Download - Adding a User-Defined Alert-SAP b1

Page 1: Adding a User-Defined Alert-SAP b1

Adding a User-Defined Alert

Users can define many types of alerts to their specifications.


You have defined users to whom the alerts are to be sent.

You have defined a query to enable configuring the alert.


1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose AdministrationAlerts

Management .The window opens in find mode.(Find Button will be visible)

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2. Switch to Add mode (Press Ctrl + A) and perform the following:

(Add Button will be visible)

1. Specify a name for the alert. e.g , Invoice > 2000


Specify a name for a new user-defined alert.

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2. Select a priority: Low, Normal or High.


Specify a Low, Regular or High urgency factor.

Messages sent with high priority are displayed in red and with an exclamation mark in

the recipient’s inbox.

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3. Select Active to enable sending messages for this alert.


Ensures that the alert will be sent.

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4. Double-click the Query field, and in the displayed Open Saved Queries

window, double-click the required query.

Note: See example for the query given at the end of the document


Double-click to open the Open Saved Query window and select the required query.

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5. From the Users list, select the recipients of the message.


Choose the users to whom you are sending the alert.

6. Select an appropriate checkbox to define how to send the alerts to each

user, for example, by SMS.


Select for each user to whom you are sending the internal message.

E-mail, SMS, Fax

Select some or all of these options per user.

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7. In the Frequency field, specify a value for the time interval between alerts,

that is, how often an alert should be sent.

When this field is empty, the message is sent only once.


Select how often the Alert should be sent

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8. Select Save History to display the log of alerts in the Messages / Alerts

Overview window.

Leaving the checkbox blank causes each new alert to overwrite the

previous one.

Save History

Saves a log of the alerts in the Messages / Alerts Overview window.

9. Choose Add to save the alert.


The alert is now active and triggers a message to the selected users as soon as the event

defined in the specific query occurs.

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Updating Alerts

1. To change the name of an alert:

1. Open the alert window.

2. Overwrite the name.

3. Choose Update, and OK to save the changes.

2. To change the query for a user-defined alert:

1. Hold down the CTRL key and double-click the Query field. The Saved

Query window opens.

2. Double-click the required query to select it.

3. Choose Update, and OK to save the data.

Please follow the below steps to Create/attach query in SAP B1


Scenario: Query to generate Alert for Invoice (AR Invoice) document if

the Document total exceeds Rs. 2000

1. Go to the Menu Bar in SAP B1. Now browse though Tools ->

Queries -> Query Generator

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2. Click on Query Generator. Query Generator window will open

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3. On extreme left of Query Generator a small yellow rectangle will

appear. Place the cursor in the rectangle and press Tab .

4. A Choose From List Window will appear. On the right side of Find

write OINV ( AR INVOICE TABLE NAME).Click Choose Button.

Now in the Query Generator window all the fields of OINV table will

appear.Two columns 1. Name ( Name of the field) 2. Description

(Description of the field) will appear.

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5. Place the cursor in the “select” rectangular box of Query


Under “ Name” Column Double Click “DocNum” Field. “DocNum”

Will appear in the “select” rectangular box.

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6. Place the cursor in the “where” rectangular box of Query Generator.

Under Name Column Double Click “DocTotal” Field. “DocTotal”

Will appear in the “where” rectangular box.

Now add > 2000 in the “where” rectangular box.

Finally “T0.[DocTotal] >2000” will appear in the “where”

rectangular box.

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7. Now Click “Execute” Button at the Bottom of Query Generator

window. A new window will appear. Click on the “Save” Button.

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8. Save Query window will appear .In the Query Name ,specify the

name for the query e.g, Invoice > 2000. Click “Manage Categories”

Button a new window Create/Edit Categories will appear.Specify the

Category Name e.g A/R Invoice.Click “Select All” Button.Then click

“ADD ” THEN “OK” Button.

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9. Now Choose Category Name “A/R Invoice” from the List and Click

“SAVE” Button

10. Now follow the procedure for Adding Alert .