Download - Ada Easter Retreat

  1. 1. his years Easter retreat saw a different phase. Cleaning of the venue was done as usual on Holy Thursday by Pastor Miriam and her abled members Delphina and Isaac. On Good Friday morning all those who have registered to be part of the retreat gathered at the church premise at 6:30am. The first bus was filled with all the big mamas headed by Mama Akos a.k.a me da na ma da. In fact I had to spiritually anagkazo pastor elect Rexford to join the big mamas. This was to disintegrate his fictitious plans of being part of the slim bodies and pastor elect Adepa a.k.a wenim eguase to make noise. The second bus took off around 8:00am with all the chumlangahs and the ichangas. The driver was determined to get to Ada before our Bishop but he could not with all his skills. Bishop arrived at the venue a quarter to 11:00am, two minutes after we also arrived. We met the big mamas full of the Holy Spirit and singing and were led by two of our notable big buddies Hagar and Mama Akos ADA 2015 T
  2. 2. We all gathered outside under a canopy for the morning session to commence. At exactly 11:00am the bishop of the house led us through a powerful prayer for 30minutes. This was followed by King mazuazua with why did Mr Mensah had to die? Under the message why did Jesus have to die? The leadership of the church speared headed by the bishop, Rev. Dr. Jacob Vanderpuye would like to know your views and experience about this years retreat by kindly giving your comments on the questions below. Thank you!!
  3. 3. IthinkallinallI felttheretreatwasreallyablessing.ThepresenceandpowerofGodwasreally felt.ThankGodforeverythingthatGoddid.Amen!! I was reallyblessedbytheretreat.It waspower packed.I reallysawbrotherlylove at the retreat.Howto live with differentpeoplefrom differentbackgroundandto live with them asbrothers.I was reallyblessed. Rita Reuben
  6. 6. LETS GET TALKING. Right from the beginning something that really blessed me was the quality of information that was presented. My brother Adepa presented on salvation, Reuben- the crown of thorns, Sister Cynthia talked about communion and the messages kept flowing. I think that everyone that came presented something that was meaningful to me. They presented something I never knew about. For my message some of the things I did not know. As I was preparing the note I did not include. I felt it was the Holy Spirit who was educating us. The Holy Spirit was giving us dine information from above. I was blessed, full of knowledge of the word. I say thank you to Bishop. Rexford
  7. 7. WHAT WASTHE CLIMAX Fromyourownpoint ofview OurEfficiency WithoutTheLords SufficiencyIsATotal Deficiency Reuben : The program was power packed with specific people. It was an opener into the word of God. Bishop us an insight on John 3:16 and verse 5 unless a man be born of water and the spirit, most of us were thinking the water was water baptism but we had an insight that the water is the word of God. Lastly, when bishop compared the pole with the cross, It really baffled me how did Bishop get all this revelation. Blessing : Ok! Mine was during the all- night. Whenever we come for all- night Bishop will say things people and they will come out. Most of the time bishop will say anything about me and I will say how come bishop isnt saying anything about me. So at the retreat when bishop was prophesying and saying things about people I said God Blessing is here. Then bishop said, there is someone here who looked into the mirror and was crying and I said yes, this is me so I came out to stand there and I was the only one standing. I was happy that Bishop said something about me. Rev. Frank : I saw the retreat was marathon training because you could see that Bishop really trained us in the spirit to grow spiritually. I realized the whole program there has been an additional empowerment in my was a wonderful training. Mama J : I want to thank God for our bishop for being obedient to God and organizing this retreat for us. I have been spending Easter over the years but for the first time Easter really came alive to me. You can celebrate Easter but I got a deeper revelation of the Easter story; Jesus coming down to die to save you and applying the blood the power of the resurrection to do miracle as well as do things in your life. I felt the power of God delivering me from so many years of bondage. I thank God so much. Elder Isaac: Surprisingly if we did not have a theme for this convention I would have borrowed the theme for the revival Best In You Convention. I was so much overwhelmed. When I got there everybody was charged. In fact I just tapped into the anointing and started flowing LETS GETTALKING.