Download - Agenda 2063 Report of the Commission on the African Union Agenda 2063 Agenda 2063 Presented By : Mandla M. Madonsela Director, Strategic Policy Planning,

Page 1: Agenda 2063 Report of the Commission on the African Union Agenda 2063 Agenda 2063 Presented By : Mandla M. Madonsela Director, Strategic Policy Planning,

Agenda 2063

Report of the Commission on the African Union Agenda 2063

Agenda 2063

Presented By : Mandla M. MadonselaDirector, Strategic Policy Planning, Monitoring,

Evaluation and Resource Mobilization

The Africa We Want in 2063

Page 2: Agenda 2063 Report of the Commission on the African Union Agenda 2063 Agenda 2063 Presented By : Mandla M. Madonsela Director, Strategic Policy Planning,

IntroductionIn January 2014 the AU Policy Organs:-

1- Member States should study the draft Framework document and provide the Commission with inputs not later than mid-April 2014 for use in enriching and finalizing the Agenda 2063 document;

2-finalization of the remaining work and provide a draft Agenda 2063 document for consideration in June 2014;

3- That a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework as well as the first ten year implementation plan be submitted for consideration in January 2015.

Through Executive Council Decision EX.CL/805(XXIV) and Assembly Decision Doc. Assembly/AU/3(XXII)

Took note of :-

Requested the following:-

1- The Report of the Commission on the development of the AU Agenda 2063

2- The Draft Framework Document

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Outlines the progress made since January 2014

Presents the Draft Agenda 2063 document for consideration, inputs, guidance and enrichment by the AU Policy Organs

This Report:-

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Progress Report

• Detailed reviews of the framework document and drafting of the Agenda 2063.

• Review of National Plans (33) and Regional (6 RECs) and Continental Frameworks (20)

• Situational analysis – political, social, economic, demographic and natural resource dynamics,

• Mega trends and review of scenarios on Africa

• Technical studies on Blue economy, capacity development, economic transformation and initial elements of resource mobilization

a) Continued to work with the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in the context of the Agenda 2063 Technical Committee.

b) Undertook consultations with Regional Economic Communities and AU Organs with a view to soliciting their inputs on the draft Agenda 2063 document and strengthening mutual ownership as well as clarifying roles and responsibilities in both the preparation and implementation of Agenda 2063.

In preparing the Draft Agenda 2063 Document the Commission:

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Progress Report

* Collectively, these inputs have significantly enriched the document.

In preparing the Draft Agenda 2063 Document the Commission: c) Made presentations at Sector/Ministerial meetings that included Agenda

2063 on their program: Tourism, Science and Technology, Finance and Development, Labour and employment, Agriculture, Transport, Social Affairs, Trade Union, Association of African Public Services Commissions, Creative Arts group, etc. d) Received inputs from Member States on the draft Framework document (Mauritius, Zimbabwe and Zambia) which have been fully incorporated into the draft Agenda 2063 document.

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Progress To Date [1] Key Activity Objective Target Audience Outcomes

Stakeholders Consultation

Solicit views on lessons learned, the Africa We Want and how to make it happen

Private Sector; Academics /Think Tanks; CSOs; Planning Experts; African Diaspora; Youth; Women; Media

Seven African Aspirations distilled, enablers/ drivers as well as risks and mitigation measures identified

Web-Based Discussion

Solicit views on lessons learned, the Africa We Want and how to make it happen

General public all over the world

Regional Economic Communities (REC’s) and AU Organs Consultation

Ensure involvement, solicit inputs on draft document and build ownership


Valuable inputs (some written) obtained, relationships built with a sense of feeling of recognition and collective ownership of Agenda 2063

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Progress To Date [2]

Key Activity Objective Target Audience Outcomes

Sector / Ministerial Meetings

Promote Agenda 2063 and solicit inputs

Ministers of Tourism, Finance and Development, Infrastructure, Agriculture

Agenda 2063 promoted, valuable feedback received

AUC Sector Departments

Ensure involvement, solicit inputs and build ownership

All AUC DepartmentsWritten contributions on situation analysis and goal setting

Agenda 2063 Technical Committee

As directed by the AU Summit, joint responsibility in developing Agenda 2063 and ensuring its technical soundness


Discussed and agreed on the structure and substance of the draft Agenda 2063 document

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Progress To Date [3]Key Activity Objective Target Audience Outcomes

Agenda 2063 Draft Framework Document

Outline the structure and main elements of Agenda 2063 based on the AU Vision, Solemn Declaration and Stakeholders consultations

AU PRC, Executive Council Ministerial Retreat, Member States and 22nd Summit of AU

Extensive discussion at the Ministerial Retreat in Bahir Dar, approval and go ahead with the preparation of the main Agenda 2063 Document

Draft Agenda 2063 Document, February 2014

Reflect comments made and guidance given by the Executive Council and AU Summit

AUC, Agenda 2063 Technical Committee

A first comprehensive draft of Agenda 2063 Technical Document

Agenda 2063 Results Matrix

Translate Aspirations into goals, targets and strategies

Agenda 2063 Technical Committee

Agenda 2063 preliminary goals, priority issues, targets & strategies at the national as well as regional/ continental levels

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Progress To Date [4]

Key Activity Objective Contributors Outcomes

Review of national plans and continental frameworks

Draw lessons from national development planning and continental framework experiences to inform Agenda 2063

AUC, UNECA Intended for review 54 national plans; but actually made available and reviewed 33, six regional and key continental frameworks

Situation analysis: political, economic, social, demographic and natural resource dynamics

Lessons learned, identify key challenges and opportunities identified

AUC (political, natural resource, economic dynamics) UNECA (demographic and economic dynamics)NEPAD (over all trend analysis)

Lessons learned, identify key challenges and opportunities identified

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Progress To Date [5] Key Activity Objective Contributors Outcomes

Megatrend analysis and a review of scenarios on Africa

Identify key global megatrends that impact Africa’s development trajectory and review different development paths on Africa’s future that various organizations have worked out; and

AUC (megatrends analysis)

UNECA (review of scenario studies)

• 34 scenario reports were selected for review; 22 considered; finally 17 reviewed

• Identified seven global megatrends

Technical Studies: Blue Economy, Economic Transformation, Resource Mobilization Study, Capacity Development

To address issues critical to Agenda 2063 and fill knowledge gaps in those areas

NEPAD (blue economy study)AfDB (resource mobilization – to be received)

Currently going on

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Progress To Date [6]

Key Activity Objective Contributors OutcomesMegatrend analysis and a review of scenarios on Africa

Identify key global megatrends that impact Africa’s development trajectory and review different development paths on Africa’s future that various organizations have worked out

AUC (megatrends analysis)

UNECA (review of scenario studies)

• Identified seven global megatrends

• 34 scenario reports were selected for review; 22 considered; finally 17 reviewed

Technical Studies: Blue Economy, Economic Transformation, Resource Mobilization Study, Capacity Development

To address issues critical to Agenda 2063 and fill knowledge gaps in those areas

NEPAD (blue economy, capacity development study)

AfDB (resource mobilization – to be received)

Report on Africa’s blue economy potential and constraints; analysis of capacity development issues

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What Defines Agenda 2063?

• - The AU Vision• - The Solemn Declaration• - African (Peoples’) Aspiration

The Vision

• - The Goals - Priority Areas

• - Indicative strategies - Targets

• - Implementation Arrangements - M&E Framework

• - Communication Strategy - Resource Mobilization Strategy

• - Capacity Development needs

The Transformation


• - 10 year medium term plans over the 50 years The Plan

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It paints a detailed picture of where Africa would be in 2063 when the continent will be celebrating the centenary of the founding of the OAU

It outlines the Trends, Challenges & Opportunities in Africa’s political, economic, demographic, social, & natural resource dynamicsOutlines in detail Agenda 2063 Goals, Priority Areas, Targets and indicative Strategies

Presents Drivers, Enablers, Risks and Mitigating Strategies

Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation Arrangements, Financing Agenda 2063, Communication Strategy and Capacity for implementation

National and Regional, Continental Results Framework

Places Agenda 2063 in the historical content of Pan Africanism & African Renaissance as well as the struggle for self-determination & economic independence

Agenda 2063 First Draft Document

Chapter I - Introduction

Chapter II- The Vision and African Aspirations for 2063

Chapter III- Overview of Africa’s development dynamics- trends, challenges and opportunities

Chapter IV- Agenda 2063 goals, priority areas, targets and strategies s

Chapter V- Drivers, enablers, risks and mitigation measures

Chapter VI- Making it happen

Annexes 1 and 2

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Agenda 2063 First Draft Document

African Union Vision“An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa,  driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in  global arena”

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Key a

reas to





1- African Identity and Renaissance

8- Africa’s Place in the World

50 Years Of Progress Toward 2063

50th Anniversary- Solemn Declaration

2- Struggle against Colonialism & Self Determination

3- Pursuing the Integration Agenda

4- Social and Economic Development

5- Peace and Security

6- Democratic Governance

7- Determining Africa’s Destiny

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African Union Vision The 8 Priority Areas of the Solemn


Regional and Continental Frameworks

African Aspirations for 2063

Member States National Plans


2063Constitutive Act

Foundation of Agenda 2063

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Prosperous Africa

based on inclusive growth & sustainabl

e developm


Political United

and Integrated Continent

Good Governanc

e Democracy, Human Rights, Justice

and Rule of law

Peaceful and

Secure Africa


development focused on women & youth

Strong Cultural Identity Values

and Ethic

A Strong and

Influential Global

Player and Partner

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Chapter 2

The People’s


The Vision

50th Annivers

ary Solemn

Declaration The

Africa we

want by


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Overview of Africa’s Development Dynamics

Chapter 3

A full understanding of the challenges and opportunities for attaining the “Africa we want by 2063” is essential in order to set the right goals and evolve the right strategies for getting there.

This in turn requires a thorough review of lessons learned from current national, regional and continental plans and frameworks; understanding of Africa’s past and current economic, social, political, demographic, natural resources dynamics; as well as impacts and opportunities that arise from global megatrends; analysis of possible development paths.

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Overview of Africa’s Development Dynamics


The assessment of Africa’s political, demographic, economic, social and natural resources suggest the

following: All indications show strong prospects for continued

robust growth. However, Africa remains the world’s poorest region with almost 40 percent of the population living below the poverty line and one-third of Africa's population is undernourished

Relative stability prevails on the continent, but greater and more concerted efforts are needed to secure a conflict-free continent.

The democratic gains that have been attained need to be further consolidated and strengthened to deliver the democracy dividend in terms of deepening the culture of respect for Human rights, justice, strengthening real popular participation and improving livelihoods

Chapter 3

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Overview of Africa’s Development Dynamics

The assessment of Africa’s political, demographic, economic, social and natural resources suggest the

following: The remarkable progress made in terms of economic growth

must be matched by progress to adequately reduce poverty and create enough jobs and close the inequity gap-of income and opportunity. Across the continent, delivery of critical services-in health, education, water and sanitation among others should be fundamentally strengthened.

Concerted efforts by governments and local communities with support from development partners, has resulted in Africa making progress in addressing the scourge of aids but a majority of those dying from AIDS or living with the virus are still in Africa.

The youth bulge presents great potential for Africa’s future, but it also calls for imaginative and urgent solutions.

Chapter 3

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Overview of Africa’s Development Dynamics


The assessment of Africa’s political, demographic, economic, social and natural resources suggest the

following: There is greater awareness about the need for sustainable natural resource management with almost all African countries placing it as a top priority areas in their development plans, but more has to be done to halt the alarming deforestation including loss of timber, biodiversity loss and unsustainable exploitation of fishery and coastal resources. There is progress towards economic integration-at regional and continental level but this not occurring at a pace fast enough to meet the needs for sustained growth, trade and exchanges of services, capital or movement of people. Critical gaps remain in Infrastructure, Energy, ICT and Free Movement of people and Goods.

Chapter 3

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• High standard of living, quality of life and well being for all

• Transformed economies• Modern and livable habitats

• Well educated, healthy citizens and skills revolution

Constitutive Act

African Union Vision The 8 Priority Areas of the Solemn


Regional and Continental Frameworks

African Aspirations for 2063

Member States National Plans

• United States of Africa• Economically integrated • Free movement of people,

goods and services

• Civil society contributes to development

• Universal principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law observed

• Equal opportunities and Participation of women and youth

• Local governance for sustainable development

• Major partner in the process and outcomes of global economic prosperity

• Speaks with one voice in global affairs

• Security and stability• Capable nation

at peace with herself and neighbors

• National culture are recognized and respected

• Capable Developmental State

Prosperous Africa Political

United and



Peaceful and

Secure Africa

Good Governanc

e, Democracy,

Human Rights,

Justice and rule of law

Development is people-driven

A Strong and

Influential Global Player

and Partner


2063Strong Cultural Identity Values

and Ethic

Chapter 4

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Factors To Consider Agenda 2063 is conceptualized as a general framework, which would be

implemented through successive 10-year plans. In the short term. Agenda 2063 will place emphasis on accelerating the implementation of

key continental frameworks that have been adopted and fast tracking of the integration agenda.

Additionally, African countries would expedite domestication of the relevant legal frameworks, protocols and similar instruments. Such an approach will provide the traction for long-term progress, as well as provide critical evidence of forward momentum to win over ordinary African citizens that Agenda 2063 is indeed a viable endeavor.

Chapter 4

Given the differentiated responsibilities between various actors at national, regional and continental levels, in ensuring the realization of Agenda 2063, two sets of results matrices have been developed for the national and regional levels, respectively. It should be noted that the strategies are indicative given the inherent peculiarities at both national and regional levels. This means that Member States and Regional Economic Communities will have to evolve the right policy and strategy mix to suit their circumstances to meet the targets

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Aspiration Goals

1. A Prosperous Africa, based on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development

1. A high standard of living, quality of life and well-being for all citizens

2. Well educated citizens and a skills revolution underpinned by science, technology and innovation

3. Healthy and well nourished citizens 4. Modern and Livable Habitats 5. Transformed economies and jobs6. Modern agriculture for increased production,

productivity and value addition7. Environmentally sustainable and climate resilient

economies and communities

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Aspiration Goals

2. An Integrated Continent Politically United and based on the ideals of Pan Africanism

8. United States of Africa (Federal or Confederate)9. World class infrastructure crisscrosses Africa

3. An Africa of Good Governance, Democracy, Respect for Human Rights, Justice and the Rule of Law

10. Democratic values, practices, universal principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law are entrenched.

11. Capable Institutions and Transformative Leadership in place at all levels

4. A Peaceful and Secure Africa 12. Peace security and stability is preserved

5. Africa with a Strong Cultural Identity Values and Ethic 13. Pan Africanism is fully entrenched

14. African cultural renaissance is pre-eminent

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Aspiration Goals

6. An Africa Whose Development is people-driven, especially relying on the potential offered by its Youth and Women

15. Full gender equality in all spheres of life16. Engaged and Empowered Youth

7. An Africa as A Strong and Influential Global Player and Partner

17. Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-existence

18. Africa is no longer aid dependent and takes full responsibility for financing her development

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Priority Actions for 2063 Targets

1.1.1 Increase incomes and provide decent jobs for all working age adults

1. Per capita income is at least 10 times the 2013 level to

average values of USD 17-20,000 PPP

2. Unemployment level kept below 6%

3. Reduce by 75 % the number of working adults holding

vulnerable jobs

4. Reduce youth unemployment to 6% or less

“A Prosperous Africa, based on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development ”

Aspiration [1]

Goal [1]

1 - Ensure A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well-being for all citizens

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Priority Actions for 2063 Targets

1.1.2 End poverty and eliminate hunger and malnutrition

1. Reduce by 90%, the number of people living below the

national poverty line

2. Reduce income disparities by x% between:

i. urban and rural areas;

ii. men and women; and and bottom 20% of the population

3. Eliminate all forms of food insecurity by 2025

4. Eliminate all forms of malnutrition by 2025

Aspiration [1]Goal

[1]1 - Ensure A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well-

being for all citizens

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Priority Actions for 2063


1.1.3. Human Capital developed through a healthy and well-educated citizenry

1. Universal basic school education (including early

childhood education) with 100% enrolment rate by 2020

2. Universal high school education with 100% enrolment

rate by 2030

3. At least 70% of high school graduates will go on to have

tertiary education with 66% of them graduating in

science, technology and innovation programs

4. Ensure universal access to quality health care and


5. Eliminate all communicable diseases and reduce by 90%

non-communicable diseases

6. Reduce to zero deaths from HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB

7. Life expectancy at birth is 75 years

Goal [1]

1 - Ensure A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well-being for all citizens

Aspiration [1]

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Priority Actions for 2063 Targets

1.1.4 Every citizen has affordable and sustainable access to quality basic necessities of life

1. At least 90% of all household have access to decent housing / shelter as defined by national policy and eradicate all slums

2. All households have access to adequate and clean water and sanitation facilities by 2025

3. All households have access to electricity by 2025

4. All citizens have affordable access to transport with cities 2 million and above providing the service through a mass transit system by 2035

5. Communications improved in rural areas through linking of all towns/villages within local governance areas by tarred roads by 2035

6. All citizens have access to a high speed internet connectivity and voice communication facilities by 2020

Goal [1]

1 - Ensure A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well-being for all citizens

Aspiration [1]

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Priority Actions for 2063

Indicative Strategies

1.1.1 Increase incomes and provide decent jobs for working age adults

1. Develop / implement prudent macro-economic and sectoral policies for a competitive private sector led growth

2. Expand productive capacities of the economy through targeted investment programmes to grow the economy

3. Develop/implement policies to enhance the entrepreneurial / business growth capacities of the informal sector including productivity improvements

4. Provide / promote policies for employment creating transitions between small, medium and large scale enterprises

5. Promote labor-intensive diversification of economy

6. Prepare rural migrants for entry into urban job market through education and health

7. Promote policies to absorb rural labour in productive off-farm activities

Goal [1]

1 - Ensure A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well-being for all citizens

Aspiration [1]

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Priority Actions for 2063

Indicative Strategies

1.1.1 Increase incomes and provide decent jobs for working age adults

8. Improve worker productivity in the informal sector

9. Facilitate women’s entry into high productivity jobs and provide equal employment opportunities

10.Provide youth with skills that respond to the job market through vocational training, on-the-job training and apprenticeship

11.Provide skills /output based sustainable youth employment programmes

12.Increase access to financing, inputs and markets by the informal sector, small and medium scale enterprises

Goal [1]

1 - Ensure A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well-being for all citizens

Aspiration [1]

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Overview of Africa’s Development Dynamics

Drivers and Enablers

Any factor or force (political, economic, social, environmental. Technological, legal, and institutional) that directly or indirectly contributes to or enhances a transformative change or serves as a catalyst for change to ensure the fulfillment of Agenda 2063.• Leadership and political commitment: • Capable development state and empowered citizens. • Participation and inclusion of all stakeholders the conception, design,

implementation and monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063. • Holistic, vertically and horizontally integrated approach to

development. • Economies of scale.. • A results-based approach. • Revitalizing strategic planning and ensuring effective interface among

national plans, sub-regional initiatives and Agenda 2063. • Making Agenda 2063 an integral part of the African Renaissance. • Africa taking charge of its global narrative.

Chapter 5

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Overview of Africa’s Development Dynamics

Risks, Threats and Mitigation StrategiesIn the next 50 years, new and unforeseen risks and threats (i.e. factors likely to have a disruptive influence on Africa’s future) and/or opportunities for development are likely to emerge, while the ones we know today could assume new and more threatening or soothing dimensions. Existing and new threats faced by the continent, include scrambles for its resources in the face of changing global demands and demographics; undue external influence in the affairs of the continent; its disproportionate burden of the impact of climate change; and the huge scale of illicit outflows of African resources and capital, the key ones being:• Conflict, Instability and Insecurity• Social and economic inequalities• Organized Crime, Drugs Trade and Illicit Financial Flows• Mismanagement of diversities; the ascendancy of religious

fundamentalism, ethnicism and corruption• Failure to Harness the Demographic Dividend • Escalation of Africa’s Disease Burden • Climate Risks and Natural Disasters• External Shocks

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Risks, Threats and Mitigation Strategies :

• These threats and challenges can however, be mitigated and turned into opportunities through mounting collective strategies and effective public policy responses and actions to counter the most disruptive economic, social and environmental changes facing Africa :

Overcoming risks and addressing fragilities entails two dimensions

•:Drawing on resilience found in African societies and building interlocking partnerships and institutions at community, member states, regional and continental levels. • Building the capacities of RECs to find regional solutions to address drivers of fragility is of critical necessity.

• Building interlocking partnerships and institutions

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Agenda 2063 will have a well-built implementation and evaluative culture that is:



r 6

Results driven

Coordinated and integrated continental, regional and national processes: Interface among national plans, sub regional development initiative and Agenda 2063 is critical in ensuring the success of Agenda 2063 while the ultimate responsibility for plan implementation is national governments, there should be coordination and interface at all stages in the plan cycle including defining priority issues setting of goals, plan formulation, implementation and monitoring and follow up.

Evidence/data driven: At all levels of the

implementation chain, the

strategies to be adopted to

achieve a goal / target should be

evaluated against a set criteria that is cost-effective

and efficient

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r 6

Key stakeholders for Making

It Happen




Page 39: Agenda 2063 Report of the Commission on the African Union Agenda 2063 Agenda 2063 Presented By : Mandla M. Madonsela Director, Strategic Policy Planning,

Institutional Arrangements for Implementation

1• Assembly of Heads of States

/ Executive Council / PRC

2 • AU Organs

3 • AUC

4 • RECs

5 • Member States (national and local

6 • Private Sector, Civil Society, Associations

Key Actors

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r 6

Continental Level

•Provision of broad policy guidelines on the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063

•Approves medium / long term goals and targets for Agenda 2063

•Adopts medium term monitoring and evaluation reports Failure to harness the demographic dividend

The Assembly

• Making recommendations to the Assembly on medium/long term goals; targets and indicators; sectorial goals and targets

• approving /reviewing monitoring and evaluation reports and advises the Assembly on appropriate corrective actions

• Approving membership of the Consultative Groups who work with the AUC/Operational Steering Committee.

The Executiv

e Council

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r 6

Continental Level

• Key Functions : review and advise the Executive Council on all matters related to the performance of their key functions.

• Comprises of Foreign Ministers of each of the 5 regions, the Chair of the AUC, the RECs, the African Development Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa.

Sub-Committee of the

Executive Council on

Agenda 2063

• Review and make suggestions for improvement on all reports to be submitted to the EC and the Assembly with respect to Agenda 2063

• Ensure that all Executive Council Sub-Committee on Agenda 2063 reports are programmed into the Meetings of the Executive Council

• Ensure that reports on Agenda 2063 for the EC and the Assembly are programmed into the meetings of the Executive Council


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Chapter 6

Continental Level

• providing overall central coordination of the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063 and

• Acting as the Secretariat and focal point for all strategic issues related to Agenda 2063


With AUC as the Chair plus membership of the RECS, NEPAD, UNECA, AfDB, relevant AU Organs, AfDB, Chairs of Consultative Area Groups , they oversee :• Setting of medium term goals and targets, indicators- 10 year perspective plans

• development of continental frameworks in support of Agenda 2063

• development of implementation, monitoring and evaluation frameworks

• reviews monitoring and evaluation reports • provides advise strategy on resource mobilization (vi) provide the focal point for interactions with RECs in implementation, monitoring and evaluation and

• prepares annual progress reports for consideration by the Commission and hence the Executive Council and

• facilitates yearly consultations between the Political, Economic, Academic and the Social classes of Africa .

The Operatio

nal Steering Committe


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Continental Level

Organized along ministerial lines (eg –Transport), the (i) facilitate the preparation of the sector strategy

within the framework of Agenda 2063 (ii) facilitate the setting of sector goals, targets for

Agenda 2063 and (iii)facilitates the preparation / evaluation of sector

monitoring and evaluation reports for consideration by the Assembly through the AUC coordination framework

The Specialize

d Technical Committe

e (STC)

The Operational Steering Committee will determine the number and types of groups. Memberships will not to exceed 8 will be successful practitioners in their area of expertise. Their key function will be to review the goals / targets and advise on the strategies for attaining the goals. They will also review monitoring and evaluation reports and provide suggestions for improvement.

Consultative Groups

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• Representing the region on Agenda 2063 Operational Steering Committee

• Adapting/aligning continental long /medium term Agenda 2063 Perspective Plans / Guidelines to regional plans

• Issuing regional Agenda 2063 10 Year Perspective Plan guidelines to Member States

• Coordinating the preparation and execution of regional projects / programmes as per Agenda 2063

• Leading in the mobilization of resources to implement regional projects and programmes as per Agenda 2063

• At inception providing leadership in the Regional / National Consultative Process with respect to the preparation of Agenda 2063



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Regional Level

The regional level entities

are the 8 officially

recognized RECs. Their

key functions will be:

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• Providing inputs to the deliberations of the Operational Steering Committee on monitoring and evaluation

• Coordinating the setting of targets / milestones for regional Agenda 2063 programmes

• Coordinating/ integrating Member States monitoring and evaluation reports for presentation to Operational Steering Committee

• Preparing monitoring reports on regional programmes under Agenda 2063 and

• Conducting evaluation of regional component of Agenda 2063 programme implementation



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Regional Level

The regional level entities

are the 8 officially

recognized RECs. Their

key functions will be:

Page 46: Agenda 2063 Report of the Commission on the African Union Agenda 2063 Agenda 2063 Presented By : Mandla M. Madonsela Director, Strategic Policy Planning,

• Members States have different planning systems law / processes. Each of the national and sub-national level stakeholders have functions to perform within the thematic areas / cluster. At the national level, government, private sector, national level associations etc through the national planning framework (i) aligns national vision / plans to Agenda 2063 long/10year plan perspectives (ii) leads / coordinates the resource mobilization process and allocation efforts and (iii) leads/coordinates the execution of Agenda 2063 driven national medium term plans. They also participate in the setting of goals / targets and monitoring and evaluation

• At the subnational level, NGOs’ for profit and not for profit groups, cross-sectoral groups participate in the alignment of national vision to Agenda 2063 and in the preparation of medium term plans based on Agenda 2063. Also at the grassroots level, the participate in the setting of goals and targets and monitoring and evaluation



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National Level

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• Lessons from implementation of past continental frameworks and voices of the African Citizenry heard through the consultative process indicate that for Agenda 2063 to be successful, the following issues and challenges amongst others should be addressed:-

I. Drawing upon the full potential of African economies and people (the need to look internally, be self-reliant and explore possibilities for Africa financing her own development)

II. The need to link continental frameworks to identifiable sources of funding;

III. Reducing dependency on aid; and

IV. Putting an end to illicit capital outflows



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Financing Agenda 2063

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Financing Agenda 2063 :

There is a need for the development of a robust and comprehensive resource mobilization strategy for Agenda 2063 taking into account on going initiatives.

Chapter 6


by P



t O



The High Level Panel

on Alternat

ive Sources

of Funding


by P



t M


on Illicit Financial


the African Union


This will be developed between July and December 2014.

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Communication Strategy• To make the development of Agenda 2063 and its implementation successful, a Communication Strategy is being finalized. It aims at creating awareness, and sustaining participation and involvement from all strata of African society and the Diaspora. Such communication strategy will also inspire, rally and motivate the African citizenry to take individual and collective responsibility for realization of the Agenda 2063.

Capacities for Implementation• Effective and holistic capacities relating to skilled personnel, well-functioning institutional structures, competent leadership and conducive policy and legal environment will be critical for the successful implementation of Agenda 2063. And these need to be developed at all levels continental, regional, national and local levels, as well as among all stakeholders.

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2- A robust monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure progress is measured and monitored

4- Communications Strategy – to reach-out extensively to specific targets and mass audience with quality information on Agenda 2063 in a consistent manner

5- Capacity needs Assessment.

3- Development of a resources mobilization strategy to ensure that Africa finances Agenda 2063 from own sources

1- Preparation of the first Ten Year Plan of Agenda 2063 after the June 2014 Summit – with detailed goals, targets and strategies.

The Way Forward

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The document is being submitted for consideration,

guidance, and further

enrichment, prior to its submission to the AU Policy


Page 52: Agenda 2063 Report of the Commission on the African Union Agenda 2063 Agenda 2063 Presented By : Mandla M. Madonsela Director, Strategic Policy Planning,