Download - Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies_PMIT_6103_Power Point Slides Lecture 8

  • 8/9/2019 Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies_PMIT_6103_Power Point Slides Lecture 8


    PMIT - 6103

    Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies

    By Zamshed Iqbal Chowdhury

    Lecturer, IIT, JU

    Lecture 081

  • 8/9/2019 Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies_PMIT_6103_Power Point Slides Lecture 8



    ac!et "cheduli#$ %or &o"ma#a$eme#t

    'e%ere#ce Boo!( )i$h "peed Computer *etwor!s by

    +illiam "talli#$s

  • 8/9/2019 Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies_PMIT_6103_Power Point Slides Lecture 8


    -ulti.ser/ice #etwor!

    "i#$le #etwor! i#%rastructure carryi#$trac %rom diere#t ser/ices 2data, /oice,/ideo3334 i# a# i#te$rated way

    5iere#t quality o% ser/ice requireme#ts tobe met


  • 8/9/2019 Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies_PMIT_6103_Power Point Slides Lecture 8


    er%orma#ce Bou#ds

    5etermi#istic holdi#$ %or e/ery pac!et se#t o# a co##ectio#

    "tatistical robability that a pac!et /iolates the bou#d is less tha#

    a speci7ed /alue

    o#e.i#.* bou#d, #o more tha# o#e pac!et i# *co#secuti/e pac!ets /iolates the bou#d

    Commo# per%orma#ce bou#ds

    mi#imum ba#dwidth maimum loss

    maimum delay

    maimum delay 9itter


  • 8/9/2019 Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies_PMIT_6103_Power Point Slides Lecture 8


    The role o% the #etwor!

    The #etwor! should ha/e e#ou$h resourcesa/ailable to be able to satis%y the per%orma#cebou#ds required by the applicatio#

    admissio# co#trol co#$estio# co#trol

    The #etwor! should ecie#tly ma#a$e theresources a/ailable i# order to $uara#tee a

    quality o% ser/ice acceptable to theapplicatio# pac!et scheduli#$ at i#termediate #odes


  • 8/9/2019 Advanced Networking & Internet Technologies_PMIT_6103_Power Point Slides Lecture 8


    ac!et scheduli#$

    ac!ets are queued at i#termediate #odes store a#d %orward

    The ser/er o# each queue must decide which pac!et to ser/ice #et

    ma#a$e the queue o% bac!lo$$ed pac!ets The ser/er uses a scheduli#$ discipli#e to

    %airly share the resources

    pro/ide per%orma#ce $uara#tees

    Trade.o betwee# trac isolatio#

    circuit switchi#$( $uara#teed dedicated resources

    resource shari#$ pac!et switchi#$( complete resource shari#$