Download - Activities of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe and OIE Regional Representation for Eastern Europe 2010 Annual Meeting of the OIE Regional and Sub-Regional.

Page 1: Activities of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe and OIE Regional Representation for Eastern Europe 2010 Annual Meeting of the OIE Regional and Sub-Regional.

Activities of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe and OIE Regional

Representation for Eastern Europe

2010 Annual Meeting of the OIE Regional and Sub-Regional Representations

Prof. Dr. Nikola Belev

26-29 October 2010, OIE Headquarters, Paris, FRANCE

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Human resources

Currently the RR-EE consists of 5 persons (no change since 2009):

Prof. Dr. Nikola T. Belev – President of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe and OIE Regional Representative for Eastern Europe

Mrs. Rina Kostova – General Secretary;

Dr. Anatoly Vlasov – Expert;

Dr. Stanislav Ralchev – Expert;

Mr. Mustafa Kichuk – Supply Worker

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Meetings with Prime Ministers and high level governmental authorities

29 June 2010 Bulgaria 1 July 2010 Belarus

7 July 2010 Serbia 5 August 2010 Ukraine

8-12 August 2010 Kazakhstan 21 September 2010 Kazakhstan

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Regional Workshops for New Delegates and Focal Points organised by the OIE RR-EE

Seminar for recently appointed OIE Delegates - Minsk, Belarus, 1-2 July 2010

Workshop for OIE National Focal Points for Veterinary Products – Belgrade, Serbia, 26 – 28 July 2010

Workshop for OIE National Focal Points for Aquatic animal diseases - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16-18 November 2010

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GF-TADs and follow-up meetings

Third Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee of GF-TADs for Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 24-25 February 2010

CVO meeting on IPA Project on the Eradication, monitoring and control of Classical Swine Fever and Rabies in Western Balkans,

Mokra Gora, Serbia, 26 – 27 April 2010

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Coordination meeting of Western Balkan Countries under the mechanism of GF-TADs for Europe - Sofia, Bulgaria, 11 May 2010

• The Minster of Agriculture and Food of Bulgaria, Dr. M. Naydenov opened the meeting

• CVOs of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia took part in the event

• European Commission (DG SANCO)• FAO • Italy• Switzerland• France

GF-TADs and follow-up meetings

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Kick-off Meeting of the IZS Project on “Implementation of surveillance, prophylaxis and contingency plans for brucellosis, tuberculosis, rabies, foot and mouth diseases, and anthrax in CIS countries“ in Kiev, Ukraine, 11-12 March 2010

Duration of the project: 2009 - 2012

IZS in Teramo, Italy – OIE Collaborating Centre for Veterinary Training, Epidemiology, Food Safety and Animal Welfare

Regional Projects

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Cooperationwith International Council for

Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC)

• Meeting with the President of the CIC, Mr. Bernard Lozé -

Sofia, Bulgaria, 28-29 June 2010 • Meeting of the CIC Executive committee -

Slovakia, 13-14 September 2010 • CIC Coordination Forum for Central

and Eastern Europe -

Sofia, Bulgaria,

11 October 2010

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24-th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe

(20-24 September, 2010, Astana, Kazakhstan)

121 participants: - 37 OIE Delegates from Europe - 5 International Organisations - Mr Karim Massimov-Prime Minister of Kazakhstan opened the ceremony - Private sector and mass media representatives

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24-th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe

The OIE and RR EEstaff

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24-th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe

Technical Item 1:

“The dependence of the effective border control on appropriate resources deployment and enhanced international cooperation, including information exchange”

Technical Item 2:

“Early detection and contingency plans for African Swine Fever”

Recommendations will be available on the following link:

Prof. Dr. José Manuel Sanchez Vizcaino

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Regional Website for Europe [email protected]

Page 13: Activities of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe and OIE Regional Representation for Eastern Europe 2010 Annual Meeting of the OIE Regional and Sub-Regional.

Issues of growing importance

Major positive aspects

• Continuing the contacts and meetings with Presidents, Parliaments, Governmental and veterinary authorities on issues, regarding the structure of the veterinary services and relevant investments as well as veterinary legislative base.

• Permanent contacts with mass media

• Strict control and tracing of the regular and voluntary contribution fees of OIE countries from Europe

• Good communication and day-to-day contact with all departments of the OIE Headquarter in Paris

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Issues of growing importance

Pending issues:

• Non-compliance of the Structure and Field of Competence of the National Veterinary Services with the OIE Standards, due to prevalence in some Members of economical and political considerations over the professional ones.

• The obligation of some Members to timely notify the occurrence of outbreaks of animal diseases and accurate sending of follow-up reports using the OIE system WAHIS.

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Issues of growing importance(cntd.)

Lack of requests for PVS missions from member countries, especially EU members, which leads to deficiency in information on the veterinary activities in the Region.


OIE Members



PVS Missions


PVS Reports available

Gap Analysis


Gap Analysis Missions


Europe 53 12 12 7 5 3

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Issues of growing importance

Main concerns of the European Region in regard with the epizootic situation in 2010:

- Bluetongue

- Rabies

- African swine fever (ASF)

- West Nile fever

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Forthcoming events in 2010

• WTO/SPS workshop for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus Venue to be confirmed, 8-12 November 2010

• OIE Seminar for Aquatic Animal Diseases focal points Croatia, Dubrovnik, 16 -18 November 2010

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Draft Programme 2011(to be discussed and approved by the OIE Headquarters)

• Seminar on cost-benefit analysis of animal diseases Kiev, Ukraine, March 2011

• Workshop for Wildlife focal points  Slovenia, 27-29 April 2011

• WAHIS II (advanced)  Workshop Vladimir, Russia, 15-17 June 2011

• Workshop on Communication  Prague, Czech Republic, 29-30 September 2011

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Thank you

for your attention!

[email protected]

OIE Regional Representation for Eastern Europe 55 Hristo Botev Blvd, Office Rooms № 309, 310 and 311, 1040 Sofia,
