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G.R. No. 83122 October 19, 1990


Albino B. Achas for petitioners.

Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for private respondents.



This is a petition for review of the January 29, 1988 decision of the Court of Appeals and the April 27, 1988 resolution denying the petitioners' motion for reconsideration, which decision and resolution reversed the decision dated June 23,1986 of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch 34 in Civil Case No. 121126 upholding the petitioners' causes of action and granting all the reliefs prayed for in their complaint against private respondents.

The antecedent facts of the case are as follows:

Petitioner Arturo P. Valenzuela (Valenzuela for short) is a General Agent of private respondent Philippine American General Insurance Company, Inc. (Philamgen for short) since 1965. As such, he was authorized to solicit and sell in behalf of Philamgen all kinds of non-life insurance, and in consideration of services rendered was entitled to receive the full agent's commission of 32.5% from Philamgen under the scheduled commission rates (Exhibits "A" and "1"). From 1973 to 1975, Valenzuela solicited marine insurance from one of his clients, the Delta Motors, Inc. (Division of Electronics Airconditioning and Refrigeration) in the amount of P4.4 Million from which he was entitled to a commission of 32% (Exhibit "B"). However, Valenzuela did not receive his full commission which amounted to P1.6 Million from the P4.4 Million insurance coverage of the Delta Motors. During the period 1976 to 1978, premium payments amounting to P1,946,886.00 were paid directly to Philamgen and Valenzuela's commission to which he is entitled amounted to P632,737.00.

In 1977, Philamgen started to become interested in and expressed its intent to share in the commission due Valenzuela (Exhibits "III" and "III-1") on a fifty-fifty basis (Exhibit "C"). Valenzuela refused (Exhibit "D").

On February 8, 1978 Philamgen and its President, Bienvenido M. Aragon insisted on the sharing of the commission with Valenzuela (Exhibit E). This was followed by

another sharing proposal dated June 1, 1978. On June 16,1978, Valenzuela firmly reiterated his objection to the proposals of respondents stating that: "It is with great reluctance that I have to decline upon request to signify my conformity to your alternative proposal regarding the payment of the commission due me. However, I have no choice for to do otherwise would be violative of the Agency Agreement executed between our goodselves." (Exhibit B-1)

Because of the refusal of Valenzuela, Philamgen and its officers, namely: Bienvenido Aragon, Carlos Catolico and Robert E. Parnell took drastic action against Valenzuela. They: (a) reversed the commission due him by not crediting in his account the commission earned from the Delta Motors, Inc. insurance (Exhibit "J" and "2"); (b) placed agency transactions on a cash and carry basis; (c) threatened the cancellation of policies issued by his agency (Exhibits "H" to "H-2"); and (d) started to leak out news that Valenzuela has a substantial account with Philamgen. All of these acts resulted in the decline of his business as insurance agent (Exhibits "N", "O", "K" and "K-8"). Then on December 27, 1978, Philamgen terminated the General Agency Agreement of Valenzuela (Exhibit "J", pp. 1-3, Decision Trial Court dated June 23, 1986, Civil Case No. 121126, Annex I, Petition).

The petitioners sought relief by filing the complaint against the private respondents in the court a quo (Complaint of January 24, 1979, Annex "F" Petition). After due proceedings, the trial court found:

xxx xxx xxx

Defendants tried to justify the termination of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela as one of defendant PHILAMGEN's General Agent by making it appear that plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela has a substantial account with defendant PHILAMGEN particularly Delta Motors, Inc.'s Account, thereby prejudicing defendant PHILAMGEN's interest (Exhibits 6,"11","11- "12- A"and"13-A").

Defendants also invoked the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines (Article 1868) and the provisions of the General Agency Agreement as their basis for terminating plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela as one of their General Agents.

That defendants' position could have been justified had the termination of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela was (sic) based solely on the provisions of the Civil Code and the conditions of the General Agency Agreement. But the records will show that the principal cause of the termination of the plaintiff as General Agent of defendant PHILAMGEN was his refusal to share his Delta commission.

That it should be noted that there were several attempts made by defendant Bienvenido M. Aragon to share with the Delta

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commission of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela. He had persistently pursued the sharing scheme to the point of terminating plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela, and to make matters worse, defendants made it appear that plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela had substantial accounts with defendant PHILAMGEN.

Not only that, defendants have also started (a) to treat separately the Delta Commission of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela, (b) to reverse the Delta commission due plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela by not crediting or applying said commission earned to the account of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela, (c) placed plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela's agency transactions on a "cash and carry basis", (d) sending threats to cancel existing policies issued by plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela's agency, (e) to divert plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela's insurance business to other agencies, and (f) to spread wild and malicious rumors that plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela has substantial account with defendant PHILAMGEN to force plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela into agreeing with the sharing of his Delta commission." (pp. 9-10, Decision, Annex 1, Petition).

xxx xxx xxx

These acts of harrassment done by defendants on plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela to force him to agree to the sharing of his Delta commission, which culminated in the termination of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela as one of defendant PHILAMGEN's General Agent, do not justify said termination of the General Agency Agreement entered into by defendant PHILAMGEN and plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela.

That since defendants are not justified in the termination of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela as one of their General Agents, defendants shall be liable for the resulting damage and loss of business of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela. (Arts. 2199/2200, Civil Code of the Philippines). (Ibid, p. 11)

The court accordingly rendered judgment, the dispositive portion of which reads:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and against defendants ordering the latter to reinstate plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela as its General Agent, and to pay plaintiffs, jointly and severally, the following:

1. The amount of five hundred twenty-one thousand nine hundred sixty four and 16/100 pesos (P521,964.16) representing plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela's Delta Commission with interest at the legal rate from the time of the filing of the complaint, which amount shall

be adjusted in accordance with Article 1250 of the Civil Code of the Philippines;

2. The amount of seventy-five thousand pesos (P75,000.00) per month as compensatory damages from 1980 until such time that defendant Philamgen shall reinstate plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela as one of its general agents;

3. The amount of three hundred fifty thousand pesos (P350,000.00) for each plaintiff as moral damages;

4. The amount of seventy-five thousand pesos (P75,000.00) as and for attorney's fees;

5. Costs of the suit. (Ibid., P. 12)

From the aforesaid decision of the trial court, Bienvenido Aragon, Robert E. Parnell, Carlos K. Catolico and PHILAMGEN respondents herein, and defendants-appellants below, interposed an appeal on the following:








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On January 29, 1988, respondent Court of Appeals promulgated its decision in the appealed case. The dispositive portion of the decision reads:

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby modified accordingly and judgment is hereby rendered ordering:

1. Plaintiff-appellee Valenzuela to pay defendant-appellant Philamgen the sum of one million nine hundred thirty two thousand five hundred thirty-two pesos and seventeen centavos (P1,902,532.17), with legal interest thereon from the date of finality of this judgment until fully paid.

2. Both plaintiff-appellees to pay jointly and severally defendants-appellants the sum of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as and by way of attorney's fees.

No pronouncement is made as to costs. (p. 44, Rollo)

There is in this instance irreconcilable divergence in the findings and conclusions of the Court of Appeals, vis-a-visthose of the trial court particularly on the pivotal issue whether or not Philamgen and/or its officers can be held liable for damages due to the termination of the General Agency Agreement it entered into with the petitioners. In its questioned decision the Court of Appeals observed that:

In any event the principal's power to revoke an agency at will is so pervasive, that the Supreme Court has consistently held that termination may be effected even if the principal acts in bad faith, subject only to the principal's liability for damages (Danon v.

Antonio A. Brimo & Co., 42 Phil. 133; Reyes v. Mosqueda, 53 O.G. 2158 and Infante V. Cunanan, 93 Phil. 691, cited in Paras, Vol. V, Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated [1986] 696).

The lower court, however, thought the termination of Valenzuela as General Agent improper because the record will show the principal cause of the termination of the plaintiff as General Agent of defendant Philamgen was his refusal to share his Delta commission. (Decision, p. 9; p. 13, Rollo, 41)

Because of the conflicting conclusions, this Court deemed it necessary in the interest of substantial justice to scrutinize the evidence and records of the cases. While it is an established principle that the factual findings of the Court of Appeals are final and may not be reviewed on appeal to this Court, there are however certain exceptions to the rule which this Court has recognized and accepted, among which, are when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts and when the findings of the appellate court, are contrary to those of the trial court (Manlapaz v. Court of Appeals, 147 SCRA 236 [1987]); Guita v. Court of Appeals, 139 SCRA 576 [1986]). Where the findings of the Court of Appeals and the trial court are contrary to each other, this Court may scrutinize the evidence on record (Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 129 SCRA 222 [1984]; Mendoza v. Court of Appeals, 156 SCRA 597 [1987]; Maclan v. Santos, 156 SCRA 542 [1987]). When the conclusion of the Court of Appeals is grounded entirely on speculation, surmises or conjectures, or when the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or impossible, or when there is grave abuse of discretion, or when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts, and when the findings of facts are conflict the exception also applies (Malaysian Airline System Bernad v. Court of Appeals, 156 SCRA 321 [1987]).

After a painstaking review of the entire records of the case and the findings of facts of both the court a quo and respondent appellate court, we are constrained to affirm the trial court's findings and rule for the petitioners.

We agree with the court a quo that the principal cause of the termination of Valenzuela as General Agent of Philamgen arose from his refusal to share his Delta commission. The records sustain the conclusions of the trial court on the apparent bad faith of the private respondents in terminating the General Agency Agreement of petitioners. It is axiomatic that the findings of fact of a trial judge are entitled to great weight (People v. Atanacio, 128 SCRA 22 [1984]) and should not be disturbed on appeal unless for strong and cogent reasons, because the trial court is in a better position to examine the evidence as well as to observe the demeanor of the witnesses while testifying (Chase v. Buencamino, Sr., 136 SCRA 365 [1985]; People v. Pimentel, 147 SCRA 25 [1987]; and Baliwag Trans., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 147 SCRA 82 [1987]). In the case at bar, the records show that the findings and conclusions of the trial court are supported by substantial evidence and there appears to be no cogent reason to disturb them (Mendoza v. Court of Appeals. 156 SCRA 597 [1987]).

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As early as September 30,1977, Philamgen told the petitioners of its desire to share the Delta Commission with them. It stated that should Delta back out from the agreement, the petitioners would be charged interests through a reduced commission after full payment by Delta.

On January 23, 1978 Philamgen proposed reducing the petitioners' commissions by 50% thus giving them an agent's commission of 16.25%. On February 8, 1978, Philamgen insisted on the reduction scheme followed on June 1, 1978 by still another insistence on reducing commissions and proposing two alternative schemes for reduction. There were other pressures. Demands to settle accounts, to confer and thresh out differences regarding the petitioners' income and the threat to terminate the agency followed. The petitioners were told that the Delta commissions would not be credited to their account (Exhibit "J"). They were informed that the Valenzuela agency would be placed on a cash and carry basis thus removing the 60-day credit for premiums due. (TSN., March 26, 1979, pp. 54-57). Existing policies were threatened to be cancelled (Exhibits "H" and "14"; TSN., March 26, 1979, pp. 29-30). The Valenzuela business was threatened with diversion to other agencies. (Exhibit "NNN"). Rumors were also spread about alleged accounts of the Valenzuela agency (TSN., January 25, 1980, p. 41). The petitioners consistently opposed the pressures to hand over the agency or half of their commissions and for a treatment of the Delta account distinct from other accounts. The pressures and demands, however, continued until the agency agreement itself was finally terminated.

It is also evident from the records that the agency involving petitioner and private respondent is one "coupled with an interest," and, therefore, should not be freely revocable at the unilateral will of the latter.

In the insurance business in the Philippines, the most difficult and frustrating period is the solicitation and persuasion of the prospective clients to buy insurance policies. Normally, agents would encounter much embarrassment, difficulties, and oftentimes frustrations in the solicitation and procurement of the insurance policies. To sell policies, an agent exerts great effort, patience, perseverance, ingenuity, tact, imagination, time and money. In the case of Valenzuela, he was able to build up an Agency from scratch in 1965 to a highly productive enterprise with gross billings of about Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P2,500,000.00) premiums per annum. The records sustain the finding that the private respondent started to covet a share of the insurance business that Valenzuela had built up, developed and nurtured to profitability through over thirteen (13) years of patient work and perseverance. When Valenzuela refused to share his commission in the Delta account, the boom suddenly fell on him.

The private respondents by the simple expedient of terminating the General Agency Agreement appropriated the entire insurance business of Valenzuela. With the termination of the General Agency Agreement, Valenzuela would no longer be entitled to commission on the renewal of insurance policies of clients sourced from his agency. Worse, despite the termination of the agency, Philamgen continued to hold Valenzuela jointly and severally liable with the insured for unpaid premiums. Under these circumstances, it is clear that Valenzuela had an interest in the continuation of

the agency when it was unceremoniously terminated not only because of the commissions he should continue to receive from the insurance business he has solicited and procured but also for the fact that by the very acts of the respondents, he was made liable to Philamgen in the event the insured fail to pay the premiums due. They are estopped by their own positive averments and claims for damages. Therefore, the respondents cannot state that the agency relationship between Valenzuela and Philamgen is not coupled with interest. "There may be cases in which an agent has been induced to assume a responsibility or incur a liability, in reliance upon the continuance of the authority under such circumstances that, if the authority be withdrawn, the agent will be exposed to personal loss or liability" (See MEC 569 p. 406).

Furthermore, there is an exception to the principle that an agency is revocable at will and that is when the agency has been given not only for the interest of the principal but for the interest of third persons or for the mutual interest of the principal and the agent. In these cases, it is evident that the agency ceases to be freely revocable by the sole will of the principal (See Padilla, Civil Code Annotated, 56 ed., Vol. IV p. 350). The following citations are apropos:

The principal may not defeat the agent's right to indemnification by a termination of the contract of agency (Erskine v. Chevrolet Motors Co. 185 NC 479, 117 SE 706, 32 ALR 196).

Where the principal terminates or repudiates the agent's employment in violation of the contract of employment and without cause ... the agent is entitled to receive either the amount of net losses caused and gains prevented by the breach, or the reasonable value of the services rendered. Thus, the agent is entitled to prospective profits which he would have made except for such wrongful termination provided that such profits are not conjectural, or speculative but are capable of determination upon some fairly reliable basis. And a principal's revocation of the agency agreement made to avoid payment of compensation for a result which he has actually accomplished (Hildendorf v. Hague, 293 NW 2d 272; Newhall v. Journal Printing Co., 105 Minn 44,117 NW 228; Gaylen Machinery Corp. v. Pitman-Moore Co. [C.A. 2 NY] 273 F 2d 340)

If a principal violates a contractual or quasi-contractual duty which he owes his agent, the agent may as a rule bring an appropriate action for the breach of that duty. The agent may in a proper case maintain an action at law for compensation or damages ... A wrongfully discharged agent has a right of action for damages and in such action the measure and element of damages are controlled generally by the rules governing any other action for the employer's breach of an employment contract. (Riggs v. Lindsay, 11 US 500, 3L Ed 419; Tiffin Glass Co. v. Stoehr, 54 Ohio 157, 43 NE 2798)

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At any rate, the question of whether or not the agency agreement is coupled with interest is helpful to the petitioners' cause but is not the primary and compelling reason. For the pivotal factor rendering Philamgen and the other private respondents liable in damages is that the termination by them of the General Agency Agreement was tainted with bad faith. Hence, if a principal acts in bad faith and with abuse of right in terminating the agency, then he is liable in damages. This is in accordance with the precepts in Human Relations enshrined in our Civil Code that "every person must in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties act with justice, give every one his due, and observe honesty and good faith: (Art. 19, Civil Code), and every person who, contrary to law, wilfully or negligently causes damages to another, shall indemnify the latter for the same (Art. 20, id). "Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner contrary to morals, good customs and public policy shall compensate the latter for the damages" (Art. 21, id.).

As to the issue of whether or not the petitioners are liable to Philamgen for the unpaid and uncollected premiums which the respondent court ordered Valenzuela to pay Philamgen the amount of One Million Nine Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Two and 17/100 Pesos (P1,932,532,17) with legal interest thereon until fully paid (Decision-January 20, 1988, p. 16; Petition, Annex "A"), we rule that the respondent court erred in holding Valenzuela liable. We find no factual and legal basis for the award. Under Section 77 of the Insurance Code, the remedy for the non-payment of premiums is to put an end to and render the insurance policy not binding —

Sec. 77 ... [N]otwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, no policy or contract of insurance is valid and binding unless and until the premiums thereof have been paid except in the case of a life or industrial life policy whenever the grace period provision applies (P.D. 612, as amended otherwise known as the Insurance Code of 1974)

In Philippine Phoenix Surety and Insurance, Inc. v. Woodworks, Inc. (92 SCRA 419 [1979]) we held that the non-payment of premium does not merely suspend but puts an end to an insurance contract since the time of the payment is peculiarly of the essence of the contract. And in Arce v. The Capital Insurance and Surety Co. Inc.(117 SCRA 63, [1982]), we reiterated the rule that unless premium is paid, an insurance contract does not take effect. Thus:

It is to be noted that Delgado (Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. v. Delgado, 9 SCRA 177 [1963] was decided in the light of the Insurance Act before Sec. 72 was amended by the underscored portion. Supra. Prior to the Amendment, an insurance contract was effective even if the premium had not been paid so that an insurer was obligated to pay indemnity in case of loss and correlatively he had also the right to sue for payment of the premium. But the amendment to Sec. 72 has radically changed the legal regime in that unless the premium is paid there is no insurance. " (Arce v.

Capitol Insurance and Surety Co., Inc., 117 SCRA 66; Emphasis supplied)

In Philippine Phoenix Surety case, we held:

Moreover, an insurer cannot treat a contract as valid for the purpose of collecting premiums and invalid for the purpose of indemnity. (Citing Insurance Law and Practice by John Alan Appleman, Vol. 15, p. 331; Emphasis supplied)

The foregoing findings are buttressed by Section 776 of the insurance Code (Presidential Decree No. 612, promulgated on December 18, 1974), which now provides that no contract of Insurance by an insurance company is valid and binding unless and until the premium thereof has been paid, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary (Ibid., 92 SCRA 425)

Perforce, since admittedly the premiums have not been paid, the policies issued have lapsed. The insurance coverage did not go into effect or did not continue and the obligation of Philamgen as insurer ceased. Hence, for Philamgen which had no more liability under the lapsed and inexistent policies to demand, much less sue Valenzuela for the unpaid premiums would be the height of injustice and unfair dealing. In this instance, with the lapsing of the policies through the nonpayment of premiums by the insured there were no more insurance contracts to speak of. As this Court held in the Philippine Phoenix Surety case, supra "the non-payment of premiums does not merely suspend but puts an end to an insurance contract since the time of the payment is peculiarly of the essence of the contract."

The respondent appellate court also seriously erred in according undue reliance to the report of Banaria and Banaria and Company, auditors, that as of December 31, 1978, Valenzuela owed Philamgen P1,528,698.40. This audit report of Banaria was commissioned by Philamgen after Valenzuela was almost through with the presentation of his evidence. In essence, the Banaria report started with an unconfirmed and unaudited beginning balance of account of P1,758,185.43 as of August 20, 1976. But even with that unaudited and unconfirmed beginning balance of P1,758,185.43, Banaria still came up with the amount of P3,865.49 as Valenzuela's balance as of December 1978 with Philamgen (Exh. "38-A-3"). In fact, as of December 31, 1976, and December 31, 1977, Valenzuela had no unpaid account with Philamgen (Ref: Annexes "D", "D-1", "E", Petitioner's Memorandum). But even disregarding these annexes which are records of Philamgen and addressed to Valenzuela in due course of business, the facts show that as of July 1977, the beginning balance of Valenzuela's account with Philamgen amounted to P744,159.80. This was confirmed by Philamgen itself not only once but four (4) times on different occasions, as shown by the records.

On April 3,1978, Philamgen sent Valenzuela a statement of account with a beginning balance of P744,159-80 as of July 1977.

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On May 23, 1978, another statement of account with exactly the same beginning balance was sent to Valenzuela.

On November 17, 1978, Philamgen sent still another statement of account with P744,159.80 as the beginning balance.

And on December 20, 1978, a statement of account with exactly the same figure was sent to Valenzuela.

It was only after the filing of the complaint that a radically different statement of accounts surfaced in court. Certainly, Philamgen's own statements made by its own accountants over a long period of time and covering examinations made on four different occasions must prevail over unconfirmed and unaudited statements made to support a position made in the course of defending against a lawsuit.

It is not correct to say that Valenzuela should have presented its own records to refute the unconfirmed and unaudited finding of the Banaria auditor. The records of Philamgen itself are the best refutation against figures made as an afterthought in the course of litigation. Moreover, Valenzuela asked for a meeting where the figures would be reconciled. Philamgen refused to meet with him and, instead, terminated the agency agreement.

After off-setting the amount of P744,159.80, beginning balance as of July 1977, by way of credits representing the commission due from Delta and other accounts, Valenzuela had overpaid Philamgen the amount of P530,040.37 as of November 30, 1978. Philamgen cannot later be heard to complain that it committed a mistake in its computation. The alleged error may be given credence if committed only once. But as earlier stated, the reconciliation of accounts was arrived at four (4) times on different occasions where Philamgen was duly represented by its account executives. On the basis of these admissions and representations, Philamgen cannot later on assume a different posture and claim that it was mistaken in its representation with respect to the correct beginning balance as of July 1977 amounting to P744,159.80. The Banaria audit report commissioned by Philamgen is unreliable since its results are admittedly based on an unconfirmed and unaudited beginning balance of P1,758,185.43 as of August 20,1976.

As so aptly stated by the trial court in its decision:

Defendants also conducted an audit of accounts of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela after the controversy has started. In fact, after hearing plaintiffs have already rested their case.

The results of said audit were presented in Court to show plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela's accountability to defendant PHILAMGEN. However, the auditor, when presented as witness in this case testified that the beginning balance of their audit report was based

on an unaudited amount of P1,758,185.43 (Exhibit 46-A) as of August 20, 1976, which was unverified and merely supplied by the officers of defendant PHILAMGEN.

Even defendants very own Exhibit 38- A-3, showed that plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela's balance as of 1978 amounted to only P3,865.59, not P826,128.46 as stated in defendant Bienvenido M. Aragon's letter dated December 20,1978 (Exhibit 14) or P1,528,698.40 as reflected in defendant's Exhibit 46 (Audit Report of Banaria dated December 24, 1980).

These glaring discrepancy (sic) in the accountability of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela to defendant PHILAMGEN only lends credence to the claim of plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela that he has no outstanding account with defendant PHILAMGEN when the latter, thru defendant Bienvenido M. Aragon, terminated the General Agency Agreement entered into by plaintiff (Exhibit A) effective January 31, 1979 (see Exhibits "2" and "2-A"). Plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela has shown that as of October 31, 1978, he has overpaid defendant PHILAMGEN in the amount of P53,040.37 (Exhibit "EEE", which computation was based on defendant PHILAMGEN's balance of P744,159.80 furnished on several occasions to plaintiff Arturo P. Valenzuela by defendant PHILAMGEN (Exhibits H-1, VV, VV-1, WW, WW-1 , YY , YY-2 , ZZ and , ZZ-2).

Prescinding from the foregoing, and considering that the private respondents terminated Valenzuela with evidentmala fide it necessarily follows that the former are liable in damages. Respondent Philamgen has been appropriating for itself all these years the gross billings and income that it unceremoniously took away from the petitioners. The preponderance of the authorities sustain the preposition that a principal can be held liable for damages in cases of unjust termination of agency. In Danon v. Brimo, 42 Phil. 133 [1921]), this Court ruled that where no time for the continuance of the contract is fixed by its terms, either party is at liberty to terminate it at will, subject only to the ordinary requirements of good faith. The right of the principal to terminate his authority is absolute and unrestricted, except only that he may not do so in bad faith.

The trial court in its decision awarded to Valenzuela the amount of Seventy Five Thousand Pesos (P75,000,00) per month as compensatory damages from June 1980 until its decision becomes final and executory. This award is justified in the light of the evidence extant on record (Exhibits "N", "N-10", "0", "0-1", "P" and "P-1") showing that the average gross premium collection monthly of Valenzuela over a period of four (4) months from December 1978 to February 1979, amounted to over P300,000.00 from which he is entitled to a commission of P100,000.00 more or less per month. Moreover, his annual sales production amounted to P2,500,000.00 from where he was given 32.5% commissions. Under Article 2200 of the new Civil Code,

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"indemnification for damages shall comprehend not only the value of the loss suffered, but also that of the profits which the obligee failed to obtain."

The circumstances of the case, however, require that the contractual relationship between the parties shall be terminated upon the satisfaction of the judgment. No more claims arising from or as a result of the agency shall be entertained by the courts after that date.

ACCORDINGLY, the petition is GRANTED. The impugned decision of January 29, 1988 and resolution of April 27, 1988 of respondent court are hereby SET ASIDE. The decision of the trial court dated January 23, 1986 in Civil Case No. 121126 is REINSTATED with the MODIFICATIONS that the amount of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR AND 16/100 PESOS (P521,964.16) representing the petitioners Delta commission shall earn only legal interests without any adjustments under Article 1250 of the Civil Code and that the contractual relationship between Arturo P. Valenzuela and Philippine American General Insurance Company shall be deemed terminated upon the satisfaction of the judgment as modified.


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G.R. No. 148788               November 23, 2007




This is a petition for review on certiorari from the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals, dated September 7, 2000, in CA-G.R. SP No. 53236, and Resolution dated May 9, 2001.

On January 29, 1997, petitioner Soledad Cañezo filed a Complaint2 for the recovery of real property plus damages with the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Naval, Biliran, against her father’s second wife, respondent Concepcion Rojas. The subject property is an unregistered land with an area of 4,169 square meters, situated at Higatangan, Naval, Biliran. Cañezo attached to the complaint a Joint Affidavit3 executed on May 10, 1979 by Isidro Catandijan and Maximina Cañezo attesting to her acquisition of the property.

In her complaint, the petitioner alleged that she bought the parcel of land in 1939 from Crisogono Limpiado, although the transaction was not reduced into writing. Thereafter, she immediately took possession of the property. When she and her husband left for Mindanao in 1948, she entrusted the said land to her father, Crispulo4 Rojas, who took possession of, and cultivated, the property. In 1980, she found out that the respondent, her stepmother, was in possession of the property and was cultivating the same. She also discovered that the tax declaration over the property was already in the name of Crispulo Rojas.5

In her Answer, the respondent asserted that, contrary to the petitioner’s claim, it was her husband, Crispulo Rojas, who bought the property from Crisogono Limpiado in 1948, which accounts for the tax declaration being in Crispulo’s name. From then on, until his death in 1978, Crispulo possessed and cultivated the property. Upon his death, the property was included in his estate, which was administered by a special administrator, Bienvenido Ricafort. The petitioner, as heir, even received her share in the produce of the estate. The respondent further contended that the petitioner ought to have impleaded all of the heirs as defendants. She also argued that the fact that petitioner filed the complaint only in 1997 means that she had already abandoned her right over the property.6

On July 3, 1998, after hearing, the MTC rendered a Decision in favor of the petitioner, thus:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds a preponderance of evidence in favor of plaintiff Soledad Cañezo and against defendant Concepcion Rojas by declaring plaintiff the true and lawful owner of the land more particularly described under paragraph 5 of the complaint and hereby orders defendant Concepcion Rojas:

a) To vacate and surrender possession of the land to plaintiff;

b) To pay plaintiff the sum of P34,000.00 actual damages, P10,000.00 for attorney’s fees and litigation expenses; and

c) To pay the costs.


Despite the respondent’s objection that the verbal sale cannot be proven without infringing the Statute of Frauds, the MTC gave credence to the testimony of the petitioners’ two witnesses attesting to the fact that Crisogono Limpiado sold the property to the petitioner in 1939. The MTC also found no evidence to show that Crispulo Rojas bought the property from Crisogono Limpiado in 1948. It held that the 1948 tax declaration in Crispulo’s name had little significance on respondent’s claim, considering that in 1948, the "country was then rehabilitating itself from the ravages of the Second World War" and "the government was more interested in the increase in tax collection than the observance of the niceties of law."8

The respondent appealed the case to the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Naval, Biliran. On October 12, 1998, the RTC reversed the MTC decision on the ground that the action had already prescribed and acquisitive prescription had set in. The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of the Municipal Trial Court of Naval, Biliran awarding ownership of the disputed land to the plaintiff and further allowing recovery of damages is hereby REVERSED in toto. There is no award of damages.

The said property remains as the legitime of the defendant Concepcion Rojas and her children.


However, acting on petitioner’s motion for reconsideration, the RTC amended its original decision on December 14, 1998.10 This time, it held that the action had not yet prescribed considering that the petitioner merely entrusted the property to her father. The ten-year prescriptive period for the recovery of a property held in trust would commence to run only from the time the trustee repudiates the trust. The RTC found no evidence on record showing that Crispulo Rojas ever ousted the petitioner from the property. The dispositive portion of the amended decision reads as follows:

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WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the decision of this Court dated October 12, 1998 is hereby set aside and another is hereby entered modifying the decision of the Court a quo and declaring Soledad Rojas Vda. De Cañezo as the true and lawful owner of a parcel of land, more particularly described and bounded as follows:

A parcel of land situated at Higatangan, Naval, Biliran, bounded on the North by Policarpio Limpiado; on the South by Fidel Limpiado; on the East by Seashore; and on the West by Crispolo (sic) Limpiado with an approximate area of 4,169 square meters per Tax Declaration No. 2258, later under Tax Declaration No. 4073 in the name of Crispolo Rojas and later in the name of the Heirs of Crispolo Rojas.

Further, ordering defendant-appellant Concepcion Rojas and all persons claiming rights or interest under her to vacate and surrender possession of the land aforecited to the plaintiff or any of her authorized representatives, Ordering the Provincial and/or Municipal Assessor’s Office to cancel the present existing Tax Declaration in the name of Heirs of Crispolo Rojas referring to the above-described property in favor of the name of Soledad Rojas Vda. De Cañezo, Ordering the defendant-appellant Concepcion Rojas to pay the plaintiff-appellee the sum ofP34,000.00 in actual damages, and to pay for the loss of her share in money value of the products of the coconuts of said land from 1979 to 1997 and to pay further until the case is terminated at the rate of P200.00 per quarter based on the regular remittances of the late Crispolo Rojas to the plaintiff-appellee, and to pay the costs.


The respondent filed a motion to reconsider the Amended Decision but the RTC denied the same in an Order dated April 25, 1999.

She then filed a petition for review with the Court of Appeals (CA), which reversed the Amended Decision of the RTC on September 7, 2000, thus:

WHEREFORE, the amended decision dated December 14, 1998 rendered in Civil Case No. B-1041 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The complaint filed by Soledad Cañezo before the Municipal Trial Court of Naval, Biliran is hereby DISMISSED on grounds of laches and prescription and for lack of merit.


The CA held that the petitioner’s inaction for several years casts a serious doubt on her claim of ownership over the parcel of land. It noted that 17 years lapsed since she discovered that respondent was in adverse possession of the property before she instituted an action to recover the same. And during the probate proceedings, the petitioner did not even contest the inclusion of the property in the estate of Crispulo Rojas. 13

The CA was convinced that Crispulo Rojas owned the property, having bought the same from Crisogono Limpiado in 1948. Supporting this conclusion, the appellate court cited the following circumstances: (1) the property was declared for taxation purposes in Crispulo’s name and he had been paying the taxes thereon from 1948 until his death in 1978; (2) Crispulo adversely possessed the same property from 1948 until his death in 1978; and (3) upon his death in 1978, the property was included in his estate, the proceeds of which were distributed among his heirs.14

The CA further held that, assuming that there was an implied trust between the petitioner and her father over the property, her right of action to recover the same would still be barred by prescription since 49 years had already lapsed since Crispulo adversely possessed the contested property in 1948.15

On May 9, 2001, the CA denied the petitioner’s motion for reconsideration for lack of merit.16

In this petition for review, the petitioner, substituted by her heirs, assigns the following errors:

That the Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of discretion in setting aside petitioner’s contention that the Petition for Review filed by respondent CONCEPCION ROJAS before the Court of Appeals was FILED OUT OF TIME;

That the Court of Appeals erred and committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction when it decided that the filing of the case by SOLEDAD CAÑEZO for Recovery of Real Property was already barred by PRESCRIPTION AND LACHES.17

The petitioner insists that the respondent’s petition for review before the CA was filed out of time. The petitioner posits that the CA may not grant an additional extension of time to file the petition except for the most compelling reason. She contends that the fact that respondent’s counsel needed additional time to secure the certified copy of his annexes cannot be considered as a compelling reason that would justify an additional period of

extension. She admits, though, that this issue was raised for the first time in their motion for reconsideration, but insists that it can be raised at any time since it concerns the jurisdiction of the CA over the petition.

The petitioner further posits that prescription and laches are unavailing because there was an express trust relationship between the petitioner and Crispulo Rojas and his heirs, and express trusts do not prescribe. Even assuming that it was not an express trust, there was a resulting trust which generally does not prescribe unless there is repudiation by the trustee.

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For her part, the respondent argues that the petitioners are now estopped from questioning the CA Resolution granting her second motion for extension to file the petition for review. She notes that the petitioner did not raise this issue in the comment that she filed in the CA. In any case, the grant of the second extension of time was warranted considering that the certified true copy of the assailed RTC orders did not arrive at the office of respondent’s counsel in Cebu City in time for the filing of the petition.

On the merits, the respondent asserts that the complaint is barred by prescription, laches and estoppel. From 1948 until his death in 1978, Crispulo cultivated the property and was in adverse, peaceful and continuous possession thereof in the concept of owner. It took the petitioner 49 years from 1948 before she filed the complaint for recovery of the property in 1997. Granting that it was only in 1980 that she found out that the respondent adversely possessed the property, still petitioner allowed 17 years to elapse before she asserted her alleged right over the property.

Finally, the respondent maintains that the other co-owners are indispensable parties to the case; and because they were not impleaded, the case should be dismissed.

The petition has no merit.

On the procedural issue raised by the petitioner, we find no reversible error in the grant by the CA of the second motion for extension of time to file the respondent’s petition. The grant or denial of a motion for extension of time is addressed to the sound discretion of the court.18 The CA obviously considered the difficulty in securing a certified true copy of the assailed decision because of the distance between the office of respondent’s counsel and the trial court as a compelling reason for the request. In the absence of any showing that the CA granted the motion for extension capriciously, such exercise of discretion will not be disturbed by this Court.

On the second issue, the petitioner insists that her right of action to recover the property cannot be barred by prescription or laches even with the respondent’s uninterrupted possession of the property for 49 years because there existed between her and her father an express trust or a resulting trust. Indeed, if no trust relations existed, the possession of the property by the respondent, through her predecessor, which dates back to 1948, would already have given rise to acquisitive prescription in accordance with Act No. 190 (Code of Civil Procedure).19Under Section 40 of Act No. 190, an action for recovery of real property, or of an interest therein, can be brought only within ten years after the cause of action accrues. This period coincides with the ten-year period for acquisitive prescription provided under Section 4120 of the same Act.

Thus, the resolution of the second issue hinges on our determination of the existence of a trust over the property --- express or implied --- between the petitioner and her father.

A trust is the legal relationship between one person having an equitable ownership of property and another person owning the legal title to such property, the equitable ownership of the former entitling him to the performance of certain duties and the exercise of certain powers by the latter.21 Trusts are either express or implied.22 Express trusts are those which are created by the direct and positive acts of the parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words evincing an intention to create a trust.23 Implied trusts are those which, without being expressed, are deducible from the nature of the transaction as matters of intent or, independently, of the particular intention of the parties, as being superinduced on the transaction by operation of law basically by reason of equity.24 An implied trust may either be a resulting trust or a constructive trust.

It is true that in express trusts and resulting trusts, a trustee cannot acquire by prescription a property entrusted to him unless he repudiates the trust.25 The following discussion is instructive:

There is a rule that a trustee cannot acquire by prescription the ownership of property entrusted to him, or that an action to compel a trustee to convey property registered in his name in trust for the benefit of the cestui que trust does not prescribe, or that the defense of prescription cannot be set up in an action to recover property held by a person in trust for the benefit of another, or that property held in trust can be recovered by the beneficiary regardless of the lapse of time.

That rule applies squarely to express trusts. The basis of the rule is that the possession of a trustee is not adverse. Not being adverse, he does not acquire by prescription the property held in trust. Thus, Section 38 of Act 190 provides that the law of prescription does not apply "in the case of a continuing and subsisting trust."

The rule of imprescriptibility of the action to recover property held in trust may possibly apply to resulting trusts as long as the trustee has not repudiated the trust.

x x x x

Acquisitive prescription may bar the action of the beneficiary against the trustee in an express trust for the recovery of the property held in trust where (a) the trustee has performed unequivocal acts of repudiation amounting to an ouster of the cestui que trust; (b) such positive acts of repudiation have been made known to the cestui que trust, and (c) the evidence thereon is clear and conclusive.26

As a rule, however, the burden of proving the existence of a trust is on the party asserting its existence, and such proof must be clear and satisfactorily show the existence of the trust and its elements.27 The presence of the following elements must be proved: (1) a trustor or settlor who executes the instrument creating the trust; (2) a trustee, who is the person expressly designated to carry out the trust; (3) the trust res, consisting of duly identified and definite real properties; and (4) the cestui que trust, or beneficiaries whose identity must be clear.28Accordingly, it was incumbent upon

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petitioner to prove the existence of the trust relationship. And petitioner sadly failed to discharge that burden.

The existence of express trusts concerning real property may not be established by parol evidence.29 It must be proven by some writing or deed. In this case, the only evidence to support the claim that an express trust existed between the petitioner and her father was the self-serving testimony of the petitioner. Bare allegations do not constitute evidence adequate to support a conclusion. They are not equivalent to proof under the Rules of Court.30

In one case, the Court allowed oral testimony to prove the existence of a trust, which had been partially performed. It was stressed therein that what is important is that there should be an intention to create a trust, thus:

What is crucial is the intention to create a trust. While oftentimes the intention is manifested by the trustor in express or explicit language, such intention may be manifested by inference from what the trustor has said or done, from the nature of the transaction, or from the circumstances surrounding the creation of the purported trust.

However, an inference of the intention to create a trust, made from language, conduct or circumstances, must be made with reasonable certainty. It cannot rest on vague, uncertain or indefinite declarations. An inference of intention to create a trust, predicated only on circumstances, can be made only where they admit of no other interpretation.31

Although no particular words are required for the creation of an express trust, a clear intention to create a trust must be shown; and the proof of fiduciary relationship must be clear and convincing. The creation of an express trust must be manifested with reasonable certainty and cannot be inferred from loose and vague declarations or from ambiguous circumstances susceptible of other interpretations.32

In the case at bench, an intention to create a trust cannot be inferred from the petitioner’s testimony and the attendant facts and circumstances. The petitioner testified only to the effect that her agreement with her father was that she will be given a share in the produce of the property, thus:

Q: What was your agreement with your father Crispulo Rojas when you left this property to him?

A: Every time that they will make copra, they will give a share.

Q: In what particular part in Mindanao [did] you stay with your husband?

A: Bansalan, Davao del Sur.

Q: And while you were in Bansalan, Davao del Sur, did Crispolo Rojas comply with his obligation of giving your share the proceeds of the land?

A: When he was still alive, he gave us every three months sometimes P200.00 and sometimes P300.00.33

This allegation, standing alone as it does, is inadequate to establish the existence of a trust because profit-sharing per se, does not necessarily translate to a trust relation. It could also be present in other relations, such as in deposit.

What distinguishes a trust from other relations is the separation of the legal title and equitable ownership of the property. In a trust relation, legal title is vested in the fiduciary while equitable ownership is vested in a cestui que trust. Such is not true in this case. The petitioner alleged in her complaint that the tax declaration of the land was transferred to the name of Crispulo without her consent. Had it been her intention to create a trust and make Crispulo her trustee, she would not have made an issue out of this because in a trust agreement, legal title is vested in the trustee. The trustee would necessarily have the right to transfer the tax declaration in his name and to pay the taxes on the property. These acts would be treated as beneficial to the cestui que trust and would not amount to an adverse possession.34

Neither can it be deduced from the circumstances of the case that a resulting trust was created.1âwphi1 A resulting trust is a species of implied trust that is presumed always to have been contemplated by the parties, the intention as to which can be found in the nature of their transaction although not expressed in a deed or instrument of conveyance. A resulting trust is based on the equitable doctrine that it is the more valuable consideration than the legal title that determines the equitable interest in property.35

While implied trusts may be proved by oral evidence, the evidence must be trustworthy and received by the courts with extreme caution, and should not be made to rest on loose, equivocal or indefinite declarations. Trustworthy evidence is required because oral evidence can easily be fabricated.36 In order to establish an implied trust in real property by parol evidence, the proof should be as fully convincing as if the acts giving rise to the trust obligation are proven by an authentic document. An implied trust, in fine, cannot be established upon vague and inconclusive proof.37 In the present case, there was no evidence of any transaction between the petitioner and her father from which it can be inferred that a resulting trust was intended.

In light of the disquisitions, we hold that there was no express trust or resulting trust established between the petitioner and her father. Thus, in the absence of a trust relation, we can only conclude that Crispulo’s uninterrupted possession of the subject property for 49 years, coupled with the performance of acts of ownership, such as payment of real estate taxes, ripened into ownership. The statutory period of prescription commences when a person who has neither title nor good faith, secures a tax declaration in his name and may, therefore, be said to have adversely claimed ownership of the lot.38 While tax declarations and receipts are not conclusive

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evidence of ownership and do not prove title to the land, nevertheless, when coupled with actual possession, they constitute evidence of great weight and can be the basis of a claim of ownership through prescription.39Moreover, Section 41 of Act No. 190 allows adverse possession in any character to ripen into ownership after the lapse of ten years. There could be prescription under the said section even in the absence of good faith and just title.40

All the foregoing notwithstanding, even if we sustain petitioner’s claim that she was the owner of the property and that she constituted a trust over the property with her father as the trustee, such a finding still would not advance her case.

Assuming that such a relation existed, it terminated upon Crispulo’s death in 1978. A trust terminates upon the death of the trustee where the trust is personal to the trustee in the sense that the trustor intended no other person to administer it.41 If Crispulo was indeed appointed as trustee of the property, it cannot be said that such appointment was intended to be conveyed to the respondent or any of Crispulo’s other heirs. Hence, after Crispulo’s death, the respondent had no right to retain possession of the property. At such point, a constructive trust would be created over the property by operation of law. Where one mistakenly retains property which rightfully belongs to another, a constructive trust is the proper remedial device to correct the situation.42

A constructive trust is one created not by any word or phrase, either expressly or impliedly, evincing a direct intention to create a trust, but one which arises in order to satisfy the demands of justice. It does not come about by agreement or intention but in the main by operation of law, construed against one who, by fraud, duress or abuse of confidence, obtains or holds the legal right to property which he ought not, in equity and good conscience, to hold.43

As previously stated, the rule that a trustee cannot, by prescription, acquire ownership over property entrusted to him until and unless he repudiates the trust, applies to express trusts and resulting implied trusts. However, in constructive implied trusts, prescription may supervene even if the trustee does not repudiate the relationship. Necessarily, repudiation of the said trust is not a condition precedent to the running of the prescriptive period.44 A constructive trust, unlike an express trust, does not emanate from, or generate a fiduciary relation. While in an express trust, a beneficiary and a trustee are linked by confidential or fiduciary relations, in a constructive trust, there is neither a promise nor any fiduciary relation to speak of and the so-called trustee neither accepts any trust nor intends holding the property for the beneficiary.45 The relation of trustee and cestui que trust does not in fact exist, and the holding of a constructive trust is for the trustee himself, and therefore, at all times adverse.

In addition, a number of other factors militate against the petitioner’s case. First, the petitioner is estopped from asserting ownership over the subject property by her failure to protest its inclusion in the estate of Crispulo. The CA, thus, correctly observed that:

Even in the probate proceedings instituted by the heirs of Crispulo Rojas, which included her as a daughter of the first marriage, Cañezo never contested the inclusion of the contested property in the estate of her father. She even participated in the project of partition of her father’s estate which was approved by the probate court in 1984. After personally receiving her share in the proceeds of the estate for 12 years, she suddenly claims ownership of part of her father’s estate in 1997.

The principle of estoppel in pais applies when -- by one’s acts, representations, admissions, or silence when there is a need to speak out -- one, intentionally or through culpable negligence, induces another to believe certain facts to exist; and the latter rightfully relies and acts on such belief, so as to be prejudiced if the former is permitted to deny the existence of those facts.46 Such a situation obtains in the instant case.

Second, the action is barred by laches. The petitioner allegedly discovered that the property was being possessed by the respondent in 1980.47 However, it was only in 1997 that she filed the action to recover the property. Laches is negligence or omission to assert a right within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption that the party entitled to it has either abandoned or declined to assert it.48

Finally, the respondent asserts that the court a quo ought to have dismissed the complaint for failure to implead the other heirs who are indispensable parties. We agree. We note that the complaint filed by the petitioner sought to recover ownership, not just possession of the property; thus, the suit is in the nature of an action for reconveyance. It is axiomatic that owners of property over which reconveyance is asserted are indispensable parties. Without them being impleaded, no relief is available, for the court cannot render valid judgment. Being indispensable parties, their absence in the suit renders all subsequent actions of the trial court null and void for want of authority to act, not only as to the absent parties but even as to those present. Thus, when indispensable parties are not before the court, the action should be dismissed.49 At any rate, a resolution of this issue is now purely academic in light of our finding that the complaint is already barred by prescription, estoppel and laches.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals, dated September 7, 2000, and Resolution dated May 9, 2001, are AFFIRMED.