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Some Websites You Can Use for Advertising Online

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Advertising online has gotten much easier and more effective. Everyone who needs to advertise online can choose from a wide array of websites that offers an ad space in exchange for a little fee. Some of them follow a pay-per-click system wherein the advertisers pay only when their ad gets clicked by users. If you have plans on advertising online, here are some of the websites that may help you.

Google Google is one of the largest search engines today. Most people would go to Google whenever they need to look for something online. Whether it is a product or a piece of information, the search engines prove to be very useful as they rank websites according to keyword match, relevance, and popularity.

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Aside from organically ranked websites, Google puts some sponsored links or paid ads on top of the search results. You can choose from several advertising programs of Google including Google AdWords and Google AdSense. Google offers a pay per click system for advertisers who have a limited budget. It is a good way to ensure that you are paying for something. If an ad doesn’t get to be clicked then you have nothing to pay but must signal you to review and modify your campaign.

Yahoo If you are determined to reach consumers who use search engines when looking for products and services, you might want to include Yahoo advertising as well. Like Google, Yahoo offers a pay per click system.

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Advertising online using Yahoo allows you to take a space from its front page. You can choose to use rich media formats or floating ads. You can also opt to use video for online advertising. They also let the advertisers specify region, position of the ad and its size.

FacebookFacebook is currently the leading social networking site in most countries today. It is a good place to advertise. However, its charges are higher than that of the said search engines. Recently, Facebook announced their new analytics that let the advertisers track not only the likes or clicks, comments and mentions but also other actions on Facebook downstream. The advertisers could also indicate the actions that they want to track.

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When advertising online using Facebook, you can specify your target consumers by gender, age bracket, etc. You can also use third party metrics to measure your campaign’s success. Plus, Facebook offers some space as sponsored stories that come with a higher click through rate.

YouTube YouTube is another website that can be utilized for advertising online. It is the top video-based website. People go to YouTube for educational, entertaining and even nonsensical videos.YouTube advertising can be done using display ads and in stream ads. You can also opt to have your video listed as a promoted video. The display ads and stream ads will be available on other videos uploaded by YouTube users who opt to monetize their videos.

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Twitter Twitter is another website that’s good to be used for advertising online. However, advertisers should refrain from posting only advertisements. It is best to share information and communicate with your followers. The Twitter and other social networking sites were proven to benefit advertisers by gaining fans or followers, improving search engine ranking, and reducing the costs.