Download - Advance International - Helping Commercial Fisheries in the European Union Achieve Green, Sustainable Fishing Practices


The world is entering into a new age of fishing industry sustainability and the health benefits it will provide. Advance International is pleased to introduce you to Advanced Protein Powder (APP). APP is a marine-based protein powder, utilizing a patent-pending technology, to deliver up to 95% pure protein with all amino acids and vital minerals intact. This sustainable, environmentally friendly, manufacturing technology utilizes safe, biodegradable additives to efficiently process any type of fish or fish parts. The result of this revolutionary process is the extraction of a purified protein powder, Omega-3 oil, and double-distilled water.

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European Union & Advance International Joint Venture Proposal

How  to  Create  Sustainability  Within  the  Commercial  Fishing  Industry  

&  Increase  Global  Food  Supply  in  a  100%  Natural  Way  

Raw Material Availability – 100% All Natural Ocean wild fish, recycling good fish parts, using small and sustainable fish species. Advance International's patent-pending manufacturing process, used to create Advanced Protein Powder, will make use of any type or size of fish or fish parts, from sardines to bycatch fish, also known as wasteful discards, in many European and African countries. In late 2012, the European parliament’s fisheries committee approved sweeping reforms of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Many of these changes specifically target the treatment of wasteful discards – eventually banning the practice altogether.

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“Fisheries management should allow all stocks to be rebuilt to healthy levels that will maximize catches for fishermen. The wasteful practice of discarding perfectly edible fish must be gradually stopped with clear obligations and deadlines, allowing fishermen the time to

adapt”, said EU fisheries commissioner Maria Damanaki in a statement after the vote.

“With an estimated 75% of Europe’s stocks overfished, there has

been enormous public and media pressure over this latest attempt to shake up the CFP.” “Wasteful discards are reckoned to account for a quarter of total catches under the current quota system.” – source, BBC News Europe, “Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to

save stocks”

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Abundant, Green & Sustainable In an effort to help combat worldwide food supply shortages, aid in global hunger relief efforts, and to help commercial fishing operations comply with current and upcoming wasteful discard reduction guidelines, Advance International has created a single APP automated, skid-based processing unit, which can: •  Process up to 10 metric tons of raw fish material per day •  Produce up to two tons of pharmaceutical grade fish

protein powder concentrate •  Produce 19,000 liters of distilled water •  Create 800 liters of pure pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3


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Skid Facility & Manpower Requirements: On-site recycling of fish considered as “wasteful discards”, fish parts, and unwanted small fish species using our automated skid requires: •  Approximately 8,000 square feet of indoor or outdoor space •  35,800 Kwh of electricity per month •  1,400MMBtu of natural gas per month •  Only two operators – making this a highly efficient use of space,

energy, and personnel to process fish and fish parts quickly before any freezing or long-term storage solutions are necessary.

This process helps the fishing industry by drastically reducing waste (in compliance with Federal mandates and guidelines), as well as reducing or eliminating the need for freezing or storage of waste fish and parts.

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The fishing industry has been harshly criticized over previous decades for having an unsustainable model that produces too much unusable waste – waste that requires expensive refrigeration and recycling efforts. The APP process alleviates this concern by bringing greater efficiency to the industry and letting your distributors know they are sourcing seafood products from an environmentally responsible company. Advance International’s mission is to make APP available to people around the world, aiding in health and fitness, hospital pre-surgery and post-surgery recovery, and to help avoid starvation in under-nourished populations found in many countries around the globe.

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APP – A Protein Superior to Anything Else on the Market Fish proteins have long been considered an effective counter to malnutrition. Fish protein is a more complete protein than plant protein, since it contains the essential amino acids necessary for building muscle. APP goes beyond previous fish protein technologies by providing a new level of performance and stability. APP contains 85-95% pure protein with fat or oil content of less than 0.5% and has a shelf life of more than five years and is odorless and tasteless.

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Fish protein has been shown to help with many conditions people worldwide suffer from including: •  Arthritis •  Migraines •  Malnutrition •  Premature and Dystrophic Births •  Low Muscle Mass •  Many types of cancer •  And more Advanced International’s truly disruptive technology and process will change the protein and Omega 3 oil markets worldwide. Advanced Protein Powder (APP) is a superior, all natural, pesticide free, non-GMO product that can be produced on a large commodity scale volume to compete with soy, whey, and other proteins globally.

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And protein is not the only useful product created with Advance International’s manufacturing process. It also produces pharmaceutical grade, pure Omega-3 oil, which has been proven to be beneficial in: •  Preventing heart disease •  Combating Alzheimer's & memory loss •  Reducing Schizophrenia •  Cancer prevention •  And other maladies  

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Another product is double-distilled water, which we extract from the fish during our patent-pending process, with no trace elements, solids, or minerals. Advance International’s double-distilled water is highly purified and free of any contaminants, with many commercial, food, and beverage industry and Industrial uses in addition to making it beneficial for heart and kidney functions by removing harmful substances from the blood, kidneys and heart. Advance International’s unique, scalable, and highly efficient manufacturing technology utilizes a low-to-zero waste, green, environmentally friendly, low carbon process to create highly desirable products from previously unusable fish and fish parts.

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The creation of Advanced Protein Powder, through Advance International’s patent-pending process, reduces fish waste by making use of any type of fish and all left over fish parts after your initial processing. This has a positive affect on the alleviation of overfishing certain fish species and making it possible to use tons of undesirable fish instead of going through the expense of temporarily storing them and ultimately disposing of them. Energy and natural resources that were previously expended on disposing waste can now produce three useful products with a single manufacturing process. With Advance International's patent-pending process, new doors are being opened in the fields of protein supplementation and environmentally sustainable fishing and food manufacturing.

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Through a joint venture between the commercial fisheries of the European Union and Advance International, sustainable fishery management and large scale food manufacturing is now possible due to the purchase and exclusive licensing of Advance International’s state-of-the-art Fish Protein, Omega 3 oil & Distilled Water processing units. These pre-assembled, quality engineered and certified turnkey units will be ready to install onsite by our engineers upon completion of the agreement (please refer also to the Financial Model Proposal for additional details).

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Mazi Ghorbani CEO, Advance International, Inc.

702-518-8893 [email protected]

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