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Course SeminarSeminar


Role of Vermicompost in Crop Production Role of Vermicompost in Crop Production

Department of Agronomy,Institute of Agricultural Sciences,

Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi-221 005


Ramesh Kumar Singh ID. No. A-1002

M.Sc. (Ag)


Dr. R. P. Singh (Prof. & Head)

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Skeletons of the seminar Introduction Objectives Types of earthworms Characteristics of vermicompost Vermicomposting materials Types of vermicomposting Methods of vermicomposting Rate of application Advantages of vermicompost Effect on soil properties Effect on crop growth and yield Conclusion Future research needs

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TheThe wordword vermicompostvermicompost originated from Latin word originated from Latin word “vermes” which means which means “worms”

Vermicomposting is a method of preparing Vermicomposting is a method of preparing enriched compost with the use of earthworms. It is one of enriched compost with the use of earthworms. It is one of the easiest methods to recycle agricultural wastes to the easiest methods to recycle agricultural wastes to produce quality compost. produce quality compost.

Earthworms consume biomass and excrete it Earthworms consume biomass and excrete it in digested form called in digested form called worm castsworm casts. . WormWorm castscasts areare popularlypopularly calledcalled asas Black goldBlack gold. . TheThe castscasts are rich in are rich in nutrients, growth promoting substances, beneficial soil nutrients, growth promoting substances, beneficial soil micro flora and having properties of inhibiting pathogenic micro flora and having properties of inhibiting pathogenic microbes and promote PGPR.microbes and promote PGPR.

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To improve soil physico-chemical properties

To accelerate microbial processes

To enhance nutrient availability

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Types of earthwormTypes of earthwormEpigeic Epigeic (Greek for “upon the earth”)(Greek for “upon the earth”)

eg- eg- Eisenia foetida, EudrilusEisenia foetida, Eudrilus eugeniaeeugeniae

Anecic Anecic (Greek for “out of the earth”)(Greek for “out of the earth”) eg-eg- Lampito mauritii Lampito mauritii

Endogeic Endogeic (Greek for “within the earth”)(Greek for “within the earth”) eg- eg- Octochaetona thurstoniOctochaetona thurstoni

Card et al., 2004

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Important characteristics of red earthwormImportant characteristics of red earthworm( ( EiseniaEisenia foetida foetida ))

Character Eisenia foetida

Body length 3-10 cm

Body weight 0.4-0.6 g

Maturity 50-55 days

Conversion rate 2.0q/1500 worms/2 month

Cocoon production 1 in every 3 days

Incubation of cocoon 20-23 days

ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram

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Characteristics of vermicompostCharacteristics of vermicompost

Characteristics Value

pH 6.8

EC (dSm-1) 28.14

Nitrogen (%) 1.02

Phosphorus (%) 0.37

Potassium (%) 0.40

Calcium (%) 1.2

Magnesium (%) 0.38

Zinc (%) 0.038

Copper (%) 0.025

Organic carbon (%) 11.88

C: N Ratio 11.64ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram

A. Chemical

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B. B. Physical1) Porous, having particle size of 0.2-2.2 mm

2) Dark brown in colour

3) Odourless

4) High CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity)

5) High water retention capacity

6) Vermicompost has electrically charged particles that improves adsorption of plant nutrient in soil

7) Mucus type of substance coated on each particle increases aeration in the soil, excellent water retention properties and improves drainage in heavy soil

8) Contains sufficient moisture 


CC. . Biological1) Total Bacteria count (cfu g-1) : more than 1010

2) Fungi, Actinomycetes (cfu g-1) : 102 - 1010

Gupta, 2002

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Best conditions for vermicompostingBest conditions for vermicomposting

ConditionCondition Value Value References References

Temperature 15-25 ºC Georg , 2004

Moisture 80-90 % Dominguez and Edwards,1997

pH 5-9 (7.0-8.0 optimum) Georg , 2004

Aeration Good aerobiety

Density 1-4 kg earthworm/m² of bed OACC, manual

C: N ratio 48-170 Elvira et al., 1996

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Vermicomposting materialsVermicomposting materials

Farm residuesFarm residues Forest litterForest litter Kitchen wastesKitchen wastes Animal excretaAnimal excreta EarthwormsEarthworms

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Types of Types of vermicompostingvermicomposting

Depending upon the amount of production and composting structure. It is two type

1. Small-scale vermicomposting

2. Large-scale vermicomposting

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Methods of Methods of vermicompostingvermicomposting

Method Size

1.Bed method 2 x 0.6 x 0.3 (m)

2.Pit method 2 x 1 x 1 (m)

3.Cement rings 0.9 (dia.) x 0.3 (ht.) (m)

4.Commercial model 4.5 x 1.5 x 0.9 (m)

5.Polybag method 8 x 4 x 2.5 (ft.)

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Fig.2 Pit method Fig.2 Pit method

Fig.1 Bed method Fig.1 Bed method

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Fig.3 Cement rings methodFig.3 Cement rings method

Fig.4 Commercial modelsFig.4 Commercial models

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Fig .5 Polybag method

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Steps in vermicomposting:- Site selection

Make vermicomposting structure of appropriate size

Leave space 0.5 m

Water the pits periodically to keep contents moist

Level the base of pit and spread 15-20 cm dried material at bottom of the bed

Make 7-8 cm thick layer of partially/fully decomposed cow dung

Repeat above two steps until the height of filling in pit is 40-60 cm

Release earthworms on upper layer of bed

Cover the structure with gunny bag /leaves/polythene

Vermicompost ready in 50-60 days

Mature compost is grey to brown colour loose granular mass

Harvested vermicompost sieved before application

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Rate of applicationRate of applicationCrops Rate References

Field crops 5-6 t/ha ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram

Fruit crops 3-5 kg/plant ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram

Pots 100-220 g/pot ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram

Vegetable nursery 1 t/ha

Transplanted vegetables

400-500 g/plant

Flowers 7.5-10 q/ha

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AdvantagesAdvantages ofof vermicompostvermicompost Rich in essential plant nutrients Provides efficient conversion of organic wastes/crop/animal

residues Improves soil physico-chemical properties Reduces the incidence of pest and diseases Contains valuable vitamins, enzymes and hormones like auxins,

gibberellins etc. Prevents nutrient losses and increases the efficiency of chemical

fertilizers A stable soil conditioner Prevent soil degradation and enhance soil fertility status Environmentally safe nutrient supplement for organic food

production An easily adoptable low cost technology Highly profitable venture, if properly taken

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Table 1: Comparative average nutrient content of vermicompost and other composts

Marwah et al., 2004

Compost Nutrient content (% )

N P2O5 K2O

Vermicompost 1.6 2.2 0.7

Rural compost 1.2 1.1 1.5

Urban compost 1.2 1.9 1.5

Paddy straw compost 0.9 2.1 0.4

Maize stalk compost 1.1 1.3 1.0

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Chemical and biological Organic farming(use of vermicompost)

Chemical farming(use of chemical


Available nitrogen (kg/ ha) 256.5 185.0

Available phosphorus (kg/ ha) 50.2 28.5

Available potash (kg/ ha) 489.5 426.5

Azotobacter (1000/gm of soil) 11.7 0.8

Phospho bacteria (100,000/kg of soil)

8.8 3.2

Carbonic biomass (mg/kg of soil) 273.0 217.0

Table 2: Farm soil properties under organic farming and

chemical farming

Suhane, 2007RAU, Bihar

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Table 3: Effect of vermicompost and vermi-wash on soil physico- chemical properties of samba rice cultivation during initial and final stages

Treatment pH Electrical Conductivity


Water holdingcapacity (%)

Porosity (%) Moisture content(%)

Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final

Control 7.5±2.0 7.4±2.01 2.12±1.1 2.0±1.0 41±0.02 44±1.02 34±2.10 39±2.0 36±1.02 41±1.1

Vermicompost 7.4±0.01 7.1±0.01 1.02±1.0 1.01±1.0 43±0.01 47±1.0 36±1.0 41±1.0 39±1.1 44±1.0

Vermi-wash 7.3±2.0 7.2±1.02 2.1±1.1 2.0±1.1 42±1.0 46±1.1 35±1.1 40±1.1 38±1.0 43±1.1

Vermicompost & vermi-wash

7.0±0.03 7.0±0.03 1.01±0.01 0.02±0.01 45±0.3 49±1.0 39±0.03 44±1.0 41±1.0 46±1.0

Tharmaraj et al ., 2011Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu

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Table 4: Effect of vermicompost and vermi-wash on soil chemical properties of samba rice cultivation during initial and final stages Treatment Nitrogen (ppm) Phosphorous


(ppm)Calcium (ppm) Magnesium (ppm)

Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final

Control 55+2.1 61±2.0 64±2.0 69±2.0 180±2.0 184±2.1 1.0±1.0 1.5±1.0 1.0±1.0 1.5±1.0

Vermicompost 59±1.1 64±1.0 68±1.1 73±1.0 184±1.0 189±1.0 2.0±1.1 2.5±1.0 2.0±1.1 3±1.0

Vermi-wash 58±1.0 63±1.1 67±1.1 72±1.1 183±1.1 188±2.0 1.5±1.1 2.0±1.0 1.2±1.1 2.0±1.0

Vermicompost & vermi-wash

63±1.1 69±0.2 72±1.0 77±1.0188±1.


03.2±1.0 5.0±1.0 3.1±1.1 4.0±0.1

Tharmaraj et al ., 2011Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu

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Table 5: Effect of vermicompost, earthworm and chemical fertilizers on growth and yield attributes of wheat

Treatments Shoot length(cm)

Ear length (cm)

Root length (cm)

Wt. of 1000 grains (g)

Grains/ Ear

Vermicompost (@ 2.5 t/ha) 83.71 13.14 23.51 39.28 32.5

Earthworms (1000 Nos.) 67.83 9.85 18.42 36.42 30.0

NPK (90:75:60) (Reduced Dose) + VC (Full Dose) (2.5 t/ha) 88.05 14.31 29.71 48.02 34.4

NPK (120:100:80) (Full Dose) 84.42 13.82 24.12 40.42 31.2

Control 59.79 8.91 12.11 34.16 27.7

Sharma, 2001University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

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Table 6: Effect of vermicompost on yield of farmed wheat crops upon successive applications over 4 years

Treatment Input /ha Yield (q/ha)

Control (No Input) 15.8

Vermicompost 20 q/ha (1st Year Farming by VC) 35.3

Vermicompost 20 q/ha (2nd Year Farming by VC) 36.2

Vermicompost 20 q/ha (3rd Year Farming by VC) 37.3

Vermicompost 20 q/ha (4th Year Farming by VC) 38.8

Chemical Fertilizers NPK (120:60:40) kg/ha 35.4

Singh et al., 2009RAU (Noorsarai Campus), Bihar

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Table 7: Yield and quality of rice under different organics and fertilizer levels

Treatment Yield (q/ha) Quality of grain

Grain Straw Grain length(cm) Protein (%)

OrganicsFYM 41.69 72.90 7.34 8.75

Vermicompost 45.15 74.96 7.73 8.88

Celrich 43.18 72.83 7.67 8.75

Control 35.88 60.28 7.01 8.42

CD(P=0.05) 2.32 2.74 0.06 0.10

Fertilizer levels100 % Rec. 45.00 74.44 7.55 9.36

90 % Rec. 42.86 72.36 7.53 8.96

80 % Rec. 40.49 68.76 7.38 8.43

70 % Rec. 37.56 64.38 7.18 8.05

CD(P=0.05) 2.32 2.74 0.06 0.10

Sharma et al., 2008CSAUAT, Kanpur

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Table 8: Effect of vermicompost on yield characters Table 8: Effect of vermicompost on yield characters of pea of pea

Treatment Pods/plant Grains /pod 100-Grain

fresh wt.(g)

Yield (q/ha)


@10 t/ha 6.00 6.36 50.33 81.11


@15 t/ha 6.46 6.33 46.00 64.48


@20 t/ha 7.00 6.33 40.33 75.41


@10 t/ ha+ NPK 7.46 6.73 50.66 85.73


@15 t/ha+NPK 6.46 6.73 41.00 62.98


@20 t/ha+NPK 5.66 6.63 47.00 63.45


+NPK 6.93 6.72 41.33 60.16

Chauhan et al., 2010 GBPUAT Hill Campus Ranichauri

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Table 9: Effect of vermicompost, cattle dung compost and chemical fertilizers on growth & yield of wheat

Suhane et al., 2008Rajendra Agriculture University, Bihar

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Table 10: Growth performances of corn plants influenced by earthworms (with feed), vermicompost and conventional compost

Treatment Height (cm)

After 6 weeks After 14 weeks

(A)-Earthworm(50 Nos.)&Feed material(400g) 57 82

(B)-Conventional compost 70 78

(C)-Vermicompost 104 135

Sinha et al., 2007 Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

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ConclusionConclusion The effect of vermicompost on plants are not solely attribute to the The effect of vermicompost on plants are not solely attribute to the

quality of mineral nutrition, but also provides growth promoting quality of mineral nutrition, but also provides growth promoting substances such as PGRs (GA3, IAA, cytokinin), enzymes substances such as PGRs (GA3, IAA, cytokinin), enzymes (phosphatase), vitamins, antibiotics in traces.(phosphatase), vitamins, antibiotics in traces.

Application of vermicompostApplication of vermicompost++vermiwash has long term effect on vermiwash has long term effect on physico-chemical and biological properties of soil, if it is solely physico-chemical and biological properties of soil, if it is solely applied in soil, it increases the beneficial microbial activity as well as applied in soil, it increases the beneficial microbial activity as well as microbial biomass .microbial biomass .

The integrated application of vermicompost with chemical fertilizer The integrated application of vermicompost with chemical fertilizer produced maximum no. of yield attributing characters which results produced maximum no. of yield attributing characters which results more yield than sole application of chemical fertilizers or organic more yield than sole application of chemical fertilizers or organic manure.manure.

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Future Research NeedsFuture Research Needs Needs for assessments and efficient utilisation of native species for

litter decomposition and nutrient recycling etc.

Improve complementary interaction between native and exotic species

Focused on large scale operating system under adverse weather


Better bed design to minimise operation problems:

Inadequate drainage

Difficulties in applying wastes to the beds

Labour and time consuming process for wastes processing

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