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MKTG 571 - Advertising Planning

Assignment #1

Guinness “Light Show” Advert  

Brian Slattery  



Presented as a the Irish International BBDO concept originator

to an interested Chief Executive of Guinness’ parent company, Diageo           

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October 3, 2007

17 Guilford Road

Sandymount, Dublin 4

Paul S. Walsh

Chief Executive – Diageo plc

8 Henrietta Place



Dear Paul S. Walsh,  

It was a pleasure speaking with you on the phone recently regarding the

development of the newest television advert for your Guinness brand’s

upcoming “It’s Alive Inside” campaign. I was quite encouraged to hear of

your interest in this particular spot, as I know the news of this has passed up

the ladder from Guinness brand management to your parent company

Diageo. I wanted to pass along some of our concepts and production

details along with a rough copy on this secured USB drive for you to

review. Our creative team, in coordination with Guinness, has been able

to capture the passion and loyalty of the Guinness brand, with a viral

element to keep the beverage’s history relevant and exciting to today’s

target audience. Especially exciting is the prospect of this spot along with

the new sound-wave technology that will be featured in many pubs (the

Surge tool) which reinforces the imagery of the distinctive cascading

head of a Guinness Draught pint.

One of our primary goals in this spot is to appeal to the intellect of the

audience. The spot follows the idea of creating a dramatic message into

which the implied consumers can be drawn. We want them to be drawn

into not only the action of the spot, but also go so far as to imagine

themselves as participants. We assembled the piece in such a manner

that the concepts are honored as much as possible without the “clutter”

or “noise” which is so prevalent in this era of television adverts. By doing

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this, we have been able to maximize the sense of ambiguity that typically

draws a viewer into the advert on a deeper and more inquisitive level. We

believe this overall emphasis engages the current, loyal Guinness

customer as well as invites a growing breed of nouveau, younger

customers to a brand steeped in tradition and mystery.

With that in mind, let me run through some of the elements of the spot to

better illustrate how we achieve this. The advert begins with an ethereal

electronic soundtrack by Soundtree Music accompanying numerous

figures walking up ramps, through a park, up stairs, on closed-circuit

security displays. None of them seem to be talking and they appear quite

deliberate in their movement. It is apparent that it is dusk or later as these

figures emerge, moving in tandem seemingly to a common gathering.

The consistent intercutting of frames as the individuals close in from their

different paths is reminiscent of a set of tributaries merging into a river or

blood coursing through veins: We are conveying a sense of quiet, but

potent energy. This is aided by the growing soundtrack, whose quick

base-beat ebbs and flows from the viewer’s ear. There is a distinct

cooperation in the throngs of people and you can feel it, not just see it.

No voice-over has overcome the soundtrack, no logos have flashed upon

the screen; rather, the viewer has been drawn in to what appears to be a

mysterious short-film. Without any bearing provided, the viewer craves

more information before they can make any conclusions. We are

provided a more concrete context (no pun intended), as the mass of

people is funneled up a set of exterior “corporate-plaza” stairs and

through a set of sliding-glass doors. “A building…a building!” one might

expect a target audience member to think.

Yet, as soon as they have discerned that fact, they are again met by the

perplexing coursing of the crowd. They run through dimly lit lobbies,

hallways and sets of cubicles. This movement is completely unfamiliar in

this generally bland corporate environment. A subtly graceful and dance-

like rebellion emerges from this story. We want the viewer to be playing

this juxtaposition out in their mind. They might be imagining their own work

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environment and desires that they have had to “go-against-the-grain”

during tiresome corporate meetings and never-ending hours spent in their

own cubicles. Only a matter of hours from now it seems these very

cubicles and hallways will be plunged back into a world of creased-slacks

and lackluster meetings.

So, we’ve introduced in very visual ways the ideas of energy, mystery and

quiet resistance to the norm. These are concepts that we determined with

your brand management are fundamental to the Guinness story and

customer-base. Just as Arthur Guinness started a worldwide sensation from

meager beginnings at the St. James’s Gate, so too this advert works to

display the dedication, energy and reach that Guinness is capable of as

a worldwide brand.

Viewers are supplied only a few pieces of information but are otherwise

deprived of the “What” and “Why” of the situation. Suddenly, the

movement ceases. Hands rest primed on switches of various kinds and on

blinds adjustment rods. Anticipation builds as the soundtrack reaches a

bridge and then the mystery begin to be revealed. A flickering in empty

hallways spreads to whole lines of fluorescent lights. Hallways and rooms

become bathed in a rush of moving light. Extension cords lay strewn

throughout the building’s hallways. Numerous interior spaces brighten and

dim just as quickly, soundtrack reaching a crescendo. Intercut shots show

blinds opening and closing as the excited but focused faces of these

dedicated masses are illuminated. Shots from nearby buildings show

several floors at a time, glowing and darkening. The movement of all

involved is frenetic, but tightly organized. There is a distinct and diverse

Gen-Y cross-section in the appearance of participants.

The photography becomes progressively distant from the building’s

exterior revealing the true scope of this light-inspired feat. Bystanders

returning home from work stop in wonder at the street level, other building

occupants marvel from their vantage point. The homogenous has

become breathtaking. The mysterious efforts yield an unmistakably

Guinness “head” rising up the monolithic building. As the mystery of the

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spot resolves itself with these final distinctive brand shots, we seek to build

an affect of satisfaction within the audience.

Guinness benefits from this completely unique cascading surge that

distinctively flows after each pint is poured. We have leveraged this brand

imagery both in the symbolic urban portrayal as well as throughout the

planning of the complete upcoming “It’s Alive Inside” campaign. The

“Alive” that appears in the tag line during the last few seconds of the spot

isn’t simply referring to the Draught, but so too of it’s people, it’s history

and it’s loyal customers. This spot sheds a quiet but powerful light on the

human need to be part of a cause bigger than themselves. This is the

growing culture of Guinness. It is a movement, not just of lights and blinds,

but also of a 250 year-old recipe and incorporation of this small but

significant Irish tradition throughout the cultures of the world.

The appearance of creamy head seen in the lights of the building makes

it evident that there was never a need for words or ostentation. The

Guinness flavor is unparalleled and therefore its brand and related

imagery speaks for itself. This is certainly an aspect of Guinness’ unique

selling proposition. We have found awareness to be most successfully

transferred when the viewer is drawn into this process of ambiguity,

investigation and resolution. This self-selection to further viewing is

something that we recognize can be fleeting and precious. Hence the

reason why we allow the viewer the “space” to understand how the

cooperation, excitement and deep brand loyalty of the participants is a

trademark of Guinness. To sit back and enjoy this light show is akin to

savoring the roasted flavor and crisp bitterness of a pint. A pint at the

local pub is typically a low-involvement activity and we are working to

infiltrate both the cognitive aspects of decision making and the memory

mapping that consumers might call upon the next time they hear the

barkeeper ask, “What’ll you have?”

We realize that Guinness experienced significant growth in the early 2000’s

with the advent of the Rocket Widget nitrogen ball can system for it’s

Draught line. While the “Brilliant” Brewmasters campaign has been

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creative and entertaining, research has shown that it’s effects have

grown stale. We believe that “Light Show” in coordination with the “It’s

Alive Inside” campaign will pair well with the new Surge pub tool. Your

organization provided us with detailed information about this sound-wave

tool that will allow the cascading head to occur even on pints of bottled

Draught. The barkeeps will be able to add further relevance to the

cascading creamy head of Guinness and the imagery that we’ve

leveraged. We are excited to see the effect that this promotional

technology has compounded with our creative content.

We believe in the product that we at Irish International BBDO have

crafted with your input and creative direction. Our staff believes that we

have successfully encapsulated the required concepts and gone further

with a viral edginess that brings awareness to an updated and effective

level. While we emphasize unique visual brand attributes, we appeal to

the familiar urban backdrop for symbolism and associated emotions of

passion, energy, cooperation and rebellion. We value our relationships

with Guinness and Diageo and look forward to delivering a quality visual

manifestation of the Guinness brand to a greater reaching audience. With

both the “Light Show” advert as well as the “It’s Alive Inside” campaign

we will assuredly do so.

As always, I invite your input and brand insight to help us hone this spot to

excellence. Regardless, I look forward to hearing your impressions of our

work and wish you and your family the best of regards.


Jason Haynes Advertising Concepts Irish international BBDO  

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Citations and Imagery Sources

1. Guinness ‘light show’ by Irish International BBDO. (2008). Retrieved

October 1, 2009, from Campaign Web site:


2. Paddy Goes To Hollyhead. (2007). Retrieved October 3, 2009, from

Paddy Goes To Hollyhead Irish Singer Lancashire Web site:


3. Commercials Unlimited. (2009). Retrieved October 3, 2009, from

Commercials Unlimited Web site: