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Environmental and Sustainability CommunicationsTools and Strategies to create sustainable profits

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Who we are

We are an outsourcing marketing and communication agency specialised in urban and environmental management with a strong focus on sustainable development

Our vision is to close the gap between the principles and the actions towards sustainability, raise awareness, build capacities and foster the widespread adoption of economically viable and environmentally friendly tools, systems and strategies

Our mission is to design and implement solutions that align the marketing strategy with the environmental management systems and sustainability strategy of our client’s organisation

Our goal is to make profitable any sustainable or environmentally friendly action, directly or indirectly related with the core business of our clients’ organisation

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What we do

“Environmental and sustainability communication is the planned and strategic use of communications processes to support effective policy making and project implementation geared towards environmental sustainability”

We make efficient use of methods, instruments and techniques which are well established in development communication, adult education, social marketing, agricultural extension, public relations, non formal training and mass media, among other fields

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How we do it

We integrate sustainability into every level of the marketing strategy

We develop tools and strategies to engage both employees and markets

We engage in sustainable development activities and communicate this according to your requirements

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Steps of our communication strategies

1. Assessment: Situation analysis and problem identification Actors and Knowledge, attitude, practices (KAP) analyses Communication Objectives

2. Planning: Communication Strategy development Participation of strategic groups Media selection and Mix

3. Production: Message design Media production and pretesting

4. Action & reflection: Media performance & field implementation Process documentation and evaluation (M&E)

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Our business Model

We are a agents of change. We design solutions according to your needs and requirements and implement them by choosing the best collaborators from different backgrounds and industries who contribute to the delivery of the best results.

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How can we make sustainability profitable?

Creating and implementing sustainable marketing campaigns

Implementing CSR reports and sustainability strategies aligned with the marketing strategies

Developing shareholders engagement, consultation and education programs that are related with the core business of your organisations

Implementing sustainable seminars and events with strong company messages

Developing grass root movements tools and strategies to enhance company image

Developing below the line ( BTL) tools and strategies

Adding value to the EMS and EIA by translating results and ideas in to actions, such as blogs, programs and campaigns

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We start from the premise that every organisation is unique and has different goals, values and priorities and we develop ideas tailored to your own needs. Some of our ideas are:

Eco intranet to create community engagement and collective knowledge Implementing tree day activities using permaculture techniques to

educate the community Developing corporate videos to engage internal and external

shareholders Developing CSR strategies aligned with your company objectives and

translate the report into a set of actions in line with the marketing strategy

Developing social communication campaigns using BTL tools

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Did you know?

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Futerra UK

B. Sustainable UK

Institute For Sustainability Communication US