Download - AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK€¦ ·  · 2016-02-19The African Development Bank ... other learning and training officers and OD specialists in the formulation ... client relationship



Request for Expression of Interest

Learning and Communications Consultancy (Individual Consultant)

Reference: afdb/chrm/sppd/ls/01/2015

Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultancy)

1. Introduction

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a multilateral development finance institution with a

membership of 54 African countries and 26 non-African countries from Asia, Europe, North and South

America. The purpose of the Bank is to further the economic development and social progress of

African countries, individually and collectively. The Bank has its Headquarters in Abidjan, Republic of

Côte d’Ivoire.

The Bank has a staff of about 1,750 in the Senior Management, Professional (PL) and General Support

(GS) categories, spread over offices in Abidjan and 29 other countries in Africa. Evidence of the Bank’s

diversity is displayed through the workforce representation of more than 75 member countries. The

Bank’s multicultural status is further demonstrated through usage of two official institutional languages

– English and French.

2. Background and rationale

The Bank’s Ten Year Strategy (TYS) 2013-2022 as refined by the Five Priority Areas (the Hi-5s delivery

foci) aim to position the Bank ‘at the center of Africa’s transformation’ and also transform the Bank into

a Knowledge Broker and Learning Hub for Africa. To enhance staff engagement the Bank has a

People’s Strategy which guides the facilitation of Employee Engagement Index between the

Management and Staff. The People Strategy has 4 pillars: i) Leadership; ii) Staff Engagement and

Communications; iii) Performance and Accountability and iv) Workforce of Future. These have led to

the expansion of the role of learning in the Bank to ensure that developed internal capacity responds to

the business needs of the Bank. To support this effort, the Bank aims to launch a structured Learning

framework composed of learning menus that will enhance staff knowledge and skills to deliver on the

Bank’s business that impacts the Regional Member Countries (RMCs). The internal learning foci are to:

a. Enhance the knowledge and skills of Bank staff that will enable delivery of the Bank’s business.

b. Ensure symmetric knowledge and skills alignment of staff that will impact delivery to the RMCs.

c. Strengthen the knowledge capabilities and capacities of official representatives of the Bank.

d. Update and improve the knowledge and skills of staff to enable delivery on the Hi-5s; the TYS

and other Bank strategies in appropriate and defined sequence and requirements.

e. Build the internal knowledge, capabilities and capacities of staff that will enable the Bank

transform into a Knowledge Broker and Learning Hub for Africa.

f. Strengthen cross-generational learning for the sustainability of the Bank.

g. Building a critical mass of knowledge that will turn the Bank into a market place of ideas.

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h. Enable transversal leadership skills that will support the Bank’s emergence as a preferred

employer and an employer of choice for people working on the development of Africa. To

ensure effective buildup of leadership skills in the Bank, the Leadership programs will be

delivered in four main streams: i) Executive Dialogues and Retreats; ii) Leadership and

Management Development Program; iii) Emerging Leadership Program and iv) Management

Foundation Program.

i. Codification and transmission of knowledge products that will enable the Bank emerge as the

preferred partner for Africa’s development.

In this context, the Human Resources (HR) Policy, Programs and Policy Division of the Corporate

Human Resources Department (CHRM) aims to engage an individual Learning and Communications

consultant that will support the Chief Learning and Development Officer in the delivery of learning foci

in the Bank.

One of the primero responsibilities of the consultant will be to work with the Chief Learning and

Development Officer to finalize the Bank’s Learning Strategy that will guide the delivery of the Bank’s

business as captured in the TYS and refined by the Hi-5s.

The consultant will also work closely with the Chief Learning and Development Officer to ensure that

there is seamless collaboration and interaction between the Learning Section and the Bank; and that all

learning menus that will enable the delivery of the AfDB Learning Framework are developed within

specified timelines and available resources.

The role requires strategic and strong learning design capabilities, knowledge management, project

management, instructional design, collaboration, communications and teamwork skills. The consultant

shall have the ability to deliver to defined quality, set time scales; and should operate a feed-back loop

to enable him/her to track and report on activities undertaken and impacts achieved.

3. Duties and Responsibilities

I. Strategic support to Learning delivery:

The consultant working closely with the Chief Learning and Development Officer will be required to

deliver on the following duties, tasks and responsibilities.

a. Engage actively with the development of the Bank’s Learning Strategy.

b. Engage actively with finalizing the e-induction content development to enable publication on the

Knowledge and Learning Management System (KLMS).

c. Engage actively in the tracking and delivery of services that will support the implementation of

the AfDB framework using a project-management approach and agreed upon tools.

d. Support the planning, design and implementation of top quality learning and training events and


e. Launch events, and/or other dissemination engagements in promoting learning in the Bank

through sustained and effective communication.

f. Support in advising clients (Human Resources Business Partners (HRBPs) Complexes,

Department, Regional Centers and Field offices) on the best strategies and tactics to enhance

capacity development of staff.

g. Support the selection of relevant communications, learning, knowledge systems and products

that will enable capacity enhancement in the Bank.

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h. Support sustained accountability for the quality and impact of the products and services created

or delivered.

i. Work collaboratively with other members of the learning section to ensure seamless delivery of

services to clients.

j. Support the adequate prioritization, sequencing and delivery of the Bank’s Whole Office

Learning Plan (WOLP) within time and cost.

k. Assist with write-ups /update procedural documentation and provide quality assurance for all

learning communication products.

l. Develop and up-date communications strategies and materials for the Learning Team.

m. Support the glocalization and adaptation of global learning products to address the Bank’s

business foci.

II. Support to Leadership development and Change Management:

a. Support the development and enhancement of relevant leadership and development

interventions, programs, events, products and guidance.

b. Support the delivery of the Leadership development initiatives and monitor and evaluate Bank

wide emerging leadership behaviors as depicted in the results of the staff survey and other

Bank surveys in collaboration with the relevant HR officers.

c. Design a feedback process for improving required leadership capabilities.

d. Support the development of leadership learning packs that will enable alignment to the Bank’s

Core Values and vision

e. Support the Review of current and future capability with regard to emerging leadership

behaviors and prepare reports and recommendations for refinement or other adaptable

approaches to enhance leadership compliance.

f. Support the maintenance of an overview of best practices in respect of leadership and

development issues;

g. Undertake benchmarking and comparative analysis of other sister organizations to improve the

quality of leadership learning menus in the Bank.

h. Support the development and launch of Leadership dialogues, Brown Bag sessions, exchange

programs and study tours that will enhance rotational programs for continuous growth and

succession planning.

i. Identify potential people-side risks and anticipated points to change resistance, and develop

specific plans to mitigate and address the concerns.

j. Conduct readiness assessments of leadership programs in the Bank, evaluate results and

present findings in a logical and easy-to-understand manner.

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k. Support the monitoring and delivery of leadership development programs; monitor continuous

improvements of each program to ensure Value for Money (VfM).

l. Consult with HRBPs, senior business leaders & other key stakeholders to perform periodic

learning needs analysis and evaluations.

m. Support the creation and measurement systems to track adoption, utilization and proficiency of

individual changes due to the delivered leadership learning menus.

n. Support the creation and enablement of reinforcement mechanisms and celebrations of

transformational leadership successes.

o. Support the application of a structured change management approach and methodology to

enable staff adaptation to change management in all aspects of professional spectrum.

p. Support the development of a change management strategy based on a situational awareness

of the details of the change and the groups being impacted by the change.

q. Support the design and implementation of partnership models that will enable Partnership with

other organizational leaders to ensure integration of core talent programs, curriculum and

concepts into improving the professional and personal development of staff.

r. Partner with HRBPs, other learning and training officers and OD specialists in the formulation

of particular learning and training plans, activities and events that will enable capacity

enhancement of staff.

4. Persons Specifications:

a. Minimum of a Master’s Degree in Communications, Business Development, Organizational

Development, Learning and Development or Adult Education.

b. Minimu

m of 10 plus years related experience as captured in duties above, similar assignment


c. Strong

background in communications and learning (organizational development/learning).

d. Strong

report writing skills.

e. Experi

ence in developing communications and marketing materials, managing events, and using a

variety of outreach strategies and tactics.

f. Demonstrable track record of designing and implementing strategies; delivering results through

enterprise wide learning programs.

g. Extensive experience in the design and implementation of sequenced enterprise wide

Leadership and Management Development Programs.

h. Practical experience managing intensive talent development and leadership review processes.

i. Knowledgeable in adult learning theory and evidence of using it to design and implement

innovative development solutions that translate into action learning.

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j. Highly accomplished presenter; able to deliver succinct messages, enroll & garner commitment

from senior leaders across the Bank in both formal and informal settings.

k. Demonstrated track record of aligning learning strategies and programs to business strategy,

and realizing measurable business impact (metrics, level 4 evaluations, quantifying ROI on

Learning initiatives)

l. Demonstrated skills and experience in project management, client relationship management

and stakeholder outreach

m. Ability to toggle between strategy development & tactical execution measuring impact of

learning on the Bank’s business.

n. Tolerance of ambiguity; able to chart a way forward even when the path is not very clear. o. Results orientated, resourceful with in-depth ability to overcome challenges. p. Excellent relationship-building, communications and team working skills.

q. Advanced IT skills with Web and graphic design capabilities are required.

r. Adherence to the Bank’s Core Values 1and Code of conduct

Adherence to these Core Values and the Code of Conduct are necessary requirements for this

job. If there is noticed diversion from these standards at any point in the engagement; the Bank

will severe all relationship with the consultant without any encumbrances on the part of the Bank.

5. Personal Development

a. There is no formal professional and personal development learning menus offered by the Bank

to the Consultant; however the consultant will receive the necessary background information to

enable him/her to understand the Bank’s working environment in addition enjoy rich on –job-

training and experience. The consultant will also be exposed to a team based environment that

will promote skills, personal and professional growth.

6. Working relationship and reporting lines:

a. The Learning and Development Section is located in the Human Resources (HR) Strategy, Policy

and Programs Division of the Corporate Human Resources Department. The consultant is

therefore located in that Division; with specific responsibility to the Learning and Development


1 The Bank has five Core Values:

Excellence: Quest for the highest level of performance through continuous improvement of our skills and business practices

Team Spirit: Working together in a spirit of creativity and mutual respect to achieve common objectives

Integrity: Observing the highest standards of ethics, honesty and accountability at all times

Professionalism: Delivering the best quality service to our clients with utmost rigour and efficiency

Transparency: Acting with clarity, equity and objectivity in designing, Interpreting and applying Bank’s policies and procedures

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b. Among other colleagues in the learning team there is one Principal Training Officer and one

Senior Learning and Development Officer that work directly with the Chief Learning and

Development Officer. Therefore under the general oversight of the Division Manager; this

position will work closely with and be supervised by the Chief Learning and Development


c. The position will also cover any other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned.

d. In line with the bilingual requirements of the Bank and the peculiar requirements and

deliverables expected of this position; advanced working English language capabilities is a

necessary requirement; working knowledge of French language will be an added advantage.

7. Salary and benefits:

a. This position is an individual consultancy position; it does not attract any staff salary or benefits.

8. Duration of Position:

a. The expected duration of this assignment is for one year, with a possibility of renewal

depending on performance and budget availability. The extension of the consultancy contract

will be in compliance with Bank’s policy and rules on consultancy.

9. Application Process:

a. This positon is open to all nationals of the Bank’ member countries.

b. All applicants must fill the attached form; and attach a detailed achievement focused CV in PDF

format of not more than four pages.

c. A PDF format expression of interest or implementation statement responding to the

requirements of the job and tying them to past accomplishments of more than two pages.

d. All documents must be typed in Times New Roman or Tahoma font 12.

e. All completed applications must be PDFed zipped and submitted electronically to

[email protected] copying [email protected] and [email protected]. No hard copies of

applications will be accepted.

f. All completed applications must be submitted before 5:00 (Abidjan Time) on the 28th

March 2016. g.

10. Selection Process:

a. Due to the expected large numbers of responses; only shortlisted applicants will be

communicated with. If by 14th April 2016, you have not heard back from us, please note

that your application was not taken forward.

b. The selection process will be in two stages:

An initial longlist of 5 candidates:

A written test will be administered to the shortlisted candidates on the 8th April 2015. An assessment of the written test will lead to the interview of the three best candidates on

the 12th April 2016.

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The interview will be by Skype; the candidate that scores the highest marks in both the

written and the oral interview will be selected.

Assumption of duty will be expected be before end of April 2016 or early May latest.

11. Equal Opportunities declaration :

The Bank is an equal opportunity employer, all qualified candidates, and especially females

are encouraged to apply.

12. Declaration of impartiality:

This is an opened advertisement, to ensure that the same level of information is available to

all intending applicants; no applicant should make contact with any official of the Bank

soliciting for more information or requirements for this job.

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Please complete this form only electronically. Ensure you submit a CV aligned to the

specifications in the advertisement.

Please read the guidance notes on the last page before completing this form.

Post title: Job reference:

Closing date:


Title Surname:



Postcode: ( if


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Fax; ( if applicable) Mobile Telephone:


LinkedIn handle

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Where did you see the advertisement for this post?

Are you related to a staff member in the Bank? YES NO

If YES, please state the relationship:

Failure to disclose any relationship could lead to disqualification if found out either during the

application process or nullification of contract after commencement of assignment.

Do you require a visa to work in Cote d’ivoire?

Please be advised that if you do require a Work Permit, the commencement of this assignment

will be dependent on successful approval of a work permit by the relevant authorities,

Do you have a disability? YES NO

You do not have to answer this question,

However, the Bank t is committed to the employment of people with disabilities.

Do you require any assistance, or have any special requirements at

interview? YES NO

If YES, please provide brief details:

If you answered yes and are invited to attend interview,

you will be contacted to discuss your needs

Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 10 of 28


The African Development Bank operates an equal opportunities policy and ensures that all

employees or service providers are recruited on the basis of their ability, the requirements of the

job and the need to maintain a highly effective and efficient service delivery to clients and



Gender: Date of birth:


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Any information you supply will be treated as confidential.

Are you currently bound over or have you ever been convicted of a

criminal offence in any country?


If YES, give details of the order binding you

over and/or the nature of the offence, the

penalty, sentence or order of the court, and

the date and place of the Court hearing:

Have you ever been charged with a criminal offence in any other country

which is not yet disposed of?

(Note: you must inform us immediately if you are if you are charged with

any offence in any country after you complete this form and before

taking up the position if offered to you.


If YES, give details of the nature of the offence

with which you are charged, date on which

you were charged, and details of any on-going

proceedings by a prosecuting body:

Are you aware of any current police investigation any country following

allegations made against you? YES NO

If YES, give details of the nature of the

allegations made against you, and if known to

you, any action to be taken against you by the


Have you ever been investigated for fraud, Anti-corruption or money

laundering activities? i YES NO

If YES, give details of the nature of the

allegations made against you.

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Have you previously been dismissed from any employment, office or

other position by reason of misconduct? YES NO

If YES, give details of the employment, office

or position held, the date that you were

dismissed and the nature of the allegations of

misconduct made against you:

Have you ever been disqualified from practice of a profession, or

required to practice it subject to specified limitations following fitness to

practice proceedings by a regulatory authority in any country?


If YES, give details of the nature of the

disqualification, limitation or restriction, the

date, and the name and address of the

licensing or regulatory body concerned:

Are you subject to any other prohibition, limitation, or restriction that

means that we are unable to consider you for the position for which you

are applying?


If YES, give details of the nature of the

prohibition, restriction or limitation, when

and by whom it was made:

Have you ever sponsored terrorism or been sympathetic to terrorists

tendencies expressed by a person; group of persons or any known or

unknown terrorist group?


If YES, give details.

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Employer Name


Postcode: Type of business:

Telephone: Job title:


(If applicable) Salary:

Reporting to:

(Job Title)

Start date: End date:

(If applicable)

Period of notice: Reason for leaving:

Brief description

of duties and


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Employers’ name and

address Job title


(If applicable) Salary

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Are you registered with a professional body? YES NO

Registration 1: (if applicable) Registration 2: (if applicable)

Registration type: Accredited

Member Registration type: Accredited Member

Associate Member

Associate Member

Ordinary member Ordinary member

Name of body: Name of body:







Date of expiry: Date of expiry:


Include in this section all attained relevant qualifications.

Subject/Qualification Place of Study Grade/Result Duration


Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 17 of 28


Subject/Qualification Place of Study Grade/Result Duration



Include in this section any relevant training courses that you have attended and completed.

State if these courses are certified or knowledge and skills enhancement courses.

Course title and type Training provider Completion




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Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 19 of 28


Please give specific examples of professional deliverables aligned to the advertised position and

the required Person’s Specification.

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Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 21 of 28


List Professional referees that can be contacted by the Bank for either professional or character

referencing. Please note that your referees should not be related to you.


Title Name:



Postcode: E-mail:

Telephone: Fax:

Can the referee be approached prior to interview? YES NO


Title Name:



Postcode: E-mail:

Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 22 of 28

Telephone: Fax:

Can the referee be approached prior to interview? YES NO

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Title Name:



Postcode: E-mail:

Telephone: Fax:

Can the referee be approached prior to interview? YES NO

Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 24 of 28


I confirm that the information I have provided in this application form (including the Criminal

Conviction Declaration section) is correct and complete. I understand and accept that if I

knowingly withhold information, or provide false or misleading information, this may result in

my application being rejected, or if I am appointed, it will result in the termination of the

contract without any encumbrances by the Bank.

I confirm that if at any time during my contract with the Bank; if I am not in compliance with the

Bank’s Core Values and Code of Conduct, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the contract

without any encumbrances on the part of the part.

Full name:

Signed: Date:

If you do not have an electronic signature, fill your full name in the space provided for signature.


The person specification for the job details the essential skills, knowledge, experience and

qualifications needed for the post that is described in the job description. Your completed form

should demonstrate that you meet the person specification.

Make sure your application pack is submitted before 5.00pm (17:00hrs Abidjan time) on the

closing date; applications received after the closing date as indicated in the advertisement will

not be considered.

All completed applications should be sent to the persons indicated in the advertisement; the title

of the mail should read “Application for Learning and Communications Consultancy (Individual


Please note that due to the volume of responses we receive; only candidates whose applications

are taken forwarded will be contacted.

Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 25 of 28


Please ensure that your application is submitted in the format stated in the advertisement.


Make sure you complete the top section on the front page asking for Post title, Job reference and Closing date. You will find this information in the advertisement.

Provide details of your email address. We will correspond with you via email. Please ensure that you check your Spam filter as the Bank’s domain ( may not be on your ‘trusted’ email address list resulting in a correspondence not being delivered to you.

Please complete the Criminal Conviction/Social Conduct Declaration. If through verification of the details you have stated in the application form, it is discovered that either false or misleading information was provided, the Bank will immediately terminate any association with you.


Please give the name of the organisation that you currently work for, or most recently worked for.

We also require details of your previous employers during the preceding five years.


Please provide details of any professional registration. If short-listed you will be asked to provide evidence prior to or at the interview.

Please provide details of your educational attainment. If short-listed you will be asked to provide evidence prior to or at the interview

You will be required to bring two forms of original ID with you to the interview.


This is a key part of the job application and the information provided in this section will help us decide whether or not to take your application forward. You should make sure that you provide evidence of how your existing skills and experience meet each item listed on the person specification.


You must give one reference from your current employer and two from your previous employers. If you are not currently working, you must give a reference from each of your last three employers.

The person you give as a referee must be someone who currently has, or had, management authority for you.

Personal references from friends or relatives are not acceptable.


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Make sure you sign and date the form before submission of your application. Unsinged forms will not be processed.


This form is in word format. All completed forms and the application pack ( CV and

Statement of implementation) should be PDFed and sent to : [email protected]; copied to

[email protected] and [email protected]

Advertisement for Learning and Communications Specialist (Individual Consultant) Page 27 of 28


The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a multilateral development finance institution with a

membership of 54 African countries and 26 non-African countries from Asia, Europe, North and

South America. The purpose of the Bank is to further the economic development and social

progress of African countries, individually and collectively. The Bank has its Headquarters in

Abidjan, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. All applicants to the Bank are treated equally; and all

applications are processed based on the level of relevant facts stated in the application which

leads to anticipated level of proficiency delivery.

Criminal Record Declaration

Prior to making a final decision concerning your application, we shall discuss with you any

criminal conviction information declared by you that we believe has a bearing on your suitability

for the position. If we do not raise this information with you, this is because we do not believe

that it should be taken into account. In that event, you remain free to discuss any of that

information or any other matter that you wish to raise. As part of assessing your application, we

will only take into account relevant criminal record and other information declared.

Data Protection

The Bank teats in confidence all data supplied by applicants. Once a decision has been made

concerning your appointment, for successful applicants’ application data will be retained on

their personal consultancy file, if unsuccessful, the data will be destroyed after 6 months.

Application data will be kept securely and in confidence, and access to it will be restricted to

designated persons within the Bank who are authorised to view it as a necessary part of their


i Note that the African Development has a cross- debarment agreement with other Multi-lateral Development Bank (MDBs). If at any time either during the application process or commencement of duty; it comes to the knowledge of the Bank that your services were barred by any of the MDBs; the Bank will server its relationship with you immediately without any benefits.