Download - Africavocab2011

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Welcome to the Vocabulary Words for Africa!!

Directions: You will write your guess in the upper left box of the appropriate vocab card. Then click to the next slide and write the correct definition in the upper right box.

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Time to Guess…..Look at the picture…can you figure it out???

**For the first word, cross out Word on your vocab card and write in Coup.

(how to pronounce word)

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Example: The rebels in Afghanistan staged a coup and overthrew the government.

Definition: A sudden overthrow of a government.

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Polygamy(Po lig a me)

Can you guess what this word means? Write down your guess in the upper left corner of the frayer model on your paper.

Does this help? “The man believed in polygamy and practiced it faithfully.”

(how to pronounce word)

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Polygamy(Po lig a me)

Definition:Having more than one spouse at the same time.

Polygamy is illegal in the United States.

Most polygamists are men with several wives.

Are their any cultures today in which women have more than one husband??….Go to the next slide and find out.

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Mustang Tribe in Northern Nepal It is a Mustang tradition that if a man wants to marry he has to give the girl’s family a piece of land as a dowry. If another brother wants to marry he should do the same. In order for a family not to lose their domain for marriage purposes, it is a common practice for a brother to marry a brother’s wife. So if there are five brothers in a family the tendency is that they will share a common wife. They do this because of the scarcity of tillable land.



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Escarpment(E scarp ment)

Take your best guess….Hint…it’s a geographical feature. Write it down.

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Escarpment(E scarp ment)

Definition:A deep slope or long cliff.

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Sub-Saharan Africa

Come on…you can get this one…what does “sub” mean? And what is the Sahara?

Write down your guess…remember it’s ok if you are wrong!!

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Sub-Saharan AfricaSahara Desert…largest in the world. And guess what? It is still growing!!

Sub Saharan Africa

Definition:Sub-Saharan Africa is all of Africa south of the Sahara Desert!!

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Domesticated (or Domestication)(də′mes·tə′kā·shən)

This one might be tough, but I bet you can do it with a few clues……

How about this….My dog Zoey is a domesticated animal and lives happily, I think, with me.

Many people believe tigers can be domesticated, but they can’t.

What is going on in this picture…yikes!!

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Domesticated (or Domestication)


To tame a wild plant or animal

You should be commenting on cute Zoey is and how far she can jump...

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Totally easy to guess ….break the word apart…land and locked…so what does it mean?

This map should give you a BIG hint!!

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Definition: Countries or states that do not border water.

Example…Nebraska and Kansas are landlocked states.

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What do you think? What’s your guess in defining the word, immune?

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Having a high degree of resistance to an illness or disease

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Time to guess….look at the first three letters…ERA…short for erase. Now what do you think it means after my great hint??

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In 1994 Polio was eradicated from the United States.

To eliminate or destroy!

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Take a guess!!

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Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator.

Kim Jung il, the leader of North Korea, has been called a mean dictator.

Definition: A person who rules with total authority and often in a cruel or brutal manner.

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Patriarchal(Pay tree are i cul)

What do think?? Here’s an example: I grew up in a patriarchal family, therefore my brothers inherited the family business. Write down your guess!!

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Patriarchal(Pay tree are i cul)

Definition: A man who rules a family, group, or state.

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Matriarchal(May tree are i cul)

Do you remember, patriarchal and what it means? Now think opposite and make a guess.

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Matriarchal(May tree are i cul)

Definition: A woman who rules a family, group, or state.

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Malaria(Ma lar e a)

What’s your guess??

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Malaria(Ma lar e a)

Definition: Disease carried by mosquitoes found in warm climates.

Ninety percent of malaria-related deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Let’s Check!Coup Sudden overthrow of a gov’t

Polygamy Having more than one wife

Escarpment Deep slope or cliff

Sub-Saharan South of Sahara Desert

Domesticated Tame a wild plant or animal

Landlocked Countries that do not border water

Immune High degree of resistance

Eradicate To eliminate or destroy

Dictator Person who rules with total authority

Patriarchal Men rule family, group, state

Matriarchal Women rule family, group, state

Malaria Disease spread by mosquitoesIf you have everything, keep clicking…

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Savannah(Sa van nah)

This might be a tough one for you…here are some hints….it’s not a person …it deals with nature….any ideas?? Think Lion King landscape…

You are out of cards so skip this one, but learn about it anyway!!

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Savannah(Sa van nah)

A grassland (as of eastern Africa or northern South America) containing scattered trees and grass. Keep clicking…….

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Let’s learn about the savannah by listening to Brain Pop….yippee!!

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