1, offers services to the Confcrl­eraie States in any capacity, saying he COLllcl mi~c a regiment in two months. .AnswcreLl that po~ition in the regular army could not be given him, ::~nd that regiments must be offered through the Governor of the State.

July J 9, a~ks if an armed regiment would be received for twelve months. AnswereJ that it would.

September 13, reports- that he was defeated in raising an armed regiment by the report that Colonel Humphreys was receiving men for twelve months. (Filed.)

Moragne, W. C., Edgefield Court-house, S.C., July 29, asks commis­sion to mise regiwent of Light Artillery. Answered that no such commission could be granted, but the regiment, if raised, organized, and provided with batteries, would be accepted.

Morgan, P. H., Richmond, Va., August 20, proposes to raise a regi­ment in Louisiana, partly of companies already raiseu. Accepted unarmed, if for the war, and stating thai regiment must bemus­tered as a whole to entitle it to the election of fielLl oJlkers.

Morgan, R. C., Memphis, Tenn., .April 13, asks if his cOmiJany is accepted. ::"! o answer rccorueJ.

Morgan, St. Clair. Nashville, 'l'enn., ,June 5, reports company oi Ken­tuckians going to llarper's Ferry, and asks if Virginia will fur­nish arm~. No answer recordeu.

Morris, B., Captain, Clayton, Ala., Augmt 3, t enders company, the ~Guard, equipped a~Hl reatly for service. Accepted.

Morris, .John D., of Kentucky, recommended bv V. K. S.tPvPnoAn

poses to rai~e re · Morrison, James J ., .M, of Rar At.!anta, Ga., J un<

according to i.nstructwns. Answered that unarmed regiments coulrl not be received.

Morrison, W. W., Rev., Cl:tambers County, Ala., August 31, asks authority to raise a regiment. Answered thai a regiment would be accepted if fully armed.

Morrison, Captain, Rome, Ga.., through Ron. A. R. Wright, offers a bat­talion of pick ell men. Answered that Cavalry wa; not req uiret!, but if offel'ed as Iniantry the propo;ition woul<l be consitlered.

MOTse, Joshua, Butler, Ala., tenders a company (or twelve months, armed. Accepted,

Mosely, N. P.-Sce Smith, B. B. Mott, C. H., and L. Q. C. Lamar, Jiolly Springs, Miss., May 21, saY

their regiment can soon be complete if authorize<l to muster companies in and plaee them in uam p. Answered thn.t troops armed and equipped were received for twcl ve months, hnt ann" could only be ful'llishm1 troopR for the War.


Mount, Cbas. E., Captain, New Orleans, La., ,J unc 22, tenders company nniformcd, but not a.rmed. Rot accepted.

Mouton, Alf., New Orlean;, La., August 15, has a company for the war, and wants it attache<l to Dreux's battalion. No answer recorded.

Moxley, W. M., Kew Providence, Ala., June 25, tenders company armed with rifles.

July 9, reports company organized and equipped, and wanLs oruers. Accepted anJ ordered to Montgomery, if armed.

Muldrow, R, Capt::~in, Tibuee Station, Ilfiss., Angust 17 and Septem­ber 6, lenders unarmed Cavalry company Lor the war. Not accepted.

Mullane, P. A., Captain, Hichmond, Va., September 9, oiier,; to furnish from three to five companies from Kentucky, if they can be mu,;tereJ at once. (l<'ilcd.)

~furphy, V_ S., ~fontgonl('ry, A ln., July 29, tenders one hundred un­armed men for the wn.r. No answer recorded.

Murray, A. D.- See W m\llaw, J. C. Myer,;, G. W., Richmond, Va., August 13, oiiers Cav::~lry company, if

Government will pay bonds for horses. Answered the Govem­ment docs not furnish horses to Cavalry. And !<). TI. ).fantor, afterwards offerer] Cavalry uompuny from Maryland and the bor­der conntics of Virginia, mounted, but not armed. Accepted.

Myers, Octavius C., Savannah, Ga., August 19, asks if n corps of Sap­pers and Miners will be accepted. Answer, ".Not needed."

Myers, '1'. J., Captain, Company" H," 1st Floriua Volunteers, Warring­ton, l<'la., August ·7, has raised two mounted companies for the war, and asks Lhe di~clmrge of the men in 1st Florida Reaiment. (Filed.) "'

Nager, 1~., Decatur, Ala.., June 14, proposes to bring compnnv of one hunclrecl, with hor~es. Answered that Cavalry was not accepted, and Inbntry must be armed.

'~eale, W .. T., WesL Point, Ark., October 12, asks au.thority to raise reg1ment of Infantry for twelve months. An"'11ered by Circular.*

Neely, R. P., T. P. James, and A. W. Campbell, through E. W. Up­shaw, of Teunc,;se<', ofier n battalion. Answered that in the event of a eall for Volunteers the application woLtld receive attention.

Neilson, E. R., Captain, Mitchell's Cross-Roads, July 28, tenders the Rayburn Hif!cs, unarmed, for the war. (Filed.)

Nelson,. E. 0., Grun<l ,Junction, Miss., July 26, ha'l Cavalry company m Tallahassee County, Miss., organi:<~oo am! ask:s instruction". Directe<l to report to Governor PeltLlS.

Newell, Lionel C., rtn<l others, Charleston, S. C., July 12, a committee to tender a hattalion of liorse or Monnted A rtille1·y commancleJ by Colonel E. l3. White. Auuepte<l on condition the Governor con~cnts.

Newman, 'l'a7.. W., Nashville, Tenn., April 30, tenders a regiment. )l'o answer recol'llcd.

Newton, H.oht.. J,itLlc Hock, Ark, April 2(), ash if r<'gimcni will be accepted aml armed. .\ JJswercLl, ''Not just now"

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Xicholson, E.· P., Dallas, Tex., September 17, tenders company of Infantry. Answered that a company would be accepted If organized.

Nierrmn, S. H., lOth Arkansas Regiment, Camp Bcamcf(ard, Ky., November 20, will raise a company of L1ght Art!llery, and clothe it at his own expense, ii :111thori:oed, and appomtetl 1st Lientenant. Cimnlnr* enclosed ancl answered that Govern-ment could not snpp!y a batter_y. . .

Nisbet, M. C., Hawesville, Ky, April16, offers senrtces of htmself_and one hundred rneu. An~wered. that the tune has not arnved for the acceptance of troops from States out~iclc the coufedcmcy, and advi8cd to hold. himself in readiness.

Nix, S. J. W., Captain, Liberty GL1ards, o£ Amite County, }.1iss., tenders company forthe war. Acce1;t,P;d. · . .

Nolan T. F. Captmn. Company "h, 3d Arkansas Hcgtmcnt, Htch­, mono: Va., September 2b. nmnn""" t .. •·ni~P 1\.rtillery company, ·' ~ ~a that no A rttllery

-(_ / / / a its own batterv. vrpy/-.,?7-t/ /~f'CV t:J. ~c 19, ton(lcrs the

/ / , but not armed. ACCepted. .

Norton, .T. C., Red Clay, G:~. October 15, says a comp:wy could be mised if they would be permitted to serve on the coast durmg the winter. Amwered by Cireular."* . .

N01ton, L., oi 1\fonroe, l.a .. , Vicksbnrg, Mi~s., :\fay 31, asks 1I Arh~l~ry comprtny will be accepted for the war. Accepted on condttwn that it has a battery.

Norwood, L. C., Columbus, Ga., June 10, tenders unarmed company for the war. Not accepted.

June 2o, tenders the Whitesville Guards, armed and for the war. Accepted.

Nnnn, D. A., Crockett, Tex., ,T uly 22, proposes to raise company of Cavalry, armed with shot-gun1~ and ptstols, for scrvtce,l~ 1!1~· sout·i and savs be can raise five hundretl men for battalion, 1f prefe;Tecl. (File<l) . . . .

N unnerlce, S. :F., Eutaw, Ala., May 21, 1s rmsmg company for the war, and asks certain questions.

Oates, S. K., Cherokee, Ala., June 20, tenders company. Accepted if armed with country rifles.

Ochiltree, W. B., of 'l'cxas, J\fontgomcTy, Ala., May 6, offers a com­pany from Texas, now in New Orleans. (Filed.)

December 3, asks permit Ior himself anu David B. ~ulberson, of Texas, to raise a regiment. Answered by Ci:rcular.* Sec Water­hons~. Hicharcl.

O'Daniel, Wrr1. D., Carrollton, Ala., June 18, asks authority to raise a comprmy of Mounted Rangers. .Answercxl that mounted troops ot·ganizcd at a point so remote from the scene of operations were not needed.

Odin, .J. P., :Fayetteville, Ala., May 28, propo,;e:; to mise gucri.lla com­pany. Answered thai guerillas could not be accepted, and tltut 110 troops were recci veLl unless fully arm eel.


Offutt, X, Xew Orleans, La., May 16, tenders company of one hundred and twenty men. Accepted if for the war.

Orlis, H. C., Captain, ~ew Qrlmm~, I1~., May 10, tenders company, the Claibnrne Guards. No answer recorded.

Ot-r, James L., lion., Anderson, S. C., May 29, will raise a 1·egiment for tl1e w:u· if noon..nrl ' 1

' • ~'".; Colonel will be

/12-t?~/ K \\{>;;Xit> 7 . 'epted, if arrned

-- -/ 1

·- - .. .~ u:u~t: anotber rcg1mcnt and form a bn~adc, and want.s five hnnclred arms. Answered that another regtmeut would be accepted if orgauize<l, hut no promise of arm~ or of brigade organization coultl be rnadc.

O'~eal, K A., Athcus, Ala., April 17, tenders regiment. No answer record eel.

Florence, Ala., Jnnc 3, tenders a compauy. Accepted. O'~eil. IT. '1' .. Caritain, Vicksburg, Miss., Augnst 1!\, asks if a company

'of lnf,{ntry wlll be aeecpted. Answered, "~o." Owen, n. :F., Ala., asks if he can get arms if he raises a company.

Au~wored that a company could not be received unless armed. Owens, T. 1<'., Norfolk, Decmnber 16, asks if be may be authorized to

raise a company for home defense. Circular* seut him and tender of company declined, but informe<l that company oi Volunteers would be received., if arrned:mu equipped, for twelve months; if not, !or the war.

Owens, W. A., Captain, by Governor M. S. Perry, of lflorida, tenders compnny of Cavalry. X o anower recorded.

Page, P. D., 11ontgomery, Ala., .1unc (), pwposes to raise company. Accepted if for the war, anrl armed ami eq LLipped.

Palmer. J no. T .. Lumpkin, Ga .. July 1, oliers company. Accepted for

•lain's commission Ionths. Answered

Parsone, J\1 . .M.-~ee l.J1ndsey, D. ll. Parr, J •. J., Atlanta, Ga., August 8, tenders company !or the war, and

· .. ...~.. ~ ~ow,-.,.,;j "f1nmnanv will be accepted for the war.

::LLu; ,/r~~ :Z../;" mpanywill he be Huu ~~uvu n 1 vu a.• ............................... _ _ _ not be £urn ished.

Patrick, M. :\1., Memphis, Tenn., April13, tenders the CrocketRangers. X o answer recon.led.

April 16, renews the tender by telegraph. Directed to confer with General Pi !low on the sn bjcct.

Patton, A. IT .. Lieutenant, Company "E," 18th Georgia Regiment, Dumft·ics, Va., December 15, asks if his resignation would be accept<•cl, to take of a Cavalry coJJlpany raitied in Oeorgia, and ott what tcrmo such company would be received. Answered that his resignation would be on evideu~;e o£ !tis election to the Captaincy of the company. Company WOLlld be received, armed and equippeu, if for the war.

m <D (/j -"C 0 (/j (/j

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}';lCholson, E. P, Dallas, Tex., September 17, terul crs company <~[ Infantry. AnRwered that a company would be accepted rf organizcci. .

N ieman, S. H., lOth Arkansas Reg1ment, Cam]J Beaure?'ard, Ky., November 20, will mise a company of L1ght Art1llory, and clothe it at his own expense, if allthorized, and appomted 1st Lieutenant. Cireular* enclosed and answered that Govern-ment could not sllpply a battery. . .

Nisbet, M. C., Ilawesville, Ky, April16, offers set'Vlces of h11nselfand one hnmlred men. Answered that the tJme has not arnved for the acceptance of troops from States outside the confederacy, and ad,·ised to hold himself in rea<liness.

Nix, S. J. W., Capk', Liberty Guards, of Amite County, }!iss., tenders com pan v for the war. Accepted. · . .

Nolun, T. F., Captain, Col!lpany "E," 3d ..t\..rkansas Regtment, RICh· monel, V a., Septem bcr 2~, proposes to rmse Art1llcry comrnny, the G overnmeut to furnish battery. Answered that no A rt1llery company could be received, unless furnishing its own batteTy.

Noland, T.V., b.Y \V. Brooke, Vtehburg, M.s,;., June 19, tender;; the 'VVarren Volunteers for the war, eqmppecl, but not armed. Accepted.

Norton, .J. C., Red Clay, Ga. . Octoue~ 15, says a company could be raised if they would be pcrmlttcd to serve on the coast durmcr the winter. Answered by Ctrculu r:·' . .

Norton, L., of :Monroe, La., Vicksburg, Miss., May 31, asks if Artillery rompany will be accepted lor the war. Accepted on condttLon that it has a battery.

Norwood, L. C., Colnmbti~, Ga, June 10, tenders unarmed company for the war. Not accepted.

J unc 26, tenders the 'Whitesville Guards, arme(l and for the war. Aceepted.

X nun, D. A., Crockett, 'l Cavalry, armed w souri, and says he prefclTerl. (File<l., . . .

Nuunerlcc, S. F., Eutaw, Ala., May 21, 1s rarsmg company for the war, and nsks certain ... . ..: ..•

Oates, S. K., Cherokee, arme<l with conn·

Ochiltree, \V. B., o[ Te pany from 'rcxas, 11u_"~ 1n J"~~"" vnL·am::~. \Y ,_n.::u_:)

December 3, asb permtt for lmnself anrl D~wtd B. ~?u!ben;on, ol Texas, to mise a regiment. Answered by Ct.rcular.~ See Water· hou~e, Richard. . .

O'Daniel, Wm. D., Carrollton, Ala., June 18, asks authonty to ratse a company o[ Mounted Rangers. .1\ nswercd tbat mounted troops organized at a point so remote from the scene of operatlOIJS were not needed.

Odin, .J. P., Fayetl.eville, Ala., Ma~ 28, proposes to mi,;c guerilla com· panv. Answered that guerillas could not be accepted, and that no troops were received unless fnlly armed.


Oiiutt, N., New Orleans, La., May 16, tenders company of one hundred and twenty men. A cccpted if for the war.

Orlis, H. C., Captain, New Qrleans, Ln., May 10, tenders company, the Claiborne G nards. No answer recorded.

Orr, James .L., Hon., Andereon, S. U., May 29, will raise a 1·cgiment for the war if assured the choice of the men for Colonel will be sanctioned. Answered regiment would be accepted, if armed and ~quipped, with its own offi<:crs.

July 26, rejJOrts his regiment mustered. Oetohcr 8, asks aulhorit.y to raise another regiment and form a

brigade, an<l wants five hundred :mns. Answered that another regiment would he accepted if organized, but no promise of anns or of brigade orgnni~ation could be made.

O'X eal, E. A., Athens, .Ala., April 17, tenders Tegirnent. No answer recorded.

Florence, Ala., .June 3, tenders a company. Accepted. O'Neil, H. 'l'., Captain, Vickshtu-g, Miss., August 19, asks if a company

of Infantry will be accepted. Answered," No." Owen, R. 1<'., 1\.la., asks if he can get arms if he raises a compan.J.

Answere<l that a company could not be received unlc:;s nrrned. Owens, T. F ., Norfolk, December 16, asks if he rnav he authorized to

mise a company for horne defense. Circuiar·X· sent him and tender of comp:1.ny declined, b].lt informed that company ui Volnntccrs would be received, if armed and equipped, for twch'e months; i( not, for the war.

Owens, W . A., Captain, by Governor 11. S. Perr.J, of Florida, tenders company of Cavalry. No answer recorded.

Page, P. D., 1Iontgomery, Ala., June 9, pwpo~es to raise company. Aceeptcd if for the war, and armed and equipped.

Palmer, Jno. T., Lumpkin, Ga., July 1, offers company. Accepted for the war if armed and ec1ui pped.

Paine, J. G., Aberdeen, Miss., October 12, m;ks Captain's commission to organize an I rtfantry company for twelve months. Answered b.y Circular:* •

Parsons, J\.1. M.-See LindRey, D. ll. Purr, L .• T., Atlanta, Ga., August 8, tonrlcrs company for the war, and

w:mts arms. Answered, •· Com pan.)' will be accepted for the war. Government has no arms. "

Parr, L. G.-See Lee, G. W. .Pate,Wrn. D., l'cytonia,Ya., June 24, asks if he raises company will he be

furnished with at·ms. Answered that arms could not be furnished. Patrick, M. M., MemphiH, 'T'enn., } .. pril13, tenders the CrockctHangcrs.

No an,;wer l'ecor<.led. April 16, renews the tender by telegraph. Directed to confer with

General Pillow on the &tl bjcct. Patton, A. II., Lieutenant, Con1pany "'11:," 18th Georgia Hegiment,

Dumfries, Va, December 15, asks if his resignation would be accepted, to take commarul of a Cavalry company raised i 11

G-eorgia, and 011 what terms such cornp:wy woul<l be received. 1\..nswered that bis resignation would be accepted on evidence of his election to the Captaincy of tho company. Company would be received, armed and cquippetl, if for the war.

I]] (D Ul r+

"C 0 Ul Ul

~ (D

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Patton, \V m. S., }!arion, Miss., }fay 22, wishes to know on what con­<htLOilS Y oluntecrs will be rece1ved. Answered that companies arming thcm~clves woulll be a~cepted for twelve monthB ; if unarmed, must o.O:er for three years.

August 18, asks authority to raise a regiment. Granted on condition that the regiment is organized and tendered for tho war.

Patterson, A . .1:'1..., 'l'alladega, Ala., Angust 19, tenders a company, the Hillabee HighlanderA. Answered that no troops for twelve month;; l"cceived unless fully armed and equipped.

Patterson, D. T., Captain, Kosciu,ko, :Miss., June 22, tenders full com· puny [or the war. Not accepted, unless armed and equipped.

Pattensou, W. C., Captain, Sylacauga, Ala., October 3, tenders a Cav· airy company for one year, armed and cqniiJped for coast ser­vice. Accepted on condition of its being approved by the General commanding the Department.

Patterson, Jamc.s v.r, Captain, Lowndes County, Ga., through R. A. Patterson, tenders a compan_y. No answer recorded.

Patterson, Geore;e, Memphis, 'l'enn., April 19, has organized several companies of a regiment, which he offer~. Accepted 1f for the regular army; if not, he is referred to the Governor of Ten· nessee.

Patton, R. }f.-Sec Haney, Captain. Pearce, N. B., Geneml, Fort Smith, Ark., September 18, is engaged in

raising troops for three years or the war. (File<.!.) l'cck, W. R., of 1Jadison l'arish, La., New Orleans, La., Juue 5, ten­

ders company for the war. Directed to have company r.ous· tcred iu aud to proceed to Richmond.

June 9, hu offer;; a fine company, unarmed. 1\ nswcrcd that the Department had not arms to furnish.

Peck. Willinm T. f'An"~·- " T • - raise one hundred

p~ v! / 7' 7. 1 Governor A. B.

!._ -·"v ' "':fi~ w'r tms purpose. Not gmut~~-ny of rilles, and Pendleton, K II., 18th Virginia H,egirnent, Centreville, Va., December

- · • serve for twelve ~" _,{ '7 / // receive a fudough

'/U/~ c/7~ ?Vf. /~·-- ... o·~:~~~~~~-~~pany l>ercy, \7\f. A., "Vicksburg. }[iss., June 17, tenders company, armed with

· flint-lock guns. Not accepted unless armed, eq uippcd, and for the war.

Perkins, 1. X, and l\f. L. Woods. lli0hm"nrl

Ylyr~/ /;7' '<>~ Va., Sepember 11, cepted foL" the war, oized and tendered

1, Ga., August 12, Lt:JJuur" cornp>m.Y 01 v'walry. \l!"lled.)

Peronnean, W. R., Captain, ---, S. C., and otbel"~, rcc:ommende<l , by Governor Pickens and General Anderson, desire to rai~c Artillery company. No answer fouml.


Perrin, A. M., Edgeflel<l, S. C., May 5, offers company of riOemeu. l' Answered, May 10, that no definite answer could then be given. perry, M. S.,_Governor.-Sne Owens, \7\f. A.

erryman, "'· W., New Market, S. C., March 20, offer~ services of eompany for twelve months. lie is referred to the Governor of South Carolina.

Pettigr~;v, J . John:Jton, Colonel, 22cl Re15iment North Carolina State _..._. 1 '"""n·'· December 20, asks penmt to raise a regiment of In·

( ;J _ . / · · ' lapted to our / e~L;.~c... /) izcan. organi·

/ r~ 4 '. W. Pi ckens,

proposes to ratse a rcgnw.:::uv .I.JVIH l.ln .. ...., 1_.v .. ........ Jt companies. .An3wcrecl, "rr companie;; to the number of ten will offer fo•· the war, _they will be orgat~ized into a regiment and field officers appomted."

Pettus, lf. S., Captain, Morton, Miss., June 2, offers company. No arms. Not accepted unless armed, eq uippe<.i, and tendered for the war.

Philpot, Thos. W., Augusta, Ga., July 16, tenders compa,ny. An· swercd that the Government could not arm and equip his com-

Ph· . puny. . J!hp~, B. F., Memph1s,_ Tenn., Ma_r 2~. asks if com]x1ny will be

l cceiVecl for lrnme;hate serv1ce 1n v 1rgmm. An;;wered that a company of not less than sixty-four men, armed, equipped, and

. . for the war, would be accepted. Phl!hps, C. W., Captain, by W. A. Broauwell, ~cw Orleans, r~a.,

.August 22, has Cavalry compan.r 10 Ouachita Parish, equipped and ready for sen•JCe, and wants 1t accepted. Accepted if armed and eq mpped.

.August 2±, reports his company armed and equipped, and awaiting mders.

Phillips, G. A.1 Louisville, Ky., proposes to raise a battalion of five compames. AeceJlted if armed anll equipped. Arms and equip­

p . . ments to be pa•d lor ancl transportatwn to l.Je furnished. h1lhps,P. J., Columbus, Ga., September 7, refers to Iormertcnrler by

lnm~eli anu Judge C•·awford of a regiment for twelve-months' scrv1ee, and asks as to payment for arms. Answered that if General Lawton accepts the regiment the Government will pay for arms.

October ~0, is mising_ a regiment for the coast defense, anu want~ to recmve _the Harns County Gnat·cls into it. Answered that no company m the army for general service could be received into

p .. a reg1rnent for spccinl service. h1lltps, P. L., Lieutenant, l'rnsaeola, Fla., December 27, proposes to

ra1se a c:m1pan.\'. for the war from the 8th Mississippi Regiment. p . . Cn·cular'•. sent h1m.

hlllips, Wm. S., Colonel, 2d Regiment Georgia State Forces, Sa,•an­nnb, Ga., August 12, desires permit to raise a regime~Jt of Infantry.

Page 76: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf

Patton, IV m. S., Marion, }[i~s., May 22, wishes to know on what con­ditions Volunteers will be received. A nswcred that comp:mies arming tbem.elves would be a~ceptecl for twelve months; if unarmed, must offer for three years.

August 18, asks authority to raise a regiment. Granted on condition that the regiment is organi7.ed and tendered for the war.

Pattemon, A . A., 'L'alladega, Ala., .August 19, tenders a company, the Hillahee Highhndcrs. Answered that no troops for twelve months received Lttiles~ fully armed and equipped. .

Patterson, D. T., Captain, Kosciusko, .Miss., June 22, tenrlcrR full com­pany for the war. Not accepted, nnlc'"R armed and equipped.

Patter~ou, W. C., Captain, Sylacauga, Ala., October 3, tenders a Cav­alry company for one year, armed ancl equipped for eoast ser­vice. Accepted on condition of its being approved by the General commanuing the Department.

Patter;on, James W., Capt.'lin, Lowndes County, Ga., through R. A. Patterson, teuders a company. ::'-To answe·r recorded.

Patter:>on, Georc;o, Memphis, 'l'enn.,, April 19, haa organize? several oomtJanies o[ a reg1ment,, wh10h he offers. Accepted 1f for the regular army; if not, he i~ referred to the Governor of Ten­nessee.

Patton, R. M.-Sce Ilaney, Captain. Pearce, N. B., General, Fort Smith, A1·k., September 18, is engaged in

rai~inn- troops for three years or the war. (Filed.) Peck, vV. K~ of Madison Par·ish, l,a., New Orleans, La., June 5, ten­

ders company for the war. Directed to hav:e company mus­tered iu and to proceed to Richmond.

June 9, he offers a fine eompany, unarmed. Answered that the Department had not arms to furnish.

Peek, William L., Conyers, Ga., June o, oiitll'S to raise one hundred scouts. No answer found.

Pelham, William, Ualhouu County, Ala., thmugh Governor A. B. }Ioore, .August 12, can raise and arm a company o( rille:>, and wants discharge for this pLU']J08e. Not granter].

Penilleton, E. H., 18th Virginia Regiment, Centreville, Va., December 5, proposes to rai,;e Artillery company, to serve for twelve months from April 1, 1862, the members to receive a furlough till that time. Circular* sent him and informed that company could not be accepted unless it furnished its own battery.

Percy, \V. A., Vicksburg, ~Ils:;., June 17, tenders company, a:rmed with 1l int·lock guns. Kot accepted. unless lmned, equipped, and for the war.

Perkino, I. N., and hl. L. ~Wood~. Richmond, Va., Sepembcr 11, ask if battalion of six comp:1nics will be accepted for the war, unarmed. Answered that tt battalion, orgtmi:,;ed and tendered for the war, will be accepted.

Perkins, N. J., Ctlptain, Cherokee Rangero, Canton, Ga., August 12, tendero eompany of Cavnlry. (Filccl.)

Pcronncan, W. II., Uaptaiu, ---, S. C., and other~, recommenclcd hy Govemm· T'ickens and General Anclcr;;on. desire to raise 1\rtillrry eompauy. No tUhwer fonnd.


l'enin, A. M., Eilgefielrl, S. C., .May 5, offers company of r·inemen. p Answered, May 10, that no rlcfinite answer could then be given

erry, }f. S .. Governor.-See Owens, W. A. . Perryman, IY. W ., New :Market, S. C., }larch 20, offers services of

company for twelve montLs. He is referred to tbe Governor of South Carolina.

Pettigrew, J. Johnston, Colonel, 22Ll Regiment North Carolina State 'l'roops, December 20, asks pc1·mit to raise a regiment of In-

( fa~tt·y upon the French. s.vstom, with changes adapted to our / own. Answered that e.:ustmg laws drclnot recognize an organi­

zatJon o[ that kinrl. ;ttigrew, Colonel, of S. C., recommended by Governor F. W. Pickens

pr-oposes to raise a regiment from independent companies: Answered, "If companies to the number of ten will o!Ier for the war, .they will be organized into a regiment and field officer,; a~pomtcd."

Pettus, '· S., Captain, Morton, ~fiss., June 2, offers company. No arms. Not accepted unless armed, equipped, and tendered for tho war.

Philpot, ?'hos. W., Aupusta, Ga., July 16, tenders company. An­swered that the Government could not arm and equip his com­pany.

Phillips, ,n. F., Memphis,, Tenn., }faJ: 21,. asks if company will be receJVed for 1mmedmte service m Vu·g1n1a. Answered that a company of not less than sixty-four men, armed, equipped, and

. . for the war, would be accepted. Plulhps, C. Y¥9. Captain, by W. A. Broadwell, New Orlean~, La.,

August ~2, has Cavalry compan.l:" m 0Lmchita Parish, equipped and ready for serviCe, and wants 1t accepted. Accepted if armed and eq mppcd.

August 2±, reports his company armeil and equipped, and awaiting orders.

I'lrillips, G. ~\. 1 Louisville, Ky., proposes to raise a battalion of live conrpames. Accei:ted1f armed and eqlllppecl. Arms and equip-

p . . mentR to be pa1d for and transportation to be furnished. h1lhp~,P. J ., Columbus, Ga., September 7, refei·s to former tender bv

h1rnsclf and Judge Crawford of a regiment for twelve-months' s;rvwe, and a.~ks a.s to payment for arms. Answered that if General Lawton aceep!E the regiment the Gotrcrnmtlnt will pav for arms. J

October ~0, is raising. a regiment for the coast defense, and wants to receive ~he Ilarns County Guards into it, Answered that no eomrany lll the army for general service could be received into a reg1ment for spcmal service.

Phillip~, . .P. L., I,ieutenant, Pensacola, F la., December 27, proposes to Hllse a c?mpan.v. for the war from the 8th Mississippi Regiment C1rcular•• sent bun.

Phillips, Wm. S., Colmll'l, 2d Regiment G<'Ot'gia State Force.~, Satran­nab, Ga., August 12, desires permit to mise a regiment of Infm1lry.

m CD en -"C 0 en en 0" CD

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N ovem her 26, renews the request. Answered that if regiment was raised and armed the arms would be pa1d for.

Pickett, A. G., Sutherland Springs, Texas, April 25, will raise a com· pany if commission is sent him. (.l!'iled.) .

Pierce, A. 11., Captain, ~fartinsbnrg, Va., October 22, asks perm1t to raise a company for border rlcfonse. Answered by C•rcnlar.*

Pierson. 8ilas. Colonel. and others, lhnby, Tompkms Connty, :N. Y., May 10, offers one thousand men ancl $25,000. Endorsed,

. "p;·obably a fiction, J. D." "Certainly a fiction, T ... P: W." Pinckard, P. A., Chambers County, Ala., October 30, asks 1f _a com· ;;;2,._ - · " " ·n be received. An·

-~~/ ff §_" rtf: >,asks for authority / · vnr. Answe• cd that a regnnent o! lnlamry tor tne war w111 ne accepted in accord­ance with the terms of Circular.;•

Polack, S., ~arshal, Tex., Augnst. 1! tenders co~pany of ."Jagers,': and .,cl<C! 1f (}n.,wrntTlf"'nt ·w,l l ''"-'''""",... n...-.rl ...... vn 't\Ylth nfles. (F1lecJ.) a I April !:), tender a bat­

Y~a-u/ /+ ~- ,J-G, being received from

, " , I----, ----.; ~~ 7 r~-~r~._.._. .... to raise a, and u~ks commission as Colonel. Answered tlmt commJss1ons were not given in advance, and that troops were not received for a less period than the war, unlec~ armed, &c. .

Pope, S. IT., Colurnbns, Miss., September 10, wauts to rmse an Jlr, / ; will furnish every-

~~ ~~ ~- ~j?. •vernment could not

company of Captain Glasgow. Not accepted unless armed, equipped, and for the war.

C!ar.tarn"hr.r '7 •.n:ol~;;: An ·whnt. f'flTlflil .inn~ t.hP l)Aparin1entwill UUtbor-Q / /} . service nea1· the coast. /~ /\_!/~ 4; armed, and approved

/ / / , nt. tenders a company.

~~s~e;·ed that yavalry would not be needed, but Infantry

0 -ff' .>:'' olunteers, ~or· ' Infantry com·

/.?"""~/ . 0. - , ___ , , ,----- , --- , • a - ·· -~··~--rs company of

thirty or f01'ty. Not accepted. Potts, S. M., Lieutenant, Company "B," 5th Alabama Volunteers, Sep·

pany of Light Jlrtil·

~7 "orfolk, Va., October / tised in thirt.y days.

Answered that a reg•ment or battalwn tor the war, electing its own field ofikers, wonlcl be received anrl armed.



Pratt, G. A: , Atlanta, Ga., .July 2'1, wants permit to mi~e company of guenllas. Re.r uested to submit his proposition in writing.

Pratt, IT. A., Captmn, Roswell, Ga., August 31! having raised a company, urrned wtth coulltry niles, asks 1f 1t w11l be accepted for the win tcr's cam_raign. Answered, "If a special organi:wtiou, under se~

. cret act, IS rec~mrnended by General Lawton, it will be acecptcd." Prent1•s, 0. D., Captmn, Tt•chmond, Va., August 7, tenders guerilla band

for twelve montbs, mounted, armed, and eq uippcrl by thcmilclves. Answered that company will be accepted, but must be subject to orders and attached to any command deemed proper. 'Po act as an mdcpcndcnt. compnny is inadmissible.

Presley, Jno. G., Kingston, S. C., June 22, propose~ to offer company­one that reduced Fott Sumter. Answered that the shortest time a company can be received is twelve mouths, aud it must be armed &c.

Preston, Alex. 'r., ,Paint Rock, Ala., July ?9,.P_roposes to lead twenty m twenty·flve mounted men to Vn·gm1a. Answered that no such organization was authorized by bw.

Preston, :James T., ALingdon, Va., July 17, wants authority to raise bngade. Answered that organized brigades we1·e not accepted. Au armed bngade would be accepted with officers of its own selection.

Preston,_ Sam!. D. , Lynchburg, Va., July 31, tenders a company of Ar· . hllcry. Accepted.

PrJCe, W. H. C., Columbus, Ga., ,June 14, wants authoritv to raise com, pn.ny for twelve months, fully armed and equipped. Answered that such a company would be accepted.

An burn, A ln. , June 26, a•ks if his company will be taken with doub]e,barrel shot,guns, bowie-knives, and pistols. Answered that n. single compan_y thus armed would be out of place.

Montg;omery, Ah, July 10, reports h is company armed and . eqmpped for twelve months. Ordered to B.ichmond.

Pnce, J no. C., Greensborou~b, Ga., :May 11, tenders services of the Stephens Light Gnar(!S. Not accepted.

Pride, N. '1'., Captain, Columbus, Ga., August 22, tenders an unarmed . company. K ot accept~d .

Prtdemore, A. L., Patonsville, Va., _ July 30, asks authority to raise . troops. Geneml ZolhcoffcT dll'cctcd to accept theRe troops.

Pndgen, R. L., Elkhart, Tex., July 20, has a compaoy of mounted men ready for service. No recorded.

Printup, D. S., Richmond, Va., November 8, has raised a reairnent. aud ~- 1•o whv he was overlooked in appointing the A~ld officers.

v/1/nf~ ;( vU -·~' .. • ; ·n w:~c~~:~~e~i~{ ~~~ _ mpany would be

rCCCIVCd. Wltl10Ut Ul'lll~. ...n..u;:,vvo.lvu.. _u ... ............... -·~o-tive. Pruett, W. H., Columbus, Ga., J nly 29, bas n. company ready to march,

except arms, ancl wants Government to furnish them. No answer recorded.

Pryor, Colonel-Sec Roonc, Licntcnant.

Page 78: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf


Kovcmher 26, renews the request. Answered that if regiment wa; raised and armed the arms would be p:Lid for.

Pi0kett, A. G., Sutherland Springs, 'l'exas, Apri1 25, will raise a com­pany if commission is sent him. (Filed.)

P ierce, A. M., Captain, 1far·tinsburg, Va., October 22. asks permit to raise a company for border defense. Answererl hy Circular.*

Pierson. Silas, Colonel, imd others, Danby, Tompkins Countv, )1", Y., Ma,y 10, oJlcr·s one thousand men aml $~5,000. Endorsed,

. "probably a fiction, J . D." ''Certainly a fiction, L. P. W." Pinckard, F . A., Chambers County, Ala., October ilO, a~ks if a com­

pany for six months, for coast defense, will be received. An­swered by Circular.*

Pleasants, J . C., Ashby .Place, Ark., December 15, asks [or authority to mise a regiment for three year,; or the war. Answered that a regiment of Infantry for the war will be ac~cpteLl in accord­ance with tbe terms of Circular.*

Polack, S., hlar,;hal, 'l'ex., August 1, tenders company of "Jagers," and asks if Government will receive and :wm it with rifles. (Filed.)

Pollard, Hobk, and J no. Hagan, R ichmond, Va., April 9, tender a bat­talion. An~wered that tr.oO:ps were not being received from States out of the confederacy.

Pond, Pr·eston, jr., Clinton, La., May 13, proposes t<> raise a regiment, and a~ks commission ao Colonel. Answered that commission, were not given in advance, and that troops were not received for a leo, period than the war, unless armed, &c.

Pope, S. IT., Columbus, Miss., September 10, wants to raise an Ar­tillery company, and asks if Government will furnish every­thing but uniforms. Answered that the Government could not ann it.

Porter, Benj. F., Greenville, Ala., ,June 24, tenders company o( Captain Glasgow. Not accepted unless armed, equipped, and fm· the war.

September 7, asks on what conditions the Department will author­ize him to mise a battalion or regiment for service near the coast. Accepter! on eomhtion that it is organized, armed, and approved by the Genei·al commanding the Department.

Porter, James D., Greenville, Ala., .July 28, tenders a company. Answered that CavalTJ would not be needed, but Infantry would be received.

Porter, Jas. S., Company" F,'~ 3d Regiment, Alabama Voluntecm, Nor­folk, Ya., December 16, asks authority to raise an Inhntry com­pany for the wm·. Answered by Circular.*

J:'o,;tell, R C., Captain, Canton, Miss., August 26, tenders company of j thirty odol'Ly. Not vccepted.

Potts, S.M., Lieutenant, Company" R," 5th Alabama Volunteers, Sep- ' - tcmber 13, proposes to raise and equip company of Light Artil-

lery. Accepted on conditions proposed. Powell, R. H., Captain, 3d Alabamtt Regiment, Norfolk, Ya., October

10, tenders an unarmed regiment, to be raised in thirty days. Answered that a regiment or battalion for the war, electing its own field officers, would be received and armed.

Pratt, G. A:, Atlanta, Ga., Jnly 24, wants permit to raise company of gucnllas. Requestcu to submit his proposition in writing.

Pratt, H . .A., Captain, Roswell, Ga., August 31, having raised a company, armed with country rifles, u:;ks ii it will be accepted for the win ter's campaign. Answered, "If a special organization, under so:

. crct act, is recommended by General Lawton, it will be accepted." Prenttss, 0. D., Captmn, Rrchmond, Ya., August 7, tenders guerilla band

for twelve months, mounted! arm eLl, and equipped by themselves. Answered that company wlll be accepted, but mu~t be subject to ordet'S and attached to any command deemed proper. 'l'o act as an mdependent company is innrlmi8sible.

Presley, J no. G., King~ton, S. C., J nne 22, proposes to offer company­one that red need Fort Sumter. Answered that tbe shortest time a company can be received is twelve months, and it must be armed &c.

Preston, Alex. T., Paint Rock, .Ala., July 29, proposes to kad twenty or twenty-five mounted men to Virginia. Ans\vered that no ~uch organization was authorized bv law.

Prc~ton, James T., Abingdon, Ya., July 'i 7, want.q authority to raise brigade. .Answered thrrt ot·ganizcd brigades were not accepted. An armed brigade would be accepted with officers of its own selection.

Preston, Sam!. D., L,ynchburg, Va., July 31, tenders a company of Ar-. tillery. Accepted.

Pnce, W. H. C., Columbus, Ga., .June 14, want.q authoritv to raise com­pan,y for twelve months, ful ly armed and equipped. Answered that such a company would be accepted.

Auburn, Ala., June 26, asks if hi;; company will be taken with double-bane! shot-guns, bowie-knives, and pistols. Answered that a single company thu,; armed would be out of plaee.

MontgomeTy, .i\ la., July 10, reports his company armed and equipped for twelve months. Ordered to Richmond.

Price, J no. C., GTeensborongh, Ga., May 11, teudf:)rs services of the . Stc,rhens Light G nards. Not accepted. .

Pnde, N. r ., C~tptain, Colmnbns, Ga., August 22, tenders an unarmed . company. Not accepted.

Pndemore, .A. L., Patonsville, Ya., ,July 30, asks authority to raise _ . troop~. General Zollicoffer direeted to accept these troops. PJ'ldgen, H. L., Elkhart, Tex., .Jnly .20, has a company oi mounted men

ready for service. No answer J-ecorded. Printup, D. S., Riehmond, Ya., N ovcm bcr 8, has raised a reairnent, and

asks why he was overlooked in appointing the fi~kl officers. Answered that the failure to appoint him was caused by the Jgnorancc of the Secretary of War of his connection with the raising pf the regiment.

Probey, Wm. J., Meadville, Miss., June 5, asks if company would be received without arms. Answered in the negative.

Pruett, W. H., Columbus, Ga., July 29, has a company ready to march, except arms, and wants Government to furnish them. No answe1· recorded.

Pt·yor, Colonel-Sec Roone. Lieutenant.

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Purdon, Robt H., Lieutenant, Quitman Artillery, Jackson, Miss., 11ttrdt 23, tenders company. Ko answer recorded.

Ragland, l'., Lieutenant, Bellefonte, Ala., J one 20, offers company of mounted men, who find their own hor~cs. Answered that a mounted company could not be accepted.

August 20, renews tender of a monnled company for the war; will find their own ho1·ses and uniforms, bnt want arm8. Accepted.

Hagsdale, W. R, :Ylcrirlian, Miss., April 25, wants to engage in priva· teering. Answered that per.;ons desiring to engage in P'~va­tccring mu>t prepare themsclns with a sllitable ship and outfit, and give security in the State Department.

Hainey, H. T., Captain, Bnton Rouge, La., July 8, tenders company, the rrexas GLtards, for twelve months or tl!e war.' ~ot accepted.

Ramey, W. N., TI11ena Vista, Tex., November 26, applies fo1· autl!ority to raise a company for twelve months. Can mount and arm them. Answered that no more mounted men for twelve months were wanted.

Ramsay, J. S., Captain, Coffeeville, )iiss., August 25, has company for the war, unarmed. :Not accepted for want of arms.

Randolph, F. C., Montgomer_v, Ala., September 16, offers independent company, and m<ks arms and uniforms. Answered that com­pany coulll be accepted independently, aml uniforms, but not arm~, furnished.

Randolph, --, Captain, Monroe, La., September 25, has company for the war, armed and clothed for three months, and asks if it will be received. No answer fo nnd.

Ra vesies, l'a.ul, il-f obile, Ala., June 20, ask~ if an irregular company of Cavalry, armed, mounted, and uniformed at their own ex· pcnsc, will be received.

June 22, he renews the tender. Not accepted. Ray, James .J., Knoxville, Ga., April 19, wishes to know where and

when frivateers will be received, and offers his services. An­swerer that Congress would soon regulate that subject.

Rca, Con., Marion, :Yfiss., June 11, is impatient anrl mgent to fight, aud wants to raise a company. Au;;wered that he can raise a com· pnny, but that to be accepted it mu~t be arrnell ancl equipped.

Read, J. Harleston, Charleston, S.C., April 22, proposes to raise a com­pany at his own expense. Accepted in connection with If amp· Lon's command.

Read, J . P. W., Savannah, Ga., April 21, says many yonng men in Savan nah are desirous of forming a compan_y, to go to the aid of Maryland and Virginia. Answered that the oJier must be made through the Goveruor of the State. .

May I 5, he offers to raise ancl uniform a company for the war. An~<wcrcd that when such company is absolutely offered au answer will be given.

June 5, tender;; company. Answered that company could not be received unless armed and eq nipped.

Mobile, Ala., June 10, reports his company, already accepted, as arrnecl and equipped, and asks where they shall report. Ko HllSWe1' reCOl\_lecl.



Head, '1'. A., l'ine Bluff, Ark., September 2, teuder; a company for twelve months. (Filed.)

Redwood, R. George, Eutaw, Ala., October 17, is raising a company for the war, and asks in[orrnation as to the eq uipments, &c. Answered by Circular,·" and that companies accepted for the

, war would be fully equipped. • . . Re~cl, J~S., Webster, Miso., nfay 14, tenders company, ~f wh1C)1 he IS A~ceptcrl if armed and equipped. (G ~- 'l..o 1-Lu/,_._) Heed, T., Favette, Miss., October 9, is getting np a Cavalry company,

and a"sks what ann;; the Government will fnrni~h. Answered that if armed it wonld be received and equipped, except saddles Hnd bri,lles, by the Government.

Reed, '1'. n., ~ew Orleans, L[L, September !l, is dc;;irons of raising a Cavalry eompan v, and a;;ks if tile Depurtrnent will furnish cq nip· ments. Answm~ed that no company of Cavalry will be received unless armed.

Reeder, D. A.,, Ark, August 5. says he conld raise a company or battalion for twelve months if he hatl authority. (Filed.)

Hccvcs, C. S., M. D., Notasulga, Ala., April 30, hns been elllleavoring to organize a Volunteer Cavalry C'ompany, which be tenders. Answered that the Depal'Lrneut could not wpply arms.

July 7, he tenders a Cavalrv Company. Answerecl Llmt the ser· vices of such a company ·are not needed, but if accepted com· pany mnst furnish lheir own horses.

Reeves, T . A., Greenville, Ga., April 11, offers company, at its own expense, for twelve months. Directed to apply to the Governor of Georgia.

Reid, D. G., Richmond, Va., Kovember 23, asko commission to raise a company in KentLlcky. (Filed.)

Reid, John U., Lieutenant, Company "A," 4th Alabama Regiment, by William }f. Brooks, Marion, Ala., October 29, wants to raise a regiment for the war. A nswcrcd by Circular.*

Reid, .John II., Colonel. o( }!arion, A la., recommended by Governor A. B. }foorc, May 8, tenders Cavalry company. Ko answer on record.

Heid, IT. J., Captain. of }fissis;;ippi, August 8, tenders company Ior the war. Accepted.

Hcid, P. J., Iuka, Miss., August 5, has full compauy, and wants to join Russell's 1·egiment. Answered in the negative.

/"/ , _/ - -· A - L ., -t -.·al'·' t.(} organ1zJ.tlon of

/&-c ~c-" ~ ./?:.. _,_/. .., l regiment would / . _,. ~?"cu / .--/-

-ll.VJ uvnu., ~-· - - I pany. Answered that company would be accepted if armed ana cqnippcrl. .

July 18, be renews the tender of company for coast servtce. Answered that the Government could noi arm lhe company.

Rhea, Rufus R., Captain, through W. 1'. Hollingsworth, tenders ser· vice of company. No au,;wer fouutl.

Rhodes, Thoma~ A ., Captain, PaRcngonla, hi iss., ?.fay 20. asks if he can procure rifles for lhe Meadow Gnnrrk An..;wered tl1aL the Gov· ~rnrncnt c:onld not fLu·nish private companies with ann8.

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Purdon, Robt. R., J 1ieutcnant, Quitman Artillery, J aekson, Miss., ~fareh 23, tenders company. ~o RMwer recorded.

Ragland, P., Lieutenant, Belle(oute, Ala., June 20, offers company of mounted men, who find their own horses. Answered that a mounted compan_y could not be accepted.

August 20, renews tender of a monntecl company for the war; will And their own ho1·ses aml uniform~, bnt want arm~. Accepted.

Ragsdale, 'vV. R., Meridian, Miss., April 25, wants to engage in priva· teering. Answered that persous desiring to engage in pri·m­teeri ng must prepare tbem~elves with a suitable ship and outfit, anrl give secm·ity in the State Department.

Rainey, H. '1'., Cnpt<1in, Baton Rouge, La., July 8, te_nders company, the Texas Guard•, for twelve months or the war. )rot accepted.

Harney, W. X, Buena Vista, Tex., Kovcmber 26, applies fm· authority to raise a company for twelve monthR. Can rnonnt and arm them. A n~wered that no more mounted men for twelve months were wanted.

Ramsay, J. S., Captain, Coffeeville, }{iRs., August 25, has company for t.hc wm·, unarmed. Not accepted for want of arms.

Randolph, F. C., M ont.gomery, Ala., Septeml:Jer 16, offers independent company. and asks armR and uniforms. Answe1·ecl that com­pany could be accepted independently, and uniforms, bat not arms, furnished.

Randolph, --, Captain, Monroe, La., September 25, has company for the war, armed and clothed for three mouths, ::tnd asks if it will be received. No answer founcl.

Ravesies, Paul, Mobile, Ala., Jane 20, askR :if an irregular company of Cavalr.v, armccl, mounted, and uniformed at their own ex­pense, will l:Je received.

June 22, be renews the tender. Not accepted. Ray, James ,T., Knoxville, Ga., April 19, wishes to know where and

when privateers will be received, and offers his services. An­~wered that Congress would soon re~uhte that subject.

Rea, Con., 1\fariou, Miss., June 11, is impat1ent and urgent to fight, and wants to mise a company. Answered that he can raise a com­

. pany, but that to be accepted it mu,;t be armed ancl equipped. Read, J. liarleston, Charleston, S. C., April 22, proposes to raise a c·om­ at his own expense_ Accepted in connection with Hamp­ton's command.

Read, J. P. W., Sa'(Tnnnn h r:J.o • -···' n •

Savannah are () M:.~rylancl and c;7 -through the G

May 15, he oiiers to ratse and uniform a company for the wa1·. Answerccl that when such company is absolutely oiierecl an answer will be given.

June 5, tenders company. Answered that company could not be received uule:;s armed and equipped.

Mobile, Ala., June 10, reports his company, already accepted, as armed and equipped, am1 asks where they shall report. No answer rccorclcrl.

Read, 1'. A., l'inc Bluff, Ark., September 2, lender,; a company for twelve months. (Filed.)

Redwood, R. George, Eutaw, Ala., October 17, is raising a company for the war, and ask8 information a.s to the eqaipments, &c. Answered by Circular,·:<· and that companies accepted for the war would be fully equipped. •

Re~d, J}.>S., Webster, Miso:., :May 14, tenders compan_y, ~~ whic)l he is vaptai11. Accepted if armed and equipped. I._ c., u. ">-u ~)

Reed, '1'., Fayette, MisR., October 9, is getting HP a Cavalry company, aud asks what arms the Governm~nt will furnish. Answered that if armed it would be received and eq uippcd, except saddles and bridles. bv the Government.

Reed, 'l'. 13., New ' OJ~leans, J,a., September 9, is desirous of raising a Cavalry company, andaskR if the Dcpnnmeutwill furnish equip­mcnts. Answered that no company of Cavalry wlll be rccewcd unless arrnecl.

Reeder, D. A., Ozan, Ark, An gust 5. says he could raise a company or battalion for twelve months if l1c hml authority. (Filed.)

Reeves, C. S., :M:. D., Notasulga, Ala., April 30, has been rmkavoi·ing to organize a Volunteer Cavalry company, which he tenders. Answered that the Department could uol supply arms.

July 7, he tenders a Cavalry Company. .Answcrcrl that tbe ser­vices of such a company are not needed, but if accepted com­pany 11111st furnish their own horses.

Reeves, '1'. A., Greenville, Ga., April 11, offers company, at its own expense, for twelve months. Directed to apply to the Governor of Georgia. ·

Reid, D. G., Richmond, Va., November 23, asks commission to raise a company in Kentucky. (Filed.)

Reid, John U., Lieutenant, Company "A," 4th Alabaum Regiment, by 'v"Villiam M. Brooks, Marion, Ala., October 29, wants to raise a regiment for the war. Answered by Circular.*

Reid, .John H., Colonel, of Marion, Ala., recommeuded l:Jy Governor A. B. Moore, May 8, tenders Cavalry company. No answer on record.

Reid, H. J., Captain, of ~Hssissippi, August 8, tenders company for the war. A cccptcd.

Reid, P. J., Iuka, }1iRs., A ugnst 5, has full company, Rnd wants to join Russell's regiment. .Answered in the negative.

Reynolds, A. E., Jacinto, Miss., August H, relative to organi7,atic111 of regiment. Answered informing him that the rf:)giment woulu be reee:ive<l after being orf!anized, &c.

Reynolds, B. A., Mobile, Ala., May 28, tenders a company. Answered that company would be accepted i( armed and equipped.

July 18, he Tenews the lender of C011lp:my for coast serviee. Answered that the Government could not arm the company.

Rhea, Rufus R., Captain, through \V. P. IIollingswoJ·th, tenders ser­vice of company. )l"o answer found.

Rhodes, Thomas A., Captain, Pascagoula, Miss., }fay 20, asks :if he can procure rifl~s for the Mea(low GLwnk Answered tl1nt the Guv· emment coul(l H<lt furni~h private com panic~ wi~h ann:;.

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Rich, W. W., Captain, Cassville, Ga., :May 20, tenders his. company, the Johnson Gumils. Answered that compames oiienng for twelve months must come armco.

Richards, Stephen, Burr's Ferry, La., September 7, asks permit to raise five hundred Volunteers and one thousand Imhans, to arm and equip thcmsel'"es, for invasion of Northern :Missouri and Illinois. Answered by Circular:"

Richardson, F. E., November 7, asks if company, armed and eqnipped by the State, will be re()eived for uoast defense aud for twelve­months' service. Answered by Circular.*

Richardson. R V.. Colonel. MenmhiR. 'l'onn .. Seoternber 21, is organiz-

fd/a ~/ v&.,c~v t£: / ~~:'u~r;s~ru$~o~J~te _ _ a regiment of A rtil-

lery in Missomi (Filed.) Ridley, John D., Blacksburg, Va., March 25, offers services of a Volun­

teer rifle corps. AnswereJ that no troops are at preseut rece1vecl . from points outside the Confederate States.

High tor, W. R., Helenn, Ark., July 15, is organizing a Canhy com­pany, armed, unifo1·med, and self·sustaining, for guerilla service. Accepted if organized aud armed.

Rine, John D.-See 'l'ull, Francis S. R.itchev. H. ~· .. Korfolk y~ ~Pnt0mh~,. lA nrioh"S to raise an .Artil-

0 £_ p .._1 r company could be

/~~ ~- · '\\~ j--J-: lf 23, desire Lo raise I/ ~u .. uueu. uompany tor twelve months, for service in Kentucky.

Answered that no nrms could be given Lwelvc-months' tmops. ~ ' ~ ,dcrs a company of

~quipped. '• Ark., August 27, be co:nmanded by

DaviJ Ker. (Filed.) Roberts, Percy, Greenville, ~liss., December 9, offers regiment or bat­

talion faT the war by companies. A nsworod by Circular.* Roberts, .KG., ~~rbacoochee, Ala., July 18, is getting up btttlalion, and

wanLs cornmissiou as Lieutenant Colonel. Answered that com­missions were ne\·er is~ucd in advance. FielJ officers eonlcl be elected by tho companies; or, if comp:tnie~ arc teuJereJ sepa­rately, they would be appointed by tbc President.

ltobertson, J N., .Jacksonville, Ala., N ovcmber 19, has raised com­pany for tho war, by autbo1·ity of the \V ur Dep:ntll1cnt, and wants iL attached to Colonel McClellan's regiment. Ortlcrc~u to have his company mu~Lere<l iu and forward the muster-roll~.

Hobins, J., OapLain, Wilcox Rangers, :vt:ontgomery, ..'\.Ia., Augnst 26, tenuer~ a full mounted company, anneJ. Accepted if armed with guns, pistols, awl bowie-knives.

October 11, tcndero C1\valry company, and wants orders to go to Mobile. Goveruor Mom·e will nrrn it, for coast scrvi~e. An­>WereJ thaL no ~owpnuic:- coni(] lle :t.:cqJtcd on such coHditiom:.

Robinson, E. W., General, Griffin, Ga., June 4, organizing inrlcpcnclent regiment, and proposes to elect all the officers. Answered that

. the regiment could only be accepted if armed and equipped. Robltlson, }1. D., Captain, Eastville, Ala., June 14, tenders company.

Answered that companies could not be received for twelve monLhs.

Robinson, N., Bellefonte, A Ia., .June 9, asks if crack companies, armed /) and cnuinned, will be received for twelve months. 1\.nswered

/'£;:~ ff/1/ ~ ~ .:::;? •r twelye months. / • • / , for twelve months

"'"'· · '· ' ...... v~ -·-- - - , • • •t neetled. Robihsou, William H., Bellef\;nte,' Ala., -·-- authority to raise a

regitnenL or battalion of picked men, fm· twelve months, asked for him. Answered that tho Govemment coulJ not arm troops for twelve months.

Rockwoocl, .John '1'. - See Hervev. P. A. Roddy, P. D., Chickasaw, Ala .. Mn.v 20_ ~<k-Q »0rmit, to raise a regi-

£-~~/£~ d / d'/ ::e:0:e::~:e::,:~ Hoeicly, f. D., of }fississippi, Richmond, Va., S~1;te~1ber 11, offers a

Cavalry company, armed with shot-guns. Accepted. Rogan, .T. W., Orderly Sergeant, Memphis, Teun., April 30, in behalf

of his company, wants it aecepteJ as body-guard of the Prcsi­deut. Answered that if such a corps is called for his proposi­tion will be eubmitted to the Prcsirlent.

Rogan, R. C., Alcxn.ndria, Ala., May 23, offers to raise cornF1nY for tbe war. (.Filed.)

Ro~rers, Jas. ll., General, oi 'l'exas, August 19, Lhrough ITon. W. B. ' - --•~-1 nn ~ondition that the

1nizecl by election

. -aise aJ·egiment of MounLcLl Rangers lllllltSS!S~'Pl''· \~ .. v~., ·

Rosebrough, J. P. D., Flintville, Tenn., July 7, wants to know if a com­pany, already uniforrnccl all(\ fortwclve months, will be received and armed. Answered that they would be acueptecl if armeJ.

Ross, C. E., Fort McRae, December 13, oiTers to raise a company of Te·enlisted men, on condition of receiving bounty, furlough, &c. Answered that· regulations woulrl he sent birn.

Ross, .Jno. D. IT., J,icntcnnnt, 'v'irginia Military Iu~titute, June 20, pw­poscs to raise a guerilltt company and furnish everything them­selves. Answered Lhat no company could be accepted with less than sixly·four men.

Ross, George, Rmnrly Station, Vn., October 3, is rngageJ iu mi6ing a battalion of Artillery, to which guns have been promised, auJ wauLs the JeiT. Davis Gu:.tru~ added to the comm1\nd. Copy of the promise of guns aRked.

October 24:, asks for what term of service his company will he l'eceivcd. · Answered by Circuhr.~·

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Rich, W. W., Captain, Cassville, Ga., :May 20, tenders his company, the Johnson Gum:rls. Answered that companies offering fur twelve months must come n.rmed.

Richards, Stephen, Burr's Ferry, La., September 7, asks permit to raise five hundred Volnnteers and one thousand Indians, to arm and equip them~el"es, for invasion of ~orthcrn Missouri and lllinois. Answered by "'----1-·· *

Richardson, 1?. !{, N by the State, months' ~ervi•

Riehar~son, J~. v_., Co1ouel, ~UeJHJHII:-~, .J..r;.uu., oe_lJut:IHuvt -".1, 1., \.llt:,a .UJu­

lllg battahon of Artillery for the 1st Division, Missomi State Guard. Has for work to the amount of $40,000. (Filed.)

December 17, he applies for autlwrity to raise a regiment of Artil-. !cry m Missouri. (Filed.)

Ridley, John D., B!a('k<hnr<>" Vo .. "\f:n·ch 25, offers services of a Yulun­teer rille corp' from points 01

Hightor, W. R., Helc pauy, armed, · .... .. ------,

_ Accepted if organized aud armed. Rme, John D.-See Tull, Francis S. Ritchey, H. !•'., Norfolk, Va., September 14, wishes to raise an Artil­

lery company. Answered that no Artillery company could be received without a battery.

Roach, M.A., and others, Danville, Va., September 23, desire to raise unarmed company for twelve months, for service in Kentucky. Answered that _no ~';ms could be given twelve-month~' troops.

Roberson, J. C., Ptkevdlc, lcnu., September 2, tenders a eurnmnv of Cavalry. _; ~-

Hoberts, Franklin, ;:;. ' U/' r?JL / soliciting a 'P'N-0-0/ / /'_ /V. . David Kcr. /

Roberts, l'crcy, Greenv1lle, _\1Iss., Jkccmber 9, oliers regiment or but­tahon for the war by companies. AnswereJ by Circular.;'

Roberts, R G., Arbacoocbee, A Ia., July 18, is o-ettino· up battalion and wants cominissiou as Lieutenant Colon;'!. Answered that ~om­mis~ions were never issued in advance. Field officet·s coul<l be c\cctecl by the companies;_ or, if companies_ are tendered sepa­rately, tbe_y would be appmnted by the Prcs1denL

Hobertson, J N., .Jacksonville, Ala., ~ovcmbcr 10, has raised com­pan_y for the war, by authority of theW ar Dcpartmeut, and wants it attached to Colonel ~feClellan's regiment. Ordemd to have his c:ompan_y mnstere4 in and forwanl. tbc muster-rolls.

Robins, .1., Unptain, ·wilcox Rangers, Montgomery, Ala., August 26, te_ndcrs a rull mounted company, armed. Ae<.!eptcd if Hmed w1tb guns, p1stols, and bowie-knives.

Or.tober 11, tenders Cavalry company, and wants m·rlcrs to go to Mobile. Goveruor Moore will ann it for coast service. An­Rwered that no eonipaiiics could b~ 'L<:ceptcd on snch cumlitions.


Hobinson. E. W., General, Gri!Iin, Ga., June 4, organizing independent rcgi mont, and proposes to eleot all t~e officers. Answered that the rco-iment could only be accepted 1f armci\ and eqmpped.

Robinson, 1I~D., Captain, Ea~tville, Ala., June 14, tenders company. Answered that companies could not be received for twelve months.

Robinson, N., Bellefonte, Ala., .June 9, asks if cmck companies, armed and equipped, will be received for twelve months. .ll .. nswcrcd in tbe affirmative .

• June 12, offers a company of horsemen for twelve months. Answered that companies were not rece1ved lor twelve 1nontbs unless armed and equipped; Cavalry was not nee<led. .

Robinson, William II., Bellefonte, Ala., - . -- anthonty to raise a regiment or battaliou u[ picked men, for twelve months, asked for him. Answered that the Govemmcnt could not arm troops for twelve months.

Rockwood, John '!'.-See Hervev, F. A. . _ Roddy, P. D., Chickasaw, Ala., May 20, ask~ perm1t to raise_ a reg~­

ment. Answered that if be would rtm;e an armed regm1ent 1t would be received and he appointed Colonel.

Courtland, Ala., Angust 10, tenders a cum]Jttny of mounted m_cn, armed with shot-guns, for the wn.r. Accepted.

Roddy, P. D., u[ Mi~sis;ippi, Richmond, V a., September 11, offers a Cavalry eompany, armed with shot-guns. Accepted.

Rogan, .J. IV., Orderly Sergeant, Memphis, 'l'enn., April 30, in beba~£ of his compauy, wants it accepted as body-guard of the Pees~­dent.. Answered that i[ sueb a corps JS called lor Ins propmn­tinn will be submitted to the President.

Rogan, R. C., Alcxan<lria, Ala., ~fay 2il, offers to raise compa:ny for the war. (Jiilcil.)

Rogers, J as. II., General, of 'l'exas, ~<l..ugust 10, through_ Ron. W. 13. Ochiltree offers a rco·iment. Aceepted on cond1t1on that tho tender ~ for the wa~ and the regiment organized by election of field oll'wers.

Roane Lieutenant, and Colonel Pryor, propose to raise a .. regiment of 'Mounted Rangers in Mississippi. (l<' il e<l.) · .

Hosebrongh, .J. P . D., Flintville, Tenn., July 7, wants to know 1£ a com­pany, already uniformed and for twelve months, w1ll be rece1ved and armed. Answered that they would be accepted 1f armed.

Ross, C. E., Fort, Deeernber 13, offers to raise a company of re-enlistei\ men, on condition o[ I'eceiving bounty, furlough, &c. Answered that regulations would be sent him.

Ross, J no. D. II., I. ientcnant, Virgin ia Military I1:stitL1te, June 20, pro­poses to raise a gncrilla company and furntsh everytbmg them­solves. Answered that no company could be accepted with less than sixty-four men. . ..

Ross, George, Brandy Station, Va., _October 3, is engage<l m _raismg a battalion of A rtillery, to winch guns have beeu prom1sed, and wants the Jeff. Davis Guards added to the command. Copy of the promi~e of gnns asked.

October 24, n~ks for wha t term of sen,ice his company will he received. Answered by Circular.«·

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Ro~s Nathan Uichrnonrl, Va., August 19, pwposes tr) raise a regiment ' for tbe\var. Acccpteil on condition that field officers are elected

and it is tendered for the war. Nashville, Tenn., September 13, ha;; been offered .company of Cav­

alry iu Kentucky, but they will not cntc1· scnnce w1tl10ut arms. Could rai~e u regiment if be had arms. Answered that the Gov· crnmeni could not fum ish arms, but would pay for such as the troops might furnish. . .

Ross, R. R, Nashville, Tenn., July 27, pwposes to ra1se troops m Kcn­tneky. An~wercd that troops would be receiveJ if armed.

Rosger, C,tptain-Scc McCrae, Captain. Rouse, llf., Charlestown, Y a., October 20, i raising company, aud asks

certain men transferreJ to it Not gmntefl. Hoy, W. H., Lexington, Miss., October 3, if given a Captain's commis­

sion will rai~e corn panv for coast service. Answered that no such commi~oion coulL1 be given, nor conlct such ?ompany be rccC'ived unle~s armed and required by the Commandwg General.

Royston, Y onng J;., :\l:ontgomerv, Ala., May 8, tenJers his company, the Alabama Rangers. No am;wer reeorL1eJ.

Marion, Ala .. "May 14, wants maTching orders for his company, the Alabama Hangers. Ordct·erl to Richmond.

Camp York, .June 17, company has hccn accepted by the State, and wants commissions. Answered that commissions wollld be i~sued.

HuU.lcr, A. F ., Captain, of Georgia, September 16, offers armed com­pany, the Baker Volunteers, for the war. Acccpt~d-

Rummcll, •r. 13., '[' pper Tract, Pendleton County, Ya., l\ ovemhc1· 20, asks authority to raise a company _of guerillas. Answered t_hat the Confederate States had no mL1epenL1ent guenlla sen·tee. Circular* enclosed.

l{umncy, B. W., Athens, Ga., September 30, asks if regiment, for coast defense in Georgia, would be accepted and armed. Answered that such a regiment would be accepted if armed and approveJ b_y the General C'Hnmanding the Department. .

October 10, desires to know if a TegimPnt for twelve months will be accepted and armed. Answered in the negative.

October 26, wants authority to raise pnrn'""';os, not over ten, for .L ~ ould like to form a

:nore legions could

- - ·~o·u·~uo LV!' the war. Expects to nave s1x or seven compnnics ready by third week in January. Uircular'* sent him. 1Iustering officer will be sent as soon as needed.

Rupert, Jas. C., :\fobilc, Ala., June 19, wants to raise company or battnlion. No answer reeorded.

Rush, J. W., :\{ontgomcry, Ala., July 16, ash if his company will be receiverl, and with what arms. Accepted for the war, armed with country rifles.

A ngu~t 10, temlers the Maron Rifle~, of Tuskegee, Ala. Accepted. l{ussPil, Daniel K, Uorint\1, .\1is:;., June 5, reports reginwnt nemly rcad,v.

Ac:cC'ptcd i[ fully arnH'<l :mel equippccl an(\ for the \Yar. .


Jackson, Miss., June 11, bas ten companies for the war waitin& orJers. .Answered that his regiment eoulu not be accepted unless armed and equipped.

Russell, J. M., Islnnd !Iome, Ala., September 11, asks if Cavalry com­pany will be received, armed, and equipped by Government for service on the Gulf. Kot accepted unless recommended by

n General Withers and armed and equipped. r>usscll, G. W., Captain-Sec Farrar, Thos. P. Rust, A., Little Rock, Ark., J unc 17, a:;ks if one or more mounteJ

companies, anncJ or not armed, will be received. Answered that company or companies will be accepted if armed.

Rutlegc, B. F., Captain, of Charleston, S. C., through Colonel L. B. Northrop, tenders Cavalry company. .Answered that company would be accepted if armeJ and mounted.

Sable, David, Captain, and others, New Orleans, La., May 28, tender the Lafayette Hiflc CaL1ets for the war, anJ want arms, equip­ments, &c. No answer found.

Sale, .Jno. R., of Miss., Richmond, Va., September 3, offers armeJ com­pan.v for twelve mouths. Accepted.

Salter, J. R, Andalusia, Ala., September 11, offers company for twelve months or the war. Answered that comp,tn.y could not be accepted for a less period than the war unless armed.

Samuels, J. B., Captain, Petersburg, Va., July 30, hopes Department will arm his company, the Cockade Cadets, for twelve months, previously tendered. Answered that arms could not be fur­nished company for twelve rnon tbs.

Sanrlers, J. C. C., Captain, Chilton, Ala., offers company for the war. Accepted if armed and eq nipped.

Sanderson, Geo. F., Richmond, Ya., Nov., 27, desires to raise an Artil­lery company, and asks if Government will furnish a battery , horses, and equipments; if not, will they be paid fori£ he pro· cures them. Answered that Government could not furnish a battery, &c. Circular* enclosed.

Sanford, J. L., Vicksburg, Mis~., May 15, asks if a company will be accepted. Answered, "Accepted if for the war."

Sargent, II. J., Colonel, .A. J. Lane, Lieutenant Colonel, and W. T. Thurmond, ~fajor, Newnan, Ga., May 30, want commissions, and will mise a regiment in six weeks. (Filed.)

Sanndern, Geo. ·c., Huntsville, .lila., December 23, asks if a Cavalry company, armed with guns, the Government to furnish pistols, will be accepted for twelve months. Answered by Circular.*

Sawyer, Ben., Captain, Kymulgee, Ala., June 18, is organizing company of married men for twelve months, and will arm and equip them at his own expense ancl pay transportation to point 01·dered. Accepted.

Scarborou&h, A. J., Captain, Concrete, ']'ex., J llne 30, offers one hun­dred ranget·s, to bring their saddles, bridles, spurs, &c. No an­swer recorued.

eo.. Scott, J. L-See llorlge, B. L '-'t!rl1ggs, RD., Captt~in, Rn,;scllville, Tenn., October 29, asks whether

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Ross, ~athan, Richmond, Vu., August 19, pwposeo to raise a regiment for the war. Accepted on condition that field officers are elected and it is tendered for the war.

Nashville, Tenn., September 13, has been oiierell company of Cav­alry in Kentucky, but they will not enter service without arms. Could raise a regiment if he had arms. Answered that the Gov­ernment could not furnish arms, but would pay Ior such as the troopti might furnish.

Ross, R R., Nashville, 'l'enn., .Tuly 27, proposes to raise troops in Ken­tucky. An~wcrcd that troops would be rccci vcd if armed.

Ros<'or, Captain-See McCrae, Captain. Rouse, .\f., Charlestown, Va., October 29, is raising company, and asks

certain men transfcrt·c,l to it. Not granted. Roy, "\V. ll., T.exington, Miss., October 3, if given a Captain's commis­

sion will rnisc company for coast service. Answered that no such commission could be given, nor could such compnny be received unless armed and required by tho Commanding General.

Royston, Young L., Montgomerv, Ala., May 8, tendc'rs his company, the Alabama Rangers. No answer recorded.

Marion, Ala., May 14, wants marching orders for his company, the Alabama Rangers. Ordered to Richmond.

Camp York, Jnne 17, company bas been accepted by the State, and wants commissions. Answered that commissions would be issued. .

Rudler, A . .1!'., Captnin, of Georgia, September 16, offers armed com­pany, the Baker Volunteers, for tbe war. Accepted.

Rummell, 'r. n., "Cpper Tract, Pendleton County, Va., November 20, asks authority to mise a company of guerillas. Answm-ed that the Confederate States had no independent guerilla service. Circular'-'" enclosed.

Rumney, n. W., Athens, Ga., September 30, asks ii regiment, for coast defense in Georgia, would be accepted and armed. Answered that such a regiment would be accepted if armed and approved by the General C'>mmanding the Department.

October ] 0, desires to know if a regiment for twelve months will be accepted and armed. Answered in the negative.

October 26, wants anthority to raise comp:micR, not over ten, for the war, Government to arm and equip. Won ld like to form a legion. Answered byCii·cular,*and that no more legions could be received.

December 27, thinks be can rai~c a regitnent Ior the war. Rxpects to have six or seven com[mnies ready by third weekiu January. Circular·" sent him. 1IuRtcring officer will be sent as soon as 11eeded.

Rupert, Jas. C., Mobile, .Ala., June 19, wants to raise company or battalion. No answer recorded.

Rush, J. \V., .\.fontgomcr_y, Ala., July 16, asks if his company will be received, and with whrrt arms. Accepted for the war, armed with country rifle~.

An[:!ust 10, tenders tho Macon Rines, of 'l'uskegcr, A la . .Accepted. Hus~cll, Daniel R., Corinth, Miss., ,fnne 5. reports regiment nearly rcarlv·.

"\ee<']'tcd i( fully armcrl and equipped :tn!l few the war ..


Jackson, Miss., J nne 1], has ten companies for the war waitin~ orders. Answered that his regiment could not be accepted unlc~s armed and equipped.

Russell, J. M:., lsland IIome, Ala., September 11, asks if Cavalry com­pany will be 1·eceived, armed, and equipped by Government for service on the Gulf. Kot accepted mtleBs recommended by General Withers and armed and equipped.

Russell, G. IV., Captain-See Farrar, 'rhos. P. Hust, A., Little Rock, Ark., June 17, asks i f one m· more mounted

companies, arrnell or not armed, will be received. Answered tlmt company or companies will be accepted if armed.

Rutlegc, B. F., Captain, of Charleston, S. C., through Colonel L. B. Northrop, tonderti Cavalry company. Answered that company would be accepted if armed and mounted.

Sable, David, Captain, and othom, ~ cw Orleans, La., }fay 28, tender the Lafa yet to Rifle Cadets for the war, and want arms, egui p­meut.~, &c. No answer found.

Sale, Jno. B., of Miss., Richmond, Va., September 3, offers armed com-pany (or twelve months. Accepted. _

Salter, J. R., Andalusia, Ala., September 11, o!Iers company for twelve months or the war. Answered that company could not be accepted for a less period than the war unless armed.

Samuels, J. B., Captain, Petersburg, Va., July 30, hopes Department will arm his compnny, the Cockade Cadets, for twelve months, previously tendered. Answered that arms could not be fur­nished company for twelve months.

Sanders, J. C. C., Captain, Chilton, Ala., oiierH company for the war. Accepted if m·med ancl equipped. .

Sanllersou, Geo. ]f., Richmond, Va, Nov., 27, desires to raise an Artil­lery company, aud asks if Government will furnish a battery, horses, and equipments; if not, will they be paid for if he pro­cures them. Answered that Government could not furnish a battery, &c. Circular* enclosed.

Sanford, J. L ., Vicksburg, Miss., May 15, asks if a company will be accepted. Answered, "Acccptocl if Ior the war."

Sargent, H. J., Colonel, A. J. Lane, Lieutcnnnt Colonel, and W. T. Thurmond, Major, Newnan, Ga., May 30, want commissions, and will rniRe a regiment in six weeks. (Filed.)

Saunder•, Geo. ·c., Huntsville, Ala., December 23, aRks if a Cavalry company, armed with guns, the Government to furnish pistols, will be accepted for twelve months. Answered by Circular.*

Sawyer, nco., Captain, Kymulgec, Ala., June 18, is organi,iog company oi married men for twelve months, and will arm and equip them at Lis own expense and pay transportation to point ordered. Accepted.

Scarborou~h, A. J., Captain, Concrete, 1'ex., June 30, offers one hun­dror! rangers, to bring their saddles, bridles, spurs, &c. No an­swer recorded.

Scott, J. L-See liorlge, B. L. Scruggs, R.. D., Captai n, Russellville, Tenn., October 29, ask~ whether

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the Government will furnish suddleo, bridles, &c., for Lis Ctw· airy company. Answered that the company would be accepted aucl eq nipped ii armed fully. .

Scott, George, New Orleans, La., May 11, offers to .rmsc a company of one hundred men ifthey can be armed. (F1kd.)

Scott, H. C., Dallas, Tex., December-, asks authority to raise a regi­ment of Infantry or Cavah-y, for twelve montlts or the war, to arm and equip themselves. .Accepted either as Infantry or Cavalry, if armed.

Scott, J. A., Rev., Halifax Court-hou;e, --., September 3, offers to raise an Artillery company for twelve mo~ths. Not a?ceptcd.

Scott, J. S., Richmond, Va., JLtly 17, offers to nnsc five or SIX com­panies. Proposition accepted.

New Orleans, La., August 30, offers a battalion of mounted men, armed, &c. Accepted.

Baton Rouge, La., September 4, reports regiment, mounted, armed, and equipped for the war, ready. Verbal answer made to :Mayor Nixon.

By J. 0. Nixon, Richmond,--, September 10, desires to increase his bn,ttalion to a regiment. Accepted If armed.

Scott Walter Somersville, Tenn., April 12, tenders company. An­' swered that troops were not then received from States outside

the Confederacy. Scott, 'l'. ::11., Captain.-See Capers, R. L. . Scott, Vf. C., Brigadier General, Richmond, Va., May 13, asks If a

brigade of Volunteers will be accepted and armed. No answer recorded.

Seago, E. 11., Atlanta, Ga., April 17, proposes to raise a company of mounted men. AnRwered that offer must be made through. the Govemor of the State.

May 28, proposes to raise a compttny. No answer. May 30, tenders a company. Asked ii it is Ior the war. • June 18, has been at heavy expense unif.ormi~g his comrany, and

can come with country rilles and bowie-kmves, and Will march on foot. Autb.orized to purchase rifles, the Government to pay for them.

Scale, Arnold, Captain, Montgomery, .Ala., June 4, tenders armed company for twelve months. No answer found. . . .

Union Springs, .Ah, September 22, has siX compames of h1sreg1-ment and the assurance of others soon, and want; arms at once. Answered that his regiment would be received when or~anizcd by the election of field officers, and arms would be furmshcd 1t as soon as possible.

Seawell, William, Greenville, Ala., July 24, if he raises a regiment "Will you give him a Colonel's commission?" Answered, "If a rcrriment tenders as a whole it elects its own field officers."

Seibcls, J. J., Colouel, 6th Alabama Regiment, Manassas, Va., Dece~­bcr 27, proposes to raise a corp; oi Volunteers, to serve unt1l May 1 1863 to consist of three to five regiments of Infantry, two batteries' of A rtillcry, and a battalion of Artillery. Thinks


he can gp,t part of twelve-months' men to re-enlist. . Answered by Circular,* and informed that no orgaUizatJOn higher than a regiment would be received.

Selden, James, Captain, Selma, .Ala., July 10, tenders company, armed and equipped. Accepted. . .

Selman, William, Dadeville, Ala., June 26, endeavonng to rmse a com­pany, and wants to know if it will be accepted. No answered recorded.

Sewell, S. 'l'horn, Lake Charles, La., May 27, proposes organizing a company of mounted rangers. No answer rPcorded.

Shackelford, '1'. H., Captain, Hicbmond, V a., August 13, tcndm·s for twelve months tbe Cbuck:.ttouchee Riflemen, of Okolona, Miss., armed with rifles. Accepted.

Shackelford. W. A. H.-See Gresham, James F. Shadburne, ·G. D., Madison, La., June 11, tenders a company, the

Emerald Guards. 1\ nswcrcrl that companies could only be accepted when m·mcd and equipped for three years.

Warsaw, La., August 30, is trying to raise a company of Cavalry, and asks if they can be armed by the Government. Answered that the Government could not furmsh ::trms for Cavalry.

Shannon, 'vVilliam, Captain of Kirkwood Rangers,. Cm:odcn, --, Sep­tember 13, reports his company in camp, w1th s1xty men, horses, &c., and wan to to be mustered. Letter of September 4 says·com-pany can be mustered if accepted by the President. .

Sharp, William, private in n. .Mississippi cornpanr, August 14, d~stres a discharge to return to North Carolma, hlS home, and raise a company. Answered that the rule o! the Department forb1ds.

Sharp, B. ltV., Columbus, Ky., March 17, tenders services of h~msclf and friends to tbe Confedemte States, and asks 1f a ba ttahon of

7 !\ o answer found. eivcd, and wants apply to the Gov-

April 28, wants to march a Kentuck.Y regiment to Holly Springs, :\tiss. A nswcrcd that all enlistments must be for the war.

Shepard, J( 13., Colonel, ,J. 'l'. 'l'ayJor, Lieutenant Colonel! and W.· Broyles, Mayor, Mobile, Ala., J nne 18, propose Lo r:use a regi­ment for the war, unarmed. Not acuepted unless armed.

Sherman, C. K, 1st Lieutenant o[ National Volunteers, Washington, D. C., March 2, tenders a company. Directed to apply to L. Q. Washington for information.

Sherrod, F. A., Courtland, Ala., July 10, reports his company organ· izeci Answc1·ed that commissions were not issued till the company was mn~tered into service, and asking whether the com-pany is for tbe war or twelve months. .

Sherrod, F. 0 ., Lieutenant, 15th Alabama Volunteers, Tuscum b1a, Ala., October 4, want; authorit.v to mise an .Artillery company; can prouure all but guns. Auswered to Colonel IV. B. Wood that guns could not be furnished.

Shields, Thomas P., Columbus, Miss., Scptcm bcr 2, nsks if five or six companies he can raise rmd ann will be received. Accepted on condition that they be organizCld, anned, and tendered for the war.

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the Government will furnish saddleR, bridles, &c., for his Cav­alry company. Answered that the company would be accepted aut! equipped if armed fully. .

Scott, George, New Orlean~, La., May 11, ofieB to rmse a company of oue hundrecl men i( tLey can be armed. (Filed)

Scott, H. 0., Dallas, Tex., December-, asks authority to raise a regi­ment of Infantry or Ca1'alry, for twelve months or the war, to arm and equip themselves. 1iccepted either as Infantry or Cavalry, if armed.

Scott, J. A., Rev., Halifax: Court-house, --., September 3, offers to raise an .Artillery compan_y for twelve months .. Not a?cepted.

Scott, J. S., Richmond, Va., July 17, offers to raise five or SIX com-panies. Proposition aucepted. .

New Orleans, La., .August ilO, o1Iers :1 battahou o[ mounted men, armed, &c. .Accepted.

Baton Rouge, La., September 4, reports regiment, mounted, armed, and equipped for the war, ready. V crbal answer made to :Mayor Nixon.

By .J. 0. Nixon, Richm?nd, --, Scptcmbc_r 10, desires to increase his battalion to a regtment. Accepted 1f armed.

Scott, Walter, Somersville, Tenn., .April 12,_ tenders company. .An­swered that troops were not then rece1ved from State~ outsule the Confederacy.

Scott, T. M., Captain.-See Capers, R. L. . Scott, W. C., Brigadier General, Rwhmond, Va., May 13, asks If a

brigade of Volunteers will be accepted and armed. No answer recorded.

Seago, E. }[., .Atlanta, Ga., .April 17, proposes to mi~e a company of mounted men. Answered that offer must be made through the Governor of tL c< ·- • •

May 28, propose ~fay 30, tenders Juno 18, has be<

can cotnc '\vith GVUlllll v 1.1uc • ., n.uu. u .... ,n ,~...~ • .~....._,,, ,. ..... ~, ("I,IIU. vvu . .1 uJa.lvu

on foot. Authorized-to purchase ritlcs, the Government to pay for them.

Seale, Arnold, Oapk'lin, Montgomery, .Ala., June 4, tenders armed company for twelve months. No an:;w~r Iountl. . . .

Union Springs, Ala., September 22, has stx compames of h1s regi­ment and the assurance of others soon, and wauts armH at once. .Answered that his rerriment would be received when organized by the election of field officers, and arms would be furnished it as soon as pos;;ible. . . .

Seawell, William, ureenville, Ala., July 24,if. he .;·atses a 1·eg1m~nt "Will you give him a Colonel's comm1sswn ?· .Answered, If a regiment tenders as a whole it elects its own field officers."

Seibels, J. J., Colonel, 6th .A.labama Regiment, Manassas, Va., Dece~­ber 27, proposes to raise a corps of Volunteers, to serve unt1l May 1, 1863, to consist of three to :fiv:c rcgtmcnts of Infa~try, two batteries of }u:tillcry, and a battahon of .Art11lery. Thinks


he can get part of _twelve-months' men to re-enlist._ Answered by Circular,* and mformed that no organtzatwn htgher than a reu·iment would be received.

Selden, J~mes, Captain, Selma, Ala., July 10, tenders company, armed and equipped. .Aeeepted. . .

Selman, ·william, Dadeville, .Ala., J nne 213, endcavonng to rmse a com­pany, and wants lo know i( it will be accepted. No answered recorded.

Sewell, S. 'l'born, J,akc Charles, La., May 27, proposes organizing a comp:~ny of mounted rangers. No answer rPcorded.

Shackelford, T. H., Captain, Richmond, Va., .August 13, tenders for twelve months tbc Chuclmtonchee Riflemeu, of Okolona, Miss., armed with rifle~. Accepted.

Shackelford, "\V . .A. H.-See Gresham, Jamrs F. Shadbm-nc, G. D., :Madiwn, La., J nne 11, tenders a company, the

.l<~mcrald Guards. Answered that companies could only be accepted when nrmed and equipped for three year~.

Warsaw, La., August 30, is trying to rai~e a company of Cavalry, and asks if they can be armed by the Government. Answered that the Government could not furnish arms for Cavalry.

Shannon, \Villiam, Captain of K irkwood Rallgero, Camden, --, Sep­tember 13, reports his company iu camp, with sixty men, horses, &c. and wanto to be mustered. JJCttcr of September 4 says·com-pa~y can be mu~tered if accepted by the Prc.~id ent. .

Sharp, William, private in a Misoi~sippi comp11n;:, August 14, desires a discharge to return to North Carolm:~, his horne, and rms~ a company. Answered that the rule o the Department forb1ds.

Sharp, B. IV., Columbus, Ky., March 17, tenders serv_iccs of h~mself anJ friends to the Confederate States, and asks 1f a hn.ttahon of Volunteers can be received from his vicinity. No answer found.

April 12, will mise a regiment if it will be received, and wants commission as :Ybjor or Colonel. Directed to apply to the Gov­cmor of Missisoippi .

.April 28, wants to march a Keutucky regiment to Holly Springs, }fiss. A nswcred that rul enlistments m11st be for tbe war.

Shepard, F. B., Colonel, J. T. Taylor, Lieutenant Colonel~ and w_. Broyles, Mayor, Mobile, .Ala., June 1tl, propose to rmsc a regi­ment for the war, unarmed. Not accepted unless armed.

Sherman. C. K., 1st Lien tenant of National Vol uuteers, 1<\f:~shington, D: C., March 2, tender;; a company. Directed to apply to L . Q. Washington for information.

Sherrod, F. 11., Comtlaud, .Ala., .J uly 10, reports his company orgun­ized. AnswereJ that commisEi.ons were not issued till the company was mustered into service, and asking whether the com-pany is for the w:~r or twelve months. .

Sherrod, F. 0., Lieutenant, l5th .Alabama Volunteers, Tuscumbia, Ala., October 4, wants authority to rai:;e an .Artiller_y company; can procure all but gun~. Answered to Colonel \7\f. B. Wood that guns could not be furni shcc~. . .

Shields, Thomas P., Columbus, MJSs., September 2, asks 1i five or stx companies he can raise and aTm will be received. .Accepted on condition that they be organi?.~i, armed, and tendered for the war.

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Richmond, Va., October 31, asks if an independent company, armed with IIarper's Ferry rifles, will be accepted for twelve months and the arms paid for. Answered by Circular.*

Shorter, Rli S., James T. Holtsclaw, and James X Arring-ton, of Ala­bama, pmpose a regiment for the war. Directerl to tender through the call for tmops Irorn the State.

Shortridge, George D., Tion., of Alabama, July 2, tenders a regiment of Alabama Volnnteers, and would like to be Colonel (Filed.)

Shecford, Andrew, Canton, Ga., July 4, asks to raise a mounted com­pan.v. who will arm themselves. Directed to apply to Colonel

. H. F. McDonald, who is raising a regiment. S!lby, Louis, :Memphis, Tenn., April 25, asks information as to raising

a compnny. Dtreeted to apply to Governor Harris. Simmons, .T. C., Licuteuant, .Jarrett'~ Depot, Va., September -±, offers

. forty-s1x men, unarmed, for two! vc months. Not accepted. S1mmous, J. M., N cw Orleans, La., .May 2l, tend era a company or more

. of Cavalry for the war. Answered that Cavalry was uot needed. Snnmons, J. T., ~fonroo, La., December 18, asks commission as Colonel

kv~~~ 4. /. , ·;3 .. ~;u:~:l~-~0~o~3Ja~! 1•-"'''F';)'-'1..11 .Lll . .LVItllVlll.o1 .IJV;:) .LL1v, ..L..L11'-•t .Ll....[J~U .&.vl ".3kS if a COmpany 'Vill

be accepted. Answered, "Not now." Sims, F. \V., Captain, Gumpany "13," Oglethorpe Light ] nfantry,

Savannah, Ga., July 29, asks if oompany will be accepted and armed. No answ~r found.

Sinclair, J., Raleigh, N. C., August 22, cnn raise a battalion or regi­ment instead of a company. Answered that·a regiment or bat-

. tahon would be accepted if organi:;ed and offered for the war. Smgleton, IV. F., private, Jl.ockbridge Artillery, Centreville, Va., Octo­

ber 23, wants lo raise a company of Artillery in Kentucky. Answered by Circular.*

Skeen, W"!{ vVarm Spring,, Va., .Tunc 30, wants to raise ten companies of !YIOLlnted men-guerillas. Answered that a battalion for the

_ war, and armed1 would be accepteu. Skmner, J. H ., Captarn, Blount Guarus, Blount County Ala. offers ~ '· ,- · · ' ' ' and eq~ipped. ~ ' /]_ .//7 ;eel in mising a Cav-

'/f'z:r E-u.L'/ pJ' u..;r, /zf/. .7/? rm it?" Answered

t.:).Iaugttvt:r, J.u. 1u., 1.a11uu.ega, .~..", 1uay t.J, fJfupo!=l.cs to raise a com-. pany of flying Artillery. Answered that such a compl~ny was not wanted.

August 1, asks if battalion, armed and equipped by itself, will be acccptecl Accepted.

Sledge,.) . .1.i., Captain, Lexington, Ala., August 9, tenders company. Accepted on cond1t1on that 1t be tendered for the war or be armed.

Slikes, A., Captain, Mobile, Ala., May 22, tnnclers services of his com-pany, the IuLiependent Rifles. Answered that his company would be accepted if offcu:d for the wat·.

Smedes, William C., Vicksburg, Miss., June 10, offers company, the Vicksburg Confederates. Accepted if offered for the war, but could not be attaohei! to the regiment desired.

Smith, B. B., Captain, by Dr. K. ·Jt. Moseley, L:1Ud~Jrdalc Spring;;, Miss., May 14, tenders a company. Accepted 1f armed and equipped.

August 23, he renews the tender for the war. Accepteu if armed and equippeu. .

Smith, E. W., Livingston, Ala., August 27, tenders ?ompany he ts raising. and wants Guvemment to arm aud eqmp 1t for twelve montli.s. Not accepted.

Smith, F. R., Lieutenant, Richmond, Va., October 15, wants to be commissioned to recruit for the army in Missouri. Rofoncrl to act of Congress, No. 257, of Au,gust 30, 1861. . .

Smith, Geo. A., Captain, Macon, Ga., March 9, tenders serv10es of hts Clompany, the Brown Infantry. Otrected to tender company to the Governor of Georgia.

Mareh 21, states that his company has been accepted by the Gov­emor of the State, but is impat ient for serv10e. An,;wered that the Government could only receive forces raised for the provis­ional army as tendered by the Governor of the State.

Smith, G. A.-See ..\fims, C. B. Smith, Henry J., Atlanta, Ga., June 28, tendered company, Telfair

Volunteers. Accepted. Smith, Jos. B., Thos. \Vall, and Richard Fariss, Lynchbnrg, Va., March

11 inquire if expenses of Vblunteers will be paid. Answered, M~rch 21; that Volunteers were not then nceued, but if actual war should result they would be accepted.

Smith, J. D., Captain, Houston, Miss., August 18, tenders unarmed company for the war. Accepted.

Smith, James F., Captain, Iuka, Mios., August 29, reports company, the Lafayette Farmers, waiting orders, and want.; lo join Colonel Mott's regiment. Answered that Colonel :Mott had ten com­panies.

Smith, John Little, Mobile, Ala., August 1, tenders company, raised in Chocktaw County, and asks arms. Answered that arms cannot now be furnished.

AuguRt 3, tenrlors company, unarmed, for the war. Accepted. Smith, J. T., Roanoke, Ala., May 18, a~ks 1f the tlecretary wt\1 accep~

a regiment. Answered, '· K ot unless fully armed and eq U!pped. May 27, offers a company. No answer. . June 3 oiiers company Ior the war. Accepted tf armed. July4,' accepted anu ordereu tuMernphiH, Teun.

Smith, M. M., Lieutenant, Company "G," lOth Mississippi RegirMnt, Pensacola, Flu., August 13, wants to know 1f he can orgamze a Cavalry company from companies now in service. Answered in the ncgati ve. .

Smith, R n., .Miccosukee, Flu., September 18, tenders for sue months an lnfnntry and a Caval•·y company, for service on the coast of Florida. Accepted if armed anrl c'luippod, nncl appt·ovorl by Geuerul GrayHon.

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Richmond, Va., October 31, aRks if an independent company, armed with IIarper's Ferr,y rilleB, will be accepted for twelve months anc.l the arms paid for. Answered by Circular.*

Shorter, Rli S., JameR T. IIolt~claw, and ,James N. Arrington, of Ala­bama, propose a regiment [or the war. Directed to tende.r through the call for troops from tbe State.

Shortridge, George D., Hon., of Alabama, July 2, tenders a regiment of Alabama VolnnLeers, and would like to be Colonel. (Ftled.)

Sbccford, Andrew, Canton, Ga., July 4, asks to raise a mounted com­panv, who will arm themselves. Direete•l to apply to Colonel 13. F. McDonald, who is raising a regiment.

Silby, Loui~, 1fcmphis, Tenn., April 25, asks information as to raising a company. Directed to apply to Governor Han1s.

Simmons, .J. C., Lieutenant, Jarrett's Depot, Va., September ±,offers fol'ty-six men, unarmed, for twelve months. Notacc pted.

Simmons, J. M., New Orleans, La .. , May 21, Lenders a company or more of Cavalry for the war. Answered that Cavalry was not needed.

Simmons, J. 'I'., Monroe, La., December 18, asks commis:;iou us Colonel to raise a regiment. Answered by Circular:"·

Simons, M. K., 'l'cxana, '!'ex., Scptcm bcr 2, wants commission to raise a company of ranf$'ers. Answered that no Cavalry could be accepted unless fully armed.

Simpson, R. Tennent, Des Arc, Ark., April 16, asks if a company will be accepted. Answered, " K ot now."

Sims, 11'. \V., Captain, (!)ompany "B," Oglethorpe Light Infantry, Savannah, Ga., Jul.f 29, asks if oompany will be uccepted and armcrl No answ~r found.

Sinclair, J., .Raleigh, ~. C., August 22, can raise a battalion or regi­ment inotead of a company. Answered that-a regiment or bat-

. tal ion won ld be accepLed if organized and offered for the war. Smgleton, W . F., private, Rockbridge Artillery, Centreville, Va., Octo­

ber 23, wanru to raise a company of Artillery in Kentucky. Answered b,y Circular::<

Skeen, vV:{ \Varrn Springs, V a., J nne 30, wants to raise ten companies of mounted mcn-p;llCI'illas. Answered that a batt,Llion for the war, and armed, would be accepted.

Skinner,, J . H., Captain, Blount Guards, Blount County, Ala., offers h:s company. Not acccj1tcd, unless armed and equipped.

Slatter, T. J., Knoxville, Ga., August 19, is engaged in raising a C:w­alry company. "Will the Govemmeut arm it?" Answered in the negative.

Slaughter, :\1. M., . Talladega, lua., May 27, proposes to raise a com .. pany of flymg Al'tlllcry. AnBwered that such a company was not wanted.

August 1, asks if battalion, armed and equipped by itself, will be accepted. Accep~cd.

Sledge, J. A., Captain, Lexington, Ala., August 9, tcndm·s company. Accepted on condition that it be tendered for the war or be armed.

Slikcs, A., Captain, Mobile, Ala., }by 22, tenders services of his com-pany, Lhe Independent Ri[les. Answered that his company would be accepted if offemd for the war.


Smedes, William C., Vicksburg, Miss., June 10, offers company, the Vicksburg Con[eJeraLes. Accepted if offered for the war, but could not be attachec1 to the regiment desired.

Smith, B. B., Captain, by Dr. N. R. Moseley, IJ:1lld1Jrdalc Spring!', :Miss., May 14, tenders a company. Accepted if armed u.nd equipped.

August 23, he renews the tender for tbe war. Accepted if armed and e'luipped. .

Smith, E. W., J,ivingston, Ala., August 27, tenders company he 1s raising, and wauts Government to arm and equip it for twelve months. Not accepted.

Smith, F. R., Lieutenant, Richmond, Va., October 15, wants to be commiosioned to recruit for the army in Missouri. .Referred to act of Congress, No. 257, of August 30, 1861.

Smith, Geo. A., Captain, Macon, Ga., March 9, tcnderR ~orviccs of his company, the Brown Infantr,y. Directed to tender company to the Governor of Georgia.

March 21, states that his uornpany has been accepted by the Gov­el'llor of the State, but is impatient for Bervice. AnswereLl that the Government could only receive forces misccl for the provis­ional army as tendered by 'the Governor of the State.

Smith, G. A-Sec MimR, C. B. Smith, Henry J., Atlanta, Ga., June 28, tendered company, Telfair

Volunteers. Accepted. Smith, Jos. B., Tho~. \~all, and Richard Fariss, Lynchbnrg, Va., March

11, inquire if expenses of Vblunteers will be paid. Answered, .March 21~ that Volunteers were not then needed, but if actual war should result they would be accepted.

Smith, J. D., Captain, Houston, .Miss., August 18, tenders unarmed company Ior the war. Accepted.

Smith, James F., Captain, luka, Miss., August 29, reports company, the Lafayette J!'armers, waiting orders, and wants to join Colonel Mott's regiment. Answered that Colonel Mott had ten com­panies.

Smith, John Little, Mobile, Ala., August 1, tenders company, mised in Chocktaw County, and asks arms. Answered that arms cannot now be furnished.

August 3, tenders company, unarmed, fo1· the war. Accepted. Smith, J. T., Roanoke, Ala., May 18, asks if the tlecreLary will accept

a regiment. Answered,,; NoL unless fully armed and equipped." :\lay 27, olTers a company. No answer. J nne 3, offci'R company for the war. Accepted if armed. July 4, accepted and ~rdered to l'lfemr,his, Tenn.

Smith, M. M., Lieutenant, Company '· G,' lOth Mississippi Regir~ent, Pensacola, Fla., August 13, wants to know 1f he can orgamzc a Cavalry company from companies now in service.. Answered in

. the negative. . Sm1th, R. B., Miccosukee, Fla., September 18, tencle1·s for RIX months

au lufanlry and a C,walry company, for service on the coast of FlOTiLla. Accepted if armed and equipped, aud appwvccl by Geueral Grayson.

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Smi th, R. W., Mobile, Ala,., October 18, by R. H. Srnitb, asks authority to rmse a squadron of Cavalry. Answered by Circular.*

November 1, tenders Cavalry company for twelve mouths, to be armed by the State. No answer recorded.

Smith, T. '1'., Captain, Columbia, Ala., May 13, tenders the Henry Blu es. Acc~pted if for tho war.

Smith, W . B., Goldsbor_ough, N. C., December 18, is recruiting company and asks If It will be accepted, and whether heavy Artillery or Infantry would. be preferred. Answered that a company of Heavy Artillery, for coast defense, would be received. Cin;ular* enclosed.

:Smith, Wm. E., Wm. J. \~ason, and :ll. F. Barksdale, Albany, Gu., March 25, offer to rmse a company of Light Infantry. Directed to apply to tho Governor of Georgia.

July. 31, asks if the Government can arm and accoutre a bat, talwn of Infantr_y, four companies to be raised in southwestern Georgia. and. will it be accepted. Answered that the Govern. ment could not arm i t, but i t <:ould be embodied in the re:;erve corps.

A ugust 18, proposes to furnish half the arms. Answered, "It is impossible now to arm."

Smith, W. E., Lieutenant, Company" E," 4th Geor.,.ia Rcrriment Nor­folk, Va., November 25, asks reply to his t~ncler ~f battalion.

. Answered by Circular,* and reference made to former answer.· Snuth, W m. J., Captain, Spartan burg, S. C., June 3, offers company

of mounted men for border service. ~ ot accepted unless armed equipped, and tendered for the war. '

J une 17, tender of company of mounted men for border service. .Answered, "Not needed."

A ugu;:t 19, tenders Artillery company. l'\ot accepted for lack of battery.

Smith, W. N. H.-See W alkcr, W. J. Smith, vV. R., Hi~hmond, _ V n., Septem_ber 4, tenders six companies for

the war, w1th privilege of adrhnD" four more· can get rifles or shot-guns. President to appoint bfield officers: Acccptcn.

Smoot, A. Jackson , R1chmond, Va., July 10, asks authority to orgnnil'le . company of Marylanders. Answered that such a company

would be received if organized and armed. Smyth, K '1'., and l'. B. Burton, Wh ite Plains, A la., July 2, have com­

pany nearly ready, and ask instructions. AnswcTed that the Government could not furnish arms. &r. Referred to Colonel

/ / / / / .J Hangers, unarmed. @Ht?ad (C~ ~- • Iruisb the arms.

/ arm,; for his com-pany, ana wants G:overnment to furnish tents, knapsaeks, &c. .Agrcca to.

Sneed, II. G., C~ptain, and F. M. Goode, Lieutenant, Bibb County, Ala., August il, have rmscd company of one hundred and fourtee 11

men and horse;;, and aRk if Government will arm and equip t ltern. Answered, "'l'ho r.ornp11ny is not needed."


Snodgrass, Jno., Captain, Stevenson,-., June 8, reports his company, for twelve months, in camp, armed, and uniformed, and wants orders. Directed to remain where he is.

Bell~font, Ala., May 28, his company is armed with ~fississippi Rifles, :J.UU wants to get into service. (T<'ilcd.)

Southern, Captain, by llon. R L. Caruthers, August 29, tenders an . Arttllery company for tho war. Accepted.

Spam, A . C., Slllnter, S. C., Septcm ber 13, asks in regard to the offer of a regiment. Answered that regiment would be received if armed.

Spears, William R. See 'run, Francis S. Spencer, Samuel B., Thomasville, Ga., .August 8, hnR company of

' • • , , rt • • 1

- lves, exuept arms.

a.:£- ~r~c -"<4-- 4'c7 clo, raised a company 7u::- / Answered that . his company would be accepter! and eqmppea.

Spigenet·, I,., Prnttv1llc, Ala., August 31, desires authority to mise a company for twelve ruonths or the war, Government to furnish arms if for the latter. Answered, "No authority needed.. Can-

. not accept uulcss fully armed." Spirey, J. G., and J. W. Biddle, by S. S. Biddle, Newbern, N. C.,

Novemuer 27, wants authority to raise a company for the war. • "'""''0'"Pil bv Circular:*

~ , T" Tnlv 8, reports company {;7 ~&/e-* ' be accepted unless

Spraybeny:-'Jj. o.J., ~~--, . /~ er of company, the Ringgold Volunteers. Answered tllat Ulb ,;ompany could. only be received through the Governor of Georcia.

Stamp, I. D., Wood ville, Miss., May 30, tenders a ~ompany for the war, to be armed. Accepted.

Statham, W. S., Captain, Grenada Rifles, Grenada, Miss., April 29, ten· ders company, armed with rifles. He is referred to the Gover­nor o( Mississippi.

Starke, P. B., Jackson, Miss., December 11, asks for authority to raise a regiment of Cavalry. Answered that regulations would be sent him in a few days, under which a regiment of Cavalry wonlfl be accepted.

Stark, Staufl'erd & Co., New Orleans, La., September 11, asks if a Texas company, armed, will be reeeived and transported to the seat of war from :Shreveport. Answered, ·' 1\o."

Steele, A. C., Captain, Mobile, Ala., October 19, tenders armed com· pan.Y I.rom Jackson County for sea-coast defense. Directed to apply to General Withers.

Steele, John. L., Captai~, Pickens County, Ga., tenders a company, orgamzecl and umformcd. Answered, " Cannot accept, unless armed or fo t· the war."

Steele, JJ. D. , Greenville, Ala., August 19, tenders company, and asks for armR. Accepted if for the war.

Steinberg, Lr. S., Captain, German FL1silecrs, :Mobile, Ala., April 29,

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Smith, R vy., Mobile, Ala., October 18, by R II. Smitb, asks authority to rmse a squadron of Cavalry. Answered by Circular:X·

November 1, Lenders Cavalry 'company for twelve months, to be armed by the State. No answer recorded.

Smith, T. T., Captain, Columbia, Ala., May 13, tenders the Henry Blues. Accepted if for the war.

Smith, W. B., Go.ld~bor_ough, N.C., December 18, is recruiting company and asks 1f 1t will be aeeepted, and whether heavy Artillery or Infantr.y would be preferred. Answered that a company of llcavy Arttllery, for coast defense, would be received. Circular* enclosed.

Smith, W m. E .. \Vm. J. Vason, and M. F. Barksdale, .Albany, Ga., March 25, offer to raise a company of Light Infantry. Directed to apply to the Governor of Georgia.

July 31, aRks if the Goverument can arm and accoutre a bat talion of Infantry, four companies to be miscd in southwester~ Georgia, and will iL be accepted. AnRwered that the Govern. ment could not arm it, but it could be em bodieu in the reserve corps.

August Vi, proposes to furnish half the arms. Answered, "It is nnposs1ble now to arm."

Smith, W. E., Licntenant, Company" E," 4th Georgia Regiment, ~or­folk, Va., November 25, ash reply to hiR tcnuer oi battalion. .r\nswereu by f''·· ~·- '- --"' ' •

Smith, IV rn. J., Capta of mounted me equipped, and

June 17, tender ot company of mounted men for border service. Answered, "Not neeJed."

August 19, tenders Artillery company. Not accepted for lack of battery.

Smitb, W. N. H.-See Walker, W. J. Smith, W. R, Richmond, . Va., September 4, tenders six companies for

the war, w1tlt pnv1lege of acldmrr four more· can get rilles or shot-guns. Pt:esidcnt, to appoint field officers~ Accepted.

Smoot, A. Jackson. R1chmond, Va., July 10, asks authority to organize com\)any of ~fary!anders.. Answered that such a company won d be rccclVcd 1f organJz;ed and armed.

Smyth, E. T., and-.. B. Burton, White Plains, Ala., July 2 have com­l~any nearly ready, anu ·ask insti·uclions. Answer~d that the Government could not furmsh arms, &c. Heferred to Colonel McDonald.

July 26, tenders company, the \Vhitc Plains Rangers, unarmed. Answered that the Government could not fum ish the arms.

August 14, says he can get abundance of arms for his com­pany, and wants Government to furnish tents, knapsacks, &c. Agreed to.

Sneed, IT. G., Captain, and F. :M. Goode, Lieutenant, Bibb Count}', Ala., August il, Lave rmsecl company of one hundred aml fonrteen men and horses, and ask if Govcmmcnt will arm and equip them. Answered, "The company is not neeued."


Snougrass, Jno., Captain, Stevenson,-., June 8, reports his company, for twelve months, lll camp, armed, and uniformed and wants m·ders. Directed to remai u where be is. '

Bell~font, AJa., May 28, his company is armed with Mississippi . 1-Mies, and wants to get into service. (Filed.)

Southern, Captam, by Ron. R. I,. Caruthers, August 29, tenders an . Artlllery company for the war. Accepted.

Spam, A. C., ~mntcr, S. C., September 13, ~ks in regard to the offer of a reg1mcnt. Answered that regiment would be received if armed.

SpcarR, William R.-See TLlll, Francis S. Spencer, Samuel B., Thomasville, Ga., A~gnst 8, bas company of

troopers, wlucb he Lenders. Can eqmp themselves, except arms. (Fileu.)

Spencer, Ambrose, Americus, Ga., December 26, has raised a company o~ Artillery, and aBkB if he can get a battery. Answcreu that

. hts company would be accepted and equipped. Sp1gcnCJ·, L., Prattville, Ala., August 31, desires authorit.Y to raise a

company for twelve months or the war, Government to furnish arms if for the latter. Answered, "No authority needed. Can-

. not accept unle,;s fully armed." Sptrey, J. G., and J. W. Biddle, by S. S. Biddle, ~ewbcrn, N. C.,

November 27, ~ants authority to raise a company for the war. Answered by C1rcular.*

Sprague, J. K., Captain, New Orleans, La., July 8, reports company ready. Answered that company could not be accepted unless armed.

Spraybcr.ry, H. J., Ringgold, Ga., ::Uarch 16, tender of company, the Rmggold Volunteers. Answered that his company could only be reeeiVeu through the Governor of Georgia.

Stamp, I. D., Woodville, Miss., May 30, tenders a eomp::my for the war, to be armed. Accepted.

Statham, W. S., Captain, Grenada RiJles, Grenada, Miss., April29, ten­ders company, armed with rifles. He is referred to _ the Gover­nor of Mississippi.

Starke, P. R, Jackson, ::Uiss., December 11, asks for authority to raise a regtment of Cavalry. Answered that re<>ulations would be sent him in a few clays, under which a r~giment of Cavalry would be accepted.

Stark, Stauiierd & Co., K ew OrleanR, La., September 11, asks if a 'l'exas company, armed, will be received :>nd transported to the seat o( war from Shreveport. Answered, ·' ~o."

Steele, A. C., Captain, Mobile, Ala., October 19, tenders armed com­pan.y from Jackson County for sea·coast defense. Directed to apply to General Withers.

Steele, John L., CapLai~, Pickens County, Ga., tenders a company, orgamzed and umformecl. Answered, "Cannot accept, un less armed or for the war."

Steele, L. D., Greenville, Al~, August 19, tenders company, and asks fot· arms. Acccptcrl 1 f for the war.

Steinberg, F. S., Captain, German ~'usileers, :Mobile, Ala., April 29,

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tenders company for twelve months. Directed to apply to Gov­ernor :tloorc.

Stephens, Alexander B., Orange burgh Court-house, S. C., June 18, has one hunched brave, moral men, and want8 to be ordered against the Yankees. .Accepted if armed and for the war.

Stephenson, .J. T., Woodbury, Ga., August 29, proposes to raise, arm, and equip a Cavalry company, with the exception of side-al'Ins, which he asks of the Government. Answered that the Govern­ment could not furnish them, and that the company was not needed.

Stow::~rt, Tienry J., Jasper, Fla., ~by 30, offers company for the war. .Answered that no company could be accepted unless armed and ~quipped.

Steward, R. A., Captain, Point Coupe6Ratter.y, Baton Rouge, La., July 26. reports his company ordered to Memphis, and armed and equipped at their own expense, having only four guns, and wants brass battery. No answer found on record.

Stevenson, R. W., Little Hock, Ark., :May 12, proposes to raise a bat­talion. No answer l'ecorded.

Stiles, William H., Richmond, July 27, proposes to raise a regiment in Georgia for the war, he to be Colonel. An8wered that the regiment must al'In itoelf, and could organize by electing its field officers.

Stiles, R. Captain, :Mobile Ala., May'27, tenders a company for twelve months, with equipmcnts, arm~, and ammunition. .Accepted.

Stirling, J . B., Greenville, Miss., August 27, asks authority to raise a squadron of mounted guerillas, to fumish their own equipments and pa,y then· own expenses. .Answered that the proposition could not be entertained.

Stokes, .J. W., Bushing'~ Store, }fiss., May 27, tenders a company, unarmed, for twelve months. Kot accepted.

Stokes, A., Captain, Independent Riiles, Mobile, Ala., June 10, asks if a company will be accepted for twelve months if not tendered for the war. Answered that a company could not be accepted unless armed and eqLLipped.

Stone, B. vVarren, Richmond, -.--• July 27, has a regiment in camp, mounted, armed, &c., which he offers for twelve months. .Ac­cepted.

Stontl, vV. 11., Captain, LivingsLon, .Ala., June 8, wants to know ii a company will be accepted for twelve months. .Answered that the company could not be accepted unless fully armed and equipped.

Richmond,--., August HJ, asks that the Sumter :Y1ounted Guards be admitted into tue 5th .Alabama Regiment_ Not granted.

Stone, \V . .P., New Hope, Ala.., July 9, tender~ the services of a Cav­nlry company, but if not accepted, will an Infantry company be received? Acceptccl ns Infantry if fully armed.

Storm, George S., by Colonel B. D . .l!'ry, Yorktown, Vn-, September 28, proposes to raise a company of mountain howit~ers. (Filed.)

Stovall, M. A., Colonel, Lynchburg, Va., September 18, ha;, requisite number of companies to raise his battalion to a regiment i [ he


can get three hundrccl muskets. Answered that the Depart­ment could not fumi8h the arms.

Stovall, T . .P., Captain, Augusta, Ga., }[a,y 21, offers his company, the Richmond Hussars. .Answered that mounted men were not needed.

St. Paul, IIenry, New Orleans, La., Murch 25, reports himself ready for actual service with company of the best men. Telegraphed, March 20, that if his company was ready by Saturday it would be sent to Pensacola, &c. See, also, Miltcttbcrgcr, James.

Stricklin, W. I", Ripley, Miss., AugLtst 31, propose8 to raise an Artil· lery company for the war, and wants guns. Answered th::~t no assurance could be given .

Strother, J . A., Captaiu, and II. L. Benning, Lieutenant, Columbus, Ga., April 151 asks if compauy eould go to Pensacola at its own expense, and be allowed rations and a position during the battle. .Answered, "At prc~cnt, no."

June 7, reports company ready, and asks where he shall get arms. Kot acccptecl unleRs armed and equipped.

Wilmington, N. C., June 11, by \V. Smith, tenders the Border Rangers, unarmed. N' o answer recorded.

Sturdivant, E. T., Li vipgston, .Ala., June 25, wants to know if twelve­months' company will be accepted now. Accepted if armed and equipped.

Sturdwiek, .!!'. K., Mobile, Ala., May 9, has company anq wants drill officers. Answered that company must be mustered into <;Jon­federate States service before it can be subjected to Confederate St<'ttes officers_ ·

Styles, C. W., of Georgia, July 11, if appointed Colonel can raise regi­ment i11 southern Georgia. (Filed.)

Summers, Leonard .!!'., Lieutenant, (no date,) tenders the Aleck. Ste­phens Guards, of )fobile, .Ala. (Filed.)

}fay 15, he urges acceptan<)e of the company. (Filed.) Sutton, S. A., )1cn·y ITill Post-office, N. C., nsks if Cavalry company

will be armed and equipped (inelnding horses) when tendered .for the war. Answered by Circular::'

R10hmoud, Va., N overnber 13, proposes to raise Cavalry company, fully armed and equipped with one kind of arms, i.f Government will fnrnish tbe l'etit and pay for alL .Answered by Circular.*

Swoope, E. M., Courtland, .Ala., May 6, wants the Scol'Ctary to furuish an organized company of horne-guards with urms. Answered that the Government could not arm independent companies.

Sweet, (or Swett,) Chas., Captain, Vicksburg, Miss., May 21, tenders . company of Light .Artillery. No answer rccol'ded.

Swift, J. S., Plymouth, K. C., September 27, asks authority to raise an Artillery company for coast defense in North Carolina. Answered that the Government could not furni8h a battery.

October 11, restating his proposition to raise .Artillery company. · .Answered that an Artillery company could not be accepted that could not furnish its own battery.

Sykes, Edgar, Duck llill, MiA~., April 1, tenders his company, the McClung Riile8. Answered that companies were only re­cei l'ed through the Executives of the States ...

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Sykes, \V. J., by Ron. J. H. Thomas, Richmond, v~.,. December 6, desires to mise a reg1ment for the war, and asks 1f Government will arm it. Answered by Ci1·cular.* . .

Symons, Juo. J., Fort Pulaski, Ga., .July 8, wants .perm1t to recrmt a company. Answcrcrl t.hat a company, if reused for the war nnd armed, would be received.

'l'alley, G. R, Garland, Ala., October 21, proposes to npso a company of Cavalry for coast serv1ee, to be. armed by the Governor of Alabama. Answered bv Cucular:·'

Tayloe, J. \V., Captain, Macou)vJarengo Cou~ty, Ala., July 22, offers company of Cavalry, completely cqmpped. Accepted and ordered to Richmond.

September 5, reports his Cavalry compa.ny ready .and in camp, sovcnty·six men, equipped, except ma[orms, wlueh he wants the Department to furnish. (FileLl)

September 8, he tenders a Cavalry company, armed, mounted, and· equipped. .Accepted and ordered to R1chmond to be clothed.

'l'ovlrll" A nontoin . (him·" Tnvin~ihlR< \VovnP"hrwougb, Th-bss., October itb rifles, for twelve

~'/~ C }t? ~~ r.Y company will be _ ,_.._...., ........... ~ · ··~~··--- - ~·· -·r · r--.1 wu ~'"' ......... "" ... ,/it.hers. .

Taylor, G. E., Captain, Camp Beauregard,---, June 8, offers com· pany f.or the war. Kot acc:epted ~nless a~·med. and oqmpped.

Taylor, George W., Greenfield, Mo., Apnl 17, w1ll rmsc a company, and wants a Captain's commission. No answer recorded.

Tavlor James C. ChrisLiansburg, Va., April 15, tenders a company. "


Answcrcd 'that his own State would afford ample field for action. 'l'aylor, J. L., New York City, May 2, wants t~ raise from one to two

thousand men in New York, for servwe m the Confederate States, and wants means to do it. No answer recorded.

Taylor, J. M., Baton Houge, La., May 28, reports a compm~y of fly· iug Artillery raised for the war, and wants arms. 1\ o answer recorded.

) raise a regiment of :he war, and will get

Answered by Cir-

N ovemuer 1. tenders his services to raise a regiment or battalion of Infantry or Cavalry, for twelve·rnontbs' service. Answered by Circular.*

Taylor, W. J ., Captain, Wetumpka, .Ala., June 25·, offers a coll?-pany, not armed. Answered that a reserve corps of several regm1cnts having been accepted from AlabaD?-a, l1is company could pro· bably join it. See, also, Kyle, A.

IJ'aylor, W. M., Huntsville, Ala., July 18, tenders a Volunteer company, al"med with rifles, for twelve months. )l" o answer reconled.

Teasely, Vv. A ., Canton, Ga., August 23, tenders company, and wants arms. (l<'iled.)

Tebbs, Vv. H., Captain, and other o-fficer;;, Portland, Ark., April 21, tender company. No answer recorded.


'l'crrcll, S. G., Mt Carmel, i\1i8s., September 22, wants to know if Cav· airy is needed. and if it will be armed awl equ1 p_ped.. Answered that no more Cavalry was needed unless furo1shmg Its own arms.

Terrell, W. H., Opelousas, La., September 20, wants to rmse company of mounted men anJ asks if Government \\'Jll furmsh arms. Answered tlte Government coL1ld furnish no horses for Cavalry, and that the company must be armed with sbot·gllns or carbines, anrl one kind of sidc·nrms. .

Terrill, V. L., Jackson, Miss., May 16, asks if company of Cavalry WJl! be equipped, &c. Answered in the negative. . . . .

June 1~, offers a regiment or battalion of troops from MJSSISSippl. Accepted if organi;;;ed, armed, and equipped.

Terry, B. F., and P. S. Lubbock, o( 'rexa.s, Manassas,-., July 5, want to raise regiment Answered that reguneut would be accepted if armed and equipped. .

Terry, Jno. T., Lieuteoant, Company "E," 9tl; Al~bama Reg1ment, Bristol, Va., September 17, tenders res1gnatJon, to return. to Alabama and raise a compnny. Ansn•ered that h1s res1gnatwn could not be accepted for that purpose.

'l'crry, 'l' . .A., Lieutenant Colonel, Little Rock, Ark., November 18, has five companies, and wants fifty .gun;; from the arsenal. Answered that orders could not be g1 veu for arms for troops not mustered into the service.

I Tilghman, Lloyd, Paducah, Ky., April 16, offers ~id, &?·• and will in a few days be aL the head of a rcgm1cnt, w1tb a hght battery and squadron of Cavalry attached. No answer recorded. .

rp;n~, .. Tnn. FL. O~·lethorpe County, Ga., December 9, wants author1ty

~ the men as thcv

~ r wtice. Circular* ~ / ~~0. // f.Artillerywould

lJO~LAJ ...... J..lVU..<A.~•'-• -....._~u"''J ~~·-···· · ·· --·-

Titsworth, C. G., Hunt County, Tex., November 3, is raising a company for the Confederate States service. It will be ready by March.

, Answered by Circubr. * /['homas, R. L., Richmond, Va., August 1, can control enough com·

panies to form a regiment, and asks to be Colonel. Answered that it is not expedient to give commissions in advance, or to accept regiments for which arm~ canuo~ be procu1·c~. . .

'J'homas, F. J., Lieutenant Colonel, AdJutant General, Balt1morc DlVl· siou, :\faryland Volunteers, Tim·pcr·s Ferry, Va., May 11, tenders his services, with two thousand men from Maryland. No answer recorded.

Thomas, J. II., Hon.-See Sykes, W. J. Thomas, S. 0., Cbattanooga,.Tenu., .April13, Lenders company of Vol·

nnteers. No answer recorded. 'l'homas, Stanley 0., N atches, Miss., June 13, tenders unarmed company

of Light Artillery. Not accepLed because 1L could not be armed. Thomp~on, E. J., Nashville, Tenn., August 30, tenders company for

twelve months. Not accepted unless armed. Thompson, Jno. H., Captain, Lonisvillc, --.,May 15, offers his com·

pnny for one year. K ot accepted unless offered for the war.

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Sykes, W. J., by lion. J. JI. Thoma•, Richmonu, Va.,_ Dclcembcr 6, rlcsi1·es to raise a rcgnncnt for the war, anu asks 1f Goi'Crnment will arm it. An~wercd by Circular.* . .

Symons, Jno. J., Fort Pulaski, Ga., July 8, wants ycrmtt to rceru1t a company. Answered t.lm\ a company, 1£ rmserl for the war and armed, would be recel\red.

'ft.lley, G. R, Garland, Ala., 0Gtober 21, proposes to rmse a company of Cavalry for Goast service, to be armed by the Governor of Alabama. Answered by Circular.*

Tayloe, .J. vV., Captain, :11acon, .l'rlarengo County, Ala., July 22, oliers company of Cavalry, completely eqU!pped. Am:epted and ordered to Hichmond.

September 5, rcpmts his Cavalry company reauy ~tucl in camp, scventv-six men, equipped, except umforms, which be wants the Department to flll'niah. (Filed.)

September 8, he tenders a Cavalry companJ'• armed, mounted, and· equipped. Accepted and m·dered to RJChmond to be clothed.

'fay lor, A., Captain, Gaines Inviucibles, Waynesborougb, M1ss., October 1, tenders au Infantry company, anned w1tb nOes, for Lwelve months. No answer recorded.

Mobile, Ala., October 21, aRkR if nn Infantry company will be received. Di rected to npply to General Wttbers.

Taylor, G . . K. Captain, Camp Bcamcgard, ---,June 8, offem com· pnny jor the war. Not accepted unless a~·med anu eqmpped.

'l'aylor, George W., Greenfield, Mo., Apnl 17, wtll rmse a company, . and wants a Captain's eomnnsswn. N"o answer recorded.

'l.'aylor, James C., Christiansburg, Va., April 15, tenders a company. Answered that hi~ own State would a!Iord ample field for acLtoll.

Taylor, J. L., New York City, May 2, wants to raise from one Lo Lwo thousand rneu in New York, I or serv tee m the Confederate States, and wants means to clo it. No answel" recorded.

Taylor, ,J. M., Baton l{ougc, J,a., :1fay 28, reports a company of fly· ing A rtillery raised for tho war, and wants arms. No answer recorded.

Taylor, .T. T.-See Shepard, F. n. . . 'l'aylor, H. J-l., Bonham, 'fcx., October 1, wants to rmsc a rcgtment of

Cavalry or .lnfantry, for twelve months or the war, and wtll g:et arms, to be paid for by the Government. Answered by Cir­cu lm·.~·

November 1 tenders his services to raise a regiment or battalion of Infantr~ or Cavalry, for twelve-months' service. Answered by Circular:" _

T:tylor, W. J ., Captain, vVctumpka, Ala., June 2o-, offers a co~pnny, not armed. Answered that a reserve corps of several reg1mcnts havino- been accepted from Alabama, his company could pro· bably join it. Sec, also, Kyle, .A. '

IJ'aylor, W. J\f., lluntsville, Ala., July 18, tenders a Volunteer company, armed with rifles, for twelve months. No answer rccorJed.

'.l'easely, W. A., Canton, Ga., August 23, tenders company, and wants arms. (Filed.)

Tebbs, \"'f. II., Captain, aud other officers, P01tland, Ark., April 21, tender company. No answer rcconled.


Terrell, S. G., Mt. Carmel, Mi;s., September 22, wan_ts to know if Cav· airy is Heeded. and if it will be armed alld CCJ.Uippcd._ .Answered tlmt no more Cavalry was needed unless fur111shmg ~ts own arms.

Terrell, \"!f. II., Opelonsas, L"-, Scpt?mber 20, wants to rl\lse eompauy of mounted men, anrl asks If Government w1ll furmsh arms. Ans1vcrcd thnt the Government could fumish no ho1·ses for C11valry, and that the company must be armed wiLh sboL·guns or carbines, an•l one kind of side-nnns.

'l'errill, V. L., Jaclw)]l, Mis,;., May Hi, asks if company of Cavalry will be eqnipped, &c. Answered in the negative. . . . .

June 19. o1Ien; (I regiment or battalion of troops from 1{tssJSSlppl. Accepted ii orgnnized, armerl, Md equipped.

Terry, B. F., and P. S. Ln bbock, of 'l'cxas, :M,~nassas, -., July 5, want to raise regiment. } .. nswcred that regunent would be accepted if armed and eqnipped. ., .

Terry, Jno. 'l'., Lieutenant, Company "E,· 9Lh Alabama Reg1ment, Bristol, Va., September 17, tenders res1gnat1on, _to return. to Alabama and raise a company. Answered that h1~ resrgnatwn could not be accepted for that purpose.

'ferry, T. A., Lieutenant Colonel, Little Rock, Ark., November 18, has five compames, and wants fifty _guns from tho a1·senal. Answered that orders could not be gJVcn for al"ms fol' troops not mustered into the ~crvice.

Tilghman, Lloyrl, .l'aducah, Ky., April 16! offers aid, &c., and will in a few days be at the head of a t·egtment, WILL (~ ltght battery and Sfjua<lron of Cavalry attached. ~o answer recorded. .

Tiller, Jno. II., Oglethol"pe County, Ga., December 9, wants uuthor1ty to raise an Artillery company, and to muster th_e men _as they are received. Will want some cannon, to pract1cc. Cu·cular*

t. sent him, and he informed that a company of Artillery would be recei ;·eel and battery furni~h~d.

Titsworth, C. G., Hunt County, 'fex., -:J"ovembcr 3, is raising a company for the Confederate States service. It will be ready by :11arch.

\ Answered by Circular:>:· /l'homas, R L., Hichmond, Va., .August 1, can contml enough com­

panics to form a regiment, and a~ks to be Colonel. Answered that it is not expedient to give commissions m advance, or to accept rc.,.imenls for which arm~ caunot. be procnre<l. . .

Thomas, F. J ., fieutenant Colonel, AdJutant General, Balttmorc DIYl· sion, Mary land VolunteeJ"s, Harper's Fe t-ry, Va., \iay 11, tenders his service~, with two thou~and men from Maryland. No answer recorded.

Thomas, J. II., IIon.-Sce Sykes, W. J. 'l'homas, S. C., Chattanooga, Tenn., April 13, tenders company of Vol­

unteers. No answer recorded. 'l'homas, Stanley 0., ::'>J"atcbes, Miss., June 13, tenders unarmed company

of Light Artillery. K ot accepted because it could not be armcrl. 'l'hompson, E. J., Nashville, Tenn., August 30, tenders company for

twelve mouths. Not accepted nnles~ armed. . 'l'hompson, Jno. II., Captain, Louisville, --., May 15, offers lns com­

pany for one :year. Not accepted unless offered for the war.

CD (!) C/1 -"C 0 C/1 C/1

C" (!)

3 I»

(Q (!)

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Thomp_;,on,_ J~JO. ~-, _Capt~!n, _Lo~isville, --., !.fay 13, tenders the l. Answered, "Will

ciJ{tf/'/"L~ ~G. / t:1, "September4, tenders / , __ . .. ish their, own eqnip-

mcnts. .Answered LhaL uuless fully armed and cqnippcrl can­not accept.

Thornton, J. n., Mom phi~, Tenn., May 21, offers troops. Not accepted unleos armed and cqnippcd.

~1orn m. J. J .. Colonel, and others. by_ W. P. llarris, .Tacksorf. Miss.,

~ f!!3' /G Answered, '"Cannot

~ ' · / J, ndera a company for

Tbro~krn~~t;n, J. R., RichmonCl, --.,AugustS, asks permit to raise a reo-irnent of Kentuckians. Answered that a regiment for the w~r, armed with country rilles. aud elecLing field officers, will be accepted.

Thurmond, W. '1'.-Scc Sargent, II. J. Thurston, A. J. D., J"icutcnant Colonel, Na~hville, Tenn., July 13,

· · ' ' · · · ,nglade to orgamJ<~e

'7. // £ _.( cnt raised as he pro-

(;/ t:#-/ (o. (9. ,lt troops for twelye wvucn>. .0.11-Wl!t"CQ mat the Goycrnmcnt cannot accept un-armed troops for twelve months. They will be accepted ii armed.

September 7, reports hi~ command read_y to be mustered into scr­yjce for three years. Regiment alreauy accepted.

Tobin, J. E., General, BlackRVillc, S. C., November 16, is in command of two r·egiments of Cavalry, partly armed, and tenders them for the war. Circular'* ~ent him. In addition he is inform ell that troops were not accepted as brigaues.

Tompkius, Herbert B., Hichmoml, Va., April 11, tenders company. · - prep:ued to accept

~ fJ. jZ"' . Directed to hold

#/~~~ /~ ' .J. /~ furlough to raise a

c;vwi-'""J "' "u'",,"'l'l''· ttetuseu. Trabue, R. P.-See Jlyncs, A. R. . 'l'racy, Carlos, \Valtcrborongh, S. C., July 20, proposes to ratse a com­

pany of Cavalry. Answered that the company would be accepted if approved by Lhe officer commanding at Char!c:'lton, S. C.

Trezevant, J. T., MemphiB, Tenn., Septembet· 17, asks authority to raise a regiment, and wants arms if he cannot get them himself. Answered that no authority could be given and no arms could be furnished, but if supp licrl would be paid for.

Triggs, 'I'. J ., Captain, Little Rock,--., Ma_y 17, tenders a company for A rt.i llery or Infantry. No answer recorded.

Trueheart, G. W ., Ger·mantown, Tenn. , Apri l 29, is org:wit:ing a com­pany, bLit cannot procure arms. No answer recorded.

Trudeau, J., and others, New Orleans, La., May 16 and19, tender rcrri­ment, armed and equipped, !or twelvemonths or the war. Ac­cepted.

• Truitt, A. S., Captain, tmd others, Centm, Ala., July 22, tcncle1· a com­pany, armed witl1 iihot guns ot· rifles. Accepted.

Tucker, L. (..l., and others, Dublin, Ga., May 25, offer to raise a com­pan_y of Cavalry. An~wered that company must be armed and eqmppecl.

Tull, Francis S., \Yilliam R. Spears, .Tohn IV. Bell, and John D. Rine tendet• services of the Vicksbnrg Light Artillery. Answered thaL a Lull quota having been reeeived from Mississippi no more troops could be t·cceivccl until a new requisiLion was made.

Turner, ll. B., Captain, 'l'alladega, .Ala., Auguot 19, tenders a company for twelve monLhs. .Answereu that it cannot be accepted unless fLtlly armed ami eguippe<l.

Turner, JusiaL, jr., ]Jillsbomugh, N.C., July 14, tenders the servi\les of a Cavalry company. .AccepLed if fully armed aml equipped.

August 6, wants to mise a regiment for twelve rnottLhs or the war, which he will ~upport at his own expense till mustered into ser­vice. .Answered Lhat if organized, officcrcrl, and armed it will be accepted for twelve months, but if not armed, it cannot now be by the Government, as ·more troops are o1Iered than can be armed.

Turner, J. :.r. N., Livingston, 'l'ex., July 10, offers tl1e Polk County Flying .Artillery, with siuc-arms and four 6-pounders. Ac­cepted.

Turner, J. N. M., Captain, Morganville, Tex., tenders an Artillery company; gnns cast at expense of his father, J. S. A. 'l'nrncr. Not accepted.

Turner, Osker, Colonel, of Kcntuck_y, will raise, arm, and equip regi­ment of Kentuckians for twelve months. .Accepted.

Turner, T. N., Dallas. Ga., September 2, ofiet·s company for six months to gmnd the Southern shores. .Accepted on condition that the company be organi"'e<l, armed, and approvou by the General comm::mdirtg the Department.

Turner, W. S., IIelPno A .. r~ r. ' ·- t•egiment will be 7 ;::-;} v(' perabundancc of t;_. """'..-..-bV (/, ',Y--" 1' / t:J. they shoultl be

G{ Vv V'V' / • ' ·o. of _them, Wash-..... . -·-o .. v ....,;JIUL:lt and Congress s::mctlODlllg the enlist-

ment of them. Turney, P., Winchester, Tenn., April 16, reports his regiment ready.

.Answered thaL Governor Harris had been requested to furnish . three regimenw.

Turnrpsced, R. A. Captain .of the .B'ort Gaines Guards, Fort Gaines. Ga., May 2.5, tenders company for the Confederate Government. Accepted for twelve months if armed and cqnippc<l.

Turrentmo, D. C., Captain, Gadsden, .Ala., June 17, proposes to raise a battalion. AnRwcrC<\ that the Government could not arm more troopR, but a reserve corps would pmlmul_y tiOOtl be ealle<l for, and his hatt:.lion coLLld \Je rccei verl in that

IJ] (!) (/) -"C 0 (/) (/)

C" cn-3 IU cc (!)

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Thompson, Jno. P., Captain, Louisville, --., May 13, tenders the Dixie Guard~, from Davies County, unarmed. .Answered," Will your companv agree to serve for the war?"

Thompson, Wm. A.,"Captain, Goldsbomngh, K. C., Scptcmber4, tenders a mounted company for the war, to furnish their , own equip· ments. .A.n~wered that unless fully armed and equipped can­not accept.

'l'bornton, J. R., M cmphis, Tenn., May 21, offet·s troops. Not accepted unle~s armed uncl equipped.

ThornLon, J. J., Colonel, and others. by Vv. P. Ilarris, Jackson, Miss., J nne 11, offer a regiment for Lhe war. .Answered, "Cu.nnot accept unless armed and equipped."

Thrasher, L. H., Montgomery, --., A ngL1St 8, tenders a company for the war, armed with shot-guns. Accepted.

Throckmorton, J. R., Rich monel, --.,August 8, asks permit to raise a regiment of Kentuckians. .Answered thaL a regiment for Lhe war, armed with country rifles. and electing field officers, will be accepted.

Thurmond, W. T .-See Sargent, H. J. Thurston, .A.. J. D., J,icutcnant Colonel, NaHhville, Tenn., July 13,

wants a permit for himself and Colonel Auglttdc to organize another regiment. .Answered that a regiment raised as he pm­posed would be accepted.

August 26, asks if the Department will accept troops for twelve months. Answered that the Govemrnent cannot accept un­armed troops for twelve months. They will be accepted if armed.

September 7, reports his command ready to be mustered into ser­vice for three years. R.egiment al1·eady accepted.

Tobin, J . E., General, Blacksville, S. C., November 16, is in command of two regiments of Cavalry, partly armed, and tenders them for the war. Circular* sent him. In addition he is informed that troops were not accepted as brigades.

Tompkins, Herbert B., Richmond, Va., April 11, tenders company. .Answered that the Depalltment was not to accept troops from States ouLside the Coniederaey. DirecLecl to hold himself in readiness.

Toulrnin, H. '1'., Norfolk, Va., August 1, asks for furlough to raise a company in Mississippi. Hcfuscd.

Trabue, R. P.-See Hynes, A. R. Tracy, Carlos, Walterborongb, S.C., July 20, proposes to raise a com­

pany of Cavalry. i\.mwcrcd that the company would be accepLed if approved b_y the officer commancling at Charleston, S. C. .

Trezevant, J. T., Memphis, 'l'enn., l:;eptember 17, asks authority to raise a Tegimcnt, and wanta anns if be cannot got them himself . .Answered that no authority coulcl be given and no arms could be fumished, but if supplied would be paid for.

Triggs, 'I'. J., Captain, LiLtle Rock, --., May 17, tenders a company for Artillery or Infaut1-y. No answer recorded.

Trucheart, G. W., Germantown, Tenn. , April 29, is organizing a com· pany, but cannot procure arms. No answer recorded.


Trudeau, .J., and others, New Orleans, La., May 16 and 19, tender regi­ment, armed and equipped, for twelve months or the war. .A.c· eepted.

Truitt, .A.. S., Captain, and others, Centre, Ala., July 22, tendet· a com· pany, armed with shot-guns or ·rifle~. Accepted.

Tucker, L. ~.,and others, Dnhlin, Ga., May 25, offer to raise a com­pany oi Cavalry. Answered that company must be armed and equipped.

Tull, Francis S., William R. Spears, John W. Bell, and Joltu D. Rine tender services of th e Vicksbnrg Light ArLillery. An$wered that a Iull quota having been reeeivorl. from Mi~~i~sippi no more troops could be reeei ved until a new rcq nisi tion was made.

Turner, ll. n., Captain, ~'alladega, .Ala., .August 19, tenders a company Ior twelve months. Answered that it cannot be accepteu unless fully armed and equipped.

'l'urner, Josiah, jr., Ilill~borough, N.C., July H, tenders the services of a Cavalry company. .A.ceepted if lully armed and el[uipped.

.August 6, wants to raise a regiment for twelve months or the war, whieh he will support at his own expense till mustered inLo ser· vice. .Answered that i[ organized, officere<l, and armed it will be accepted for twelve monLhs, b11t ii not anneJ, it cnnnot now be by the Government, as ·more Lroops are o/Iered than can be armed.

Turner, J. M. N., Livingston, 'l'cx., July 10, offers tho Polk County Flying .Artillery, with side-arms and four 6-pounders. Ac· ceptcrl.

Turner, J. N. M., Captain, Morganville, Te:x., tenders an Artillery company; guns cast at expense of his father, J. S . .A.. Turner. Not accepted.

Turner, O~kcr, Colonel, oi Kentucky, will raise, arm, anrl ef]_uip regi­ment of Kentuckians for Lwelve monLhs. Accepted.

Turner, T. N., Dallas. Ga., September 2, offers company for si:x months to guard the Southern shores. .Accepted on condition that. the company be organi<~ed, armed, and approved by the General commanding the DeparLment.

Turner, W. S., llclcna, 1\rk., July 17, asks if negro regiment will be aceepted. .Answered that there bei n12; a superabundance of white men negroes were not needed, but if they shonlcl be

6 needed there was high authority foT the raising of them, \Vash­ington having recommended and Congress sanctioning the enlist­ment of them.

Turney, P., Winchester, 'l'enn., .April 16, reports his regiment reacly. .Answered that Governor Harris bad been requested to furnish

_ili~ro~moo~ • Turmpseed, R. .A.., Captain of the Fort Gaines Guards, Fort Gaines,

Ga., Ma_y 23, tenders company for the Confederate Government. Accepted for twelve months if armed ancl equipped.

Turrentine, D. C., Captain, Gad~den, .Ala., J Lme 17, proposes to raise a battalion. Answered that the Government could not arm more troops, but a reserve corps would probably soon be cttlled Ior, aml his battalion could be received in that.

Page 96: A&IGO - Troops Tendered to the Confederate War Department, 1861.pdf

l:"mlcrwood, J. W. II., oi Rome, Ga., by Jlon. A. R Wright, Angust 7, tenders 1·cgiment for the war, and wants arms and equip· ments. Accepted on coudition that it mo·ani>~e and elect field officers.


August 20, renews tender of regiment, Answered that a regi­ment, organized by election of field officers, will be accepted for the war and armed. If offered for a less period it mu"t arm it.self.

September 12, wants authority to raise a regiment Granted Unthanks, J. H., Memphis, Tenn., August 26, asks authority to raise

a regiment. Answered, "Cannot arm twelve· months' regi· ment.':

Septem her 26, proposes to got arms I or his regiment fmm Cuba. Proposal not r~pproYed.

Upshaw, 'l'. ~K , Su[olk, Va., Rovember 25, propo"es to raise a Cavalry company for the war, and wauts horses, arms, &c., Irom the Gove!·nmcnt. l\ nswered by Circnlar:x·

esrey, T. J., Fayetteville, Ark. , :!>larch· 7, wants to raise company of mountell men. Answered that troops were not received from States ontsi<le the confederacy.

Vaiden, C. M., Vaiden, Miss., September 8, is organizing an Artillery company for tho war, and asks if they can get guns and their accompaniment.;> . .Answered that no company of .L\.rtillery could be received unletis fully armed and equipped.

Van Buren, J., Clarksville1 Ga., September 25, offers Cavalry company, mounted and eqmpped for twelve months, an!l wants arms. Not accepted unless armerl.

Van de Gnmii, A. S., near Gainesv ille,-., May 10, says his company baa been accepted, and wants arms. No answer recorded.

Montgomery, Ala., May 29, offerti Korth Sumter H.iftes, of Gaines-·n ,,, _ ' _____ ... _ .J

~~/~cd mond.

Vas0n, "\Vm. J.-See Smith, Wm. E.

Lynchburg waiting 1d proceed to Rich-

Vaughn, J. C., Colonel, Knoxville, Tenn., May 17, bas ten companies in camp, and a~ks ii they will be accepted at Lynchburg. No answer recorded.

ts authoritv to raise · not less than five ccef>ted. See, also,

V'erstille, II. W., Evergreen,-., August 1, tenders an Infantry com­pa.ny. Answcrccl that special orgalli;mtions, under law, accepted if armed anrl equipped.

Viek, Bushrod "\V., of .Maryland, Richmond, -.,September 12, desires to raise and command a company of Marylanders for the war. Answered that cornpan_y coulll be accepted in accordance with an act of Congress extending military organizations over the States of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri.

Yinccnt, .J. A.,_ Cnptain, Clarke C,ounty RiOes, Augu;;ta, Ga., August 12, asks If Captam Blodgett s place m the 3d ltccrimcnt has been fillell; if not, G-overnor has assigned his company to it. No answer found.

Vincent, Captain, by "\Virt Adams, 2\rew Orleans La. April 9 recom­mended for authority to mise a comp~ny. ' Answe; not of record.

Yoor!ties, W. M., General, Columbia, Tenn., September 9, by A. 0. P. ~wholson, desires ~uthority to raise a regiment of Iuiantry for twelve-months' sel'VJCe. Answered tbat regiment will be accepted if nrmed and organized.

'Waddell, J. F., Captain, and W. H. Weems, 6th Alabama Rcn-iment :Ma!IUssus, Va., October 27, ask authoritv to mi;e a re"i~ent ·i~ Alabama, for coast service. Answered 'by Circular.*


"\Vade, I [enry l<'., jr., K ew Orleans, La., J nne 5, proposes rifle battalion. Answered that the Department has no ritlcs to arm his battalion.

Wafford Col leg~, students of,_ Spartan~burg, S.C., June 3, tender a regi­ment oi ::;outhern students. J'\o an:;wer recorded.

Waggaman, 1<;., lOth Louisiana Hegiment, asks authority to raise two ,o,r three squadrons of Cavalry. (Filed.)

"\Vall, lhomas-See Smith, J. B. Walker, J. T., Victori_a, Tex., April 28, asks if a company is raised and

well mmmtecl1f they will be receiVed. No answer recorded. Walker, Percy, Mobile, Ala, August 21, a~ks authority to raise a rccri­

mcnt of Infantry. Answered that regiment of lnfant'j• organiz~d and tendered for the war, would be accepted unarme · if armed wonlll be received (or twelve months. ' ' '

November 27, asks if a company will be accepted for the war and aTmed. Answered in the affirmative.

December 31, has been authori~ed .to raise an Artillery company for the war. A number of men In d1ITcrem parts of the State w1!I .l"'n h1m 1f the Government will provide for their transpor­tatJOn nnd rations. Answered by Circa lar. *

IValker, R. W., Hon.,. Florence, Ah,. October 10, asks if Cavalry com· pany, armell w1th shot-guns, wtll be recer;ed Ior twelve months the Government to furni~h pistols and sabres. Answered that no Cava.l~'.V compan.Y conl~l be accepted for twelve months unless nr_mcll vnth one kind of Side-arms.· See, also, McFarlanll, Cap· taw.

Vialker. W. ,J., by Hon. W. N. II. Smith, Murfrccsborough, N. C., October 7, tenders a Cava~ry company for twelve-mouths' ser­VICe 111 North Carolina. J'\ot accepted unless fully armed and equ1ppcd, and approved 'by the Geneml commanding the Depart· rnent.

IValkup, S. H., :\fonroc, N.C., October 4, is 1·aising a company of Cav­alry, to fumiSh_ the1r ,arms, horses, and equipments, for twelve months. Asks If the Government will pay Ior them. Answered that the Government only pays for hor>cs fnmished, and cannot furmsh or pay for arms .unless troops arc enlisted for the wru·.

"\Vall, John M., Columbus, Ky., May 23, raised, a company in Dawson, Ill., and tenrlererl 1t to the Confeclerate Stcttes Government. Ko answer recordeLl.

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Ul1(1crwood, J. W. ll., of Rome, Ga., by IIon. A. R. Wright, Angust 7, tenders regiment for the war, and wants arms and equip­ments. Accepted on condition that it organize and elect field officers.

.August 20, Tenews tender of regiment. Answered tl1at a regi­ment, organized by election of field officers, will be accepteclfor the war and armed. If offered for a less period it must arm itself.

September 12, wants authority to raise a regiment Granted. Unthanks, J. H., Memphis, Tenn., .August 26, asks authority to raise

a regiment. Answered, "Cannot arm twelve- months' regi­ment.''

September 26, proposes to get arms for his regiment from Cuba. Proposal not approved.

Upshaw, 'I'. E., Suffolk, Va., November 25, proposes to raise a Cavalry company for the war, and wants horses, arms, &c., Irom the Government. Answered bv Circular.*

Usrey, T. J.; Fayetteville, Ark., March· 7, wants to mise company of mounted men. Answered that troops were not received from States outside the confederacy.

Vaiden, C. M., Vaiden, Miss., September 8, is organizing an Artillery company for the war, and aHks if they ean get guns and their accomraniment~. Answered that no company of Artillery could be receJVcilunless fully armed and cquippecl.

Van Buren, J., Clarksville, Ga., September 25, offers Cavalry company, mounted and equipped for twelve months, and wants arms. Not accepted unless armed.

Van de GrU<'Iff, 1\... S., near Gainesville,-., May 10, says his company haa been accepted, and wants arms. No answcl' recorded.

Montgomery, Ala., May 29, offers North Sumter Rifles, of Gaines­ville, Ala. Accepted.

June 3, tenders company, without arms. Lynch bmg, V a., J nne 24, Sn mtcr HiHcs are at Lynch burg waiting

mdcrs. Directed to get altered muskets and proceecl to Rich­mond.

Vason, vVm. J.-Sec Smith, Wm. E. Vaught~, J. C., Colonel, Knoxville, Tenn., May 17, has ten companies

m camp, and asks ii they will be accepted at Lynchburg. No answer recorued.

Vaughan, V. H., Montgomery, .Ala., October 1, wants authority to raise a battalwn. Answered that a battnJion oi not less than five com pauies, tendered for the war, would be accepted. See, also, HL1ntel', F. W .

V"erstillc, H . W., Evergreen,-., August 1, tenders an Infantry com­pany. AnsweTcd that special oTganizations, unuer law, accepted

. if armed anrl cquippeu. V10k, Bushrud vV., of Maryland, Richmond, -.,September 12, desires

to ratse and command a company of Marylanders for the war. Answered that company could be accepted in accordance wit.h an act of Congrescl extending military organizations over the States of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri.


Vincent, J. A., Captain, Clarke County Rifles, .At1gusta Ga. Aucrust 12, asks. if Captain Bloclgett's p!Uce in the 3d Regi~cnt 'bas been :filled; 1f not, G-ovemor has assigned his company to it. No . answer founu.

Vincent, Cttptain, by vVirt .Adams, New Orleans, La., .April 9, recom­mende<l for authority to raise a company. Answer not of recm·rl.

Voorhies,. W. M., General, Columbia, Tenn., September 9, by A. 0. P. NJCbolson, desiTeS authority to raise a regiment oi Infantry for twelve-months' service . .Answered that reaiment will be accepted if armed and organizecl.


Waddell, J. F., Captai11, and W. H. Weems, 6th Alnbama Rer~imcnt Manassas, Va., October 27, ask authoritv to raiRo a recri~ent ·i~ Alabama, for coast service. Answered 'by Circular. -•"

Wade, Henry F., jr., New Orleans, La., J nne 5, proposes rifle battalion. Answerecl that the Department has no rifles co arm his battalion.

vVaiiord College, students of, Spartansburg, S.C., June 3, tender a regi­ment of Southern students. Ko answer recorded.

Waggaman, E., lOth Louisiana Regiment, asks authority to raise two or three sq uacl rons of Cavalry. (Filed.)

Wall, Thomas__:_See Smith, J. B. 'IValkcr, J. T., Victoria, Tex., April 28, asks if a company is raised and

well mounted ii tbey will be received. No answer recorded. Walker, Percy, Mobile, Ala., AugnRt 21, asks authority to raise a reai­

ment of Infantry. A nswcrcd that regiment of Infantry, ot·ganiz~d and tendered for the war, would be accepted unarmed · if armed would be received for twelve months. ' ' '

N ovem her 27, asks if a company will be accepted for the war and mmed. Answered in the affirrn[ltive.

December 31, has been authorized to r~ise an Artillery compan .. Y for tl:e war. -!'- number of men m dtffcmnt parts of the State vnl_l JO!ll lnm .tf the Government will provide for their transpor­tatton and rattons. Answered hy Circular.*

IValker, R. W ., Hon.,. Florence, .Ala.,. October ~0, asks if CavnJry com­pany, at·mcd with shot-g.uns, ynll be recel\red for twelve months, the Govemmcnt to furmsh ptstols and st~bres. Answered that no Cavalr.Y company could be accepted for twelve months unless armed with one kind of siue-arms .. See, also, Mcl<'arland, Cap­tam.

Walker, IV. J., by Hon. W. N . IT. Smith, Murfrccsborough, K. C., October 7, ten~ers a Cavahy company for twelve-months' ser· VJCe m North Uaro!tna. Not accepted unless fully ~Lrrnecl and eq u t pped, and approved by the General commancling the Depart­ment.

IValkup, S. IT., Momoe, ~·C., October 4, is raising a company of Cav­alry, to furntsh thell' arms, horses, and equipment.~, for twelve months. Asks tf the Government. will pay for them. Answered that .the Government only pays for horses furnished, and cannot

W furmsh ot· pay for arms. unless troops are enlisted for the war. all, ,John :M., Columbus, Ky., May 23. raised a company in Dawson,

Ill., anrl tcnrlc•wl1t to the Confederate States Government. No answer recorded.


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Wallace, Alexander .M., Atlanta, Ga., June 25, _oilers a company of Mounted Hangers. Directed to consult WJth Governor Brown on the subject. ' .

Waller, .John H., Louisville, Ky., May 18, proposes to rmsc a company of Kentucky riilemen. l'\o answer recorded.

IV alter, H. W., Lieutenant of Jeff. Davis Rifles, Septe~ber 2, wishes, on account of ill health to leave his post and ratse a company or battalion of three c~mpanies. Declined with~ut S~rgeon's certificate or consent of cornmauding officer. W tth tins, com­panv or battalion armed and for the war, woulu be accepted.

\Valthall, ~V. T., }fobile: Ala., May 30, is raising company for the war, and wants sanction from the Department. ='!"o answer found.

June 3. tenders the Southern Foresters. Accepted 1f armed and for tbe war.

June 11, tenuers a company for the war, and cannot get arms. An:;wered noL acceptecl unless fully armed and eqUipped ..

Walton, J. B., Major, ~ew Orleans, T,a., May 3, tenders the serVIces of the Washington Artillery. :;-{ o ans:ver recorded.

May 13, be reports his battalion as havwg volunteered fm· the war. Accepted.

Walton, T. G., by Hon. B. Cmige, Morgantown, N.C., October 4, tenders a company of Cavahy. (Filed.) . .

Walton, W. B., Nashville, Tenn., August 6, can r~use a regnnent for the wat-, and asks if good arms can be furmshcd. Answered that rr regiment would be accepted, but could not be armed.

\Yard, \V. B., W. M. Blackson, and otb,ers, Florence, Ah, .May 28, ask if they furnioh ten compames if they can be put to~ether into a regiwent, and field officem elected out of the regtment. ~ o answerecl recorrled. .

\Vardlaw, J. C., and A. D. Munay, Lafayette, ~a., July 30, asks if a company will be received, armed ancl eqmppcd, by the. Govern­ment. Answered that company would be accepted 1f armccl und equipped.

vVarinl!, J. F., Savannah. Ga .. Jttlv 22. t.P.n<lm·' t.h" Georgia Hussars, ~pense~. Aucepted

_2-.f': ned and about to

\Varly, F. F., Darlington, S. C., May 22, if he offers eight or ten c<:m­panies will they be received, &c. Answered that cornpames, batta.lions, or regiments, raised and tendered for the war, are acecpted. .

December 19, asks authority to raise a company of _Arttllery. Answered that an Artillery company would be recetvcd only for the war, in accordance \vith provisions of Circular.*

\Vashdnx, Joseph, Augusta, Ga., August 13, tcnclers the Gardner Vol­unteers, one hundrcn men, for the war, un~trmed. Accepted.

Waterhouse, Hichrml, jr., and - -- EHteB, of Texa~, b:y II on. _W. B. Oehiltrec, lticlwJOnd, --.,December 3, want to rmse a regrment. Answered by Circular:*

\Vaters, D. D., oi Alabama, September 19, by Hon. W. IV. Boyce, tender:; company for the war. Accepted.


Watkins Charles \V., Captain, Mobile, Ala., April 4, offers his com­p~ny, the Butler Hiiles. Answered that company could only be received through the Executive o! the State.

Watkins, Robert A., by R. W. Johnson, Litt!e Rock,--., October30, tenders Artillery company he has rmsed, and wants a battery. Accepted.

\Vatson, A. C., New Orleans, IJa., August 8, tenders a company of Artillery. Accepted.

Watso~ G. G .. ),f,.;h;I , '' - t the Mobile Scotch :7 apply to the Gov-

~ JO. "VJ~ , · -·r "v" uy Governor Mw>re. // t1 /, -·· vuo uovernor could not accept a company for

the Confederate StateB service, and the Department could not accept iL unless it is armed.

Watts, T. IT., Montgomery, Ala., August 20, has enough comp~nies tendered to make a re<>iment for the war, and asks 1 f 1t w11l be accepted. Answered th~t a regiment organized would be accepted for the war and armed. Cavalry company could form no part of such regiment, but might be accepted if fully armed and equipped.

Way, C. II., Savannah, Ga., October 2, can raise a regimen~. Has two companies armed, and asks about arms for the rcmawdcr. ~c­cepted if organized for the war, if unarmed, and for a less penod if armed.

Way, C. J., Atlanta, Ga., October 3, offers a company of Sappers and Miners. Answered that company could only be recerved as I~fautry, or, if approved by General Lawton, for spemal ser­VIce.

Webb, D. C., Cherokee County, Ala., June 16, tenders a company. Answered that the Department could not arm the company.

Weems, Jno. B., Augusta, Ga., May 9, tenders company, fully equipped at their own expense. Answered that the tender must come throttgh Governor Brown.

W ecms, W. H.-See Wad dell, J. F. Wells. John IJ .. T.irmt."nont. n,.,mnomr "H'" 1Qth Virginia Regiment,

different Infantry ' U.-;; __ ~/ ~~ ~ - / Y, 0. 1bpanCy! re-1cnl~t for r / e-c..--v- £a j U/.V y 1 rcu ar.

__ , -···--··.:an Artillery com­pany will be accepted for two years. Answered that no Artil­lery company would be accepted for a less period than the war unless it furnished its own battery. ~ ' n; .. h..,.,nnrl. Va, December 2±, asks authority raise as

Y.. / -;7 · )rt them by com-/~o/ T~ ~ by Oircular,*and

/ r / < .,J ;z_.._ .uer its provisions. West, J. J., J.teu vluJ, vu., ~-r-·-·-- · , . 1tl~ority_ to raise a

regiment. A nswcrcd that no authonty was g1 vcu m acl vance. A regiment electing its field officers could be accepted for the war.

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Wallace, Alexander M., Atlanta, Ga., June 25,_offers a_ company ?f Mounted Rangers. Dil·ccted to consult ;-v1th Governor Bro\\ n on the subject. .

Waller John H., Louisville, Ky., 1by 18, proposes to raise a company 'of Kentucky riflemen. No answer recorded. .

Walter II. vV., Lieutenant o:C Jeff. DaviA Rilles, Scpter~ber 2, WisheR, ~ 11 account of ill health, to leave his po_;t and mise a companl or battalion of three companies .. ])echned w1th,cmt Surgeons certificate or consent of commandmg officer. \\ 1th this, cod-

any or battalion, armed and for th~ _war, would he accep~~ ." Walth£!, \V. T., ~fobile, Ala., May 30,Is rmsmg company for the 11ar,

and wants sanction from the Department. ::>ro ans:ver found. • June 3, tenders the Southern Foresters. Accepted If armed and

for the war. June 11 tenders a company for the war, and cannot get arms. Answ~red not ucceptea unless fully rumecl and efjuipped.. f

Walton, .T. B., Major, New Orleans, "&a., May~'. ten~crs the serviCes o the Washington Artillery. 1\o answCI 1ecorded.

May 13, he reports his batt.'llion as having volunteered for the war.

Accepted. C 0 b 4 t d Walton, T. G., by Hon. B. Craige, :Morgantown, N. ., cto er , en crs

a company of Cavalry. (Filed.) . . Walton, W. n., 'J\a~hville, Tenn., August 6, can rmsc a regtment for

the war. and asks if good arms can be furmsherl. Ansdered that a regiment would be accepted, but ~oulJ not be arme ·

W ·d W B ~V. M. Blackson and>:>, J!lorenee, Aln., ~fay 28, ai ' as!~ if .they !urn ish ten dompanics if they can be tnt to(;cther

into a regiwent, and field officers elected out of t e regiment No answered recorded. .

·wardlaw, J. C., and A. D. Murmy, La[ayettc, Ga., Julh 30, asks tf. a company will be reeeived, armecl and c'lmpped, . Y the_ Govemi ment. Anbwcrcd that company wonld be accepted If arrne(

and C!]_uipped. G · H w~riug, J. F ., Snvannuh, Ga., July 22, tenders the em·g~a ,ussars,

Cavalry company, paying it.~ own travolmg expenses. Aucepted

if armed. d d b t September 10, reports the Georgia IIussars arme an a out 0

start. ff · 1 t t Warly, F. F., Darlington, S. C., _}1ay 22, if he o e:s e1g ~ or en com·

panies will they be rccctv. ed, &e. Answmecl th~t com~ame~, battalions, or regiments, rmsed and tendered fot the war, a1 e

accepted. I A ·n December l!l, asks authority to raise a co~p~~! ~~M'·--r;I -~r;-­

Answered thnt ::ln Art.illPI'V ('nmn'ln~r ,U("\11 r

for the war, Washdnx, Joseph,

untccrs, one Waterhou~e, RichnHl, JI., i.lllll --- J..J:O,l.t:"'>, V.l .lt:A<.l .... , u:t ..LLUII. _v't. D.

Ochiltree Ricl;mond, --., Dcc;ember 3, want to ra1sc a rcg:uncnt. Answere~1 by Circular.¥.·

\Vater,, D. D., of Alabama, September 19, by lion. \V. W. Boyce, · te11ders company for the war. Accepted,


Watkins, Charles W., Captain, Mobile, Ala., April 4, oJiers his com· pany, the Butler Rilles. Answered that company could only be 1·cccived through the Executive of the State.

Watkins, Hobert A., by R. W. Johnson, Little Rock,--., October30, tenders Artillery company he has raised, and wants a battery. Accepted.

·watson, A. C., New Orleans, La., August 8, tenders a company of Artillery. Accepted.

Watson, G. G., Mobile, Ala., June 22, insisting that the Mobile Scotch Guards be called into service. Directed to apply to the Gov· ern or of Alabama.

July 9, reports the Scottish Guards accepted by Governor Mo:)re . Answered that the Governor could not accept a company for the Confederate States service, and the Department could not accept it unless it is armed.

Watts, T. II., :.\fontgomery, Ala., August 20, has enough companies tendered to make a regiment for the war, and asks if it will be accepted. Answered tuat a regiment organized would be accepted for the war and arrneu. Cavalry company could form no part of such regiment, bot might be accepted if fully armed and equipped.

VVay, C. II., Savannah, Ga., October 2, can raise a regiment. Has two companies armed, and asks about arms for the remainder. Ac· cepted if organized for the war, i.f unarmed, and for a less period if armed.

Way, C. J., Atlanta, Ga., October 3, offers a company of Sappers and Miners. Answct·ed that company could only be received as Infantry, or, if approved by General Lawton, for special ser· vice.

\Vebb, D. C., Cherokee County, Ala., June 16, tenders a company. Answered that the Department could not arm the company.

\\1" eems, Jno. B., Augusta, Ga., May 9, tenders company, fully equipped at their own expense. Answered that the tender must come through Governor Brown.

Weems, W. ll.-See Wad dell, J. F. Wells, John II., Lieutenant, Company" F," 19th Virginia Regiment,

Manassas, Va., December 28, asks i.f men of different Infantry companies will be allowed to organize a company, re-enlist for the war, and receive bounty, &c. Answered by Circular.*

Wells, J. M., Kilmichael, Miss., December 10, asks if an Artillery com· pany will be accepted !or two years. Answered that no Artil· !cry company would be acecpted for a less period than the war unless it iuroi~hed it.~ own battery.

\Valton, L. A., Richmond, Va., December 24:, asks authority raise as many men as he can in Arkansas, and report them by com­panics, battalions, or regiments. Answered by Circular,* and authorized to raise any number of troops under ib provisions.

West, J. J., Red Clay, Ga., September 27, asks authority to ra1se a regiment. Answered that no authority was given in advance. A regiment electing its field officers coLtld be accepted for the war.

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Wetmore, T. B., Selma, Ala., June 27, tenders company, the Sumt!lr Mounted Guards, mounted, armed, and eqtuppecl. Aucepted. See, also, Inge, R. F.· . .

Wharton, T. J., Jackson, Miss., ~by 17, a"Sks If an mdepen~ent. co~l· pany· will be accepted for tl.1e war. J\-nswercd, a.~lang 1f h1s company is armed, and what 1ts number 1s.

Wheat, C. R., New Orleans, La., May 10, tenders company, the Old Dominion Guards. No an~wcr recorded. .

\Vheclcr, Wm. G., G niversity o£ Virginia, J uue 14, wants to .ra1sc a rille company in Kentucky. Answered that no authonty was noocled ...

Whitaker, IV. H., jr., Mobile, Ala., October 2, Is ra1smg company ~£ Infantry for special service, near. Mob!le. Acce~tcd ~n conch­tiou or approval of the Commandmg General and Its bemg fully aTmed. .

White, Alex., and others, Talladega, Ala., A.ngust 15, propose to raise a regiment of Infantry, a company o[ Artillery, and <;>ne or two eompltnies of Cavalry for twelve monthR, and to farms~ horses, hal'Dcss, saddles, aml bmUes for Artillery and Cayalry. !-n­swered tbat Infantry regimen.t would be accepted il orgamzed and offered for the war, even If unarmed. Cavalry could not be accepted unless armed and cqmpped, Government to pay for the same. Artillery could be accepted on the same ~erms as Cavalry. Neither could be attached to an Infantry regtment.

Sept 6, pTopose to raise a legion for twelve months. I~fantry to be armed by the Government, and arms for the Artillery and Cavalry to be prOI'icled by him and paid for by the Government. Horses and.equipmenLs to be fnrmsh~d by the lcgton. Endorsed, "Gsnal answer." Replynot found m letter-book. ,

September 24, wants to ra1se a leg10n of tw? Vohm­teers for coast service. Accepted on condition that th~ legton is armed and approved by General Withers, comrnandmg the Department.

White, Alex., Captain, New Orleans, La., May 10, tenders company, the Ti"er RiAcs. No answer recorded. (Does not appear to be the sa~e as Alex. \Vhite, of Talladega.)

\Vhite, Elijah, by General D. Tl IIill, Leesburg, Va., December 27, cannot raise his company unle,;s assul'ed It Will be employed for local defense. General IIill authori7,cd to accept the com­pany for local defense, if deemed expedient by him, and If

armed. . b A ·u White, E. B., Charleston, S. C., October 8, says his Ltg t nrt~ ery

battalion was accepted for the war, to be armed.~,and eqmpped bv the Confederate St.""ttes. .

Deeernber 16, proposes to incrQasc }he Pahnctto Battalion to a rcaiment of Artillery. Cucular .. sent htm aud answer made th~t as mm1y separate companies as he might choose to ?£fer would be received and equipped, but no prormse could be gtven that they would he attached to his battalion. ~

'lv1 1 it~, E. V., recommenued by delegntes from Loudoun County, Y a., fo 1• authority to raise a rornpnny of Cavalry, to serve on the


border of Iooudoun County, the Government to furnish horses, arms, and equipmcnts. Answered by Circular,·* but informed that au exception would be made in his favor, and company, if for the war, would be accepted and fully armed and equipped by the Government.

White, G. W.-See Ihldeman, Horace. White, James U., Huntsville, J\Ja.. August 13, offers Cavalry company

for twelve months, each man to furnish his own horse and. double-barrel shot-gun. Aceeptecl.

\Vhite, .Tohn C .. Captain, Turkeytown, Ala., July 9, tenders the Cher· okee llcauregarus, eighty-five men, to arm and equip them­selves. Accept!'d.

"White, James G., New Orleans, La., May 29, tenders company for the war, to be equipped. No answer recorded.

White, J. S., Captain, 1st Battalion, Tennessee Cavalry, Richmond, --.,December 27, desires appointment of Colonel of Cavalry, to raise ten companies ol mounted riflemen, nrmed with car­bines or rifle~, navy revolvm·s, and knives, for the war. An­swered. that such a regiment would be accepted.

\Vhitc, S. N., Mnrfreesborough, 'T'enn., March 3, tenders company. Answered, April 8, that until actual hostilities occur his corn· pany could not be received. ·

White, '1'. W., Milledgeville, Ga., September 4. asks authority to raise a battalion or regim~nt for coast service. Accepted on condi­tion that it be organized and armed, and recommended by the General commanding the De}!artmcnt.

Whitfield, J. F., Montgomery, Ala., October 7, asks acceptance of a company for coast defense. Governo1· of Alabama promi~cs to arm ~hem. Answered that such company would be accepted if

. reqmred by the General commanding the Department. Whitfield, J. W., Montgomery, --., October 3, asks i( the Depart­

ment will accept and arm a company, for coast defense, for the war. No answer recorded.

Whitsitt, W. J., Company "R," 36th Georgia Regiment, December15, has a c'ompany organized and ready to enter the service for the war if it will be received as a Cavalry company. Answered that regulations on the subject wOLlld be sent him.

Wier, Vvilliam vV., .l£ntcrprise, .Miss., An~nst 28, asks authonty to complete a partly-o1·ganizcd company. Answered, ''Company accepted unarmed if for the war. :J{nst be armed if for a less period."

Wilkes, \V. D., 4th South Carolina Regiment, Centreville, Va., Decem· beT 16, asks permit to J't'tnrn to South Carolina, to organize a company for the war. Answered that no furlough would be grautecl for t.hat purpose without the approval of his command­ing officer. Circular* enclosed.

Wilkes, J. L., Lincolnton, Ga., July 1, oilers company. Answered that a company, anned with a mixture of arms, coulrl not be receiver]. If armed with rifles and tendered for the war it would be accepted.

WilkcH, F. C.~Scr Carter, G. vV.


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Williams, G. S., Griffin, Ga., May 11, he and Colonel Logan propose to en list a company. Answered that company would be recci vcd if tendered for the wor.

Williams, J., of Tennessee, Richmond, Ya., October 31, proposes to raise a corps, to be called the Old H ickory Legion. Declined, and Cn·culm··X· enclosed.

Willioms, J. B., Dr., Danville, Ala., wishes to raise a Cavalry company m. Answered that

~£ '// ' r /:/' ~/ for special service //v£-tr&h·<A'..n-v &, tO. /y-;

. ;' , ..... , _ - .. --- .... _,~~-~., • .fay 15, tenders an organized company. No answer recorded.

Williamson, James S., Captain, Moore Guards, Montgomery, Aln., July 7, tenders unarmed company for the wat·. Directed to apply to the Governor of Alabama.

Williams, W. 'r .. NashvillA. N n A ,,;1 11' """ fifteen men anxious CJ trnved for accepting

ff ~_: ~ t/f:: /:" / ..J: r 31, a,ks if l.te may ,_"'~:7 { ..... v .... 1J .. .U•J ................. "~'u' ... "'· J..'v a.u1:)'1\Vl lt:Cordcd.

Wilson, F. J., of North Carolina, desires authonty to mise a company. .Answered that a company can onl.Y be organized by the selec­tion of its own oiTtcerti. H so organized for the war it will be accepted.

\Vilson, M. C., Port Gibson, Miss., August 12, says company now offered for the war, and asks where he shall be mustered. Ordered to Iuka, Miss.

·wilson, S. B., Yick~burg, Mis.~., October 21, asks commisRion for authority to raise a company. Answered b.r Circular.*

Wilson, S. M., P01tsmouth, Va., October 24, asks to he allowed to receive certain companies into the battalion or regiment he bas been anthorizcd to raise. Answered by Circular.*

'Nilson, Thos. G., New Orleans, La., May 21, tenders his company for · · · · ms being erected in

//. ready to be mustered.

August o, has a company In servtce [or twelve months, and asks where they will be sent if they enlist for the war. Want active service. Answered that it was not known where he would be sent. ·

New Orleans, La., August 10, tenders company Ior the war. Directed to continue to perform same duty as heretofore.

Wilson. W. B., Yorkville, S. C., October 3, a;k; whether Cavalry will be received for loeal service in SOLlth Carolina. .A nswcrcd that Cavalry company could not be accepted for local S'3t·vice unles; fully ru·mecl and approved by the General commanding the Department.

Wilson, \Vm. S., Port Gibson, Miss., June 16, offers to rai~r company for twelve month~. A nswcrccl that troops could not he accepted for less tkltl tltt·ce years.


I' Wilkinson, James, Richmon<l, --.,September 3, offers armed com· pany for twelve months. AccepteJ.

Willis, P. E., Dawsonville,--., August 27, tenders indepcndcut com· pany. Cannot be accepted unless fully armed.

Wiltberger, W. H., Savannah, Ga., October 2, is raisin? Cavalry corps for service in Georgia. (Makes no tender of tile same in this letter.) Di•·eclL'<i to net of March 6. 1861, to provide for the public defense, for the information he sought.

IV inn, Joseph B., La Grange, Ga., August 23, asks if Government will receive and eqnip Cavalry company. Thinks they can arm themselves. Answered in the Jtegative.

Winn, P. C., :\1arion, .Ala., October 22, asks if regiment will be received for twelve montbs and armed. Answered by Circular:*

\Vinslow, Jobu, Je1Ter:;on, 'T'ex., :November 13, asks for authority to raise a hattalion or regiment. Answered by Circular:*

Winslow, ---,Captain, by J. Coleman, .Memphis, 'rcnn., April 9, tenders three hnndred men.

Winston, J. R, Eagle Fall;, N. C., December 31, is raisin~ a company for the war, and asks for information. Answered t>y Circular.*

Winter, Richard, Canton, :\!:iss., July 6, tenders a company, and asks about arms. Answered that if he could procure rifles, Confed· erate States bonds or treasury notes would be fmnishcd to pay for them.

Withers, vVrn. 'l.'., Louisville, KJ:., .May 27, authorized by the Presi-' · · · · · · · ; authority to buy

;if~P~~ raise a company.

June 5, tenders company. Accepted for the war if armed and equipped.

Woltz, J. W., l•'incastle, Ya., April 17, proposes to raise a battalion, to be called the nluc l~idge Scouts. Directed to apply to the Governor of "Virginia.

July 22, asks permit to raise .Artillery company. No answer recorded.

Wood, S . .A.. .M., Uolonel, Chattanooga, Tenn., December 11, wants to accept ten companico alTered him, to be nttnchccl to his regiment, and take the arms of his regiment when its term of senice expire.~. For the present to use shot-gnn~, and to elect its own ],ieutenant Colonel and Major. Answered, that such an organi­zation would be impr~,cticable. 'l.'he command must have its full complement of ofliccrs. If organized and armed it would be accepted for twch·e months.

Wood A. 'l'., Lieutenant, 1st Battalion Louisiana Volunteers. York· town, --., Augnbt 20, proposes to raise special company of Infantry to serve on hanks of rivers, &c., in the winter. (Filed.)

Wood, W., Lieutenant Colonel, ,Jack~on, .MiFs., June 8, reports rPgi· mcnt organized an1l awaiting orders. Answered, "If his regi· mentis not armed and cquippe:l it cannot be aceeptcd."

Wood, Hobert C., jt·., Captain, Confederate States Army, Richmond, --., /1. ngnst 3l, Bugge;;t.~ the raising of a company hy ~elect·

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ing one man from each company in service in Virginia. An­swer not recorded.

Wood, W . B., Florence, Ala., May 18, has organized twelve or fifteen companies, and wants them accepted for twelve monthf'. No answer recorded.

vVoo(ls, 1f. S.-8ee Perkins, I. N. Woodruff, A.M., LitLle Rock,--., June 5, recommended by Ilon.

A. H. Gar land for authority to raise a regiment. Answered that no troops were accepted unless armed, equipped, and ten­dered [or the wnr.

Woodruff, S. 13., Captain, Winstonville, :Jiss., May 25, tenders com­pany, the Wig[all RiOe~. Accepted if armed and equipped.

Woodwarn, John R., Captain. Palestine, 'rex., June 18, tendero aeorn­pany for the war. )rot aecepteLl unleos armed and equipped.

Woodward, D. S., of Texns, August 21, proposes to raise company in Kentucky. (Filed.)

Woodward, J . J., Ron., Talladega, Ala., May 20, tenders company or regiment for twelve months. lias been accepted by Governor 11oore. No answer recorded.

Wooldridge, Hobert, Montgomery, Ky., May 24, tenders company, uu­armed. Kot accepted unless armed and equipped.

Ilurnboldt. Ten n .. . l11nP. !l. ~ek-• if o f'ouo l7 company will be

proposes to raise a ition that it be raised

W"right. A. H., Colonel, Atlanta. Ga .. October 10, reports his legion gimcnt, to be armed

U- ';{£-) / ¥-. n·itycouldbegiven / / ~4 t- / • (J:J, nv e:plained. See,

I ... H. "C nderwood. Wright, W. F., Ron., of Georgia, July 2, recommended by lion. l3. li.

Hill. oi Georgia, desires to raise a regiment. Answered that no authority was necessary to recruit and organi:.~e a regiment. A regiment, if raised, armed, anrl. equipped, would be received.

Wyly, John Jlf., and R. D. R. vVilliam~, lOth Alabama Regiment, Cen­treville, v a., Novem her 23, a~k anthority to raise a COlHpauy oi Infantry fo r the war. Answered by Circular,* and that the approval of their comrnan<ling ofliccr would be neces:;ary.

vVylly, vVilliam H., :Savannah, Ga., June 1, propose; to mise one hun­dred men. Answerml that a company could not be received unless armed, e'lnippcd, and tenderod for the war.

\Vylly, William II., Lieutenant, Savannah, Ga., July 9, tenders a com­pany of one huudrc(l men, the Southern Rights VolunteerH, and wants anns. Answered that the Government CO!lld not furnish arm!=!..

Wynn, J. B., La Grunge, G n., December 21, asks if a company of Sup­pers and Miners will be reeei ved. Answered that a company could not be received. ·

Yancey, B. C., Captain,---, <le,in•s to raise an Artillery company for the war, a!Hl aHks anthority to 11ll1Hter the JIIC\1 a~ he gets

them, and wants guns furnished. Answered that such a permit could not be granted.

Yates, Frank, Shubut'l, Miss., August 9, tenders a company for the war. Accepted.

Yeatman, Thomas, New llavcn, Conn., April 10, oiiers to raise three companies for service in tl1c Confederate States Army. An­swered, April 18, that the Government was not then prepared to receive them. Advised to be in readiness to move as soon as the Department shall advise him of the neces:;ity.

Yeiser, J. G., Lieutenant, Atlanta, Ga., May 20, tenders a company, uniformed and drilled, and wants to be an Artillery compan_y. Answered that it would be accepted as Infantry if armed and equipped.

Yelverton,_G. T., Union Springs. A b.. A ncmot 19, encloses pro­the Wise Legion. vhich troops were

. • _____ . ~gimentfor twelve months. Answered that it cannot be accepted unless armed.

Richmond,--., August 30, offers an armed regiment for twelve months, the Government to furnish equiprnents, &c. Answered, giving terms upon which companies could be accepted.

York, Z., Kew Orleans, La., June 5, mnews tender of Concordia Artil­lery for the war. Accepted for the war if armed and equipped.

York, Z., Captain, by Edward Sparrow, Natchez, Miss., J nne 14, · •' - ,.., __ - -·" - • -''"--- ---~- -- --- • --ms, &c. "Will

d./ A.-/1

~ ny could not be

/ Pr";£, I A/. (f' ;a, Ga., July 24, V<~u LICI.¥V OJ...A UUUUlULl Ueorgla.TIS lll

No arms. No answered recorded. 1-ttcb.mond in twelve days.

Young, George V., Lieutenant, commanding, Corinth, Miss., June 5, reports the Tom big bee Rangers self-sustaining. Ordered to Richmond.

Young, Robert Butler, Meridian, 'rex., May 2, offers a battalion for the war. Accepted.

July 11, reports having raised six companies. July 24, reports ten compan ies, organized and unarmed, in Camp

of Instruction. (Filed.) AurrnRt 9. hn.• nvP. or .;, romnnniP< fnr t.hP W'lr, which, be says,

t arms, and wants

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ing one man from each company m service in Virginia. An­swer not recorded.

Wood, W. B., Florence, Ala., May 18, has organized tw·clvo or fifte~n companies, and wants them accepted for twelve month~. );o answer recorded.

W oo<lR, M. S.-::3co Perkins, I. N. Woodruff, A.. M., Little Rock,--., June 5, recommended by Ilon.

A. Il. Garland for authority to raise a regiment. Answered that no troops were accepted unless armed, eq nipped, and ten­dered for the war.

Woodruff, S. B., Captain, Winstonville, :Misg., May 25, ten~ers com­pany, the Wigfalll'l.ifles. Accepted if armetl an<l eqmppcd.

Woodwunl, John R., Captain -' ''~~ 'l'~>x .. June 18, tender~ a com-pany for the war. No .. :~"0'1

TN ootlwanl D. S., of 'I'exas, Kentucky. (File<1.)

Woodwanl, J. J., Ron., 'l'allmlcga, .o.'"·• _ ., regiment for twelve month;;. Ilas been acccptea Oj

l\loore. No answer recorded. Wooldridge, Robert, Montgomery, Ky., :\fay 2-±, tenders company, un­

armed. Not accepted unless ;,tnncd and equipped. Humboldt, Tenn., June 9, asks if a Cavalry company will be

rcccivccl. Not accepted. \Vooliolk G. W., Richmond, Va., August 23, proposes to raise a

battalion in Kentucky. Act:epted on condition that it be raised for the war.

\Vright, A. R., Colonel, Atlanta. Ga., October 10, reports his legion full, and wants authority to raise another regiment, to be with tripod·guns. AnHwerml that no authority could be gJVen to raise peculiar organizations until more fully !1'\plaincd.. Sec, also, John Freeman, G. W. Lee, and J. W. H. U IHlerwood.

Wright, \V. F., Hon., of Georgia. July 2, by lion. B. IT. Hill. of Georgia, desires to raise a regimen!.. AnHwered that no authority wa; neceHo;ary to rem·uit and organize a regiment. A regiment, if mised, armed, and equipped, woultl he ,·eceivcd.

Wyly, John M., and R. D. H.. William", lOth Alabama Hegiment, Cen­trevilk, Va., :XO\'ember 23, a"k authority to raise a company of Infantry for the war. Answered by Circular,'" and. that the approval of their commanding oOieer wonld be ncccs~ary.

\Vylly, William If .. Savannah, Ga., June 1, proposes to mi~e one hun­dred men. Answere<l that a company could not be received unless armed, crptippcd, and tenlleretl for the war.

Wylly, 'William 11., Lieutenant, Savannah, Ga., July 9, tenders a com­pany oi one hundred men, the SonthCJ"n Hights Volunteers, and wants arms. AnBwere<l that the Government could not furnish arm:=;.

Wynn, J. H., La Gmnge, Ga., December 21, askH if a company of Sup­pers and ~fincrs will be recei vet!. Answered that a cotnpauy could not be recei ve<l.

Yancey, H. C., Cnptain, ---, tlP,irt'S to raise an Artillery r.ompnny for the' war, antl a,k,; antlwrity to mn~tct· the lltcn a" hi' f!Ol,;


them, :md wants guns furnished. Answered that such a permit could. not be granted.

Y atcs, Frank, Shubuta, Miss., August 9, tenders a company for the war. Accepted.

Yeatman, 'l'homas, New Ilavcn, Conn., April 10, offers to raise three companies for service in the Confederate States Army. An­swercd, April 18, that tho Government was not then prepared to recetve them. A.d vised to be in readine,;:; to move as soon as

. the Department shall advise him of the nece~sity. Yetscr, J .. G., Lieutenant, Atlanta, Ga., May 20, tenders a company,

umformed and <lrilled, and wants to be an Artillery company. Answered that it would be accepted as Infantry if armed and equipped.

Yelverton, .u. T., Union Springs, Ala., August 19, enclm:cs pro· cecchngs oi a meeting to raise a regiment for the \Vise Legion. Answered, informing him of the terms upon which troops were accepted. .

Richmond,--., August 26, proposes to raise a regiment for twelve .mon thB. Answered that it cannot be accepted unless armed.

Rtchmoncl, --., August 30, oilers an armed regiment for twelve mo~ths, the Government to furnish equipmcnts, &c. Answered, gwmg terms upon which companies could be accepted.

York, Z., Now Orleans, La_, June 5, 1·enews tender of Concordia Artil-

y lery for the war. Accepted for the war i! armed and equipped_ ork, Z., Captain, by Edward Sparrow, Natchez, :Mi:;s., June 14,

reports the C().ncordia Artillery ready, except arms, &c. "\Vill they be supplied?" Answered that the company conld not be accepted unless armed. and equipped.

Young, P. l\{ B.,Confcdcrate States Artillery, Marietta, Ga., July 24, can have s1x huudrml Georgians in ltichmond iu twelve days_ No at-ms. No answered recorded.

Young, George V., Lieutenant, cornmancling, Corinth, Miss., June 5, reports the 'I' om big bee Hangers self-sustaining. Ordered to RJChmond.

Young, Robert Butler, Meridian, Tex., May 2, offers a battalion ior the war. Accepted.

Jltly 11, reports having raised six companies. July 24, reports ten companies organized and unarmed in Camp

oi Instruction. (Filed.) ' ' August 2, has five or six companies for the war, which, he says,

~he Se?retary accepter! conditionally, without arms, and wants tmmechate servtcc. No answer.