Download - AFL - CIO Immigration Busting Myths


Busting Myths!

Busting MythsWhy Mobilizing for Equality & Citizenship Benefits ALL Working Families


The System is BrokenEveryone can agree that we dont have a common-sense immigration process in place.

Many have questions about what the solution is, or how itd benefit Americas workers.

Lets explore some common myths about immigration and then talk about our campaign for reform.


Myth #1:Immigration reform means more competition for fewer jobs


Fact:Immigration reform would create LESS competition by raising working standards and protecting good jobs.

The higher earning power of aspiring citizens in just the first 3 years after the passage immigration reform would generate enough consumer spending to support 750,000 to 900,000 jobs. Source: Raising the Floor for American Workers.


Myth #2Immigration reform will be costly we just cant afford it.


Fact:The Congressional Budget Office estimates that immigration reform with a roadmap to citizenship would generate an additional $1.5 trillion to the economy over 10 years.


Myth #3:Immigration reform only benefits immigrants it doesnt affect me.


Fact:Studies show that immigration reform with a roadmap to citizenship can raise wages for immigrant workers by 6%.

Raising wages for low-wage workers protects good jobs and raises working standards for EVERYONE.

Immigrant rights ARE workers rights.

Source: Immigration for Shared Prosperity.


Fact:High Road employers whoobey the law and treat workers with respectwill no longer be at a competitive disadvantage.


Myth #4:Immigration reform isnt a workers rights issue.


Fact:Workers without a roadmap to citizenship frequently experience threats of deportation or physical violence, unsafe conditions and wage theft because they work in an underground economy without full rights and too often without a voice.

Immigration reform would unite and strengthen worker power and help stop unscrupulous employers.


Myth #5:Immigrants strain public services that are already stretched too thin.


Immigrants strain public services that are already stretched too thin.


Fact:Added tax revenues from immigrants higher wages will helpimprove public services, including education.

Even the libertarianCATO Instituteargues that immigration reform with a roadmap to citizenship would yield at least $1.5 trillion in added GDP over 10 years as a result of increased consumption, job creation and additional tax revenue.

The labor of out-of-status workers already adds billions to our economy, but that money doesnt always trickle down to public services because of misclassification and wage theft. Immigration reform would fix that.

Source: Immigration Policy Center,


Added tax revenues from immigrants higher wages (and from new jobs created because of immigrants boosted consumer spending) will helplocal communities and statesmaintain and improve public services, including education.

Even the libertarianCATO Instituteargues in a recent report that immigration reform with a roadmap to citizenship for the roughly 12 million out-of-status aspiring citizens living here, would yield at least $1.5 trillion in added GDP over 10 years as a result of increased consumption, job creation and additional tax revenue.

The labor of out-of-status workers already adds billions to our economy, but that money doesnt always trickle down to public services because of misclassification and wage theft. Immigration reform with a roadmap to citizenship would fix that.

Source: Immigration Policy Center,

Read more on CATO study:

Myth #6:Immigrants come here to use our welfare and they dont pay taxes.


Immigrants come here to use our welfare and they dont pay taxes.


Fact:Immigrant families come here because they love this country and want to contribute to our economy.

In most states, welfare options are closed to undocumented immigrants.

In 2006, the IRS Commission told Congress that many undocumented immigrants file federal taxes paying almost $50 billion at tax time between 1996 and 2003.

Undocumented immigrants paid MORE in taxes than General Electric in 2010, paying $11.2 billion in state and local taxes.

Source: Immigration Policy Center,


Immigrant families come here because they love this country and want to contribute to our economy.

In most states, welfare options are closed to undocumented immigrants.

In 2006, the IRS Commission told Congress that many undocumented immigrants have been using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers to file federal taxes paying almost $50 billion at tax time between 1996 and 2003.

Undocumented immigrants paid MORE in taxes than General Electric in 2010, paying $11.2 billion in state and local taxes.

Source: Immigration Policy Center,

Myth #7:Immigrants of today are different than ones from generations past.


Fact:Until 1918, the United States did not require passports; the term [undocumented immigrant] had no meaning. New arrivals were required only to prove their identity and find a relative or friend who could vouch for them.

Source: Washington Post


Fact:Washington Post: Most of the concerns voiced today -- that too many immigrants seek economic advantage and fail to understand democracy, that they refuse to learn English, overcrowd homes and overwhelm public services -- were heard a century ago.


Fact:Throughout Americas history, people around the world have moved here to work hard in order to make life better for the next generation.

We need a process that reflects our roots and our values and rewards people who work hard and make a contribution to our communities.

Myth #8:Immigrants can just get in line to become citizens. They should wait in line like everyone else.


Fact:For many immigrants, there is no line to get into in order to become a fully-participating citizen.

Its easy to become out of status its often unintentional.

Natives of over 20 countries arent even eligible to apply for diversity visas.

Deporting all 11.5 million undocumented aspiring citizens living here would take 30 years and cost millions of dollars.


Myth #9:Guestworker programs are a good solution to help us meet labor market needs and legalize undocumented immigrants.


FactGuestworker programs are more like indentured servitude. These temporary visas tie immigrant workers to their employer meaning that if a worker raises concerns about working conditions or tries to form a union, s/he risks being not just fired, but deported.

The programs are not based on real data no commission exists to independently assess labor market needs.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform


Independent commission to assess labor market shortages

Effective work authorization mechanism

Rational, humane control of the border

Fair adjustment of status through a roadmap to citizenship

Improvement, not expansion, of temporary worker programs like the H1-B and H2-B programs

In 2006 and 2007, efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform failed. We made a very intentional effort to come up with a unified labor movement policy and asked Former Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall to lead the effort.

After consultation with all of our affiliates and the Change to Win unions, as well as faith, community, civil rights and other organizations, the labor movement adopted a framework that consists of 5 interconnected pieces: adjustment of status through a roadmap to citizenship, future flow, worksite enforcement, border enforcement and no expansion of guestworker programs which should more accurately be called indentured servitude.

A key part of the policy framework is the establishment of a commission that would use real data to assess labor needs and identify labor shortages and not just CEO demands.

The position of the labor movement works for ALL of Americas workers whether U.S. citizens or aspiring citizens. 25

What this framework makes clear and what will be the central theme of our campaign is that creating a roadmap to citizenship is an essential part of comprehensive immigration reform.

Citizenship allows hard-working, immigrants who love this country and want to contribute to be fully-participating citizens. When we remove the fear of deportation and give workers a voice on the job and in the voting booth, we strengthen worker power, protect good jobs and lift up everyone.26

Everyone BenefitsRaises standards & protects good jobs

Enriched civic community

Boosts economy & creates jobs

The right thing to do

By creating a roadmap to citizenship for aspiring citizens, everyone benefits: it raises standards and protects good jobs and scrupulous employers, we have an enriched civic community, it will boost our economy and its the right thing to do.27

More than three in five union members are in favor of a comprehensive immigration reform proposal that includes a roadmap to citizenship and emphasizes workers rights.


AP Poll:According to a new Associated Press poll, more than 60% of Americans favor allowingundocumented immigrantsto eventually become U.S. citizens.


Our Campaign for CitizenshipTalking with union members across the country

Launching a multi-city tour to build support for immigration reform

Opportunity to broaden and build labor movement

Take the next step:Check out to learn moreVisit and present a workshop

Conversations with union members across the country taking action to urge Congress and talk with our friends & neighbors

Launching a multi-city tour to build support for immigration reform

Opportunity to build diverse coalitions: multi-ethnic, faith, community & advocacy groups, worker centers

Take the next step:Check out to learn moreVisit and present a workshop30

Questions? Thoughts?Contact: Jenn [email protected]


Chart237621523Not sure/DK16

MuchTotalComprehensive Immigration Reform

Sheet2FavorOpposeNot sure/DKMuch3715Total622316


0-45, DK6-910Replace Death Penalty with Life Without Parole