Download - Admira Digital Signage, Retail Innovation & Smart Citiies


!  Advanced innovative digital signage, smart cities and IOT technology platform with over 10 year of experience.

About Admira

Admira Benefits









Admira Scope





Admira scope

" Digital sign solutions enables playing contents (informative, advertising or entertaining) remotely on any kind of screen and to manage them all from one place.

" ADMIRA’s mobile system allows any kind of content to be shown on mobile devices through third party apps both in Android and iPhone. Interactivity through NCF, QR codes and Augmented Reality.

" ADMIRA’s cloud managing allows users to work through a virtual server with no need to install or update anything and operate in real time.

" The concept “Internet of Things” allows any element to be connected to the Internet and, therefore, to broadcast content or generate interactivity with the user.

«Resolving the major challenges of digital signage» since 1996

Admira in 2015

!  Admira(has(partners(in(over(40(countries.(

Global capacities

Connected to the online world

Admira Suite – The(Most(Comprehensive(Digital(Signage(PlaUorm(

Admira( Suite( is( an( open( soluDon( for( managing( adverDsing(integrated( circuits( at( the( point( of( sale( (POS).( Provides( all( the(features( and( technical( capabiliDes( for( the( creaDon,( publicaDon,(broadcast( and( control( of( adverDsing( circuits( (digital( signage( /(narrow(casDng).(

Admira – fast track functionalities

"  Uploading(videos(/(mulDmedia(content(in(any(format.(

"  Publica9on(and(customizaDon(of(video(/(mulDmedia(content.(

"  User(administra9on((licensing(and(working(groups).(

"  MulDmedia(content(management(and(allocaDon(of(keywords.(

"  CreaDng(playlists(for(the(various(iniDaDves(/(circuits.(

"  Possibility(of(virtual(market/auc9on(of(mulDmedia(content.(

"  Content(distribu9on(to(the(various(points(of(sale((PoS).(

"  Management(of(the(broadcast(of(mulDmedia(content.(

"  Visualiza9on(and(direct(control(circuits.(

Admira Touch Solutions

Admira Touch Solutions

!  The Admira platform allows you to configure the touch screen with two options: advertising contents, interactive and transactional. The screen becomes a personal interactive screen.

Benefits: !  Increased deposits !  Reduced staffing needs !  Lower training costs !  Increased customer satisfaction !  Strengthened brand loyalty

!  Education

!  Banks

!  Transport

!  Supermarkets

!  Shopping centers

!  Urban furniture

!  In Store

!  Outdoor

!  Smartcities

Success stories

!  Largest( metro( channel( consisDng( of( more( than( 50( stops( of( metro(staDons(and(>(1000(trains(/(buses(

!  Winner(of(the(Smart(CiDes(Award(

Experience – Metro of Barcelona

!  Circuit of 50 shopping centers !  Footfall 60 - 80 million a year !  Promotions 'segmented' in real time

Experience – Shopping centers of Impact Media

Experience – Retail stores of Media Markt

!  > 2500 screens synchronized !  > 100 daily promotions !  Promotional and informational content !  More than 3 million viewers

Experience – Dani Supermarkets

!  40 daily promotions and > 50 carousels !  Plan of extension to supermarket group !  Certified Sales Increase !  Contents promotional and training

!  Incasol !  Forum of Culture !  Frankfurt Book Fair !  European Space Agency !  Expo, Zaragoza !  Sensations

Success Education Stories

Success Education Stories

!  Incasol !  Forum of Culture !  Frankfurt Book Fair !  European Space Agency !  Expo of Zaragoza !  Sensations

Success Education Stories

!  Incasol !  Forum of Culture

!  Frankfurt Book Fair !  European Space Agency !  Expo of Zaragoza !  Sensations

Success Education Stories

!  Incasol !  Forum of Culture !  Frankfurt Book Fair

!  European Space Agency !  Expo of Zaragoza !  Sensations

Success Education Stories

!  Incasol !  Forum of Culture !  Frankfurt Book Fair !  Samsung !  European Space Agency !  World Expo of Zaragoza

!  Sensations

Admira challenges

Admira challenges

Admira challenges

Admira challenges

Admira challenges

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Smart Life Developing new ideas fora better city