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Presented by: Alex OsborneDate: 23rd April 2010

Prince2 + Agile = Successful projects

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1. Key benefits of Prince2

2. Why Change?

3. What is Agile?

4. Why integrate DSDM Atern with Prince2?

5. DSDM Atern Overview

6. Overlap

7. Components and Techniques

8. Where does DSDM add value?

9. What to consider for integration


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Key benefits of Prince2

Well documented approach, tried and tested

Strong framework for governance and management of projects

Controlled and organised start, middle and end

Regular reviews of progress against plan and business case

Flexible decision points (Go/No Go at each stage in the lifecycle)

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities

Allows ‘management by exception’ (autonomy of staff and teams, until management is required)

Business focused

User centred

Well established methodology

Tudor, 2006

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Why change?

Scalability and speed of delivery“The core problem seems to have been one of scalability, that as the business grew, the billing system wasn’t able to scale up.” (Jackson, 2007)

The downturn will accelerate the adoption of agile. It will play to agile’s strengths, e.g. reduced waste, release to market bringing revenue forward, thereby improving cash flow. (Kelly, 2009)

Recession“…it struggles with the impact of the recession…where voice and messaging revenues are declining as consumers rein in their spending and regulation forces prices down.” (Wray, 2009)

Culture ready“Vodafone’s change from a command and control culture to one based on coaching and collaboration…The key values were to put customers first, move quickly into action, be open and involving, work as a team, deliver quality and innovation…” (Eaton and Brown, 2002)

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What is Agile?

Agile Project Management “Agile Project Management is the work of energizing, empowering, and enabling project teams to rapidly and reliably deliver business value by engaging customers and continuously learning and adapting to their changing needs and environments” (Augustine, 2005)

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

Augustine, 2005

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Why integrate DSDM Atern with Prince2?

DSDM Atern


Feature Driven


Crystal methods

Lean Software


eXtreme Programming

Why reinvent the wheel!

With DSDM you can hit the ground running

“There is considerable overlap between the frameworks of PRINCE2 and DSDM, but this is largely without direct conflict.” (Richards, 2010)

Less radical changeWell documented

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DSDM Atern Overview

8 Principles which create a strong culture within strong governance

Satisfies the real requirements of business, in a business driven order of importance

Delivers on time, to quality and within budget (fixed) Scope has flexibility

Delivers quickly and yet in a robust and right manner

Delivers incrementally in useful chunks, with business focus in order to gain and early return on investment

(Richards, 2007)

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*Avoid duplication of effort

DSDM Consortium, 2000

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Components and TechniquesComponent Prince2 DSDM

Business Case Business case as driver of the project, under constant review

DSDM make less of the business case as a document. Business need and direction are maintained by Executive Sponsor and Visionary and Ambassador User roles. Not defining the product in detail at the outset can lead to an ill defined outcome.

Organisation Similar in organisational structures, however DSDM has more team roles and empowerment.

Controls Tolerance on time, cost quality and benefit is key

Team empowerment, can adjust scope, no time or cost tolerance (fixed) which may be difficult to achieve. Emphasis on face to communication can lead to poor audit trail.

Risk Good advice on managing risk Suitability risk list, plus white paper on handling risk.

Quality Quality plan and path for quality management, plus quality review technique

DSDM has quality (fitness for purpose and testing throughout).

Change Control Prince2 has the concept of “Request for Change” and Off Specification” as a means of managing change. Regards change as negative thing and is a risk to the project.

Manages change dynamically, through close team-working during time-boxes and using MoSCoW prioritization. Time and Cost are constant, allowing change in prioritisation.

* Adapted from DSDM Consortium (2010) & Tudor (2006)

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Where does DSDM add value?

1. Iterative and incremental approach to development creating better understanding of the product through continuous feedback

2. Transforms the culture, moving away from traditional

3. Small timeboxes within stages, but can still timebox whole project, if date is not going to be met you need to reduce or adjust the scope

4. Small self organising, self empowered mixed teams with clearly defined roles

5. Delivery of business products during the project, not just at the end

6. Fewer change requests (most are dealt with at team level)

7. Flexibility in scope means less exception situations, so no need to step in and get gain control

8. Timeboxing helps keep track of project, better control. Simplifies the use of tolerance and maintains delivery of time, cost, quality, focusing on scope change and requirements

9. Prioritisation defined and performed early in the project

10.Workshops and face to face communication help minimise documentation

Richard, 2007 & Tudor, 2006

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What to consider for integrationAssess the culture of the organisation, are they ready for agile and change.

Undertake the Organisation Suitability Risk List Questionnaire to assess whether the integration is possible for Vodafone projects (DSDM, 2004). Identification of resistance and how to manage it through a change model.

Allocation of resources and removal of obstacles to assist integration

Identify suitable project(s), e.g. small utilities IT project to test integration, reducing risk

Introduction of core DSDM techniques in one increment

Introduce prototyping in another, get feedback and adjust

Identify and consider critical success factors to monitor achievement of integration. Use a ‘solutions tester’ to ensure they are being met.

Use a DSDM Atern Coach who can provide advice on integration

Be aware that there is no ‘silver bullet’!!!

Keep changing to improve

DSDM Consortium, 2003 & Richards, 2007

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“Wherever we are, it is but a stage on the way to somewhere else, and whatever we do, however well we do it, it is only a preparation to do something else that shall be different”- Robert Louis Stevenson

Thank you!

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ReferencesAugustine, S. (2005) Managing Agile Projects. Indiana: Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference

DSDM Consortium (2000) Using DSDM with Prince2 [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 12th April 2010]

DSDM Consortium (2004) White Paper: Organisation Suitability Filter [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11th April 2010]

DSDM Consortium (date unknown) DSDM and Prince2 – perfect marriage or strange bed fellows?

DSDM Consortium (2003) White Paper: Guidelines for introducing DSDM into an Organisation [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11th April 2010]

Eaton, J., Brown, D. (2002), "Coaching for a change with Vodafone", Career Development International, Vol. 7 No.5, pp.283-6. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18th April 2010]

Highsmith, J. (2002) Agile Software Development Ecosystems, The Agile Software Development Series. Pearson Education Inc.

Hoffman Consulting GmbH (2008) PRINCE2 + AGILITY = SUCCESS [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7th April 2010]

Jackson, R. (2007) Vodafone's blown-out billing project gets late May roll-out [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8th April 2010]

Kelly, A. (2009) The Future of Agile, ACCU Oxford [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15th April 2010]

Richards, K. (2010) Agile Project Management: Integrating DSDM Atern into an existing PRINCE2 environment [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11th April 2010]

Richards, K. (2007) Agile Project Management: Running Prince2 projects with DSDM Atern. DSDM Consortium, Prince2

Tudor, D. (2006) Prince2 and DSDM Atern, ‘Why should I use both?’ [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10th April 2010]

Wray, R. (2009) Vodafone deepens cuts as profits halve [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14th April 2010]