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  • 8/14/2019 Ages of Deception



    To be human is to engage in relationships with other and with the

    world. It is to experience the world as an objective reality,

    independent of oneself capable of being known. Animalssubmerged in reality, can not relate to it, they are creatures of mere

    contacts. Human relate to the world in a critical way. They

    apprehend the objective data of their reality through reflection, not

    by reflex as do animals. Human are not limited to natural sphere,

    but can participate in the creative dimension as well, they can

    intervene in reality in order to change it. Human engage in

    distinctively human activities of integrating with their context and

    have the critical capacity to make choices and to transform realityaccording to the choice. When human are incapable of changing

    reality he adjusts himself instead, though it is the characteristics ofthe animal sphere and is symptomatic of his dehumanization.

    Human think and act and use their creative power to overcome the

    obstacles which are either naturo physical or instrumental. The

    history of human being is a struggle to overcome the factors,

    which make them accommodate or adjust. This struggle to attain

    to their full humanity is constantly threatened by oppression. Only

    by developing a permanently critical attitude can human overcome

    a posture of adjustment. Yet what in fact happens so often is that

    the ordinary people is crushed, diminished, converted into

    spectator, maneuvered by myths created by the powerful social

    form. In such a state, peoples creative power is impaired andcannot apprehend problems situated outside their sphere of

    biological necessity. Their interests centre almost totally around

    survival. Thus they do not fulfill their vocation of becoming

    human of moving forward into humanity, into a less incomplete

    state of being. Development is thus development of people as

    human beings, it is about human growth, and this is something

    which cannot be done to a person or people, nor can even

    be done for them, but must be done by them.

    Humanity is an integrated system of beliefs, of values, of

    customs and of institutions which express those belief,values and customs which binds a society together and

    gives it a sense of identity, dignity, security and continuity.Identity is the expression of the being of a person or a

    group. Humanity is what human beings add to the world as

    it is by changing it through their free action. It refers to the

    accepted ways of living, how society is governed and how

    relations between people are carried on. The world view of

    any group or individual is the way in which the world, as

    experienced by them is understood. It deals with major

    concerns of existence, stages of life, promotion and use of

    wealth, the physical and natural world and the powers

    which affect the lives the people. The rites of passage(birth, initiation, marriage and death) and the rules that

    govern relationships between individuals and groups are all

    expressive of the world view of the people. As identity is an

    expression of the being of a person or a group, one must

    understand his culture and world view. Identity sums up the

    main characteristic which one would expect to find in

    members of that group. But the consciousness of a

    population is rarely consistent and of one piece.

    Being poor is not just a question of income, diet, shelter,

    health and security but it also includes consideration of

    opportunity for personal fulfillment. It is common to thinkof development as being synonymous with economic

    growth or the growth of new social institutions. But these

    economic inputs into society are in fact aspects of the

    concept of development that centers upon the

    transformation of the identity of the people. Economic

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    inputs into the community may become a catalyst for development

    or become part of the fulfillment of the aspiration identified by the

    people themselves. Thus development implies human

    development- a process by which the identity of people is

    transformed by themselves towards ideals and goals which they

    seek for themselves. It is a holistic concept and not limited tosocio-economic advancement. External resources can be delivered

    to the people, human development can not.

    The vocation of people to become human beings is constantly

    negated and thwarted by injustice, exploitation, oppression and

    violence by the oppressors. It is affirmed by the yearning of the

    oppressed for freedom and justice and by their struggle to recover

    their humanity. Violence and oppression, in common parlance

    conjure up extreme situations such as physical abuse and cruel

    exploitation. Any situation in which one person hinders another's

    pursuit of self affirmation as responsible person is oppression andit constitute violence. Violence and oppression are structural

    elements is society, or dehumanizing attitude towards other

    people. Indeed, violence dehumanizes people, as violence and

    oppressive acts negate the true vocation of people towards being

    human. The great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed

    is to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well. Every

    relationship of domination, of exploitation, of oppression, is by

    definition violent, whether or not the violence is expressed by

    drastic means. In such a relationship, dominator and dominated

    alike are reduced to animals. The former dehumanized by an

    excess of power and the latter by lack of power. When theoppressed legitimately rise up against their oppressor, it is theywho are usually labeled violent, barbaric, inhuman terrorists.

    Among the innumerable rights claimed by the dominating

    consciousness is the right to define violence and to locate it.

    Oppressors never see themselves as violent.

    Violence characterizes all the relationships imposed by

    oppression upon the oppressed, even when the relationship

    is supposedly one designed to help the oppressed. Wherever

    a program brings to the people something which reflects the

    bringers vision of the world, imposing it on those who

    passively receives it, that is a moral invasion. The bringershave wrought violence upon the people because they have

    neither invited nor allowed the people to participate in the

    decision making on the basis of true understanding of

    reality whether or not they want it. Thus the people are

    tormented as animals or things by the very people who

    claim to be working for the development of the oppressed.

    A truly liberating way of working for human growth among

    the oppressed is one which places the entire process in the

    hands of the people themselves. No pedagogy which is

    truly liberating can remain distant from the oppressed bytreating them as unfortunates and by presenting for their

    emancipation "modules" from among the oppressors.

    Liberation from oppression can not be given to the

    oppressed, it can only be claimed and achieved by their

    own action and thus can not take place until they are

    conscious of the reality in which they live. However, the

    habits of thoughts and practices of accepting fate, which

    have evolved over thousands of years, cannot be easily or

    quickly transformed in an environment where poverty,

    powerlessness, natural calamity and personal life crises are

    so common. It is experience which transform belief andbehaviors. Beliefs supported and encouraged by knowledgeand until knowledge and power are experienced by people,

    the people in the world view are unlikely to become

    humans. Profoundly religious though, being a Muslim is

    being a human. In Islam there is no scope to

    compartmentalize world view. This is why the oppressors,

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    both internal and external are highly concern with what Islam says

    and so the oppressors leave no stone unturned even to use force to

    wipe out any real work towards Islamic resurgence that determine

    behavior of humans in society. Occupation and articulation of

    alternative explanation of oppression and injustice are ordained to

    be overthrown and replaced by human well being and justice. The paralyzing belief in fate is a mechanism evolved over the

    millennium by the oppressors making the oppressed cope with

    deprivation, a response to the continuing realities of poverty and

    powerlessness. According to patron-client relationship a man is

    entitled to subsistence from the rich he is dependent upon. In daily

    intercourse a person with higher rank is accorded the right to

    extract labor, service and respect of lower rank. He in turn

    assumes obligation of patronage. This culture derived from the

    Vedic Hindu caste system implies indulgent occupation of wealth,

    abstract goodness and personal aura that stands totally against

    humane teachings. This system has ancient Vedic Hindu culturalroots that presuppose the acceptance of rank as the basis forordering society- a social value prescribed by the invader Aryans

    upon the Dravidians with an ill motivated design to enslave them.

    In a class society the system of authority and domination corrupts

    the minds of the people. Those who have authority exert power

    over those who are below in the class or caste hierarchy and this

    makes the former feel important. The person dominated feels

    humiliated and powerless and to compensate for this he exerts

    power and authority over those lower to him. As patronage is the

    main hope of preferment access to credit or protection, it inhibits

    the development of oppression consciousness and class solidarity,the dialogue between the rich and the powerful and the poor and

    weak is impeded. Nature, as manifested urges people to throwaway the myth of power and orders the fostering of solidarity and

    brotherhood among the people and provocates them to have faith

    on their united power to achieve what belong to them as human

    beings. The different elements of physical poverty-patron-

    client and gender relationship have to be defined afresh.

    Present structure of the society consist built-in domination

    of the rich and undervaluing the women. Beneath the quiet

    rural beauty of Bangladesh lies a web of conflict and pain

    contributed to general scarcity of resources, resourcesunutilized due to lack of education and knowledge and

    unequal distribution of wealth. Hence the identity of the

    people is that they are people but identity of human being is

    not expressed collectively or corporately in any social

    group. If the people are to achieve an improvement in their

    physical condition of life they will have to undergo a

    process of changing their false identity of people to he real

    identity of human beings and thus change the social

    structure. Such personal and social upheaval will require

    creativity. There are so called reactionary intellectuals,

    when asked about the oppressive social structure, says thatyet people survive. These negators and enemies ofhumanity made 'survival' objective of life and prescribed

    channeling human creativity and energy to people's

    survival-and thus killing the human spirit that might rise for

    humanization some day.

    The experience of sufferings is the outcome of fear, fear of

    starvation fear of the violent and the powerful and it affects

    the self human image of the people and their belief in what

    they can achieve. The aspiration of the people consist both

    of material things- food, shelter, security and a host of non-material things- social status, economic justice, equality ofopportunity, to participate in civil political and cultural

    affairs. The sufferings entailed by the non fulfillment of

    their aspirations are very great and people should be

    conscientised as to how these suffering comes about. The

    process under which the people-identity can be transformed

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    to human identity is inextricably tied up both with the world view

    and with the Bengali and Islamic culture as humans. As for

    humans the world view is not just a material world and many

    aspects of behavior and the way in which they experience that

    world are influenced spiritually. People know what it means to be

    rejected, powerless, cheated, tortured and they experience it both physically and spiritually. Therefore, to transform to human

    identity and to be able to transform and fulfill their aspiration in a

    process of true human growth both material and spiritual elements

    have to be involved. Materials i.e. external resources will have to

    become available to the people, and the existing internal resources

    will have to be redistributed in a way that is consistent with full

    humanity, which is equal to that of the rich. This cannot be done

    by outsiders on behalf of the people, but must be achieved primary

    by their own efforts. Liberation occurs when the reality of

    oppression is transformed for both the oppressors and the

    oppressed into a process of becoming human. This transformationto real is a process of action and reflection, i.e. dialogue. Thisdialogue process contrasts with 'assistencialism of non government

    social organizations which is that form of social assistance that

    attracts the symptoms but not the causes of social ills, and

    therefore vitiates popular participation in the historical process of

    change. Dialogue is the only way, not only in the vital questions of

    the political order, but in all expression of human beings. Only by

    virtue of faith, does a dialogue have power and meaning, by faith

    in human beings and their possibilities. In the process of dialogue

    human beings are engaged in allowing relationship, based upon

    humanity, trust, hope and a critical awareness of reality. Antidialogue is the basis of loveless, arrogant, helpless, mistrustful and

    critical people relations. Dialogue is the basis for relation betweentwo or more subjects, anti-dialogue in the basis of relation

    between the subjects and objects. One very important element in

    dialogue is trust, which leads to cooperation and solidarity. In true

    dialogue all are subjects and no one is dominated, where it

    is possible for the people to trust each other and their

    initiators who are seen as leaders of social revolution. Thus

    they are able to move from consciousness of themselves as

    people and oppressed to a consciousness of themselves as

    human beings forced to oppressive system and this open upthe way to unity and cooperation.

    In the initial stage of the struggle for liberation people have

    to learn and acquire knowledge about their human potential.

    Self depreciation is the characteristics of the oppressed,

    which they derive from their internalization of the opinion

    of the oppressors hold of them. So often they are told by

    the oppressors that they are good for nothing, know

    nothings and are incapable of learning anything, that they

    are sick, lazy and unproductive that in the end they become

    convinced of their own unfitness. Almost never do theyrealized that they, too know and have learned in their

    relations with the natural world and with other human

    beings and that they should not lost confidence in

    themselves. Having internalized the oppressive behavior

    taught by the oppressors they are dehumanized and need to

    liberate themselves. When liberation is achieved by

    acquiring knowledge he becomes a human, neither an

    oppressed nor an oppressor, instead a human in the process

    of achieving freedom, i.e. liberty, equality and fraternity.

    This process of freedom cannot start while the people's

    understanding of the social structure and the world view isclouded. Reality cannot be transformed and people cannot

    participate in that transformation in any authentic way

    unless they develop an authentically critical position. This a

    person can only do by his own intervention in and

    integration with his own context. The more accurately

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    people grasp true causality the more critical his understanding will

    be. In order to surmount the situations of oppression, the

    oppressed must first critically recognize its causes. People has to

    be taught the distinction between the world of nature and the

    world of culture, the active role of human beings in and with

    reality, culture as defined in nature and what purification theyshould bring about as crown of creation to a world they did not

    make; develop human culture by human labor, and make ceaseless

    efforts to create and recreate. Knowing is the job of human beings.

    In the learning process he not only really learns, but also

    appropriates what is learned, apprehends and thereby reinvests the

    learning and is able to apply the appropriated learning to concrete

    existential situations. Knowledge requires transforming thought

    into action and action into reality. Because a liberating education

    consists of acts of cognition and not transferals of information, the

    education adopts a different approach- the dialogue. He presents to

    the people problematic social political cultural and economicrealities, in which people find themselves, for their consideration.Through reflection and action, action and reflection people come

    to know of humanity and how far they are from it. Dialogue works

    against hopelessness and fatalism because it challenges the

    distorted view of reality on which they feed. As critical perception

    is embodied in action, a climate of hope and confidence develops

    which leads people to attempt to overcome the limiting situation in

    which they find themselves.

    At this point some members of the lower oppressor class

    finding time is running out develops a strong sense of socialresponsibility and of engagement in the task of transformingsociety and start organising the people for struggle of the

    oppressed to be more human. Society comes to be seen as a

    challenge rather than as a hopeless limitation. It is a profound

    rebirth. These members though act as initiators play a fundamental

    role, yet it is not proper for them to think of themselves as agents

    of change. For the task is a two fold one-educational and

    liberating, those who join them and those whom they are

    trying to educate and liberate are subjects and not the

    objects of his action. It is not invasion, manipulating or

    conquering. It need faith, faith on the vision and on the

    people that they will hold fast and will not disintegrate. Thevision is a revolutionary framework urging the process of

    transforming society and creating a world in which it is

    easier to love, to care to establish justice and is seen as both

    necessitating and working a total change.

    Leaders from the class of oppressors who have the

    characteristics of creating temptation to manipulate the

    people, keeps alienated from the people instead of acting in

    communion with the people, tend to prescribe to them and

    to dehumanize them with slogans and obscene cultural

    activities, to seek to create sycophants and conquer them bydividing into classes and ruling and promoting a section

    with a view that it were the parts 'that promote the whole

    and not the whole which, in being promoted, promotes all

    the parts' - is but a leader who ultimately becomes

    oppressor himself. The manipulation by the leadership is

    sometimes carried out directly by him or indirectly by a

    group of elites. The populist leader who rises from this

    process is an ambiguous being, an amphibian who lives in

    two elements, shuttling back and forth between the people

    and the oppressive dominant rulers, he bears the marks of

    both.With enormous problems faced by the people, the day when

    they can create a truly new society in which human rights,

    peace and justice reign is a very long way off, and those

    who lead the work of conscientisation must be content with

    seeing an identity or regaining the old liberal identity of

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    Islam and liberalism and Bangali slowly develop among the

    people, that is human identity. This requires two things: (i) a very

    high degree of personal dedication and a deep change in their own

    attitudes and (ii) a new vision of human development based upon

    faith in God, the creator and judge who emphasises on human

    equality of basic necessities and supremacy of leadership in meritonly. An oppressive leadership hold a distorted view of good and

    propagates a completely deterministric view of good which

    implies of events as 'all being the will of God,' but does not go on

    to elaborate what a true view of God is, yet in the process of

    humanising the dehumanised people it is required to have faith on

    humanity rather than faith in God, who himself do not do

    anything, but do so through people turned human beings. The

    dominating oppressors, who have a tendency to sell God are not to

    be feared or allowed to inhibit the fulfillment of the aspirations of

    the people to be human. Distinction must be made between the

    world beyond sight and the natural world that manifests Godswill. The oppressors strictly materialistic concept of existence aredominated by desire to possess and dominate property, means and

    output of production process and people, reduces all including

    humans to the state of objects at their disposal. It is the vocation of

    human beings turned people to become human, yet if the idea to

    become human is limited to an essentially materialistic concept of

    humanity, it lacks spiritual dimension causing confusion and

    unreliability that they may too turn into oppressors being

    materialistic monsters. A very materialistic attitude to life, in that

    the individual pursuit of resources, very often overrides the

    dictates of what is known to be right or good behaviour and notharming to others i.e. individualism. Violence dehumanises human

    being into people and so the eradication of violence and theemergence of the oppressed into their true vocation to become

    human beings, who know things and can control the nature, is

    what humanity is all about. The idea of humanity must have in it

    the idea of forming union with human beings and the

    animals and the rest of creation, that we call environment.

    The determinants that turn human beings into people are (i)

    a view of life in which all the ills are the fault of the

    oppressor alone, and that only by eradicating the oppressor

    oppression can be cured and (ii) oppressed are moreconscious of themselves as individuals rather a class and

    contributing to the root cause of their problem.

    The people lack solidarity as a class. They degrade

    and exploit each other by treating their women folk as

    things, by quarreling over scarce resources, by joining

    factions, by discriminating against each other on the basis

    of birth and caste thinking, and by simply non co-ordination

    with each other almost all of which, in Islam, against the

    dictates of humanity, because these prevent the people form

    growing in brotherhood and solidarity, which is the mainneed if the structural violence in the society is to be

    challenged to pave way for liberalism. Identifying the

    oppressors as the only cause of all social problem, tends to

    reinforce a feeling of lack of personal responsibility which

    is a major constituent in the belief in fate and the apathy

    which can engender dependency attitude and can work

    against will to work for winning back the norm i.e. the

    liberalism. Strong emphasis should be given to make people

    think themselves as subjects and start dialogue. There can

    be no doubt at all about the truly liberating power of

    dialogue through which people discover that they canchange the world, can participate in their own improvementby taking action, can achieve a measure of justice by acting

    together, can improve their self esteem, self image and self

    confidence immeasurably. They can move form a

    completely hopeless outlook towards one of hope,

    tomorrow begins to hold out prospects of which many of

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    them could not even dream or imagine. People cease to be

    submerged into subjugation by the present and they start to

    participate in building the solidarity for liberalism and start to

    form strategy.

    The leaders followers has to be filled by absolutely

    dedicated, skillful people, prepared to reject all the oppressivetendencies in their education and culture be themselves a true

    being with the people, rather than being "for them" or a being

    "over them", that they subscribe to the vision and show it in the

    way they do their work, so for most of their attitude has be learned

    and assiduously developed on the job. It is made all the more

    difficult by the constant need to be affirming, encouraging and

    questioning people whose behaviour and self image tempt the

    educated and the skillful to believe in their own superiority. The

    vision therefore, to develop, calls for a quality of person as human

    being who really exists, in fact, in this respect it fails to take

    adequate account of human nature as it really is. These are greatvocation of the people as human beings to liberate themselves and

    the oppressors. Liberation can not be bestowed as a gift, it has to

    be an act of cognition, a positive achievement of the persons

    liberated. The vision looks forward in the achievement of a

    complete liberal resurgence in society where, justice, human

    rights, individualism, reason replace oppression and violence;

    where it is easier to love and all people participate in the creation

    of human culture. Looking towards the inspiring vision of

    liberalism, liberating the oppressor from the dehumanising effects

    upon themselves of oppressing the oppressed is seen as an act ofbeing declassed. Yet there is no worked out theory or hold faststrategy of just violence, organised non violence, passive

    resistance or self defense. This is a major omission left out to


    One of the most common reaction to the situation of

    the people is despair. The more a person thinks about the

    depth to which the violence is entrenched in society, and

    the more he experiences the weakness and division of

    people in the face of such violence, the more he inclines to

    despair. It is sheer a shameful failure of faith in his power.

    This present oppressive world view of the people

    needs to be presented to them as a problem, as inhibitions to

    the meeting of their aspirations and to their becoming closer

    to their destiny as human beings. A theistic understanding

    of humanity affirm the concept of human responsibility.

    Problem of lack of trust and mutual solidarity gives rise to

    mutual exploitation and cheating among the people

    themselves. This is attributed to corruption in all levels of

    society-which is so endemic and so deep that its presence is

    felt by the people in almost all activities. Favour is

    dispensed to the clients by executive against theprescription of impartiality, justice for the people or the

    activities of the law enforcing agencies is not available as

    there is corrupt practices, business is completely riddled

    with corruption, marriage is happy where the bridegroom

    has additional income, loan taken from financial institutions

    are granted with mutual agreement between the borrower

    and the lending institutions and much more. There is a

    strong desire on the part of the people to follow some one,

    and they will follow a person, not a vision. So leadership is

    connected with a concept of personal aura, built in charismaand therefore a strong and deeply felt cultural norm that aleader is a part of a wider set of relationships carrying its

    own rights and obligations. In the dialogue agenda to

    abandon the idea of accommodating local leaders as a

    means of promoting the people would be to abandon one of

    the most powerful forces for unity in society. A local

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    leadership can be encouraged which sees itself as leading not by

    patronage but by communion with the people, an attack will be

    made on patronage as a system, while at the same time prescribing

    and utilizing the social norm which the people want to follow. The

    attack on patronage must have three processes (i) the emergence of

    the new local leadership motivated by the desire to serve thepeople (ii) the self denial and self subordination of the leader and

    (iii) the presentation of class thinking to the people as a problem

    which inhibits the fulfillment of their aspirations. The non-

    government organisation are not the ones whose programs aim at a

    transformation of the structures in the society, which bind the

    people and keep them down, it does not address the structural

    causes of poverty.

    The road to a new society based on liberalism, in which all

    people are able to participate irrespective of religion, caste, creed

    and sex and grow as human beings is very long and hard. The

    prospect for any large-scale success in the near future is not thatmuch bright. But it is the most fertile ground where seeds

    germinates very swift and easily. Concentrating on the vision of

    liberalism and work with the people to transform their identity,

    casting aside centuries of dependence, fear and self doubt and

    discover that people themselves can grow closer to each other and

    bring in a better way to live, and it is possible for them if only they

    take the road together, something infinitely beautiful must happen.

    It would be worthy of external funding to let the steps of the

    liberals here in Bangladesh move faster, learn on the way,

    continue to critically examine the success and amend in the lightof study, knowledge and experience and interaction betweenliberals, in Bangladesh and liberals world over.

    When a social trend develops into a conscious state in

    certain individual it assumes a thousand fold intensity. The nation

    evolving in a gradual manner, suddenly undergoes an

    instantaneous and intensive transformation. It drives

    forward with a historical jump and puts an end to what

    Nietzche called 'social rumination.' They are movements for

    resurgence of political, social, economic and cultural

    nature. The leader of social consciousness and moral

    conscience move by visionary inspiration that enhance hissocial effectiveness and that constitute the creative

    imagination of the nation. Their inspiration, derived from

    collective consciousness, appear only at the inspired

    moments of ingenious nations. He makes his own soul a

    reflecting surface to the ingenious power concealed in a

    nation. Social condition thoroughly examined by an

    analytical and critical mind is expressed in a leader. Genius

    is the spontaneous realization of the changes taking place in

    society unconsciously. Leader is not to impose and

    institute, but to discover the elements of national

    conscience in the unconscious level and to bring them up tothe conscious level. A leader should have clearunderstanding of the laws governing the order and progress

    of societies and try to ameliorate the pathological factors

    that have arrested the growth of the nation. The complex of

    rules of religion, politics, morality, law, economics and

    even aesthetics exist on an unconscious level in the life of a

    nation. Life is a creative evolution, a moving vision that

    takes shape on the way and amends itself to accommodate

    diversity and changes for development perpetually, keeping

    the superstructure, intact. Tradition means creativity and

    progress. Because, it has a past which knits the discretemoments to one another and a movement which pushes

    forward as a motivating force. Thus traditions always createnew developments and new orientations, i.e. something

    growing and creating by itself giving life to borrowed

    innovations grafted on itself. Tradition constitute the spirit

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    of ambition, the social norms that rule its body. The traditionalist

    nation lives in the freedom of history, the formalist in the bondage

    of geography. Tradition not only establishes continuity and

    harmony between the forces that an institution assumes at various

    times, but it also shows how all of them are derived from the same

    origin, thus serving to cement them together. Institution likepolitics, law, economics, culture, logic, aesthetics are all derived

    from religion. They gain a living force and a dynamic life only by

    deriving their roots from a religious origin. The history of

    civilization shows that, the philosopher is not a man who merely

    puts together and organise the discrete truth which others have

    discovered. The real philosopher is one who know the methods of

    seeking the truth and actually applies them. They were fought not

    for their idealism but for their realism. Their success rests not one

    what they taught but on how they faced and fought the evil.

    Properties originate from physical nature and values are natural

    products of social reality. The effectiveness of man over societydepends on value derived from social beliefs and laws of natureand place of human being in natural domain.

    The leaders in a developing country always try to seek

    political support from the people through intensive political

    campaigns by making a lot of realistic and unrealistic promises

    that arouse peoples emotion rather than judgement. They build up

    powerful militant organisation like youth front, student front,

    women front and labour front who do not hesitate to use force to

    hush up any opposition that dare to term their policies anti people

    or try to organise pockets of realistic politics. In Bangladeshcharisma is achieve by continuous political propaganda bydemagogue politician and their workers in different levels who

    tirelessly profess the greatness of the leader. Even then, the leader

    may not be always successful in mastering the peoples minds. So,

    he needs a strong power base and builds up that by money,

    muscle, manipulation and mastermind to ensure that his power is

    not actively challenged by opposing forces sooner or later.

    Remaining popular for a long time, depends on the

    political consciousness of the people and their willingness

    to take active part in politics and their intellectual ability to

    counter the leader demagogue and the large group of

    sycophant powerful forces. People all over the earth haveshown considerable urge to be free from political

    suppression, economic exploitation, social seclusion and

    cultural aggression. But to be free they need to participate

    actively in the political decision making process. 99%

    percent of people are too poor to afford that, they have

    immediate business to take care of such as working for

    food, clothing and shelter, medical attendance in ill health,

    and direct oppression from government officials, village

    headman, non-government organisations money lending

    business with high interest rate, education of their children

    etc. Citizens might is unknown to them, democracy meansonly voting right in elections. Poverty and illiteracycontribute much to the unabated exploitation that they

    suffer in every day life.

    This forcible unconsciousness of the people pushes

    the leader to loose political active support from the people

    and the power base that he has build up gradually and that

    weakens because of corruption, rent seeking and

    overzealous organisation. When a new political group

    surfaces, the continuation of their role is threatened and the

    much needed people's support is nowhere in sight. Peoplecan not be aroused without coercion. no spontaneousstrikes, demonstration can be organised. The new group of

    political interests with support form urban and middle class

    gradually gains strength. This vicious cycle makes it

    impossible to build up a reliable and strong lasting power

    base in the people. This is elitist politics that takes with it

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    politicians, bureaucrats, unscrupulous business men and

    industrialists and a tiny group of self seeking reactionary

    intellectuals, none of whom can command & master support. The

    opposition political parties are also constituted thus. So, it is a

    quarrel of two or more vested interests to gain the authority and

    power to exploit and subjugate the people and rule over them toget rich to richer and turn to demi gods.

    Thus a class of people should emerge from the middle

    class, well educated and politically trained to overrule traditional

    tendencies, economically sound and possess genuine interest in

    individual liberty, equality in political participation, equality of

    opportunity with the assurance that they will be supported by the

    state to be provided with means to avail that opportunity, gender

    indiscrimination in every sphere of life, tolerance of diverse

    opinion, acknowledge unity in cultural diversity, guarantee of

    education as right regardless of opportunity and means, and

    provision of economic opportunity and means only can ensurepersonal freedom and democracy and vice versa.

    A people oriented party serves the cause of development,

    motivate the masses, develop leadership and politically organise

    and mobilise illiterate and ignorant masses. It can be a tool for

    developing democratic institutions, of leadership and of

    motivating popular participation at the grassroot levels. A party

    should be an oranisation crystallising the political views of large

    portions of the population and also as instrument, dedicated emit

    to organize and activate the masses towards liberal democracy.

    It is a natural tendency of all rulers or ruling elits to

    perpetuate their reign. Strong internal objection to hand over

    political power is there, because to rule also means to retain

    power, status and ever increasing wealth. Besides, there lie in the

    core of the heart of the rulers fear that the new regime may be

    inclined to victimize them to avenge the repressive measures that

    the former have adopted against the latter. While in power

    the ruler made himself the sole authority to determine what

    the national interest is and anybody suggesting otherwise is

    termed as agents of foreign hatched conspiracy. The

    oppositions also behave in such an irresponsible way and

    adopts foul playing that the rulers find no other alternativebut to strengthening their belief that rigid and ruthless

    suppression of the opposition will ensure their survival.

    In most developing countries stability and

    legitimacy is too fragile. Everything depends on the

    farsightedness and the ability of the leader in balancing the

    difficult real actors who are contending for power. Only

    then, inherent instability, one of the characteristics of

    developing countries can be tackled. Bangladesh has

    witnessed in pre 20th century, liberal rule where the ruler

    changed but not the system' but after that it had a

    succession of new leaders bringing his own principles andideas as well as his personal style of government. Even the

    most people oriented leader can hardly avoid taking care of

    the paramount interests of the ruling elits or the groups on

    whose support his own survival depends, the bureaucracy

    and the unscrupulous businessmen, the reactionary civil

    society and cultural forces. Any reform measure that

    contravene the interest of the upper class are withheld or

    delayed and the general masses are totally ignored. Any

    ruler, seriously attempting to redress the plight of the

    people may be compelled to face rebellion form among thebureaucracy and the intermediary power bases and even theforeign funded self seeker civil society. Being in power

    there grows all around a group of sycophants. The ruler

    loses connection with the underprivileged rural and even

    urban people and have very little knowledge about the real

    needs and aspirations of the people. Facts are

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    misrepresented to him or not at all presented leading to gradual

    wane of popularity.

    Before independence, most of the political leaders of this

    part of South Asia firmly believed in the ideals of freedom,equality and popular participation in Government, as well as in

    democratic institutions such as party system, parliament, a freepress, a neutral judiciary and civil service. They believed then,

    once independence is achieved, shared views and democratic

    institutions could be taken over and maintained. Liberty and

    equality become the cry against the colonial powers and

    democratic means were successfully practised in gaining

    independence from the alien regimes. By forming nationalist

    political parties and by using freedom of speech and right to

    organise and demonstrate they effectively raised agitation and

    ultimately were given independence.

    After gaining independence, the original euphoria fordemocracy fade away very soon. New realities became evident in

    its vicious shape (i) that democracy can not be easily established

    when there is illiteracy and ignorance in the grassroots level and

    poverty preventing people from realising democratic virtues (ii)

    that the game of politics is confined to a very small group of real

    actors and even then there are factions (iii) that a democratic

    constitution is helpless against easy procedure to amend and thus

    depriving a firm legal basis for democratic stability (iv) that

    politics is a dangerous game and that no politicians can afford

    being replaced and (v) that in the political arena survival of the

    strongest, most ruthless is the order of the day.

    All these mean that the basic premises for sustaining

    democracy and its institutions are absent in Bangladesh. Formal

    democracy i.e. multiparty system and regular election and orderly

    constitutional transfer of power from one rival political group to

    another is there, but functional democracy that guarantees life and

    living in total absent.. Although to the superficial observer

    it would appear that total chaos has dominated the political

    scene in Bangladesh in the past decades, the truth is that a

    new political pattern based on liberalism professed by a

    small group of intellectuals, politicians and professionals

    has evolved with its own logic and dynamics and suited tothe present particular stage of socio-economic development.

    The fact is that almost nowhere has the call for greater

    democratic Freedom and popular participation in

    Government died down altogether. It is being increasingly

    heard among the large middle class. Eventual reappearance

    of liberal democracy is almost inevitable.

    The demands of the developed countries that the

    developing nations prove their legitimacy and that the same

    time follow there prescription for economic development

    without caring for the recipient countries moral, choice,

    culture and the choice of the people are but oppressive.They should understand the realities in the power structure

    in developing countries like Bangladesh. Popularity and

    legitimacy are the result of good governance.

    The new elite have already adopted, apparently

    without much hesitation, the materialistic culture and the

    value system of the west. Once a beginning has been made

    in introducing western administration, education,

    institution, the new ideas began to question old beliefs and

    tradition of service for others. It has also found expression

    in official policies. But a deliberate attempt to censure oldtraditions or a particular national life style or to introduce a

    new one considered more appropriate to a particular stage

    of development is unlikely to succeed. Democracy can only

    be ensured where old civilization be incorporated into the

    modern development and political process. There is always

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    a provision for renaissance, re-discovery of old tradition and

    values at a later date.

    There seems to be a host of factors, some superficial, others more

    profound, that constitute a peoples national character. But most ofthem tend to share liberalism based on human values which form

    an integral part of all major religion and philosophies thatembodies most important of all our common cultural and critical

    values which development and modernization could not altogether

    destroy till to-day. What people should endeavor to achieve is the

    ability to enjoy the benefits of modern age and yet remain the

    human beings that they are with all their human rights intact. The

    mindset has to go back to norm for the resurgence of humanity

    with all its mighty forces for standing erect in the commune of the

    world of nations.


    CURRENTY there is a debate about the suitability of

    formal democracy in a country like Bangladesh. It is a

    fierce one, but many among the political elite seem to be pondering about the systems efficacy, its future and

    whether or not Bangladesh should opt for some other form

    of democracy that would be able to meet the hopes and

    aspirations of the people. However, one does become

    exasperated while dealing with such assumption. After all

    we all fought for functional democratic form of government

    over and over again. That struggle even stretch back not

    only since the independence of the country in 1971 but also

    goes back into Pakistan period (1947-1971) when Bengali

    intelligentsia resisted relentlessly the autocracy in guise of

    democracy of the ruling coterie of Punjabi and also Bangalielite in order to establish democracy that people haveearned after a protracted struggle and through a national

    consensus. Why are people then such despair to be thinking

    of replacing it? The answer to the query is quite

    straightforward, the answer simply is that the system is not

    working and people are finding it increasingly difficult to

    identify with a system whose beneficial effects were

    supposed to have improved their quality of life. On the

    contrary, erosion of democratic institutions, pervasive

    corruption institutionalized and then practiced by

    consecutive governments, break down of law and orderculmination into state sponsored terrorism that terrorize the

    ordinary citizens, violation of human rights, rampantviolence against women, and even children and low level

    economic development have heightened the sense of

    desperation among the people. Our much vaunted

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    democracy is still tied with foreign aid and still characterized by

    patron-client relationship and our ruling elites behaviors

    demonstrate a mindset of British institutionalized serfdom, which

    reinforces sense of servitude before power on one hand, and fury

    of arrogance towards the general mass on the other hand. Hence

    the debate ensued. The questions thus arise: why is it not workingand what do we need to do in order to salvage the situation?

    Answers to those queries, however, pose a formidable challenge to


    The history of formal democracy is almost as old the British rule

    in India. And at the end of the colonial rule those South Asian

    states who opted for parliamentary form of government were not

    fully aware that this was one form of government that needed,

    which all form democracies do, a frame of mind that understood

    its operation, rules, guidelines, and the conventions and traditions

    that shape and structure its functioning. They vaguely knew that

    the system was based, besides the institutional framework, on trustand delicate rules of game, a system that needed a nation, whetherit is multi-cultural or multi-racial, with an abiding faith in its

    intrinsic values. But there was no such understanding among the

    political elite about the necessity of these two equally important

    components, their interdependence and inter linkages and that the

    components needed to be inter woven. One could not do without

    the other.

    South Asian states, thus, opted for a system whose operation did

    not solely depend on the democratic institutions left behind by the

    British but on the societal values as well. They adopted a system

    whose value system was somewhat alien to the people, for obviousreasons of course. If history is any guide then one would discern

    that the newly independent South Asian countries had no otheroptions but to adopt it because this was the only form of

    democracy and its functioning they had been familiar with since

    two hundred years .We all know the British introduced the system

    in progressive phases, a fragmented institutional structure

    and its operation mechanism at a time, in small doses, to

    make the British Indian elite acclimatize with the system

    and its modus operendi. Time and again they postponed

    granting full-fledged self government on the plea that the

    British Indians were neither ready nor capable of handingsuch democratic governance that called for delicate

    balancing among various religious, ethnic, linguistic

    groups. Notwithstanding the leaders of South Asian states,

    who adopted the mode, without having the commitment to

    its ideals like humanism, rule of law, justice, equal

    economic opportunities, greater intellectual and religious

    freedom and its inherent values needed to translate those

    ideals into reality. The result is a dismal failure in making

    the system operational in most South Asian countries, gave

    up and opted for disguised authoritarian model on the

    pretax that it was not the kind of government that was tousher in a new era of development fulfilling theexpectations of the people.

    Bangladesh, as part of erstwhile Pakistan, had already been

    exposed to all those arguments and counter arguments for

    and against parliamentary form of government. Those

    arguments seemed to have been put to rest once Bangladesh

    broke the shackles of Pakistani rule and achieved

    independence in 1971 after a nine months of bloody war.

    The constitution adopted in 1972 prescribed a

    parliamentary democracy in undiluted form withoutstatutory provisions restraining the powers of any

    executive, the kind found in the developed democracies ofthe west. As the constitution was adopted it looked like that

    the country stood at and extraordinary moment of her

    history after having come to the end of history` and finding

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    ideal model that would solve a war torn countrys socio-economic

    problems and establish an exploitation free society. Such apogee,

    however, came crashing down with the declaration of a one-party

    state. Since then people have experimented with pure martial law,

    semi martial law regimes as well as semi authoritarian presidential

    regime before making history one more time in 1991 by revertingback to parliamentary form of government. Now it has been

    almost a decade that we have been trying to make our nascent

    parliamentary democracy work. We have had two peaceful

    transfers of power and anxiously waiting to see its success. All

    seem well but underneath like a lurking shadow, deep in out

    hearts, we know that the system has floundered and has become

    somewhat dysfunctional. Hence the revival of the nagging

    questions about the form of democracy that is suitable for

    Bangladesh. Though exasperated the question does have some

    inherent value in the context of what has been happening in

    Bangladesh since the reintroduction of parliamentary democracy.

    Something then has gone wrong in Bangladesh that we are

    confronted with such gloomy and bleak propositions. An analysis

    of last one decade would probably help us throw some light in this

    direction. 1991 was the beginning of a political democracy in the

    country. We got the form as well as institutional framework like

    parliament, political parties, western education elite, election

    commission and civil military bureaucracy who were ready to

    accept the supremacy of political leadership though much of it

    were mere structures rather than substantive, but the framework

    was in place. As a matter of fact in order to make institutionalframework stable and functioning a number of wrong conciliatory

    approaches were adopted.

    The quest for a stable democratic order has been evidenced in the

    provision of 1972 constitution (Article.70) but it curtailed the

    independence of the MPs and prevented the use of crucial

    parliamentary mechanism like a motion of no confidence

    and floor crossing. It was further reinforced in the 12th

    amendment (Article70. sub clauses A.B.C) of the

    constitution in 1991 for the same reasons. It was hoped that

    with the functioning of the nascent democratic norms likedemocratization of the political parties would evolve and

    the system would stabilize with consolidation of democratic

    institutions. Strengthening of the national democratic

    institutions were also recommended by the USAID

    sponsored democracy team of 1992 through the

    democratization process i.e. regimes willingness to be

    inclusive and bringing various groups into the system,

    especially the peripheral groups like women and the poor.

    But tragically both elected regimes paid lip service to the

    ideals of democracy rather than putting spirit in its

    functioning. As a result, though the stability of the regimewas ensured even at the cost Prime Ministerial dictatorship,the institutional framework remained hollow. The

    inevitability happened. The system degenerated and became

    a naked struggle for power and the apparently stable order

    soon i.e. within these years of its reintroduction, came

    under severe pressure over the issue of holding the free and

    fair election.

    The issue of free and fair election is of utmost importance

    in any democracy as it is through this mechanism that the

    twin principles of the systems popular base and source of

    legitimacy are ensured. Indeed it was of great concern whenthat crucial mechanism was tinkered with. An innovative

    institution like caretaker government, which was to oversee parliamentary election in order to prevent election

    fraudulence, was again adopted through the 13 th amendment

    of the constitution though it was clearly an abridgment of

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    parliamentary spirit that is based on mutual trust. However, time

    proved that is was not an end in itself. The 1996 election was

    conducted under this novel institution but was unable to instill any

    trust in the political environment and it was alleged that the ruling

    party manipulated the electoral process in an unabating manner,

    and the issue again and again reached its climax. Countrystumultuous politics, thus, is under severe strain with the main

    stream opposition boycotting the parliament while demanding to

    adopt a number of mechanisms like holding elections-by-elections

    as well as local self government ones under the neutral caretaker

    government. All these are indicative of a degenerative election

    process of the country that in itself possess the greatest threat to

    any democracy. Simultaneously lack of institutionalization has

    given rise to unprecedented agitational and confrontational

    politics, and rampant corruption eroding not only peoples faith in

    the system but also underlining the institution like judiciary. The

    societal fabrics are falling apart due to the deteriorating law andorder and the near absence of rule of law is creating havoc inviolating human rights to such an extent that Bangladesh has been

    termed as the torture house by many.

    The onus for the malfunctioning of the formal democracy lies

    squarely on the shoulders of the political parties. The role of

    political parties in the democratization process can hardly be

    overemphasized. They have been termed as the lifeblood of

    democracy. The efficacious role of political elite in

    institutionalizing the democratic norms constitutes a vital element

    in laying the foundation of democracy. They are viable agents of

    democratization and play the mediating role between the citizenryand the state. In this context the truth is: the political parties in

    Bangladesh did not live up to those expectations.These have been evidenced in a recent study exposing the political

    parties in Bangladesh through the interviews of political leaders of

    parties in Bangladesh that they have failed as visible agents in

    sustaining a stable democratic order. The nature of party

    politics in the country with its lack of internal democracy,

    practice of personality cult, factionalism and internecine

    conflicts is such that the windows of opportunities created

    since 1990 were not utilized because parties failed to bring

    about a national solidarity and consensus through the art ofnegotiation, compromise and accommodation. This has

    been mainly due to the political atmosphere between the

    political parties that is characterized by mutual distrust,

    intolerance and antagonism.

    The question arises as to why these mainstream parties all

    of whom have a centrist position, and have more or less

    similar manifestoes with regards to countrys social,

    economic, and foreign policy issues are so far apart that

    they do not hesitate to call each other anti-state. The answer

    to that is though much of the animosity and mutual mistrust

    are due to personal disliking of the leaders, but deep downthere remains the question of national identity and otherhistorical baggage that keep them poles apart. These images

    have been intensified by a partys perception of itself as

    being the sole inheritor of the liberation of 1971, and thus

    having a false moral claim on the state power. Its attempts

    to set the history, which was falsely alleged of being

    distorted by previous regimes and their strange perceptions

    that those mainstream oppositions are not proper political

    parties have made them acrimonious towards each other.

    Their behavior and rivalry have adversely affected the

    political culture of the country. Its manifestations are beingfelt in the political climate as well that already is full of

    hatred and violence. The statements given by the leaders arepersonal, low, and obscene and have no relationship with

    the politics. The results have been incitement of the masses

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    and increasing lawlessness. No democracy can functions in such


    The onus also lies with the politicians because it was their

    responsibilities, through their behavior, to create, at least lay the

    foundation of a democratic political culture of distinctive set of

    political values, and orientations from its citizens: moderation,toleration, civility, efficacy, knowledge and participation. One

    could not agree more about the imperative of such culture in order

    to make democracy functional. However, it is also acknowledged

    that such phenomenon is not likely to happen overnight in a

    country like Bangladesh whose political culture is historically for

    two hundred years characterized by atomism, patron-clienteles and

    neo patrimonial. But the least the parties could do is to consciously

    try to practice those norms that could form the foundation of

    democratic culture and political education for the masses. The

    failure of the political parties in this respect has been horrendous.

    Instead of imparting political education to the masses the leadershave provided causes, through their constant bickering and rivalry,to their followers and activists to settle issues by means of

    intimidation and violence.

    The non-democratic mind-set of the political parties not only

    vitiated the political atmosphere but also undermined and eroded

    the foundation of nascent political institutions like bureaucracy

    and judiciary. No serious attempts were made to resolve the

    transitional problem like establishing a people oriented

    constitutional and electoral system, rule of law by repealing anti-

    democratic laws and possible security of the people separating

    judiciary from the clutches of the executives. On the contrary, blatant and pervasive politicization of bureaucracy and other

    institutions have brought the governmental apparatus to a virtualhalt. And finally the most glaring failure of our political parties

    has been their inability to create democratic oppositions whose

    importance in a democracy has been constantly argued by

    democratic theorists and emphasized on a fairly open

    political environment for its evolution. That kind of

    political environment calls for an inclusive regime that has

    low barriers allowing the opposition opportunities for

    expression, organization and representation of political

    preferences. However, in Bangladeshs entire history therehas only once been such an inclusive regime during general

    Zias rule. But the opposition failed to grasp the

    opportunity and employed all their trickery in vilifying him.

    The fact of the matter is that the later governments have

    been mostly hegemonic. The opposition was not simply

    allowed to evolve.

    As a result, Bangladesh parliament, where the vital national

    issues were supposed to be discussed and resolved, stands

    hollow and totally dysfunctional. The mainstream

    opposition, like the opposition during the previous regime,

    had been boycotting the parliament or walking out of itwithout much reason. There is no existence of thedemocratic opposition in the parliament, which is paid by

    the exchequer, to bring to the fore the activities of the

    executive by scrutinizing and censoring, and providing the

    people an alternative government. Again, the political

    parties, instead of nurturing a democratic opposition the

    party which captures power with a authoritarian within

    tendency has treated the opposition not on equal terms but

    as an arch-enemy and has been all out to put the opposition

    in disarray and thereby minimizing its capacity. The

    throttling of oppositions voice is easily discernible fromthe parliamentary proceeding. Almost non existent hours

    devoted to Private Members bills, and Speaker plays apartisan role in not allowing opposition to participate in

    meaningful debates. And unfortunately, there is valid

    suspicion that the tendency may be continued as evidenced

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    by the ruling party learning mechanism of opposition repression

    though filing of numerous alleged criminal cases against the

    opposition MPs. At present the political scenario is characterized

    by oppositions retreat into backwardness while the party in

    power sees itself in fulfilling some kind of destiny.

    In the context of the above scenario it is then logical (though

    exasperated) to be apprehensive of the future of democracy inBangladesh. And it is also discernible that the roles of the political

    parties are the main reason for such a sorry state of affairs. We

    have great hope that change would come to make much of a

    difference. Until and unless there is a qualitative changes in the

    mindset of our political leadership, democracy in whatever form

    would have a rough sailing in the country. On the contrary, the

    liberal democracy with the intricate scrutinizing mechanism has

    greater chances of replacing present corrupt and authoritarian one.

    Moreover, this is only form of government that people of

    Bangladesh are now eagerly waiting to give a warm welcome.

    So, given the chance it may flourish, especially in the context thatall are not negative, the Institute of Liberal Democracy, the think

    tank for the people, for example, though not above criticism, has

    contributed in political education and helped raise both social and

    political awareness among the people. There are no threats of

    military interventions into Bangladesh politics, but peoples

    sentiment must be taken into account.

    So the development of liberal democratic politics must be

    encouraged to work out. In this context it is of utmost importance

    for the nation that the results of the general elections be acceptable

    to the people and the legitimacy of the winning party is not inquestion. The main task now lay with a new civil society group

    imbubed by the sprit of Liberal Democracy. They must comeforward on non-partisan basis and create awareness among the

    people and build enough pressure so that the power contenders are

    compelled to abide by the rules of the game and demonstrate their

    commitment towards democracy and pave the way for

    liberal democratic culture. For Bangladesh, it is essentially

    a challenge to develop new institutions as well as processes

    of governance. We have to find local solutions to complex

    problems which are, global, regional and national in nature.

    We need to redefine the role of the conventional democracy

    which no longer can deliver the services required by peopleliving in rural and urban communities. Managing

    simultaneously many interrelated problems, which are of

    global, regional and national character represent the most

    formidable challenge for our development in the coming

    years. It is now apparent that government is not able to do

    many things which we thought the democratic government

    would be able to do back in the 70s. Government for

    example, is not very good at running a business; it is not

    good at operating banks or managing industries. We know

    very well how much of a burden the public sectorenterprises have become---- they are now a big drain on theeconomy. Ironically, the government has done poorly in

    terms of traditional functions that every one expects the

    government to perform. It has not been able to ensure

    people oriented law and order; the judicial processes have

    decayed; rule of law is yet to be established. In sum,

    government is over regulating and stifling small scale

    private initiatives in sectors where private enterprise can

    grow and flourish. Whereas large scale initiatives are given

    all assistance and the financial institutions providing

    excessive loans that never comes back. Government is notable on the other hand, taking measures to frame and

    enforce regulations that protect and promote small scalelocal based industries.

    The development financing was never made available and

    the funding needs have since increased many fold.

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    Bangladesh, one of the poor third world countries will never ber

    able to raise a huge amount of capital. At the same time there is

    growing evidence that mobilization of local resources and the

    participation of those affected by those problems can go a long

    way towards alleviating the burden of poverty and meeting basic

    needs. Greater local responsibility for problem solving suggests a

    new facilitating role for the government, and elements of theemerging civil society. But the people have already seen

    successful new ventures by the reactionary civic society

    represented by interest groups, local communities, non-

    government organizations, social development entrepreneurs and

    private enterprises. These have aimed to tackle many of their big

    problems to bring the poor unconscious people into their fold

    through local initiatives. Bangladesh in sense has been a world

    leader in creating new interface between civic society and the

    rather inefficient, wasteful and corrupt government. Some NGOs

    have provided a lead in developing new delivery systems forsocial and financial services reaching the bottom poor wheregovernment programs had bypassed them in the past. But steps

    must be taken to stop immediately the activities of those NGOs

    which carry on lending business with high interest rate and also

    are engaged in implanting obscene, dehumanizing, free for all

    Vedic and Western culture that speaks for submission. Their

    trickle down policy kills peoples urge for self-realization as well

    as actualization.

    The key to meeting our development needs in the short term seems

    to be the participation of people directly concerned, in solving the

    big problems locally keeping national tradition and heritage intact.Liberal Democracy is on the move to provide incentives to

    facilitate creation of new institutions outside the government.Local level solutions involve firstly setting up new institutions and

    new enterprises for delivering resources and also for receiving

    them. There could be various categories of new enterprises that

    need to be encouraged to do the things, which the

    government has not been able to do. There should be more

    target oriented delivery systems to provide social services

    like political education, health care, housing and rural

    infrastructure. A micro-finance institution under Institute of

    Liberal Democracy is much needed to provide phisical

    services targeted at the rural poor. The urban sectorhowever, still remains untouched in spite of the very rapid

    rate of urbanization in Bangladesh. One can also visualize

    the immediate need for a new generation of financial

    institutions to provide venture finance to small

    entrepreneurs both in the rural and urban sectors. Evidence

    form regional countries clearly show the importance of

    small and medium enterprises which generates rural non-

    farm employment and income opportunities for surplus

    population released from the agriculture sector.

    It would involve new participatory processes for decisionmaking at the local levels. We need democratic institutionsat the grass roots so that concerned people can participate in

    local governance. The primary task is to allow accountable

    and democratic local government system to emerge as close

    to the people as possible--preferably at the village level.

    Strengthening local governments and setting up a genuinely

    decentralized political system would need downsizing the

    national government, scaling down its operations and

    disinvestment of public enterprises. To accomplish these

    tasks we would require a firm political commitment and a

    strong civil society with devotion to the cause of the peopleas human beings and the nation as a whole.

    Undoubtedly Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was most powerfulperson since 1969 till his gruesome death. Posing such an

    outward expression of democratic instinct it was difficult to

    believe that he had embarked on such a course of stamping

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    out dissent and opposition by throwing his political opponents in

    prison and gagging the Four Estate- the printed and electronic

    media by clamping down pre-censorship and letter closing down

    all of those expect government controlled four. It was indeed

    tragic that leader like him could stoop to such a level only to

    ensure the power does not slip out of his grip. A consummate

    politician and a most wielders of power he was endowed withtenacity to doggedly fight back and succeed in the face of

    stupendous adversity with a rare capacity to endear himself to the

    public at large by his ability to strike instant rapport with the

    masses and an extra ordinary charisma lay at the source of his

    outstanding popularity. The toiling multitude in the lowest rungs

    of the socio-economic ladder was mesmerized by his stirring call

    to banish poverty and he recorded decisive victory through

    effective exploitation of oppression consciousness that he aroused

    in the public. He made not even any effort to make the preliminary

    moves to translate into reality the catchy slogan of socialism, leaveaside trying to implement it in the right earnest. And for that verypurpose he had no compunction in destroying institution starting

    from his own organization, which was, sought to be emasculated

    by draining out inner party democracy so as to develop the culture

    of sycophancy shorn of any commitment to values. His cynical

    attitude to politics, reveal best in his approach to the problems

    resulted is not only his gruesome end but also the shocking rise of

    a devastating anti Awami League sentiment in the public. It is

    people could realize at last that they were betrayed by him and that

    he furthered his personal interest essentially to establish and there

    after reinforce his stranglehold on power. Reaching out to people, particularly the dispossessed and underprivileged, he persecuted

    the underdog.As everywhere also the result of such repression have with rare

    exception-been bad-for the country, for the people and even for

    the Armed forces, particularly their readiness and the capacity to

    shoulder the responsibility of defending the country against

    internal fifth columnists and external hege monists-threat.

    Political and other long cherished values have gradually

    been eroded and the slow death of various national

    institutions has been witnessed. These institutions are much

    easy to destroy but their restructuring takes time and great

    effort. The attempt to prolong undemocratic repressive rulehas most of time caused a cataclysm. During this painful

    process of aggrandizing the leadership, with eager goading

    of opportunists and sycophants, has developed a philosophy

    of some sort, which justified the betrayal of oaths solemnly

    sworn on the Holy Book, and the violations of the

    fundamental law of the land. Sk. Mujib also justified the

    introduction of a harsh regime to impose the regimes cruel

    control of the people, the use of the sheer force, the

    dungeon and the fetter in order to break the will of the

    downtrodden people who wanted to resist the new order.The pliant bureaucracy invariably falls in happily withevery dictatorship, helps gleefully to prepare schemes to

    hood wink the people, and contentedly translates

    preemptory orders into drafts that can be given the from of

    laws. The judiciary and also be suborned, and with a formal

    expression of mild disapproval judges sit down to invent

    rules convenient for the ruler. All these are done with

    smugness and self righteousness that are beyond the

    comprehension of ordinary mortals. These self satisfied

    people persist with their rationalizations until a day comes

    when they are retired or forced to vacate their chairs and aredenied the higher offices they had coveted or had been

    promised. Then they sink into their holes and mutter bitterly about wrongs, betrayals and false promises and

    some even muster the temerity to deny personal culpability

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    for acts of perfidy-acts that helped to deprive many peoples of

    their peace, their liberty and some even their lives.

    These persons have entered the portals with no mandate; no

    authority to represent the people, and the only advance they work

    for is self-advancement. During the long years of political

    stagnation, many things turn upside down, inside out outside in.

    Once there were rigid rules governing military aid to civil power,now the situation can be best described civil aid to non-civil

    power, although political parties are in function, the basic model is

    that of apolitical elements which allow anyone with huge funds

    and unauthorized arms power and manipulation to intimidate the

    people and win a seat in the legislature. The system introduced in

    the 1970s more or less remained intact. Now the abnormal is

    treated as normal. Seemingly it is expected that the present system

    will survive through the years with strangely balanced diarchy.

    And this long-term plan seems to imply that people will never be

    given the right freely to choose their rulers and to determine thecourse of events. Instead the present regimes leadership has takenupon itself the responsibilities of defining the countrys

    ideological frontiers that were never known to its people.

    Apart from the physical force of the politicians and its inherent

    organized strength furnished and paid by the unscrupulous

    businessmen and industrialists and the foreign hegemonies, two

    main groups act as willing chief collaborator and supporters of

    every regime. The quickest to answer the self-aggrandizing

    politicians call are the tribe of senior bureaucrats who under the

    umbrella of anti people rule come to their own are able to exercise

    authority that can no longer be questioned. With unsubtle flatterythey manage to convince the rules that everything they wish to do

    in feasible and also that bureaucratic cooperation is vital for theadministrative structure. The second category are the feudal type

    of professional politicians who seem unable to breath in comfort

    without access to corridors of power at some level. Most of them

    are not burdened with a conscience or gifted with political

    consciousness and can offer their services to who ever in

    power without feeling any qualm or shame. They can

    always think of a plausible excuse for breaking with apart

    when it is no longer in power if there seems to be little hope

    to return to office. Politicians of this class are the most

    potent source of political corruption and are alsoresponsible for spreading corruptions in the administration

    from the level of an office assistant upwards to the highest

    bureaucrats. Those can be described as political

    mercenaries, many urbanites imbibe similar ambitions and

    ape the conduct and even dress of the main beneficiaries. It

    is not easy to determine which group has done greater

    harm, the weasel faced bureaucrats or the luxury loving

    uplifted anti people one man party politicians. It is certain

    any how that between them they have succeeded in

    blocking the countrys political advance and hindering itssocio-economic progress. They have used all their influenceand power to keep dependant on the west and neighboring

    big brother. If they have any loyality, it is to their class

    interest and to their foreign masters. It can be seen that their

    likes and dislikes, their love and hates, what they cherish

    and wish to preserve have all been inherited from their

    benefactors, even to the extent of retaining an ill concealed

    contempt for the mass people. They find themselves totally

    alienated from the ordinary people the peasants and the

    worker, the clerks and the shopkeepers, those who have to

    work with their hands and their brains, all the poor nativeswithout the veneer acquired through elitist education or

    foreign travel.It seems plain that if Bangladesh is to grow and develop

    certain basic changes are absolutely essential. For too long,

    political power has been usurped by party nominated self

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    seeker politicians who upheld of class interest bureaucrats with

    unpleasant, some times catastrophic consequences. The worse is to

    come unless peoples prolonged ouster can be ended and their full

    rights as free citizens of an independent nation restored of them.