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ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a neurological disease that has

long been misunderstood and ill-treated.

The patients, generally children, have had to suffer from years of subdues self-

confidence and social embarrassment due to no fault of theirs. Though the exact causes

for this disease remain unknown, it is said that a variety of genetic, social and

environmental factors play a key role in determining that exact combination of genes

that render a person vulnerable to this ailment.

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George Frederic Still, in 1902, set the balls rolling to find the elusive cause of this

emotionally destructive disease when he researched on a group of twenty children

who were reported to exhibit atrocious behavior even when they had been subjected

to so-called “correct parentage.” Since then, many neurologists, scientists,

psychiatrists namely Eugene Kahn and Louis H. Cohen (1934) Charles Bradley (1937) to

Maurice Laufer, Paul Wender and Alan Zametkin and Rachel Gittleman-Klein and the

other current researchers, have been befuddled with false leads, multiple theories,

absolutely divergent researches to get to what little we know of ADHD today.

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Though the widely accepted view is that ADHD is caused due to the improper functioning

of a chemical in the brain called DOPAMINE which acts as a neuro-transmitter, a recent

finding by a University in UK has also negated this theory by saying that it is not

dopamine but a faulty structuring of the grey matter in the brain that is the probable

cause. With so many opposing views, the only thing that is for certain is the symptoms

the patients have to go through. These include inattentiveness, constant fidgeting,

hyperactivity, a gross inability to manage time, tendency to procrastinate work, problem

in doing gross motor skills work, erratic mood swings leading to bipolar disorder etc.

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Symptoms sound like the traits of a lazy person? It is this notion that has resulted in

humiliation and embarrassment of ADHD patients, young and old alike, in front of

family, friends, colleagues etc. for events that are not in their control. It is a common

myth that ADHD, if exists, stays only during the childhood or late-teens of an individual

and gradually ceases to exist as they turn into adults. However, recent findings have

shown that 1 in 20 US adults suffers from the disease and 90% of them are untreated.

An attitude of understanding from the family and friends goes a long way in building

that long lost self-confidence of a patient. Many organizations have come forward to

spread ADHD education in adults so that they can help out a sufferer to create proper

itineraries and develop a sense of will power to overcome the mess that this disease

brings with itself.

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RESOURCE You can visit these entire links to find information on ADHD

ADHD Health Centers

National Institutes of Health:




ADHD CME Providers

ADHD in Adults:
