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  • 7/29/2019 Advice on & Instruction in the Use of Ember


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    Trek helped start @workantile and

    currently makes mischief with

    @GrouponEng. He's an @emberjs

    core member if such a thing exists.

    @paul_irish once called him "a


    Aug 30, 2012

    Advice on & Instruction in the Use Of Ember.js

    Hey! Ember has abrand new routeron master with an even better API. This article

    still references thecurrent release version of Ember (1.0.pre2), but will soon be

    outdated. I'll be removing the tutorial bits when they no longer apply.

    Ember.js for the unaware is an application framework for building sophisticated

    browser applications. I'm a frequent contributor to the project and use it professionally at

    my current gig with Groupon Engineering. This piece is part tutorial, part marketing pitch.

    There's currently a lot of interest in Ember and its browser-application-crafting siblings as

    people are becoming more comfortable with the browser as a legitimate application

    development platform and not merely a ubiquitously deployed rendering engine for

    server-generated documents. Not everyone thinks this pattern is viable moving forward,

    but I suspect interest in making this style of application will only increase over time,

    become foolishly and inappropriately overused, and finally settle down as a useful

    addition to a developer's toolset.

    I'm pretty convinced Ember will be the go-to choice for writing applications with the

    sophistication, usefulness, and polish of products like Rdio, Square's web properties, or

    Wunderkit. Ember is the only framework I've seen so far that is genuinely tackling the real

    and difficult requirements of UI Engineering. I don't say this to knock projects like Batman,

    Knockout, Angular, or Backbone. They're quite good; I've played with all and have used

    Backbone professionally.

    Like Ember, they're all experimenting with strategies for connecting data to display and

    keeping the two synchronized a notably difficult task. But only Ember is approaching thistask in a larger scope of UI Engineering that involves even harder architecture concerns.

    This is part of what makes Ember.js challenging for a learner to approach. Have you ever

    written an app that is long-running, stateful, requires identity mapping, or must serialize

    state for later re-entry? If you're like most web developers I meet, it's highly likely these

    are all foreign or novel concepts for you. Even if you've encountered them before in a CS

    class or while doing iOS development you've probably never translated them into the

    browser environment.

    Listen: it's not Ember that's hard. It's the concepts. When people tell me the learning

    curve for Angular or Backbone is small, I call bullshit. Small for whom? Sure, Backbone is

    approachable if you've spent some time writing applications with jQuery and are familiar

    with callback-style evented architectures. Backbone's DNA is basicallyjQuery custom

    events on steroids. Angular is a dream if you're accustomed to HTML data- style

    behavior like you find as part ofTwitter Bootstrap's javascript

    Even if Backbone fits squarely into your existing skill set admittedly true for most web

    developers it's learning curve ramps up steeply if you're dedicated to writing robust

    applications. Ever run into zombie events in a Backbone application? No? You've either not

    used it for anything big, have Rain Man-like ability to craft software, or are fucking shitting


    Here's an example of some of the view cleanup code in Rdio:

    destroy:function () {
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    var c =this; this.unbind(); try { this._element.pause(), this._element.removeEventListener("error", this._triggerError), this._element.removeEventListener("ended", this._triggerEnd), this._element.removeEventListener("canplay", this._triggerRead this._element.removeEventListener("loadedmetadata", this._onLo

    _.each(b, function (a) {c._element.removeEventListener(a, c._bubbleProfilingEvent)

    }),_.each(a, function (a) {c._element.removeEventListener(a, c._logEvent)

    }), this._element =null, this.trigger("destroy")} catch (d) {}


    If this doesn't look familiar, you're in for a world of hurt when you try to parlay your

    Backbone skills into something Rdio-sized. Backbone is the best solution, hands down, for

    apps where the user comes to a page, interacts with the application for a short timebefore moving on, letting the views and the models get thrown away. Beyond that, it

    requires increasing diligence and expertise on your part.

    So, here's my pitch: I want you to learn Ember. Not instead of Backbone or Angular but in

    addition tothem. There's a lot of writing comparing the three, but once you become

    familiar with them you'll see it's a totally nonsensical comparison. Although their output is

    the same (i.e. a "web app") they just don't belong in the same category.

    I apologize for the long preamble, but we're exploring some concepts and I want to be

    sure you're willing to allow that their strangeness are not due to the poor architecture of

    Ember but to your unfamiliarity with them. If you're willing to learn no matter how funkyweird things appear at first, read on. If you're looking to troll then just skim on: you'll find

    lotsof things to highlight when you create a troll twitter account with a single post

    maligning a tool you've never bothered to explore.

    The smallest possible Ember application of interest can be describe thus:

    App = Ember.Application.create();

    App.ApplicationView = Ember.View.extend({templateName:'application'

    });App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend();

    App.Router = Ember.Router.extend({root: Ember.Route.extend({index: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/'



    And in our HTML document body or head:
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    Let's examine each piece in isolation.

    App = Ember.Application.create();

    This line creates a new instance of Ember.Application which does two handy things:

    provides one location for all your objects so we avoid polluting the global namespace.

    creates one listener for each user event (e.g. 'click') and controls event delegation.

    App.ApplicationView = Ember.View.extend({templateName:'application'


    Views in Ember are responsible for:

    determining the structure of a section of the application's rendered HTML.

    responding to delegated user events.

    In the above view we will change structure of the page only through the view's template,

    which will render as the contents of the view's tag, but we could also provide a different

    tag name, id, css class, or other HTML attributes for the rendered element.

    Your application musthave an ApplicationView property. An instance of this class willbe created for you and inserted into the application's view hierarchy as the root view.

    App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend();

    Every view has a rendering context. This is the object where Handlebars templates will

    look for properties. So, if your template looks like this:


    and its rendering context has a name property, you'll see the value outputted. If there is

    no property, you'll see nothing.

    A single instance of ApplicationController will be created for you and automatically

    set as the rendering context of the ApplicationView . This is obvious but bears

    mentioning: your application musthave an ApplicationController property. If it

    lacked one, the application's root view would have no rendering context and would be

    pretty useless except for displaying static content. Ember enforces the presence of this

    property by throwing an error if it's missing.

    App.Router = Ember.Router.extend({root: Ember.Route.extend({index: Ember.Route.extend({
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    A Router in Ember behaves significantly different than you probably suspect if you

    have experience with other javascript libraries using the 'router' label. Ember's Router

    class is a subclass of its more general purpose StateManager . Most browser-routers

    are just copying the routing pattern from familiar server technologies. But HTTP is

    specifically a stateless protocol and the techniques for routing on the server are missing

    important abilities when translated into the stateful environment of browser application


    Your application's router is responsible for tracking the state of your application and

    affecting the application's view hierarchy in response to state change. It is also responsible

    for serializing this state into a single string the URL and for later deserializing the string

    into a usable application state. Rather than being a central organizing technique, URLs are

    just a useful side effect of state change.

    States are the central feature of an Ember application. Yes, property observations and

    automatic view updates are handy, but if that's all Ember offered it would be only a

    fraction as useful for serious and robust development.

    ...root: Ember.Route.extend({index: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/'


    Your router must have these two routes. The first, root , really just acts as a container

    for all subsequent routes. You can think of it as the route set, rather than a proper route

    itself. The second index , can be called whatever you like. The key feature is that it has a

    route property of '/' . When your application loads, Ember will look through its

    internal route maps to find one that matches the url in the browser. If you enter the

    application at the url '/' your Router will automatically transition into this state.

    Finally your application starts the routing process, sets up the necessary internal structure

    based on configuration we've done earlier, and inserts an instance of your

    ApplicationView (with an instance of ApplicationController as its rendingcontext) into the page.

    From here, we can start building up an application by adding states to our router,

    navigable elements in our templates to allow a user to begin manipulating states, and

    views that are inserted in response to these state changes. We'll create a tiny application

    that lets you see information about committers to the main Ember repository.

    Let's start that process by adding some markup and an outlet into our currently empty

    application template:
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    Ember Committers{{outlet}}

    An outlet helper defines sections of a template where we will change specific portions

    of the view hierarchy in response to state change. Any template (not just the root one) can

    have any number of outlets (if you give them names). This lets you express really nuanced

    view hierarchies with minimal effort.

    Next, add a view for all contributors and a matching controller and template:

    App.AllContributorsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();App.AllContributorsView = Ember.View.extend({templateName:'contributors'


    // in your page body or head:{{#each person in controller}}{{person.login}}


    Within the state that matches the index path ( '/' ), implement a connectOutlets

    method. It takes a single argument that will be your application's router. Within that

    method get the single instance of our ApplicationController class and connect its

    outlet with the connectOutlet method:

    index: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('allContribu


    Give your application a reload. You won't see much yet, but this will let you catch any

    console errors now.

    Let me assuage your obvious fears right now: Yes, this is a lot of code. Yes, it seems

    weirdly complex. Yes, you could accomplish this same trivial task in Backbone or Angular

    with far less code. Ember isn't targeting applications with this minimal level of

    sophistication so it seems foolishly verbose when starting out.

    That said, this is the singlecentral pattern to an application. Once you master it, you'll be

    cranking out applications like a pro. Ember applications start out with a complexity rating

    of 4/10 but never get much higher than 6/10, regardless of how sophisticated your

    application becomes. Backbone starts out at 1/10 but complexity grows linearly. This is a

    natural side effect of the types of applications the two frameworks were specifically

    created for.

    Let's unpack our new code, in reverse:

    index: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',

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    When your application is loaded at the url '/' , Ember will automatically transition the

    application into the state I've called index . connectOutlets is called on this state. It

    acts as a callback for us to connect sections of our view hierarchy (designated with

    {{outlet}} ) to specific views based on the state. In this case I want to connect the

    {{outlet}} in our application template with markup for all our contributors so I access

    the application's single shared instance of ApplicationController and call

    connectOutlet on it with 'allContributors' as an argument.

    When our application is started, a single shared instance of each controller is created for

    us. Because you'll most likely access this instance from the router, it's placed as a

    property of the router with a name that matches the controller's classname but converted

    to lower-camel style: ApplicationController 's single instance is stored as

    applicationController .

    Controllers have the ability to connect outlets in the views they control. In the above

    example, I'm calling connectOutlet with 'allContributors' as an argument. This

    will create an instance of AllContributorsView for us, set the shared instance of

    AllContributorsController as the view's default rendering context, and insert it

    into our view hierarchy at the point where {{outlet}} appears in the application

    template. The second argument, which I've hard coded as an array of two object literals, is

    set as the content of the controller instance. (Those who fear this kind of "magic" are

    free to read the documentation for Controllers to see the full, maximally verbose and

    explicit arguments you can pass).

    App.AllContributorsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();App.AllContributorsView = Ember.View.extend({templateName:'contributors'


    The AllContributorsController is a subclass of Ember's ArrayController

    class. ArrayController s act as containers for array-like objects in Ember and simply

    proxy undefined properties or methods to the underlying content array.

    In our template, the each call ( {{each person in controller}} ) is passed along to

    the content of our ArrayController which I've hard-coded as an array of two objectliterals with a single property each.

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    wrappers around $.ajax() that follow a Rails-style-REST pattern really merit the

    "persistence layer" label. And many other frameworks are starting to realize this too as

    their thin $.ajax() delegation is being fleshed out to handle the real and difficult

    problems of reliably synchronizing data between two environments when there are few

    structural standards to rely on.

    The real, valid criticism is that nobody who knows Ember has offered much guidance for

    how to handle data loading within an Ember application. Ember, as I'm trying to convince

    you, has valuable patterns you've never used before and it's totally unfair to maintain thisassertion while simultaneously expecting you to know how to combine these patterns

    with data loading solutions you've previously used.

    The best advice I can offer is: always be returning.

    Ember relies on the immediate availability of data objects even if the underlying content

    of those objects is still loading. This is almost certainly different than asynchronous

    patterns for data loading you've used before. Let's step through how this works, one

    concern at a time.

    In our application so far, I've punted on data and just hard coded something into our index


    index: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('allContribu


    I'd much prefer to delegate that data loading out to a proper object. Let's call to a as yet

    unimplemented Contributor class and a find method on that class:

    index: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('allContribu


    And now implement this object:

    App.Contributor = Ember.Object.extend();App.Contributor.reopenClass({find:function(){}


    This creates a new class and reopens that class to add a class (sometimes called 'static')


    If you reload your application you'll see that nothing renders now. This is because we've

    set the content of our AllContributorsController to undefined which is the

    default return value of our new find method. Let's apply some $.ajax to themethod:
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    Reload your application and you'll see there is still no change because, although we

    request data, find still has no return value. It's here that people usually code

    themselves into a corner trying to get their previous experience with ajax to fit into Ember

    patterns, give up, and post a StackOverflow question.

    There are a few solutions to this problem but the easiest for us now is to just make sure

    we're returning an array:

    App.Contributor.reopenClass({allContributors: [],find:function(){$.ajax({url:''jsonp',context:this,success:function(response){{

    this.allContributors.addObject(App.Contributor.create(co}, this)


    }) returnthis.allContributors;}


    I've changed find to immediately return an array ( this.allContributors ) which

    starts out empty. This will become the content of our controller, which is the default

    rendering context for the view. When the view first renders it will loop over the empty

    array and insert nothing into the page. When the ajax call is successful we loop through

    the response from the server turning each chunk of JSON into an instance of our

    Contributor class, and add it to the array. Ember's property notification system willtrigger a view re-render for just the affected sections of the page.

    Because Ember has a good property observation system we can handle the

    asynchronicity from multiple points within the application structure where it's most

    appropriate rather than being forced to handle it at the communication layer.

    If you reload the application you'll see an empty page before the view updates when the

    data is loaded. If we were writing a slightly more complex application, we could use a

    library by the core team called Ember Data that would help with functionality like binding

    loading state to view display. It has far more ambitious goals than we'll need for

    demonstration: stateful data synchronization, property encoding and decoding, identity

    mapping, transactional communication, and more.
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    With data in hand, we can now allow users to transition between the state where they see

    all contributors to a state where they see just one contributor. Our current router looks

    like this

    App.Router = Ember.Router.extend({root: Ember.Route.extend({

    index: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('allCont



    We'll add a sibling state to index for viewing just a single contributor. I'm also going to

    rename 'index' to the more descriptive state name of 'contributors':

    App.Router = Ember.Router.extend({root: Ember.Route.extend({contributors: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('allCont


    aContributor: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/:githubUserName',connectOutlets:function(router, context){




    Examining this new state in isolation:

    aContributor: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/:githubUserName',connectOutlets:function(router, context){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('oneContribu


    I've supplied a route property of '/:githubUserName' , which we'll use later to

    serialize and deserialize this state. I've implemented the connectOutlets method with

    two arguments: one to represent the entire router and one, called context , which will

    help answer the question "whichcontributor" later on. Inside connectOutlets I've

    accessed the shared instance of ApplicationController and used it to connect the

    outlet in its view (an instance of ApplicationView ) to a pairing of

    OneContributorView / OneContributorController , which are unimplemented.

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    Next, we'll update the application template to include a way for users to change the

    application's state from 'contributors' to 'aContributor' through interaction. Currently our

    template just loops and prints the login property of each contributor:

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    templateName:'a-contributor'});App.OneContributorController = Ember.ObjectController.extend();

    // in your HTML document

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    The view renders and we see our updated view hierarchy in the browser.

    Observant readers will notice that, although we supplied a

    route: '/:githubUserName' property on our current state, the URL displayed in the

    browser has updated to a value of '#/undefined'. I mentioned earlier that URLs were just a

    pleasant side effect of state changes but we haven't talked about serializing and

    deserializing states yet.

    After an application state is entered and connectOutlets has been called, the router

    will call serialize on the state with the router itself as the first argument and the

    current context as the second argument. There is a default implementation of

    serialize that does property lookup on the context using any dynamic slugs in the

    supplied route property as keys.

    To have serialization work we can either update our route to include dynamic slugs that

    match known properties on the object or implement our own custom method.

    aContributor: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/:githubUserName',connectOutlets:function(router, context){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('oneContribu

    },serialize:function(router, context){

    return {githubUserName: context.get('login')



    The return value from a custom serialize method must be an object literal with keys

    that match any dynamic slugs in the supplied route . The value for these keys will be

    placed in the url.

    Browse back to the root state of your application (i.e. go back to '/'), reload the application,

    and navigate back to the 'aContributor' state for any contributor. The url should update


    Unfortunately if you reload the application at this particular state you'll see the URL

    updates to '#/undefined' again.

    When we load an Ember application at a particular url it will attempt to match andtransition into a state with matching route pattern and call the state's

    connectOutlets and serialize callbacks. When we reload at '#/kselden', for

    example, The router matches the state with the route pattern of '/:githubUserName',

    transitions into it, then calls connectOutlets with the router as the first argument and

    a second argument of ... no context at all. Finally, serialize is called, also with an

    undefined context, and the property githubUserName is accessed on undefined

    and the URL is updated to '#/undefined'.

    Entering the application at a particular URL doesn't give our application access to previous

    loaded data so to fully load the matching state, we need to re-access this data. States have

    a callback deserialize for doing just this. There's a default implementation, but we

    can implement our own custom one as well:

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    aContributor: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/:githubUserName',connectOutlets:function(route, context){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('oneContribu

    },serialize:function(router, context){

    return {githubUserName: context.get('login')}},deserialize:function(router, urlParams){

    return App.Contributor.findOne(urlParams.githubUserName);}


    Above, I 've mocked out what I want this deserialization interface to look like. I'll call

    App.Contributor.findOne with the section of our url represented by

    githubUserName and return this object. The return value of deserialize becomes

    the context passed to connectOutlets , so I must immediately return an object that

    will get populated with data later. Let's add App.Contributor.findOne to allow for

    passing a Github user name.

    Github allows us to access a user at '/users/a name', but this isn't within the context of a

    particular repository, so we won't have access to this users contribution count, which is

    part of the data we need. To see a particular users in the context of a repository we'll

    need to load them all and locally find the one we're looking for. This isn't exactly ideal, but

    unless you control development of both client and server it's typical.

    findOne:function(username){ var contributor = App.Contributor.create({

    login: username});

    $.ajax({url:''jsonp',context: contributor,success:function(response){

    this.setProperties('login', usern}


    return contributor;}

    The order of execution for this method is: create a new Contributor object with

    login set immediately to the known value passed in as username from within the

    'aContributor' states's deserialize method. Then we set up some ajax and immediately

    return the Contributor instance. When the ajax completes we find just the contributor

    we're interested in by looking for the first result with a matching username (using

    findProperty ) and update the returned Contributor instance's properties with

    setProperties , which will trigger a view update of any sections bound to properties

    whose values have changed.

    That's an Ember application. States, transitioning between them, and loading data when

    you need it. You can build up surprisingly sophisticated and robust UIs by repeating this

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    process until you're happy. Let's repeat this by adding a "back to all contributors"

    navigation to our template for a single contributor:

    Right now the template is pretty simple:

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    And we'll change it to this:

    aContributor: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/:githubUserName',connectOutlets:function(router, context){router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('oneContribu

    },serialize:function(router, context){

    return {githubUserName: context.get('login')}

    },deserialize:function(router, urlParams){

    return App.Contributor.findOne(urlParams.githubUserName);},

    // child statesinitialState:'details',details: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('oneContributorController').connectOutlet('detail


    repos: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/repos',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('oneContributorController').connectOutlet('repos')



    Examining each state in isolation:


    details: Ember.Route.extend({route:'/',connectOutlets:function(router){router.get('oneContributorController').connectOutlet('details')


    When we transition into 'aContributor', its callbacks ( connectOutlets , serialize ,

    optionally deserialize if we're transitioning during application load) are called. This

    means the {{outlet}} in our application template is filled with an instance of

    OneContributorView with the shared instance of OneContributorController

    used as its default rendering context. The context argument is passed from the

    {{action showContributor contributor}} , through the transition, and into this

    callback. We then pass it along as the second argument to connectOutlet and it

    becomes the content property of the shared OneContributorController


    Then, because we have initialState defined the router immediately transitions into

    the state 'aContributor.details' and calls its connectOutlets callback:



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    In this callback we're connecting an {{outlet}} that we'll place inside the template for

    a contributor (yes, outlets can be nested inside other outlets as deeply as you'd like to). Go

    ahead and change

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    App.Contributor = Ember.Object.extend({loadMoreDetails:function(){$.ajax({url:''.fmt(this.get('login'))context:this,dataType:'jsonp',success:function(response){



    Now when we enter this state we'll trigger a call to load more data from Github,

    immediately render the view, and the view will automatically update when additional

    properties eventually have values. You can now reload the application and transition to

    this state again to see the updated view.

    What about transitioning between our 'aContributor.details' and 'aContributor.repos'

    state? This should begin to look boringly familiar soon. Update our view to provide some

    navigational elements. Currently it looks like this:

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    Now we can toggle between the two states. The aContributor.repos state will throw

    an error because we're missing ReposView , which Ember is attempting to find because

    of our connectOutlet call on router's oneContributorController :



    Add the view and a template, again skipping the ReposController which will use the

    shared OneContributorController instance as the rendering context for this view:

    App.ReposView = Ember.View.extend({templateName:'repos'


    {{#each repo in repos}}


    For the view I've just looped through the repos property of this view's rendering

    context, the shared OneContributorController . OneContributorController is

    an subclass of ObjectController , so this repos lookup is proxied along to the

    controller's content property. The content is an instance of App.Contributor

    we've passed along through the {{action}} , transition, and connectOutlets


    Reload the application, navigate back to this state, and you'll see a sad dearth of repos. As

    with 'aContributor.details' we need to request the appropriate data to display. Update the

    connectOutlets of 'aContributor.repos' to include a stubbed method for fetching




    And implement this method on our App.Contributor model:

    App.Contributor = Ember.Object.extend({loadRepos:function(){$.ajax({url:''.fmt(this.get('context:this,dataType:'jsonp',success:function(response){



  • 7/29/2019 Advice on & Instruction in the Use of Ember


    19/01/13 Advice on & Instruction in the Use Of Ember.js

    // other methods previously written})

    Like our data retrieval in 'aContributor.details' we now transition into the

    'aContributor.repos' state, trigger data retrieval and immediately update our views. Once

    the data loading is complete, the view should automatically update to reflect the new

    value of our repos property.

    Reader @sly7_7 put together a jsFiddle of the completed example.

    You'll be surprised how quickly you can express very advanced UIs by just repeating this

    pattern. More importantly, your UIs will be crazy robust. The framework creates a small

    number of bindings and cleans them up when connections change. Views tear themselves

    down and release memory automatically. Judicious separation of states ensures users

    can't accidentally navigate into frustrating edge case scenarios.

    When your applications gets a bit larger than this example, start exploring Ember Data to

    cut down the number of unnecessary ajax calls (and, more importantly, hide this

    interaction behind a nice API).

    You made it through all my ranting and odd turns of phrase, so I'll share my secret vision

    for Ember: I want Ember to be a gateway drug for good UI engineering the way Rails was

    for good application development. You may scoff "Rails is bloated, I prefer express.js"

    but express is just stealing the best tricks from years of battle tested Rails


    Rails turned many of us from dabblers into developers and Ember has that same feel of

    rightnessfor me that Rails did in 2004. You might reject Ember, but I hope it's after you've

    toyed with it and built something serious so you can reject it for substantive reasons or

    informed aesthetics, not simply because it seemed odd, new, or frighteningly different.

    Copy-editing and proofing graciously provided by@frodsan, @patrickbaselier, and

    @edimoldovan. Remaining foolish errors or omissions are mine.