Download - ADMISSION PROCEDURE STANDARDS TO FIRST · PDF filedouble bass jazz double bass cornett horn natural horn music didactic choral conducting and choral composition conducting euphonium


Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo

90133 Palermo – Via Squarcialupo, 45 – Phone 091/580921/581465/582803 – Fax 091/586742

[email protected] - C.F.97169270820







DECREE 90 AND 124 OF 2009


MAY TO THE 30th JUNE 2017

Il Direttore

Prof. Daniele FICOLA

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Here below are listed first level academic Diploma operative courses:












































Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


















Applications must be submitted from the 15th May to the 30th June 2017, through registration

at portal, by attaching the specific module (attachment A) and payment receipts

to be carried out according to the following procedures:

- € 50,00 on account n. 283903 made out to Conservatorio di Musica Vincenzo Bellini di

Palermo; - € 6,04 on account n. 1016 made out to Agenzia delle Entrate Centro operativo Pescara – tasse


Please find here below instructions to admission apply at portal. Click on the left

on the link "Servizi Studenti"

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


and then click below on "Conservatori"

From the main menu, select option 1. "Inserimento domanda di ammissione" (admission apply),

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


select from the drop-down menu the Institution admission apply is addressed to.

Enter the required data into the corresponding text fields. It will be possible to edit to the

application up to the date on which the Conservatory will register the application form. After

entering the application directory, the program will send the login code and password to your e-

mail address, to manage the data.

Please note that that through "Tasse" (fees) tab -visible after inserting application directory- it is

NEEDED register the payment of the provided payments (entrance exam contribution and admission

fee), print the application form out and sent via registered, return-receipt letter or by personally

delivering to the Conservatory by attaching documents required in Annex A.

NB: Fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory.

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


To select a different field please press TAB key, to come back to the previous field please press

Shift key + Tab. Regarding drop-down menus you just need to click on the arrow key or on the

input box, type quickly the first letters and scroll up or down the list through the scroll bar,

select the desired text with the mouse, click or press Enter.

Password: by clicking on the side icon, password will be automatically determined.

Cognome (surname): exclusively enter your surname in capital letters.

Nome (name): exclusively enter your name in capital letters.

Sesso (gender): select from the drop-down menu Maschio (male) or Femmina (female).

Scuola di (course): select from the drop-down menu the "Scuola", that is the Diploma or degree course

you intend to apply for admission. Courses are written in capital letters with lettering (T.S.M.).

Eventuale specifica corso (course specification, if any): there is no need to enter anything.

Anno di scuola media/Liceo annessi: enter middle-school year/high school (MAX 3 characters)

annex high school (if provided), you attend or you are meant to attend: e.g. 2SA=2° SUPERIORE


Nazionalità (nationality): select from the nationality from the drop-down menu (if ther is not in the

list please write it in full into the field below).


Regione (region): enter the region of birth just in case of Italian citizenship.

Provincia nascita (province of birth): province of birth will be available only if region of birth has

been entered. Will be shown just the list of provinces belonging to that region. In case of non-Italian

citizenship, please enter EE-Escursionista Estero.

Comune (city): choose the city of birth from the drop-down menu, or if it is not listed, the field shall

be left empty with the drop-down menu and enter it into the field below.

In case of foreign students, leave empty with the field drop-down menu and enter it into the field

below the country of origin, e.g. if nationality is American, enter USA (or USA - New York).

Data di nascita (date of birth): enter date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Codice fiscale (fiscal code): enter your own fiscal code, or by clicking on the side icon, let the system

calculate it,

click on "calcola" and then on "riporta" to enter it.


NB: in case of foreign students, for obvious reasons, enter domicile address in Italy and not residence


Regione (region): enter region of residence.

Provincia (province): province of residence will be available only if region of birth has been entered. It will

be shown just the list of provinces belonging to that region. In case of non-Italian citizenship, please enter EE-

Escursionista Estero.

Comune (city): choose the city of residence from the drop-down menu, or if it is not listed, the field shall be

left empty with the drop-down menu and enter it into the field below.

Cap: (ZIP code): enter the zip code (numeric, maximum 5 characters).

Indirizzo: (address): enter the address and relative street number.

Telefono (phone number): enter home telephone number; it is necessary if mobile number is not entered.

Cellulare (mobile phone): enter one or more mobile phone numbers. It is necessary enter either phone number

or mobile phone number.

E-mail: enter e-mail (in small letters). Necessary: in this case is essential to communicate your Login name

and Password to let you log in and make adjustments. Please remember not to change this information (even

when you will be students) since very communication such as other information will be sent to this e-mail

address; moreover, if you do not remember your credentials, you may require them by clicking on "password

dimenticata" (forgot password) at the moment of the future log-in.

If you do not receive the e-mail, please check if the e-mail automatically sent from the Academia is in your

"spam" inbox or unsolicited mail, and mark it as safe e-mail.

Insegnante preferito (favourite teacher): in this field you have the chance to enter in order of preference 3

teachers of the main school you would like to be allocated to (possible acceptance of such require, will be

subject to the discretion of the Institution).

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Insegnante preparatore (trainer teacher): enter the teacher trainer from the list (if it is not listed, write it in

full in the field below; in the absence of teacher write "Autodidatta" (self-taught person).

Valutazione del titoli di studio (educational titles judgment): enter judgments regarding the attained

educational titles.

Titolo di studio (educational title): enter the educational title or provenance from another Institut, etc.

In possesso Dip.Sup. (attained school-leaving certificate): check if school-leaving certificate is attained.

Anno\A.A. (Year\ Academic Year): enter year course and type in 9999/9999 format the academic year you

are meant to apply to.

N° Board (board number): the board number must be set on 1 and cannot be edited.

Note (notes): type in this text area possible notes.

Iscritto ad altra Università (enrolled to other University): check if you are enrolled to another University.

Fascia reddituale (income bracket): select from the drop-down menu the income bracket.

As soon as entering is done, paying attention to correctness of the entered data and of the mandatory fields,

click on "Inserisci" (insert) the program will automatically send to your e-mail address the log-in name and

password you will need to log in and make adjustments to the entered data, provided that the Conservatory did

not already registered your application.

After inserting the directory part and before you print the application form out, you need to enter taxes,

so that payment of taxes will figure on the printed copy: without them, the Conservatory cannot fill the

application form out. It is strongly recommended to pay taxes before filling out the admission apply.

Please note that when entering of data (directory and taxes) is finished, and after attaching the required

Annexes), must print the application form out and sent via registered, return-receipt letter or

by personally delivering to the Conservatory.

Taxes management

After that application form is entered, click left above on the next screen on "Tasse" (fees) and later on

"Inserisci tassa" (enter fee).

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


The code will be automatically assigned from the computer. Choose the "Tipo di tassa" (type of fee) from the


the payment date in 99/99/9999 format. Date of receipt must not be entered.

Enter postal current account number.

Enter the amount of payment.

Select from the menu "sfoglia" (browse) the scanned image of the payment slip and attach it.

Click on "Inserisci" (insert).

Repeat this procedure and enter the new fee by typing "TASSA DI AMMISSIONE" (Admission fee).

In either case it is possible to make adjustment until the Conservatory has not made the registration yet.

To modify the already entered fee:

click on edit icon:

Make the desired adjustments and "Salvare" (save).

In case you need to cancel a tax already entered, click on the small red cross.

Please note that when entering of data (directory and taxes) is finished, and after attaching the

required Annexes, must print the application form out and sent via return-receipt letter or

by personally delivering to the Conservatory by attaching the required documents.

To print proceed as follows:

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



To print your admission application click on "Stampe" (print).

Choose option 1. Stampa domanda di ammissione (print admission application).

Enter data in the quick-select menu. In case of underage, indicate relative's document reference number.

Choose from the drop-down menu the printing type: Explore, Pdf or Word.

Set the font size according your own requirements (100% is fine) and click on print.

NB: Printed copy must be attached to the application form in paper form referred to the following

"Allegato A" (Annex A).


To edit the already entered application form (assuming that Conservatory did not already registered it), proceed

as follows: as soon as access credentials needed to access to Servizio Studenti have been received by e-mail,

click on option 2. of the main menu "Modifica domanda di ammissione" (edit application form).

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Choose from the drop-down menu the Conservatory you required entrance test to, enter the code and the

password (sent by e-mail during the application form entering).

In case you forgot the password, enter the e-mail address provided at the moment of application form entering

and click on "Richiedi". The system will automatically send the related credentials to the e-mail address

provided) Click on "Richiesta di modifica domanda di ammissione".

Choose option 1. "Gestione richieste di ammissione". If the Conservatory did not proceed with the execution

of the request yet, it will be highlighted in green and you will be able to make the adjustment.

Click on "Modifica" (edit).

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Make the adjustments and click on "Salvare" (save).

Regarding organization and operation of courses, please refer to the Conservatory's Didactical


With regard to the standard conditions of entry exams, please refer to Annex B of this statement,

whereas regarding admission programs for every single course, please refer to Annex C.

New activation academic diploma courses provided by Ministerial Decree 124/09 will be activated if

there is any application for entry from students.

Access to first-level course during a transitional period, may be allowed "at fault” even to those students

who have not the secondary school leaving certificate yet. In this case, the student admitted "at fault"

has to achieve the secondary school leaving certificate in order to obtain the final title. In the absence of

such fulfillment the whole university course, (that means ECTs temporarily achieved) will be suspended

(Art. 7 provision 3 of the D.P.R. 212/2005).

Simultaneous enrollment and consequent attendance to several academic and/or university courses shall

be regulated by Ministerial Decree of the 28th November 2011, implementing decree of Art. 29, provision

21 of Law 30th December 2010 n. 240.

Allegato A: fill out, scan and upload on ISIDATA portal

Al Direttore del

Conservatorio di Musica

“V. BELLINI” di Palermo




A.A. 2017/2018

Presentazione domanda: La domanda deve essere presentata dal 15 Maggio al 30 Giugno 2017 Application submission: the application must be submitted from the 15th May to the 30th June 2017.

Esami di Ammissione: Gli esami si svolgeranno dal 10 AL 22 LUGLIO 2017 Admission exams: Exams will take place from the 10th to the 22nd July 2017.

__l__ sottoscritt__ _______________________________ ________________________________

I, the undersigned Cognome Nome Surname Name

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


nat__ il _____/______/__________ a ___________________________________ Prov. _______, born on the in Province

codice fiscale ___________________________________________________________________ fiscal code

residente a _______________________________________________________ Prov. __________ resident in Province

in Via ______________________________________________________________ n.__________ street no.

(se studente straniero indicare l’indirizzo in cui si risiede in Italia) (in case of foreign student please give the residence address in Italy)

tel._________________________ cell. (campo obbligatorio) ___________________________________ phone number mobile number (compulsory field)

e-mail (campo obbligatorio) _________________________________ ___________________________

(compulsory field) (le eventuali comunicazioni saranno inviate tramite sms o mail) (possible communications will be sent by text message or e-mail)


l’iscrizione all’esame di ammissione al Corso di studi per il conseguimento del Diploma Accademico di I

livello per il seguente corso: ___________________________________________ the admission to the entry exam to the Course of study to the for the achievement of the I level Academic Diploma for the following course:

Indicare l’eventuale preferenza del docente _____________________________________________

Enter the possible teacher preference (la preferenza non è vincolante per l’ istituzione) (preference is not binding for the Institution)

A tal fine, consapevole delle sanzioni penali previste dall’ art. 76 del D.P.R. 445/2000 in caso di dichiarazione

mendace, ai sensi dell’art. 46 del citato D.P.R. In order to do so, aware of the sanctions provided by the art. 76 of the D.P.R. 445/2000 in case of false declaration, according to the art. 46 of the

abovementioned D.P.R.


- di essere consapevole che l'omessa o errata compilazione della domanda comporta la mancata

accettazione della stessa; to be aware of the fact that, the missed or the wrong compiling of the admission form, implicates the the non-acceptance of it;

- di essere consapevole che la contemporanea iscrizione e la conseguente frequenza a più corsi di studio

accademici e/o universitari è disciplinata come da decreto attuativo dell’art. 29, comma 21 della Legge 30

dicembre 2010 n.240; to be aware of the fact that, the simultaneous enrollment and consequent attendance to different academic and /or university study courses is

regulated as by implementing decree of Art 29, provision 21 of Law of the 30th December 2010 no. 240;

- di prepararsi all’esame di ammissione da autodidatta; to prepare for the exam as self-taught person;

oppure or

di essere stato preparato all’esame di ammissione da: to have been prepared for the entry exam by:

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


M° ______________________________________________________________________

(Cognome e Nome dell'insegnante) Teacher’s name and surname)

residente________________________________ in Via ___________________________ resident in street

- di eseguire per l’esame di ammissione il seguente programma (obbligatorio in caso di prova esecutiva): to perform the following program for the entry exam (compulsory field in case of executive test)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

- di essere in possesso dei seguenti titoli di studio: to be in possess of the following study certificates:

Titolo di studio Study certificate

Conseguito presso issued by

Data date

Votazione grade

Diploma di Maturità di Baccalaureate


Laurea in Degree


Diploma di Conservatorio Conservatory diploma


Diploma accademico di I livello in I level academic diploma


Diploma accademico di II livello in II level academic diploma


Eventuali altri diplomi Other possible diplomas


Eventuali altri titoli di esame conseguiti Other possible exam certificates


Altro Other



Teoria ritmica e percezione musicale Rhythmic theory and musical perception

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


o dichiara di avere conseguito la licenza/attestato di competenze di Teoria e solfeggio presso: declare to have obtained the licence/certificate of skills in Theory and Solfeggio issued by:


o chiede di aver attribuito il debito formativo di Teoria ritmica e percezione musicale; request to be assigned of the educational deficit in Rhythmic theory and musical perception;

o chiede di svolgere uno o più test del debito formativo relativo ai seguenti moduli di Teoria

ritmica e percezione musicale: request to take one or more test of the educational deficit related to the following modules of Rhythmic theory and musical perception:

o Lettura ritmica I rhythmic reading I

o Lettura ritmica II rhythmic reading II

o Lettura cantata Sight-singing

o Percezione e dettato melodico Perception and melodic dictation

o Teoria Musicale Music theory

Pratica e lettura al pianoforte Piano practice and reading

o dichiara di avere conseguito la licenza/attestato di competenze di Pianoforte complementare

presso: declare to have obtained the licence/certificate of complementary Piano issued by:

_________________________________________________________________________ ;

o chiede di aver attribuito il debito formativo di Pratica e lettura al pianoforte; request to be assigned of the educational deficit in Piano practice and reading;

o chiede di svolgere l'esame di debito formativo di Pratica e lettura al pianoforte. request to take the test of educational deficit in Piano practice and reading.

Tastiere storiche Historical keyboards

o dichiara di avere conseguito il diploma vecchio ordinamento o diploma accademico di I livello

di Clavicembalo conseguito presso: declare to have obtained the old degree Diploma or I level academic Diploma of Harpsichord issued by:

_________________________________ ________________________________________;

o chiede di aver attribuito il debito formativo di Tastiere storiche; request to be assigned of the educational deficit in Historical keyboards;

o chiede di svolgere l'esame di debito formativo di Tastiere storiche. request to take the of the educational deficit in Historical keyboards.

Teoria dell'armonia ed analisi Harmony theory and analysis

o dichiara di avere conseguito la licenza di Armonia complementare presso: declare to have obtained the license of Complementary harmony issued by:

_________________________________________________________________________ ;

o chiede di aver attribuito il debito formativo di Teoria dell'armonia ed analisi;

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


request to be assigned of the educational deficit in Harmony theory and analysis; o chiede di svolgere l'esame di debito formativo di Teoria dell'armonia ed analisi.

request to take the test of the educational deficit in Harmony theory and analysis. Lingua straniera comunitaria Inglese English foreign community language

o dichiara di sostenuto l'esame di Lingua straniera comunitaria Inglese presso: declare to have passed the exam of English foreign community language

_________________________________________________________________________ ;

o chiede di aver attribuito il debito formativo di Lingua straniera comunitaria Inglese; request to be assigned of the educational deficit in English foreign community language ;

o chiede di svolgere l'esame di debito formativo di Lingua straniera comunitaria Inglese. request to take the test of the educational deficit in English foreign community language.

Si allegano alla domanda i seguenti documenti: The following documents are attached to this application:

o Fotocopia di un documento di riconoscimento (il documento originale dovrà essere esibito al


dell’esame); copy of an identity card (the original document must be exhibited at the moment of the exam)

o Attestazione di versamento di € 50,00 sul c/c postale 00283903 intestato a Conservatorio “V.

Bellini” di Palermo, con causale “Contributo esame di ammissione”; proof of the payment of EUR 50,00 on the postal current account 00283903 made out to Conservatorio “V. Bellini” di Palermo, reason

“Contributo esame di ammissione”;

o Attestazione di versamento di € 6,04 sul c/c postale 1016 intestato a Agenzia delle Entrate –

Centro Operativo Pescara, con causale “Tasse scolastiche”; proof of payment of EUR 6,04 on the postal current account 1016 made out to Agenzia delle Entrate – Centro Operativo Pescara, reason “Tasse


o Curriculum vitae in formato europeo; EU CV;

o Attestazione reddito ISEE-U (ISEE Università) che può essere temporaneamente sostituita dalla

la ricevuta di presentazione della DSU (Dichiarazione sostitutiva unica integrale. Income certificate ISEE-U (ISEE University) which can be temporarily substituted by the submission of receipt of the DSU (Dichiarazione

sostitutiva unica integrale)

Gli studenti stranieri devono allegare i seguenti ulteriori documenti: Foreign students must attach the following additional documents:

a) Fotocopia del visto di soggiorno/ permesso di soggiorno; residence VISA and residence permit;

b) Fotocopia del passaporto (documento di identità per studenti comunitari), copy of the passport (identity card for EU students),

c) Diploma supplement, ove adottato; Diploma supplement, where adopted;

d) Dichiarazione di valore dei titoli dichiarati; Certificate of equivalence of the declared documents;

e) Traduzione in lingua italiana dei documenti allegati Translation into Italian language of the attached documents

Per ulteriori chiarimenti, si rimanda al sito Please visit the website for further clarification.

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Il sottoscritto dichiara di essere a conoscenza che i candidati idonei all’ammissione entrano in una

graduatoria ad esaurimento. L’accesso dei candidati idonei avverrà sui posti effettivamente

disponibili. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am aware of the fact that, the candidates eligible for the admission are entered in a ranking list until

exhaustion. Access of the eligible candidates will occur according to the essentially available places.

Palermo, lì____________________ Firma ________________________________

Allegato B



Application forms copies, printed from ISIDATA portal, may be submitted from the 15th May to the 30th

June 2017 at the Ufficio Protocollo of the Conservatory. On ISIDATA portal must attach the payment

receipts and Annex A.

Exam will cover a unique test, composed of:

1) Practical test (performance/written exam) and an oral exam.

2) Testing of competence for students who passed the practical test (where provided) related to:


A test of musical theory, test of rhythmic, tune into reading and recognition through transcription down

dictation of some measures , will establish the necessary surveys of skills regarding Music theory and

tonic sol-fa. It will also lay down the possible allocation of educational deficit, which consists in 5

modules: Rhythmic reading I, Rhythmic reading II, Sight-singing, Perception and melodic dictation and

Music theory. Students who achieved a degree in music theory, solfeggio and musical dictation. Are

exempt from the educational deficit allocation, and then, from the test. Students who achieved a degree

in Theory and solfeggio (singer), will receive the educational deficit of “Musical perception and musical

dictation” and “Rhythmic reading II”.


Musical theory test: through a test composed of ten questions, will establish basic and necessary

knowledge for a correct notation reading. Different books of Musical theory for sale, could become a

reference for the basic knowledge required in the test. You will pass the test by answering correctly at

least at six questions.

Rhythmic reading test: will establish practice solfeggio of a piece, even handwritten; difficulty

grade related to the third course both in treble clef and in the seven alternate clefs. Are

recommended books related to the third course of spoken solfeggio, such as Pozzoli III and

Appendice III, Ciriaco III, Poltronieri III, Pedron I and II series.

In case of reading inability students will be assigned one or two levels (if reading in the seven clefs is

not proved) related to Rhythmic reading module.

Sight singing test (Tune into reading): will establish skills of tuning a singing solfeggio, even

handwritten; difficulty grade related to the third course. Are recommended the same books of rhythmic


Perception and melodic dictation test (writing down dictation): student can notate some tonal measures

of medium difficulty, under dictation at the piano.


a scale (major with related melodic and harmonic minor one) in 2 octaves extension, Studio n. 2

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


from Pozzoli "15 studi facili per le piccole mani"; one polyphonic piece chosen by the board

between 2 submitted by the candidate; one original composition for piano (except polyphonic

pieces, studies) which difficulty grade must be at least equivalent to the provided studies.

- HARMONY THEORY AND ANALYSIS: oral exam about the following topics; elements of music

theory (intervals, scales, consonances and dissonances, triads); harmony theory 4 parts specification –

stretto and open, harmonic linking of chords to fundamental, inversion of triads, harmonic cadences and

suspensions, seventh cord and resolution to the diminished seventh cord also in inversion, dominant ninth

and their resolution also anticipated, harmonized scale – augmented sixth chords, Neapolitan sixth, near

and remote modulation, enharmonic, passing and volta chords: grace-note, anticipation, elision, pedal,

progressions also imitated – fundamental and derivative tonal and modulated, harmonic analysis of a 4

parts choral, form and music forms, with particular focus on fugue and sonata form with related analysis.

1) The score of the practice exam will be expressed in thirties.

2) Minimum score to be included to the eligible admission ranked list, or eligible with educational

deficit, is 18/30.

3) The board reserved the right to listen in part to the performed program.

4) Tests of point 2 will establish music basic preparation, for the potential assignment of educational deficits.

Students in possess of “Licenza di Teoria e Solfeggio”, “Licenza di Piano Complementare” are exempt

from the test of point 2. Assignment of potential educational deficits will implicate the admission to the

"Educational deficit period". Therefore, to students admitted to first level academic courses, may be

assigned during the entry test or ex officio, one or more educational deficits related to:

Main subjects included in own study plan

Theory, rhythmic and musical perception

Practice and piano reading

Score reading

Historical keyboards

Student should attend, for the needed time the “Educational deficit period”, until with adequate exam tests,

will have passed the related educational deficits. However, such period can not be longer than 3 years,

exclusively if the educational deficit is related to the main subject. If the student do not pass the educational

deficits during the abovementioned period, he can remain ennrolled to the Conservatoy and will take further

exams until he passes all the educational deficits, without benefit from further lessons provided for the assigned

educational deficits. Student could take different exams to pass the potential educational deficits related to the

main subjects of his study plan.

Student enrolled to “three-year period with educational deficit” (up to a maximum period of three years) cannot

attend any subject included in his study plan (except main subject) and the passage to the first effective year,

will take place only if all educational deficits are passed. Such passage will however take place with the

beginning of a following academic year.

By way of exception, students assigned during the entry test least one educational deficits between “Rhythmic

theory and music perception”, "Piano practice and reading", "Score reading" and "Historical keyboards"

(and not an educational deficit in the main subject) and pass the abovementioned educational deficits within

the extraordinary exam session, may pass during the year course to the I effective year degree course by making

adequate instance according to the procedures and terms provided in the Statement of Study in force.

5) Candidates must present to the practice test, where provided, with own piano accompanists and/or

generally instruments.

6) Here below is provided the entry exams program for every course, of tests at point 1 and 2.

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


7) Foreign students are obliged to take a test which will establish Italian language knowledge, contextually

to the admission exam. Depending on the result, student will be obliged, o no, to attend an Italian language

course (with final exam).

8) Possible eligibility does not guarantee the right to enrollment. Subsequent measures will indicate

eligible students during the admission, and admitted according to the performance ranking and

available places.

Annex C



Practice test

1. Performance at candidate’s choice of 2 studies from the following volumes:

- N.C.Bochsa - "50 Studi op.34"_ " Forty Studies" 1°vol.

- F.J.Dizi - "48 Studi"1°vol.

- J.M.Damase – "30 Studi"vol.1°-2°

2. Performance of a baroque or orginal classic composition, or transcribed from harpsichord or from


3. Performance of an original romantic compositione, or modern or jazz, also tranmscribed from piano;

4. First-sight;

5. Motivational interview;

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

Candidate will present a program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty grade

taken from the repertoire of the instrument or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice, of

the same duration, with the correspondent modern instrument. Candidate can also use another

instrument, provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys, or equivalent

for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

1. Perfomance of a piece of medium difficulty grade,at candidate’s choice, with piano accompaniment.

2. Performance of two studies at candidate’s choice taklen from the following methods:

Kopprasch 60 studies I part

V.Blazhevich 70 studies I part

3. 3) Generic, musical and motivational interview

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading;


Practice test

1. One singing solfege by drawing lots out of three presented by the candidate, chosen by the following


Concone – 10,15, 25, 50

Nava op.9 II part

Panseron II part

Seidler II part

Panofka op. 81 for all voices

Lütgen II volume (also vocalized)

Tosti I and II volume

2. Presentation of three arias by heart, chosen from operatic repertoire from the 1700 to l800 years.

3. Presentation of one oratorio or sacred aria, chosen from the baroque, classic or romantic repertoire

4. Presentation of one chamber aria, in original language, chosen from the romantic or modern repertoire

Possible interview about music topics, generic and motivational. Board, at its own discretion, will decide if let

the candidate perform the whole or partial part of the presented program.

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Candidates whose previous learning process s not certified by a Conservatory, will take a test of basic music

knowledge skills in order to attribute potential educational deficits, which have to be passed, if admitted, during

the first year of course.


For students admitted to the three-year period course, the program to pass the voice educational deficit is

related to the ordinary course, and purposely confirm and promotion exam or admission to the II year.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;.


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

Performance of a free program, duration about 20 minutes, which establish the skill to apply

fundamental techniques and solve interpretative problems related to the presented compositions,

including pieces from the solo repertoire of at least two different centuries.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

1. One study drawn by lot between two presented, chosen by: F. Sor: taken from op. 29 and from

op. 6 (correspondents from no. 11 to no. 20 of Sor-Segovia’s revision);

One study drawn by lot between two presented, chosen by: H. Villa Lobos: taken from Douze


One study at candidate’s choice taken from the following operas: L. Brouwer (Estudio Sencillos

no. 11-20), S. Dodgson (20 Studies) , F. Farkas (Exercitium Tonale)

2. Performance of one suite or partita (or three pieces of different character, also of different authors)

of centuries XVI, XVII, XVIII, taken from literature for lute, vihuela or ancient guitar, of medium

difficulty grade;

3. Performance of one composition at candidate’s choice between the following::

N. Paganini: Sonate o composizioni originali

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


L. Legnani: 36 Capricci op. 20

N. Coste: 25 Studi op. 38

F. Tarrega: Grandi studi

A. Barrios: Studi and/or Composizioni

M. Llobet: Original compositions (excluded popular catalan songs)

E. Pujol: Original compositions of Studes from III and IV vol. of the rational Method

4. Performance of one composistion of modern or contemporary author.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

1. Performance of a piece for clarinet with piano accompaniment at candidate’s choice.

2. Performance of two studies drawn by lots out of six presented by the candidate from the following


Cavallini 30 capricci

Klosè 20 characteristic studies

Jean-Jean Studies from the three volumes

Stark 24 studies in all tonality op.49

3. Interview of general music and motivational.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

Candidate should present a program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from the instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of

the same duration, of medium difficulty grade with recorder or another wind instrument. Candidate

can also use another instrument, provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by

Conservatorys, or equivalent for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

- One sonata by Scarlatti;

- Two movements (one slow-in a singing style and one lively) of one of first classicism (e.g.: C. Ph.

E. Bach, J. Ch. Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Clementi);

- One two-voices invention and one prelude and fugue from “Well tempered clavier harpsichord” by

J. S. Bach;

- Other possible and optional piece of harpsichord repertoire at candidate’s choice.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

Multiple test, to realize within time limit 7 hours:

- short bass to harmonize in 4 parts (stretto or open), with imitative prompts;

- short melody to harmonize in 4 mixed voices choral form or with piano accompaniment;

- composition of one expository episode on a theme given for piano or instrumental organ.

Candidates in possess of “compimento inferiore di composition” are exempt from the written test.

Prova orale

- interview related to composition techniques (harmony, music forms, etc.);

- Presentation of compositions by the candidate;

- Explanatory and orientation interview for potential choices of composition courses.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



Practice test

Candidate should demonstrate a good knowledge of the first half of the keyboard and of the first positions

in capotasto, by presenting:

a) One piece for double bass and piano or for solo double bass (also transcription);

b) one study at choice between the following methods:

- I. Billè: “IV corso normale” (one of the “20 esercizi sulle diverse scale in

forma di studi”);

- R. Kreutzer: “18 studi per contrabbasso – dagli originali per violino”

- F. Simandl: “Nuovo metodo parte II” (one of the ten initial studies).

NB: Candidate, where provided, will present with his own piano accompanist.


Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from the instrumental repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of

the same duration, of medium difficulty grade with recorder or another wind instrument. Candidate can

also use another instrument, provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by

Conservatorys, or equivalent for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

1. Performance of a short piece or one concert, at candidate’s choice, with piano accompaniment;

2. Performance di two studies drawn by lots between six presented by the candidate taken from the

following methods:

G. Kopprasch, I part

G. Kopprasch, II part

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


3. Performance of one piece or one study at candidate’s choice, which includes the transposition of one

or more tonalitys;

4. Generic, musical and motivational interview

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of the

same duration, with correspondant modern instrument. Candidate can also use another instrument,

provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys, or equivalent for study


Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test:

1) Motivational interview

2) pratice-instrumental test, point a) or point b), according to the chosen instrument:

a) Candidates who will choose in their study plan, one of the following instruments, even if

prevoius skills are missing, the test will be attitudinal: voice, percussions, piano, organ, accordion,

guitar, mandolin, flute (recorder or transverse flute), clarinet, saxophone, trumpet,

b) Candidates who will choose in their study plan, one of the following instruments, is provided

the performance of one piece of maximum duration of 10 minutes related to the program of the

second course of the old course degree: harp, viola, violin, violoncello, oboe, bassoon, trombone,

euphonium, double bass, horn, and harpsichord.

(1) Candidates in possess of Compimento inferiore (old degree courses) of the chosen instrument

or voice, or in possess of a first and/or second level academic Diploma issued by a music

conservatory, are exempt from the test no. 2.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1) 4 voices attunement, in modern clefs, of an imitate bass assigned by the board: lock down in room

equipped with a piano; time available: 8 hours.

Candidates who will not obtain eligibility or who will not take this exam, will obtain an educational

deficit in Choral composition, with a number of compulsory attendance hours, established by the

examining board, to attend during the preparatory training activities.

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


2) Extemporaneous reading chanting of the single voices in one choral composition assigned by the

board, with mention to directorial gesture (candidate will have about 5 minutes for preparatory


Candidates in possess of Licenza di Armonia principale (IV year Composition course of old degree

courses) or of an equivalent skills certificate, will exonerate from the test no. 1.


1) Extemporaneous harmonic analysis of short movements taken from choral or choral/instrumental

scores proposed by the board (recognition of accords, ornamental notes, cadences).

2) Possible presentation of own vocal/choral compositions.

3) Attitudinal and motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception.

- Practice and piano reading


Admission skills required:

distinctive Conducting aptitudes;

achievement of old or new course Diploma (trhree-year periodor two-year period) of one instrument.


Ludwig van Beethoven, symphony no. 1 in C major op.21.


Conduction of one piece at candidate’s choice between the followings:

1. Ludwig van Beethoven, Prometeo ouverture;

2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Don Giovanni ouverture;

3. Maurice Ravel, Pavane pour une infante dèfunte;

Candidate has about 30’ minutes to perform the test, with the help of an In case of the orchestra is missing,

and only after ascertained the impossibility to organize an adequate orchestra to carry out the institutional task

provided by the current legislation, it will be performed with 1 or 2 pianos and an accompanying pianist

identified and named by the Conservatory’s Direction.. Board, during the practice test, can interrupt the

candidate in every moment.


1) brief interview on topics related the compulsory test and the performed test;

2) Short written and/or oral exam focused on the knowledges related to the following topics:

Basic conducting technique;

High sounds perception;



Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo




In order to take the successive tests, the necessary Conducting exam must be passed with minimum 18/30.

Every judgement will be expressed in thirties, except for point 1 of the oral test, from which will originate the

final average grade.

In order to obtain eligibility, further the practice test passing, should obtain the minimum grade of 18/30 on

four out of six tests provided at the point 2 of the oral exam.

If the student fails one of the six points of the oral exam, but has obtained a minimum grade of 18/30 both in

the compulsory test and in the practice test, the related educational deficit will be assigned: it should be passed

before taking exam of “Conducting I” of the first year course.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading;

- Harmony theory and analysis.


Practice test

1. Performance of the concert for tuba and piano by T.Stevens “Variation in oldenstyle”

2. Performance of two studies at candidate’s choice out of six presented, taken from the following


Gatti - Metodo per trombone e strumenti congeneri seconda part no°6

Bordogni - 24 studi vocalizzi n°4

3. Generic, musical and motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


1. One concert piece accompanied with the piano

2. Two studies drawn by lots between the following:

J. Weissenborn 2° Volume op. 8 No° 31;

E. Kracamp No° 5 of the 2° part;

Pivonka little studies for bassoon No° 28

Milde op. 26 studi da concerto, first part No° 1;

3. All tonality scales, major and minor

Generic, musical and motivational interview..

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of the

same duration, of medium difficulty grade with recorder or another wind instrument. Candidate can also

use another instrument, provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys,

or equivalent for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Admission skills required:

- Fundamental keyboard technique (independence and speed of the five fingers, scales, arpeggios,

double notes, octaves, polyphonic technique, embellishment performance, etc.), knowledge of left-

hand manual free-bass system;

- Sight-reading a simple piece for keyboard.

Test procedure:

- Performance test;

- sight-reading test of a simple piece proposed by the board.

Practice test

1. Performance of 2 studies, drawn by lots during the exam, between 5 prepared by the candidate and

taken from the 1°, 2°, 3° volume of the “ Gradus ad Parnassum” di AA. VV. (Ed. Hohner)


2. Performance of 1 Prelude and Fugue taken from the “Well tempered clavier harpsichord” by J. S.

Bach, chosen between two prepared by the candidate;

3. Performance of one composition taken from the literature for key, chosen by the candidate between

the following authors, according the most modern and accredited transcriptions sn critic revisions:

- W. Byrd – F. Couperin - C. De Arauxo – A. De Cabezon – J. Dowland – A.Gabrieli – G.

Gabrieli - C. Merulo – J. Pachelbel – G. Frescobaldi – D. Scarlatti – G.F. Haendel – D.Cimarosa

– D.Zipoli – A.Soler.

4. Performance of one original composition for accordion, at candidate’s choice, difficulty grade

related to the year course, or at choice between the following:

- P.Creston: Prelude and Dance – S.Di Gesualdo: Improvvisazione n. 1 – L.Foss: Curriculum

Vitae – A.Kusyakov. Sonata – T.Lundquist: metamorphoses – H.Sauguet: Choral variè –

O.Scmidt. Toccata n. 1 – J.J. Werner: Premiere Sonatine.

5. Culture test, where the candidate has to demonstrate to know history and technique characteristics

of the accordion.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces for flute with piano accompaniment at candidate’s free

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



2. Performance of two studies drawn by lots out of six presented by the candidate from the

following methods:

Andersen 24 esercizi op.30

Furstenau 26 esercizi op.107

Hugues 40 nuovi studi op.75

Generic, musical and motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance test with recorder, or subordinately with modern transverse modern flute:

- one sonata in Italian style for flute and b.c. of XVII or XVIII century;

- Jacob van Eyck, from “Der Fluyten Lust-Hof” one piece at choice between Fantasia en Echo,

Preludium ofte Voorspel, or one them with minimum two variations at choice between Boffons,

Lanterlu, Van Goosen, Questa dolce sirena, or: Anonimo, Variazioni su Greensleeves or “Paul

Steeple” or “Divisions on a Ground”;

- Other possible piece of ancient repertoire at candidate’s choice.

2. sight-reading test of one or more simple pieces proposed by the board;

3. oral interview on generic musical culture of the candidate, with particular reference to renaissance

and baroque music repertoires.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of the

same duration, of medium difficulty grade with recorder or another wind instrument. Il Candidate can

also use another instrument, provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by

Conservatorys, or equivalent for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of the

same duration of medium difficulty grade with guitar, or harp, or mandolin. Candidate can also use

another instrument, provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys, or

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


equivalent for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

1) Performance of one study drawn by lots between 3 presented by the candidate chosen by:

Clementi: Gradus ad Parnassum, Czerny op.740, Cramer, Chopin, Listz, Mendelssohn, Moscheless,

Kessler, Debussy, other studies of equivalent difficulty grade.

2) Performance of one prelude and fugue from Well tempered clavier harpsichord by J.S.Bach drawn

by lots between three presented by the candidate.

3) Performance of an important classic sonata

4) Performance of one piece of the romantic or modern period

5) Presentation of a curriculum including music studies carried out and the studied repertoire

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one composition for “Mandolin and figured bass, piano or guitar” at candidate’s

choice. For the convenience of candidates are indicated:

a) Sonata per mandolino e basso continuo: E.BARBELLA - Sonata in RE maggiore,

G.B.GERVASIO - Sonata in RE maggiore n.1, D.SCARLATTI - Sonata in RE minore K 89;

b) Mandolino e chitarra: B.BORTOLAZZI - Tema e variazioni in SOL maggiore, BORTOLAZZI -

Tema e variazioni in LA maggiore, N.PAGANINI - Serenata per mandolino e chitarra;

c) Mandolino e piano: R.CALACE - Fantasia poetica, A.KAUFMANN - Burletta e Mitoka


2. Performance of one composition for “Mandolin solo” at candidate’s choice.

For the convenience of candidates are indicated:

a) C.MUNIER Cadenze e preludi - DO, SOL, FA, LA, MI, SI maggiore - SOL, RE, MI, SI, minore;

b) F.LECCE Sonate e Partite No°2-3-5-6-10-11-12-14-15-16-17-23-27-28-29-30-43-49;

3. Performance of:

a) One study chosen between the No°79-81-83-84 del metodo di R.CALACE vol.II (ed. CALACE);

b) One study scelto fra i N°138-140-154-165-182 del metodo di R.CALACE vol.III (ed. CALACE);

c) One study chosen between the DO maggiore - SOL maggiore -RE maggiore - LA maggiore - MI

maggiore and related minor of the finger excercises in first position by C.MUNIER.

4. Performance of one scale and related arpeggio at choice between major and minor tonality, harmonic

and melodic up to four alterations with three octaves extension.

5. Generic, musical and motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



Practice test

Admission test will be composed of three parts:

1. Written test;

2. Attitudinal tests;

3. interview.

To prepare to the written test, use of the following text is suggested:

Cremaschi, Giomi, “Rumore bianco”, ed. Zanichelli.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

Singers and pianists can be admitted to the three-year period course of Vocal chamber music.

1. Performance of a program at candidate’s choice of maximum duration of about 20 minutes

including pieces of the chamber vocal original repertoire: lied, chansonne, romance of '800s

and operatic of ‘900s.

2. Pianists who do not performance in duo, it is possible to substitute point 1 with a

program of about 20 minutes, which includes pieces of romantic period

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Major and minor scales upon request made by the board

2. Performance of one concert or sonata at candidate’s choice

3. One study at candidate’s choice taken from: C. Paessler, 24 Larghi, Ricordi – one study taken

between two presented by the candidate taken from W. Ferling, 48 Studi op. 31, Billaudot (even


Studies at number 3 may be substituted with others (one chosen by the candidate and one taken between two

presented) taken from the study program of one of the years following to the first year course, subject to

agreement with the teacher

Generic, musical and motivational interview..

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of the

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


same duration, of medium difficulty grade with recorder or another wind instrument. Candidate can also

use another instrument, provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys,

or equivalent for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Admission to the first year course

Piano test (Candidates in possess of Diploma or “Compimento medio” of old degree course, or Piano

three-year period/two-year period Degree)

- Performance of one study at choice from Gradus ad Parnassum by Clementi

- Performance of one prelude and fugue from the “Well tempered clavier harpsichord” by J. S.


- Performance of one sonata by Beethoven

Organ test

- Performance of one important prelude, or toccata or fantasia and fugue by J. S. Bach

- Performance of one composition chosen between the following:

a) C. Franck, Prelude, fugue and variation in B minor

b) F. Mendelssohn, Sonata for organ no. 3

c) M. Reger, Introduzione and Passacaglia in D minor, op. posthumous

Harmony test

Harmonization of a four vices choral, on short melody assigned by the board, maximum time three


Improvisation test

Harmonic module line, on harmonic schema assigned by the board. Board may assign educational


Admission with one year educational deficit (course minimum duration: four years)


- Two studies from 40 by Czerny, op. 244 (from no.13 onwards) One sonata by Clementi

- One piece from French or English Suites and one three voices invention, by J. S. Bach


- One of the “Eight little preludes and fugues” by J. S. Bach One piece at choice, with pedal,

of the XIX or XX century


- Written harmonization of one simple bass of harmony, in maximum time of three hours.

Tests: Theory, solfeggio and musical dictation

At the end of the educational deficit period (not less than one complete academic year) to pass to the

first year of the three-year period course, student should take exams of piano, organ, harmony and

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


improvisation – beyond other possible educational deficits –by performing the whole program

provided in the admission exam of the first year course.

Admission with two years educational deficit (course minimum duration: five years)


- Two studies by Czerny, 40 studies op 299 (from no. 1 to no. 12) or by Pozzoli (24 studi di

acile meccanismo)

- One simple sonata by Clementi (or other author of the same period) One two-voices

invention by J. S. Bach

Organ (optional): Free program Tests: Theory, solfeggio and music dictation

At the end of the educational deficit period 2 (not less than one complete academic year) student

should take exams of piano, organ, harmony and possible other assigned educational deficits.


- Carry out procedures of educational deficit periods and exams are established by specific


- Board can decide to which year of educational deficit will the candidate admitted, independently

to the presented program.

- Pieces already performed in other previous exams cannot be presented.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Harmony theory and analysis


Required admission skills:

Techniques and interpretative skills:

a) knowledge and awareness of the fundamental piano technique:

scales, arpeggios, octaves, thirds, sixth, ribattuta notes, expressiveness and use of pedals;

b) knowledge and awareness of the polyphonic technique;

c) knowledge and pratice of the piano repertoire with particular focus on forms and styles of the

different historical periods.

Test procedure

Exame before the board.

Programma delle prove di ammissione

1. Performance of one study drawn by lots between three presented by the candidate chosen between

the studies of

Clementi: Gradus ad Parnassum, Czerny op.740, Cramer, Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn,

Moscheles, Kessler, Debussy or other studies of equivalent difficulty grade;

2. Performance of one prelude and fugue from The Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach, drawn by

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


lots between three presented by the candidate;

3. Performance of one important classic sonata;

4. Performance of one piece of the romantic or modern period;

5. Performance of a curriculum including carried out musical studies and the studied repertoire.


It is possible to take the exam with a program of technical-executive level not in compliance to the one

provided, as long as it remains loyal to the provided tests: polyphony, studies, sonata (complete), piece.

If even only one of the provided tests is missing, the exam program cannot be accepted. In this case the

candidate cannot take the admission exam. In case one or more tests are non in compliance to the ones

provided in the program, it is however possible to be admitted with an educational deficit, which candidate

should pass during a period of time from six months to three years. .

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

- Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

- Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

- Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

Required admission skills: 1. Chromatic scale on all the extension

2. Major and minor diatonic scales

3. Performance of one study taken from three presented by candidate.

As an indication, are pointed out the following methods:

J.M.Londeix Il sassofono nella nuova didattica 2° vol. ed.Bèrben

Blemant 20 studi melodici ed. Leduc

Klosè 15 studi cantati ed. Leduc

Klosè 25 studi giornalieri ed.Leduc

Mule 18 studi Berbiguer ed. Leduc

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

Multiple test in time limit of 7 hours:

- harmonizing a 4 parts short bass (stretto or open) with imitative prompts;

- harmonizing short melody in choral form of 4 mixed voices;

- performance of an expository episode on given theme for piano and wind instrument or for wind

group (max 5 instruments).

Candidates in possess of the “Compimento inferiore di composizione” are exempt from written test.

Oral test

- interview related to composition techniques (harmony, music forms, etc);

- presentation of compositions by the candidate, of which at least one (original or transcription) for

wind orchestra;

- Explanatory and orientation interview for potential choices of composition courses.

Skills test

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- specific practice and piano reading for wind orchestra;

- Harmony theory and analysis.


Practice test

1. Performance of two studies of medium difficulty grade for drums, which demonstrate knowledge of the

fundamental rudiments, of the embellishments (single, double and triple grace notes), of the drum roll

(measured or double and brush or closed). Example: Wilcoxon, Vic Firth, Delecluse, Peters, etc:

2. Prove of performance with keyboard instruments (e.g. xylophone) all the major and minor scales,

included maximum extension of arpeggios allowed from the instrument, with two or four drumsticks;

3. Performance of one study with xylophone or marimba chosen by the board between three presented by

the candidate; (e.g: Torrebruno per xilo n. 53, Goldenberg, Pachla, Musser, Stout, etc);

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


4. Performance with vibrafono of one four-drumstciks study, including "Dampening" technique, chosen by

the board between three presented by the candidate (example: Friedman, Molenhov, Delecluse, Wiener,


5. Performance of one study of medium difficulty grade for at least three kettledrums with tuning changes,

chosen by the board between three presented by the candidate. (example: Vic Firth, Delecluse, Goodman


6. Performance of a short composition for only percussions and with piano accompaniment (e.g. vibrafono

- pf., xylophone - pf., drums - pf., multipercussions - pf.).

7. Performance of passages of medium difficulty grade taken the operatic-symphonic repertoire (e.g.

Rossini, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Caikovskij, Brahms, Verdi) related to the different percussion

instruments in use in the operatic-symphonic orchestra.

8. Music generic interview. Brief historical outline related to the origin of the percussion instruments and

their purpose, with particular focus on the XX century and contemporary music. Percussions in extra

European traditions.

Board, at its own discretion, will decide if let the candidate perform the whole or partial part of the

presented program.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

1. Performance of one concert or one sonata at candidate’s choice with piano accompaniment;

2. Performance of two studies drawn by lots out of six presented by the candidate between the

following methods:

Kopprasch II part

Peretti II part

Bordogni 25 vocalice

Generic, musical and motivational interview..

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading


Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of the

same duration, with correspondent modern instrument. Il Candidate can also use another instrument,

provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys, or equivalent for study


Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Practice test

1 Performance of one movement of one sonata or concert at candidate’s choice, with piano


2 Performance of one study at candidate’s choice, taken from the following methods:

Peretti part I

Arban’s unique method

Bordogni 24 legato studies (vocalises) for trombone

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Practice and piano reading

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



Practice test

Candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. He can perform also a program at his choice of the

same duration, with correspondent modern instrument. The Candidate can also use another instrument,

provided that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys, or equivalent for study


Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Test: Exame before the board.

Practice test

Performance of one free program of about 15 minutes duration. Exam can be taken with the viola or


Board, at its own discretion, will decide if let the candidate perform the whole or partial part of the

presented program.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Practice test

The candidate should present one program of 20 minutes duration, including pieces of medium difficulty

grade taken from instrument repertoire or similar. Il Candidate can also use another instrument, provided

that in possess of a “compimento inferiore” issued by Conservatorys, or equivalent for study level.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Test: exam before the board.

Practice test

Performance of a free program of about 15 minutes duration. Exam can be taken with the viola or with


Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo


Board, at its own discretion, will decide if let the candidate perform the whole or partial part of the

presented program.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;


Prova pratica

1. Performance of one slow and one quick movement taken from a sonata by Arcangelo Corelli op.V at

candidate’s choice between the no.7, no.8 and no.10, one slow and one quick movement taken from a

sonata at choice between the no.1, no.5, no.8. of the Op.II by Antonio Vivaldi;

2. Performance of one of the two sonatas a sopran solotaken taken from the “Sonate concertate in stil

moderno” by Dario Castello;

3. The candidate can, in addition, perform one piece at his choice taken from the baroque and romantic

repertoire (not necessary);

4. Interview with the board. The board can submit general culture questions to the candidate related to

the preromantic repertoire.

Verifica delle competenze

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards


Prova pratica

1. Performance of one or more pieces at candidate’s choice taken from jazz and/or classic and/or

contemporary repertoire, solo or with instrumental accompaniment up to the candidate;

2. Reading and performance of a melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic line proposed by the board;

3. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Pratica e lettura a piano


Prova pratica

1. Performance of one movement a choice, chosen from one Suite by J.S. Bach

2. Performance of one Sonata movement (from the Baroque period to the historical XX century) or

of a Concert movement (from the Classic period onwards)

3. Performance of two studies by Popper (from “High School Of Cello Playing - 40 Etude, Op. 73”)

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

Conservatorio di Musica "Vincenzo Bellini" Palermo



Pratice test

1. It is required a performance of 20 minutes of music taken from the repertoire for solo violoncello

and figured bass of 1600-1700 period. The program can be performed with the modern violoncello.

2. Motivational interview.

Skills test:

- Theory, rhythmic and musical perception;

- Historical keyboards

The Director

Prof. Daniele FICOLA