Download - Ageing populations

Page 1: Ageing populations

Ageing populations

LO: Explain dependency and ageing ratios

Examine the impacts of ageing populations using relevant case studies

Page 2: Ageing populations

Describe this areas population structure?

• Compare the age structure for this area with the UK average (3)

• Where in the UK could this pyramid be for?

• If you worked for the council in this area what problems may this structure provide you with?

Page 3: Ageing populations

Ageing / Greying Population

• This is when a country has a large number of people over the age of 65 in their country.

• What are the impacts on the country?

Page 4: Ageing populations

Case study: East Devon, UK

Page 5: Ageing populations

Case study: East Devon, UK

Page 6: Ageing populations

What you need to know from the DVD:

• Why are there now ageing populations in certain countries?

• What are the positive and negative implications of an ageing population

• What can be done about an ageing population?

Page 7: Ageing populations

Use the sheet to make notes…..

Page 8: Ageing populations

Where did all the old people come from?

The UK in 1991 The UK in 2000 The UK in 2050

If you look at the population pyramids above you will see that the UK has an aging population (an increasing proportion of the population will be above 60 years old)

Page 9: Ageing populations

Dependency ratio

Page 10: Ageing populations

The consequences of an ageing population

For your notes list at least 4 positives and 4 negatives for a country/ area with an ageing population……

Page 11: Ageing populations
Page 12: Ageing populations

The united Kingdom (East Devon – area not city)

You need to use specific detail related to case study i.e. advantage grey pound contributes $60 million per year, disadvantage is that as East Devon has a dispersed settlement pattern it is hard to meet the needs of the area with transport- ring and ride service developed

Page 13: Ageing populations

Take a class vote:

Which poses a bigger problem- ageing or youthful populations? Make sure you can explain your answer.